i r: . - By Hershfield A Thrilling Charge Up San Juan Hill Is Sud R Desperate J HILL -3tl IEMFB0M tnn SISH Biod , 1 . " . Y,r n-uci. tji-TDf i-n I . V AKrVTHKR. VTHTORY. f VI. BARBED I.-IN THE BLOC KHOUSKL Helpless to aid her hero lover, who Is deadly peril from the villain'! rifle, the beautiful Roearaond la forced to remain in the blockhouse while Claude and the gallant men with him advance up the hill. Claude had no difficulty in getting volunteers when be told tils story. '"' I um.ii irivTPiLMiir . WTminnTri-a 1 KUSIXF.SS PERSONALS I ': LOST AND FOUND. 1 OFFERED FOR REM WANT ADS a - .... HmA but Want ad received at any tune, ou to Insure proper clasalficatlon musi Poppliton Ave. Phone Harney 6886. be presented before 12 o'clock m. for wanted Girl for general housework the evening edition and before 7: 8U n family of three. Tel. Harney 90S or p m.- for morning and Sunday edl- lnd. B-2821. finns Want ads received after such WANTED-A. competent nurse girl, houri wlU have their first Insertion Reference, required. 202 8. nth. Tel. liar under the heading Too Lata to ney mL ' ' . Uasslfy. Men nATTCS FOR WANT ADS. trfrT an 7t OSSIFICATION One REGULAR CLASSlHUlliun-vuB Insertion IK cent per word and l cent per word for eacn suui consecutive Insertion, kacn wser Uon made on odd days 1 M cent per word: $1.50 per line per month .h. ml u run without change of " KVPI. - DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES, . v . ; L... "TTTm vears. 4 months and7 diys wife of James Allan, June . ? i n r, m at 2222 Burt street. VunaraT at Dodder's chapel, Thurs- daVat i ! o'clock p m u Rev. M. V. Hlgbee ihk North Presbyterian cnurch. otflcl- fi Friends Invited. Interment at Sting. rrienua nvi. FPICER-Alfred Charles, June 3, 1912, Aged 40 years month. Funeral services will be held from Brailey & Dorrance chapel, 19th ana rtr,t. Thursday, June 6, at 2 'clock p. m. Interment Forest cemtery. Friends Invited. Lawn MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following msrrlage licenses wer I . Nam and Residence. Age. v v VnhMil Omaha Zl Bilen' Barry, Plattsmouth, Neb 1 Js Black, Chicago M inn Armstrong. Chicago William W. Oruenlg. Mullen, Neb 22 Verda Oldfleld. Omaha tl.-MiU a firmv Oednn. Ia K A. Farnham. Payette, Idaho.... nriiiAK IT Atlctn. Omaha 2S TjiI M. Alleman. Omaha 22 Clarence E. Barchua, Clarlnda, la .Inrrtan. Omaha..... Fylvester O. Mattox, Florence,..". Nancy King, Florence Emll tomes, Clarkjon, Neb......... Krantiska Tomes, Clarkson, Neb.. George 0vin, Omaha..... Catherine Oalllgan, Omaha - n vi.r.d Mnnrna. Ia. ...... 48 49 87 39 21 21 29 Myrtle C. Kennlson. Madrid, la 23 t ftnftnev. Omaha 22 Maude F. Burnell, Omaha ..1 t. Mall VallAV. Neb 24 -thi fillr. Va lev. Neb 22 Tennis W. Grovenburg, Eotlra, la...... 23 T-lnra Dumfna. Eilra. Ia al y An r DAilatrnm Omaha 21 Vannla Jcnaen. Omaha.. tn,i Rillv Pnuncll Bluffs...' vYv Wanning. Council Bluffs vir., V. fihta 1r.. Omaha 23 Frances Hayes, umana BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-James snd Mamie Leary, 1MB Cumihg, boy : iony ana riua''n Lorone, oi r L' ..u k... Tneima tsiniii, i wuin riirin, " Wllllum and Maude Au8h,JM Rees, boy, Harry ana jiarn naiyn, mm, uuj. Ft Joseph's hospital: Charles W. Downs, V, vears 618 South Fortieth; Mary Hall, i in. . t. . j'ks, h . itnrnw. .VS V.HI H. IS vpars. 383 Nortn iwenty-ninin; kuium U. Howell, 70 year. iao ivenwgrui BU1LDISU PERMITS. John Quade, 2109 Pierce, frame dwelling, IXflO: Boren Jensen. 1U03 South Forty- eighth, frame dwelling. $2,200; Byron Reed comDanv. 110 North Twenty-seventh svnue,. frame dwelling. 11,900; Bishop Brannell. Thirty-sixth and Burt paro chial school, 112,000. 7 .HfeLP WANTED FESULK ' Aaenta and Daleiwvmca, WOMAN of refinement and culture to take up a musical proposition. Experi ence not necessary. Teacher would find the work lucrative for summer. Add rest l,2M, Bee. , ; Huaaekeeper and boaneatles. to tt-nviNT ntPT. ppotit.w I SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE unul you get the Bired results. This applies to residents . of Omaha, South Omana and Council Bluu. . bring your ad toTh Be oinc tr wiepnone lyier muu SECOND girl wanted. Call Harney 8145. WANTED Competent girl for general I house, work, grownup family, 212 No. 22U. St, opposite High school. Phone D 4146. ! WANTED A nurse girl. No. 7, the !. Normandy apartment, Paclfio St. and ; Park Ave., Harney 1748. t WANTED Girl for general housework; light work: small family. 1407 Emmet St. I rei. wen, an. , f WANTED A young girl to assist with 1 car of child 6 years or age. Tel. H. 2U0. WANTEi Two sister or competent fill il l tar general housework. Tel. Harney 9Kfi Lulling. WANTED Girl for general housework. T?1 ' Ifarney 741. WANTED A oompetent girl tor general nousewora; two in lamiiy. Phone ttar ney :11a WA35TED A thoroughly competent in- rant nurae . Mra. Frank wiihaim. awu Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework: tiort fliBtance on cort crook interurban une; no waaoiua, v.u xnrs. uranstaa. South 181. v Aji.u uin lor general nousewora, t-rooni apartment; highest wages. Apply No. - 7, the Normandy, Pacific St and park Ave.. Harney 1748. WANTED Girl or woman for general Brtiim A'rtt-lr Ana avha-a m vm hmA ni V. at wvuo-c. wt nt vu w .ss ) V itvui U(flav I a very good home for right party; small family., can at once at a No. 19th. COMPETENT airl for aeneral house. work.' Mrs. Hall, 412 No. 8Hh St. H. fcfeu. iLrttJ lor aeneral housework. AddIv at SU Ptrk Ave. Phone Harney 5480. Desmond San Juan hill! What memories the name awakens. But nothing could be more In spiring than the present charge up the slope. Claude, on his black horse, leads the dash, and waves his men on to vic tory as gallantly as any cavalier of old. Such a leader and such men would sweep over any hill. M KIjP W iPJJssssf riMJXLiRi I AiMMJM. rtl vwiuik I V A. v'lviJiiiji 1 I, I . , Housekeeper and Domestics. WANTED-Competent girl for general ,.uinir jti24 perlenced., Four in family, no washing. 8350 Harney St. Tel. Harney 2o90. WANTED-Competent general housework. 3619 M. a. BplesbSrger. WANTED Competent or second girl for irarnam. so.ru. WANTEda good girl for general j,0Ugew0rk; good home for the right party. 4644 Podge Bt. Phone Harney 963. WANTED-Corapetent girl for general housework. 413 Pouglaa. Tel. Harney AIRS. Sllaeellaneoa. APPRENTICE to learn hairdresslng. Oppenhelm Ptrlorsj 2d fl., City Nat. Bk. rtUNO women coming to Omaha as .,r.ni,r are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Marys Ave., and 17th St.. wner. they will b directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for r ....,.., ...i.. ,h ',on ttlAn WAN TED Cashier for railroad dining house; $26 month, board and room. Ad dress J. R. Chambers, Long Pine. Neb., cars of Northwestern. HELP WANTED MALK Agents, Salesmen aad Solicitor. Vnrn Mntl.nim hiialnnca ahlltv. Eay worlt g0(Mj compensation; see busi ness people; give pnone in answer ii you have one. Address, L-243, Bee. WANTED Grocery specialty salesman for road worlt; nons but experiencea need apply, u. cannam, Home Hotel. Good men ar tiara to get. They don't wander around the Streets , looking for signs In windows. When you need good hela advertise in The Bee. Bee Want ad are read by keen, eaergetio men who wtsa to better their condition. Rata lo per word if run two or mure times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler woo. WANTED Young single man with good reference to travel with manager and solicit, .experience unnecessary; drinkers or cigarette smokers need not apply. Adretl. w. w. joneB, York, nop, WE nay tSOitO S12& monthly salary and expenses to men or women to Introduce toilet articles, periumea, extracts, etc. 86 articles. Yearly contract. We mean business. Lock Box 774, Room 12, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. AGENTS Every home wants our specialty. Quick sales. 4 to 17 a day made. Summed Leader. Sample Free, The Harmon Sharn Co.. P. o. Box 1144. Ta- c""t' CITY salesman, must nave references. married man preferred. 415 Karbach Blk, "Sprain your ankle," "break a leg," get typhoid fever If your Income Is Insured I with tha Hnm Caaualtv Co.. 808 Brandsia bidg. Uve agents wanted. Apply at once. WANTED Two good men In every Iowa and Eastern Nebraska county to solicit business, oood pay to good men. Write, Guaian(e9 gwlne Veterinary Co., Chero- Kee, la.' TWENTY thustllng eoltcltors (either sex) for Omaha. South Omaha and wiwim "" fw Call at Regent 6hoe Store, 206 & 16tb St. this week . t -Boys. WANTED Boy . 17 to 19 to learn trade. Apply at .Champion Iron Y Wire Wks., lb and Jackson sts. Clerical and Office. WANTED Young; man stenographer and bookkeeper; make application by let ter only, in own handwriting; state age, experience and present position ana sai ary; references required. Address Com merclal Club of Omaha. FULL dress suits and party dresses for u : also lor rent. 11.00 to ii.oo a man JOHN FELDMAN. 206 N. 17th. D. DI28. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snap) Joba Knlest Be Bidg. WOODWORKER For custom shop; building and repairing all kinds of horse orawn vemcie; ieay wura. j. xx. cu & Son, Burlington, 1. WANTED-Goldsmlth and Jewelry re pair man; one who understands coloring and who is a goud emcraver; only first class man need apply, see Superintendent - . n, 11 . TTTZ T, CARPENTEKS wanted at 14th and Jones. ttiunueia stores. Ulacellaxoaa. TELEGRAPH pbsiuoas guaranteed you by the Union -cuio ana Illinois gen ual railroads U you gain your training io our school. ; f rattle on h. it. wires, au dress lor particulars. H. U. Uoyles. Pres. Boyies Collvge, Omaha. Neb. YOU ARE WANTE1 for aovsrnment position.. W per month. Send, postal tor list OI posinous open. fTaiiaun mniuuia. tapartuientvW k., Kocheater. N. X. WANTED 60 men on sewer at Superior, Neb.; trench work by foot. 11.60 on up, Kelley Construction Co. MOVcL TO OUU NEW TRAIN IN ii SHOPS. The laraest. finest and beat ntiinriMl Dlant fur aatomablla traimria. Do you want pleasant outdoor work, wild thousands ol moBey-muklna opportune I tlesT Write or call on us. Day or uigui 1 NATik...AL. AUTOiioniL.E traimiaiI ASti N, 2U4 N. WtU St.. Omaha, Neb. 1 , (00 MEN -20 to 40 years old wanted at arm fnr alafitria railway motormen un,l 1 conductors; sao to 8100 a month; no ex perience aecessary; fin opportunity; no strike; write immediately tor application blank. Address x so. uee. JdE.V Learn the barber trade. Be your own boss. Best cnance in in world tor mall capital. Some money earned while learnln ew weeaa completes. Call 01 write at once, aloier Barber College, in 8. mil st. 7.O0S GOVERNMENT POSITION OPEN. Writ for Hsu Frauslln Insu I tut. Dep t 2l P Rochester, N. T. II. THE CHARGE. III.-M EMORIES. . " , I I While dashing up the hill, Claude thinks of another occasion on which he had done the same thing. This brings up the name of another rough rider, and that name, of course, suggest politics. Suddenly Claude remembers that the mail is due and that they should get the belated news of the political situation. Miscellaneous. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMT-Able- bodied unmarried men between the ages of 14 and 36: citlsens of United State of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read ana write the Engusa language. For information apply to re cruiting officer, 13th -and Douglas Sts, Omaha, Neb.; 607 4ih St., Bloux City, la.; 130 N. 10th St.. Lincoln,- Neb. WANTED More people to raise Poul try with the Old 1 runty incubator. Writ tor fre catalogue. M, M. Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSE cleaning" and lawn mowing; H. 6374. price reasonable; satisfaction. WASHING and iron.HK dune. T.. H. 642. BUNDLE washing. 60 cent a dozen: rough dry, 26 cent a dozen. Webiter an Family at bundle laundrv; guar. W. uit3. WANTED Situation as chef cook in or out of town. Iowa preferred. Address 26114 Ersklne, Omaha, Neb. - FIRST class practical nurse. Harney (610. s LADY wants day work. Call Red 8206. Family wash, rough dry, bundle. H. (442. HOUSEKEEPER for a widower with children preferred; no Incumbrances.. Ad dress K 244. Bee. LADY wants position, cleaning house. Call Douglas 4477. Mrs. Julia fionkal. WANTED Place as housekeeper on farm. Address E 249, Be. POSITION wanted as collector or city salesman with responsible concern. A 1 references and cash bond. Address O 247, Bee. PAINTER, youna- man. stranger . here, wishes employment; out of town pre ferred. F 248, Bee. ,-.., COMPETENT laundress wants day work; can give good references. 80s S. an. p. 1 OU Dl. , , YOUNG Omaha teacher desires position t traveling companion to old lady 'or small children. Address o-7, catenae. SITUATION-Wanted by a ; good all- around farm-hand. Good service given and good wages wanted. Address 8 264 Bee. man and wile or widower or single man. Address Miss Aleena Miller, Omaha, Neb. General delivery. . , 1 ', ! AMUSEMENTS OMAHA FILM EX. 14th - and Douglas. , Motion picture machine and film bargains. MACULES' White- Qlty Garden, clean and cool, free en tertainment for all. dancing. 1816 Harney. WANTED-Bv Midwest carnival and Exposition Co.. men v-so-round. all kinds or shows and concesions tor monster Red- men s Carnival at Omaha, June 29 to July ; makina two Saturdays and 4th of July, at snow grounds: also all kinds of tree acts; we supply .free attractions tor celebrations. lairs and home comings. Address a. J. Mcuuigun, tsupt.. or rnvi. leges, Room 12, Crounse Blk., - Omaha, Neu. t'hone Douglas Omc. WANTED attracUons for Fourth of July. Acrobats or bicycle riders. Ad dress C. T. Pike, Edgar. Neb. - , ANNOUNCEMENTS EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR, Boa 60. postpaid. 12. .6; try half dozen: if not satisfactory money reiundea. ; jisa TON DRUG CO., Iiiu3 Farnam. Oman. Af JOU'iyui White City Garden. xu.cw.Lu.AJkj pienty oI refersnments. free entertainment for all. largest, open dance hall In Omaha. , Spend an evening there. . . , - k'nilAKS Eastman Goods, complete l-JiJ-ClJ lurk. - Ijlro-pat tinlunlnv department in tne west. TUB ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 18U Farnam St. and m S. 16th St. GET your diamond at ttrodegaard'a. M. E. Morrill, china paint. fcU Brandels Th OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 822 Douglaa Stevenson, carpeiitar, cunt. Both phonea li. 6. Ui num. wife- uur.. u renser Blk. NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co.. &06 Paxlon Blk.. circular lotters. auy tjuantity; oldest established compaay; ex perts 01 Muitigraph and Neostyl. MOJNEY iO LOAN-LOW rata, lc uma to suit, sio Be mas. rnone Doug. twt. UMuin L.OAN CO. 8. H. Col Sign wo. u. tarn. Wt s arnata. Omaha Bill Posting Co. Iul6 Uar. L. aAi, Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices, HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L St., South Omaha, Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. 1904 Far. Estimates free. Cottrell, arch't. Had 6007. PHOTO supplies. Ausco film send paper. Baratoga Drug Co., 84th and Ames. V. lit. Wedding announcements. lou. Pig. Co. Guarantee Launury. tin work. D. 83i8. GROCERIES Plrrucello Bros., 716 S. 14th. Doug. 46tf. Neb. Seed Co. IMS Jones, both phones. ALL will be torgiven. Mary, it you win meet m at th Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on lotii and uougias street. That is where BROdEUAaJvl) sella those lucky wedding rings. GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. General machine repair; lawn mower sharpened. John Brlce. All S. 12th. D. 3678. DOUGLAS fruiting Co. Tel. Doug. 644, BEE mVE-lerSBan,u Sr We call and deliver. Both phones. Screens Weir ich Fixture Co.. Web. 2577. OFFERMAN "cautST '"S bathtub. 810.60. 1110 Douglas St. OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO.. new location 1711 Leavenworth. 20 per cent discount on pictures and iraming. v. iush. WANTED Repair work of all kind; grinding and taw filing. Call lnd. B-2636. . ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iran and wir fence chancer than wood last a lifetime. 01 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. HIBBELER'S PARK. Best ot Facilities tor picnics. For information, call Har. 2423. I i , , i .ii i : denly Interrupted, to the For the moment all is forgotten, Des mond's villainy, the plight of Rosamond. The attackers wheel their horses and dash headlong down the hill, riding at top speed for the office of the local news paper, wfcere they expect to get the. news ; of the contest at home. Such is the .In fluence of politics even on brave invaders. AMERICAN Machine works. Automobile repairing Patents developed. 110 So. 11th. D. 4881. Murphy Didlt REPAIRING, TRIMMING. PAINTING. HAVING discontinued bandllna AUTO MOBILES, we' offer-our remaining ntock consisting of three high grade Firastone touring cars at bargain prices. Racine Sattley Co., 10th and Jones St. HUPMOBILE Runabout in excellent condition. 8426.00 Call Doua. 1878. 2416 Farnam St. ' REBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS 7 I 7-passenger... S 700 9 F. 7-passenger 1,200 8 F. Limousine 2,100 9 A. 6-passenger 900 SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS. AT REDUCED PRICES. I .T nTTRir.HT f flMPNV 181& Farnam St. - Omaha. Neb. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha 811ver Co. TtPV RPPATPTXraDont throw x uiu xvux j.u-La..i vi .wan away your old tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials .used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Storx Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. . TJpn A pf) f will repair and vulcanise XJJJ.JJULtny jjUncture or blowout, 26c; '2230 Fkrnam. Doug. 1726. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut in two. Expert tire renairlne: work auaranteed. AUTO TIRE- REPAIR CO.. 1922 Farnam. DRUMMOND Fine White a-as car worth 11.600 for $1,100; I White steam cars, big bargains, tow ana (two each T MOTORCTCLS GARAGE, il Der month. NEB. CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Stl. WRITE for list of used motorcycles. We carry a full line of Thor and Ex celsior parts. Any make of motorcycle re paired. NEBRASKA CiCLE CO.. Omana BUSINESS CHANCES TO cat in or out of buaina call GANGh..-tTAD. 404 B Bidg. Tel. D. (471 OUIckly buy or sell business, any kind. anywh'e. ICenneheck Co., 642 Bee Bl'g.Om. V6k SALE Grocery store at Wayside. Nb.. Address Mrs. f. J. Browne, Way side, Neb. , - FOR SALE Holly Beauty Shop, doing htdr hiiftf nociti Uau anna fnr tAlllnr ink nese. Write, Mrs. Holly, Excelsior Springs, MO.' FOR SALE Drug store, well located, doing good business. Easy terms. Address tsox 42, wawne, Neh. FOR SALE Restaurant dolna best buSmess In the city.. Reason for selling poor , health; good live railroad town in Nebraska. Address Y 32, car Omaha Be. Ed Rothery. Buslnsas and Real Estate Exchange Co., Room 319, McCague Bidg. 8636 1 CASH buys profitable one man newspaper In southeast Nebraska. Fully equipped, new material. Reason, poor health. Right kind of man can handle deal with S5 cash. Printer. 2641 N St., Lincoln. FOR SALE by owner. A good res taurant ahd confectionery in a good lo cation. Town Of 650 population. Two rail roads. Price to suit. Address box 214, Lawrence, Neb. FOR SALE or exchange, a good news. paper property in southern Iowa. What have 'you- to -trade? Reason for selling health forces me to go back to soil. Ad. dress Y 40, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN BLACK- smith's tools, fixtures and stock; will sell' at invoice price; only shop in town; good business; reason lor selling one partner has only two fingers and wants to dissolve partnership. Apply Larsen Nemits, Fenton, la. . 1 HAVE some money and some Interests with money; I might assist In establish ing-or increasing some desirable business. Entire issues of stocks and bonds han dled. Ernest L. Squire, 742 Omaha Nat l Bank Bidg., 4419. Established is&8. BUSINES PERSONALS Attorneys. W. Shields, Attorney. 827 B. of Trade. Bag Manufacturer. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO.. Omaha. Nab. box and faekage Manatavtorer. Wooden Box Package Co., 1514 N. 19th. , Builders. HEATON. tin work. Original Ameri can furnaces, 2618 Cuming D. 6198, , , t hlropodiata. . . Dr. ROY, 1605 Farnam. Douglas 6497. . Clothing" .Munuiacturere. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Cora ice and Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha Ci-cuiurrlea, Duli-iea and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY, Uetrctlvea. . L. W. LONGNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton blk. D. Ula JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. , . . . Dentists. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. D. 2366. Mach at Mach. 3d floor Paxton. D. 1066. Taft's dental rooms, 1617 Doug. D. 2186. - . : Dresainaktns. ' -Terry's Dressmaking college, 10th & Far. bEWING by day. Red 8265. Dressmaking and tailoring. Web. 6077. Dressmaking Suits and gowns; good work guar. 1639 N. 20th. Tel. Web. 4843. 1-ptece dresses, call for fittings. R. 6347. DRESSMAKING. Tl. Harney 390S. Dressmaking by the day, Webster 6436. Food Mill aad store. - Feed all kinds. Glenco Mills, 2333 Isard. Villain s Relict Everything ior Womtn, Dr. Babcock Co., 202 Withnell, 15 & Har. Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. . H. 4629. A-2744. .. ,- ' PAPPir.Tft and rii&ra rlarmd on , floor without removal; free estimates. The ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. 746 and 1936. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, -all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas. BlocK. BOtn pnonea. - Everything Electrical. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., loll wowara. d-w. ELECTRIC FANS Sfitig ARD ELEC. Co., 817 B.i 18th. D. 3931. ( - Florists. , . A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 100VA-100L HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S FLORISTS, Boyd Theater Bid. 1 BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug Wi - ,- Foundries. , ; -i McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Moving, Storage' and Cleaning.- Furn. jioving; 2 mn, 11 perhr. W.' 2748. puuri mAvinr nniA'B ataraae and ex press. 1814 Capitol Ave. D. 670; A-3937. GORDON FireDroof Warehouse ahd Van Co Moving furniture," packing, fireproof storage. City office. 216 & 17th. Douglas 894 or lnd. A-1314, ' Alufete, Art and Language. , FRANCIS ' POTTER aitent for Gibson mandoUns, and guitars; Farland banjoa 10 Baldric Blk. ; --- - - Nuraeriea and Seeds, . STEWART'S SEEDMBN. 118 N.'" 16TH. ASTERS. 15c: Salvia: Verbena, 40c; Giant Carnations, Giant Daisy, Pansy and Forget-Me-Nots, 25c per doien; line Slants; prepaid. Ferguson Bros., buuon 1 Omaha, Phone Benson 831. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting snd rep'C- M3 Brandela Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 808-9 Brandels The. Bidg. Katheryn Nickolas, 684-6 Brandels The. Patents. . , D. O. Barnell, Paxton. Blk. Tel. Red. 7117. Wlllard Eddy, 1530 City Nat Bk. Bidg. Photographers.' Rlnehart, photographer, 18th Farnam. Plating. . OMAHA SILVER CO.. 814 S. 13th. Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer, KSMi BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING Co, do your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tel. D. 2764. Reis-Hall Ptg. Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ihd. A-3624. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. ind. A-ra tor gooa printing. Steel Tank and Culvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. 14th and Nicholas. D. 3869. . Stenographer and Court Reporter, Myrtle A. Kelley, 706 Bran. The. D. 6687. Tent and Awniuga. OMAHA 'TENT CO., Tel. 822 Douglas. Trunk and Suit Case. Frellng & Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St. Wines and Liquor. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 601-3 S. I3tn St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 66c a large bot tie. Klein Liquor House. 622 . N. 16th SL EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR v Complete courses in ' Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy,. Civil Service or Salesmanship. Th catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, writ or phone for it at once. Address ' H. B. Boyies, President Boyies College, Omaha, Neb. - - - TUTORING 1st to 8th grade. H. 8644. LIVE STOCK FOR GALE ' Horse and Vehicle. ETriiTTT'S Barn. Horses and farm ZiEjKjZi O n)areg tor , saie. ..drilf t an(1 wagon horses to 1 let by the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 1135. Buggy Bargains Must close out before we move, 30 vi Icles, all kinds, new and second-hahi DRUMMOND 18th and Harney fits.' WlRQVy to let by day or week: UUIVDiiO Sherman's barn, 24tS and Clark. Horses and mares, bought and sola ALFALFA hay, 815 ton. Wagner, 801 N..16 SMALL team mules. Wagner, 801 -N. ft LOST AND POUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office, of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. . . . : Many, articles each day ar turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner, ceil Doug la 48. - - " ' OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. , . . BOSTON brindle pup, brown body, whit head with brown spot around one eye; lost 8 days ago on 48th' and Underwood, Dundee. Liberal reward. Call - Douglas 4967. W. H. Horn. ... . 1 - 1 - r " Tl It takes' but a moment for the evclted party to learn the result in Jersey, and then,', with hats thrown in the air, the men decide to return to the attack of the block'house 'which shelters Desmond. This time there will be no retreat; the block house will.be taken by assault at what ever cost. Let Desmond beware. SMALL Drism binocular in leather case, Sunday evening, June 2, at Rod and Gun club, -or between gun club and 16th and Locust Sts. Reward 810. D. O. Barnell, 638 Paxton Blk.- Found 10c. This advertisement will entitle bearer to a 10 per cent discount on next bundle. Carey Laundry, A 1965, Tyler 1802. Shirtwaists 18c at office, 18th Howard. Handkerchiefs zc. MEDICAL Dr. Babcock. specialist: both sexes, 202 Withnell Bidg., 15th and Harney Sts.- Women's allm'ts. Dr. Burke, 42 Doug. Blk. Ladies' guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. DR. RACE SDeclalist. nervous and all chronic diseases. 2323 Harney. Doug. 2043. Piles, Fistula Cured K E. R. Tarrv cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. , Write tor book on rectal diseases witn testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, ' Bee Bidg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Salary .and .Chattels. NOTICE. Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rates and confidential. We will appro- date your call. - - BIGGEST, BEST AMD C'HJKAriLAX. ' -RELIABLE CREDIT CO., i Paxton Block. - 217 8. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-1411. , MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. .Offices in w prin cipal cities. Tolman, 603 omana. jn ar 1 Bank Bidg.. formerly W. Y. Life Bidg. CHATTEL LOANS, 16 to 8100. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 644 faxton moca. Money on furniture, piano and real estate at a very low rat of Interest 220 Be Bidg. A-1366. Doug. 1S58. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 6 per cent FLATAU, 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red 6619. OFFERED FOB BENT Board and Room. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 61L A-2611. DESIRABLE clace. larK porch, cool rooms, excellent board. U2 S. 2oth bt., Phone Douglas 3138. 610 N. 21ST ST.-Room and board. Phone Tyler 1633. rbiwdhttrst. 106 N. 25th: comfortabl rooms, table board if desired. D. 8350. DESIRABLE furnished rooms with board. 123 S. 25th Ave. Furnished Rooms. FOUR NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS IN STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE Shade, quiet neighborhood, three blocks from postoffice. Inquire 1717 Cass St . BAGGAGE messenger service and light hauling; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto Del. & Mes. Co.,-1715 Douglas St. Tels. D. 3946; A-3496. EXTRA good furnished - room with private family, half block to car line. 831 6. 23d. St; airy and cool. HARNEY STREET. 2617-Beautiful room in private home, suitable for two gentlemen. Red 6471. LANDON Cool rooms, single or double. 511 South 24th St PARLOR for employed lady, near car dee of kitchen and phone. Meals if desired. 82 per week. Modern. Har. 3023. FURNISHED room, modern, cagd. . 2640 Chi- 2244 LANDON COURT-Very pleasant single room, lLoO per week. Gentlemen preferred. Tyler 1097. Furnished Housekeeping Roams. 510 N. 21ST ST. Two light housekeeping rooms,' seml-basement. Phone Tyler 1533. - THE MANUEL Two, room apartment, 823: The Howard, 2-room, private bath, 835. . 21st and Howard. . 3 -NICE rooms, 11th. housekeeping. 1112 S. 1 room for liaht housekeeping, single or in suit. Strictly modern. 8029 Fowler Ave. Unfurnished . Housekeeping Rooms, 1069 ' PARK AVE.. unfurnUhed parlor for - light housekeeping. Modern. On car line Harney. 3992. 1059 PARK AVE., unfurnished rooms for. housekeeDlnir: strictly modern house: llsht. heat, telephone. Ice, shades kitchen' sink. Harney 3992 Hotel and Apartment. Dewejt European hotel, 13th and Farnam, OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate, PODGE HOTEL, all requirements ot a firt-'class notei. at reasonauie imi-c. CA Council Bluffs. Rooms UgucuMuw-i $2.00 to $7.00 per week. Apartments and Flat. 4-ROOM apartment, new, modern brick steam heat; short walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; laundry; fine janitor service Douglas 6306. 3 ahd 6-room modern flat Scargo Bidg. 516 N. 24th St., S. Omaha. Hall, 433 Ramge Bidg. D. 7406. A -4406. 4-ROOM modern -apartment. Web. 5975. 6-ROOM modern flat 1112 S. 11th. First floor Georgia apartment, hard wood finish, tiled bath, janitor service, vacant June 1. se us st once. - PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 FARNAM STREET. - Furnished Houses. FOR RENT. Furnished House West Farnam District An elegant 9-room house with sun room and sleeping porch; oak finish nicely finished; good yard; one-half block to Farnam car. Lease July 1, 1912 to May 1, 1913. For terms see GEORGE tt COMPANY, 902-12 City National Bank Bidg. Phones-Douglas 756, Independent A-175S. '' ' '" WIRE. But Claude and his men will never cap ture the blockhouse for the simple reason that there is no blockhouse to capture. Desmond has siezed the opportunity to tear down the building and make a barbed wire obstacle to delay the attacking party. The story of the assault will be shown tomorrow. Furnlahed House. FURNISHED 7-room house for summer in Field club addition; almost new; mod ern; small garden. 3008 Poppieton Ave. Telephone Harney 4824 or D-203. Houae and Cottage. FIVE rooms; modern except furnace; 120. 2527 N. loth. Owner pays water rent - 672 S. 28th St. - 8 rooms, completely modern; 232.50. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-440ii. . MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge tor return driv to office. Doug. 14H6 or B-2428. 4-KOOM house. S09fe S. 18th St. Tel. Douglas 1918. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 & 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office. 309 S. 17th St Tel. D. 4163; A-1659. NEW 6 and 6-room modern cottages; beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami St Phone, Web. 1122. 1 TT Aii 00a In all parts of the city. 1515 HALL AVE.. 835.00, 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant June 1. Tbos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both 'phones. LARGE modern house, with 6 bed rooms, large living room and every con venience, one block from Farnam car, 865. 8 rooms, new. modern, brick, oajt ana birch throughout, oak floors downstairs, maple upstairs, 850; extra good location on West Farnam hill. 8 rooms, modern except furnace, Hans- com park district $25. s rooms, modern, on Park Ave., soutn of Pacific 235. 6 rooms, modern, brick, almost new. close in, $25. J. H. DUMONT & SON, Phone Douglas 690. 1603 Farnam St. 614 S. 27th St., 6-r. fiat, mod., 830.00. 2603 N. 26th St, 6-r., part mod., $16.00. 2522 Rees St.. 3-rooms, $10.00. BEMIS CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater. 2722 CHARLES 6-roora modern house. 'Phone Webster 5089. 7-ROOM house, all. modern. 3126 Cass St 'Phone Benson 353 W. - FULLY modern residence. 7 rooms: 107 S. 29th; reasonable to desirable party. J. H. Johnson, 578 Brandels Bidg. 'Phone D. 4261. - 9-R. MODERN, well located: beautiful yard; $45. 726 South 37th St. Web. 2590. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 1010 ARBOR. PHONE DOUGLAS 1969. LARGE. MODERN, DOUBLE HOUSE, suitable for boarding house; , 16 rooms and 2 baths; near Farnam and Harney cars; alterations to suit; rent $60. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 608 S. 26TH AVE., 6-r., modern. $32.50. 114 S. 29th St., 8-r., modern, $25. 2626 Capitol Ave., 8-r., modern, $27.50. 1344 S. 27th St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat $18. 4010 Parker, 6-r., well, $10. ' 6112 Pine St., 6-r. and garden plot, $16. 3210 Maple St., 6-r., city water, $12.50. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Phone Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bidg 6-ROOM ail modern, near car, Dundee. Phone Harney 2558. LARGE brick house, near -Park lines. 2913 Mason. Phone Harney 1550. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394 or A"-1J14. City office. 216 S. 17th St.. Bee Bidg. . EXTRA GOOD, close In, 8-room modern house, for a good tenant $30; water paid. Possession June 10. . , . Two modern 8-room houses, 1638 and 2640 Dodge, good condition, new decorations, possession at once, $25 each. Water paid. W. W. MITCHELL, 411 Bee Bidg. Tel. Red 1332. GOOD house tor rent In good neigh borhood. Tel. Harney 2662. 7-ROOM. 2532 Davenport. Douglas 2717. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern. 3415 Dewey Ave. . WANTED TO RENT 6-room furnished house or cottage, walking distance or car line; first-class references. Address O 256, Bee. $5 per mo. 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2707. Store and Office. M'CAGUE BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN . AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION.- No. 320 S. 13th St, 20x45. Tel. Doug. 6220. OFFEBED FOB SALE Furniture. ALL kinds of good furniture for sale at 2564 Marcy. Call at once. IF YOU WANT TO SE MONEY BUY NOW, A GOOD BASE BURNER IN GOOD CONDITION, WILL SELL FOR $15, WORTH $26. PHONE WEB. 6596. ALL kinds of furniture for vale, cheap. Tel. Harney 2502. , Musical Instrument a. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty, 118 N. loth. FOR SALE A new $200 Victrola; has never been used. If Interested ask for price. M 257, Bee office. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FOR SALE Cheap, one Cecilian piano player; one Edison home phonograph, with cabinet and fifty records, large horn, also one ladies' Rambler wheel, nearly new, coaster brake. Call Tyler 1014. FOR EALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Cillender Co., 407-4u9 South 10th street. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought,' sold. Levy, 2519 N., So. Omaha. FOR SALE Two scholarships in the OmaTia . Commercial college and one in Boyies collegs. Business office, Omaha Bee. , FOR SALE Scholarship In Boyies col lege. Call at or address Business office, Omaha Bee. SOFT YELLOW PINE LUMBER 1x6 and 1x4-10 long, at $15. This is Nos. 1 and 2 stock. S. 2 S. Most of it is clear lumber. Charles Sevick, llth and Seward Sts. Tel. Douglas 1S37 V X