i ! 'J. A?" 1 It's Pretty Soft for Jeff in the fStesi. r-p . : . , I 3fej-r , f ee You're lolks, jefF. I , ' I - - r r n -7- ftomte My wano To y, U z I for usnd duty i , PRTl ce ! V V J ' .- y OFFERED FOR SALE Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty. 119 N. 15th. TWO Old violins, 2511 Krug Ave., $10 each; opposite Krug brewery. TWO good second hand pianos cheap. Nebraska Cyole Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargain!. American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam St. FOR SALE Cheap, one Cecellan piano player; one Edison home phonograph, with cabinet and 150 records, large hum, also one ladies' Rambler wheel nearly new, coaster brake. Call Tyler, 1014. FOR BALE New ana second-hand Carom bud pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix ture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collander Co., 407-403 5. 10th Pt. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2510, N., So. Omaha. FOR BALIS Two scholarships in the Omaha Commercial college and one in Boyles college. Business office, Omasa Bee. , . FOR BALE Scholarship in Boyles col lege. Call .at or address Business office, Omaha Bee. ' SOFT YELLOW PINE LUMBER. 1x6 and 1x4-10 long, at $15. This Is Nos. X and 2 stock. S. 2 S. Most of It is clear lumber. Charles Sevick, lltn and Seward Sts. Tel. Douglas 1837. OLD SAhfc..-. u -KjGH'J'. IMS h'arnam St FINE ladles' bicycle. 2419 Decatur. Web. 976. . . FOR SALE. Gasoline launch. Call evenings. Albert Gielow, 724 Ho. 12th St. Douglas 6062. FOR SALE 50 feet of garden hose, nearly now, price reasonable. Harney 747. PERSONAL M-DAY B1XJOLI RKMEDT. GlacJlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. THE SALVATION ARM If solicits cast. 0ft clothing; iu fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 12& and wasoiij will call. - MASJ3E0THEKPY Alien of Chicago. 109 S: 17. 1st fl. D. 7obe. Vital massage, baths, electric vibrator and radiator treatments.- Dr. Anna D. fisher, 401 Ware bik. 309 S. 15th. D. Zttt. lOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary Ave., where they wii. be directed to suitable boarding place, or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers aid ai the Union station. Massage. Mrs. Ritteanouee, m Boston Bid i Auvillk' SweUisn movement, Alrt. MAooAUl! a. laji Farnam. D. 6m Tl A nl W'V I f1 treatment. &. Broil. .U b. Wtu. 2d floor. WE RENT and repair all kinds of esw ink machine, lnd. A-lxw; iHugU bxi NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Ibtn ana muuej ow ANNA H. MAKKS, tageiwi . . ., . .... . ... a t-t -A TKOd nam. uavmge oifc.. av jugAiiL' Expert ueatment. Mrs. iMAtooAUXl Steele. 208 S. 11 St. R HA BODY MASSAGE. W- Neville. P. 7761. VACUUM MASSAGE, iSO. 13lh ttU, R. 325, dally, Sunuay; open evenings; hours 10 to W. .. . WOULD like to know the address of Miss Rosa Beever and Mr. J. H. Beever. Please write to Mrs. Martha Noyes, 16tU Broadway St., Can Francisco, Cal. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Breemng l.av per la). Wagner, tul N. 16, FOR SALE pups. Splta and Esquimane. tiiki Hertz Mountain Binxera and brass cages. 2419 Decatur. Web. 976. KEAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. O'KfiEFE KEAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY to loan on tmsuesa or resi dence properties. H.00O to 1600,000. W. H. runu i c uri Mrat Nst'l Bank BldB. vw nrivprn , 'i i u Inn riM and warrantA W. Farnam Smith & Co., WO Farnam t 10u to U0.0O0 made promptly. F. D. MS'ead, Weaa mag- mn ana rm um. w 4 NT ED City loans. Peters 'l iusi Co. 6nr CI1Y LOANS. Bemis-Carlberg Co, 310-U BranUeis Theater Bldg. Omaha Nat'l Bank LOANS Farm and city property, i. H. Dumunt A Son.. 1602 Farnam Bt LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship . - stock to South Omaha. Sav ) mileage and shrinkage. Your ccnalga. menu receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchant. Bf Bros, ft Co. ' Strung and responsible WQpr BROS.. 2M-.M Exchange Bldg. Great VVt '.. Com. Co.. Omaha 4 Denver. Clay. Kotnuon ft to,, itvu Exu. ange iidg. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 322 Exchange Bldg. Cox .Tones Com Co., bunch of hu'era. L. E. ROBERTS A CO 229 Exeh. Bldg. M artin Bros. & Co., aM-4 Exch. Bldg. TAiiG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep. ' Deposit 1 :ds of shJpmenu In Stock Yaras fl bank. Dnly bana at yards. WANTED TO BUY Household gds, clotnes & showi. Umm B1M i-v nav mnst for old ciithlliC. Nathan 4 Loan Oince, ij to. win. id-hand goods, Kelser. 1020 Center. D-5662. PRICE your riding cultivator on cars, In good order. Supt. Haney, Boone, Colo. Chicago buyer, 2d-hand clothes, shoes, hats; best prices; will call. Tyler 1100. T PTRM Pay the best prictis for old iron, metals, rubber, etc. INVALID CHAIR, must be good and cheap. O 240, Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Rooming house; furniture of 17 rooms; modern; doing fair business. C. Lintz, Grand Is land, Ntb.. 114' S. Pine. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London. The Picturesque St Lawrence Route. Four days on the ocean, three day in river and gulf. Splendid new Turbln Steamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior one-ciass cabin service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteus attention, bend for circulars, rates, plans, eta Allan Co., lit N. Dearourn St.. Cnlcaga Anchor Line iSteamsJupa New York, Londonderry aud Glasgow New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates tor tickets between New York and all Scotch, English. Irish. Continental and Mediterranean points, Superior accommodations, excellent cui sine, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers, ueuerai Agents. Chicago. IU. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE a few thousand dollars cash to invest in Omaha property, either acreage, a number of lots together or cottages. in answering state where locateu ana price, as my time is limited. I will noi consider anything unless full particulars are given in first letter. Address H 246, Bee. . REAL ESTATK flee in Nebraska. 200 Brandels Theater. NEALE 4c CAMPBELL, in tarnain at. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Sliver Co Ideal cement Co;, lHb and Cuming Sta, Fuchs. Son Ac oiiiiU. painting, deuoraung. H. Gross, lum. wreck'g, plb 21 & Paul BLUE PKlN llivU, 424 PAX.TON. D. 2720. &CKUAUK 'Ott sALIfi ACREAGE SAHoAINS near Omaha. Orin S. WrrUl. U13 aty Nat. Bank Bldg. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE $100CASII Balance monthly payments will put you into an almost .new, entirely modern 5 room house with reception hall and bath, Just H block from car, adjoining bunga low city, and Just think of tne price, only $2,750. $500 less than it is acually worth. This must be sold this week. BEMIS-CAELBEEG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater. $150 CASH 6-ROOM house, modern except heat. Good location, close- to car. DEUEL &HANKLNSON 201 PAXTON BLK. TEL. DOUG. 2S77 7-from modern house for sale, $2,250. Mrs. M. Hoiraan, 2416 So. 20th. 1 WILL sell you a home on monthly payments of $35. G. A. Eckles. 'Phone Douglas 2784. FIELD CLUB DISTBICT $3,500 Good 10-room modern home; cement side, walks, etc.; $150 paid to anybody who brings buvsr; cost $4,500 to build; leav ing town. Tel. Harney 1878, or call 911 S. 36th St. HIGH, sightly lot, ready to build upon. Bemls Park District. If sold at once, $600 cash. 1226 N. 34th St. TOliUt, SELL OR RliiN'l, FlUaT KS JOHN W. Kulilil.e. low fc'AKMAM sT. CHANCE FOE A NICE HOME Seven-room house, oak finish, cemented basement, laundry tubs, hot water heat, barn or garage, plenty shade and shrub bery, lot 55x140, payed street Owner, 2403 N. 18th St. ( " BEAUTIFUL corner, 18tn and Binney Sts. Enquire of Owner, 1007 Pinkney. B-8322. ONE 6-room modern cottage, to be removed,- 1601 S. 28tb; $350. A. E. Olander, 1309 & 25th Ave. NEW double brick flat of 5 rooms each, full cemented basement, best make of furnaces. Owner muBt sell. Price, $6,000. THOS. W. HAZEN 207 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1360. SAVE COMMISSION Buy of owner in 'Benson, strictly mod ern 6-room house, built by owner; leav ing state, must sell. Tel. Benson 460. postottlce box 404. $1,000 buys south front lot on Evans street between Twenty-first and Twenty second. Kountze Place. Telephone Web ster 1097. REAL ESTATK FARM A RANCH LAMPS OB ALH Arkansas. FREE FARM8 Government lands free; 1,000,000 acres In Arkansas for homestead Ing. Where locate i and how secured shown In our 1912 booklet. Sent postpaid 25c. Glass & Co.. Harrison, Ark.. Dept B. Georgia. GEEAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of tne south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and .school advantages, write W. B. LEAHY, DEPT K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. Idaho. CROP FAILURES Not on Camas Prairie, In Southern Idaho; $25 land pro duces 60 bushels of grain without Irriga tion. Write for facts. Frank Housman, Soldier. Idaho. Kansas. A BARGAIN for immediate cash pur chase. Perfectly level quarter section. A one unimproved prsrlrie farm land, near McDonald, Kan. i Address V Zl. Bee. . laws. ' THE easiest way to find a buyr tot four farm In to Invert a small want a4 In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, 43,000 dally. The Capital Is read by and believed Is by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuss to permit any other paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent s word a day: $1.2$ per line per month; ceunt six ordinary words to the line. Address Lea aielnes capital, D Moines, Is. Navy; Yes, Indeed, Pretty Soft REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH I. AS DS FOR SALE Iowa, S0-ACRE PLACE, well Improved, about 1 mile of street car line, at State Deaf and Dumb Institute, Council Bluffs. Good 8-room house, barn cement walks, gasoline pump; about 600 bearing fruit trees, principally apple and cherry. Several aores alfalfa. On main road, level all the way to city. U.nl place Is all good, rich garden land and has always been profitable. An Indus trious man can live well and save money on this place every year. It is worth the money at $6,500. M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St., Council Blufs. Minnesota. 100 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR sale If you want to buy an im proved farm in Southern Minnesota write for catalog. Southern Minnesota Land Co.. Blue Earth. Faribault Co.. Minn. Montana. RANCHES-$2,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealers, Omaha, Neb. North Dakota. $1 AN ACRE DOWN BALANCE SMALL YEARLY PAYMENTS A poor man's opportunity to get a rich North Dakota wheat farm, $20 to $30 an acre. 30.000 acres to select from, 320 acres In Morton Co. tor $20 an acre. Low Ry. rates. Free maps and facts about our lands and business sites in new Ry. towns. Reliable agents wanted. See or write Wm. H. Brown Co., Haynes, Adams Co., or Mott. Hettinger Co., North Dakota. Sooth Uasuta. FOR SALE 160 acre farm In Aurora county, S. D. miles from town, Im proved with good house, barn, well and wind mill, fenced and cross fenced, cis tern. For particulars, write owner, David Richardson, White Lake, S. D. Miscellaneous. T. C. TORRISON, D. 110L 802 City National Bank Bldg. Farm land and ranches. Omaha Water Board to Attend Meeting of Water Experts R. B. Howell, Charles R. Sherman, D. J. O'Brien and P. C. Heafey of the Omaha Water board will attend a meet ing or water board experts from all over the world at Louisville, Ky., this week Howell and Sherman left Saturday aM O'Brien and Heafey leave today. Water works engineers and capitalists interested In water works plants will at tend the Louisville meeting. The Omaha men will be present to study the prob lem of building a filtration system for this city, which would be expensive, but which some of the board members believe will some time be necessary. Water used from the Omaha plant !s partially cleared of bacteria by the use of chemicals. Settling basins are also used. "We ought to know as much as possible about the management of water plants In other cities," said Mr. O'Brien, "for many things will come up of great Im portance here. That Is the reason we will attend the Louisvlllt convention." H0STELRIES ARE ORDERED TO DO HOUSE CLEANING State Hotel Commissioner McFadden has written to every hotel proprietor in Nebraska ordering spring house cleaning not already finished to be done before June IS. 1: : ; Mr. McFadden says he is meeting wirh co-operation from most Nebraska hotel men and that he encounters most of his troubles In the smaller hostelrtes. Omaha, especially, Is dlliatory, but the arbitrary ones are only the smaller "Hotels" of only a dozen or more rooms. An lrg;ly Gash should be covered . with clean bandage?, saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals burns, wounds, sores, piles. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. 1 1 WHITE STAR'S? I Dominion Canadian Service ONLY -. j-. j vu;i "'J"' TeulonkJeJSjy.l3.Aot. 0 4nAYt UureiUlcJe.M,Jy.Auf.l TUftl J CkU h., Jy.27. At. 34 AT First $M.S0, Second $Si.7S MS-a OMCIauCsUadDtMA" 5EA Third On $31 M a M2.W ArrangeBooklngs with LocalAgents or Company's Office, Chicago, 111. i 1 1 QuicK.DcIihtful V" ' vr FRENCH LINE: tSE Veritable floating hotels. Excel nicities of Hie on shipboard that memorable roof cafe, concerts, ticing cuisine, courteous officers and men. Wireless and 1 submarine bell equipment insure safety. New steamer 'France," the largest, isstest nental QuadruDla Screw Turbine nerond cabin prtoel. Saturday! by popular one-elaaa II oabln leemere (45 to 170. All steamers take Muthorly courts. W. E. Bock, 13M Far nam St,; L. Neaaa, Flret National Bank; 1. B. Reynolds. 1W1 Farnam Ct TilE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1012. AFFAIRS ATJODIH. OMAHA New Water Works System of Stock - Yards Nears Completion. STREET FAIR TO LAST WEEK Debt Now Remaining; on Kevr Eagle House May Be Cleared A. war or Efforts of the Ax-arBen Social Ciab. ' Rapidly the. new water works system i of the Union Stock yards and combined packing plants of the city is neartng com pletion .and It is expected that the whole will be In operation some time In the fall. At the river and O street a magnificent' system of reservoirs In course of construc tion will hold the millions of gallons of storage water which will always be ktpt supplied by the thirty-five artesian wells. Besides the benefits to be derived by the yards and packing companies the city will have the use of a dozen fire hydrants In stalled by the yards company at places designed by the counoll. . When completed the water system will supply an adequate supply of water to the cattle pens in the Union Stock yards, where the shippers and commission men have often times suffered loss because of the dearth of water during the hot season. Primarily the water system Is for the necessities of the cattle pens and Union Stock yards, but If the supply proves adequate as seems -probable now the mains will be extended to all the packing houses which will then enjoy a water supply second to ho other packing plant In the United States. Street Fair Begins. Today begins the street fair week of the Ak-Sar-Ben Social club, a suborgan tzatlon of the local aerie of Eagles. The fair will continue a week and will con sist of many new and Unexpected at tractions, including Woods' Alamo carni val. The purpose of the fair Is to supply the necessary funds for clearing away the debt now remaining on the new Eagle home at Twenty-third and N streetf. This home is one of the show places of the Eagles of Nebraska and was pur chased a little above one year ago. A mortgage of several thousands dollars was assumed by the purchasers. Thirtieth Street Tax stands. It leaked out Saturday that the last hope of abrogating the Thirtieth street paving tax has vanished through the close ef a suit brought to the supreme court by a property owner of the district In question. The question of the paving tax. has been fought bitterly and long by the city ad ministration and the heavy property own era of Thirtieth street, who sought for a reduction of the tax as provided by law. The matter was fought through all ths courts and each time decided In favor of the city, A recent suit Interposed by a small property owner in the Thirtieth street paving district Is understood to have failed of its purpose and the city will now have a clear right to exact the collection of the long deferred tax, It is said. Magic City Gossip. Examinations at the High school will begin today. Nicely furnished front rooms. 414 North Twenty-second..: Mr. and Mrs. Emll Johnston left Sat urday for a two weeks' vacation In la. The South Omaha Gun club met at. Its rang yesterday afternoon for the usual weekly shoot. , . ; 1 . ,." .. , Halrdreseing, - massages, chiropody at 505 Narth Twenty-third. The sub-sanitary lnepeotors who have been working under Sanitary Inspector Ed Bursan have been laid off indefinitely. A meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will be hold Tuesday evening at the Panlsh Brotherhood . nail. All members are -Invited. The Women's Foreign missionary so ciety will hold Its annual thanks offer ing on Wednesday, June S, at the home of the pastor.' ' 1 ' Probation Officer Paul Macauley has Issued a warning to parents and relatives not to permit children under 10 years of age' to work on the streets. Mrs. William J. McBurney, who has benn 111 for some days, has recovered suf ficiently to resume her place as a teacher of the Westminster teachers' : training school. . , Commission men and their wives who are to attend the annual convention of the National Live Stock association will leave Thursday for Portland. Ore., where the convention will ' hold Its sessions. We are giving away a fine, beautiful $25 hornless talking machine for $60 cou pons. Now, you give us your orders for meats and groceries and you will re ceive coupons on every purchase. Come In and see us or phone So. 1920. Our prices will be right. Prompt delivery. Charles Fingerlos, 27th and T Sts. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Vqra? ! PtUtUI twla-sere express steanMrs leave New York eracy Thursasr.10A.lt. HlXVin f A-Tj7 in the little conveniences end make voyage enjoyable and daily paper, elevators, en and most magnificent Conti- Simmer afloat. Additional talllnn at IHHUS Drawn CLERICALS GAIN ADVANTAGE IN BELGIUM'S ELECTIONS BRUSSELS, June t-The parlia mentary elections held throughout Bel gium today were of special importance as the final chapter in the long struggle between the clericals, the government party and the liberal-socialist combina tion over the school question. The cler icals have been In power uninterruptedly for twenty-eight years, but their majority In the outgoing chamber had dwindled to six. Although official returns will not b announced unttl Monday night, the fig ures available late tonight appear to givo the advantage to the clericals. The clericals desire to place free de nominational schools on an equality with state public schools, where no religion 1" taught This has been fiercely opposed by ths liberals and socialists and the campaign turned entirely on this question. It was one of Intensity rarely seen in Belgium BIRDS JOIN IN JOYOUS SONG Canaries Assist in Children's Exer cises at Congregational Church. P0UB F0BTH BAPTISMAL NOTES In St. Mary's Arena Place of Wor ship Services Are Conducted and Feathered Quintet Joins In the Singing. It's trite to say that canaries split their throats In song, but, nevertheless that is the only way of expressing how five little birds yesterday morning fairly filled St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church with their song. Apropos the Children's day services the five little singers were suspended In gilded cages from the chandeliers and their trills and pipes at times almost drowned out the song of the children They seemed to understand the occasion It was a joyous one and they entered Into the spirit .of childhood and took a very prominent part in the exercises, A Joyous Occasion. While one little girl was on the rostrum rsoiting a short poem an "The Daisy" she had as accompaniment a bird quintet; when the primary department sang 't songs some of the children almost lost the key when an erroneous note was In serted by one or more of this featherei oholr; as the pastor, the Rev. Dr. J. A. Jenkins, placed a dampened hand on the heads of two babes and asked the Al mighty's blessing, the five little birds sent down their baptism of song. An1 so It was throughout the happy services, the birds not Interrupting, but assisting The services consisted of songs, recita tions and drills by the little tots, all or whom surprised a grown-up audience with their knowledge of things holy. They named the books of the Bible, prominent characters of the Book and remembered dates and other bits of In formation gotten in the Sunday school classes. Confession of Faith. Near the close of the services nineteen members of the Sunday school wen made members of the church on confes sion of faith and two older persons wera placed on the roll. Fred and Elizabeth Paffeurath. 81 South Thirty-seventh street, were made members and the fol lowing young persons: Marlon F. Brown, Maude Cochran, Rob ert B. Edwards, R. Frank Epworth, Doreen Holden, Margaret Holden, Bertha Jenkins, Nela Jenkins, Paul Jenkins, Helen Dorothy, Park Larmon, Russe'l Larmon, Donald Paffenrath, Foy Porter, Gertrude Porter, Edward S. Berley, Mar garet Wright, Lois Robbins and Hazel Updike. Harriet Elisabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Epworth, and Muriel Joseph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hopkins, were the babies beptlzed. At Falrrlew Presbyterian. A very interesting and entertaining Children's day program was given at Falrrlew Presbyterian church. The usual exercises of such a day were given, the children reviewing for their elders some of the knowledge tbey obtained in the Sunday school course of study, bongs and muslo were specially prepared and appropriate for the occasion. FIRE DESTROYS FACTORY OF LION MOTOR CAR COMPANY ADRIAN, Mich., June 8. Fire early to day destroyed the factory of the Lion Motor Car company with all Its contents and resulted In the death of Fireman Christian Schoem, who was struck by falling walls. The property damage Is estimated at 1350,000, with Insurance amounting to $180,000. The origin has not been determined. BOOK AGENT BREAKS BOTH LEGS WITHIN TWO WEEKS L. Ogle, a book agent from Denver, suffered a bad break In his right leg Ian night when he stepped on a board In the Victoria hotel, on Dodge street, where he was stopping. Ogle was released from a local hospital only two weeks ago where he was taking treatment for his left leg, which was broken several months ago. Dr. Ellwood attended him. for. The Bee by CUBANS DESTROY VILLAGE ' Leader of Negro Insurgents Sacks Town of La Maya. WHITE WOMEN ARE ATTACKED Bnmors Continue tn Be Circulated of Threatened I'prlalng In Ha vana Province and Many Weapons Are Said. SANTIAGO, Cuba, June f.-The In surgents have burned the postofflce, tel egraph office, barracks of the rursl guard and several houses at La Maya, thirty miles from Santiago. , Eugenia La Costs, one of the rebel leaders, has proclaimed himself governor of Tartaros, north of Quantanamo. He has Issued a proclamation ordering all planters and proprietors In that district to contribute $6,000 each and also arms and ammunition on penalty of having their estates burned. Lieutenant Colonel Consuegra Is re ported to have engaged the rebels In the vicinity of Daiquiri, killing five of them. The rebel trooper captured yesterday near El Cobre turns" out to be a person of no less Importance than Luna, ehle' of staff of General Ivonet. ths rebel com mander. Government Admits l.osa. HAVANA, June i. General Estenex, the real leader of the negro Insurgents, haj captured and burned the town of La Maya, on the branch line of the Cubt railroad, thirty miles from Santiago. Th government gave out this Information to nlEht. A column of regulars, commanded by Major Sangully, had occupied Lamaya for the last two days, but sallied forth last evening In search of Insurgent. Hardly had the regulars left when Estones with 800 men attacked the hand ful of ruralcs. Citizens armed themselves and attempted tn oppose the insurgents, but were compelled to retreat, losing several wounded. Estones then entered the town, which he sacked and burned. The flames were seen by Major San gully's command, which hastened back, but found the town destroyed. The In surgents retired Into the hills. Lamaya was a small place composed of about seventy houses, the inhabitants of which were mostly negroes. The general forward movement of the Cuban tronpB apparently Is still deferred, pending' completion of the disposition of the troops ordered by General Montea guedo. Arms and Money Exacted. Reports from the scene say that the rebel lenders continue to exact contribu tions of arms and money from property owners, who are mostly foreigners, under threat of applying the torch. The govern ment Is making strong efforts to supply plantation guards, but seemingly lacks sufficient men without depleting the ranks of the troops in active service. General Monteaguedo In a statement to the government says he has had no losses up to the present, which Is due to the tactics of the rebels, who . decline combat, firing a few long range shots on the approach of the troops and then rapidly retiring to the hills. General Monteaguedo says that within a very short time he expects to deliver a crush ing blow and adds that he does not need further reinforcements. The government received a dispatch to night from San Lulse stating that ne at tacked three white women and looted the stores. This apparently Is within the lines of the regular troops. The Judge of Instruction of Guanatan amo today issued a formal proclamation of Indictment on the charge of rebellion against General Estones, General Ivonet and forty followers, whose names are given. Rumors continue to be circulated of a threatened uprising In Havana province. It Is alleged that hardware dealers re cently sold several thousand knives, dag gers and guns to negroes. All the police and ruralcs in Havana are on reserve duty. The report yesterday of the cap ture near Daiquiri of the Americans Wheeler and Colllster proves to have been untrue. groes entered a hamlet near that place, Kilbane Emulates His Predecessors NEW TORK, June S.-If Johnny Kil bane, the new featherweight champion, adheres to his apparent intention of going against K. O. Brown, Owen Moran, Leach Cross or some other of the lightweights now providing activity, he will be emu lating the example of more than one of his predecessors on the 122-pound throne. Abe Attell and Terry , McGovern form most notable examples of featherweights going out of their class to meet light weights. In the case of Terrible Terry, the pride of Tuckahoe, first began as a bantam, then grew Into a featherweight, and won all his bouts with ridiculous ease., It was a a featherweight that he tumbled Pedlar Palmer, the English cham pion, and annexed his first world's title. Then he sut out for the lightweights and disposed of every man with a reasonable claim to that title In his time. As fate would have It, he finally succumbed to a man In hla own rightful class, feather weight. Young Corbett turning the trick. Attell's experience was similar in more ways than one. Abe also finally fell be fore a featherweight after reigning over T "Bud" Fisher the division for twelve years and also de feating many crack lightweights. His most memorable setto with a lightweight was his four-round bout with Bat Nelson when the latter wis champion. Abe rea lized the laurels to be gained by knock ing out the champion in a class above his own and strlved to put Nelson lawn for the count. As It was, he easily out pointed Nelson in the brief four rounds, but the law in Philadelphia, whore thev fought, forbade decisions, so he did not capture the lightweight title. Fight fans are wondering whether Kil bsne will have the same success against lightweights that McGovern and Attell enjoyed, if Indeed he does allow himself to get matched up with any.- t I Movements of Occaa Steamers, Fort ArrtTtd. SaUed, - HAVRE , La Tourrajna.i . GENOA Cradle , i LIVERPOOL lraatle...... . ' , ........ . a, .alll ' " ! HI' V I LdUBj a. Wt. ........... .VlllU,llfc I QUEENSTOWN , Mauritania. SOUTHAMPTON..... JB. WaahlngtOB. I SOUTHAMPTON ..Clmlanl . GIBRALTAR.... ...... ......faunvni.; . Youflo MOIHE No younc woman, to the Joy bt coming motherhood, should neglect to prepar her stem for tha phyal- cal ordeal she , is to undergo. Ths health of both herself and the coming child depends largely upon the care he bestows upon herielf during the watting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sts tem for the coming event, and its ub9 makes her comfortable during all the term. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tis sues, muscles and tendons, involved, and keeping the breasts in good con dltlon, brings the woman to the crlsig In splendid physical condition. The) baby, too, is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has tins prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better advice could ba given a young expectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend; it is medicine that has proven its value; in thousands of cases. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expect THEItS IUEfiD ant mothers which contains much1 valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. , - , BRAOFIELO BECUUT0B CO., AtlesU, fjs, WM. J. 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