Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Special Bargain Events
So. great will the saving be that no other house will
ever attempt an imitation. Our many customers will be
delighted with these great bargains in the most desirable
new summer washables. 's
35c SILK TISSUES at 15c a Yard
One of the best fabrics for summer dresses, in large, med
ium and small plaids; also checks jand stripes. 'The col-'
orings are beautiful all are woven from fine silk and
the finest Egyptian cotton obtainable. You can search
the entire wash goods market pi i Europe and America
and not find a fabric that will "make such pretty gowns
and dresses for midsummer wear. From the 1 t2p ,
bolt Tuesday af, yard.. ......I v.... : IOC
' i 15c WOVEN MADRAS at 6c a Yard
Here is a bargain worth your 'especial attention. Per
fect goods, one yard wide, light; grounds with blue and .
black woven stripes; desirable for men's shirts, women's
and children's wear. 15c values from the bolt n
J basement, at, yard V
' 15c Oualitv Linen Finished Suitinars at 5c a Yard' .
f All the wanted plain shades. Over 250 bolts double fold
t nrtnn enitincs tmiRhen nnn iooks line insn linen
i I " suitings-from the bolt, in basement, Tuesday, yd. . O C
10c DRESS LAWNS at 2V,c a Yard
I OAA fnll nlfa en mm or 1 jnmfl in npnt floral pfffip.ts. 1
;; dots, nngs and stripes, various colonngs on light 1
; ; and dark grounds ; perfect goods ; basement, yd. . 2 1
I 45-inch Swiss Embroidered Skirtings-Slightly Damaged
' But Worth np to $1.00, at 39c a Yard
t Beautiful new designs in English eyelet; blind .-.relief, also
t filet and crochet and combination effects 1 Q fjk'Z
t At vnrd JJ
Sale of Lawn Mowers'
Tuesday--$4.75, $6.50
Absolutely high grade, 16-ihch lawn mowers,
with 9-ln. wheels and four self-sharpening blades;
the kind we regularly sell at ft I t C?
$6.50, on sale for Tuesday t tvy f
1 jOljHSQ f I f EW Time You Spend a Dime, Ask ( I
X lffaalu.'Trr s ' i J For S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. VJJ
t . 1 1
only, at
"Black Prince" lawn mowers, fam
ous for their easy-running and per-.
fect-cuttlng qualities, 16-inch size
with self-sharpen- ar 'O 'ass vi'
ing blades: sold
at all other times
for 19.00. Tuesday
dv Dozen New IS rooms tor luesday
These brooms are made of best selected quality
broom corn and strongly four sewed. Never before
sold even as a special for less than 33c each, but
Tuesday they-will cost you only 25c. None delhr-.
ered except with other purchases in the hardware department.
25 c
10 Bars "Diamond C" Soap for 25c
Embroidered Flouncings and Corset Coverings
;; Fine Swiss, nainsook and- cambric embroidered flounc
injrs, corset 'cover widths, also bands and insertions
; ; actually worth as high as 69c a yard; on front Q G2 p
; ; bargain square, at, yard . . V : '.
Medium and Wide Embroideries at 10c a Yard
f Edgings, insertions and galloons on big bargain square.
Hixceilent emDroiaenes in eyeiei, iiorai ana Dima. ei-
f eets ; many worth 20c a yard per yard,
f at....v.........
.......... 4 . . . r (
f All This Week-Special Demonstration and Sale of
' M A Inclro" Tin w The New Dry Cleaner for White
t AlaSKa Via Buckskin and Canvas Shoes.
t Cleans quickly and thoroughly, with little effort. , Shoes
can be cleaned without, removing. Complete Ofti
Shoe Department old store.
Watch the Windows for Our Great Sale Thursday
Women's, Children's and Men's Low Shoes.
Thousands of pairs of new and strictly up-to-date shoes of black
and tan leathers and the popular white canvaa will be soM Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday In our basement at remarkable bargains.
iBusiness Men to
Hear of the Keokuk
: Water Power Plant
- '
Dexter P. Cooper, superintendent ot
'the Illinois division of construction for
?-the Mississippi River Power company.
' i which Is building the latest water power
plant in the world at Keokuk.' Ja.. and
2-Hamllton. 111., will deliver a lecture be--fore
the public affair commltte of the
Commercial club Friday noon.' ':?
.' He will talk on the evolution of water
power and its relation to Industrialism
" and commercialism. The lecture will be
: Illustrated by stereoptlcon views showing
, the history of water power development
..with a series of picture showing how
the water power-plant and
; being buUt In the Mississippi river., ,
The construction of this dam and plant
is satd to be an engineering and economic
"achievement equalled onlyby the Pan
'. ama canal. .
Mr. Cooper Is a younger brother of
Hugh L. Cooper. ' the engineer who la
building the great dam and hydraulic
' Installation at Keokuk.
For Dainty Feet
Production of Milk "
. in Nebraska Great
' Nebraska cows are producing about 125
-carloads of. cream dally and a greater
; portion of It is finding Us way to the
; Omaha market, where It is manufactured
. Into butter. The railroads hava found
the handling of cream a considerable
source of revenue and this season cream
cars comprise a portion of the equipment
' of all the nasseneer and express trains.
Tha Burlington daily has about fifty
cream cars In the service; the Union Pa-
dflc. about thirty; the Northwestern and
I Omaha roads, about twenty; the Rock
Island and Missouri Pacific, about twelve
Roads figure that the amount of cream
handled hi : Nebraska no far this aummer
" Is at least 10 per cent greater than ever
'before. ;" '
The Omaha creameries draw from about
," 350 miles to the west, but from there on
-i the bulk of the cream goes to Denver.
An American King! '
is the great lag of euros. Dr. King's
7. New. piscovery. the quick, safe, sure
! Gough and cold remedy. 50c and P-00. For
; taif by Beaton Drog C
""'A' Dainty fobt is shown
to Its best advantage in
i pretty little Pump.
This Dainty little foot
wear will always be the
favorite with Milady.
.. We are showing an ev
cluslve line of Pumps, in
all sizes and widths from
two to eight AA to D.
In two or three straps, or
without straps. .. in . all
leathers, for street or
dress wear. Prices range
Bennett's Golden coffee
and zo staps, lb., aso
Assorted teas and 60
stamps, lb 8o
Tea Hlftlngs and lu
tamps, lb. ....... 19o
'A -lb. can pure black
pepper and i st'ps, lOo
Large can - Bennett's
Capitol Hawaiian sliced
pineapple SQo
40c jar Bishop's Cali
fornia frultate 80o
Walker's hot tamales &
: 15 stamps, ran..,.16o
10-lb. sack yellow corn
meal 200
Snlder's chile sauce and
. 10 stamps, bottle, 35o
Saall sweet pickles and
10 stamps, quart.. .zoo
Full cream cheese and
10 stamps, lb aao
-lb. can Bennett's Cap
itol baking powder and
15 stamps ........ 13c
Large can Bennett's Cap
itol ; peara and 20
stamps 2 So
3 pkgs. Toasto corn
flakes and 10 st'ps, 36c
17 lbs. granulated sugar
for $10
One dozen boxes safety
matches So
Pint can Galllard's pure
'Olive oil reduced to 40o
5 lbs.. 7c Jap rice.. 360
Onion saltthe best uni
versal seasoning made
and 6 stamps, per
bottle . ........150'
Bennett's Capitol ex
tract and 20 stamps,
per bottle .180
2 4 -lb. sack J'Que of
the ' Pantry" ' pastry
flour and 40 stamps
for $1.35
Durkee's curry powder
. and 20 stamps, per
bottle 84o
Three large cans Cot
tage milk and 10
stamps too
stamps, .can ... ... .303 1
1419 Farntm Street.
Omaha's Greatest Hpia Payer
The Heroes of War
Live For Us Again
In the New History by Henry W. Elson, Illustrated
by the Ftmoui Brady War Photographs, Issued in
16 Splendid Sections by The Bee.
' In a series of wonderful Civil War photographs we make, the
personal acquaintance of the generals who commonded and the men
and boys who fought in the greatest of national conflicts. The
above picture (drawn from th photograph) shows us an actual
scene of war time, taken when the cannons were roaring. Ih other
.no less wonderful photographs we see Grant, Lee, Sherman, Jack
son, Sheridan, Stuart and many more-and perchance in one of
these old-time groups we look Into the face of some comrade or
near of kin, while the accompanying text, clear and Interesting, tells
you every detail you wish to know. , , ,
Who Was There That YOU Knew
The Civil War Seml-Centennlal is celebrated fittingly by this
timeliest of publications. Just at the time when the great struggle
is uppermost in everybody's mind and memorable battles and events
are being lived over again when old and young want to see WHAT
Brady photographs, long lost, have been discoverd and published..
THE BEE is glad to announce that it has secured exclusive rights
to the remarkable series for this city. ( yt s;; -..t. ; rvi ;
The Ovil
Through the Cpi!
(Published i through co-operation of the IT.' S.,' War t Department
, and Patriotic Societies North and South.) . .
were In Snrtppn
wrrmN rwwwa
With Beautiful Colore! Frontispiece
't f, ;
SECTION ONE, issued this week, gives the story of the out
break of the war, ; the firing upon Fort. Snmter, the mustering of'
troops and the battle of Bull Run a complete account In the text
and picture many photographs.
Get YOUR Copy Now
Cut out the Coupon on page 2 and bring to The Bee office
We have a copy for every man and woman, very boy and. girl,'
here waiting at The Bee office if yon apply promptly. All you
have to do is to clip the War Souvenir Coupon, found on page 2
and present it with TEN CENTS to cover necessary expenses, such
as cost of material, handling, clerk hire, etc., and the book Is yours.
By mall three cents extra.
The Original Collection Cost Thousands of
Dollars and Untold , Hardship. This Beau
tiful Copy Is Yours, Practically Free.
x have long made quite a study of the great conflict, It haa
never before really been brought home to me."
To make each day of this great sale as good or
better than the previous one is our aim
Read Tuesday's Sale Of f erings-S r
Gome Tuesday and see how much value you can
get for a surprisingly small outlay in cash
Kimono Silks Almost Half
llSiHc Florentines and Kimono Silks r
. pretfy Japanese effects and beautiful
? bordered designs; 75c a yard values, 25.
pieces; while they last Tuesday QOa
at'yaid:;..,.,.. .00
75c Quality Cream Serge 38c
20 pieces of all woof cream serge, perfect
goods, fine firm quality, for skirts and
dresses, regular 75c values; while it
it lasts, Tuesday, per yard, Jgg
Tuesday's Anniversary Specials in Cloak Department
Ladies' Long Summer Coats, Linens, Pop
lins and Repps Splendid assortment of
nobby styles; very special bargain;"" on
sale at . $5.00
$35.00 Silk Dresses at $10.00-Chiffons,
taffetas, messalines, in clever designs, all
best colorings, $20.00 to $35.00 values;
on sale at, yard . t. . . . . ,. , $10.00
jSeVieWHwuJred- Handsome Tailored Suits Made to sell to $30.00; new spring styles
''-in-' all sizes' and, colors most wanted fabrics, at . . . .;. . $10.00
-Women's Foulard Silk Dresses AH sizes, i S10.00 and $15.00 Silk Pongee Suits--Also
good colors and styles, $10.00 values; in
domestic. rojom.Tjiesday at. . . ... S3.9a
linen suits; a fine assortment of styles;
in the domestic room Tuesday. $395
Anniversary Specials
Wash Goods Department
45-inch Drawn Work, Bordered Voile, light and
dark colors, 69c value; Tuesday. . .... . .50
$1.50 French Ratine," white and natural, 40-
inches wide; at . .s. -81.00
$1.00 Ratines, white and colors, 40 inches wide;
at, yard ,'... 85f
39c Egyptian Voijesr plain ; colors, 40 inches
wide; jat, ; .yard . ; . . . 25
75c Egyptian Voiles, stripes with beautiful Dres-'
den borders;tat,,yard.v 50
2-5c" Egyptian Tissues. . . .......... .18
19c Voile . De Paris 15
25c Chiffon. Voile 15
Anniversary Specials
In White Goods Department
Princess Nainsook, very soft finish, worth ?5c,'
yard 15
Sheer Luna Lawns anil . Flaxons, worth 35c;
yard . -.i . . . 18
Checked and Striped Dimities, worth 39c;
yard .. t-wv . 25J
Persian and French Lawns, wSrtV75 at, per
yard .... . . . - v, ; -39&
Natural color Automobile Cloth, worth '85c; at,
per yard '. .''. .'' 45
Linen Waistings, strictly pure flax, worth $1.0;
yard . . ..?! '50
Don't Wiss These f uf pishing socds Bargains for Tuesday
Ladies' S5c Silk Boot Stock
ings Every pair guaranteed
perfect; come in black, tan
and white; on sale at,
pair 16
Ladies 75c Union Suits
vX3ottoi or lisle in all sizes;
great snap Tuesday, eltoice,
ftt rr.i v, ' . .351
Three for ..IS...... MAO
Boys' K.. & S. Waists
50c quality at . . 25c
frl 00 quality at ...... 35c
'Children's M Waists 25c
quality, in all sizes, at. .9c
$5.00 Corsets at $1.98.
Highest : grade makes, . front
or back lace; broken; jMies--.
many styles for selection--1"
at .. '.:. 81.98
Ladies', $1.50 Brassiers Lace
and embroidery trimmed;;
choice . 49
Ladies' Mercerized Gauze Vests
35c qualities, at...!2Htf
Children's Ganze Vests 15c
and 25c values; on sale at,
12126 and ; .....7C
Children's Union Suits 50c
values; "on sale at 25c
; Anniversary I Specials
Rug Department
55c Kolor Fast Matting, guar
anteed fast colors to sun and
water; big line of patterns
at, yard ........... 32
$1.00 Velvet Door Mats, 18x36
size; special ... 69e
$1.25 Reversible Smyrna Rugs,
30x60 size; special ..... 65(
$20.00" Axminster Rugs,, big
line of patterns, 8-3x1 0-6; on.
sale at $14.98
$4.00 Matting Rugs, size 6x9;
- ..on sale at.. . . ........ -81.98
Five Great Special Lots for Tuesday
In4ur Anniversary Sale of Lacs Curtains
Nearly every kind of Lace Curtain included in each lot in
this great Tuesday sale. Be here earlyget first choice.
Lace Curtains, worth up to
. $4.00 a pair; each, $1.45
Lace Curtainsworth up to
$3.00 a pair; at, each, 95c
Lace Curtains, worth up' to
$2.50 a pair; at, each, 75c
Lace Curtains, worth up to
jk$1.50 a pair; at, each, 45c
Lace Curtains, worth to $1.00 a pair; on sale at, each, 23c
All new, clean stock, fresh from the muis.
1506 Farnam St.
Platea ...
Fillings ...
Crowns ., .
, USc
, ....Wkrl'l)
B Xsaa Caws exUi
Phono Dong. 175b.
Sllsalnx Teeth supplied
without Plates or Brldga
work. Nerves removed
without pain. Work guar,
anteefl ji jwa.
. Anniversary Specials in
the Domestic Room
Hop Muslin, 36 inches wide;
on sale at. yard ....... 7
atistaittonlBlefcched Muslin,
: 36 inches wide; yard..6$
US-inch Table Oil Cloth, 20c
jyalue, ; light , and. dark,
yard 15
7Hc Apron Check Ginghams,
, ,itt Indigo blues,, at, yd . . -5d
itic De liuxe Organdies, good
.assortment, at, yard.l2H
10cs India lirons and Soft Fin-
isbed Long aoths, yd. . 7 H
$15 Full Size Bed Spreads,
medium weights, assorted
patterns . . ... . . . .... 85
25c Wash Pongees, 32 inches
. wide, fine colors, yd. .12Htf
Anniversary Sale of
Galvanized Ware
in Hardware Dept., Tuesday
Salvanized Water Pails Any size
limit one to a customer, 15
No. 1 Galvanized Tubs 39
No. 2 Galvanized Tubs 49tf
No. 3 Galvanized Tubs... .-59d
45c Refrigerator Pans 25
65c Galvanized Sprinklers .. 39
Omaha Selling Agents for White
Mountain Refrigerators Guar
anteed to use less ice than any
other box made. See thT 'Stone,
White" Boxes; prices up
from 85.98
"White Mountain Freezers" Up
from 81.60
Anniversary Safe
An immense line of Ladies'
and Children's New
10c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs
at -5
10c Fancy Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs at 5
15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs
at .. 7H
50c box Initialed Handker
chiefs . . .; 25J
50c Embroidered Handker-
- chiefs at . . .. ........ .25
25c Fancy Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs at 123a
Extra quality Brushes that sell
in a regular way at 75c
great snap at.-. ...... i .254
. Our mammoth oroeary Department has mora than IV2t1
tHriSL JaAtS aaoaUrt aU .lactations. To oommemorat. tba 85ta Anni-
;Wtar wa not tlia JoUowlna prlcaa for tali spiai
18-lb. sack best High Grade Diamond
H Family Flour nothing like It
for bread, cakes or pies; sack $1.85
10 bars Lenox, Baat-'env-AU or Dia
mond C Soap, for aso
7 lbs. beat Bulk Laundry Starch 85o
l-lb. cans fancy Table Apricots,
Peaches, Peara or Plums. can..lSo
Large bottles Worcester Sauce.
Pickles or Pure Tomato Catsup 8 o
cana Lu Lu Scouring soap at 85o
S rakes Sillsco Scouring soap at 25c
lt-os. cana Condensed Milk at SVe
14-os. pkg. best Domestic Macaroni
at ,.. 7H
Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, lb., at.. 85c
The best Tea Siftings, lb 18Vie
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 85o
The Batter and Ohaeae Market
of Omaha
The best Creamery Butter. In carton,
per lb 37c
The beat No. I Creamery Butter.
" per lb 85o
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb.. 83
r.n rMam Vnnnr America Cheeno.
per lbt-r...;
ot.iii rv..m Rrlrk or LimberBer
Chese, lb 806
Neufcbatel Cheese, each 3c
Jenny Brs. Brick Cheeae, lb 1
Tor fresh TegetabUa, It's Bayaen'a
fYesh Spinach, peck 8o
4 bunches Fresh Turnipa So
2 bunches Fresh Asparagus 5
8 bunches Fresh Radishes &
( bunches Fresh Onions 60
4 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce o
2 heads Fresh Head Lettuce ;60
New potatoes, lb 84c
Cabbage, lb 3o
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb ,.10
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb.-.7V4e
Fancy Fresh Peas, quart. ....... .7H
4 bunohea Pieplant . .6o.
Large Cucumbers, each 3Ho
Large Cucumbers, each S'io, 8, 7Ho
and 10o
2 bunches Fresh Parsley 8
Another car of Panncy Klssonrl
Strawberries Just reoelTea ro on iale
Another oar of Paney Pineapples on
Anniversary Sale
Ball Mason Fruit
Prepare to Do YoUr Fruit
Canning Now.
Pints, per dozen . . . .5dc
Quarts, per dozen . . .60c
Two-quarts, dozen. . .70C
Jar Rubbers, dozen . . .5c
Best Jar Cavers, doz., 20c
1-quart Root Beer Bottles,
per dozen .......$1.00