Sherlocko the QUICK. HlCSHERLOao! INCENDIARIES TWO) 7 DOVVM MY STDftP1 Kr : , -Vs3K- .t-v m 5 ri .- OFFERED FOR 8.U.E Fw'raitvre. DrxiNO' nn table, side beard, kitchen caMnM. (aa atova and atwl raoga. Wt- Rter sees. SINGLE bed. bedroom rugs, hall rack, buflet, lady's desk, typawriter. ta ' Har ney XSSI. DINING ROOM table, bed room suite; teplider. Call Red TW8. ITOft SALE Furniture ot large tour reosi U, cheap; rent snap, "JC," Omaha Be, Council Muffs, la. Trrrtara. RENT an OMrar typewriter from tke OUvw Typewriter Co. Douglas aslit " WOOLD you show ur wbolly risible typewriter to your Mends and let them aee wbrel tt excels any tills typewriter made If you eouM. without costing you on cent nave the typewriter to keeft torever as your ewn? Then write as for ull particulars. Emarsoa Typewriter Co., Box t. Woodstock. IU. Mteoellasicaaa. 'FOR tALS-New and sseond-haad carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories; bar fix tures ot all kinds; assy payments. The Urunswick-iiaika-Collauoer Co.. vn-VH a. mtr. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bouiht, sold Levy. 2510 N.. no. Oioaha - FOR SALE Two euhotariitMI'S' In toe Omaha Commercial college aud one is Boyles colleaa. Business wfllcev Oiuaaa Bee. - - - - - &AK1.S- OvereuKlwd with seeond-band safes;- all slses . and makes, - bwrcaina. Amencsn supply uo.. lliv Karnarn at. LATE model feuuonai Casit Rests ter. almost new; a stwa. lafi North Uta ol. bouir umana. lette. Call al vi address Bualnass udioa, Opsha Bee. INDLKS for saie cheap. Call Webster 4 FOR 8ALK 'liei), one Ceclllian plana flayer; one Edison home phonograph; aith cabinet and I'M records; large horn. Call Tyler 1014; also one ladles' Hambler wheel, nearly new; coaster Drake. GASOLINE LAtlNt'H. call evenlnas Amert (Jielow, T3i X. lilh tt. Douglas mm. r , ' ELECTRIC P UN 0. music Boxes, player pianos. Continental Marelty, lis No.. 15th. . Catalogue.. OLD Mt'ta. UlvlilUtlT. lsf t'arB'm dC ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player tisnos.' Continental Novelty, 11a N. lit ft. FERSOKAL ax. DAY B1AJOO RrfMSDI. OlS ilsh Phsraiacy. l?tr and Uodge. HA.EL LEAF F1LK CONEa-Beet remedy for itching, bleeding or protrud ing pllasi duo postpaid; samples tree, Bhenaan eV MoCunneU brug Co., Omana, MASSEOXHEKFY rM Allen of Chicago. 108 8. W. 1st fl. D..7. THR gALVATIO AKMY eollclu cast ff ctothlng; In fact anything you da not need. .We coUect; repair and sell at 1M N. 11th St for cost of collection, 10 the worthy poor. Pbuns Uouglas- US and watfons will rail. - Vual massage, batbs. eleculo vibratory and radiatur treatments. Vi. Anna O. Fisher, all Ware blk. aw 8. ltth. D. tTA. Itassaga atra Rittemouse. J Boston Bid TOUNO wooaan coming to Umaba aa strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Chrtstiaa aasociau bunding at beventeeutu and St. Mary Ave, where tney wil. be dlreotad to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Lms tor our travelers aid at lbs uox atauoa. MAOSACxB rCVarrirna tSa MAGNETIC m ooV""- mi IP bCVT nM all Uindal at NW ton bjwc&itww lnL A-im: touu 1M& IttUk and HaVroay bts. ANNA H. MABKS, nam. Davtdae Blk.. Apt..' Heg m. ,1 kcii'L Expert treatment. . Mrs. BODY MASBAObi. ta- Neville. D. 7W. . WANTED Address of lira. Lena Ehlar. anoress ooa to "st , R. ts, - dally, bunuay; open evauios; boura at to a. POUTBV ASU PK1 STOCK. ' Screenings tl.tu per Ivu. v egoor. sul N. Is. TOR'BALB Buff Orpington sags loir hatching, aiao-alna hens and cocks. Web ster ItX. . . lUCAXi tSIATb LOANS AM aha utoueru and Nebraska i - OKK&' KBAi, EafAlU-CtA. -. MIS New OEialia Nat'l Bank Building. MONkK to loan on bui ss or tear deuce properties. U. to (sOUUA W. U. THOMAS. 5M First Nafl Bank Bidg. "WANTED City loans and warrants, y. Fkrnam Bmltb Co.. Ua Parruun at. UO) to IH. made promptly, F. ; U Bead, Wead Bldg.. IHb and Farnaaa. W ANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. car CITY LOANd. Bemls-Carlberg ' Co, il-13 Brano!" ineeier jatoa U ABVIN BEOS. trlaTk H. Xlumont si feon.. 1S33 Farnam St. FOR SALE OR KXCHANGS Farm Ranch; Highly Improved; all fixed op. only V mile of town on main line of R- R. For further information address owner, lid ul'-nwood Ave- Omaha. Neb. For Sal or Excbange-Compiet outfit for running country .. newspaper. . Two presses, cutler, etc , Address V U. care Omaha Bee. -- 6.QU1TY In 1(0 acre Nebraska land for good automobil. Brandeis Theater. FOR SALE or trad for cows, horses or chickens. Incubators, etc.. for furniture of dllterent quailtiea JW9 Cuming. WAXTKII TO BCT . . Mouhoid (tda, clothes at aho-a. D3571 b55 M-band goods. Kelaer. m Center. Kati MohkThe Episode of the &citk Idiary. I take u$'fl - store.-I Cowe C ! S UTSO-J SEE PS OS. itfUrAP STtU. 6UM4ma, THAT TMt WRETCHES FtsKE INTO WHKfeO IT wwse imsi WANTED TO BtY ' W'E pay-most for old. -clothing. Nsthsxt s Ixan Otflce. 109 So. J3th. Chicago buyera, !d-hAnd clothes, shoas, bate; beat prices; will call. Tyler 1100. ALPIRN pays tha best prices for old iron, metals, rubber, etc. WAXTKD TO KK.VT WANTED room with or -wtfhout Board. West Fsrnsm district. - Private family preferred. Reference. C 781 ear ot Bav OCEAX STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMER3 UONTRA, LIVttRPuou IsLAdGOW. Jdentreai, Havre, Plymouth, Leadoah The Piotureeo.u at. iawreaoe Rout, Four oaya on Ui ocean, three day la river and gulf, sptendtf new Tor blue Si earners, saloon, aacooo-oaaui and third aiaas. atapeaior oas-oiasa cabin asrvlo. Cuislna unexcelled. Courteous atteutioav bend for circulars, rates, plans, eta. Ails at Co., U7 N. Uearbora to. Colon- Anchor Line Ste&msnipa Mew York, Londonderry and Outage New York, Palarout and Naples. Attractive rate tor tickets between New York and all bcotcb. Bngllab, Lisa, Continental and Mediterranean pomes, bupwrlot- accommrwlailoiia, asceliaut ess sine, efficient service. Appty promptly for reservation t tuusl aaeut-ef -Anchor Una or Meaderaon Isrotoera. . Agents, Clucagu, Ilk UVE StOCK MAKHE1 OJf WEST ship ,- atock to ttoutu Omaha, afara salisage-and anrinkag. Tour . ocogn menu receive prunint,-and oarefui auA uon. U btoea Caaaiuelea Mmsssra Bcr Bras. Co. Bir-ag and responsiblek WuOD liHus. sti- Alxohaag Bldg. Ureal Wtst. Com. Cot. Omaha A Denver. Ctay. rtownson at Co.. 3nt Kxc.snge mug. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 2 Exchange tfldg. Cox . Jones Coin Co., bunch' of bustier. L. 1C RoanlKTS at Co.. 23 Exsn. buw. Merua liroe. at Co.. as- Bxoh. Bldg. . Tauu skiib handle cufie. bogs, saeep. iMpastt P eda of supmea'u la Sweat Tui X-l'l iank. Only bans, at-yaraav REAL ESTATK . AMSlttAds ut' Ts'1', Beed Abstract Co.. Meat abstnaet N do in Nebraak. aat Brandsia Theater. KBALJs CAMPBELL, lillixralaMi allll,LKIl' INa'WMMATMin. Klectrte. gas fixture Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co.. 17tb and Cuming Sta. Fnehs. Son A Blind, painting, decorating. H. arose, lum. wreck'g. plSIl Paul. aCREAUC FOR (ALB ACREAGE SARSAINeV pear Omaha. Orin 8. Merrill. 1211 City Nat Bank Bidg. TWO NINE-ACRjS TRACTS. Two miles of court house, In the bead.' tltul Mosquito valley, rich new - hind, every foot of it good, fin building ettes. nios grove of . elm. oak and linn trees, small orchard on on tract, good vineyard on other; these are exceptionally fine tracts snd well located; they wont b on tha market long; If Interested better se us at one; ftuM buys either tract; VX) cash, 'balance Song time at per cent; If you build at once will reduce cash pay ment to a nominal amount. McOee Real Estate Co.. II Pearl St., Council Bluff. FOR RENT A very nice suburban bonis and garden farm, three-fourtha of m mil from town; good (-room house, bam, chicken home and out bullcMnia: some fruit trees and a email patch ot berries; about two acres In pasture and the bal ance in cultivation; not too lata to put In a crop: vary pleasant place to II; let me show you th - place; rent 1100 (or tha season ending March U U1S. George O. Clark, U Pearl St-, Council Bluffs. la. Telephone Hi . CITY PROPERTY FOR f ALB Suburban Home One or two acres. Ill Sunset St.,' Benson, an Ideal place to live, on a macadamised road, three -blocks' from -car. Improved1 with all klnda ot fruit and shrubbery, fins 7-room modern house In A-l condi tion; barn 8x34. If a, a prrty a llttl place there 1 around Omaas. Owner leaving civ. must be sold. Prlc M.500. Make an offer. O'NcilV Real Estate & InSsAgency . Tyler 1034. Ind. A S1I3. " IMS Farnam Bt. . MUST SELL Tnre vacant lots, noruiwest cwwsr Ha -and (ort ts , on paved street, city . IMm S' Uk u.h LAt Ut ttarpwom -tr ara; price li w-1. Lot on a. 17th St.. near boulevard. Price, S. . . . - Corner lot, oean rise, Vacant lot. JSth Oak f u . tlSt. uTm nn nr.ii. estate CO.. 411 Karbach block. . ' 1. W; A-K DP A TP TV. PARK artistic and a aw i i in n i v un-to-dat munlty In Omaha; no ehede, chickens, al leys., tin cans or dead cats. Haa public garage and social center club nous. House and lota, H to PVduO. Four sew nouses now "being finished. Easy tenns.' Cheapest property ot Its class in Oman' Th Pax too Real Eetat coaa pany. a War Block or not FewMr Ave. phone Webster 3511, - FOR SALE . BY OWNER S-roons nBooern rmi wn ww ar or two vaoaot lets. Snd and Wirt St. Bast loeatloa 1 -Kaonts Place. It you .wan somelhwig good at the fight prlc. Call ITS FOR SALS That hiib. atghuy east front, beaotiful and well built seven, room modern bungalow on itth St., near Hamilton street, - - NEW nVE-ROOM HOUSE Modern except beat, fli scan. Terms to suit Located 821 Taylor Si, Hear school snd car. Com out and see it phone Webster is!. TO BUY, KalLL OR kkkl, ItiH&T Ml Just W. ACUilatLNsW AMI FARNAM AX, '' " THE Tb Tr I Nul - . thteui nvr lltr m ttlbOWMP S" BEFORE MTJ lAOCMSrw! done r 1 1 door Die VnjLAItrsV ARE CUR fRttMO'S REAL ESTATE riTYVFitorHRTr' s-on-w!.?--? CLOSE IN,- MIGHTY CHEAP We have So acres. I miles from Gretna, all under state ot cultivation. Has feur room bouse, barn, welt and windmill, and other out-houses, H fenced. Tb prlc Is right and will be glad to Quote eerae and show farm upon request. GALLAGHER , & -NELSON- 4S3 Brandels Bldg: " OrhaTnt. .rteb. uivr-riu 1PI" DISTRICT. . Utrtf lot. aoutlieaat front. large maple tree on two aldaa. paved street, permanent waiss, amaii down; your own time on payments. Tel: Phone Webster . iron BALE -room modern . oottaga, 1771 R Hh Re (.. enu on e n afriir. an teerant - k -. k.Mi uul iuk finish. room wiii - : , - strictly nodara; fin location. MM, H:. ney.' Tel. Harney imu. FOR SALE BY OWNER Alt modern 7-m heuae, bats). rccc tlon ball, den and steeping porch In Nor wood addition, fronting boulevard. feet from main entrance ot Miller Par Prle. 14,00a. Bmall cVah payment down, balano like rent. Interest est money t per cent. Also have a nice vacant lot in same addition Phsfie Harney JU or Hsrney Mill '''"' TWO lots In Ralston. Both bargains. Phone Douula . REAiEBTATB RANOaf tixru FOat t FARM , ..... . , Caliturnlai... , . .', IF TOD r' Interested 'tn CalrfornU land for fruit or chicken raising, can oa rxa A Westberg. tU Be Bldg., Oiaahsr - . Colore a. - ' ' Colore ae. a ACRES geod farm Und near G rover. Weld county, at P l acrabne on fuUSA. Box Si. Denver Cos. COLORADO LAND Fatmt. Stock Ranchea Fruit Lands. IMPROVED, UNIMPROVED. IRRIGATED AND I'NIRRIOATCD 11. 44 acre stock ranch. Ms acre deeded, ll.oua sere leaaed, plenty of water, wind mills, tanks. Improvements for stock. Thla Is an extra good (cx-k nuich. Prsu .. t.OM acre stork ranch, two rreod-r. houses, spring house,- bunk house;' barn, corraleetc, all fenced. 8iing on about every quarter. . Cut ever. 160 tun rrny and can be made'tb cut three times as much, fcxtre good stock proposition. Price ao.u. aW down, baianca oa terms tp.giUL )t acres, two mile south o( Btrausburg. 30 miles eaat ot Desrver. 1-r. house, barn, good welt, pump.'ferK-ed and crosa fenced. 4 acres In - wheat, good . soil. . Price ) per act . ;.:r..' ' "... - . if acreaj Hi miles, south t-.Beuwtt, (need. US aerea in wbeati tine oUi leys well. Prlc fit) per-acre. .... .. . We have a very, large Hit of lands similar to the above to pick from. Prw pvbl per acre and up.. Welt, ue for nax- tlGUkvrs. .,- . . '. , CANN CAN.V. ? JOT Tempi Court Bldg. tnvr. Core: . ,. Oeera-la. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA- Traversed by th ATLANTA, B1RAI INOHA M-ATLAN. TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted Is the widest rang sf crops. Ail ths money rop f tb south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with thla coming ormtitry. It sofi, climate, church and school advantages, write ..-.' W. B. LEAHY. DEPT K, . ' Ueneral paaeenger Agent, ' t ' ATLANTA, OA- 9 Quarter sect lens In one tawnthln, Stanton county, Kansas; 9 an acre wholesale; agsnta cemguselos. tAA. Box gt. Denver, Colo. . . . quarter ectkm western Kansas' good term land; M an acrt; will way ll.UJ agents' commisalon. Box 2s. Denver. Colo, TOR easiest way t find buyer Is Saur farm is to Insert a small want s4 the Des Main Capital. Largeat, lr eolation in th state of Iowa, axsuc dally. Tb Capital la read by and believed IS by ths staodpeubirs at Iowa, we simply rat us to permit ur other paper la loeif homes. Hates, 1 cent a word a day; ia) per line per anontn; eeusu sis eraiaary words to to Una, Aer Ale Meusst tpitai. Des Motaaa. la. , Miaareeus. - 104 fWUT HERN MINNESOTA FARM! FOR bALK If you want to bay aa Im proved farm in houlhera Minnesota write for catalog. Southern Miunesota Land Co.. Blue Uarth. Faribault Co.. Minn. Big land boom alerting In northwestern Minnesota. Get In the game buy com cheap land on easy terms." Cheep ex cursion rates. We have our own salesmen and office at Thief River Fell. Minn.: Broadview, Mont.; Gooding; Idaho, and Seattle, Wash. Writ for rate and par ticular.' Our reputation and financial responsibility are unquestioned. Good agents wanted la (very locality. Write now today. ELWOOD LAND CO.. (Incorporated..) T,-ti Andrua Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. FIFTEEN years to pay M0.5 per acre tor Montana s choicest irrigated farm lands; Tu.eos acre now . open under tee Carey act at Vaiier, Moat.; at baabel of wheal, 114 bushel of oats, bus tie .a ad flax per acre. Write today. Clinton, Hunt A Co., Bow A vajten Mont. RANCHES 82,00 to Kot.fOa. Send for Bst, Shoben - Co, Ranch- Dealers. Omaha. Nb. ' ... I own S quart er sect Ions Nebraska land, scattered; will take at an acre, aet, Carry MJ per quarter t years. per cant, BOX SS. OK.'VVI.rl. wuu. set acres. Banner county. Neb, tX6t aa acre, all cash. Must act quick. George U. Hawkln. Box Ma, Denver. Colo. STOCK FARM. 1,4 acre m Valley county: M culti vated: KOSt worth ot modern -Improvement A bargain at Df per acre; re. aonable term; ao trad. Claude A. Dana, Ord. Neb. - . I aectlon good land. Lincoln county. Nebraska, at IS an acre; half cash, bal ance a years. per cent. Ceensnfessoa, to agent, Box Jaf, Denver, Cole, . . REE; .QfAH. TQSDAY, Copyright 115, Nation. News Asa c ) .j-r7...::Ti iMtls P6ao (No.He). - I ( SA. FAN NO. NOT time .vuhm Tfou xtotr J-J 1 MT m our i-TrrvTh?qtTi- grVr"'-'-: . w tts.aor wjeam ee none.;; L ' fcft" JEAlM-""n" " - fg sHS I ".. JWHCRfi oJ TMfcCtt TOL. LlfiHrEO 4fieV- r JSTEK TO THOiEl CRIES UP TMERE OMWekOOPMUT J-utiK y xi-vfe u, 8r , A6 I ) -- j a,," ' RKAL ESTATE . r yijM r-RAij. vAAsvaW FOR SALE-lmuroved Howard county farm; 1W acre; 1 tried inpftweinents. 145 per-' acre. Wrtt L. 8. Moore. Or ml Island. Neb. letn-ACRlii ranch,' Improved: PJ0 aurea cnlthated; 7 .miles, trom raUroad,. Cuatet county. Price, Pi. - Nordqulat, W Nevtlle Block.-- - North llssela. . - - SNAP t.OW, seres front on' to. seven mile from division tows on -eoent tlaaof Chicago.. Milwaukee- At Bt Paul railroad In Bilnngs county. North Dakota., dun able for .colonisation or ranch. Greatest anap In the best county -la the sata. Price, 17 per acre. . Act uutek If you want It. ' Call on O. H. Bui t. ' aarfftarth, y.. u. . .,. MlScelleaweesss. ' ( . ;,' "T.vr- TORRI80N, ; 0.1 tttLr ti-Clty KaUoaal Bank.' Bide. Farm land and rancbss. , MAlttW AS A A JsA t,AJUS I . I) IV ION A1 ion areata -ad -Maeest. L'alea Paelfle .... - . 7. - . '-' ISMae.' l"SftM SI Frsa, OierksS LUUtaa. we a let sat ine ! I'm kw...t l;b llSia AtlsutM KUsnwa , ; alJisei ..slI Ai aai a l is Les Ajta.'Viame4...-:.:.-..-uA'iua"J4 beaver apsslsl a l et ia a set Csstassisi At Issalal Ul an ill m Celsrssa Kxpnas ..- ilHsi 1 1 S pa Oreaoa-WisSlssiae Limited. -sit W ta at St ass Nerta ristts Local i.,....e Ills I IS Oera lala-LioMt...c..'. :..-.. rsi'ua". alttt Im atrewsbsra -tsesl -..-.Tr.-.r.t-.s)ei-er-s-t:avsi Cbaoaae, Heck lsiaad' ss rwelfle , ... aari . ,i- .. . Reeky MaaeutB taaaii TaU .all'sf a causae w rsiMasw,.aie ss tw n aw Caiuae Imt turiut.IUM1.. IS a 4 rm cawseo Xiiinst. a t is set ,a lua tm Dss Molasa Lkai runser.. tJl snuaia.llak Calcaas-Nasoaas Uuiun.... t o aa .w sat wrrr. - Ckfcage-Neb. Lai. ts LiaesrAe I St eat . I at sat Ckismee-Oalerids menu ....a i ll fm t tm tm OAlaseias- Tssu K.prMe...s t.essss All U set itetar UasSuia Usuu.,,.".aiai4 ate sit w sat Chicago, Mllwaaatea St St. Paul Overuse, Uauiel ...a lit sal, s,f U eat rsrss .Local .4 Mask SU.I est Celemso grsreis ,.4..M,.,.., ssj , e t H p m Cotoruls sstrlal .....1U a M set Psm becst ..:...,.....,., A er sK Waoi uuaaats Ceaual -. Ublease- Bipnus ...;;.a,t It asf "l:4l ass causae Aiwuet I AS MS AAAtaei cbiesui .At North vreefera-v. . ,i. ' OHtl(ooini. t .m' Ulaaspsli-t. raw auMej I St eat Mieesaemu-m. Saul linen .tj T-sv pa s-e-tteai Tela Ui Biimes ..llslie MSia stoas Cur Uai a t:a a a t at pa Miaaaayoiis A Dsaeia Bi..a I . rat at Asia tvib cur UBiue. .a t.a sat a I aw Mlaamitt Bsana M. all:! en) Osrrell . IssaU t."........... tr sa' t-m-mm usrusM csttass-. .,,...j...,t .w set ,w Cktcaav- aeesl -itrt.rm,tmtaaifr rae -ft t:M ess CtUosacMuesae .M..l.'.U.l.i a tm Ckiaas tracts! a t a na n iin rarane CeesOihBt,i:v.cs e-a a fat na Lee aegeles 4 v,.s IAS ssi-4W:M ass Overun Uautet a,..:..AVAS aer In sa Csneu Uuu ..,........-4 I aasa ArA Waat Fast Kail UM.MJui OMar aast". fisas.- OBy. a. ...... s i n Uisnes ltelasi U.Asa WKSTsWCtiSl. boa Ptae 11 aa suef aa Martett-Uallas ............... ss a all H aa Loaj Piaa-Lisekia......,,.. -a l-ll sa ilais Hsalnss-soiierler .......a I ll aa. a I a) pa Daaseeod-Hot Brrrsts .' a I ti ta s l aa Csaaer-Lsstlsr ...S I U pS as rw rruual.Altaaa ................ . SS) b 1st pa Wabaaat . Oasks-St. Lea la Elstas it aa a I'll aa Mall aa Bisraa .....s I M aa all II aa Susserrr leoal fna C W.U .b ta. bH.S aa Mleeearl Pavcltle ; '.. . K. C. a . levia Iiaraaa' s) sa'a t:4 aai a. a. AH. Laaa bias ill-U aa ttaaa Cblcaare, reat W-eetessv Tela Ctat uaupa........,..a I n aas ass TMa City Sianaa.,....,.. t H.aa ll lpa ...a i saa sa Arties Dssver A OalUarala., Puat tsea tiprea., Mtlaraass P4sls ..... aUaoa HJlia ......... A 4 .1-. aa a I a aa aa a Ansa aa a 1 14 aa aa a l a) sa s a H .-.. i.a !- Uaaala Mall Nurtbwaa Asarass babraska giliraas Sceertsf f lauaasstb Ltscels Lecsl flsttaaaeu-lewe belMaes-rialteassBUii taiosse Sa-tal ..... Besver abealsl ..... tauaaa Eisaea Cklcasa Faat Blsiaaa...'.. Creates (ls.1 Latal..MH t leeks Bxartat Kansas Cn? St loaas. Ksasss Cttr A WL Jaaiab. a ail ilaa sa a i- sa sa a I n sa aa ait a aa .... SlS stea aa a l a sa aa liaaa Csll U aa alataas ... u .Jt 1 11 ..all a as :.:JC . i ..astA .al.U a iWn aa s lis set sa all aa sa allAlaa sa alttaa aa 4 1 14 sa Webster ttatlea Ibtk. aad We baler Mlaeeart Paeilse Depart. Arrive. Sabers bsesl J 4a aa kit H eat C k lee are. It. P, M. att O tleus .CH Eioraa..........kelsw Kl aa Sloes City raaaaofar.A.... ' bl-)al Tela CKr Psaaaasw SIAIaa Caaaks Lecel k I at aai I a Is) eallr. fat sallr eseaart Senear. t Su,!ir OCTA3rBTCAJrI8MlP: u WHITE STAR 6 I Dominion CanatN iryc I rloHTR l- 0m REC-UVWOtX T ONLY -"S.U. Jess I. H. Jeff .1 a slaw. sastls,Je.A.AAl.l 4DAY5 :. riii, " Laeraex. ..XwAas.r; 'AT-"'' nrat tvAJa, bstoaa' PUJt pel , OseCaaafaeadDtaiAti Ob. A "V tasa blIJi d U2M ArrsncakaoAliaca wHh Cecal Agents . Caenpear's (MKce, Char age. III, frtvchlint' nidii ililO iiliiisli easass. sad reaass asrarr. atavstsrs. art Is laaraev te Huasre caiaaea aamas. arllagtea Maltea Tlraia a Maeea barliaartea - " J ft mm bwaia. All steauners take eoutherly course esA tsncua. r.pawa1osa.-w Sllaaaia aea' eaaa wtlt m re lai ..efatl f oA ary aAvxi-aa aar-tr si urlaeia AsrimoaslaMitaaeea as linn Iiiiiiu l HI ml lai n II i ' ti i - .MAY 23, 1912. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH -OMAHA Lrf CI ieeeivet Tirtt i Com- , murdoii t St, Bridget'!. .-. sun gluls cabit wee8 : ... " - ' A stem llglaawad. Aft nrveil with Is-' 8vreehawH, Take Caebolle Aeld aad' Mother riada . , .' Mtan Deed la !.. Flfty-tUrtf yoang boy and girl , re- oerred' Uierr t first Mmmunjoav At -.Bt. Brktgat church. TwuiL-suith and F streets, yesterday'morruag. Relatives and frlnd tilled th church, to. tb doora CtisArruinron- wjaa glvea by Father Bellaw. wba alio preached th sermon,' '- .Tb rwalnc ot the- status of tire Bleteed,. Virgin ws ild In .th Talng. Oeasavta, Mullsn was queen - and Melon Ucanovaliy.and Helen Moor ,an mad Ulxry young glrla dressed la white and carrying flowers' marched from"' th pariah- koue tatai th church snd' up ts th altar. Th May ceremonies were brought to a dot by bejietllctlon. "Th boy And yoUltg ftebpes'" cBWr aartg. :. '- - ' !Ta wmmunicanta wers; , .-. M sesrsM -V r iMeeerrw- ' '' Clarke Walah.' : .. . Donald Dalr : . Walter rlaaburgb, . Rarph Halnard IAdt SolltvnJi ; " -' Ktaven Kdwarrlg H.-Hirley-,.- - . . ...Klmer Sturai . WIIMarn Paj-ba " , Stanley llolub ; . 1 fleer Macjnta Kteven Scolt Henry ftpencer. ..... EdwurtJ I'oetella Cast Sstlnrt . .. r ; William Spencer Isik lOiryipelc r:-A Marvin Metiaugn Jaatea Sullivan FTatu-ls McDonald B. Dwork . Muwes LuclleOaufhan-'' Agaes ntagecali) -Lucy Mtore . Vera Welch , . . Mjrril Lite . . . Mward Markev Clarene Chrlstlnson 8. Coatejlnr Mtsse- , Msrrnret OowneB - H. Courdoren 'St.' O'Cotmar . Anna Miller . Carry bib-hut .. . Mary MrNamara -..t'enlU Parks I. SnlUvan Hernles MrHiangan . Marv Brennan ' r: Florence I rwork Suth EarAda. .. .'.Ulraca McOaugh ,. ary Ceastdy - Flerenca lvell., . Gertrude MeMAitbA Opal 'Conner Agnes Martin . ,.. . Luclla) Park ,; MT8hropalJr . N. Itvfh , Gladys Condon Kdn Burneaa Anna RosxA ..." Genevia HigatnA . Theresa Uojnyin ;. . Catherine Bplrif ' Eeta Mill la ty , :. - - ' , Crossed ba Wti.TakeA LU. ' Jilted b7bt weetlieart, Anaoa .Zigr WoacT'cbmitt4,stdctrJ ywttrdar morb log at'blB bem,; Twenty-seeond W strevta-by drinking carbolic,, aetd. , He was found shortly before .noon by" hf mother, who went to his room lo csll him to ttlnnsr. Thfnklng h w slcep tb retchbir over to awaken him and found that a was dead. . Zlgimoatl waa in the beat of spirit 8tnrdtj-. nlgrlt and -left th bous- to call on bit Ctrl. Later In the venlnc ths two quarreled and he' left for big born. That was th mat seen o him until hi mother fotnd.hlm lying acroag bis bed with the bottl containing Portion l the deadly frald rylng by-hi side., - Th funeral will be held Tuesday after. neon-el 4-o'cieofc. Burial will be made. in Laurel HIU cemetery. Deputy Corener Larkln will held an Inquest Wednesday nwrnlng, . - . -;. . Row Stops Ban earn. Because the umpire of tb Shamrock Armour baas ball game yesterday after noon at Fortieth and W streets. u hot well reraed on the rule f th 8am and peralited la calling a fair ball a fouL ths game waa called oft IB the seventh Innrns an th tans gavs rent to feeling by throwing Irish confetti at ths officials an sack other. . Tb light, which promised Is grow to large . ".por tions, wse (topped by th tlmeiy arrival of the polls. - During the, excitement th umrrl M, rh bad been rne main us tor the dia. turbance, rnadg A haaty get-away to the great obagria of the brick .throwers. . At th end sf the ssvsntb Inning th cor stood to In favor of th packsrs. Ttia khssarocka bad two aee on bases an th batter struck the ball out ever third baa, wtaleb era celled a foul by the umpire. - The tana loudly protested th decision and. when the umpire called the game ever aa said th Armour team had won, things ben to happen. Baa a Joy Rldla There will be ae more oy riding through the streeta of South Omaha and pedetrtana will bs able to cross ' tb streeu without, las At. awakenlns In a hospital minus a leg or sn arm. A motorcycl atflcer has been put on the ports force. wRh mrtrucflons to srrest All violstors ot .th speed law, no matter who tbay may be- Fred Hcyn of Omaha eras arrested -yesterday afternoon and later released on bond. - It has long been the custom of manor- OCEAJf 8TEAM8HIPS. Rewest and Finest S.Fpjlnce Ssiaeralo s i-m Trsnssllllirarpi ' asaat assswueaot ai1aaisi--"-r1 Teas ataaaav ass .tk esss asek. Tsairsak sasa. nasi aeflaei... SaSlv ea. sArary. 8Trr a ifdA. Aa'ieSrfw) verate, Maw 1 ,tk snsess kaab. Teftaab balk, ts York ae Far celtlfSlsra aeyrr ts W. a SocA U!4 rsr. J ' NarltueS: ) - ' ... a, . i. Am, let tA" aataa. las rarasa aa. ' aali'se - -- B AT aV Drawn for The Bee by;GusMage:3 lata not to psy any attention to tb speed .law In thla. city. . Frpm now on, btjsexer. U speeders wUl te harshly dealt with; -Pioneer Resident Dead-" David Doyle, tt ysara old, a .pleneer realdent of South Ornaba, died yaeterday afternoon at ' 8t Joseph's hospital' aTtsr a UngerlnsT Illness. Tb funeral will, be held Tuesday xaoralaay trees the restdsnc of bis sob, Patrick Doyle, TUlrty-elghth snd B stpsttA to St. atari's' . cfaureh. Burial will be la Moly tspulukr m try. ' ' atagjla ctr ! ' , t Osotgs Reberts left last rua-ht' for Ckt cage ea a baslneae trip. Th Ltdla' auxiliary of th Hibernians will meet at th bum ot Mis. Fsntoa Tuesday (veiling. ; ' , Th Twin City baas 'bail team was defeated by the Canrtuhera - yoataruay afternoon 11 to H. . . The 'larae plate klaaa window' en the south aide ot Klein's hVtur heuee wa blown out by th -high wind yeeteveey. Mlaw Mable Martin haa completed a two years' course at th Kearney Normal aenooi ana -na acceptwi a pueiiioa at Cigalalla. Neb. , ' , Mlaa Julia Holuh, tb years eld died yestsrdady morqing at her kome, AM C afreet, of pneumonia Th funeral will bs held) Tuesday morning from the resi dence to Bt. Bridget's church. Burial wilLbs In St. Mam assnstry.l . , Thousands See . : Two Men in Canoe . Save Boys Ldm CHICAGO, May IT-Fsur boy who had been biewm owt Into Lab Michigan en two water togfod raft, were rescued from drowalrtg today by Iwo. sum la twenty-foot canoe. , Thousand of persons sa a her welched th rescue and a flM botween the frantic boy and their . reacistrs. Th men. H. J. TrumbuU and O. . P. Fry alntter, experienced idlf flourly la prevent ing th sinking bt their frail craft'. , tW wer forced bs threaten tb bay a salt their paddles 'to kscp tb boy tn ths waler. througk which tbey were towed to sbors by a slender rope. . Th two rft besting the boy were blown a mil off shorn from tus 'foot of Thirty-first strbet. , Trumbuil jdJ?tk. alnger, paddling down ths lak frees tb mouth pf ths Cblcsgo rlvr, cams In sight ot th boys lust 'as th ftm raft wss sinking. Tbey threw a Uae to tb two bey and bad' Just taken them In tow when ths eecon raff beetau t sliui. TH gsnad pair of bay wa etdarsd by Trumbull to lass kotd ot tb Hn end remain In th water. , Tb eifflcurt strug gle to reach shor then began and for mor than half an hoar the week esv, tlnued, while crowds thrvrnrad Mi lake front for half a mile la either direction. Hitchcock Approves Parcels Post Bill W1A8HINOTON, May UUAAtftad approval ot the Bourn parcels pott MH was given by Post muter General Hitch cock In a report upon tb maaaaro seat la the senate postofflc esmssine and Suva public today. Tb consolidation of ths third and fourth clssass ot mail matter would greatly facilitate th adrnlnlstra. Uon of mall mettsrt, th eeetniaeter gen eral ssld. Ths delivery of parcels te tb limit ot eleven pounds on all rural rout and within tb :dltvry. limits of free carrier offke wa bkawls aporawad as conomlo and a convantence to the pybrtc Th establishment of unit of area ot Invariable dimensions on tb bests of latitude and Kngttud aad vertoua charge for th several ' so see was re ferred to ss certain to lessen th aost of tranaportatlon. to stimulate the geaeral trad In small wares, Increa poaul revenues add pave tb way for other postal reforms. "In my ludgment." ceaduded th post master general, "ths proposed measure will benefit all classes of ths people ex cept thos carrlsrg now .engaged ul lb buainess of tranaporung small wars. Whll th patron Age of these will be lessened. It will bv the effect to limit their business to ths mora weighty freight which la -distinctly ths business of such carriers." Neither th bous or senate has setcd on tb bill. Hewlett Acquitted in Circuit Court ' RAPID CITY. 8. D, May I7.-4 Special Teiegram r-Wlth the acquittal last night by. a circuit court Jury after hearing th evidence against F. R- K. Hewlett, the wealthy -bide man, charged with obtain ing money under false pretenses from tb a tats tn. th Wolf bounty esses, and' th certificate of good " character give to Auditor John Fall and Deputy Auditor David Fall by the local grand jury, ao ne know what turn tb wolf bounty case will next take Both side to the eorareversy. which Is one of the worst tangle this section has seen In some time, have received vindica tion. The next- nice, as expected to be at Dcadwood. with Uta federal grand Jury which Is now Investigating tha muddle from another 'standpoint. A Tea at bald could buy nothing better for female weak nesses, bun bev-t and rid ney trouble than Elect rlo Bitters. Otfly aee For sale by Beaton Drug Co. , ' ' -t - LEWIS SAYS OLLED. COUPLE Former SecretMy'trf ToIiTeT TeHk of - ' Ii Doubt Crim. - DilllBESlW' PlAH" T? - AS Taos. Who -JHar. , haUa. irhive Sh! "- Flitf g v Cpls as r o ,wao; la AateaaeblU. - '..;. r 8AJ4 DieOO. liar Bsr: 0:rw4a, former prwat seerwrary. and. crabuJeui to- C. H, Toflver. aa alrhp anventoe, peered through the .bar ft toxxyt .hi, cell In ths.pasaoa today Abd eAltnly bd. saitssd t Casaalit of . Datsctlvea Avves that be sloa waa murder of Mr. and atra. Toltver artta THVravasss; ls ifc. rit( . .i. ssa "Sea I killed tarns," aai Laswl. BW rtng t Tourer. -Me rumcd my Kswssi jf I had not ' don It, .aomeon M woejfcl hav basVt.' , -1 ': ' ' '' Lowls showed A daatr to' sld the fMtt adsalnlatratieo , In th,. ffort ;t -b-atst. which of ,Vh two bad died firs. "Mrs. Tollver dUd first, satd Lewis. Ths lxWly of ths wospaa 'was Toun neir the tejb pbons, where sbjt bad "'' rt "'"bi attar ska had been, twice . morlaibr wounded by -Lewta Here bad seot m call fnr th nolle, but fhe deSar eergesnt St the station raeA earls'' A kafurnerrtrl aba died before a could lell ot.the mur ed r. ' Developments show that. tewleiplantfrj his work caraifully. A pet ciof whlcb fojj lowed. Tollvir and bis wlfs sverywhert waaraucbt by Lewlg early last nlgbx. Ha led th do black or more from trio cm of kit Intended Crlm arid tied hitS to ft post- ' , ,',-,. ;,.. . i; '-'r .: Ttaasv-arssad with 4 ass eawoUrers and-a dagger, Its returned to the rollyr 'bomi and walled toe his' victim. . Tha jKir,'; Aa as beiisv ha bad plarwed to murder Mrst ' Tonver. ' As' Toltver and HI WW rod up to tbelr bom in their adt'omjatf Ml Lewis epaaed tlra. . .. '-.. The who beard tb fualUsd say M tiro ainetean shot. On ot th weapon was aa autoatatlc, .tha other a revolver; Mr. Toliver wa ibot In the mouth and ,.u the, head. Both waunds war nvirtal, but tha womaa ataaaered wlo the beui reached tb tthmhena-gnd tried, la.barr dying Doraents to brink the poHca. , . -S' ' Tellver. bio body riddled wtth. buReM followed with lvri cross behrnd. ; Tb asunded tuafl tall In tbctroat room, bii ana awtstresrbed. bis agraa kroaUag ktbt tnoo ot lb murderer. . , , -it Lewie, bccorfllog o bit own, abxtsmebi, wanted bt suvlu ur of Jata wotk.. Draw lug -bit dagger, be treat beam has MeWt and plunged the bd lnw iha'APunjai of th dying atari! . '.",, i-.r. - ,i ' H reloade lb two revolver! wipeS trt blood Iran' bat dAggar.' Aad" oatcbba) A oar red t KlsvenaA.auasl.. Xaa. aca Meek aiissislsg thai ahf Mh bad bees; committed by Lewis, caught Ulm at'-hd ncaxed biaionie.-As he n'pnatiTht l sjvrjr cowered Wn, wtjb tbetr WaausmA '-.-It threw Ms hands to Ma he and, agwtd rtilsf WMaWb of th dlotlvav: Who' Ait at-raad Aim:. ,' ". . ,..,.,..':.,'. f -l guaas -ywiVeget tbemaa yew uM?" Tollver wu aearly ., yaar. old, gdt wlf a few year; younger; jwt "s years. Hi wlf,. su-laAoglr laasAeWsa" woeaan, ke Biyeara aid: . 8b w-asj. ti first to rialt fast hushau' at tAn-ML tha morning, ' 8h. talked wtlh him UAiU IA officers asked bar to- Uoa. - - ': ' -r: WEATHEI. WILL BE WARM '? . :. DURINQ MOST-OF-WEEK WABHlNrjTOff. May '-iJHe "weal W la promise tor tls. waid weqvar Aha greater part el .the -oeuatry eaat ef tb Rockuuc. according to-. the weekly, bv II tin of ihei Weather bureau lasiesd - tAVnJebt, Whll temperature will be above tnaaoc mal oa this sld of the RocsW. they will be geoeratly below aormal oa-tba Facili Slop. ... --: - ' . " " ' "Considerably pooler weather, however.? , says the bint(tin,.wlI appsarla the north -west about Thursday and overspread the middle west by tha and At All week. -The barometn pressure will remain low wrtA thowars In the acAthwestem dlxtrteta dup ing tb next, several, dt vs. and a weH defined storm area WUl jssraard lb middle- west Wednesday or Thurealay srjd move eastward, to the Atlantic- starts prb day or nsiurday. Kxcept for the shower and thunderstorm attending' t tba alls turbance. the weak will be on of ssM rallyfair weather." .',"'-. i.-;". DOWAGER QUEEN LOUISE- , IN SERIOUS 'CONDITIO!! . HAVANA, -May 37.-Preidfot 'Oome LoAiht of Denmark : !a -la a sertotal coq. dltloo, sgys- a Cepeabagsa. dlspatcb td the Dally Mali. . Stve baia been reeriore. to Fruan Boge, suffering from- nervoiAl a. r.-"-i - . ." KEGRO TAKEN FROM OFFICERS . - RlOuliDJrelTH. BULLET.S ' NASHVILLE. "-Teoa J. stay." g7.-iJ Sanmeur. a nagro. charged with erkmitat aiaaiilllng Mrs. Walter Rajasay, enle jr a' ltoeB-toa county farmer; .Sstunlajj Rigrst, -waa taken from offlrars eatrty tJ morning by a mob "and- rifled ' jSs