' -THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 2S. 1912. EVER HEAR OF PICKLED FEET? SOUNDS FUNNY. DOtSNT IT BUT IT IRIOU-OHOO-0l-eVSTPIOUSI TOU MAY PIOKLID-rlO BO YOU KNOW "PleMed Pert!" Tbst's SEW en tm TOT. KkM feet meant DANGER llle-lonf atoary for their poor, eufleniis owners. Pickled lot are feet that hart r-.a, and an Dow being, soaked and washed vim varloae foot tawia and nUets, Header roti vltb tba huatrnd. tired, over-worked fert do yoa know that U you bathe your feet with poleoaoae, anrinfent, aocalled mediated foot-wasiiee row art "pa 'wt- Tbn lor yo'ir w sake. STOP III 6top It at ONCE! Tboat mardwa. inougii uiey rener pain, nek . 7vur poor ko iimea worse J each time. Tow feet trei Ise 1 for a few hours after batata. ' the tha "Pickle" wean all an J, o, ar! out ron teat do bun, asbe. tu fieri i There la only one nan Ufa, I hanaleia, aura relief tor etifler. if leet aad buaaaoity , anu mat rewi ' BANAT1TE. Erar bear Of eAXAlITF,? Then lie ten! t-AN AnTE la LtTr eot from an other toot relief la a dry form. in a povoer pun. empty I dr:at It oa tba feat mo re in ri. and tba dar will ba hRDPT and brlrht for TO. Bear this tn mlsd: There 'a no fussing or mussing with water and fcot bathing with fcA AliTE. It't an lnitast't sort juat DOST It on. SASATTTK throorh Its woedreu SBttaretM healing oualitlee taVet the ftinr out of tore, tired, burning, bllite-ed. aching fret teat with eorna and buolooa laet that hare bean oral worked. And, Deader. It never harms them H i aanltary and ANTISEPTIC. If your fret perspire, duat thara with A!iATITKtt deooor fee relreshae but VOt.H NOT atop perspira tion. It gives the same pleattof remit whea applied elsewhere on tlie bod, and la ud eoa etantly by refined men and women. RANATTTE it the (reateat he let and fata de stroyer rrer discovered It baa atarttrd and won the reeouiinertdation ol pbrslelana aad auraea It will do likewise with Tor. Always remember thia. Header: It your feet tuffer. tha REST of your body auffer. Neglected aora feet uae bodily Inlurlea that may ruin your bash tor Ufa. Now to to your tRrOGTST and ret a W or fOc package of 8ANATTTE. and dnat H oa your feet at once. If your drurrist cannot ripply too, SEND 2V for large rurkare. roet paid, direct to ite uskrre-The (.ERMICIUE CO. (Al Makers of beaver Mud), SMA 161 treat, Beaver, Colo. Are You FAT? I Was ONCE I Reduced MYSELF W afat. CaCOtallArtAbJaL Lukal All Wa Mlwrabl. Hifftr4 llb RhMaMtl.ta, Asthat. NwrtJct. WbM I vorM or wi!k4. I fvff Itk PoryvlM. I tok MvniM4 bm4.Md I oJl4 tn. I urvt4. wmi,. IinlM4, Dtw it.r4 an. ehani4 climt kut I ml nod mr 4lw Uoo. (tit ltk u invalM bt Ut.dilr ftlii4 ftalCht. Thr tu Mt a. find pli t ru tw I hmr or U I 411 not try. 1 teiM u ri W7 w.iebi i vopM atelMy. U 1 M M car I t bo lb butt of all ho. It tn omborraaaiu ' OV IDMOB IOtl BM I OJ HlM- WOl, to m om kttfw h lottor tbo nmil. lOMlTEIVa SAfi TO B SOITB t bftos io ii4jr I bo mum ol FAT. Wfc.r. i ftvtrod tb cauM oubJ (ho maody rb. rftcb oitiRoo tort m u lBtitu. I imasrotoo todL Kmo4 l ho abjoetlgaoi foaturo, t4o rotro yiMoaat mb, ant Uoq I trlot oi pltu on mMi( sor o wool, it workno ilk Mtf te. l tt ICNAMSD WKI JOT at tbo ooa of ibo lint voott wba tbo tea ft tl4 ma i boo iot t iTtmndi by fa alaiDi. T, ornioos. Dmloo Mtthol. it m a tour (boo to coai i tut ootil I roolft toy oortool mH Ui also. I fool tlftooo yoora jrwfiir- I lo-. fU tMo yotn jpovngor. Mr Doublt (Kin hot oailftir eiMpoooro4. 'I eta walk r wnrk ao. mr oumt 0 noDoiaio. i tm our mi n tiat. r OToiib loot what I waot t wtlab. oti aioMor tf ty own mm m. i ait tot aurvo, dm oti tit 1 vtntoa to. I it Id not tatto Hwoat Bttbo. I tit ot Druf. i u-a 6o EitctHottr or borulul oior etMo, but 1 fotiad tbo Kaimiio, otto, .'oBamoa onto WAT ot rtduclag my vilrat oj4 I 4ooito4 It. I kovi Ulod tt 00 oltmo. My toctOf mm I ua a portaet pinaro of bttlll now 1 om ao toagtr tiltof. 1 tm bow a bap), boaltby wo van. Now 1 oat ami to bttp otiwrf toibo bopay. I bavo written a boob oa too fubjoot. k yo tr tat, i wont yo to ban It, H will tail oo til about aiy lUrmUi. (i-uiMt Mttoo-i. To til wbo om4 om Utr twnao too o4otoo I autll It FRtB, at Itng m tbo prtant tupp;y uito. tt will my Too Monty. Sit you trow lUrmful Uroto, Saro yoo from otarrtttoa tiui, Htnttfal Kxrciaoo. po.tibly Mr yofjR UFK It it j-surt fr tbo Btklog without a pwany. Juot id yotr otmt and addrooo. A Pootol Coro will ' " H to aead It oa that yoa tan o'm u aow roduco ymiroolt and ba at hoipy TTfci. Wrtt today to tbto a4aitMtntot tmy wot Appear agaia la thto papr H ATT IB BIRU SI Borr'ty. Doartr. Cotf. "Javsl' Say" HORLICK'S it Mians - Original and Cenulni MALTED MILK - Thi Food-drink for All Apt. IcsJthfJ diaa Tea or Cofea. Agree with the weakest dlgestioo. Ddidous, nvisoraling and iratritioui. Rich rnillt, malted grain, powder term. A quick kack prtparM is a ninta, Tike m rahttitiite. Ak bwHORLICTS. E-3T Others are imitations. 25c Don't Waft to Find out V yoa are termed ky dlM. If ban keea eapoatd ta laiKtlaa bay a packate ot TYREE'S Antiseptic Powder tnmMia tHr. aed ward t fwaifMa dio gtr It to a banolon bat itvworfol prntMa. enroo tt wll M rrrott dltvtat. od boo b(w lccwtnr.4 by pkyotriaao for yoro. Ptoroo to tttntly la water, aad It oeaiodl aa a doocko. Tot aala by dnttctif rrrrn. Sea for BwotUot. JJL TTIO; Caoaaut, Vatltautotip dX. Telephone Your Want-Ad Tyler 1000 asm i rrrje WEB i r i i T BRIEF CITY NEWS maw Boat Print tl . at. COaaX. atama. fttk aad OanlaaV lautila Vanlaa; Pmaa. Bartaa-Ora. an. Oa Kaaartal Bay. atay a, all fralcht kouaaa at tba cttj ot Omaha wrUl ba ckaad. fiatpraraaaaat Oak to at a South weat Imnrortmant dub will IiogM Ita rccolar maattnt at Twenty-fourth and Laavwttwortb atraau Wednesday aalnc Re fr cabman ta wtD ba acrvad. Sehaola to atar OUaa Bafa Pacific achool Kill hava claaa day thla after noon at t O'clock: aad Walnut 'Hill will ealtbrata Wed nea day afternoon. Taachara and puplla will partlclpata la n oalcbratlea. To Xaaaaa for Bmrlal Tha body of alra. Lottie Church, at ad a year, wha died Saturday aXtarnoon. waa aent co Wathena, Kan., yeatcrday. whar tha funeral will ba held. She hi aurvvd by a iuaband, Amoa Church. Ttiey lived at )07 North Twenty-aevanth atraat. Taddra aTaaiaaat-a Boaa rtaa It may bava baen bacauaa Jodca Altatadt la an admirer of Colon! Jlooaavclt. or Juat bacauaa ba Intended balnc lenient to all priaonera. that Johnaon Rooacrelt araa dlacharsad la nolle oourt-' RooneTtlt, who denied haaint any ralationtMp to tha .- praaldant. waa arrcatel nt Thlrtaanth and Douslaa atraeta by Officer Rich for belnf. dniah. Walto tU Oaaa BraaTa Oa No al- deaca haa bean tubmltted In tha Rlllla Klatla ca before Judce Morrli In which Lao van Oorkora. Grovcr Miller and Roy Murfltld are charged with "whit alavery" atnc Saturday. Attorneya for tha defendant! eontlnu their arrnmenta to defeat the ptirpaao af tha Indictmenta and to have the court take the caac away from tha jury. Aaolaeea Oetttaf JPoUtart Frad Anhuar and Thomw O'Connor, ap pointed by the city ocmmtaalonera aa preaecuior and clarb of the police court, reepcctlvely, are attending: court to ac quire a tew pnlntera. C. T. Dtcklnaon and John alahnney. at present proeecutor and clerk, rtrpvctiveiy. will aurrender their Boaltion Krtday. and their euoceawra will take-charge Saturday morning. . Vertor la HaJd for Thaft While Charte ltacr, a fu-t at the Midland hotel, waa betray, ahaved In a barber hop near Plxleenih and Chicago itreeta. a dlaimnd etlck pin waa removed from hie txinar and tit. At Charlea Turner, a ce!"rd porter, wai tha only other reraon la tha room, MeUter had Turner aneatrd. 11 la bclnx he'd by the police. The pin haa not been found. - Bogaa BoUalte at Werk Iter. W. B. Uyett. paator of the St. John'a African Methodl. ffpar.iul church, learned en bia return flora Kanaaa City that aome peraon h waa r-preaentlng hlmaelf aa aialrtint paator af the church had beaa auHcttlng fiindj for tha church from mer chant of Omaha. Mr. Dyett aaya the man baa no authority to collect fuada and that lie iuta complained to the po ll'.. Slk Ua to Oo Wee The Omaha Eire bava abeut completed arrangementa for their trip to Cortland. About W0 of ilum will attend the meeting ot the grand edge there. The Omaha party will aae the Unloa Pacific, going on a aneclal train, leaving Omaha the evening ot July I. Tba train WIH be aunllar to that uaad by tha local Bhrlnera In making tha trip to I.oe Angale. tvwkwaeeki Cbaalng Bht WUa After rhaalng hi runaway wife to Chicago, than to tit. Loula and Kanaaa City. A. Trykoneekl at Bt Paul, notlfle Captain H. W. Dunn that ba intake aha la In Omaha. Mr. Helen Trykoneekl haa In her cuwtedy their Infant daughter. Try koneekl aaya that h haa learned that hla wife la going under the nam of Helen Schrader. and that a he tried to glv their baby to a Catholic prteet, but he refuaed It When Mra. Trykoneekl left Bt. Paul, ahe took with her about IfiO. A( the aama time a roomer tn the Trykoneekl houee departed. The hue band thlnki hla wit I with thla roomer. H. S. Cadets Leave for Camp Monday A achedul of preliminary preparatlona for the annual encampment at the Omaha High achool cadet regiment, which wtll ba held at Blair all next week, waa an nounced yeaterday by Cap tela Arthur g. Cowan, commandant. In charge of the regimental and bat talion auartermaatera, baggage will be loaded at tha Webeter atreet atatloa Sat urday from t a. at. until noon and from 1 p. m. until l: p. m., after which time all car will be lacked. A Hat of the required article for each cadet will be read by the company captain Thurs day afternoon before regiment aaeem bly for the Memorial day parade. . The entire regiment will form at th high achool eampue at ?: o'clock next Monday morning, from -whera they wilt march to the Webeter atreet nation and board a epecial train for Blair. Permit to amake, I cent. All dealer. TrVomea who bear chUoTM and r inala uaalthr ara thoM wbo prTra tbalr iystemi la BdTanc of baby' comlcc. Tjalast a notber aide nstnra la tu (rw-catal werk th rl1a Unit bar lyitem oaorjual to tba de maatli m4a upoa It, aad1 aba 1 eftea left with, wttkaaed bsaltb or ebreale allmesu. No remexly is so truly a belp to aatarg aa Motbor g Irtaeed, aad ao expectant mother should fall to ao tt. It rallevaa tba paia aad dlscomloTt eaaied by the atrabi oa tba Hmoai, Bakes S'Jaat aad iaa tJe ttoto abrag aad taaadM whiea Bataro U eipaadlcc, prarfentg aumb- Bcts of iim.lt, sal aootbaa th lcfiAOa- taatica of breast gland. Tba iystera tlcy tbtis prepared by Hotbar's meed dUpeta tba fear that tha crisis bat sot be tafely Bet Motbor's Friend aasuret a apeedr aad eompleta recorerr for tbe aotber, sod sbe Is 1 left a bealtbj woataa to enjoy tba 'rearing of her Wrtlffor eefroe f flCcZwl book for expect- aat awtbers whlck eootoirat BMcJt rahtabto taformaUoa, and foany scf seatlona ot a aelpfal ftotsra, . HaawTPt IIOn.aTni m , tsaaaa, Ca CROPS ARE JSFIKE SHAPE Kdilroai Beports Show that Little Damage it Done to Date. LACK OF HAM IS KOT FATAL Rewearta thaw that little) Lew Will Be Iiarrirawa by Delay af Bala for still A aether Week. Kagardlea of the hot and dry weather that ha continued during the last week. the railroad weather and grain repcrta received at headquarter, are, optlmlatlc aa far a the erop outlook la onixrnui la Kcbraaka. . la moat tocalltt- la Mebraaka aad Kan aaa the report a atata that while aoaklng ralna would he most acceptable, they are aot very badly needed, adding "that aa a rule, there la ao extreme need for rain for aome time. The Burlington' a crop report plZced the condition of winter wheat aa tallows, these figure being made from repott received and aummariied last Saturday: Omaha division. l; Lincoln. W; Wymote. ST. and McCook divlalon. 91 per cent ot a full crop ot 101 per cent. Thla as a drop of about I per cent from on week agx Th report enow most of th corn to have been planted and growing nicely, a good atand and unueually free from weeds. This cereal I reported a being about ten daya late. Pasture are said to be In unusually rood condition. Tha first crop of alfalfa has been cut and I heavy, ranging from two to three tone per acre. Frank Fowler ot the Nye. Schneider. Fowler elevator, in sending out the firm' weekly letter, ssys that smalt grain all over Nebraska would atand another full week without rain before any material damage would be luetaned. He aaya the hot weather of last week waa just what waa needed and waa mora necessary than rata. Relative to corn, Mr. Fowler aaya that practically all of It has been planted aad la coming up evenly and la growing rapidly. Minor Appointments to Be Taken Up Soon Appeintmenta of minor city officials will be renaidered this week by the city commualaner. It was the opinion of the commissioner that nothing ought to be dono toward ratifying th" ippolnt meata until tha general purpos fund was apportioned. Commtastonere win meet Tuesday rind Thursday morning at 1 o'clock !ntrad of o'clock a formerly decided. im mtealoner McOwrern said h would be unable tn attend a I o'clock meeting aa hla lime m the forenoon until a'elovk wa required by hla Jepartment. Did fir th tr.mrince of the dry treasurer' office against burglar were received and referred to the commissioner of finances and amounts tor tabulation. A. C. KukcI. commissioner of street cleaning and nialiilenanc. asked tut r feet of hce for use In fluahlng trevv Bid tor th hoee will be advertised for. Hereafter conimlsiieners who are ab sent from regular meeting of th direc tory muat consider the matter referred to the In solitude. The commtaale de rided to refer to abaeirt commlaaloner the matter coming under their, department and to hold meeting whenever a majority ot tne member are present. Historical Society Meets Here Next Year The tllealaaipa Valley Historical aa eodatlon will hold It U1I convention In Omaha, Tha convention will be attended by prominent historians from all ever th country. The executive committee ot th asaoclatton Include eminent men la nerty every lacllty at th valley, some of whom are: President Oeorge S. Vin cent at Minnesota university, St Oeorg U Btouaaat ot Nashville, Oeorge W. Mar ti" of Topaka, Isaac J. Cos of Cincinnati Thomas M. Owtn ot Montgsmery, Ala.; Clarence M. Burton of Detroit. B. P. hombaugh of lewa City, Andrew C. McLaughlin ot Chicago, June A. Jams of Bvanaton and Francis A. Bemaen of Columbia, Mo. Rue ben Q. ThwaJlee of Madison. Wis. Is president ot the association and Clar ence 8. Paine of Lincoln, secretary af Nebraska Mate Historical association, .t secretary, The convention waa won by Omaha In competltloa with St. Louis, ChlcaaA Mln- neaaoila and Pea Moines. Omaha also haa landed tha next meet, tag of th Nebraska Bute Dental a. sodation. Judge Altstadt Has Sympathetic Wave A stimpathetle wave swept over William Altstadt. acting police judge, and aa the result almost all of the forty cases brought before hire were dlecharged. Ha created eome eurprlee In court by dis charging four speeders, though they ad mitted traveling fast They were P. a Stewart, : Brawn avenue, Joe Collie, Iter Grand hotel: O. A. Wilson, Fifteenth and Jafkaon; a. l. Oilier. Tomorrow morning Arthur P. Guiou. th lumber man. end U.ile lllxby of KB Emmet will to tried fir trading. Dr. B. B. Mao Dalrmid will be arraigned Wed Dead ay. Many Women Will Be Heard in Concert Th Douglas County Sunday Jjcheol as sociation will give a concert at the Audi torium Monday evening. June 17. in writes a grand chorus of 43 young women will take part assisted by aa orchestra of farty-stx piece. Tbe proceeda from the concert will be awed to carry on th sun Sunday school work. The c herns will esnotot ad womea from all th Sunday acooola to Omaha. Three rehearsals will be held each week ntll the night at th concert. John S. Helgrea la directing the cherua and Mar tin atush as accompanist PINEAPPLES ARRIVE FOR PRESERVING SEASON Pineapples hare began to arrive aa tbo local seorket for tbe presarrvttag us sua Three oax.'owda af the trust Bear la th dry. Tbey are ar j jewelry tAeap, ren ins frosa S cents asere to Mta caata. Cratee of toe senaO rarlet are ratutsg at P-S whJto the latsCT arc jctaM at tl a crate. StrawtKiiilea are aUTI at a tow iua LAWYERS MAYJED COATS Jadgct Eefrue to Itiue Formal Or- I den to ThU Effect BUT BAY THEY HQ HOT OBJECT Jadtrtol Collear Gives Its Vtewe oa tbe Diaalty Which Shaald B Obeereed oa tha Mat Daya. Though the district court wilt remain In testes until July 1 or later, and all through tha aummer a few of the judgee will be on duty, the etlomeys and th Juror will aot have to swelter when they try case during th Imminent dog day. Tbe judge were asked for a formal order permltlng attorneys and Juror to coat saay ba removed In hla court room order waa not made, but the Judge Indi cated they will run the risk et sacrificing a Uttla dignity la order that there may be more comfort. When Judg Lata S. Estetle waa asked If coat may be removed la his courtroom whaa It get good and hot, h said. "They can take oft all they want to, ao far as I am concerned. They can dress aa com fortably aa they want to. There won't be sny bjeettoa from me. They can elotha themselves as coolly aa poeaiM without getting arrested and I won t say a word." Judge Charles Leslie aald: "When tt geta bet enough I'm going to shed my coat on tha bench and it the attoraeya tad other la my eoart room don t do likewise. I'll tine them for con- Judge A. C. Troup said be believea In dignity to tbe court room and Isn't an ar dent exponent of the antl-cnat habit, but when It gets too hot ha won't object to removal of coats. Other Judges Indicate that when the mercury aheota ekyward and tbe pitch stream out ot the CTeoeoted Works oa Sixteenth street, tbey will not be too strict about eoate la the court room. Paris Critics Speak Well of Miss Mikova la th New Tore Muatoet Career of laat week aa article from tbe Pari oorre- spoBdent apeaka very highly of th con cert which Mi Mrt Mikova of Omaha. who haa Just completed a couree la Parts under th direction of Wagar Swayaa, gave shortly before sailing for boas. The article say her performance alacee her eatirely abe tha student a." a. taar eats aad confirm her position aa ?ubrte parts rsaer. Miss Mikova win etv a concert at the ease els theater toss arsenal She ha Tory bcUUaai eanhlnairia gad her per Makes iomeBakincr .yai BakingPowder Adds Healthful Dualitiesfaihelliod TheonlyBakingPowdermadB jroui Koyalbrape Cream formance will be Indeed a rare treat for Omaha mualo lovers. Omaha Police Will Be Inspected Today Practically the entire fore of 13S of ficer, detective and patrolmen upon tba roll of th Omaha Metropolitan Police department will be reviewed this afternoon by Mayor James C. Pahlman, Commissioner John J. Ryder, Joe Hum mell. t)aa Butler, C. II. Wlthnell, Thomae MrOovern and A. C Kugel. and Chief of Police John J. Donahue. The Inspection wtll be at 2:10 o'clock In front of the police elation. Captalna H. W. Dunn and Denipeey hava organised nlns platoons of eight patrolmen each, with a captain or sergeant In charge, all of theee to be commanded by Ueiitenant Havre, drHlmaater of the department In addition to the patrolmen and de tective, th petrol and emergency depart ment will be shown by Foreman Tom Baughman and his corps of chauffeurs and assists nts. JACK THE PEEPER CAUGHT PEERING INTO WINDOW A Mrs. William Uddel! of Ma twatur atreet waa diaroblng Hundsy night ah heard aome one etlfle a cnufth In the yard. Quickly leaving the room she noti fied Mr. Uddell. lie went Into the yard and caught rieal McGrath, a mattrees maker, peering through the window Into his wife's bedroom. He held lilm until Officer Ktederman arrived. In police court MrOiath aafil he was sick and did not know why he waa In the Uddell yard. Judge Alutadt ad monished him tn go to bed early when What Ails You Do raw feel weak, tired, oeepoadcot, have treotieaal aeaaV eobea, aoated rondos, bitter or bad test aa ssoraial, ''beart-bara," belctuaf of gai eeid risiaf ia throat after aalsaC ssomach gsat er kwra, foal breath, dixay apella, poor er vane bee ep petite, aauae at usees aad kiadred ysptoosa T t If yoa have ear eoasideraUo aw saber of tbe above aywapeoaa yoe are anaTeriod troaa Viio areas, Isjiaid error with fodigeetioa, or dyepspeaa. Dr. Piorea'a Golden Medieal Diacorery is aoad aae of th snoot valaabie medietas! prwariotse ara to aaediaal eeienee tor Che pi fisiieiat . of each abaoreaal ooaditioea. It ia aaoat ice error favilorator, etoeMch taaie, bowel twdasator aad aerve street tbeaer. Tea "Coles Medical Discover" is aot a patowt medietas er seeret acartrwa. a fwfl hat of it mfredieots bctaf prioted oa ite bonle-wrapper sad floated aodrr aota. A glaaos at riaso will show toot ft eewtaies ao alaohjl, or bars. fill beirt-rorwur. drwga. It ia a laid extract aveej with awr. tncJe-rvaoed - i Mrii rrMM ek mA od oativo Aaaerieaa ssedieal. wefid s Uiaasossry ProJitai5Ie oj Tartar. sick, and asseeeed a fine of ll aad costs tor disorderly conduct Burglar Stops to Eat and Loses Loot A burglar with an l-carat nerve waa surprised In the homo ot William 1. Hotse, ita North Porty-flfth street, by the oocupante, who returned auddenly, but before the police emergency aula could be railed the man escaped. According to Mr. Hotse, the burglar had piled nearly l,oa worth of silverware la a sack, ready to laks with him. and the stopped Jong enough to prepare hlmoelf an elaborate luncheon. He waa la the midst of his repeat when surprised by Mr. Hotse. . ' Citizens of Benson Will Vote on Bonds At the laat regular meeting of tha city council of ftenaon. a resolution by Coun cilman Mather waa carried, calling for a maaa meeting of cttlsens to take action oa I he propoeltton of voting bond a for Ihe Installation of aome kind ot sewsr system, which Is very bedly needed. The meeting Is scheduled for Friday evening, Juno 1. at the city hall. MISS WALLACE HEAD OF COLLEGIATE ALUMNAE tile Mary Wallace was elected presi dent of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae at the annual meeting Saturday ai the home of tiler Beaeie Fry. Mr. C. ". Turner waa rhwn vice president. Mies Ins Ssckett, secretary: Miss Mary Mcdsma Asaosaatina. rropa . ji mi , r. Mcintosh, treasurer. Th new director ere Mia Euphemla Johnson, Miss Ethel Tukey and Mlaa Elisabeth Pry. The aeaoclalton was Instrumental In starting tha Social Settlement several years ago and will shoulder tha respon sibility of supervising ths play of th Settlement children on the grounds et Brownell Hall thla aummer. 11,165 Wholesaler! aas Barroagh Beokkeeptag ataehiae la their everyday boskkeeptBg work. Tha aaaehinea aaee them aaeaey ia haadliag taeeiese. making stateaneate twtoa aa faet aa yea aaa a tt by bead to haadliag every ktod f figax work. Tbey win sava yea saeaey. Tba Barveugks maa la ready to ahow ye. We have epecial Sys tem Seme Bulletir for wrboleealars it's free, for a res. seat. ftrrreweJ Adding Afocm'ne Co a. v. srAUHita saiea a-.M. aeetk uu uaat. OMAHA, ..... Nra Tel. Douglaa Till. f.ViA Every WOMAN W f t . . , .v. . snouiu snow awn low f wondertul Marvel -Wbirling Sprsy" SYRINGE Be? safest most convenient. Cleanses initsntlr. If year dragrtot cossot supply the SARVBU MBanaBaTOiiranrawi eooa aeale4. voeta-n eiracoeaa tsvaiuaoie te leotea. MARVTX COMPANY 4EeaXMSerat teewYerk KST AID HEAIT1 TO lOTHil UD CHIUL Ma. Wiwwn'$ eno-rwtm SvSrr aa beea seed fee ever 61XTT YSASSby XILLIOS of MOTH E US for tkeir CHILUKBN W'UiU TEETHINO, Wtrtl PWJIFECT ktTCCg&S. It SOOTHES the CHILD. fcOFTEJi the GCKS. AtLAVeJall PAIN ; CtHEi WIND COLIC, aad the beet u uiidy for U1ASSHCFA- It ia ah whrtety serwileee. be eere eod e Ice - Mr. 9l J 3 M Lb e Sato toy Orag Co. Mad aV- U iMIalBB tv Mr .iall mmttsm asollaim kiiudvi eooioiag ojmp. awa aasa tlae Tweatsveosaua satua.eb