THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 28. 1912. tf5 Special Selling Women's $4 and $5 Pumps and Oxfords $2,95 The Shoe Department will set a new record for May ales. Their buyer has done much to pave the war with a special purchase of Women's $4.00 and $5.00 Pumps and Oxfords that will be on rale this week at $2.95. These are in dull and tan calf, black suede and patent fonr-evekt ties; also black or brown velvet pumps. SPECIALS m SHOI DRESSING .White Nova .19c j Shoe Cream 19c Shoe Snow 10c Gilt Edge .19c Alaska Clay Outfits, complete ,25? "Cfnrf rJtfM" Qkneic Wo! Nb'nslva arsrtts for the fnv dltUUsgUl OU0CS ou choc for children, broad and mo di um to laau natural shape, yet fashtonabln to the lait defre. u In rtTTl . tmm till II r9 11.11 11518-1520 FARtfAM STKEET ALFALFA NETS 616 RETURNS ; Holdrej Kan Tells of Profit Hade by His yeighbon. BTJTXJ IHA5 IXSIGATZD 1A5D Kebraaka itrn Brim Creater Re. tame Thaa Any l-aad la tha I nlled Statca far tfc Money . laveetcd. "Alfalfa.' aald B. If. Price of Holdrate at the Faxtaa Suaday, "I one of the axon profitable crops that the farmer of Vearaaka ean rale, and under some con dition and etrearaatenree will pay the lead owner t to K par acre groee per annua. 1 think It can be relied eucceaa. fulljr In all aertlene ef the etate, but probably M deea a Utile better In the South Plait valley thaa farther cast and north. Tke ami eeema la. be better adapted le lie growth fer aome reason. "When I talk of the large revenue from alCeJfe I have a eaa In mind. North of llolerege George Taylor bae a field uf forty aerea at the forage -plant It waa pastured aU laat fall aad winter until the keay a now eama and at that time the round wee alinoet bare. The plant eterted to grow with the flret approach ef arm ayaalbcr thla aprlng and right now the entire field haa the appearance of a flower garden. The field la ready for the tint cutting, which will be netted thla week. Taylor Makee Bstlasate. "Mr. Taylor baa 4d aome eetlmale and be figure that the cut will run two tone per aero. Hut the beet part, of the deal le that he haa contracted every ton to a Denver commleelon man. He get 111 per ton. f, 0. b. Iloldreg. The ex penee of the harveet will not be to ex ceed 13 per ton. which learre a nice little net of 110 per toa. or 3t per acre. There are few ernpe lliat will make mora than thla. but thi la not alt. "Along III July, or perhape the latter part of Jim, la the event the climatic conditions are rtiht, Mr. Taylor 1U take aft another cutting. Thle ought to run arvaad three- tone per aera and tell fe et leant PJ per ton. f. . b. Moldrege. which you ean figure le eaotW fcl per acre grass. Thla ought ta aatlefy any tree. But hotd'oa. "In Auguet there will be another crop ready to take off thle field. Thla will probably be about two lone per acre and It ought la eel I fur H per toa gross, thua In the aggregate making HI per art that the forty acres aunae to return this feeaoa a revenue, to tay Rotim of the paeturage that It WIN afford alter l.e laat cut Mug and until the ground la to. red with saow aa deep that cattle i-e sl ant grase. Better Thaa Irrigation. "Show me a place la the famous and much boomed Irrigation eeettuua of tl.e west where land will produce euch re turna. While Mr. Taylor- lend is nut tor eel, tract la cke proximity anil equally a productive, though not fl highly Improved, can be bought tor from ta lit pet acre, while that Irrigated land out where thvy can tali three to all ton of alfalfa annually I adverileed and talked up aa being cheap at Ut to S per acre. Nebraska l good enough for any wan who win rultlrai the land and tue hi bd ta ee doing. If a niaa can make a per acr a Mr. Taylor Is dulng there t pa tie ef looking or going eleowhere to try aad find re me thing better." Jalla Baaae. Scarlet fever itatmtd a second vk-ttci ta the Baeae family Sunday, whan Julia, the -eat-.V deuxhter .f Mr. and Mr. Job Baau, aivrf. Tlirve weeks g. Joaa, r, taa to lent eon. d!-d from the fever. The funeral wae held yester day aftameoa from tke doom. 1211 South Twalf lb atnet. la lu meat Bwng In roreat Lawa cenwtery. . The Newest American Drink Hawaii Has PrasBte4 tLe W.rld Wda a New Drak tisi is Deitaiea ! to Become th Drink of tot Age. , Try taitlsg tail wen jtrful w bev erage for awkiis and ootic bow good yam feaL It will bnild p th entire evstem. Put piaeapple juice hag taste ttiat xaaka aa iaotant ppaaL Its iaeo. rab!a (oedaea acd health giving a,ualitie hav naia it tha" foremen Amerieaa drink. It very aecidedlj aid digest io sd I apcxiallj iaeoDaded for ease of tor throat. Biager aad pabli speak ar should a ever be without it Dole' Piaeappl Juiea i th pur uiea of choice pineapple, and i pot tied right wber tha fruit ia growm. Sold by f reear aad dragpsts averv wkera. Order a bottle to-day. "CooIiEf Drinks aad Deeeert" a tit tie book eostaiiiBf reripea far gaaaj pleaaaat, pool leg drinks, ant free. KawaiUa Ftnap-1 Frodaets On, Ltd. . 113 Market tV, tsa frrsr'aco great rV-TVi at V iistac .01.1 TREES" GROW IN SAND EULS Xollea Man 8ayi it it PoMible to Seforeit Fite.. -t USED MAPLE COTTONWOOD. PT2TZ Three Yrare Age Me btarta Kspert saeata aad ee Haa Many flee Uraerlaa; Troee oa Fwraiea a. tireat Deerr. ". a i That It to poeilble to reforeet the send- hill aectloa ef Nebraska has been thor oughly proven." eeld K. K. Olson, residing north of Mullen, aome twenty miles In Cherry county. Ha waa In the city over Sunday, etopplng at the Fallen, , "My ranch. Including a Klnkald borne. ateed and I.M err of deeded land, ta right ta the heart of the sandiest of the Sandhill. Of courae, I have aome valley and hay flats, but the greater portion consist of a uccfton of bill of (and. Thla sand la without bottom and as while and pur aa that along the Missouri river. By keeping the prairie tire off I hevs succeeded In getting all of the hills grased over ao that the pasturage Is fine and the Nnwoula no longer oncur. How ever, It I sand. Kiperlsaaat a laeeesa. Three yeere age I start rd experiment ing with treee. planting buxelder, maple. Cottonwood end pine. The flret year we unusually dry, but of the. !. tree planted I did not lone to exceed too. The me ile nearly all pulled through, as did the Cottonwood. The loesee were the heaviest with the boxeidera, the poorest tree of all. I did not lose mere than fifty of my pines. The neit year I did not toee a tree and this taring every one ef them I In fin condition and growing rapidly, "To get my start I planted pine seed lints and the needs of the me pie and box eidera, The cotton woods were seedlings pullrd long the Nlohrara liver In the north. "L'nderetend I aid net plant my treee In hay (leu and vllc)a for thla land waa- loo valuable for thla purpose, I put them on the side of the tandhllle and la some I nuance right on the very tops of the rldgea. Now 1 have hundred of tree six e" right feet high and they have been (rowing but three yeara. 1 expect 1 have l.bxi pine treee as large around ae a man' wrist and from four to five feel high." Sudden Flood Causes Loss Near Yankton TAKKTOH. S. D., Mty .-(SneeUI Ttl.tram.)-Tnree Itiehne of rain fell In yanktoa this moraleg. Ithln creek roes to a height not kao.ra since the town eaa settled. Many hemes were flooded and t da.vb-c.x li.!u!Mtile were reeeucd by boats. Ore It anmage waa don to city nnd c-nintry lrtdk. with bsavy Individual Insf. jia'.t or th rainfall fell In tweu'.y nilr-itfu. The Jamua river va!.y Is flooded aud there bill be great lues to farmers, ti le f-sred. The water I now rphi!r etiheldlng. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC . IS MARRED BY A JEST ' Thorax aad It. K. foraa, bricklayer. nearly brought the aaaual plonks of the Talmud Torah Hebrew achool to an un timely nd yeMerday afternoon by aa ssuiung A. Richards, an of tha pi. Bicker. Thomas eVren and hi brother were unbtddsa gut at tha plrnH and feuhag that their proven ee was not vented they grew restful. "Hey, Ikcy, vnt t buy a llmand." mockingly shouted one of them, la the rush to sea th duttaoBd Richards led. and titc Intruder thinking It waa a concerted attack upoa taem. seed their ftta lustily. uuttltg th picnicker to route. Th police war called and the brothers were jailed, but were later released it bonda of tA. They were gtvea ten days in Jail sack this asoralag by Jud. s.';uadt. ORUGGiSTS MES-GER IS WORKED bTEPWS CHECK Th muxty cl ciieck le krt waa worked Su-osy mc.tng upon Arthur (let ray, -i ir'sseneer. y an ua-' every IdetUfied p o,t h weeid fane rather, coiu vieuu; iliy abo'ill McCtav lay hi if sis ueol r e J alee ! him. Abo-it midnight Jalurday "i",,4!'" romrone veiled up the Pestoa Ifrug coa- stuns sever pany at nfterath aad Faineot xtreetsjeet eera a-;d asked a certain trcscripUoo he! l''",,J rno end ent ont, srd that the nieesca- uii'tt (nv .un soe-jHa annz ; alone rh-x- for ll rlil I When Met-ray delivered the pecktge toj a man la apartment io. I of the Sterling : pain e auael apanrneni at Eurhteenth and St. Mary's: t-retest In he waa tendered a bogus check, but he! 7?."" f.or did But knew II then McCray gave th; stringer H."H and returned. The check was discovered to TWO FISKERMcN NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH IN RIVER Char lea Wast. )r and another flsher- irse. living en th lose side, narrowly escaped drath by drowning when thctr boat wa overturned yesterday la the middle ef the MUeeurt by the high wind white using a trammel net. The upturned boat and abandoned net were fewnd and both were thought lost. Later search by Ibe of ti cere ef Oouartt Bluffs revealed that they had managed a perl Saws wta through Ihe high wavea to Lev wire . i racxait. S oantav CUBANS DO N0? NEED AID President Gomes Cable Firm Pro. test Afint Intcmatiea. PEOPLE WILL CEtJSH EIBELLIOI Abaajdaatly Able aad Wlllla ta Pwt i Da wo ibe laewrroettaa fleet Sella Paath aa Marry Ordere. HAVANA. Hay K.-Presldent Oomet yesterday sent a cablegram to President Tart In which he proton ts In friendly but firm term agahut Intervention by tne t aura ataiea. gi It la my duty to say that ao serious a resolution alarms and hurta the feel Inge of people who love and are Jeakvua of their Independence," he say after reciting that he had received from United State Minister beaupra a note Inform ing him that the Washington govern ment bad ordered a i unheal to Mpe bey and a strong naval conrcntratlon at Key Vi'eat In ntlrlpetloa of toaalble eventue ti tles; and -also In event that th Cuban government wae unable to protect Amer ican property It waa the Intention to land foreea for that purpose. PresMmt Qomes eat the government le doing Ite utmost, having within four daya sent !. troopa by land and see to crush the rebellion la Ortente and In that abort time reatored order hi all parte of tha laland with that exception. . He also says that . rlflea with ammuni tion hav hern distributed to loyal ctti aena and that tha government le pre pared to flsud the comraratlvelir small disturbed section with regular and volunteer, Caba Able la Art. ' "I appeal to you," he continue, "as a loyal friend of Cuba, respecting Ite rights, that you will be convinced that thla gov ernment la capable and sufficiently sup ported by the valor and patriotism of th Cube people to deal promptly with a tew unfortunate and misguided persons without resaon ar flag. "If yau understand thaa condition you will perceive that It le not the part of a friendly government ta contribute, under uch elrcumetancce, ta tha embarrass ment of government and people euch aa tboaa ef A'uba. placed. It la true, In unfortunate conditions, but not lacking la It methods, patriotism and courage," Up to a late hour tonight President Qomes had received ao reply' to thla message REBKLI ACTIVK I T HI It .XT IS Naaseraae Calls tor Pratertlaa Made Vpaa (Inverasaeal. SAMTIAOO, Cuba. May .-Condltln In th province of Orient continue lo he extremely alarming. rom all quarter, petition are pouring In for protection,' which Ihe government le unable to furnish brcauss all available troopa are being roncentratod for th purpose at surrounding the ma.n bodies of the rebe's under Generals Ksteno and Ivonet. Troops under Colonel Machada had ar engagement at Parrel with tha rebels. In which a number of the rebela are re ported to have been killed or wounded, tha remainder being dispersed. A cora peny of volunteers of Santiago ex changed shots last night In tha outskirts of the city with a party of insurgent whom they dispersed. At Tlcuahos, near Ouantanamo, go, omment forces under Captain Persy routed band ef Insurgents, klll'ng sev er.. ' Ml tehre Threatened. A party of led mounted asgroea ap peared last night at Aurora Mantel, threatening an attack oa fil Cobra, ten mile vest of Santiago, where the mines of the Cuba Copper company are located The government being unable la despatch troopa rent fifty rifle with which of ficial of th coramnr armed the miner aad o(Vier employe. Oreat alarm t felt at Baracoa, The town la without protection and Is out off from oomiuunlceUoa with the Interior, An urgent appeal haa been made to tha government to lend a gunboat. General Estenoi passed through Jara hurea. about thirty at! lea to the north west of Ouantanamo, the inorolnT 't1" M mounted men ander els Immediate command. General lvenet. with a band of U0 negroes, mounted end a. mJ ... new rifle, la pillaging the stores at Is Carolina and vicinity. Insurgents have appeared near Bayaoio and Jlgulnl. In tha interior to th west, which hereto fore haa been reported tranquil. Mrbela Active', The rebels have again surrounded Palma Soriano, north of Santiago, tha In habitants or which are vainly appealing It protection. The Atlantic Fruit Steam ship company haa also asked protection tor It property at Sagua da Tanama, on th north coast of Onvote. but ao troops are available. General Katenea yesterday demanded KM from planter la tha vicinity ef Tiguaboa. He obtained tl. after threat ening t hang the planters. Reports from ManxsaUia, an tha weat coast, atat that a number of nagroea. who were leaving town ta Jola tha In surgents in the field, exchanged shots alt patrol, some of them being wounded. Th force of volunteers organtted by tha chamber of commerce at Santiago to Bingo! BIng!! Corn's Gono! . . , , Wdlf Smilllf SfUM, Lfirglf Imllll p h b t Ihe ,' corn a a eeond's mZ.' ,,,. A, ' n a ukk rld da see t woret coma call ouaea, buniene thel evee grew i an h a m a a levt t.t eartial riddance' whole rei iniog im: e.very lime: ' euieller shoes se larger em ilea ' I (uv unmih ej a wuistle shoe ;itpi on so eejilly. peinleasly ou furgel -jfie.t ever had foot tiuultla. 1 ! down to th reefs eim oiit It i-me ' uet ilka mat' KwM t hurt keolthv I t SUaUJft. Hi'-ao s a eifferent Irom usual ', torn mrM" aad eee. ' 1 . W.J . JMK It- . At sit sr mkm. mw-i o. in Xck n.r- " ' -".ev in SeM la isw m, e. A VWeMl Ov r.. Ml ui ta see H..a M.. tse rnsv siss ' rsetwM. e Xa Xk . protect the city now numbers upwards of 3M well armed men. The strike baa bees settled and the work of loading the stcamere has been resumed. Automobile Stops on Intenirban Track and Four Are Killed MARTINSVILLE. Ind.. May r.-Tour persona were killed at Centerton. near here, late today when their automobile went dead on the tracks of the Martlna vllle divwlon of the Indianapolis. Terr Haul Eastern Traction company and waa hit by ear. The automobile wae thrown Into a ditch and wrecked.. The dead: w. d, brown: ta. MRS. W t BROWN. 51. MISS BON VIE BAII.ET, 1J.- MISS lUiMK CURE. 17. All lived In Martlnavllle. Ind. Edde Brown, aged U, arm of the dead eeupte was driving tha automobile and owea his Ufa to the fact that he Jumped when ha sw ha wea unable to get the machine started- He wax severely In- Chief Justice White ' Asked to Take Hand NEW YORK, May XT.-After trying In vain to aclect tha rive men necessary to complete the board of seven men to arbi tral the demands of the engineer oa Ihe eastern railroads. K Is understood that Daniel Willard tnd P. II. Morrlaeey, the arbitrators, respectively representing the railrcada and the engineers, formally will place the matter In the hands of Chief Justice Wlille of Ihe United autre Su preme eoyjt. Judge Martin A. Knapp of the commerce court and Labor Com missioner Charles P. Neill this week. U waa originally agreed that they were to select five arbitrator to complete tha board In eaa Willard and Morrlssey were not able to agrr on them. - Mr. Morrlssey left, her today for Wash ington, where, with Mr, Willard, he will eonfer with Judge Knapp and Com mlasloner Neill, who will select the five arbitrators and the chief Justice will ratify their choice. TEXAN GOES ON SEARCH FOR WOMAN WHO SLASHES HIM "I'm from Ten and aa toon a 1 get my six-shooter Tm goln' to- make an Omaha colored woman understand how we resent losult down In th Lon Star state. " In a d re matte manner a man giving th name of Ed Kinney and hi addresa aa Roaenhurg. Tex., told Poliea Surgeon Eiwood Sunday afternoon what he waa going to do to a woman who had slashed him across the left arm with a raaor. Kinney aaya he waa cut by a woman In tha Pan hotel an Dougla street. ' -At a late hour laat night Mr. Kinney from Texaa bad not mads hi return trip to wreak his vengeance upon th woman with the raaor. ' . yA Pleasant Sarprtee ' follows ibe first doe of Dr. King' New Life PHtei th painless regulator that strengthen you. Guarauleed, 3c. for sale by Beaton Drug Co. . . . a 7- M nw J. J AJ?"!1 . ' TTi t s-ji -k taTTgWhas f i . '.'I . i i- l ' liwl -xaxiaB. 1 m S'I'i ' .A r wW. w . )SxanTW 'V ken, i It makes one think of everything that's pure and wholesome and delightful. Bright, sparkling, teeming with palate joy it's your soda fountain A old oaken, bucket ,: 4'-. Free Whenever you tee an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. DES MOINES CONDEMNS MEAT Fire Thousand Pounds Held to Be Unfit sad Vawaolesomc. PRODUCT OUT OF C0ID STORAGE State. Board af F.eretloa I resident Boweiaa la Bin Can-" aalidatloa a Brnnchea ! - Medical Sebaab Benn tlfylac Cdly. . (Fro eUaif Correspondent.) DES MOINES. la.. May S,'-Special Telegram.) Five thousand pounds of meal belonging to J. W. Dorr, th Dorr Cattle company nnd Iowa Packing com pany, pronounced impure and unwhole some by Crty Physician Ray lor, was ordered conflecated today br the city council, sitting aa the board of health.' The meat waa In cold storage at the Shermarhorn - and Shotwell warehouse. Notice of the council's action condemn ing the meat and ordering It dee troy ed was sent to the owners at once. Some of the alleged Impure meat wa seised by health officiate at the grading camp of tha .Lincoln Improvement com pany. '. The State Board of Education held a session today and among other thing considered Ihe attack made on the state university, iu regard to the changea lo the medical achool. to which the homeo paths object. The board members say they will not comply with the request of doctor for a change. Member of the Greater Dee Maine committee today pledged KW. la aid of the building of a dam serosa the Dee Mot nee river near the Junction of the Coon River to form a lake in tha city and for ornamental purposes. It la pro posed to build such a dun to beautify tha river near tb aoetofflca and elty Seeweant AeejalMet. n xfarder. CODT, Wye.. May Tf . t Special. V-cer-geant Clarence Brtttatn, charged with the murder at Private Cunningham la Yellow stone park laat March, was acquitted by Try Thla Dainty Lunch t Our Soda Fountain Cub of Oenula Dutefe Hot Chocolate with Whipped Crsam aad Educator Toast- aratt TRY OUR MACAROONS, KISSES. CAKES, ETC.., la baaary department, oa mala Door, ffiurtngy a go - The Old Oaken Bucket t fe Filled with cold, no such water now- Bring back the old days with a glass of km Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching Demand the Genuine Refuse Substitute. THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. Our new booklet, teSinc of Coca-iJoui windica- I Ktn at vnstsawS ius j f Ilia court-martial that reviewed the cap. The find of th court-martial were sent to 'San Prandeea for confirmation, but that aha verdict will, be apprfVed goes without saying. Brittain la still ta cos ftneBaettt, but will be released aeon, Tha testimony showed that Cunabtgham had mutinied and refused to obey the order at Sergeant Brittain. who era farced ta hoot ta aava hie own life. Private Prank Carroll, who eras accidentally (hot at th time of th Cunningham killing. h re covering. ' ...... . DANNER BECOMES "WILD" TO GET SENT TO JAIL .DAVBNPORT. Is.. May S.-Pteeding guilty to being a "wild man" aa ha ax pressed It. Pat Danner. who claims th record of having been arrested more times than any other man la Iowa .today re ceived the much coveted eenteoce of ten day In Jail. Vagrancy wa th technical charge. . Danner had been presenting himself la police court ovary ten daya during the winter and spring and asking for th vagrancy sentence. Hd waa refused ad mission to lb Jail at the expiration of hi last sentence. Yesterday ha went out Into tha country and laid down under a true. When people pawed, be made atrang sounds and signs, snd was soon rushed to th town under close guard. . Today -after ha had bean scute need, b vnlled. appreciatively at the Judge. - UNCLE SAM WILL NOT INTERVENE (Continued from Flret Page.) activity around Hie naval station today. The coal holats have been busy filling bargee and l.lut ton will- be delivered Immediately to th Nebraaka. in addition to other (applies. Caputs Woo) of the Nebraaka haa been sd vised that 130 marines coming here by special train will be embarked on th Nebraaka. . . A large number of volunteer were en listed by th Cuban consul here today for service In Cuba. 5c tothe brim . clear purity pi 4 P.Z 1 T-i lit! IASK to see 'the splendid I new patterns inGOTH- i patterns AM Outing, Field and Town shirts in tine Manns. jn- U en or Silk. Ji.OO to 1750. V. r, 1. J, I , , u request. a dsaye a aT arfsJ " -Sth Ave. Bids, new York WK C r f John Says: "lilt gplitworm. Bi Can so aad Bad Byebottoat are gota' ,1 IteaiB' aeas w. Jt) Thar bought a box of rmtrsT Bwsram s OI0) ABB ef in sad a Xae- ef Baak Biu Cure frasa a triaad at zelae ap tha treel." John' Cigar Store i6th and Harney St$. AMISrIMtXTS. LAKE HANAWA. NOW OPEN ' More beautiful thaa aver before. " " "1 , . A First Class Restau rant' entirely" enclosed with screen. Dancing in the Grand Ball Boom.. Fine Music Many other attractions. Admiisitm to Park Free Drandeis Theater On Vtfkt Only, rrKUy, May 31. rrtoaat SO to SI Boxea, 11 M and ft. The Senior Olaea of the Omaha High School, Preeeata Bobert Marahall' TlagUag Goaaedy twaxaa. "A Royal Family" B la borate Frodactioa, Cast of rorty, faclndlBg Vernon nahleh, aa Louie TH. Ben a Bras dels Bos Office Base Ball OSIABA VS. WICHITA ' ROURKE PARK May as-sa-rr-a htaaday. Map XT, IrfHtle Bay. Care leave ltth and Karoam. S:ll Oaraee called : PIANO RECITAL MAltlE MIKOVA TJty iTtnlnt Itj 28, 1912 BBANDEI3 THEATRE Assisted by Mxea, Saedsa Onus by, Boprana, Bus-. Berglax. nanaipanisu ' TtteU, SOe. 7Sc.'si.OO ltd SI 50 gaVfhfttBl WmW OB bbbVIs. Aft Bm grkdNM ORPHEUM TONIGHT ELKS' BENEFIT Tha Ah-Sar-Bea Opersuo Secleey ta the MIKAD O QTB POU.SX. IWMi .1 av.tsKiiinn BOnB XnOBT-JTJBB th " iwn ?! aeapany. Lni.en Russell, tay Teoipleuw. William Collier. Oeorge Behan. Beeeia Clayton. John iLff'' A? Helene Collier tsarrtck and eher and Fields. SBATg WOW IKITTO. ' BOMS SUMKEa GAEDEN Entertaineri & Photo Plays Dine Ont Doors BCXBarmA ,tbbt srssigs