Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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J. J. McLsin. 84 Yew Old, Comei
Whei Omsia it Samtog.
Iw Earlier Days He E a as ere la the
FrrickllBB Be si ares "
Tals CUT aa Dearer,
1. I. McLaln. aged M years, on of the
earliest settlers in Omaha, dirt of old
'hie at hi home. 3S14 North Twenty-fifth
trtrret. at :Js o'clock Monday mornlnc
- Th funeral will to held at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon from th residence.
Rev. William of too Flrat Methodist
church will official. Th Interment will
toe la Prospect Hill cemetery.
. .Mr. Mcl-aln waa born la Pennsylvania
Jlsy It. isa. When a small boy b moved
with hit parent to Trumbull county,
Ohio, nai attended th public school
tliere. When It year old hi parent died,
l or nine year after that b remained In
Ohio. On May . UK, he wa united In
marrUee with Mary E. rale. In 1SS7 th
bride and groom left Ohio and cam west,
Th couple landed la Omaha, or la th
town of Haratoca, which at that time
wa nrar Twenty-foerth and Ame avs
Boe. Mr. McLean need In Omaha after
his arrival her no til hi death. H
erected a house In Saratoga, but moved
Bearer th center of Omaha a th town
built up.
rKsrapes) Ireaa ladlaaa.
' In IKS Mr. VcLaua ngaces In the
freighting bualneas between Omaha and
lnver, and many Mori war toM by
him of th harrowtnf experience with
and narrow escapes from th Indians. H
was a member of tb first aurvaylng
pirty that went out for the Union Pacific.
During Ms first years In Omaha he
Joined the First Methodist church and
was a member of It for thirty years, after
which h transferred his membership I
Trmitf. of which b was a men bar when
he died. He waa known a th oldest
Msihodlst In Omaha. For fifteen years
he led the choir at th First Methodist
rnnrch and hta wife was th leading
soprano. Up tb th tun of hi death Mr.
McLaln and hi wife wr frequently
called upon to sine at pioneer gathering
Mr. McLaln waa on of th flrat mem
bers of the board at trustee of th Meth
odist hospital. He was a member of th
Nebraska Pioneer.
i Mr. McLaln I survived by hi widow,
fie dtufhtera and a son Mr. M. H.
Wells, Len( Beach, Cel.; Mra Oeorgs
'Crsndsll. Los Armeies; Mrs. R, B. Jonas,
Boston, Mass.; Mr. Fred Driver, High
Mirer, Alberta, Can.; Mrs. George Hpang.
)er. Fremont. Nth., and Fred J. McLaln,
Hancock, MW. '
Services to Be Held
in Soldiers' Circle
Memorial services will be held at the
soldiers' circle In Forest Lawn cemetery
br. Oerfleld drcl No. 1L Qettysburg
circle No. t and the ladies of th Orand
Army of th RepuMIe Thursday morning
st M o'clock. Th program will be a
follows: 1
March Headed by Boy Boout. John
N. Berger, nwrshai of tbs day,
, t"wn. "America." audleno.
InvocailoD Matlonal Chaplain Camilla
Address. Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, ,
ong. "Toll th Bells." children.
Kxerctses for unknown graves, children.
, ong. "Scatter the Flowers. children.
Kttuellstte decoration, off! oars of ladles
f tlie Orand Army of the Republic.
Song, ladle of the Orand Army of the
Republic 1
Firing salute, detachment Signal corps.
Fort Omaha.
Taps, by trumpeter.
rieroratlon of all soldiers' graves by
scouts nd children.
Father Judge Talks
, About Know Omaha
Father Judge of the Sacred Heart
church advised the people "unday morn
ing In hi sermon to help boost along th
"Know Omaha" campaign. Omaha I a
irjt educational center and offer great
Mutational advantage to th people of
Omaha, he said, and they should help
(long th campaign by visiting th dlf,
'event school and business house la th
my and Inform their friend of what
they tun.
"Omaha la on of the greatest packing
enters In th world,' he said, "and very
few cities have a many faster! and
larg commercial heusea Th sisters era
teveloetng tit taste of observation In
th school children along this Una. I think
this csmpeirn I a great thing tor th
people of Omaha, and every' body ahould
Velp along.
Memorial day will be observed hi th
fuy schools Wednesday by special sxer
cist' Readings, rarttatloB and music
sill comprise to aragrain. School will
not keep Thursday, Decoratioa day.
Thursday will bs a vacation In th
ichoole and tb school ehUdrea will sot
be requested to take part In any of tb
memorial service about th ctty.
. Childtvn to the somber of M will take
pert In the Knight of Columbus obeer
' !ance at th Auditorium Memorial day.
jt thee 34 will com from th Church
ef th Immaculat Concept ion.
John L. Webster will deliver the ad
irets of th day at the Auditorium OS
' Pattkrtism. Th. Rud. Reese will lead
t c.iorus of , St singer from tb choirs
sf the several churches.
gjrif mum- ltW2-mi&1S&
J - . 4 nwaBawsw -.SawawaBBav .seBBS. .sab, see awawi I I ni assesses s s - c . .
A Big Bargain Special
Fine Embroideries
Worth up to 25c at, a yard, 10c
18-inch Fine Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroid
ered riouncings Also corset coverings, medium and
wide edges, insertions and galloons hundreds of
pretty designs. The window display has attracted
much attention. Worth up to 25c a yard , 4 A
wonderful bargain, at, yard : WC
27-inch Sheer Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Flouno
ings Fine corset coverings, 24-inch allover enibroid-.
eries; also waist f routings, wide bands and galloons
choice, new designs in English eyelet, floral and new
combination effects; many actually worth 75c OQi
a yard. Exceptional values, at, yard . . . . .
Two Specials in Silk Aisle
Fin Imported Crape Llsse,
chiffon voile, tb beat SOc .
fancy vol In In tb market.
In thirty-seven different pat.
terns, pink, blue and whit
and black predominating
on epectal sale, at, OQ.
...... .BJi
Double width, M-lnch and 45
tnch ellk and wool poplins,
bordered foulards and Radi
um silks, measaltnes, peau de
Ima KhMnln de baIa
I Qk.ntniiaa and IMflfM silk'.
usually sold for $2 and !50
a yard very specially 451
priced, at, yard V
per yard
The New Couch Hammocks
Special Showing In Drapery Dept.
Hand woven Hanfmorks, In '
an excellent line of colon
spreaders at both ends, will
: go ontsale at,
' 34.08
Hundreds of style of Ham
mocks In canvas and woven,
with or without pillows
' at, each. $3.60, 12.18, $l.8,
$160 and 980
Couch Hammocks with steel
frame, mattre and wind
shield Just the .thing for
summer comfort complete,
t , 86.50
Coach Hammocks with steel
frame, heavy mattress: can
be used as couch or swing
complete at $12.60, $9.t
end S7.SO
Brandeis Stores
Ilanan Shoes' have been termed the shoe
without a hurt by all who wear them. We are
showing afull line of sizes and widths in all
popular and up-to-date lasts for men and wo
men in these famous shoes, either high or low.
$5.50 to 87.00
DREXEL fainam
I l ,4)09
hprlng eroraotlsns la th Omaha High
school cadet reap meet havs bea an
eunce4 br Commandant Cewaa aaa they
to inus effect Immediately. Th list of
Bw ofOcera
. aptaia of Campaay E Edwm Lanoai.
' Kirat Ueolenant ai4 Adjutant of Third
tlaitaltoo Everett Burke.
. i-irst UeutcBant of Cosspaay O Paul
second Ueutenaat of Comnaay O Har
sisr Kanoachun.
ecrgeaat of Comes ny G Prank Malta-
tT'twTOent taxpayer are kelng broughl
to time by the distress warrants Issue
fry ity aaa County Treaaurer L re. a
urcH of thirty warrants were gtvea u
the sheriff several day ago. U th
rr i tfeputiew has heea able t find
have said their taxes rather than hsve
ihr property seised. Most - , those
ieainat. whom warrants fcav been issusd
Mtnnot be found by th officers and ar
"-l s fcire !eft c sseathi ago.
Modification of McCtfferr Decition
Heeded to Untangle Mattel.
City Atteraey . Rise and Ceateste
slssst MeGeverm Will Aaaeat
' te th Kehraska Sa
areas Beach..
Ctty commissioner will request suorems
eaurt to gtv tb motion filed by the city
for a modification of th decision la the
oss of Hugh McCaffrey arecedent ovr
other case Bow pending. Th request
will be made berau all paving opera
tions ar being hel up here until the
ruling of tb court Is modified or i
stsJned la such a manner as to dlspsl all
doubt about th proper procedure la the
creation f Improvement district and th
levying of taxes
Commissioner Ryder hss Introduced a
resolution at a meeting of th directory
and It will s submitted to the supreme
court by City Attorney FUn and Thomas
McOovant. supsrlnisndent of public
works. Ths resolution ask that th ele'-
motlnn b taken out of th ordinary
routta of lltlgstton and eonsMered and
psaaed od at th earnest possible day.
I.ery Dlalriet Limited.
According to th opinio handed down
la th McCaffrey case several months
ago. taxr for paving cannot be levied
sutstd th improvement district. It alee
raises a grav doubt a to th legality of
U proceeding heretofore followed la the
creation of paving districts la th city.
Prove? ty holder not abutting th street
t os paved cannot be taxed, the court
holds, and th law providing a srhsdute
of the s mount of taxes is be paid by tb
residents la aa rmprovement district Is
thereby held void. Omaha ha followed
this law and all property owners in a
district havs been taxed, heaviest tax
being srvtad ea th property shutting the
street i a paved. .
Attorney Rib sod Mr. McGovcrn will
go te Lincoln and ars th most dlHexnt
action. Paving petltiea era bow la the
hands of tb legal eBartment. bat will
not es passed aa aa to sufficiency until
son aaodlftcatloa or explanation of tb
supreme eoart opt nisei I secured.
mission sr. . Thess rang from mild en
treaties tu i:eseagea demanding Imme
diate actios to llmlBat om svll.
W will be gid to oonsldsr call from
those who give us their names." said
Colonel Ryder, '-and we can keep th
name la confidence, but it would be
useless te aaswac calls from unknown
cltlsens." ,
Bishop Bristol to
v Come About July 1
Bishop Frank M. Bristol, D. D., LU D..
who was assigned te Omsha by the
Minneapolis conference of the Methodist
church, will not com to Omaha until
July L Owing to aa operation for appen
dicitis which Bishop Bristol underwent
a few raonth ago In South America,
where he was recently been located, and
t the Immense strstn of work sine th
tart of th present conference Blehop
Bristol will rest at tb horn of his
son In Minneapolis during ths month of
June, sfter which he will move to Ontahv
Btskea Nwilesn. who roes Is Zurich.
Switzerland, will leave Omaha probably
Friday, aa h must bold hi first Euro-
pees conference Jun 11
Jo B HummeL commissioner of nark
nd public m-ocerty. will aaetea a arai
officer to patrol the snores of Carter
lake and warn th yrang and th old
that swimming without suits must b
uBdey several hundred swimmer en
joyed th water of Carter lak. the
majority of them without bathing suits
As there ar numerous visitors to ih.
Mb, .and excursion parties, th swim
mers er an embarrassing nuisance.
Mr, Hummel behove that hi time th.
commission will make soaw arrangement
to furateh suits, bat funds will sot bow
permit It, Aa ffler will go a duty
ftunday t afore the ruling t tb com-
Police Commissi otssr Ryder
tlce ea writer of sjraaymov letter aad
reeMeat wh talk by telephone bat re
fuse ta dtvwlge their tdewtlty. thst n at.
taetioa will be paid tneir eomrlauits.
Within the tut fw day dwasas of let-
lev em wtiMw cauxs irwoi aaonyaiou , I ' .
persons hare heea received by the con I as
Mew at rweereemut,"
M never writ tee of theee wh er cough
and colds witk Or. Klteg New Dlsoevary
Uuaranteed. Uc aad H a .Tor sast ay
Beaton Drag Cav
We Sell Pictorial Review Patterns Be
cause They are the Best Patterns Made.
Everything Here
for the Sweet Girl
Beautiful ready-made dresses for
commencement or class-day wear;
Exquisite fabrics aad trimmings if
she perfers to have dresses made;
The right gloves, ribbons, handker
chiefs, stockings, pumps, etc.;
In fact, everything in wearables or
accessories needed by the graduate.
Absolutely correct in Btyle. Reason
ably priced, too.
This spoon is beautiful
O housewife - wants
other than beauti
ful silver on her table
and she can have a complete set
of spoons and table silver of
this beautiful pattern free
Five coupons like the one
belovv and ten cents will get
this spoon at The Bee office.
; Certificates given by Omaha
merchants will be exchanged
without any charge whatever
at The Bee office for all other
pieces of a 65-piece set of Wm.
Rogers & Son's silver. "
Various Yard Goods for
Graduation or Bridal Toilettes
French cotton voile, which are
favorite (or graduation (owns, at
60c th yard. A soft, sheer,
cloeely woven fabric of th voile
family that will gtv excellent ser
vice, besides retaining its beauti
ful appearance Indefinitely. Conies
In cream and all of the wanted
lift-tit shades, and is full 46 Inches
French plttmatl a beautiful
wash fabric for the cool dresses
required In ths summer embroid
ered designs on striped grounds,
full 27 Inches wide, SOc the ysrd.
Silk crepes for the bride and
girl graduate; also adapted to
evening wear; comes in every de
sirable shade and cream; full 40
Inches wide, $ 1.60 the yard.
bilk poplins, which hsve no
rival in service-giving qualities;
highly recommended, because of
their fine draping properties; all
light and dark shades and cream;
full 42-Inch wide, 1.2S the yard.
These White Goods on Sale All Week
4A-larh Persian lawns; Im
ported goods of a very superior
quality; regular 60s values at SSc
the yard,
82-Inch embroidered Swisses, in
small, neat designs for snmmer
dresses; regular $1,00 values, all
this week, 70c the yard.
87-Inch white Roods, In lace,
striped snd checked patterns;
regular He goods; for this week's
selling, l.V the yard.
45-lnch French lawna, worth
45c the yard, specially priced for
this week's selling at 90c. - -
4o.t:h whit) voiles, that' will
probably be more popular this
season than any a-tber white ma
terial, So values at 2Se the yard.
iia-lnrh Klaxon voiles a sheer
and dainty material that will wear
like linen and costs only about
half as much-regular 76c values,
this week, 4 Be the yard.
17 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
And Other Pure Food Store Specials for
Tuesday s Selling unly
S lha. 'granulated auger for 10c
H-lb. ran H. '. baking powder lie
I pkgs. Toasto corn flakes Ibc
1 van Evsrgrsen corn IK
Taeeaay's spaelal prios.
Bennett's Oolden coffee
end zo stamps. In., SS
Assorted tea and so
tamp, tli lb..... 4
Tea and 10
stamp, tli Ih lo
VI h- can Ben ne ti e Cap
itol pepper and i
stamp 10
Pint ran Oat I lard s pur
ollvs all reduced to 40
Kit 1 1 cream cheese and 10
atunp Sao
1-lb can Bennett' Cap
itol baking powdr nd
20 staxu ps see
t Urge cans Cettase
milk and 10 st'ps. sa
Onion sail and 10 st'ps.
ths jar lie
Bennett's Capitol eatract
, dt 1 st'ps. bottle" IS
Oless tumblsr of mus
tard and 1 st ps. 10
20c can Oartvanters akin-
less figs for lSe
I pkga Toast corn
flakea gt 1 fp. See
Large can Bennett's
Capital pear - and SO
tamp See
10-lb. aack ysllow com
meal an
1-lb. roll premium but
trin Se
40e lar Bishop's Cali
fornia frul late for go
I cake Dutch Violet or
Rom toilet soap... See
Pineapples for t'nning-The finest grade for
canning purposes, when purchased by the
crate $3.00 and 93.8S, according to the site.
Per dosen ., glJM. $1.00 and 8Hc
Each.. 15c, lUMc. 10c and THe
Fancy Missouri Strawberries for Canning
This will probably be th. last week. In which
yon can secure strawberries that ar as well
adapted to canning purposes as these. Priced
$2.25 per crate of 24 quarts; in lass quanti
ties, per quart 0c
Fancy new potatoes, peck 05c
and certificates
with purchases:
Cor. lata and
Douglae at.
' lustra bibs .
grog Brewing Co,
Boi'.levard aad
Knur Av.
151S DoafUa,
Sd rioor.
Wsw zmgland Bak
ery, aais leaves
worth at.
Braadel atores.
roai, oo.
Sit Soath istk at.
atn.X.BB '
1JO raraaai at.
111 rarmam at,
ISttk aad ranuus
Clip This Coupon
I Omaha Bee Daily Coupon
V V, , ' TSemAov Mav S8 1915.
.i t. a i . . . -...-.j , j
This coupon when presented with the foor others
consecutively numbered, and 10 cents to cover th.
cost of handling, entitles ths holder to one Wm.
Rogers ft Bon guaranteed Teaspoon of 1 Neea
aire pattern. Out-ot-town readers will add Sc extra
for postage.
Street and No...
rostoffic ......
tf yoa llv la the
tuty srlag year
es th
sffic of Th Be
Clip This Coupon
YoarlT Subscription Coupan Omaha Boa
This eeupen whan properly signsd and presented at
th offlc ofThe Omaha Bee (or mailed by those resid
ing out of town) will bring te th holder full Informa
tion how every Iiotr.e can secure a full dozen W m. Re
r A Bon guaranteed Teaspoons at one.
Also, th sendsr will reoelve a free catalogue f
all ple s of this sst togethsr with the number of ooa
pons and csrtiflcstes required for acli piece and the
nam oi Omaha firm a issuing thm w the puhlia
! UM
I Addnes ...
f toflc. . .
Vals offsr apua
sabsutllisl to Ta
Bee or art.
It will do all w. claim for It We see to It that It does.
On. of our demonstrator Is always at youf service to show
you tU possibilities. It Is made of th. best malarial. It ta
th. product of traders methods and skilled mechanics. It
has passed a rigid Inspection and a thorough test.
If your, business takes you to
the court house and city halffre-
- e ' ri a
quently, you should have your ot
' - J i ' ' ' f e.
'J' ;- : V
fiee in the building
closest to these pub
lic structures. ' , When
. so much attention is
' being paid to "busi
ness efficiency" tho
professional man
'should likewise con
sider the number of
steps from his office
to the court rooms. ,
This is only one of the
advantages offered
by .
ffSw? L - '
r. 1 d m XW ' Bar
f I ' WJK)SaMeBOBllti
fe jlJJJ B ata -
ru,- r
- I
' -
t (11. ? 1$ ,a.v 'm !
: "yj
IS4M Faraaai C jpJV a Do. 173.
P!t ... . . , .$2.00 1 f ". : JliMtna Teeth wpwUcd
Extracting ......2itlp fx - . wltboeu PUtea ar tsiidg.
Fillings SOctp N7rln1 vmk Kra red
Crown ... ....ti.'SO L MTTLr' itbot aala. Wdrkgaar.
SdditTQrk ...CJDI't a ' frt satrcst test xaara,
The Cabinet Gas Range
bi compact, handy" aad designed to save Gas, with on. set
ot burners heating both ovens and a warming closet, and the
ovens at a convenient height, that renders stooping unneces
sary. The CABINET GAS RANGE is without aa equal for cook-,
ing. Price, connected. :$.0, payable In monthly terms.
Omaha Gas Company
15C9 HOWsilU) STREET. .
The Dee BUilding
ia.11.14 A larg ult of offices en th sscona floor.
B having a toTal of UOI square feet, on. of tties office, h.v.
been nartltloned so sa to max a suit of bout ftv rooma
Thi pc will be rente either la ingl offices or In suite
Pric per month for all , SaO.0
Boom Itl-Reception . room, private off ic. two lerge cloeets, large
orlroom with two north wlndowa Ideal for engineer, archi
tect, doctor or ether professional men.' Ren is I per u.onth. atS40
Room 313 Thi I outh front offic facing on Farnam street, close
tolhs lvtora tt Is partitioned so aa to stfor a private of
' ile n4 reception room. Very desirable. Rent per month. SS&0S
Room it Ha a south and wat expoeure and I always a very cool
room la summer llm. ol. Ufcx2Ss ni rnt for. per
month ' tia.00
rjwj 4211 loSxim feet la slse: has two north windows and a
nrlvat offic partitioned off Inalii this spec. This room
would b particularly well suited for an architect or studio.
Rental .... e"-
Room s:o This Is a well located of lie facing Farnam atreet on th .
dfth floor, near th elevators, till of office. I4xl. having
a partition clviding this room Into three offlcea. Thi vaulo
b particularly desirable as an attomsy's office, on aeccout of attorneya being located on this floor and raving large
libraries. Just the plscs for two oung. ambitious attornsya.
Denial prlc per a-onth tM-0(f '
Bee Business Office,
17th and Farnam Sts.
' IM TH8EE DW$ .
That th. Seal Trestmant la tb.
TOR HUMASITT Is ths testimony of
its over ten thousand cured patients,
their thousands of happy and'deligat
ed relatives and friends and the hun
dreds of prominent men aad -public
officials that have Investigated and
publicly indorsed, and a government
that has adopted and nscd It
e cannot hope to convince anyone
by newspaper notices, bat we will
convince and satisfy all those who
will Investigate. A postal card mailed
to us will bring you "proofs" at your
own home, ton need not wait for
proof, because you can hold this as
oar agreement .to refund you every
cent paid tf yoa are not entirely sat
isfied with the treatment for Acohol
tsm and the results sccompllshed at
the end of the Three-Day Treatment.
We give the Drug Treatment oa same
terms, but require from 7 to tt days
to effect a satisfactory cure. Address
Keal Institute. 1502 South Tenth
street Telephone Douglas 7146,
Omaha Keb. 4 " - "
Interest allowed h
sarins department at
3 per aimum . . V
The United States.
National Bank of
Omaha gives prompt
and court eoua aervlc,
afioria absolute secur
Itv and" has a most con'
venlent location.
SlfwftartaV ml ft EVj