Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 18

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    THE OMAHA' SOT3AY BEE: MAT 25, 1911
lethtr Kefues to Witness Wedding
, : of Daughter to Old Han.
Sec area Marriage Lleease
' Day ielm IW Arrival ol the
GrMM, Wfet Was Pereaerlr
SUaJdeat at Osaka.
Heart-broken over the marriage of hit
daughter, Hani O. Sullivan. aged 3
years, to Richmond Anderson, aged W
years, former auditor of disburaementa
for th Union Peclflo railroad. Jeremiah
ulHvaa refused to witness the wedding
ceremony. Re eald Tie could not bear to
a hla daughter married to M old a man.
Mr. Anderson and Miss SuUivan wort
rwm ad at t a, m. yesterday by Rev.
P. A. nanism at Father Flanagan's
residence. The only witncaeee vara Mrs.
Oris J. Tbompaon. sister of the bride
Mr. Thompeoa. Mm. Gertrude Bralaard,
daughter of Mr. Anderson, and Kin
Mary Cavaneugh. a friend of the bride.
Mr. and Mra. Anderson ft, at 1 o'clock
for McMlnvtlle, Ore.. Mr. : Andcraon'l
Mr. Anderson and bis young wife met
far the ft ret time a Uttla more than twt
years ace when ha u employed by the
Union Pacific and Mies Sullivan took
etorkahtp tn his office. About a rear
afe Mr. Anderson retired on a pecjeioo
and moved ta MeMlnvlUe. but he left alt
heart In Omaha.
Friday affaraooa Mist Sullivan secured
marriage license. Mr. Anderson ar
rived yesterday morning.
"I didn't to to the wed dine." said Mr.
BelUvaa. '1 enuldn t bear to tea my
daughter married to luck aa eld man. I
aa nearly out of rar bead They aeem to
think a tot of each other and I know ah
can't ha marrying him for money tor
ha hss none end It may be all right They
tried to convlao ma It wee, but I would
not be convinced. I have urged her aev
aral time to give tip tba Man of marry
ing him. but aha aaia aba laved him and
ho would ba unhappy, and ao unhappy
ha wouM ba Mabla la da moat anything
if I etoed In the way of tham marrying,
ha said aha didn't kaow what aha would
da If I triad ta atop tha martini a, aa I
hava dona nothing. Of course, she s of at
and I couldn't do anything, anyway? but
I wouldn't If I could. All I eaa do la Jatt
lot thorn go ahead and hope aha- eevsr wlO
: tt"
Shown by Motion
' Picture Machines
Activities la tha parka and aa tha swale
varde will ba "canned'' tomorrow end
tW "preeervee" will aa apraad aver
Omaha during tha Know Omaha week.
Jane I ta 1
A motion picture machine win ba
takaa ever tba city In tba afternoon and
tha (Pier. dor of tha parka, boulevards
aad beauty ipota everywhere will be
I Rome Millar's automobile tha motion
picture camera will leave the Kama hotel
early Sunday afternoon for tha tour. Th
photographer will choose the peaeaa where
enough action may ba found to put Ufa
lata tha pictures.
The film la to be thrown on the esreent
at the various motion picture theatert
daring Knew Omaha week.
Tea committee repreeenUng the Ai club,
Commercial club aad Baal Estate ex
change has mad Itself lata a permanent
orgax'tatlea aad will keep up Interest la
Oma .a long after thla first bunt at aa
thugiasm is provoked.
' X. r. Denlson at the Toung Vlti'i
Christian association has keen made
president of tha committee and A, 1
Gale, president of tha Ad club, to tha
Request for beakers from various
organisations about the city to dissemi
nata facts about Omaha hava been conk
ing Into the pubuatty bureau of the Com
mercial club aa fast that B. V. Fairish,
meaeevr. has net been able to ansa them,
A special llntup of speakers has been
gathered wtth C. C. Balden In charge.
The orders for speakers will be filled
trea thai band
Pioneer Marvels at"
; Progress in Omaha
"It doesn't aeem possible that all tkts
progress could be nude la eaa man's
lifetime." declared Captain Henry Har
rison Brown of Van Francisco after hav
ing seen Omaha after aa absence of
forty -six years.
"All I remember of the town In Ml
when I first came here were wooden
aheeka, wooden sidewalks aad muddy
a! rests. After serving throughout the
cavil war with a Connecticut regiment I
eajne west as dM many ether young men
aad my principal abject waa to And a
Joe. I remained here about a week and
then went b Sioux City. Prom there I
west across the river lata Dakota eeuaty,
where I taught school for tear ycare
While there I frequently wrote news let
sera to the Omaha Bee."
In tea Francisco Captain Brawn edits
, a weekly paper devoted ta mental science.
Daring hla short etay here be la teaching
a class in the science. He la a brother
af J. D. Brewa of Missouri Valley, dirt,
slsa paymaster af the Northwestern,
Mr. Brown paid a visit la The Baa la
company pith hie nephew. L. W. Brown,
of Missouri Valley.
A eeaumttes of school teachers mt
yesterday to disease further plans for
laying before the Beard of Bdeeatiea the
rueiei ad grade aad Wadergartea teach
era for aa Increase af salary, Schedule
af wages ta other cities were discussed
It la ProiaWe tket a request for specif
aslntmum and maiimum waga will bt
Valedidtorian of Her Class
rv Beware ee tanattiu.
Complete copy of Book sent post
paid en receipt of li e.
H4 MAMmom Arm v. w.
(Continued front Page Two
party next Wednesday at their hall.
Twenty -second and Locust streets.
The Ladles' Catholic Order of foresters.
at. Peter s eourt, will give a card party
Tuesday at Bartght hall. Nineteenth acd
Parnam aireeta. .
: Engagements!
Mr. and Mra. Richard Kgan announce
tha angagameat of their daughter. Miss
Thekla Keen, to Mr. Walter P. Draney
of Lincoln!. ,
Mr, O. 1. Lehgy announces the engage
ment af hie sister, Miss May Lehgy, to
Dr. I. P. Unay. The wedding will take
place Jane I at at. Fhllomsnas church.
Mr. and Mra Manlsv J. Williams en.
aounce the engsgsment of their daughter.
miss Kathsrtns Williams, ta Mr. Albert
B. Noe. The wedding will take place In
June. , v -
'fr. And Mr. Clarence B. McKay an
nounce the engagement of their nlscs.
Mlsa Helen B. Westveer, of Schuyler ta
Mr. Herbert If. Oralnger of Lincoln. The
wedding will take place In June.
Personal Gossip
Mlaa Stella Hamilton la at Motre Dame.
Ind., visiting, oa her way heme from
the east.
Mr. Thomas Kllpa trick has returned
from a visit to hla daughter, Mrs. Oeorge
Mlxter. la Mollne.
Mlsa Dorothy Stevens, who has keen In
Clerkeoa hospital for three weeks, to
onvnleeeina at her heme.
Miss Margaret Dument. wha la visiting
her aunt. Mrs. I. H. Dsmont. will leave
Wednesday tor her home la St, Joseph,
Mr. W. B. Mslkle and Mr. P. L. Hughes
af Omaha are la New Tork for a few
day and are staying at the Hotel Wol
Mr. and Mra. Jerome Magee left Fri
day evening foe New fork and will aall
next Thursday for a few weeks' stay In
Mra. 1. W. RsvBolds and ehtldrea plan
ta leave tha middle of June for Las
Vegaa and Santa Pa, N. M., to spend tba
Mrs. Jack Dumont win leave Wednes
day for Hannibal. Mo., to attend the
wadding of Miss Myra Mclntyre, who
haa vlalted her here.
Mlaa Harriet Parmalee, who attenda
the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, la
spending the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mra, K. A. Parmalee.
Mlsa Erdlce Baumgardner left Friday to
spend the week end In Lincoln ae the
guest of Mlsa Janice Morgsn. who la a
keenlor at the University of Nebraska
Mra. Alvtn Saunders and grandson. Wit.
Ham Henry Harrison, have arrived from
Washington, D. C, and are at Mng. 8aun
dare' country heme en Weat Dodge street
Mlaa Caroline Congdon. who graduates
thla June from Vaasar, will Join a house
party at East Orange. N. X, after the
close of collage, and will be at home
after the middle of June.
Mlsa Hsnrlstta Ollmore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge P. Ollmore of this
city, has won a place en her class crew
at Welleslsy. This la a much coveted
honor at this popular girls' school. '
Mr. and Mra Herbert Wheeler and Mr.
and Mra. B. U Huntley went to Lincoln
yesterday to attend the opening of the
country club there aa the guests of Mr,
and Mra. Myron Wheeler of Lincoln.
Mra. Joseph Lei eel of Falls City, who
has born la Omaha several days visiting
relatives and friend e, has returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Lei eel resided Jn Omaha
many years, leaving here a few montha
Mlaa Katharine Tbummel. Mlaa Bertha
Dickey and Mies Daphne Patera, who are
at Ely Court at school, have received
invitations to visit fiienda at Anna no is
during June week at the Naval academy.
and will go there next Saturday.
Mlaa Leo la Brandele, daughter of Mr.
and Mra. A. D. Brandele, haa been chosen
valedictorian of her elasa at the Charles
Leete achool In New Tork City. With her
mother. Mrs. Brandele, and her brother,
Krvlna Brands!, this gifted young
woman wlU came weat to spend ths
month af June at the Brandele borne.
Arlena lodge. Rear Omaha.
CWafaelea ef Terms.
Judge who la now on ths su
preme court benoa, was. wnen hs first
began ths practise of law, a very blun
dering speaker. On one orcailon.
when ha eaa trying a ease In replevin.
Involving the rlaht of property In a lot
of hoge. he addressed the Jury as fol
lows: "Gentlemen of the Jury, there
were Just twenty-tour hoge In that drove
-luet twenty-four, gentlemen-eiartly
twioe aa manv ae there are In thla litrv
box." Case and Comment
Our Flag : What It Means i
It waa DeeoraUoa day. Aa old antdler. In
bto faded awe uniform, waa resting In
the shade la a corner nf tha cemetery not
far from where his deed comrades lay.
He had marched In the proceealoa that
awratng. and with the few aid soldiers
who were left, had decorated the graves
of the gallant boys bo had gone oa be
fore. Memories both bitter and sweet came
surging back ta him as ha leaned' his
d against the tree and dosed his
eyes. The day he left home ta enlist ths
I. wearisome marches, tha aighta
aroand the campflrea
'Say. mister.' piped a small voice close
to his ear, "what are they puttln' all
these flowers out here for ebdayT"
Tha old captain came out of hla reverie
with a Start opened Me eyes and looked
dawa at the email boy at his side. "Why.
sonny, this to DeeoraUoa day. didn't yon
know thatr .
"I en. yea. I heard ear teacher any
something about It. What'a it rorT"
"Why. we have thla day ta put flowers
oa the gravea ef the aeidtere wha fought
for our country and our nag. yon know."
"Ok." said the email tnauleitor, the
red. white and blue flag: we got aae at
"Tbaf e right soenv." said the aid
soldier, "that's the beet flag la the world.
Betsy Boss mads the first red. white and
bine flag in 1TX It aad six white stripes
and seven red oaea aad thirteen big.
white stars in the earner. These all stood
for the thirteen co ton lea that were tee
beginning at aw big country. Ever atace
that time that flag has been aur prise,
the thing we have fought and bled tor.
Haven't yea ever beard year teacher
ten about tba soldiers wba fought la the
efrtl warr . ,
"Ne." said the boy at hla seas, "yea
sea we poet came from England and we
had a gavarneaa. 'a ana dldnt tell aa
aothla- a Deut the soldiers. What'd they
"What did they aar repeated the
eM greed army maa. "Why they went
aut and fought tba Johnny Beaa Just ta
keep that earne od flag Coaling aver oar
aountry. The people down south didn't
want the Stars and Stripes tba way we
Aid up north. They wanted a flag ef
their awn. But wa wanted the American
flag to wave ever ua all and we fought to
keep ft. boy, and wan." There waa a
triumphant ring In the eld man's voice
aa he eald this. Tea. It bad been worth
the loag marches, the poor food, and the
privations, for they bad saved the flag.
Tall me about s" more soldtere." tba
small voice brought the narrator back ta
hla story.
"Oh. yea Wen one day we had beaa
fighting hard and long, when right la
tha thickest ef the fight ths flagstaff
waa ehet right eat af the flag-bearer-s
band. Hs was standing In front of me
and t saw him Jump ta catch It before
it fell, ebourlng 'Let ma die, but spare
the flag,' and Just as ae said this a bullet
bit him and be fell right there with the.
flag la his hand. They wrote a song
about him aad called It 'Lay Me Down,
hot Save the Flag-'
"There have been lots of songs written
about our flag.- ha weat eav "'Wrap
the Flag Around Me. Boya. ta one that
touches as, especially ua eld soldiers
who have beard so many of our comrades
say It as they were carried from the bat
Uefleld" The oM man a vote, troke hot be
abook It free aad went on. "Aad then The
aHar-Cpangled Banaer'Uiat'a a fine song.
It was written by Francis Scott Kay
walla be waa being bold en a Brlttaa
warship Ha waited through tha bsng
nigM for the dawa aa that he eeuld tee
whether tha Start aad Stripes still floated
aver the taoiparu aa tha shore. And
when tha light came aad be saw the dear
aid Rag ha errata this song and deeanbed
hto enaetlone la It Be member thla. my
boy,- said -the captain, toying kit hand
aa tba bid's shealder, "tha white hi aur
flag stands for purity, tha blue for truth,
tha red for bravery and the start mean
forever. Be pure, ba brave, be true for
ever aad yea will be a true Americas.
Doat ever forget that our Bag to the beet
flag In the world and say wtth tha poet'
'Long may It wave, '
O'er the toad of the free '
' Aad tba heme at the brave,'"
What-' .
Women Are
Doing in the World
HE moat Important event In
clubdom tost week waa tba
formation of a new suffrage
organisation which will sleet
officers and settle down to the
stem buatneaa of auffragett-
Ing within the next tew weeka. The new
society haa already planned to bring a
noted surrraga lecturer to Omaha Mrs.
Fiancee Squire Potter of Chicago-June
17: Mra. K. M. Fairfield, Mlaa Belle
Dewey and Mra. C. T. Kountae are ar
ranging for th e lecture.
Omaha haa now two suffrage organisa
tions the new suffrage club, which haa
not yet received i. name, and toe Omaha
Woman Suffrage todety-and a number
of easiness women are talking of form
ing a third one.
Tha officers and chalrmea ef commit
tees of the Society of Fine Arts will hold
a meeting Saturday afternoon at I
o'clock at the public library for pre
liminary discussion of the work ta be
planned for next season.
Tba Da ugh tare af UU of Nebraska wll
have a luncheon Tuesday, June 4, at
Happy Hollow club. It It expected that
a number of members from out In the
state will coma to Omaha to attend this,
tha tost meeting of the organisation of
tha year.
At the meeting of the P. K. 0. sister
hood Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Oeorge Harvey It was reported that tha
society bat raited M of the tioo which It
bad pledged ta tha educational fund of
May 2s. Wto-Davld Cola, creamery
magnate and president of tba Commercial
club, proudly admits thirty -two yean at
married life. Mies Etta E. Smith was the
bride and Omaha the scene of tha cere
mony, i .
May M. Iar-Mr. Thomas J. Netaa and
Hiao Margaret ft Flupatrick. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs.- John C. Fits Patrick,
plighted their troth at tha church of the
Holy Family. Meters. A. J. Smith and
C M. Furay were the ushers and Mlaa
Margaret Bark the maid at honor. The
beautiful and Impressive marriage cere
mony was perferraed by Father Mc
Deevlue. y
May M, Utt-Mr. O. N. Hypes tad Mlsa
Hannah M. Plodmaa were united In
wedlock at the Swedish Lutheran church.
Rev. P. J. Seward pronounced the magic
worda "that bind forever and forever."
Tba bridesmaids aad graomsma
Mr. Hypes and Mies Ida Plodman, Mr.
Theodore Helgrea aad Miss Julia Berg
auitt Mr. Carl Ekstrom and Miss 8ybU
Sward, aad Mr. Oscar Peterson and Miss
TlUte Henry. After the ceremony a grand
reception waa held la the church parlort
when about invited guests showered
their heartfelt eongrstuiationa upon the
happy couple.
May M. lna-Mr. Edward D. Bird of
New Tork and Mlaa Carfta Curtta, daugh
ter ef Colonel and Mrs. & S. Curt la
solemnised their marriage at Trinity
cathedral. The wedding party Included
Mlaa Lynn Curtis, wha was the maid of
honor, and Mlaa Daley Doane, wha was
bridesmaid. Mr. Herman Bird of New
Tork served as beet man. while the
ushers ware Messrs. Charles Floyd of
New Tork. Claries Saunders. Z M. Fair
field and W. E. Martin.
tba national body. Each woman must
earn U for the causa. -
Tha Mathers' Culture club will meet
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. H.
Indoe. Mra. J. C Craddock win be as
sisting bostsee. Mrs. William Mickel will
read a paper on "The Economic aad
Aaathetie Valve at Teaching; Children ta
Know aad Love Birds, and How to Ae
compllsh It." Mrs. F. t. Tagiart will
tell "What the Government Has Done ta
Protect Birds'' Mrs. M. B. Williams will
speak aa "Birds from a Dooryerd." Mrs.
W. W. Flahar will give tome readings.'
The Clio dub will meet Wednesday with
Mrs. F. M. Clark. Mra. C. F. , Shepard
to. tha roll call with sayings of great
man and pa pare on the Uvea of some pop
alar authors will ba read. Mrs. W. D.
Perdval 'will have a paper oa Victor
Hugo; Mrs. F. M. Clark. Robert Louis
Stevenson; Mrs. Bryee Crawford, Thomas
Carlyle; Mra C. F. Sbepard. Lew Wal
lace. Th directors of the Women't Christian
association will meet Wednesday wlta
the president Mra Oeorge Ttlden. to
continue plant for the new Old People's
The five federated Women't Christian
Temperance unions of Omaha en South
Omaha will hold a meeting Wednesday
will Preside The members will respond afternoon, at I at tat Toung Women't
Christian association. Rabbi Frederick:
Conn wfll read the paper on the social
evil which he read before the meeting
of the state Charities and Corrections
tost winter. Dr. Mattie Arthur, who will
give a course of sex hygiene at tha Toung
Women't Christian association next year,
will tprak on "Social Lurlty." Mrs. Ed
nard Johnson, vice president of tha
Omaha Women's Christian Temperance
union bat arranged the program aad
will preside at tha meeting. A business
session will precede the talks and a round
table dtooussloa will dost the meeting.
K . i Mn-tmlttae of the So-
iM nenti' ..
clal Settlement association It hustling for
numbers. The committee met at lunooeon .
with the chairman. Mrs. Phlip Potter,
tost Wednesday and made plans for the
campaign. Each one to trying to raise
tiM n. the settlement fund. On tha
committee are Mrs. J. H. Dumont Mlsa
Myra Breekenbridge. Miss Qrttmn. Mlsa
Helen Scobie. Mlaa Eiuaheth Plokene,
Mrs. E. H. Scott Mitt Kathleen Moore-
head and Mra, V. Buresa.
Th. aeoriatioat Is still searching for
a new settlement house ta the aelghbor
hood of the present settlement but large
enough ta carry on all activities uoa.r
one roof.
The Mother's Culture club will entertain
the fathara at the home of Mrs. J. O.
Detwetler Thursday evening. June 1
The Imogen club of Florence will have
a picnic Thursday June at the home of
Mra. A. B. Hunt Minna Lusa lodge. Tha
kua hands of the members will be guests.
A Kateral Student..
"In telling coffee." said a well Vnown
eoffee broker recently, "you shouin ex
ercise the ssms keen discretion which
ths druggist showed.
"A woman, you know, a woman well
on la years, entered a drugglet a and
'Have you got any creams for re
storing the complexion T
" 'Reatonng. mlaa? You mean preeer
ving!" said ths druggist heartily.
"And. he then sold the woman JIT
worth of cojiptexjon creams.' -New Tor
Owl's Ne, Formally Opened Saturday
rTj U" J .
it A
V 'i pfk I -4 tr
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k I a",- r.-r V - I 'v;r"
MAHA'B soda drinking maids
and young maa and aU the
young and old people who have
aa appetite for eelfoloua ices
aad lea cream were members
at huge crowds that were
nreeent at the evening of the Owl't Neat
In tha aeesment ot the Owl drug store.
Sixteata and Harney streets, yesterday.
It waa a gala day for the Owl Drug
company; the new soda room was a place
af bewitching beauty; flowers were every
where, and tka large plate mirror an the
weile ot tha room caught raye of tight
tram tan large electrto glebes and re-
fleeted them back aa myriad colored
I streaks, srtnftUant aad enrascaat la the
beautlea at colored mixture.
This occasion i this opening af Omaha's
newest soda feuntaia roam waa a de
lightful ana for the visiters ta the beeu
ufol place The picturea accompanying
thla article shew two rtowa ef the Owl
drug mora. Tha lower ptctare ta the re
pTodwetioa ef a photograph ot tha Own
Neat the aoda room la tba bmaiint The
upper picture shows a view ef the drag
store oa the main floor, with Ra fountain,
which ts still to be maintained to bold
the overflow from the Owfa Neat, the
a pa ft sua and cool room af tfea basement
A large asarble stab-way gives entrance
trim tha mala floor to tha Owl'a Neat, a
room that to finished la Italian aoarble
tad ssnhegany. The trainee for tha large
plate mirrors are mahogany. The tablet
are made of rtohly eelored mahogany,
aad tha chairs tight. Preach patterns
are gray, with toft resting eana seats.
Tba Cwra Neat to arrupiaoasly clean.
The dish ee are sanitary, with every epoea
and oup, glass and bawl at very pretty
A targe kftehen aad an lea cream room
are located la tha bssataeut The lee
cream room baa a capacity for mora than
K gallons of Ice cream aad Ices.
Tba Owl't Neat ta alwayt coot Faaa
aad a cold water pipe system unite as fur
alak tool air. which la freely eiroulated
throughout tha room. The locatioa af tha
fountain room ta the twarment gives
Omaha a soda palace in which th
of drags toes not bother patrona la mak-
rag ue new room the manMemcnt of tha
fbermaa A McOoanen Drug eoaapaay
planned to hare their aoda customers
free from the annoyance at erne euaw
tovoere end the odors that are aum i-
a drug store-