". .. -.7. - THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26, 1912. B SOCIETY PLAKS BUSY WEEK luf Affaire Are Scheduled for Deoerntiom Day Celebration. BIG FECES GlYEH FOH CSASITT Haadreele at Wesnea to May Bridare I th reentry Clan Taeeelar itliiim Vlaltor Are Betas Entertained. Serial Calendar. ilOrAT-!te Bertha White, afternoon brldjte: Mre. Mlkon Isartow, luncheon at Country clue: ilre. Krancls ail, art , emooe brute; Mrs, Harry C. Judson, afternoon bndae. - Tl'KSUAV Anne! brMta party at Coun try u lor senem 01 tn vrecne; Mrs. K. R. ftrttlttl and Mr. D. E McColley. kenslngton; hlfh school Web ster loauni society. neyrsca party ; Mlaa Hathenoe Moorehead, luncheon at Country clue; Mr. ana Mrs. a. l need, dinner (or Mr, brail Kayier of Pasadena; dance at Fort Omane for visitiiuc offioer. table d'hote dinner and dance at Happy iioitoar dub, Uaiea day at Field ciuu, WKDNESDAV-Mr. A. A. McOlura. din ner at Country club for Miss Alice Cary WcCrew and Mr. Wilson Austin; Mrs. F. R. Straitht and Mra. U. K. McCulley, afternoon hrtdae; Mrs. W. H. Walker, meeting of the Kensington elub ta honor of Mrs. W. J. Capum of Chicaco; Laral elub of tha high school, dinner at Happy Hollow elub; Columbian circle, card party: table d'hote dinners and dances at Country and FleM clubs, THl RsDAT-Dr. and Mr. Charts C. Allison, tardea party at Roseniers lodge; opening of Ihe Rod and Oua club; Council Bluffs Kerning association, opening af tha Boat dubi Mrs, W. R Moreno, afternoon bridge (or Mra. W. i. Capune of Chlneejo; ladles' day at Happy Hollow club, FRIUA T-MIss Helen Rick a, funrhenn for Brownell Hall seniors; at Phllomona's U C. B. A., card party tn the Brandels Pompslan room; ladies' day at field club; "The Royal Family." by high school senior das at the Brandeta SATURDAY Brownell Halt Alumnae as sociation, luncheon at the hall; Mr. and Mra. Casper t. Tost, dinner at Country Hub; "Juster Itigtit- at Browne Hall; Miss Agnes tWkler, dinner for Mies MsQrew an4 Mr. Austin: tabid d'htxe dinners and dUM" at Country, FVld and Htm Hollow rhibs; Mr. sad Mra A- M. iorajiusa, dinner party. With i fart garden parry, two lu epenlnf and tha asusi holiday orowd at tha Country, fwm gad Happy ttoMaw elub. wMck Have already bad their open ings, Daciwwtto day will be Ailed with antertanwnatrt Tha Hod and Sua club opanhif wlS be an slsboratd aKalr with many kind of doing. avHlnr all afternoon and arm ing. Thar? win be' tennis famr. swim suing aiaf boat rnoea oo Carter lab and table d'bot dinner and! due U tha dub ho one 16 tha deaatng;. Water sports win bd part alas of thd formal operant of the Boat club at Lake Manawa by th Council Bluff Rowing association, ' Thursday special table d'bott dinner will bs served for members ! tha club nous and will b foltowad by dandng. On at tha' meet pleasurable event af tha outdoor season praailse to be the ' garden party, which Dr. and Mr. C. C Allison will give Thursday at their picturesque (umnsr noma, Rosemere Lodes, en the Calhoun road. Tha party Is to be In tha afternoon end evening, with supper at T o'Hoek. It will be a large affair and tha (1Mb) are making up parties to go out by autoihobfl or by train. - No more attractive placd for a garden party could bs Imagined than the Allison place. The spacious house with It broad veranda la back fd from the road, almost hidden mong tha tree and I approached Ay i rustle whit bridge. Prlee fer rreeti rartr. If brautlfat arias are as Inspiration ta good slaying, and wan can esny that they rV-there wilt he soma Interesting games at Uae big brldgs party which M to b given next Tuesday afternoon at tha Country club for the benefit of tha Crecha, the day nursery. There will be sixteen prise In all - handaoht trophic every on of them. Mr. H. T, Mart ha doaasnr long, narrow, heudolr stirrer, tressed In atuoca, flowered In dainty blossoms In pastel shade, ini having (Met ti fh top a ' quaint eaioreU print of Jealrua Reynold' pictnra, Unceaei.M lira J. K. tummnr ha fivtn rfcnet bowl of glass, welded with Mlvar and ' having at fh top a network at silver i thrdmth which flower are to be placed. Tha Knastrtck aoiupany haa glvtn silk un shadn la mairy aolar. . Tn prtt from tha Matthew' book lore U an old-fsihloaed candlestick St gif and fcraal. The Milton Darting prlsw M 4 tvtr fray of gitai over ntnK flowerad braejtM hound In wtcwar With wicker haadlea. Mra. T. U Klnbalt, tha president of th Creche, wW glr a long, pink ehiffoa ulomoWl veil Misg Arabella Klmball'a contribution t an atUaotlva English culling basket or ga then ng (kwr. It la af dark wicker and Is te bs carried on the arm by the loaf wicker baa die. M. .-oha L. Kennedy baa prslenved a kuket work Jardlniers on alandardl and lined with copper. Tk Ttuunpsoa BsMea prtt I an Imported Japanesw tan la green fiber mounted with pearl. , Mra Warren Roger will glv two ar ticle which eh bsought from abroad- FloreMlM hand-psiated frame and bridge tear with playlag cards. Mr, thonrn Kilpatrkk prlss 1 a Uermaa . 'i ffiti m - liejueur crna. -v.". The Crecha hoard of director will glv a print of on af Murlll painting. Mr. C. C. Allison a HI give a mahogany book rack; Mra. A. C. Smith win pr. ably glv boom pieces of knsn and Mr. T. A. Kash haa not yet sent her sriae to Mis Kimball, who 1 racNvIng lb trophies. Ths gam wni ove at I o'etoe. Btralest bridge win be played and only ihrs double win be ailowedr The ra Partner wilt play together through the afternoon. Mis i. T. Boyee, a prw fessiocat bookkeeper, will kp tha mom. Between and KS a omen are expected t W present, early all of wheat will lly. Delegations of" army ladle will come from Fort Crook and fort Omaha for the arty. Another party of women will come from council Biuff. On , Party of bridge enthusiasts will come lrort Freawnt (or the game. The play. rs win come by automobile and will triait Mr. Allan Parmer wall here, letter Kativest tveclety. A Interesting rlsiter in thd city aud on who haa a heat af friend bete ft Mr. Hojl cmrh Of Ke Fork, forhterty Ml Loais tqarre af Omaha, who hr vhR-rtnoj bar awfher. Mr. Elta 8qtrJra. Mr. Clark ha recently returned from Europe. whr she and Mr. darh Went weeha after speadlraf tb winter la Jamlea- She will return to open her "ef Tor hem that week and win then cam) fa Omaha to spend tb month of August wKh Mra floufrea. , Th Charh piece la en of (n ffneit tn ew fork atata. It eottstrti af a apacHrae cmtaury bovnt enrrouaded by LW acrec; Visiting Her Mother 1 , v mm .. . . w is,' ' A' yAr : , f V. v . f timber land on the Oenssee river. Tha horn, called "Villa Belvedere," I an old English inanalon, built by Judge Fhlllp Church la Iftrr, and was one of the first Mono house built tn thaWPart of tha country, A squabbery la ati of tha acttvttle of th place snd raising thor oughbred feattl Is anothar., i On of th actlvlne which sir. Clark hope fo add soms time In th rure Is an idnsl Infanta camtr, wher bahta may b brought front r)ew York City and given an outing la th wood. Among th othsr guest Who ar. celling forth entertainment of varloua kinds are Mr. and Mrs. Lout Vallary Of Fort Worth, To., who arrived hut wek, to visit Mr. and Mra Francis White. Mrs. Whltaheed of Denver, who ha been vtetrinf her sister, Mra, William At lair f Fort Crank. Isft last evening to u Ih guest of Mtes I.ynn furtlsa. Who en tertain tot her thtf vnlng at auopsr at th Country lw. Mr. Emll Kayssr of Pssidena. formerW Miss Vlascher of Omaha, i visiting Mr. and Mra. Victor Caldwall. Mla Hetty Colllr ot Orange, N. J., who- also for merly rived here, I th guest of Mri Wateo B. Smith. Mrs. Daniel L. Korn of Nsw Tor City will arrive Thursday to visit her parent, Mr. and Mr. Mnerta Levy. Mra McCormlck ot lt Ik City, who has been the guest ot Mra Ben Gallagher, had left for New York, Among the men fiesta, Mr. Ben Boyco ot Chicago, fiance of Ml M1rlm Pat terson, la ta Omaha and will remain her until after the wedding. June 1U Mr. John Burke of Portland spent last week vlsltlnf hi aunt Mr, foha A. Meghan. Mr. John MoHugD and Miss Dorothy McHufh ar tpendtng th week-end with Mr. and Mra O. W. Wattle and will re turn to their homo hi Woux City this svenlng. . Mr. , T. B. Martin of Oaleahurg, IH,, haa been enjoying a visit and family re union with hla sons, Chart nd Frank Martin of this tMty and Will Martin of San Francisco. Mra Winker of Clinton. Mo., a daugl :er ot Mra T. M. Martin, I also tha guest ot her brother. Charles and Frank Martin. Mra Wluker will re main for a few day longer and T B. Mania and Will Martin return to their home today. Many Informal affair hav been given tor th visitor. Friday evening Mr. aad Mr. Charles Martin and Mr. and Mr. Frank Martin gave a travelogue party in their honor for sixty (urate Last evening they attended a din ner at tha field club' MeGrew-Aastta Wedding Fran. Complimentary to Mis Alice Cary Me drew and Mr. Wilson Austin at hose wed ding will tats ptec June 13, many (octal affair will be given. Mrs. B. C. Me Orew ot Fort Steele. Wyo., who will be matron of honor, ha arrived and wtn remain until after th wedding. Mis Elaine Pujo ot Lake Charlca, La, wh will be one ot the bridesmaid, wtH arrive next Thursday. Wednesday evening Mr. A. A. McOur will entertain at dinner at the Country club for Mis McGrew and Mr. Austin; Tuesday. June 4. Miss ' Agnes Burkley will entertain at dinner at the Country dub la their honor; Wednesday. Jon a, Mr. and Mr. A. T. Austin wile entertain at dinner at tha Country dab: June d Mlaa Oladys Fetar will enhrrtata at din ner at her home tor the wedding party; Friday, June T, Mr. and Mr. C, H. rtek n and Mis Sllaabeth Plekea will n tertaia at dinner at their home and the fotw1ng 8atordy Mr. War Hall and Mr. I. M Harding wlH glv a dinner at tha Country chats. Monday, Juns Ml Mara Dorothy Mar pan Will glv h dinner ax HIIhM sad- Tueedar areaing Mr. and Mrs. c. F, Meorew win entertain at din ner; followed bf a wedding rah tar sal. Invitation were Issued Saturday morn (hi'-:?) i 2? ' 'Vf? . ' 1 3T ing by Mr. and Mra. Chart Fremont Me. Orew fo th marrlag of their daughter. Miss Alice Cary McOrew, and Mr. Wilms Auetln for Wednesday evening, Jun 11 at m at th First Presbyterian hureh, a reeeptloa Immediately after the cere mony will be at th, horn of Mr. and Mr. McOrew. tit South- Thirty-eighth vrru. ' 1 .1 , i 'y . . j- "ii i 1. Oasaha High Schawl Flay Considerable Interest ha been take among the students of th Omaha High school la th three-act comedy drama, "A Royal Family," which will he pre sented by member ot 'th senior class at th Brand theater Friday evening of till week. The affair promise 1o be one Of th soois! events af the eehanl calendar for th term ending next month. Several box psrtle have been planned tn addition to student club parties. Let Hlhoux club will hav a box of tightest) and Laral club will hav a bow-party f Ihlrty.six. N Kotils elub, ane ot th Junior girl social organisation, ha mad a reservation for a party In Ihe orchestra, and other cluba will occupy special section. One ot th lower boxes win he reserved for ton member of tb faculty and will include th eta attach- Srs ' Tha first dress rehearsal waa held FV1- day Atiernoon at the studio of Ws Fitch M th Boyd Theater building, the stu dents devoting th entire afternoon to going ever their lines. The final dress reheasal will be held' Thursday on the BrandeM (tag. The costume tor th play are ready and th necessary stag setting to three sets and four susnea, win he ar ranged by the BrandeM mamgsmeat. ' . ... x , At Happy Hollow Handsome floral decoration formed aa Important feature of th dinner dance at th formal opening of Happy Hollow last evening. Basket filled with ptnk rose and carnation formed the neater, piece tor th (table and spring blos soms banked the grata at th elub. Handle of the baskets were tied with pink and white tulle. Many ot th members dined together. One of the1 larger of the parties Inclu ded: Mr. and Mra. J. W. Bobbin. Mr. and Mrs. Chsrt Harding. 0. H. S. Girls (Key to Group PkrtuV t 1! Abrassai h Hlc XAMmmum t Ceua A1M . . 4. stllere SreeM t Jcbaase BvbsWS a Irree Prewrter . 1 ttae hel t Ptont Hue a Sara Heckler . Manraret Bitrse 11. Bnith Bint U. Llta Uhtar It. UlUes Oiitaear M. g taewn 11 Hurt Clart 17 B' Vlere It attts rielaa ' 1 L.u Uae Woe IS tUr.lt Cole Ml MarM CMSBSHt St Jowoklee Ceaaees t U. MaM) Omtlla w. HvltstM L?1C1V ' ' 9. Irene Celier ' -tt Onwe Ces . t7. M.eea ew . a Martos Des a. Kukeme Daisssart IS. ASM IM.IUN . tl. i-toai Dire tt NcHW Dnllt ba aWralet . a tunh graito' Lerite mm M. Marie OaHeear XT. btSar Qareaer at nes Gleiu XS. SllaaWS Ormt . gas Cms mm . shes aaautaa Til li i lis Gwtfc -atarte Maaisloa t4a Haaaaa hub Harl Faear Net wVM FtftaVlrift Plereace HrMses Lee Hettt.lt Insa Hloataess Bertie Boa taie Ht aaa Baniy Wmitaa Lie nVKmi ' Polk Hesilaar Waeene laaea BiM Jarwae . . SUM Maaoe Baiaar Jetwaas Xtoserr ieaaatea Marr JeSaetas Mnmlt alauea gifts laeea - Cwms K,-a KtMl KMT 'pa Kiatet CUIra KreaaMr matetk Xroeer atsnraetlte la Ceat Ptoreate Leks Blaaear Leer KMta UiKh Uae Fuer Mvraaxea . Vaee teeeu , Mfrs Lesuy Mr. aad Mrat C O. McDonald, . Mr. and Mra E. G. McGittuB. Mr. and Mra. C. R- Sherman. Mr; and Mr Thomas Fefl. Mr. and Mra A. W. Carpenter. Mis Harriet Sherman. Miss Coli Bobhtna, Mia Eleanor Mcflliton. , Another party Included: Mr. and Mra. C. W. Russell. Mr. and Mra L F. Baxter. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johannes. Mr. and Mra John McDonald. In- anothar party were: Mr. aad Mrs. R w. Brecken bridge. Mr. and Mra. A. T. Assert, Dk and Mra.. Hippie. Mr. aad Mr. Tbeaua J. Betty. Together war, Mr. and Mra. W. C Rhoads. Mr. ac Mra C Ck Tahnagas ' Mr. awi Mrs. Jose0K Bulcax, -Mr. and Mra F. W: Carm'.cbael. ' Mr. and Mr. V. C. Peck eooa ugh. Mr. and MriL E. B. KImberly. Mr. and Mra. Elllck. Mr. and Mr. S. it Rush. ' Judge and Mr. Howard Kennedy. Mra. C L. Brora and Mra. Uodao were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kennedy; Dr. and Mrs. Ullroy and Mis Kathsrln Mll nr were with Mr. and Mrs. Mel L'bi and famllye Ma aad Mr. W. W. BUbaugh and Mr. acd Mr. J. H. Parrott had Mnt Sweeney, Mr. Goodrich. Mr, Mar cus Farrotje and the- Misses glabaugb at their tae4e.Vser stnall partiea included Mr. and Mra V. E. Clark. Mr. and Mra. Byron Hatting Mn and Mr. B. H Doaham; Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Norrla and Mr. and Mrs. ii. D. Canaarosr aad th Misses Korrtoi Mr. aad Mra. K. W. Qua. then Mr. and Mr, a F. FeUa-aed Mr. and Mra.- Penney; Dr.. aad Mra! J. M. Aifcla and Mr. and Mrk Oesrg S. Oil- more; Mn and Mra W.. J, Miller a twetr guestk; Mr. McMIIUs Hsmlrd aad seem: Mr. T. C. Haven four: Mr. Stan ley Rose-watsr, foor; Mn and Mra. W. R Matthews, feurt Mr; and Mra, J. O. reiser, fourl Mri aad' Mr R IX Kwiyv sill Mr. and Mr H. D. Rsed, foor; Mr, and Mr C F. Mariey, fonr Mr. X F. Bloom, aeveh; Mr. and Mr T.' at Steew nat fear; Mr. aad Mr T. W- Auatln, four, M H. Kt Barwer. fear;. Mr. and MM. C. 9. Prtereen, hrn MiC sad Mr a F. Dexter. r; F. Wbernssn, art C. ft Hayward. (bar, and aaxaw parti at At the DietzCluli IMwMs 6esJa Fsnnty.' TW Diets dut gaww It regular tort. alshttr party WsdaeMsry avmlnV at tha luw houtor on Caitar" itMtaV Tho present Muwee Net II rJwoley, Alfta Johnsonr Rosa Kooek Kea Oordy Judith Faint, Mary Brla nap. June loiWe. Eetell Lore g WlrsDA. Cnrlh Fdwardai Id Ellis, Marie Norgard, If Nteterm. Id Lynch, Dorothy Bigelo Mabel Whitney, Helen cunningnant,. Cortnt) Strayer, Gertrude K neper, A ana Sore neon, M. Noehrn, . Rose Frathar, Margaret KeHoA Frank I Spare, Oabler,. , Davaonl Wllma BrUMt Messrs. 1 Clarence Hall, Frank Spellman, Jarae Flanagan, R. O. Miller, O. MsJ strom. Jf. W. Oregg. Percy Owynne, Ma Orossman, i inar Berg, J. R. Brawn. J. P. Mason. Xslse Morgsri, ' L. W. Knight. F. MeNamara, -D. Col Una. F. Broad field. Cd Laffsrty. At Kellstrom, William Dana, George Graft, Catherine Murray, AdeUn Snecbt,. Jennt Lore, nancy Has, H. Pent, f MoNamard. Irene lligbee. Messrs, D. H. Oeutner. Ruseerl Kvaas. Otto Nieleon, C. Ivelson. B, H Hawley, R J. Rorensoa, Claude Kir, , J. J. Colby. ' - VT. p. Cralghaad, C U Moore. W. A, Sch lilts, M. i. Wilbur, , W. F, BchalMBan, L..& Oregn- ' R.- Callliut ' M. L. ConkllhS. A I jBUrtlfuss, . ' F. Rath man, O. N. Bloom, Orant Clsvslaad. A. H. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McMshon. Mr. and Mra. H. Veldman. Mr, and Mrs. Royal Graff. Mr", and Mr. J, ft. O'Selll. Mr. and Mr. F Beumer. , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Oordy. Mr. and Mr: O, W. Johnson. Mr. and Mr. C. H. O'Neill. . Mr. and Mr. H, F. Meyer. Mr. and krt.ll. Ot Hall. - Mr. and r Marry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lefterw. Mr. and Mm. C. J, Palm. Mr. and Mr W. M. Flsrnsr. -. , . " At the Country Club On of th lar ger dinner parti) at th club mat vsntnf wan glv by Mr. and Mr. Hwar H. Belong to boner of Ml Miriam Patterson, aad Mr. Baa Boycd of Chroago. Tha guento wrc M1ew- . Mlsses- Vlrlam PatTereeM, Dgrothy Morgan, Katharine ttecsea. Olodve Petera Louise Dinning, Measra Messr. Ben Boyce. Ben Oallaghsr. Jack Baldwin. ' - Malcolm Baidrtge. Robert Dranlnft Mr. aad Mr Waktley had a- their guesto: ' " Celoael and Mr WUtkua Ailadr, Fort Crook. Colonel and Mnt Atxinson, rort croot Mr. and Mr A. J. Love. Mr C. B. Craln, Sprtngtteli. ' Mr. Whitehead. Denver. . Mr A. C. Smith. Mr. Charted Ss under 1 Mr. Robert Patrick. ' ' . Mator and Mr .Cvaa entertained Captain and Mr Cowan ot Fort Omaha and Mra George Doan. Jr. Mr. and Mr Font had thirty gussee nd Mr. and Mr. F. 8. Dtvfe tM tor tight. .'..- ' SnutUer parrte were given kt Captain and Mr Rlfenbeck. wh had eover for four: Mr. T. H. Matters, jr., fear; Mlaa Moorhead, ala; Mr. C. W. Hamtltoa. Jr., four; Me jot Evan tit; Frank Colpetser, Who Graduate o OpysttePag) t. Matte rrary II. rreaeea Ut- aaK , at Baas Mwa IX. trees Malsre St. CkarMSte Karwar ta. Waeeets Mia, St gtMt MlllSerg r. BaU H'Ha St Aes ktaimi a (retrs Naaw as. basal Kaw tt. Asset Kahas as. Daua Halaaa ' s St. In Naleai -M. M1 NaM Raetem Many It. gelt Kemaes tl. Orece hertsre St. AiaeK Mame M. aaeselta Oasrlt. t. Sstk Otla let . treee PalHKretat m. Ulltac Pereaoa MX. Claire ratio aaa rtt Prats raeruea Mav VifjlbsS PrfniB K4. Hates Fate SR. Mrtke rratt , ja. Apwe rntpfcsd V. . rrenitia US. XiHna 4etaST ' 111. flaiiwn FUweeaa lit. sieHa hsatle. 1U. piasn Ralaey to. nvtss kweisaam 111 Btael atetstr. It, r M sutaMSTiatsr ln can tease C. Kary Itaset tJ. Cm Ifeaertasl tn. Oree koNset HI. BMte Pars 12V Helea Raeaa IS. BHee ftaaaa U aansesrHe Mt. m teas Reaaen 1M. Ret tsetert II. tn. e seant 1 131 Aib (sink in. um nam in. Marserel (Brits Tta. US. BMHS taa. Vtshb ftiaaeaa Hi. tuaera Tail in l SJS let na,(ta Tertae . HI. Oreea Tsaaa - ' iayt tlws aacie.le.s 14t. tea. aiatee Twae It. atarea Waneaa ltL Helee Waefca tea. shra Wtnatr Its. Sana Wkna B1. OtMtae Wllem Kt Rats Wirtoet W. Raaw Wnilasas 1M. AdelTS West. 1U. NetHs Weed ill are asaaae la. AJKe lit. OKAHA CTTiT. WEO IS 05 HIS CLASS CSXW. -V.w- J . r- ' - MiSS HENRIETTA OILMORK. six; J. W. Belt, (bar;. F. H. Get no nine; C. K. Speoa, six; Mr Kva Wallace, four; K. W. aValdlrag. four: K. M. Fairfield, tour; Mr E. W. Nosh, eight; J. & Brady, four: A. V. Klnaler, four;, Ches ter F. Dudley, four. At the Held Club Many dinner parties' were given kutt evening at the Field elub to out-ot-town guests Mr. and Mr Francis White en tertalnd ten guests In honor of Mr. and Mr Louis Vallerp of Fort Worth, Tex. Mr. Fran Martin and Mr. Chart Martin entertained: Mr. T. B. Martin of Galeabiirg, 10.;' ' Mrs. Wbltaker of Clinton. Mo.; . Mr. Will Martin of San Francisco, Del and Mr Depecher, M and Mr Frank Martin, Mr. and Mr Charles Martin. ' W. T. Coad had tour guest: Paul Wemher. ssvsw; W. J. Hynes, rhr: X W. Mugrle) u; W. a. Preston, eight; W. A Jonson, six: H. X. Penfnld, five; F. J. Ranger, tour. F, 8. Owen, eight; Fauf' Hoagland. soman; Dyrlt Col sir; Joaspti Barker, two; U a Willi, tour, A. W. (tordoev two;, J, D. Foster, thro; Clayton Pratt, four." Pleasures Past Mr. and Mr M. M. Borglum. who are String aerlew or dinner pert lea enter tained hut rTrrnr at' thslr hoaMi whsa fhoa present were: Mr. and Mra B. M. Sretr, Mr. and Mr. Leonard BVerett of Council Bluff Mis Carotin Dodge of Council Bluff Mia Maud Smith of Council Blurt Mr. and Mr A. M. Borglum. Mrs, R. R. Kimball gave a luncheon SkrurdsF af the foamry tlub for Mis Mllllosnt Stsbblna, who recerniy returaed front Europe. A number- of the gueat were school friend t the guest ot honor and iheluaVd Mrs. Nathan Post; Miss Laura Jordan, Ml Starling, MM Mahet Sterling, MiM Lillian Tiram Mlta Bertha Whtt Mr John Laonberger. Mr C. C. StebMnaV Ml Eunlcv Stebblnr and Mr William Mawtoa. Mtse Anna Retrn entkrtained th Sevsn SlatarF elub at bar home, UN gootb ThJr. ty-flrtt street, at' iuncheua Thuraday aftarnoon. . The folhtwlng; gtiaatf were presentt Ml-. .Mil Helen Miller, Mtsrgery Fartrsn, Mary Ann McAdam Mary K dries, Virginia Oreene, laibel Feraal. Hslso Wall, A party of young people motored to Omaha from Lincoln yesterday afternoon to attend' th dftrhw and dance at th Field elub, as gut of Mlaa lisa Hear man In the parry ware: mismb rtutn Orlevish, Helsa Mra ton. Olady Wearer. Ena Barton; Messr Eugene Hargraves. Mark Hargrave and Lester Wsavsr. Ml Ouasls Droete and Misa Emmie Sorantea gar a miseellaneou shower Saturday for Mia Lilllsa Hansen, who Is to be a Jane bride Decoration of red and white war used effectively. Those present were: Halite Baum. Carts Kolle, Afnea Anderson, Albtne Wolasen, Marie Tracy. . Lou Simpson, Oussl Droete, Emaue Borensen, Hlldur Seger, Marl Mater. Claire TrVr. Ulllan Dovle. Ann Tracy, Lillian Hansen, Mr. aad Mr. 8. Marlts v a dinnw Thursday evening for Mra Kvlts"s sUtsr, Mr, r. Herutmari' af St. Loula. who pending th summer aa their fueat. Thee present wr: Mlsse Mlasss Jsanert HerUman. Gertrude Hertamaa, Messrs- Messrs. Jkfl Ravlt. a. Stslnher. Michael cnataen. Mr. and Mra. J. Stetnhers;. Mr. and Mra. 1. Whltebooh. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ciiaasoa. Mra F. Hertsmaa. - - ' Ura. J. Bavita. Misa Catherine aad Ana Rowley an. tertalnsd at whlat Saturday afternoon at their home. The fuest of South Omaha Beulth Davis, GeurfHna Davia, Mary Bheehy. Orace Peterson, Laura Petersoa, ' MaryBell. Mae Moore, Ciiarletta lovely, Nell Kief, Patricia Nauahtta, . Into Clifton. Mary Kennedy. ' Frances Willard, , AlUe Powell, Acne FUiceraUL Anna Meyera, Be Niels. - Kva O Sullivan, B. CBrteo. Phllotriena Banth, Mary Welch. Anna Welsh, Marie Schibsr af Mlnneaaiolls. Oertrnde Sullivan, Mary Fttsgerero. Uamrat Park. Saterin Parka isrearet O'Toole, Let KeUearC Otady Vansaat, Anna Mcstanen. tnj. HclllKoS. Mercedes Breen, Ulnae hucrue, Madeline Lsn(. Bote Keely, Joe Gose. Robert Park, Thomas Moore, E. B. Brown, J. P. Wear. Jeusn Mlncny. For the-Future Th (oilewlaa: win make up a theater party at the Orpbeum Moaday evenina. wha "Th Mikado'' will ha (tven: : Irene Hlabt. U'ftan Orthant, Nell Keller. Rote Pratnera, lBt"TSfaJr, Neih Schooley, Eetelle Lor ens, Messrs. K E. Eisenhsrt, Howard Crank, At KeliPtrom. H. H. Noar, , Dr. (isantaar. list Brldiea Perce Owynne. Georjm Orsff. -i W. 4 Johneoer. -Leon w, Kmaht, C E. Hail. , t Phhomena'a L. C. R A. irtll gee a hhv ( ah HreinWce' AaaMMtele rawa Friday afternoon. Th Coiuaihuui etrci wtH atr a, cad Continued oa Paso au. A - Aa j "ae - . f - t , . i - v ; Crepe is a boon. Very few fabrics have eves been produced which can be so easily made mtb simple yet very effective house gowns kimonos and ' wrappers. Besfdes. fashion authorities proclaim 1 9 1 2 is. to be a crepe year. In tlie thirty cMercnt designs of Seipcntnie Gcpe there are a large variety ot beautiful color com binations desfgnecr to suit every complexion, taster anrJ need. : Serpentine Crepe , if ale of any printed cottoa fabric ta the worlds Because no ot&er fabric gwea so much beauty,' wear and style fbr so On exhfbinon at leading department stores affthewotc,-Sttr " ifni Sj 2ip lb Mirage oi ill JU , HAVE YOU EVER TRIED I5SKU.IBALL LAUNDRY? There' morav much mm, thao, tint maro Waatinf of clothe to a taodars Isuodryi. , t. , Thar' tha Import item ot aa around erv4e: thw sratema tlastT method af dolus; what la merely an Incidental thou ah Import anhltron th your round ot housenoloV diittre, - We want to prove to yera that w can ro row faanrtry wort all of It, from ihlrta to iheeta much butter, much mora thoroughly aad: much e learner -a o maUcrr what your appliance than rem. eaa poaalbly have u Oona at home. - - THEREASONWHYT Beeaaaw tt our olv hnstnejee. Wa da nothina asset and, we have aa establishment equipped re the- minutest degree, tor every detail of every kind of laundry worlt, from the hoariest "flat work to tha meet del leal, fabric. Out wort la t careachly antlaepUe aud ahanlutsjy sleaa. . KIMBALL LAUNDRY CO. "Look Fpf Ute Blutt Wajontv Phons Don.Iag 919 Save from 20 to 40 buy direct from the factories Runs Furniture Refrigerators Porch Chairs Linoleum . Office Desks Fine Mahogany D. F. Corte Furniture Co. 24th AND FARNAM COMPLETE LIPCE OF SAMPLES Corsets For Summer Wear ". Lightnet and fttxibil- ity arre ditlinctio f&aiurtt in Norda Corsets. Thy arm ideal for summer wear. r .V; Before yoa go on your vacation let v furnish yoa ' with a Norda ModeL In it yoa will have perfect ease and absolute confidence because of its excellent fit its matchless style and the pretty figure it will make but best of all yoa will njoy your outing better . because of the comfort, and ease it will give. Corsets Cleaned and Repaired Ida C. Stockwell fsth Bid Bntraaeas af : Phone for Appoinuaest. Douc'os !, For ) j Monjiiig EB'Wear To the economical house wife, who likes pretty morn ing, ; lawns Serpentine crraxtianclingr the largest little money. ii You pay for no rent oi big down town stores or warehouses no interest on investments in big stocks -for no losses on ; bad credits. You save what we save. Josephine Le Fevre Compu ftnTIHIrhla Pa. haul ST Beauett ura cc. to Bail Drue Ce. and the tieeeeu Company. Omaha. SUNDAY BEE NOT COMPLETE. WITHOUT COLORED COMIC SUPPLEMENT. Tn c CLaaa: WWall Asseal Craiae 1 O THE ORIEN Pefcreaury tl e A pro n. lata. T aarleae Dwv a sC Cralsaa: hr the ilEW CyiUESEl "UCCIIA" visrawo: MsMra. son, Asa-a auae.asaa. O lurliek. IS ear. ta rskettse mm Btrtt, ten Or ) a ft ataarasssa eara t aTarops, So. Amsr, Bowed Wsrld w. a BOCK. Nil ran,. ,.. "-.I. rRlW CIJUC rusaa Beuetsa, Mee Tart.