Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, BATCBADY, MA7 25. 1911
Modern Tailoring
Methods are working
wonders in the clothing world
men ar dressing better than they'
ever did demanding clothes that are
right inside and outside. . ' ' ,-.
In Clothing as in a watch
very much depends on the -works
inside The superiority
of "Sampeck" clothes lies in
the works inside-in the authen
tic styling and in the worthy
woolens. ; v
Easy to please the Doctor or Lawyer,
ill IS.
the Bank Clerk or the College Man from
,the new grays, tana and blues. A feature
"of many summer suits is a belt like the
goods in suit a few other new wrinkles
that men like. Suits up to size 40 chest
up to $30.00 and low jg QQ
No better place than this to
buy that new straw hat or
the Panama -the gloves ,
shirts pajamas neckwear.
Fashionable Boys' Clotfing.
The sort of Clothes you like for boys- -the
sort the boys like the Works are all
right on the inside, too, with styles best
suited to boys of every age, 6trong val
ues at every price from t
$ 10.00 down to ....... . pO, UU
1518-1520 TARN
Secretary Seymour Compile 6UU
meat for Assessment.
Cpir H at Oaeeela XiltoHl
Cieari Eini ! Tars Prae
tlee Merley Will Brain
, la Dealer.
(Tnm ft Halt Correspondent.)
USCOt-N. Hy SI.MBpcll.-Hnnr
Seymour, serretery of th Btt Beard ot
Eiuailsation, Mi completed th un o(
camplllng th mileage of private ear Him
In th tats n4 th eassarnnent based
thereon. Th amount of laaaimt of
each of In rol on thi aoraunt I
follows: Burlington. fl.ll; Union Pa
cific. IT.V; Northwetera. III.: t
Paul A Omaha. ,St Kara Island, m.tK
Missouri I'scirie, IIJ.W; . Joseph
Orgnd lelsnd. IM. Thi apportion th
following amount to aoh mil of awln
track In th Mat: Burlington. WIWI
l.'nieo Pacific. Weal; Northwost. t.fd;
m. Paul A Omaha, 19MB; Rock UlarM.
tn.S: Missouri Pacific, Wist; St. Joseph
ft Grand Island. KM". Th illag ana
consequently iouat of th
mem la eonsldersbl lee than laat yr.
th Burlington road being Un oaly on U
how aa Incr. wiileh I said to t out
t Mainlag a, lrgr nor cent of th fruit
traflM. ,
rear Car aa Ciraalt test.
Th cantractar for th granite ork
for th Lincoln monument. K.lrnbll Bros.,
ara ooosidortiig dvrtlelng for four car
lead of granil which hav been lott
nattbm a tot from th quarry.
Titer ar ftv carload yet to k re
ceived. btM waa located today ant
th railroad ha prom!' ta Ct It la
htn tonight. Th other four ar lthcr
la St. Lout or ornwhr t of that
point. AH hav bca a th rood ton
nugh to har kn hr obm tiro ago.
Wttbeini Plot, under auitcnc for sien
laughter for -the Mlttnt ttr.
m admitted ta ball In th sum of
HUM today, th supreme court approving
th bead. K Htm la Dlsoo county.
r MMrl Dairy Bar.
T new bara at th tat apiiawBt
tatloa at Cam It to be eroctoa by
OouM a Sob of Omaha, th contract prlc
brtac U.m. It la to b of brkk, acnn
an tlHl t IntmOr ta b a owltl
for dairy, (rain an4 general (arm pur-
Taal Practice.
Company H . Jtebrasaa National guard,
Oscaela. M ow having It askiual target
practice oa I be rang. Major Fens, !
pact ef tb guard tor tb War depart-n-eet
and Captain Keaursoa of th guard
staff r oa duty at th range. Thar
ar t be ae ate thaa o company of
fcor and eight mea arosent oacb day
and aeh la allewod two oars" pay.
Don PrW. engineer f the State Board
of bnaatloa and Bridge, ba returned
. trm aa nwpectloa trip, viewing Mte of
proposed bridge, en at Central City,
on at Oanoa and an aver th Loup
worth t Bl PauL Tb latter cos not par
ticipate la stat aid becaus th county
has (aad Ha awn plan aad commenced
work en tbo trwctar.
Secretary of stats Walt baa returned
from aa Impaction of tb Soldiers' bom
at MlUord. lie says th ld soldiers ap
pear t b contested aad satisfied with
condition Iber.
TeactiaMi aeoka PseXoctloa.
Ta Lincoln Tract lea company has
taken tb (round ta tb ens of H. Her-
POisUaser against ta company that the
But Railaay eommuwioa baa sola yorsr.
alctiea aver rea-ulatioa of rooting of
cars aad aperatln af street ears and that
anie Herpolsnimer can anew a con
tracrural ranttioa Is hi demand tor I
canttaaaac af th rooting of eertaia car
past bis store tb coon, wale ar boar.
tag Use as, eaa glv nlm BO renet,
Oanlloa of Ealr.
Th etostjr mess of fvrnaa eoan'j
bas pat bar aueatloa bp to Hoary Sl
at lbs Seat Board ef
Tb aiimir baa towad a
lot ta Beaver City wbieli ha vara at
H. Tbora ss a men rags af g&aw
tb tot aad as tb law any that tb
morttac mult b taxr4 at tti lac aat
th ncord nr of th realty awai4
on hi equity, th aaamor want to know
what th quliy la a tt.CO lot carrying a
&cot mortgtg I worth.
Woal4 larroaa Rata.
Th Uoeoln TaKpbon an4 Tolagraph
company, which own th tolephon Unas
In Johnaoa county alnoo tha. eonitnlMa
tloa. ha pplM ta tho railway eommla
1on to lacrua rat and a at will
ba t for a hrlng. At Tcumb the
lucre at U to be (0 oont on all 'phones.
th new rate being n on alngl partr
bualnaM, LW tw party, laatoenr H and
lw party H it. At Cook and Oraff It U
propet to rale farm and town re!
done tain) oral all around and at
A!am. In Gale county to tnrr real.
nc toll tt cult. At'Sterlma th eowi
pony ak to una put tRa four party
lino rat, which I a aorrtce iot now
given. At Crab Orchard II la prcpoaed
to Increaaa bualnea toll to oantt per
month and rattdenco and faral B cent.
At aeveraj ef the placo It ta aald
thr I trouble over putting two partle
on line which prJloualy bad only on.
During th day of competition It 1
aid th conpanle took two party Un
contract at th rate prooortbed, but In
directly cut tb rate by never rclelng
th right ta gtv a two party eervloa
Now that competition I ended th com
pany Is ercieln th right to put two
psrtl on th line and th ubtcrlbert
who enjoyed th nap ar kicking.
Morley 'lll ill Head.
Coarle Horley, tha convict atrvlng
III lrm for th murder of Warden
Dlahunty. ha willed hi bead to Dr,
M. O. Welch, th prleon phyetclan. Dur
ing hi trial on of th point w nil
fen waa that a bullet fired Into hi
bead and Imbedded In the brain had
rendered him trreaponalbl. When he die
aa want Dr. Welch or hia ucceor
make a poetnwrtrm and are Juat ht
effect th bullet ha bad on th brain.
(Continued from Pg On.'
foreigner la America.
Tb American Baptist Homo lllssioa
society opened today sesaloa of tb con
notion and several matter pertaining
t th work of th organisation were dts-
eaaaed and plan formulated for future
work. Rellgtoa la tb rural district wa
on of tb question to be disposed of by
tb society.
WASHINGTON," May K.-Tb uh-s
bUcabl tact that many holders of United
Stat bowl fail t present their Interval
checks for payment within a reasonable
Period, caused Secretary MacVeagh t
ptae a limit upon tb time In which
these draft can a cashed without en
countering delay.
Beginning June SS. all bond Interest
check which hav been outstanding for
three fiscal years mil be covered la
tb treasury a aa outstanding liability
of tbo govamtmot. ..
Tht ooorss will be followed la tuturo
st th cite ef each fiscal year.. Tb
payeea of such check will fad It seres-
eery t procure new checks and establish
their right ta tb money.
Many persons, without explanation. H
la said, refuse to respond ta repeated ap
peal of tb treacrry that tber cash In
terest cbeck ad permit tb govern meat
te cms th accounts. Ths Instance is
cited of on man. who hold aa accumu
lated number af checks spreading over
years s mounting to bstweoa Sa.M end
IT-4. Tb seeretsrrs action a)
pectod t arld ta prevalent danger of
old chirks being fraudulently cashed.
A late Heeemttse.
Jeroen ft McWso. tn Dolath collec
tor, was srstsing too erlt of a DuluU
esnser at inner.
' Uvea In hi childhood." laid Mr. Mo
wed, "the man was wmy. H is re
corded In Dutch's srchivM thst eee at
ernool be tailed la bis history teeena and
wss la euoseouciwe Hogged wit a trunk
strap ey nis tesceer.
-Tb wttty led, as be lay acre bar
teavrher' knee a dc the biowa deweended
rsptdiy uana him, ewung around hie heaai.
'Happy I th country that ba ae
history.' "-ihilata Tribune. ,.
Kike Dozen Addresses Between j
Trtntoa tad Jersey City. ;
La Pallort Ala rate la Bsar. Day
la Xortaera aad tetrl Pert , '
f State Wtlem laawaa
a Statement. ,
NEWARK. K. Mr It -The M
Jeraey primary campaign wa In full
wing today, with tttre of the republican
eandidaio for -th presidential nomina
tion tpeaklng In lb eonteat for the
twenty-eight delegate to th national
convention, which win bo cboaeo next
President Tlit began three dy of
hard campaigning when he left Trenton
this morning, with a ipeaklng schedule
that carried him to Jersey L'lty. tie w.i
apend the night at the borne of bH
brother, Heary W. Taft, in New fork
City. Between the two due he
planned to mak abort talk at. more
than a dosen placo.
Colonel Roosevelt wa astir a early
as the president, going In tb opposite
direction. He will end. hi tour for th
day at Trenton, whera a long aprech I
scheduled tonight. Mis route took to
Burlington, Egg Harbor, Atlantic City,
Camden and several smaller ptacea b
Senator La Follett spent th night at
Atlantic City, where yesterday evening
he addressed a larg gttdtnen th
steel pier. Today ha campaigned north
ern and central part of th etst. plan
ning to stop at Lakewood, Asbury Park.
Long Branch and Red Bank and wind
Key to th Situation Bee Advertising.
up at Newark and Peterson tonight.
Tb democrat! campaign, which oa ac
count of determination of other candi
date not to oppos Governor Wilson
within hli own stat, has attracted leas
sttsntlon then tb republican, gained
warmth today, when tb governor Issued
a ststemtnt attacking his opponents
within the stat who ar trying to send
New Jersey'. delegation to Baltimor un
instructed. In this statement Governor
Wilson explained why h did not con
sider It becoming for him ta tab th
Mump la a bom primary, campaign.
Wilson lssae ststemeat.
TRENTON, N. J . May St. -Governor
Wilson today issued an "addr to th
voter of New Jersey" n which n ss-
plained why n did not Uke tb Mump
to ask for their vote at th earning
prtmaile and attacked hi opponents,
who have arwsnlaed esaisat him end
placed n th prlmar" ticket ft full act
of "uninslructed" delegates to the na
tional convention. The New Jersey gover
nor y'.
"I w unwilling to canvass th state
for your vote I hav spoken frequently
In rh past few month In other .(tstsa,
because my friends tnought I ought ta
mak i myself personally known tber:
but that could not he urged SB a reason
In Nsw Jersty. -
"Voa know n. For eighteen month
J hav sought to serve you ss governor,
with full sens of th roaoenstblliile
yon have Imposed upon me, and my
record all th state knows. Nothing I
could say tPon tb public sJi'.form could
alter It either los. worse, it
would be unbecoming for mo to commend
It. to you or to seek to glv It color bf
my aw xposltlon of it."., , .....
let React tor Smith.
i Governor Wilson, Inea Uke p 1at
Sfralrs. remind voter ef hi fight
(gainst former ' Untnd States' ristT
Jamas Smith, Jr, pad telh) them that
he opposed tb re-election of Senator
Smith and favored Jam E. ajanlne.
th Incumbent of th office, becaus th
people of th elate had pressed their
preference for Mr. Martin a( th primer,
lea He review recent (tat political
history and continues:
"This Is th whole ground of offending.
I Indited that th party should keep
faith with th people In th matter vt
the aanstorshlp In all other. Senator
Bmlth wanted its obligation Ignored in
order that be might be returned 14 th
senate. He revenge, a do tin
'guardian' and All others wbo hav been
deprived of their private control. Their
purpose I to regain their power and
rule again ss tbey pleas-"
Oaaosltlea Working Secretly.
"Whet i happening within the repub
Iksoj party I obvious to tb whole country
sud a vary unedlfytng spectacle it la
But whst la happening In this stat within
th democratic party la not so obvious.
It Is, Indeed, being don very quietly
nd very secretly, becaus It I being
done by Jsme Smith, Jr., who knows
no other way of acting In politic, and
wbo baa no suggestion to mak to th
votr of thstnt which h tan a.uttr
venture to mak In pubil.
"What concerns un and mak ta mat
ter very much larger and mora wrlbue
than tb mora incidental question of
whether I are to b nominated at Haiti
mora, or, not. Is th fact that thia I
Mr. Smith' ttmpt t roeetsbllih his
control over th democrat! parly, and
put himself once more in position ft
max th democratic machine an adlunct
and partner of the aid republican m
chine m asrving th special interests m
.New Jersey. It I th lest deeper t at
tempt of tb discredited old realm to
destroy and (upplant tb new."
Teft (mile la Bwldeao.
FHlLUF-SBl'Ra, N. J , May H-Tne
Taft emu was la rwnc ngsla today,
when th present took op bis campaign.
at rismingisn. wnere ne made tn nrtt
speech of the day, Mr. taft pointed to
the legtauutv record of hi admlnlstra
to and asked Nsw Jerasylte ta snow
their belief la Its progrosstvnnea by vot
ing tor htm at tb prlmsrtee.
"I am her only to ask your Judgment.''
b said. "It yen think my administration
bad don well by tb people. I ask your
approval and If you don't think It baa,
tnen I expect your disapproval.
la speaking of Colonel Rooaevslt'e viewi
ef constitutional sue ties th president
said: -
"Would yea bar aa unsound mas wrtfe
hi Me of eeetaUrutlenal government la I
tb Presidency T" I
Keeeasft Car) 10 ta M Daya.
Tb Pari Medldna Cow MM Pus street.
St. UMda, Ma. manufacturers ot Lax a- ,
uv Brome Quialas. aaa a new and
wendvrful discovery. OROVaTg SA-XARS :
CLTI. wkleb guaranteed to ur any
rase ef XCZSM A. a matte f bow bang I
standing. In M te M days, and via re- j
fund money if It tall. ORUVCg SA.
KARC CUTIS M perfectly eeeaa and dove
Mala, it your druggist bsan't M.
send a lot la stamps and tt will be sent
by man.
asaasa Owen ftatarday.
- Manawa. wnb It ballroom, flgur L
laanch crossing tb sake aad all attrac-1
Uons-save that the bathing bca awalu I
werroer weather opaw the season Sator-
day. Joae band piar Sunday rron t to :
asd IJg t U. Mowing pert ara (very j
even In I
Beautiful nid-SummBr Millinery
Han-reds of Pretty Hits to Select Fron
Absolutely Every, Hat In
the House
ttiiKirxi 1508 pous"s st-
Clua Ocean Ortr Emergency Ap
propriation Bill
gay Tweatr-Twe'Tkewsssd Dollars
Waa Paid by geriraaeat Last
Tear for Private , Tele
grams for Member.
WASHINGTON. May K-A .chsrg that
member f the bousl at guilty of
pctfy graftliis was made on th floor
today by Representative Fttxgerft'd
chalrmaa of th appropriation corn
mlttec Tb allegation nroipltated.
wordy war, In th course of which Mr.
rtttgerald' himself accused of hav.
ing submitted for payment of hills for
which there was ne provision by law.
Th clash marked tb eonalderUoo of
th emergency appropriation bill, carry
ing tOW.0w for th expense of tb buwe.
Th bill makea trtct regulations on tb
subject of telegrams.
Tb sending ef telegrams by mem-
be ra of the house." declared Mr. flu-
gerald, "ha dsgwerated Into crying
abuss. Th character of many of th
telegram I unjustifiable and not by the
wtdeet atrstch of th Imagination could
they ba construed ofriclal. And yet
member send thaa messag at govern
ment expense."
Th telegram Mil of members," Mr.
FiUgereld said, "cost th government
upward af S3.S0S a year." "On tele-
Iran) af , privet nature," he declared,
had cost SM, while th bill af en mem
ber I or slngld month wss 1250.
Reprrtatlv Lloyd ef Missouri,
chairman of tb accounts committer.
sought to sxcua tb piwetle and when
he aald that only on In tsn waa a mes
sag of private nature, paid for at nubile
expense,' Mr. Frtsgersld took him sharply
to Jask tor trying t eondona svea thai
.... , . : ,.
Md th chairman of th appropriation
committee." a hooted Reprnttle
Oarner of Texsa. democrat, and a meav
ber ( th aeeount committee, "ever
k for anything, at. Ill hand of tb
accouata eommluee not provided for by
lawr . ....... -
"t think not," retorted Mr. Fitxgwrald
"Well. ' 1 ' can' gut Mnphatieallp that
th gsntlsmaa bss ".
Mtv ntagersld rad no
rtwwtstw) gerrn ' Owt.
several member denounced the attempt
to curtail tm telegrspaing privilege, eon
tending tb hus might ss well peprtv
It member! of th telephone and th
franking privtleg. The strict prohibition
finally were stricken out, 1M to Ma, and
uU bill psieed, . . v .
Mr. Olllett of. Maasachusctta accused
th democrats of eitravsganc and ld
th H4.M carried' for tb contingent fund
wa th (erateat vr voted. He blemed
th msny Invesilgatrons under way for
th alleged extravagartoe and added that
th Inquiries so far bad produced nothing.
Cobb Will be Back ;
in Game Saturday
CHICAGO. May .-Trus Cobb, tb
suspended Detroit star, will be back tn
th gam by Saturday, ecordlng to
President Cotnisksy of the Chicago
American lub. who returned todny from
th tpeeiel meeting - of tn American
leagu held at Philadelphia a ft reaull
ef th (trtk of Jenning s players. Cora-
lsky conveyed tn Impresaloa that ft
ten -day aeateae was placed against
Cobb at tb special sls, but this was
not announced. C'omlaliey sis said that
a new infield woold be ready to Una up
against Detroit, on Saturday.
Toilet Articles at .
Saving Prices
t "We have gathered together and place on sale for
.Saturday's selling a 6trong list of Toilet requisites,
which will especially appeal to you these warm days.
By purchasing your drug needs at Beaton's, you bafe
truard yourself a jrainst inferior goods. Standard quality
and low prices prevail throughout our establishment. '
XSe lUisa VUsist Tsiraini
Powder 15r
its Elsorf TUcnta Paw
s' r 20
SAo exxrSn pDwd-.a
ZSe Caixara'd or SamMa1, all
tderg - 5d
40g n XTfe "4 -la. TtlcJia
; Prraslria of Jlydracn 70
$1',3 Vooarcb No. t Cnilt
Spray, tutanliy
n Id Hrnarr-a Sbowar ftU
, 3prJ. Sn. g. trnr.tay S5 J
9l.tin JTTWJ-1 xortvsr wwua
faT. Sa. ift. Pa day "iOe4
He iisBmm Eomselusld
Cltrwaa. saT7 4iw un
"FoDow the Bestort Path
BeatOn Drug Company
- Fcxntam and 15th Street
( t
DAVENPORT. Is.. May H Tb Jury
la th case of Clayton Rowland, wbo,
with thirteen other union leader. . was
charged with consplraey .to tatimldat
nonunion button worker at Muacatlno,
returned ft verdict of not guilty lata to
night. It I (aid th other probably will
not have to ttand trial and that the In
dictment wilt be dtrmtssed.
oa the American lde of th Rio Grand,
with pointed rifles, prevented band ef
Mexican re be la from firing into th river
where tw refugees. Were swimming to
tb American (14 today.
T. E. Ranches and Loul Pelhay. Mexi
can .government secret agent Were
captured bp rebel by a ruse and ar re
ported ta hav been executed. Sancbss
bftd ft son. Major Lewis Sanch, who
commanded th federal tore that took
Quarts rape few day ago. It to bettered
tb elder 6a aches we killed Ift revenge
for execution In OusdsJup.
Th (am force of federals and nbete
which evacuated Ouadalup emerged from
th hill at Baa Ignacio,. Max.. oppoalts
ber today. After a long rang battle
th rebels retired. Major Lewi taachea I
reported killed.
law Raw Mat.
CEWSON-Th funeral of gward H. I
u.-vniii.n tun. piece teoay ai in asp
Het ctMiren. He wss a rural mall carrier
out of Denises who gross down hi health
trying la serve his entire route during
ths sevsr cold nd n0w of laat winter.
Th Woodmen and Red Men lodge and
all dork and carriers of th Denisoo
oXflo attended th funeral In a body.
IDA OROVB-Jeha W. Bmlth. the mil.
Uonair cattle man and mine owner of
this city, received word that hi daugh
ter. Mrs. Cnsrtott Brad a v was th
victim of aneak thlevee who stole P. tutl
worth of Jewelry from ber whil aha was
swung in Terr Hute, Ind.
DENIdON-Allan P. Beck of Maaen
City, la., and Mis Clara Strahn -of thia
elty were united In ma triage on Wednes
day -evening. Rev. J. H. Hensensy. the
Mstbodist - Eplerepal pastor, officiating
The groom Is entsaed in tha real estate
bustnese. but of Iste bss been manasinc
th primary campaign of E. Q. Dunn of
Mason City, running a democratic candi
date lor governor. Mr. Dunn waa la at
tendance at th wedding.
IDA CROVE-Charle Menagh f tVnl
eon ned thrugh Ida Orove In bl
g traoter bound for hi new horn at
Hlghmora. . D. He had Ms family and
all kla household goods Mowed awaty on
the big tractor, and ssys ths saving on
freight and railroad tar win be a big
Item. .
CREKTOK Creeton now baa three
daily paper. Th Plain Dealer started
as a twico-a-Week paper by Miss Bert he
Bowers here this spring, ha been
changed th hist week to a dally. Th
Rev. A. E. Klssr, former pastor ef the
First Preshytertsn church hers end later
tt lecturer for th prohibitory amend
ment, has accepted th podtlon of busl
nse manager for th nsw sheet, begin
ning hi duties yeeterdsy.
INDIANOLA-Harold R. Footer of Wll
Hkm. la., was the succeeeful contestant
for th position of edltor-ln-chM of the!
Slmpeon oollege otdclsl publlcetton, th
fllmpaonlan. yeterdey in on of th hot
test election for th position ever held
at Ulmpeon.
FORT DOPOE-Klton F Fay has been
appointed esatetaat master mecbanlc of
th Iowa and Mlnneeota division of the
Illinois Central railroad. Hi headquart
er will b at Waterloo.
FORT DOIXIE la aplte of th fact
that the Weoeter esoaty supervleora
hav pseaed the saloon petition of eon
sent aa ufflctent wltb ninety-three
names more than necessary, ths Fort
Dodge dry bare decided to apnea! to
the district court. At aa enthusiast!
meeting Thursday night thsy derided to
uthorlc Attorney M. S. Odl to perfect
tlx appeal and file It a oon a possible.
OSCEOLA Burglsrs erured an en
trance to tbo poatoftte yeeterdsy morn
ing at an early hour and made awsy
with tSb m stamp and cash. Ne clue
has yet been eOtsined of th guilty par
ties. CRESTON-Qeorge E, Uchty af Water
loo baa Just been chosen as head ef tb
National Wholesale Orocer' aaeociatlon.
Mr. Uchty la quit well known here, hie
parental bom being in this city. He te
th brother ef Ed and Howard Uchty of
thi place, both grocer, and another
brother la ft grocer In Dea Motnee.
tlJti S-cjL UemmUme Ton
( Cstlft P? llfta red PllhrnM
. BaXBT.ry f$5
i Kmrrrb r3tnar.a0o
tU tKK..V- D l'Jr-g Umid
QtG &ep fhempoo; rxu-
. nrday o5
U00 Woodhnrr C3ccr SWj
n 9dBd Bkvdt Ebony 1 1
SO tbrnkraosTa Ttflat TsMt,
ail dor ...... --3a
f Oe Bradley' Wornfla.ra VUx
lot Ammonia -SOsi
Tic 4TU Toflat WatB-. Pas-
rW -45
I0e CotgM ToOat Waurr,
H fha ss
A Rare Opportunity to Save
on Boys' Double Breasted Suits
Broken sizes being cleaned up
at unusually reduced prices
At these prices you may choose suits that were
marked to sell for twice the price now asked.
Some are odd suits, others only two or three of a kind
every one is an unusual bargain. Sizes range from 8
to 15 years. Come Saturday and make your selection.
"Onyx" Silk Hose
Sheer silk gauze hose
double heel and toe, shown
in every desirable color a
remarkable value when of
fered at 35c a pair our
special sale price Saturday
25c f .r-i'li0
S. S. WILCOX, Manager.
Ths Meaning of Matrimony
St Mary's Avenue Congregational Church
; SUNDAY, HAY 26th, 8:00 O'CLOCK P. M.: ;
Last Lecture of tht Season .
Morning Urvt 10:30 A. M.
Cbjact: teng In th Wgy".
i fffl'J?. 1 ....
VVr v
Man Wijesiowe goomiKo arstrr has bee
seed Isr over SIXTY YKAKS by MtfXIUNS of
u the be rewjedy for D1AMEA. It la t
wdutely bsnalese. Ps sure sad ak foe Mrs,
a iaskrwe soothing gyrwp," ad Use ae otbee
Usd. TweatT-dveceaua botu
It will pay you ,to
p-lS. get your old ht
V- J cleaned and reblocksd.
First class work at moderat price
Sehmartn' Hat Factory
16th and California.
Every Day Is Bargain
for tbo wb din at Ta Bel
moat Bees areas. It' a wall
known fact that wa bar aa en
vied reputation for satlafyln- th
moat particular eplcureian st
price thst are far lower (quality
considered) than yon caa obtain
eleewnere. Drop la and see what
you hav raiasad by not eating
ber before
ljl B0BO8 MTMMWt.
0. . Ball, Prop.
Open AH Mlgai.
Entertainers & Photo Playi
Dine Oat Doors
Admlneton IB Ceat
Twssty-strta aad Paeaass Btreeta.
nretsT AJro atunra
Mstineee Saturday and Sundar After
noons Open Kvery Evening.
A Complete t'hange of Program
Kvery Ltsy.
Adult. 10 Osata. children, ( Ceat
una 'a1'
mil imkm
Saturday, lay 25
(Second season under management of H. M. Barnet)
Plenty of Water ia the Uke This Seisaa
For information, telephone Douglas 1952 or drop a
postal to H. M. Barnet, Lake lVIanawa, Council Bluffs,
Iowa. "" -
Straw Hats
Are Ready
They are all here, every
size, ' every . dimension
rough straws,, smooth,
straws and negligee
shapes the majority of
our straws have undergone
the new weather-proof
process which greatly
lengthens the lasting qual
ities of thehat. .
15th at Douglas St.
Tueiiaj iTeolal, Kay 28, 1912
."' . ," Assistsd by . . .
Has Lenlss Orasby. lopraaa, t
Mme, aorglas, ftooompaaist. .
IcVeti, 50c, 75c, $1.00 tn. SI 50
wsata Mew On ftal At Offlo.
Lake in Excellent Condition.
Dancing Every Evening.
Lamp ' Orchestra. Big Rol
ler Coaster, Roller Skating,
Bowling, etc Free Moving
Ail 1 tICI
Thi I BAII.T '
Week I g:30 S:SO
Prioeei aTtgksa, ge. go. fC. Ha. Soe,
Ohlldna ISO.
Praae, Haplse.
Boise, Ploreao.
Thrilling Xorse-
BO Otter area
raraam aad Twsnty-Plftb gtrset
TosifSt at gioo and ttW
Beck and lisnney, M tsic and ln.
clng; Ring Kong Lea, V lolinlst and Hum
orist; Arthur Oroes, Omaha's Baritone;
Three New Motion Picture Heels, and
Concert Orchestra. . -APflsXgelOJf
, loe. CamjBBBj.
Base Ball
May gS-Sg-lT-gg
btosdsy, igay rr, Badis Bay,
Care leers 1 jtb and Farnam. gilts
Games called 3.JU.