The 'Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES 13 TO 24. Looking Backward This Day in Omaha narr fmin Ta Tmti lUeHi! law of seek 1mm VOL. XLI-XO. 21)4. OMAHA. SATURDAY MOHXlXti, MAY' 25, 1!1: SINGLE (X)PY TWO CENTS. TEACHERS TOGET MORE PAY Committee Secnrei Schedule from Thirteen Other Cities. BOAED MEMEEBS FAVOE MOTE list bows thai (luk Teacher "' -' Par Thaw .tar f the Other Cities that MiM Josephine Grant of lthrop school, head of a committee of grade teacher appointed to request the Board ot Edu cation for at, Increase in salaries e( grade and kindergarten teachers, has received schedules of salaries from thirteen cities. The Omaha minimum salary la. no In stance la as large as these cities. "Our teacher ought to hare more pay, of that there is no question." said lr. E. chairman of the buildings and grounds committee of the board. "It's a dlngnicc to the city to pay them the salaries e are now paying." other members of the board have aird tliut .salaries are tou, small and an increase mil be nude this year, to take effect uext fall. Following is the schedule of wages paid In other citlea: cit.1 - Minimum. Maximum. fm? H :u.iuellfe. it. 1 600 WO Minnettliolis a 6U"J ' l.OliO vuiuraiio springs Hiu aiiiwaukef HO lt-hver $tiO St- -aul 450 K0 Kalituri t.'itj. Mo 1 032 I'alerson. X. J T5 1,000 Ac. I.oil.. H 1.51IO ljelroli ii)0 ijou ..ilijg. bjj ' i,Vw JiiuiHnapoils WO l.uuo Uinulia 43) Et. Paul salaries approaches nearest tuo salaries ild here. Omaha teachers re ceive Hj minimum and after eight years of service may work up to a maximum of lr. Hulovtchtner believes the Mlnne- apolt. lohediile could be adopted here and would b a needed Increase. James Richardson, chairman of the flu- am c committee, . Is In favor of an In- cieate and probably will ask the board. for other changes, among them being pay for trainer, who now Works without sal. " , ". T. lour(f, chairman of the teachers' coirmlttee. favors an Increase, . Other members otf.hl committee also express a dtsire to see the teacher paid more. Superintendent F.. U. Uraff has approved the move toward an Increase. Estelle Gives Cox Permission to Use Strong Language "Divine permission" to- call Henry R. Gering a l:ar during argument of Benja min A. Redman's suit aaMnst Ger ing for alienation of the former Mrs. Redman's affections was given Guy Cox. of counsel fur Redman, by Judge Lee a Estelle yesterday. j Offering of evidence was completed at II :ts and Cox began the opening argu ment for the plaintiff. After reviewing the testimony In a. general way and arguing In support of the truth of the plaintiffs charge. Mr. Cox fell to pick-' Ing to pieces the testimony of the defense, centering his attack mainly upon Mrs. Redman and Gering. "Henry lied there," said Mr, Cox. referring to Mr. Gerlnr'a statements re garding his tew meetings with Mrs. Red man. "He iled almost everywhere. "I -object to this Insulting and abso lutely uncalled ofr attack." shouted Matthew Gering. attorney for his brother. Jumping from his chair. "He has no right to call the defendant In this caw a liar and a perjurer." "Theie la no use In bandying words to this Jury," said Cox. "I'm going to call a spade a spade." "We'll see what you are going to do." cried Gering. "I'm making my objec tion to the court' "I don't Ilka the language,, myself." said Judge Estelle. "It Is a pretty rough way to express the thought, but I can't control argument ot counsel except to limit him to discussion of the evidence, i would use different language If I were res king the argument You'll charge the other side with misrepresentation when you argue, or say they're mistaken, or something to the same general effect. I know what I'd do If I were arguing the case for one aide or the other." "We don't have to stand for that language." Insisted the attorney. "I overrule the objection." said the court "As I Say. I don't like the lan guage and it wouldn't Impress me very favorably; but If Mr. Cox feels that way about It and wants to use such expres sions he has my divine permission to do so." Despite the ruling In his, favor, Mr. Cox expressed his thoughts more gently during the balance of his argument He waa followed by Mr. Gering. Flour Broker Sues Gooch for Injury to His Business Richard' A. Thompson, wholesale flour broker, 534 Sherman avenue, tiled suit In district court against tha Gooch Milling and Elevator company of Lincoln to re cover S&Me tor alleged injury to his busi ness and reputation. The suit is em bodied In an answer t a -suit on account against Thompson filed by the Gooch company. v '-.i'St . Thompson alleges instll"; "ggd the Gooch company shipped dim a eoMicn- ment of Tour, which, after delivery to the trade, proved to be short weighted In esck containers. Weight Inspector Pegg caused his arrest, which, attended by newspaper notoriety, resulted, he says. In partial toss of business and reputation. The complaint In the case was dismissed by the city prosecutor, the answer states, on the ground that the Gooch company and not Thompson was to blame for the condition. . It Is further alleged that, recently the Uvoth company, ehtpped ! Thompson two cars ot flour that proved to be musty snd that Its delivery to customer resulted tn the lor of several of them. Including one or two furnishing large accounts. Thompson's refusal to pay for this flour caupcd the Gooch company to bring auft for COW, to which he filed answer. Playgrounds in the Public Parks to Be Installed by Hummel V : Joe B. Hummel.' head of the depart, ment of parks, will ask the city commis sion for funds with which to establish public playgrounds In parks and tn other parts of the city where they could be utilised. "We have only fcl.tll.lcft In the park funJ," said Mr. Hummel, "for warrants were dut against the fund when I en tered office. It Is probable" not more than COW or K.000 can be used this year to establish pis y grounds," but, 1 want to tell you that !. roald be spent for that purpose In the city snd the money would not be wasted." Apportionment of the general purpose fund has not been made. From It Mr. -Hummel expecta a sum to devote to the advancement of the public playground llan. ' "tin the squire" candidates advocated public playgrounds in their campaign ad dresses snd are determined to carry out their pledges on this score as thoroughly financial condition of the city will allow. Base ball diamonds, tennis court, croquet grounds and swimming pools may be established In some of the parks this year. . ... 1 S (a H. Stamps Free With All Purchases New Summer Suits, $15 Newest in materials, newest iu colors, newest iu style kinks in such profusion mid iu such splendid quality that we know you will not find their equal iu Omaha for less than $20 to $-5. Bfandeis' Change .' Style of Building and Build Deeper Since the announcement by the Mc Cague Investment company that a new building Is to be erected at Seventeenth and Douglas streets to extend back to the alley, the Branded interests, which are erecting a store building and hall east of the American theater, have de cided to double tha depth ot their new structure. Li Hugo Brandels says the firm haa been waiting to see what the McCaguV people were going to build on the Seventeenth street corner In order to make their building conform with It. Although the McCague building will be four stories high snd the new Brandels structure Just two, they will conform In general appearance, owing to the height or the ground on which the Brandels building, I being erected. The change In plana made by the Brandels firm will necessitate tearing out the property room ot the American theater, which extend out Into the Jot The lower floor of the new building will be divided Into ator room, while the extension ot the structure to the alley will give much more room to the hall, which will make up the second floor. This hsU will be used for dance, enter tainments and meetings of various kinds. NEWLY FOUND FRIEND RUNS OFF WITH MONEY En route to Omaha Thursday night Earl Parker of Gordon. Neb., became ac quainted with a man named Adams, who ssld he lived in Grsnd Island. Adams said he knew "Omaha like a book.' and agreed to pilot Parker about . The two went to the Midland hotel for the night and occupied one room. This morning Parker awoks to find Adam gone, with B from hie coat Docket. Cultivated taates prefer Permits? sav FARRELL WANTS TO PULL BACK BID ON SCHOOL HOUSE I. J. Farrell. lowest bidder on the four room addition to the Long school and whose bid was accepted .last Friday by the bulldine snd grounds committee of the Board of Education, has declared he trade a mistake and haa asked permis sion to withdraw his bid. The bid waa tU.ODe. Next low bid was between i1t.W and ftt.OOS and the committee bold a meeting this afternoon to consider the advisability ot accepting It - STREETS AND ALLEYS MUST BE FREE FROM DEBRIS Commissioner A. C. Kugel. head of the Department of 8tret Cleaning and Main tenance. ha notified contractors and burld'r that material frwi buildings be ing demolished must not be lft fa the alleys. Old plaster, brick- and mortar must be removed. He has requested the contractors to remove such mitertai within a day after H ts deposited is the street or alters. Motorists, Attention Cylinder troubles usually are due to carbon deposit. Trace back the carbon deposit, and, if you do not find the fault in your mix ture, tou will prohably find it in your lubricatinsr oiL 3 POLARINE OIL practically eliminates carbon deposit. It saves you front fouled park pings and valves, scored cylinders, etc It keeps proper lubricating body at high temperatures. It feeds freely right down to tero. -The Polarine Brand covers Polaris Oil: Polarine Trans mission Lubricants tin three consistencies!; Polarine Fibre Urease and Poiariac Cup Greater. Standard Oil Company - aTeemska Osaaa We bars Just received sad as packed the new summer salt aad yoa wilt be sar prised at the nhasaal Vatae-erea for Sta neU's whea yosTaee that they erejaerkee only tl OQ. They" arotao sort of garanate the naa aad yonag aaaa will reeel la these werMder-Jnrtheai that will giee htm a "s"wiartaapy7 "eriap air ef Importance whea the-rest of th saen is tows are Urn and wilted" looking. Tour moat critical la peetloa nuTlitd7" 0thrsalte at tlt-fsj H6.50, gao.oo. " and'aaa-oo. 500 pain of men's anil young men a trousers of all wool and worsted mater ials, plain and with ruff bottoms; values up to J 50 at tl.&O and Sl.n.V Other separate trouser bargains at i."M to $.VMt. Lots are too small to admit of detailed description. Men's alinoN raincoats. In gray and tan. regularly sold at S.VoO. Sat.. $4.75. Blue serge suit special for young men -All wool, hand tailored, blue Bergs suits In sties 31 to 45; a regular $16.00 suit, this Saturday only,- $11 M. Men's New Coat Shirts, a Dollar And there are some other fin shirts at ll.iS that came with those w offer at tl .so. W made a fortunate purchase of a Urge number In the freshest and rhclceat ,-onl-lookltig summer pattern and colorings , you hive seen In many a season Great value. More like l and IS snd fl.W. See them Saturday. For Boys One lot of boys' hlgheit grade hand tailored wool suits In single and douhle breasted styles, sone with an extra pair of pants; posi tively : Up to$io n 7 c Values .. aT. Another lot of sow ssrlaf ls. with an extra alr or panta; all colors and sites; up to li.i val ues. Sat., while thev leal. t3.Se. Odd aad aad ef soy' fla wool (alt, worm up to 13 l, to line. Satunkty. gl3S. , Boy' and children s hate and oa os. ;.v to 4. children' "brand" sew weak salts tn all of th newest color Inga and style. tc, r, tl.l i.,s and 1 f 8. .Boys' kkald peats aad Mow walata. for vacation wear. t.0c. Hoys' solaette aad ssearas pa Jaatas, age to 14 years. It 0 ai"1 II. ! the suit. 1 Boys' 4Rc Moae wains, I Se ll 10 fine madras seat shirts with aoft collars to match. II. is. - one lot of 11.00 and II. in seat hlrta In a variety of rholc patterns, slightly soiled from counter utsplay or hand ling c 16c half hose In tan er black, and all sixes from IV to IU, Inclusive, Hatur tlav, 9r the lr. or three pairs for Z&c. Men's lavltlble snspandere, lite. Men'a and boys' digit grade leather belt In all of the neweat shades, 2bc, tor and 7.V, ww waak Tie In neat pin striped and figured pattern or solid color, lc. eaclt or two for 2&c. five big. line of HTRAW HAT8 In ill of th latest snd most popular shspes for summer of Hi:, I it. II 10, f:.0, and 13 08, GEN CINE PANAMA HATH at II 0ft, IS In and i so. You will find Ihs sain qualities priced In other tore at II f to 12. eo more. Men auto rain-proof hats. 1.0c to High grade oft and Miff ht--Try '. , .orre.i line at 1.1.00, 13.10 u.i fll'MHKR CAPS of fine light weight, rain-proof material', choice of jtrey nd tan; I0f and &o each. 2 Irresistible Suit Specials $9.95 $24.75 for 11 colored novelty suit, worth to $50 for tailored suits worth from $19.50 up to $25 each i Rare bargains The cheapness is in the prices only-there 's great excellence in the styles and qualities. When you take iuto consideration the beautiful 'styiVfre6bues9"of these tuits-iiot a garment in either lot in the tore over. even weeks-you will begin to realize what an extraordinary buying op portunity this is. . , ' Cleverest plain tailored and fancy models of tropical weight mix tures, striped cloths and pluin fabrics. The price of $24.73 embraces every eolored novelty suit in the store that sold ut uud iu between $;i0.00 aud $5O;0t)V :AU sizes in each assortment. Wool Dress Skirts at $2.98 Odds and ends of serges, Scotch mix tures. Panamas, worsteds, etc., In many of the newest style Innovations. The values range from $5.00 to $7.50 each. Wool Dresses at Half Price This Includes all of our fine French serge dresses but excepts the cream-white novelty and plain tailored styles. v Low necks, three-quarter sleeves snd other characteristics desired In summer dresses. Dresses Worth to $20 at 19.95 the drosses in'thls lot are msde of silks, wool serges, eh all lee and beautiful lin gerie matcrlals-a miscellaneuus collec tion, worth up to $20.00, priced for quick clearance at $9.90. Longjawn Kimonos. 75c Long lawn kimonos- In fancy figured and striped patterns with border trim mings, regularly priced at $1.00, Satur day, 7c. Coats for Large Women, ' 1 30 the vory large woman will fl. . In this splendid coat opportunity for lliess coats ars cut along dlffsrsnt lines than ths average garment, paying particular at.entlon to the peculiar needs of tha larga woman. They are made of navy and black serges, In else 38 to 63, lhrluslve. CravenettedjCoats at$5.95 A smalTTot of cravenelted coata that formerly sold at $10.00 to $U.OO. choice, Saturday only, while they last, $5.95. Big Reductions in Children's Coats-11.98 and $6.50 Lot Oae consists of children's costs In sixes 3, 4, 6 and Gthat sold at $3.60 and $4.00, going, riaturday, at $l.tK. Both wash fabrics and wool materials. In var ious styles, to choose from. Lot Two consists of girls' costs In beau tift'l new spring models of light and dark colors-ages 10, 12 and 14-that regularly sell st $8.95, priced tor Saturday's sell ing only, $fi.50. Knit Underwear Women's JeWjr ribbed, lace trim med anion suits of an excellent wearing quality; regularly 60c, Sat urday, HBr. Women's fine ribbed aniob suits with torchon Isco trimmings; sixos 7. 8 and 9; 50c values, Saturday, 35c the suit or three suit for $1.0O. Women's low neck, sleeveless, full taped Tests that are slightly Imper fect In the making but the wearing qualities were not Impaired, Satur day, 3c each. Oa lot of tsmmer aaderwear con sisting of children' vests and pants, women s vest and pa'tt" and buys" rhlrts and drawers; slightly soiled or mussed from handling and counter dis play. Saturday, while they last, loo the gsrment. New Corsets Splendid models in med ium bust and girdle top styles with extra long hip confiners; some with shir string through the bust line. Made of best quality batistes and routlls, boned with non ruatable boning, equipped with irum luur 10 ia iuw support- , era and very reasonably priced, J $1, $1.25 & $1.50 Saturday Pure Food Specials Bennett' Bent eoffe and 2 lUmr' pound .3So X lbs. Bennett's Beat coffe and ntanip. for tlXh 6 -lb. rati Bennett' pltol bcklns powder ad IW tam flj Aimort4d teaa. 7 mttaitfm. pound.. sWc Te and I MKnipv. Ibs.lfta Bennett's Capitol floar rpeclal offer of inck at $lS Pint can Cat Herd pur olive oil r dured to t ....40o 3 pkfra- Tnasto corn fluke-- n xW lent hreakfaM fond for bot iuin-r days--with 1 fltampa..., 99o lor at regetable seed, pkg., ie 17 !. fraanlated nurar $10 thie dozen boei mtty mat' hen. So tintder'it aalad dressing and 14 stamps bottle ..46c 1-lb. ran GhirardIU"s rhotulate and I) stamps ...:.3S 10 Wn -D'.Asaond cap. . . . pkg.. teev i leanxer and : pound, with Umpa 3M StnsM sweet p irk lea and 19 rtaniP'-, ifart - ..36e Oi sail and 2 stamps, jar a&o Zt K part Q'ieen of th Parfry" Pssstry flour and tstamp.. 9121 ruU cream rheeme and tv at pa. lb 2fto Hand cheese, earb tU Neufrltatel rheeae, earn.... 4e 1 ten a Tuurtst and Gruhan. crackers, with ! stamps, pke 10s 2 ran a Evergreen com. ! st'p.SOe Bennett's i'apltol pear and in stamp, can .S5o Sic bottle large queen oltras. . . dOe I TRVXTS AMDl! VEGETABLES Kancy new potatoes, guaranteed I i lbs. to the peck, per peck, A.V 2 bunches fancy asparagus. . . I Oe 3 heads fancy lettuce I Or. 3 large plain lettuce Be C bunches fresh radishes .V & bunches fresh onions. ..... ..V Fresh string beans, lb IV Florida pineapples, each 20c, l.V, l-JHe and... ,.IOc New solid csbbages. lb SHe Missouri strswberrtes, crate of 14 quarts. S2.2.1; or the qcart, 10c Fresh Spinach no 'phone orders taken and no deliveries on this Item per peck --. .V Summer Hosiery Women' black, tan. white, pink and bias hose with 14-lnrh pur) silk boots, and extra fine Hale garter lops, double soles, heels snd toes; full regular made, strictly faat col ors: SOr the pslr. Women's cobweb weight, while, fine IM stockings-the kind thst will be hsrd to get this season on ac count ef th treat demand and limited snpplr at the faitorlos-SSe, Ms and Oe Ihs rajr Wamea's fiae eUk aes with id car ter tops of sood lisle snd douhle lisle solas, hish splhed lire's and toe: all of Hi staple hades and all atzes, il.00 the pair Wobim's fta gar. foil refwlav Bud ilk Ual kea with saner tops and oubls aoles: fast blas only, resular 10c Tslnea, gaturdar th pair. MEATS PORK LOINS ......... W,e PORK SHOULDERS 9,c PORK BUTTS. 12,c POT ROAST 12r10c LAMB LEGS ll,c VEAL ROAST 12r10c HAMBURGER, 3 lbs for. . .25c YOUNG CHICKENS. . . .Ultc 8-Ib. pkg. LEAF LARD. . .$1 M0RRELL HAMS. lS' ic COUNTRY SAUSAGE, 3 lbs. for ...25c NO. 1 LEAN BACON. . . .17J2c (From 7 to 9 p. m.) PORK CHOPS uy3e Women's Genuine PanamaHatss.Msy Less Than Half A beautiful selection of the finest panamas in a large variety of the newest shapes ws secured iu n special transaction & will be on sale Saturday at half price, and less. Karh one I GI'ARASTEED GKM'INE and la of the best quality. Guaranteed Genuine Panama Hats, worth $10.qo , Each, tit Genuine Panamas. $3.98 Genuine Panamas. Guaranteed. Worth $15.00 Each, at rvfn't that THESE PRICKS ARB FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Of course, the best choosing will be early tn the day. "1 Guaranteed. Worth $12.50 Wh $4.98 $5.98 I Roses. 39c Fresh cut roses that regularly sell at 75c and $1 the dozen, special sale, Saturday only, 39c. , Saturday , Candy Specials 1 Frssh Klnffeta rhoculales worth 60c ths lb., Saturday, SOc. Salted peanuts worth Mc the lb., Saturday. l.V. IMtle molasses taffy, freshly msde, 10c the quart. Trunks and Suit Cases Ths person who Is going away for the summer, or who needs a suit case or bag only once In a while, will do well to Investl gale the lines and low prices at this store. For example: Suit Cases of Matting or Selected-Cane MayBa Ha7lt"l.O0 to MWi Rss at too and upward, ac cording to the materials; trunk at and up hy easy stasee to I lie lilsho.t price that's res sonahle fur a trunk of quality, ete. W will he pleased to .now them to you at your convenience, 25 100-piece dinner sets of guaranteed porcelain ware with pink, blue and green spray decorations, regu larly 'llJ.GO the r7 CsC set, Saturday wj - Hardware Bargains mm Poultry Wire tlalvaniied poultry wire In all slice, with a :-in iiieh--lf pur.'hased In rolls. .er sq. foot: If pun-hsaed by the ulere, per 3 f Carpet Beater Extra heavy wire car pet beaters, with han dles that will not pull out; specially priced, Saturday, at- 10c Xorth Pole ice cream frmers, an extra qual ity galvanized freezer-- 3 -quart $1.65 '.'-quart $1.25 1-quart $1.00 Roller Skates In a Sale Saturday , 101) pairs of boys' aud girls' ball bearing roller skates, that regularly sell at $-.00 the pair, Saturday only nt $1.25. :ti0 pairs of boys' and girls' ndler skates, puwhased at a conces sion and of- -ej. H-J fered as a "-. '"'Y'jL. leader for8al- day only. e.V. a.y chilli's sulky with heavy rub ber tires arflt extra long handle: $1.75 values, Saturday. 9Hc. W l I V-Jlsi I SHOES 3?- to 5S 250 Doz. Pieces English (SL Ameri can Porcelain Odds and Ends. 10c Assortment consists of two different styles und includes coffee cups and saucers, tea cups und saucers, dinner plates, covered dishes, sugar bowls, gravy boats, opeu vegetable dishes, bowls, etc. values from 2m to $l.u0. 15 100-piece dinner sets with handsome- pink and green clover decorations; never sold less than $-'J.')0 set, Saturday's CQ Q C speclsl pries ;JJs7 Sad Irons with aluminum finished top and polished bottoms, Ilk cut, se "r a DC pound w w AT the seashore, in the mountains, at home, and abroad you will find the best dressed Women wearing "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes. Their smart style, and inherent attractive ness appeal most strongly to the wide awake American girl, who appreciates the value of always appearing in the best.1