Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY".' MAT 24. 1915.
When the weather
gets so that a fea
ther feels hei
Yyr then that's
the time to
jump into a
suit of Mo
hair. Bfce
pro if er&
Yeiettei and to-al $20
Tabes tt -
TtiWiit ExctUttt
Monument and Hold;
. Memorial Services
Cor. 16th and Harney Sta.
Tha A-T.liS.r.Ry.Co.
trunk &nd
this summer
AT m - mjF
You will find the weather
cool and pleasant, espe
cially up in the Sierras and J
near, the raohc beaches.
The cool wa to go is
on the Santa re, through
Colorado, New Mexico
and Arjzona more than
a mile" up in the sky. -
Stop at the Petrified Form and
Grand Canyon of Arizona.,
Visit Yotemite, too. . :
Low tare ill summer. Special reduc
tions far certain Pacific Coast Cos
ventkxK. Fred Harj mean. -
Ak tot ear Sfnmer travel folder
"California Sujdsier Owings," "Tlisa
aiCkuaa," "OioVNaw Saaia Fa."
eme1 tsrhaer. Gea. ft .
tu 7t at. Dee HotM. Im.
Psoas, Walaat Mi.
Browa Prod nee Company Declares it
- - Mast Seek Bankruptcy.
Artlea a Cwmil
DaaitN Bad Feee Assat "
eil,n Method f . a -'
Called Tnn Bet faMa. ,
Actiee demanding till. tram tha Bostli
Fisheries -company was begun . yester
day In United ttatea danflct court by. tha
Browa Prod oca company of 1211 Howard
street, tha com plaint betas; that tha de
fendant ku aa ttfd trade and rained
la btistaess by trust methods thai tha
plaintiff, anil be (broad Into bankruptcy.
The petition, which thoroughly outline
tha practice of the-Booth company, not
only In Omaha, but tn every atat where
that eoncara earrle en basin, area
filed by John O. Teraar, counsel for com
plainant- -. -
reeaaaatee la Conspiracy.
Tha Baa Juan Fishing and Packing com
pany, a Washington corporation, having
offlaaa la the Brandda theater building.
la made co-defeodant. and It la aft forth
that thai and the Booth concerns eon-
spared so effect monopoly and that they
have a mutual acreament aa to prlcea
that shall, ba charted to. the Jobbing
trade; that they are agreed oa method i
designed to aid each other m secret and
still five the false Impression to tha
pubMc of being In competition.
It la eJleced tha to aceompllah their
purpose the defendants maintain tha Mil
lev Cooper A Co.. a fish and oyster Job
bing bouse at WIS Howard street, "a a
blind to deceive the public Into believing
there la legitimate competition, and have
conspired with other persona and eorpor-
Uooa unknown, to accomplish the enda
alleged." . ,,. . 1 '
avreeplae; Charge Made. I
The Booth company haa thrown away
and destroyed fish and oysters to main
tain prlcea ta another allegation made to
how that the defendant haa sought to
destroy competition In Independent deal'
era. and haa obtained a monopoly of the
flea nod oyster bustneaa In all of tha
United States, where exorbitant P
are maintained. A aweeping and general
all station covering all atatea where tha
fish and oyster bualnesa Is pursued hi
sat forth la the following terms.
That aald defendants' unlawfully,
wickedly, maucloualy and uniuatly con-
BDlred and agreed together with other
persons and eorporatlona unknown to
complainant to combine, organise and
monopolise the fish and oyster eonunerre
between all of the states of the United
States to prevent, hinder and ohetruct
the development of any commerce In
dependent ol aald monopoly and unlaw
fill mmblnallAn. -
That aald - defendants unlawfully,
wickedly, maiineualy and unjustly con'
en! red and asreed together and with
other persons unknown to complainants
to stifle, destroy, break np and bankrupt
any and all tree and Independent com
petition or dealer In such commerce whs
refused to purchase and Mil under tha
price, terms and rule of aald monopoly
and trust or become the mere agents of
aald trust and monopoly.
Methods Are Detailed.
The general plan of- tha so-called trust
In atl fling eompatloa ta such a manner
that appears safe from detection Is to
.odertake to make such dsalsrs as tha
Millar-Cooper oonrpany a part of tha trust
as a mar eereney to buy and sell under
the rules, prices, terms and conditions
dictated. sMa said. Farther R to alleged
that the Independent dealer la reported
Insolvent and he Is villi fled and Injured
In credit and standing by threats to pre
vent purchases and by aeadlng spies to
report tha extent ot customers and means
of attack to destroy ths business. If
possible, without locally cutting prlcea.
That also pretended fish and ovcter
houses are maintained to impose upon In
dependent dealers by representing that
they are not connected with the trust,
and who manipulate trade and orders,
cut prlcea and discourage the independent
deeJer generally. ,
Repatsfto Is Destroyed.'
Another means of harassing the Brown
company, according to the petition, waa
taken -In sanding the Booth western
agent, Thomas FYye, to the eastern 'fish
tag flelda to destroy the credit and the
reputation of the plaintiffs. By' misrep
resentation tt Is also aald that the Booth
company secured the friendship, cus
tomers and extant of trade of the Brown
company by declaring that It waa fight
ing the trust
. Incidentally. It might be monttoned that
tha Booth company bad for mora than
ftv years maintained prlcea of helibut
at from M to It cents a pound, "excep
tina for 'a ahort period when the trust
waa engaged In breaking up "the firm of
Tslmage A McCoy." but that after, tha
slashing commenced prlcea dropped to (
crate, and . other commodities In like
Grows Csrtll Attacked.. '
The Brown company 'was organised
with a capital stock of K&Ots) In Novem
ber, 191L The baalaees was la the hands
ot competent men.- It Is set forth, and
grew steadily and rapidly until ' it
amounted to M.m per month, affording
about 3 per cent annual dividends. Until
ths trust methods ware practiced In March
of this year, the business was In fine
shape, but now the Brown company com
plains that It Is Involved tn KM Indebted
ness, and has Be other remedy that that
ta be found ta the baakrupcy court. Tha
plaintiff alleges that It has been damaged
to the extent of BS.oae and asks for
treble this amount, or ICON, in addtUon
to taVM for attorneys fees and court
oasts. ., -, .
- -M." '.Sf.f
i 1
Tine IJ
rreaoiu L-
t9 CtpOtefd M IfaACUW WWt UM
Antiseptic Powder
It eteselese teetsstir la water. Yar ate
roa ess e eseters e ante raw gai
loas ef eieaOne. sad s sataB put af
et wiU too eetetr. It Is ths
teet eed asaet sowerfal seimicide oe
tee arfc?t. Is as aeereeta sieeeKtlvt
ef all ttsfectieaa el.n.ia. ts sswealel
n a aoaes; noils sad aSaya laaasy
MmMM he lOMrt'fc aeS ems
ar eracslate eetoaeie.
11TTIFT. namat,WaasaaItaa,.C,
Omaha Typographical anion No. IM will
old Irs memorial aervtcee at Forest
Lawn cemetery Sunday afternoon, at
which time a monument to the memory
ot the printer burled there win also be
dedicated. Ahamo auxiliary will unite
with the uhton in the ceremony- Rev. D.
B. Jenkins- ot the Cnlverelty of Omaha
will be. the apaaker. Special cars will be
provided to take the printer and their
wives and others to the cemetery, start
ing from la front of Labor Temple- on
Douglas street at 1:1a.
Comffliteioner Orders Fifty Joints
Cloaed at Once. ;
- J'-
Wife Testifies that They Quarreled
Before and After Karri age.
asna ib aaai
Tellav the Different Times She
Met Meary Gerlaaj. the Detead
aat la the Salt Haw
s ' , aa Trial.
Mrs. Laura Redman, whose former
us band. Benjamin , Redman. Is a ulnar
Henry R. Gerlnc for Vk,cm for alienation
of- her . affections, not only quarreled
with Redman before ah met Goring, but
quarreled with him all the time for a
year preceding their marriage, according
to her testimony on the witness stand
yesterday. .
Mrs. Redman aald that prior to her
divorce aha met Oaring only tour time
one at tha bom of her parent In Platta-
mouth. when they played earda; once
on the train between Plattamouth and
Omaha; once on the street la Omaha.
and ones at her parents' horn after they
ved to Omaha - Under McKenale'a
cross-examination ah admitted having
met Gating on three other ooraalona, . at
little New Tear's, party, at her parents-
home tn Plattamouth; one on the atreat
In Omaha, and one at ths 8harmaa A
McConaell drug stom. -
Mrs. Redman said aha was with her
father when aha met Oaring at the drug
store, but later she corrected th state
ment and said ahe had been with her
father, but had left him to meet Oerlng.
She said Gsring had sent her a not
asking her tot meet him at th store
that he might give her a nrwacrlptloa tor
ahtch ah bad asked him. Bha aald ah
talked with Mm only a minute or two
Mrs. Rodman stated positively . that
during the year preceding her marriage
Redman called upon her not oftener than
one a week because they quarreled all
the Urn. She aald they quarreled a week
after their marriage over money matter.
aha objecting to - Rodman' (ambling.
Hhe testified that oa. several occaatons
Redman called her names, one alappad
her, and ones' kicked bar and knocked
her down, causing a aertous mlahap.
All the abuses aha related occurred be
fore aha aver met Gorinc. Bha said after
eh secured her divorce ahe did not meet
Oertng for a year and a half. Bh ad
mltted that subsequently he called at
her -parents' home, where ah was living,
about tea tlroae.
booUee-tinc joist have - fceea
cloaed by a special detective
detailed' by Police Commissioner Ryder.
Tha datactlv baa reported dally. Trae
111 be no Perfunctory bualnesa." said
Commiratoaer Ryder.-" -That man - win
-ramp on th job and will' sea that order
are obeyed.- . . .
A)l liquor dealers who have been dti-
penslng liquor on the sly sad who have
been detected hav received ordera to
quit forthwith or be proeecruted. Thus
far orders hav not been disobeyed and
joints have been closed Immediately.
Folic Commissioner Ryder Intends to
keep watch on the bootleggera rontinua'ly
and If the order to obey are not carrie-1
out prnsecutions will be started. The man
detailed for detecting the bootleggers
has made Ka) reports and .at these fifty
were found doing Illegal bustneaa, but
hav promised to be good. '
John Bennett Letts, eon of Mr, and
Mrs. Ed Latta of Tekamah, waa pre
paring o accompany bis parent on their
automobile trip to Washington starting
Wednesday. T. 3. O'Brien of th Henahaw
gave th youngster a dollar to purchas
hi auppllea for th trip, and John Baa'
aett disappeared for a tew minutes.
When he returned he was standing In
th hotel lobby chewing something and
making wry faces.
"What on earth ar you eating f Mrs.
Letts Inquired, i - - '
"My, oh. mama It's ths best candy.'
Whereupon be gave his mamma a asm
pi of hi good candy. One glance was
sufficient. Th youngster had gone
tha neareat drug atpre and seeing what
he thought was candy on aala'purchsaed
two pounds ot moth balls. John Bennett
was standing steadfastly to his bargain
and eating th balls.,
Mrs. S.H. H.Clark '
Gives $2,000 to Help
Old People's Home
Mr. C. H. H. Clark of St' Louie, wife
of the former president- of th Union
Pacific and a charter, member of the
Women's Christian association ot Omaha,
has irivt-n $2 Ooa to the fund for remodel
ling the Old People Home. Mr. Clark
gave 17.03 to the Young Women's Chris
tian association building. Following n
Mrs. Clark's letter to Mrs. Til den:
ST. LOUIS,- Mo.. May 30 -tiear Mrs
Tilden: ,A the time groira nearer for
me to leave my home here, for the sum
mer, I am trying to gather up some of
the threads ot a nuainesa character and
so answer you In a very hurried way
for there ia so much going on. The
Your- Women a Christian aesociation
have opened their building this week and
a large mtattion building haa been begun
and the venous borne ail trying to ratae
fund so much being dons still mora to
be aotlctpeted.
I shall be (lad la assist in th new
home at Omaha, but with all the press
ing need here I cannot do largely, but I
want to do now what I re a and will
pieda-e Con, to be paid September- 1
till If the work Is beerun. -
Remember me kindly to- your board
ladies. Tour sincerely.
Ksy to Us Situation Be AdVerUatag. .
Hereafter all rehearsals for "A Royal
Beauty."' tha three-act comedy drama
which will be presented by members
ths Omaha High school senior class
the Brandela theater Friday evening,
May B, will be strictly private. Th edict
ha been tseoad by Mlsa LIU tan Fitch
especially to cover stag rehearsals
the Brand!. '.
At th hut rehsarsal several students
slipped into ths 111 eater and heard
youthful thee plana go through then lines.
Th management of th bouse objected
to this and declared that ta th future
bouae must be darkened and only those
who are tacloded In tn cast will be
lowed admittance.
Lam bacx ia oaually caused by rheu
matism of th muscles ef to back, for
which you will find nothing bettor than
Champerlaln'a Liniment For sal by all
dealers. . .
"sw Zrrsg Ths Oulakly Isami Taess
Mosaely Bpota.
There's n longer the alightest need of
reeling esnamea or your rreeicie, ai
new drug, ethtne double strength
been discovered that positively removes
the homely spots.
Simply get one ounce ot etbine double
strength, from Beaton Drug Company
and apply a Httle ot It at night, and In
the rooming yoe will are that even the
worst freckles nave begun to disappear,
while the lighter osea have vanished en
tirely. It la seldom that more than on
ounce la needed to completely clear the
akin and gain a beautiful clear corn
pie ton.
Be aure to ask for the double strength
othin. aa thie I eotd under guarantee of
money back It It telle to remove freckles.
ta te Keep la Patwalt at
Dispell sere ef Llqae
to Prsesrwte Taeaa. .
Four-Story Building ,
Will Be Constructed
at 17th and Douglas
Another new building waa announced
for Omaha yesterday by the McCague
Investment company. A contract will be
1st next month for the erection of a four
story brick building at tha northwest
corner of Seventeenth and Douglas. The
building will measure M by 133 and fc
Douglaa. Th plana will be drawn by
Architect Thomas R. Kimball and th
contract will call for completion by November.
Th building will b mad to accomo
date varloua line of business tot wo
men's trade, Ha proximity to ths large
department etoree making K ea Pedal ly
destrabl to such tenants.
Th alt la owned by th Beaton O round
Rent company and that concern will
erect th building. ,
Captain Beetty Promoted.
WASHINGTON. May XI -President
Taft today sent to tha aenata the nomine.
tlon as rear admiral ol captain Frank
E. Beatty.
Poor appetite la a aure en t Impaired
digestion. A few doses ef Chamberlain a
Stomach and Liver Tablets will strength
en your digestion and Improve your ap
petite. Thousands hsvs been benefited by
taking these Tablet. Bold by all dsalsrs.
Persistent Advertising
Big Returns,
I the Road to
Mat- J
rails n i liaamJlMtesaWMse-m-mmw
Pooling, colorcast
fabrics and a supe
rior perfection of (it
Gotham Summer Un
derwear retails at 5oc
to $3.50 the garment
- Your personal copy of tha
(jot turn book ae lux oa
Ala Makers ef Oetkasa
Fifth Ave
. Hsw Tars.
There Is nothing new about the Idea of
using gage tor restoring ths color ot the
hair. Our grand mothera kept their naif
lark, glossy and abundant by the use of
a simple "Bag Tea." Whenever their
hair fall out or took en a dull, tided or
streaked appearance they made a brew of
Sage leave. -and applied It to their hair
WMh wonderfully beneficial effect.
Nowaday we don't have to resort to th
eld-tlm tiresome, method of gathering
the herbs and making the tea. Thla I
don bf skillful chemist better than we
could do It ourselves; and aH w have to
do Is to call for th ready-made product,
Wrath- Sag sad Sulphur Hsir1 Remedy,
sontalnrog Bag la th proper atrangth,
wtth the addition ot Sulphur, another
aid-time scaJp remedy.
This preparation give youthful color
and beauty to th hair, and I ens of th
bast remedies you can us for dandruff,
try, tovarlah. itching scalp, and falling
kalr. Oet fifty oast bottle from your
Iruggtat today; and you win be surprised
It th quick result. All druggists set! it,
nder guarantee that tha money wilt be
refunded if tha remedy la not exactly sa
represented. Agent, Sherman 4 McCoa-awU-DtuaCa.
" , " "
.... n
ol your wor
' .. .- '" .
If you could do your household
cleaning m just half the usual time,
wouldn't it mean a great saving to
you in the course of a year? - Geld
DllSt will help you do just that' It
does all the hard part of the : work,
and saves rubbing and time. ;
Gold DllSt is a vegetable-oil soan in
powdered form blended with purifying and cleansing
ingredients. , It works quickly and thoroughly. : s
Uae Gold Dual tor waaHn clothes and
dishea, acrubbinl floors, cleaning wood
work, oilcloth, adverwara and tinware,
poliahing braaswork, dtaninf bathroom
pipes, refrigerator., etc.. softening hard
water and making tha iuest soft soap.
. Gold Dust is sold b :
SO alza and LaLTgO packaget
. Ta larfa paaaa aaaana grMler coaMam. 1
Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Oicago " ' " 1 ":
' Utktn at Fata Seas (th val ask) ! r
"Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do Vovir work'?.
wiwiai.uwiu' an ,im,$;'t KfT-Tf''-
Deed s vs. lAJ o
This Maxwell car is the best automobile in ;
the world at $1000 or , less. Maxwell reputa
tion is the result of actual performance not '
of sensational advertising. f ,:,
: '-. ' i ;'' ! ' r"J
F. B. Hall, Behvyn, 111., saya, " My Maxwell
Touring Car waa delivered to me in April, 1905. ;..
After IS minutes' instruction, I took the wheel and
have been behind it ever since, covering over 70,000
miles. For efficiency and economical maintenance,
I believe the Maxwell is unequaled." ' ,
giving tati$faetion after tiMn'yart'r t
"Mascotte" s900
eives this kind of service It ia the firat real high-
grade family touring car of sufficient size, stylish
appearance, first-class construction, and established
reputation sold for lesa than $1,000.
Big and handsome, with a wonderfully efficient',
motor and a multitude of latest features and refine
ments, the "Mascotte" is without doubt the leading ',
car of the season. :i ; ;; .'. .
The Maxwell "Mascotte! demands your; closest ;
inspection. ' May we take you for a ride how? If
Iou cannot call," let us send you the. Catalogue de
,uxe and other Valuable literature describing the
"Mascotte". Just say on a postal, ?Mail Books.",, '
. ' " - , , , ' , . .....;. ... i. ! ''...v.
Other Moalola
Msxwea -Special." 39 horse
power, 5-passeaa-er Toarlsg
' Car. fully equipped, sKlsdiag
elttanar. flats).
Msiwen "Mercury " aoadsasr,
horsepower, tlljO.
Msrwell "Msscotte" Reedster.
'MaiweB -Heswager- Roadstsr.
. All trim f. FicUrt.
United Motor Omaha CoM 2115 famk :St
- FToorl NAsto Co.. CoaarU Blarfa, la.
KoO Haaeea, Walnut, Iowa.
A. E. Brasoa, Auduhoo, Iowa, r .
Denisow Auto Co., Dcnlsoat, Iowa. -
Bert Philpot, Weeping Water, Jietn
Welch Brothers, Ti-tamah, Koto.
Strattoa a Haasoa. Wslxxs Kew.
Ruwe at Holshlen. Fremont, Ka.".'
-Hot -Motor Co.. David City, Ne.
Worlnaaa at Roxoaa, Auburn, Nob.
Tkm k m Maura Dtaltr bt ymr mcimty