if THE OXf AHA SUNDAY. BEE: MAY 19, 1912. ! i it ECHOES OF THE-AlTE-RQOM Isaiah Odd Fellowi Pay Interesting Visit to Omaha Lolgt. CLAJSXEf GIVE LAST DAJCI Prtblar Merer Will rr Card M Vfimitr l?wto i reteTl . I'Blra Will Make '.Social ,'ln4 Thla (feata. rr.nhro Mm Ke. 2tf vialled OntU lodge X. 3 tut Frttar everilns briosiag tws caseMatee wub isera. tu lecoud 4(m staff of .Vs. : conferred toe work usaa the caadldstes la a ma near ettetted the admiration of th Tipton. Geerg V. Janata of No. IM, aatll re cently a mnnhtr of Thomas wild loose 5io.: r. MrUdectlon of Panmark. (air as, Interesting addrae oa Odd JTat ' Iowa hip In DMuwrk. Additional islereet vi msnlfeetsd ta thla talk on aoroaat of tin (act that Jobs fUih, a former mem ber, of Omaha tod Ka. I tasUtated the first Odd Fellow- M( In Denmark and la now a pail grand air of that Juris. . dlctloa. ' Mr. Janata la well acquainted wlin fut Orand Hire Rata and told an kuerestlng story of bow ha affair of ta order ara conducted 1a . Denmsrk. Meser. Jacobean, Ckrlatanaaa and Hea- eert, all member of Jto. , (ava abort talk. (j(eaba ktdct Na." I Vui put on in third degree work nest Friday evening. Cammlttaaa kava bee apeotnled by th Omaha lodaa to prepare for Manorial eierctet ta ka' hald oa Sondar. JaM It, at Odd rallew kaa. Beaeoa lodfa No. V will kava work la the second degree Beat Tuesday evening. Tha tlrat degree taam of Omaha lodga No. 1 visited Sanson hut Monday evening aad conferred tha flrat degree a Don a aaa- dMate for Na Bi, A lerge aad tkualaatl crowd waa ta sttendajeo. mart addresses wara made ky Messrs. larkls. Rsrkler, Beyden, Oaaaalaaf and Bamgrdner. After lodge adjourned re fraahmenu were served la tha dlnlnf hall Murk Omaha lodga ftovlel will kara two" eandldataa for tha aaeoatf degree to morrow Bight .. . ..., .'. , Dkanebrog lodge Na, til win onfer tha th)rd daaraa upoa two eaadldet seat , Knday mtht Th ilebakah ledge of Omaha will ' hot4 a district eneeUng t Odd Fellow ' kail naxt Tkuraday adtemooa aad araa lni District rreartdar fetre Hanaaa ll preside, ever tka meeting and Ikrta ltadnr la wnertV.4, kumher of ol natural win ka on th procram. aaadnnt wklak tt ' unknown drill ky , oaalnf tka fUtwfcah drraa taam. Vlallon traA Council Bhtrfa and Nabtaaka porata Wllr ka In attandaara. i Bfnaon lodca No. BI wUI war In tha a and daaraa tomorrow Bight ' - JMmr r..-iti x ' ' prataraal aM".' ' Tha aaMal oammutaa of VohdanUn kda Na 111 intanda to viaka thla montk'f ffni'l "It" -a n'nan jr ii vl. ana In tH -all matnbara- aiitf trwrtxtt t tha pottrty locial Vonday an!n at Fran aar hajl, Twanty-raHrtk and Parkar alraata. , , A. . V. W, ra Entartala. ' Omaha lodca No., 11, Aaelaat Ordar of V'nltad Workman, will antartaln It nam kara, frkmda and ladlaa Tuaaday arantmj. Mar M. at tha Workman tampla, 110 , North raurtaaatk atraat, L. J. Qulnby will dtltrar Mi laetur, "Tha atory of Anal ant . oM A s- . Kalakta of rytklaa. Nakraaka Mca . No. I Knlfkii af rythiaa, win conrar tha rank of aaaulra Jaonday Mckt; klaa w!N jaralra raport af tha craad lodca prnraadlnct ky tha grand lodca rapaatii ai. ; naaaaaaaaV La at Baaaaa. Tha Clajwmaa of America, lodga No. t Invite all maaibar akd fiianda to chair laat ball of tha eat ana Thursday tvaolng. s ffta llstara al'-fwrda." . Lilllao Tampla No.L Pylluaa Clatara, will give a aard fari Taaaday avanmg .at Bartcht halt. --!,.. Man Who Drinks Acid Dies Early Today from Effects After having bad hi father good-by a tha aid anas waa preparing ta leave the olty, Taomaa McConnall. aged about yaara, wkoaa raaldano aad eamipatioa ara unknown, calmly look a low-ounce bollle af oarballa aotd trasy kla pocket and pouring It lata laav drank tka aontanta yastarday moraine la tka Lyon a hotel. 111 North Thirteenth atraat Tka koUeo and pkyetekuM rwahad to tha scene and he waa take ta M. Joseph a kaa pital. bat as died tea mlautea kfter kkj .arrival. ' . . .. McCennell had aasa atopptag a tha Lyona hotel with kla father for about ala wsaka. Prevloua that ha bad knarded at tha Paaple'a lodclng kooee acroaa tha atraat, Inquuiea there ac ,t a poaalbl motive tar kaa aet or kla raal deoca aad. oecupallea ware wit hoot avail, for the McCeooelle war vary awtloaat eoupta. Maary Wncbaldt, wka Uvea mi CapHol areaua. and that ha bad known tha eYead a far "early a anoatk aad that only three daya ago ba told aim that hla mathsr had died la C level ad. O.. lea vine D.W t aa Marl. Ha ala said that kotk b aad ki father bad beea waadertnc tor aevaraj yaara. He would tell aa mora thaa thla trees kla peat aad ba kaa asea Mpoednt alncs. Hla tathar'a praaeal whsrsahMta ara aaknawa. He ke ft the kotal but a abort tint ketor the soa committed autctda, apparaatty ta leave Umaha tar good. A Huta ( Oa dead u a rMnlag howse) that ka waa a maanber at tha National Haymaker' aeaocJaUe Omaha loft Na. JH, and bad hla data paid ap ta January L 121. The earanar took rharc at tha kody at tha kospltal aad win hold aa IsoaeM either tkla aTtirnooa ar Maa dey. Henry Hagbeldt. U whoa McOaojaaB eenflded chapter of kla past, ta a whsrsr ampteysd ky tka Cnloa Paeinc n waa Paastng the Uyooa hotel aa Mo CoaaeB leak tha fatal draught ' Omaha Milk Shows ; ; Great Improvement I'f. H)l aVott aad Lancdoa ar aak ksg Mweaiaala ktata of milk acid ta Omaha dairies. Mstaea dailies bev beea Uasctl aad the milk asid by these ba hssa f"a h) per oant better thaa a year soi (bat sanA par .seat has coo- tamad tuhsrcuttr University of Nebraska MediSs to Graduate Here Thursday . T v .Mem. Photo. Top Row, La ft to Rlcht-J. C. Tkuradaptavanlnc. tha Unl vanity of Na kraaka, at It madteal dapartmaat la Omaha, will graduata a elaaa of nlna doetdra. Tha aaarclaaa will baiin at a'stoak and ka kald la tka Flrat Conara- Catloaal churrh. Tha graduataa ara: A. D.' Brown.' 'Atlantic city, la.: R.' P. Hlcclna, ' Blua Hill; J. T. kUawall, Omaka; W. C, Mood la. Omaha; C L, rhUllpa, TManwNao,; W. A. Ruab. Ma vara, la.; O. It. Ballon, Kammarar, Wya.; Come and Go Gossip About Omaha People Mr. Harry O'Neill I In town for week at ths Omaha club. Miss Marjorte McCord will be horns front Ml 1 pence a Khool la New Tork nest Sanday. t Mrs Theodora Dolan and small dauch- ter. Mariorl. of Danhury,' la., ara rtalt- Ing Omaha friends. Mr. C. U rarnaworth left yeatardar for California ta Join Ma wWa, who ha been there all winter. Miss Mildred aVattarceod of Alaswerth. Neb., a pent last ; week at the guest af Mrs. fl,npa Heejen' jar. ana Mrs u. Browns srs taking a vacation la souther California. They will riurastas sast ad rhi moath, , . Mrs. Oseras R Welagsnl had ad bar cusst for a few days Mrs. Orrln B. Whipple of aaoramants, Cl., formerly of Omaha. ,"."'"""' ' Mra, Pry or Marks) hs returned fa Kaneae City aftar two or three days her with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Ralph Kitchen. i! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warn her and two children kre eiparled thla week from Maw Tork, to be ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wsrnher. : ' .! ,' Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Love Pax ton, jefrs. W. F. Allen and Mrs. Henry T. Clarke. lr.. of Uncoln ars spending tha week la Eierlslor gprlnc. Mrs, Waltr A. Flalkher of Philadelphia wll arrive Tuesday ta Malt her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kohn, Uat south Thirty-fifth avenue. Mra, C. Brand! and daufhtere, Mtsss Mella and Alma, who have bees la Earope during ths but year, are aow autolng thrauch Oermany. A daughter waa bora Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Ntckersea at Livonia. N. T. Mrs. Ntrksrsen was tortnsrljr Ml Mildred Brans of this elty. Mr. Lucius Wskeley ana seas, Morton and Thompson, left last night for Chi cago to. speed Sunday with hla oldest soa, Arthur, whs la la bsslnasa In Chi sago, i Mr. B. A. Hlnrlcha, managor and presi dent of tha , Omaha Crockery osmpaay, will give ap kla kuataass bare aad mora Is Chios nest month, where he will ke connected wtth the Merchant Syndicate Catalog oompsnr. Mr. E. Burkiag hsm has bought the Hlnrlcha home, KM Wool worth even. Mr. and Mra. Hln nob cams here from Davenport, la.. lne years age.' ' Train School Girls Entertain Parents The. girls of the fifth, alxtb, (event b and eighth grade at Trala school enter tahtad their mothers aad (read mo there Friday afternoon with aa ashlMUoa at game and daaraa. The boys of tha eighth gvad bad decorated the big kla dercertea. room with breaches and rtm aa that It had" an outdoor look and-her the entertainment .was, held. , . Mlaa aertrude Lovrtn, MndergatW aaslMaat ,'aad Mlaa May Ortntee, - third grsdk teacher, directed the exhlMtlea Tha atner teachers st ths school war present, as was ales Mlaa Clara Maaea, principal, an aperlntendvnt of choe) E. V. Oraft Mr. Oraff apok oa the Im portance of ssmes In the schools. Following ths regulsr procram the gfrlar eiab af the school. wMch la tatdsr the direct toe af Miss Meta Wolf aad eonasoted with the uumatea depart meat of the Teoag Women' Chriatlaa aaao eUUoa. CM soma aperlsl gymnaatle work Kay t tha Ettaatiosj Baa A avert let ng. Welcome Every hatter af thaa sort evoeei mm m vyrtasd . tasty what tawy weald ehrisk (rasa mUatg a thetr i pi j in waa. a aw awrss payaiwaa as entry T that ha do aavthta entkoat Or. riaroa aaiaa I ars Caaarallv a rare esasa, ahaaad flaait a " Dr. rW' tt.itrint srS war yww taglal im Am asite W Twaar.wwa fcaasa. Hie Pavesrth Praa. apnea" kaa asjtW ' tkniindi. eeass af ttaeas rata vrwrtt at sasas. ItJesaHmat rf k aknvmcesa. Th aly as gsaej re ugh that its aaaker aare ta ahat its every . BsfradiiM aa at Mesto wiaaex.-. Taetv'a as saeawey. h will bear gumma 4 taaa. Na aaaoaol Bad aa asrart-ehrataej drag ars foaaad ia at. Soase aan.i up atosa dirit eeaWrt msy erW yaw a awhatitnt. Doat take it. Dea l trtt WTfh yaw health. Writ k Wovid'a DiaptBtam Medaasl Aaeociabaa, Dr. X. V. rWaa, PraaaoSat, asTit N. Ywtaaa ah advis waaavad aad be warn. 8 . i -1 V') Tackar, O. R. Ballon. I. T. Maiwall. R. P. J. B. Taylor, t'nlvaralty Plaoa, Kak.; J. C. Toekar. Tabor, la. Tka addraaa to tha graduataa will ba dallrarad by Dr. W. A. Evana of Chi eaco. who for yaarl -waa prof aaaor of patholocy In tha I'nlvaralty of Illlnota Aftar aararlng hla cannaetlon with tha ttala Inalltutlon. ha arcanlatd tha llllnola lata Madlcal aodaty, which karama tha larcaat madlcal aodaty Ik tka Ualtad Sutra. For yaara ba kaa kacn doing a CITY MUST BMMANED DP Commiuioner Eyder Order Polic to Enforce the Law. ' WILL CLEAJ TTP.TBE 10TT0KS Patsy Havwy Will Do peslal Work ftwrn tha City Hall few Ceaaaala teasr Byder aad' tka Chtsf at Pelles. ' , Chief af Police D-iratue baa tarelved I nt ructions from Polio Commlnloner Ryder ta read a letter ta all detailed oni ons twice a week Inrtructlag them to etrtetly- enforce sanitation law, i They will ba required to prevent resident tram weeping ths walk after the legal hour- e clock la the mornlng-and will as at tin cana. bottles and scrap at food ar throws no mora from second-story windows or out of back doors. Order alas have beea kuraed ta Jama Whales, dead animal contractor, to clean up the east bottom. Commissioner Ryder sld hs vlalted the dly dumping ground. and whim be did not find them aa off en. arv aa eemplalnt bad represented thty could sund a renovation. Carcaasaa nf dead animal must either ba ealeimlnsd or burned. The dead animal were hauled there earlier la ths wianr and left until warmer weather, when they could be sinned. ' - J Desk ergasnt P. P. Havey has been assigned to special duty at the city hall. He will begin bis work there Monday. Detective Andrew Pattulle haa beea av alcned to duty aa deak aeriesnt ta til! tha vacancy, Sergeant Havey will be de tailed for work Commlaeloner Ryder sad Chief Donahue are sow contemplating.' Iowa Lads Come to .. Omaha to Join Navy Back la the pro is villac of Col lets SprUiga, 1-. tw ante at atuloua parent a ar awaiting word from the Omaha police relating ta their son, Deaa Preealey, aged a, and Floyd Rud. agsd It, both of whom have bteonn stricken wltk the wander lust and kava eoma to Omaha ta Jota either the army, wavy or marine. A brother of one of the lad appeared at tha potto nation and asked that tha dragnet be apread for the boy. . Both bava beea reading navy and army literature for tha last tew months end their parents believe that they have be come fascinated by the alluring pictures of Circle Barn's boy. Detective mad the round at all recruiting atadoaa and In structed ths officer m chary Is bold the ran way should .they appear. Dead Man Gets Up v and Strolls "Away Coroner Crosby waa Informed aver the telephone yesterday morning by County Surveyor McBrtd In a trembling voice that the body of a dead man was lying In tbs center of tha road at Forty-ninth and Center streets When Coroner Crosby aaalstaat ar rived oa the scon no trace could be found af the supposed dead maa. Whether McBrade waa aeetng things or the maa waa lying ta the road la a drunken stupor and retrained the us at M limbs before the eeronsr' assistant arrived m a problem to which Coroner Crosby hi trying to find the solution. : A Tielt U ail the sstdsruklng shops hi tha city chewed that no body ana waring to the dlacrtptioa gives by htcBrtd bad keen received- aa the meet at aaiitiry swat thee atarfliia. eaad J Mlcclna. Pront Row A. D. Brown, W. ganaral health work, now balng chairman of tho eomralaalon. on milk atandarda of tna Naw Tork eommlttaa. Baoldaa balng a public apaakar of conaldarabla promlnrnca, ha la a wrttar. balnC adltor of tka. health department of tha Chlcaco TMbuna. Ha la mambar of tha national leglalatlra commltteo af tha American Medical aaao elation and aetlra In tu work. Dr. Evana la a graat toacbari Ha orlclnatad and camad Into affect tha plan j Peru Club to Meet:; at Elmwood Park t ' -h ' , At a meeting of the Board of Managers ol the Omaha Peru club, arranaanmii were mad for holding tho next quar terly meeting at Elmwood park neat Bat urday. Ilaltn, An Informal nrnsram game and ether forms at amusement will be Indulged la. AU who have ever been to Peru a etudenta, whether gradu ate or not ara Invited to mm, ..a bring a husband or wife or eblldrsa. There will be guests from tha Normal School Faculty at Peru and the Super intendent of ashoois of Detuson, Is., win the SlasutA A II A . . . . . j -wi , kssssa w, dn rw p imm Mmmnmmk W tnt OiliV- Ptt lybrvnd who -.e-lr Aa to- BRANDEIS STORES . - - 1 Offer for Monday Only Your Unrestricted Choice of Any mmaifs f ool Taffl; I1N UUK taiNIlKt b 1 UtlV (White Wool Suits Excepted) Ne Matter Whether Hi.h as $78.00 Each This is an annual Brandeis event only this season the varieties are' much greater and wti. have more-) i high class, exclusive suits to put into the sale. It inclndes every wool tailored suit in our entire stock 1 (white wool excepted) and the prices on many of these haa been as high as $60 and even $75. If ' you've admired some stunning suit here, buy it Monday. The price can no longer be an objection Choice of 200 Women's TAILORED SUITS that hara been eeHinf ai high u 925 one big lot Monday . . . .. Brandeis Great; Hay Sale of Iluslin Undenvear Thousands and thousands of hew, fresh, beautifully made muslin undergarments will be brought forward for Monday's selling. These gowns, chemises, skirts, drawers and corset covers are carefully sized many elaborately H i v jj .tt.' i 4 C. Hoodie, W. A. Ruat, J. B. Taylor. of tho American Medical aaaoctatlon, giv ing public locturea In all of tha pulplta In tha clUea In which it hoi da Ita meet ing. He la a member of tha national loci a- latloa aommlttea of tha American Medical aaaodatlon and one of ita moat active men, aad I In cloaer touch with . tha people than any nan In the profeaalon. Many membara of tha faculty from tha aaivaretty at Uneoln will attend the commencement. eoursg It, should coamnnleate' wfth Mies Bertha Shies, ' ill South Twenty- fourth street Telephone '711 EARLY, MQRNING BLAZE, . , ; DESTROYS SMALL BARN Firs of aknown origin destroyed baxu In the rear of ths ysaldenc at Mrs. A may Bloom 2sTtt South ,Flftrnth Itrwet at t o'clock yesterday morning. " The barn contained a quantity of bay end grain and the loss k ee Unrated at about ism. Tha alarm was turned la bv sis Bloom who was awakened by bar watch dog's Incessant, barking.' A' stiff wind from the south mad the firemen work hard to save the 310001 haute from damage. - One hor4 .Which was 'in ths barn waa gotten out safely. 4 My . . . u- 1 1 11 1 ' 'i I 1 the Former Selling Price was $25. 0 or as ! a a - ' - trimmed. They" are the greatest values ever known.' IN FIVE GREAT BAKGADT LOTS 45c, 69c, n, Governor Aldrich to Speak at Omaha . - Uni Commencement Dr. D. E. Jenklna, RreJtdont of the Univtraity of Omaha, snnosnced Satur day that Governor Aldnck baa accepted the taviUUoa to deliver the oommence satnt address st the second fTaduatinc asarclsea of the university Tuesday even ing. June 4. Th" governor, la accepting, did not Indicate what hla subject will be. The securing of Governor' AMrlca a the principal speaker of the graduating ztrdses W the first number of the pro gram to be definitely fixed. Owing to the fact that thla la only ths third year that ths school has been carrying educational work there will not be the usual senior week found In the older universities. Tha gala day of May K however, will tske ths place of a senior pageant or pliy. Sunday, June X the baccalaureate aermon will be preached, and on Monday. June L the Junior class will give a reception tor the senior : class, fsculty and board of trusts. Tna commenoement program will be given In the university gymnasium, to which all who are Interested In ths school ar Invited. Members of Suicide ; : ' Pact Will Recover AO of the eleven prison.- who tried to commit " uldd Friday at ; the county Jail, war In good aptiita today, with th xeapUon of James Hlgley. Hs Is at th osunty hospital. Whli hi condition I not aarlona, he la still suffering from th effects of having Inhaled a great deal of as. - .. 1 On of th thro found unconscious by Jslhw John M. CshllL said last night that ha Inhaled the gas bees use hs no sneW or other drugs to uaa, aaA that he probably drank ba too much of ths current The other prlonr,eoly. untied a rnckly grin, and Indicated that he thought hi com Dsn! on was lying. BOARD OPENS BIOS FOR NEW SCHOOL ADDITION At a meeting of ths building and ground committee of the Board af Edu- cation Friday afternoon, bid for the con struction of the . foar-room addition to Bancroft school wars opened and read. A than 'Were evral bid and some af them were tied th contract was not awarded. Th addition will cost 87,000, . , ' A rime Attach , of malaria, Hvtr derangement and kid ney trouble, fat easily cared by Electric Bitter, th guaranteed remedy. - lOai.Fpr aals by Beaton Drug Co. , a Choice el 300' Women'il:. TAILORED SUITS that hare , , been seHinf high ash $17.50, In one bif lot Monday m m SO(mWORKjmTSDlJUNE Brownell Hall Givea for Summer fo . .. Settlement Activities. - . t EXTEBS1TE PUSS BEETS HADE Mlaa Clara E. Schaefer, Wit ta at Bead ef Jtwresaeat, Rctaraa free Taesrtlsa to Takw -" Vr the Work. j During the summer vacation months Brownell Hall oa South Tenth atreot will he given over to th Social ;ttlement to be used aa a center or activity. iu. classic boarding and day school for girls trill be available after 'the graduation exercises on June I The settlement 'house at H!8 South Thirteenth atreet dor not have grounds suitsbls for outdoor gam: and frolics, but In thl respect the Brownell Hall premise are admirably a tilted. Hera the kiddie will hav th place for play trt the mornings The older children will have the afternoons ani the yoag people will have the preference In the evening. The tennis courts may be used every eve ning from IIot J . Mlaa Setuaefer. Returns. . j Mis Clara E. Schaefer, who Is at thd head of this work In . Omaha, baa Juat returned from Milwaukee, where aha en joyed a vacation, and already - h haa eagerly taken up, the work tor th aim. mer. As a first atp the calls for volun toer to. act as asssstant auperrlora. Brownell Hall waa cheerfully turned eve to tho social worker by th board ot trustee and Principal Eupbemia Johnson. 8b 1 especially Interested la such sc. unties, having taken part In the move, ment at Philadelphia, and having served as director of the neighborhood center? In Denver. i Renewed laterest Skews. With ths return of Miss Schaefer, roe newed Interest Is being taken la tha plan for th summer work, and every, thing will be .m fine, aba pa by the rJme ward schools close for the term. A feature of the entertainments to bd enjoyed by the children will be th pro Jectlon of Interesting views with radiop. ttclan and stereoptlcon appliance. Mrs, Harry- Nott ha personally raised suf ficient money to . purchase a radlopticcn " for throwing post card, vciws on a screen. 1 The Woman' club of th Battlement ha been giving entertainments -to nremetc Ita Interests. .'.,,,,...- ! ' New Officers elected. ' ( At the annual ' bueinaa meeting -of tha settlement board, Mr. W. C. Shan non wa re-elected president, Mr. George W. Koldrege, rice president; Mas Janet Wallace, acretary and Mr. A. N. Fer guson, treasurer. Mrs Philip Potter was chosen to head tha memberahlp eommtt tee, and Miss Alloa Buchanan was made chairman of th nous and bom com mittee. I -a. hi 1 r 1 ' 1 , Keytoth SltuatlonxBea Advertising. ; 51 $1150 Suit m ii A