li a I J , , - THE UA1AMA SLMJAl MAI rj, 131.:. , I ' M BL WS I J-i ,1 1 I I I M W SS Ba ItimW 1 r 4 s Slimmer Frocks For Juniors and Small Women ' Smart little dresses; values all out of keeping with the : prices quoted; scores of new-' i act mnAt Ynnpan hft fit- ML ted without alterations from I VMh these romnrehensive stocks. . Small woman and Junior dresses for house, street and ofttc wttr; plaids, check and plats colon ta percales, fin chambreys and ginghams; high or low neckf, also Mllor collars, torn with ponnsl twit Ho and plals pleated skirts, others with sltfbt empire waist and plain skirts; all ef fect! rely trimmed with braids and buttons, tlses 31 to 88. and Junior slsge IB, IT and It; values that prove a revelation to women unacquainted with this department, at 4.75 S3.95 S3.50 nd 12.95. A stronf feature In percale bouse dresses, with Dutch necks and fastening at slds: checks, dou and rings of small design, light or dark per tales, sites 31 to IS, also Junior slses, at only $2.50. ' , Writs for oar catalogue. 1518-20 Farnam Street TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST Father Conroy of fsssionistg Openi Million tt Holy Angels ATTOEHEY SPEAKS OF TEATELS P.. .". Carry Will Tell Trwta Ouki Special t Trinity-. Mleoie. - err Speaks. COLLECTING CAR TRANSFERS Hobby of 8om Condaotors Gather i Most Calit Colletloa. . ! U8 'POSICAIDS "AJTD UTIUS I Diversified i7e4g.'f bUbb ..trass Dttforipi j jJ-jBetslew Apr the Weatesj," Wee Are M.r) ViuibunFtrtivsi "ntV&?i the e"aWmJ,fWTtg etiroe, lull a dostg !. hsrt'feeS- eendiwlors are d.rlvti jr tli.t plesurs uid klioll) by '" . VUlr laurg are mate by Men af stmt caY frenefere and postal mm), pm tl.m eriiwlnal ttl at the it'nltsirj giejee.. "pf)da, Msxte and KuroMn rjumrjfK One of thM cel. lection riUW.s vilutd a? ever PM by on. ef the ''oosnls.'t. .... While the collection of strt car trans- hu bwa ci"4 as a hobby for sometime, kss act seea take up as eilensiearr as stamps, eolns. eurloe and ether object Deaptta this tact the skevs mentioned eerHtuctec esye llMt he knows ot ever SW conductor la the eeaatry who rave traaofvrs and nave targe aad Intereetlng ccllaotlcn. "I So not have to leave Oa)ehe te gala knewlodse of plaoas and countries I have not vtsJisd." reeneraed the ese duets. "I have sir trenefCTs arranged alsiest as J have my postal earls sod tot viewing. inmUaui P04 lows 1 feavo the mro.,',ne.j '.. : I ':, 1 saa JlovoJ (ram' Omaha ta tea Pranctac, aut la , toe Answlss, ar aorta te VkiknAior, vuxoee the retffto ta Toklo tt titmnVi la Japan I sews ta Maalla. jfuAh.i Hbodrtie, Skustrallat north ta Qssi. rVni-jvlhi A'rleai to Maana. Parle. ItrW at. Pe-j tonhurg and gtaskhalmi arose the Eag H.h sm and ha i Imaaos,. Uvorouol. Kotnburgh, Pablia. aad then sail anvas the Atktatlc, an visit dt ftha's, htaa troal, .TarMtta, Hw Yprkj Boston. Mew ark, rjlla4iihla, Washlagtea and nun drads (' W Important cities la the east, aad all by anans ef postal Saras eas use-ow. ii r-; r;! Traveling ' y tjis 1 ef the Utile pleat' pt Hf,,,tr,(;ertlw is not eiKm the 'enms' ooat 'aelng "la the ! posiaKS-vf'etohenia with ether rot- lector. -ew the tin la writs .for what ho. Is far awrs attractive than aa outfit ef aiampe, though not ef each fictitious value. I TAFT USES BITTER PHRASES Fiereg Attacks on iooievslt CateB Fwcy of Andisno tt Toledo. XOXO-07 lEICl UED ABOTJT at Caaaalaaa at VtoUtlaar' aar II aloe af CeaSaea row aa '. Haaaat CaaM la far a ' " neatiBg. 4 gaslaes the kwjil the aonduclor gleans of ettlea; alalia end eountrtoe, he 1 aaya ' that he Bukea onaMerable money traaaeltlngiauelk'eAei Iraaatei. Trene- fere freaUitoa S ether JlrUlsh )ram waya.jhrUit jfroei I te M asms each: I other Turtfs transfers from I to U v usMMMistmM Rtaaa4eslkna Where 'tte value 'n iranefers eornee ta f la the ehattges that SMitage. BianL.lhs.shawMtQa. ef eas.comsany by ' eootit'r r the ahtnSonnieat of various , , Unyv,..c)isiis.f.rm eawe to Meetrw, : ana'eo fnna. V . vi. .ki u ttt immIh oollontlna thai appeals t a weataa is the dlverelfleg orojBt.tho'thertVBT iMetpta, SI they ; r vCtlik.f . Orfmeny Almeet every 1 color of the ralabow, and ethere pro. duood by the blending af eelora, are need, and a eollectlon properly arranged In a . Ttc "Identification Mark of Perfect Laundry Osati'tQoality 1,1.1 ' TOLEDO, 0., May ll-'Tve gat Ured ef being lied about and held up te the eountry as hsvtng violated every rule of conduct when I am not aontclaus that I havs violated any." shouted President Teft laat.:nlltt In the eouras at a speeob ta a crowd that filled the Audi- lortum. ..'!, Mr. Taft's speech was eae of the moot bfttoT aad most plain apoken alnes he has begun is answer the charges ef Colon! Roosevelt end to uss hot shot of Me own. Ths president bluntly ehsrged that Welter Brown ef Toledo, one of the several Reosevelt leaders here, had eeased Is be a Teft supporter because the presl- dant refused ta accept hie reeommenda tlon tor Judicial appointments.' lit go- Stared that the opposition to him on the salt of Da Henna ef Cleveland came ss a eenssauence af Indict men is agalnet Mr,, Henna by the Tafl Departmsnk ol Juetk. The preeldent reached Toledo more than two ksara lata and many ef the crowd pi the Auditorium had been waiting longer ta sea snd hear him. When the doors finally were throws open agalB and thoee wha wished went ta they mads ss much so lee that Mr. Taft had te slap epoaklag for mora than- five miautes. His asepsis te the crowd 'for a aauar deal aad bis attache en Mr. Roeeevslt were cheered emphatically, Aeeaeattaa Apslaadod. The president's unusual Mtterneee to ward Mr, Keaeevelt was apparent from the first, lie launched ImmodlaPily Into aosusslloua ef uatanness upon ths part ot bis proeeooasor that caught the fancy ef his hearore aad Brought forth many I unto af c flooring and handclapplng. "Ths memory pi Ike aaiaoa Mr. Roe volt kaa palled taaT eaut the president. "etlll Ungerc IB my Mrs, finca the time be began his personal attaoka en me he haa used aM the epithets hs could think ot and all the namea W (he calendar, cuca ss aa preeldent SM evtr been suhleeteg to by a.maa whs aad two, terms la (hai ernes," w- , . Mr, Tafl sailed the tariff, views at Mr, Roosevelt rldlculoue, and, labelled,, hie "scheme1' for a tariff that would make a ilvhnua ef Profits between the laborer aad tha elu'er "calchpanny phrases,' "NelUttfMr. Reoeerelt nor snyhody loe," declared the president, "could sver draw such a bill. He wee In the White House etvca years snd never tried te revta the tariff. .. ', Canting 1 OMe and Walter Brown the preeidoat asM: ' i have had Walter Brewn'a suppart I the past and tt was effective, but Waller Brawn and I differ t Judicial eppetntmenta. and thought l knew mors about tbom than be did. . . - ladletaeoat Caaeaa raeaa. - "Mr, Xian Haana - was tndlosed unaer the rebate law, aad after that dats the Clevelsad leader aad eil Ma turned against me. "it lltlls Ilea la Raoesvclt's snouth say that I sm tied p with the Interests Iwa toe evldanos that haa been brought cut la the Harvester aad steel tract snd ala right hers ta Qhle shows where be stsnda" Mr. Teft. for ths first Urns, flail ehergtd that Mr. Rooamlt hie e palga ataaager, geaaior Ptasa aad derv erratic aenatora prmatad the rattle Boa of the pesos Iroatlea ss Ihsy srlglnally were put beier ths Beasts. "Who defeated those tnattesr ashed, ahahlng hie flat aad walking ap and dowa the platform. "It waa Theo dore RoeeevaU, Peaator DUoa aad la eeaMcrats. "What 1 am aald af." saM ths re dent, "Is th dantar thai yoa aad the hols country will bs hlurrod ta roar vtaioa pf th true Issuea by Mr. Roes trail's attache oa ma and that mea wtu S ea voting Bur Mr. Rooaevart ecauae toer BetWvt what he aaya af SM sag forgot tka.aaBgor that lies la patting Sua la the, White lieu far a jhirt A two woek'a mlaelon win b opened Holy Angel a Catholic church. Twenty- eighth street snd Fowler avanuc. Sun day morning, the first service being a maiw at 10:30. Rev. tgnstlus Conroy of ths Psaelonlst orCer. will sonduct the mission. The first week will be for wo men and the eeeond for men. At ( ch morning there will be a maas, fol lower by brief Instructions. At. I o'clock each morning mass will bs said, a eervlee for children will be held each afternoon L Each evening at 7 rather Conroy will preach. Ralph Breckenbrtdie will talk of his travels abroad Monday evening In ths parlora of the Hanscom Park Mcthodlat church, under the auspices of ths Broth- rfcoo4 of lbs church;. There will be good muate sad refreshments. Friends of the Brotherhood and their ladle Invited, The newly decorated audience room of the Calvary Baptist church .will be open for the public services tomorrow. The pastor will preach In tha morning on "The Truth About Omaha" suggested by aa editorial la one of tha aewepepere during the week. In the evening the theme will be: "le There a Drift Towards the Roman Cathollo Church!" Bervlcsa for ths Sunday after ascension. st TrlnHy cathedral will Inclilda special spproprlate t th dsy. At ths evening service at t o'clock the Dean aad choir will uss ths choral service and anthems will bs sung. Aa elementary conference of Sunday school workers will be held la the Toung Men'a Christian association auditorium Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. la the evening there will toe a general rally, led ky Frank E. Mayer, county superinten dent of Sunday schools. Ths program ta detail will be published later. Right Rev. A 1 Williams, bishop of the Dlooece ef Nebraska, will preach and administer baptism and communion at BL tephea'e mission lunday. Rev. Edwin . Btucker, Chautauqua lec turer and evangelist, at Ottawa, Kan., formerly a resident of Omaha, will preach at tha First Baptlat church tomorrow. Mr. Btucker formerly waa a civil engtnssr with ths Fremont, Elkhora and Missouri Valley railroad with office at tha head Quarters af ths company ea Farnam atreeL At that time bs wss a member st ths First Baptlat church. He resigned la juns 11 to a mar the ministry. Uf!k fUm. Mi . . he VapM EkVsfjiristrt 1 GETC&AL PZBSHINO MAT GET TEX west ponrr post. UtUU. GEN. JOHN 1. PGHtUUNU. It le reported General J. J. Persuing will become superintendent ot West Fnt MlHtary academy to snooted Msjor Gen eral Thomas H. Barry. He le a eon In law of ex-Senator Warren of Wyoming, who wss chairman of the committee ea military affaire when General Pershing, then of th Tenth cavalry, was promoted from a captaincy to the grade of briga dier general. Recently General Pershing has bees la command of the Department of Mindanao. In the Philippines. Hs Is a graduate of West Point and a native of Missouri He waa bora ta Una county September U, 1M0. Oeneral Barry,' th present superintendent, la elated for the position af eoenmandcr ef the Department ot the Bast, vacated by the death ef Gen eral Frederick D. Grant General Per shing waa formerly commander at ' the University ef Hebraska.- r' , . Kseeaveli la Calaeebwa. .. COLL Mat S. (X. May lA-''PresJdsat Teft s theory af ccastltutlonal guearn msnV. said CMenel Roeacralt her ts aight. "Is that tt la a gowtuaest aa sainlatarad by Messrs. Larlsesr, Ouggea Betm, Bareaa. GalUngsr aad taatr ake la defiaaa ef the will of Ihe peonl: that 11 is a govereneat uader ankb she psapla are. oairaueod ef baa- rigata h Dr. CtMtneegaosyaaa. whose asms In English la John ths Bsptlst, a native of Turkey, will speak of the country ef bis nativity and tha work of Chiiatlan mls- slonarlss tbsrs at tha morning and svs- sing ssrvtcas at ths Third Presbyterian enure h. Twentieth snd Leavenworth treets. taraorrw. , , . T. W, C A. '. i Ths s roe rein at the veeper esrvlos Bun day at :M e'elack will be la charge of th Bible classes. Besides ether things ef Interest, a Bible drill will be given by one of the Junior clubs and a story will be laid by Mies Csdls Lyon. Muate will be furnlehad by Mrs. I. A. Larkins. Monday Ins last number at the mem bership eatsrtalamenl course will be given at 1:11 p. m. The numbers oa the program wilt bs glvsa. by ths aseoclattoa ehorue under the leadership ef Mies Xsrbech, assisted by Mrs. Henry Maxwell, pianist; Mlea Jennie Oorden, , aad Miss Ruth Ktrso ostein. vlaitnlet. Ths program will he as foU nwsi (a) Violets P. H. Cswea (b) Juns Roees.. , , gchumann c) la the lUyflelde Clre PlneuU Chorua Traum dor Blnnerln W. T. Ambrosto" Mies Kirocnstein. i Wind Flower (theme for left hand only) wooarun Mrs. Maiwell. . The Soul of the Violin Miss Gordon. Walts, Op. w No l Chopla sirs, saaawem (a) Jack Frost ). L. Hatton lb) 1 Bin Because 1 Love to (tine .. , i. rinsuu I . Chorus. . . Wedaeeday the annual May breakfast, served by the Business Qui club, will Ss served from 1 to I a. at. This Is a regular aerved kreakfael, to which the puMI la Invited. . , Thuraday - tha . lesson In paper Saokery In ths domestic sdenc class at I s a'rtask will be aa pi IssVea Dmoastratlaa la tha method ef cookery will be given by Mrs. a II. Chleam, At the aooa anuetoal oa Thursday tram U li te 1 th tallowing program WIU be glvsa. under ths direction of Mis Ruth Oansoa; S lath Rhspsodte Ltast Mis Helen Toy lor. (a) From ths Land of tha Bay Blu Water Cadman (b) Ths Bleed bird Helmuad si lea uases svans. Rsadlag Selected Miss Henrtette Benedict- Thala Meditstlon Massenet Miss Nellie Stevens. (a Twaa April Nevia tt) Sweet Mia Mary... Netdllnger Ulea Hasel vna. Butterfly Ledele Mtsa Helen Tavler. Accompanist. Miss Cat Evaas aa Ura. U Lyea, ' Bapllst. Calvary, Branch, Thirty-fourth Bad Bewsrd-untay. imp. m.. Bible school W. H. OwelUk supenntendent. First. Harney aad para Avenue- Pnechtna morel ne end velna Rev. Edwin . Stucker; morning evrvtoes at te S3, "guhlect. "Doe o.wi l-arer- Bun day ertvool at noon; yoans people' prayer meeting H I a en.; wv.iimis nncw l l.a; subject "My Mother's Bible." Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamlltoa. Rrv. K. R. Curry, Peelor-eVrvire at 1 a and a. Meratng eublect. 'The Trau About Omaha;" eveeang. "Is There a Irltt Toesrds the Kumaa Calholle Churchr' Bible school at noon; young people'e meeting at t p aa.; Wedneaday, i a. as. aaeg-wwek devcuaaal eel Hue. Iwuneauet Twenly-feunB and Plnkney, Re. T. V Kbereotak KsMor Bible erneol at neoa; Baptist Tong People e onion at t. eervtcee et 1 B and , Re, i. A. Leavttt will preach la th mwalngi lM tb. evening a.ecrawa tor the pasior ta young mea and soya. 'Ta Plueamet Line Lite.'' Mr Reader wtlt Mad th auo-weea nettag Wedneeday. ' Cartatlaa. North Stde. Twaety-seeond aad Loth roe rHreeta, M. J. Kirarnstein. Minister guaday school at I i Chrtatiaa Endeavor t S.aV Hecuter enwrea ssnti e leej, end a. Merrung theme. "Reugteas Cob-earvarma-Pubilctur;' eveatng tnene,' 'Ut vine Coaipaastoa. ' aaaaaaaaaasesewsesssssissssei ' V 1 f f - .' -',' -at... f - V" V ' , - day ewvtoaa at 11 and 1 Subject ef lesson sermon, "Mortals and Immortals." . Cmm a reaatlonaL St. Mary's Avenue. Jsmss Alsxaader Jenkins, b. D., Mlnleter k:M a. m., "Tranaleled:"-! p nw "Toung Men and Money Madness. Miss Florence Wooley, violinist. - . - German Fro EvangeneaL Twauta and Dorcas Morning service st IS IS, confirm ation, solemnisation and celebration of oomruunton and addrsea ef confirming by Rev. F. J. Woth of Avora, la.: Bible school and preaching service at !: snd v. ss. First. Uth snd Dsvsnnart. Fredrick T. House, paator Morning worship at M M. eublect. "Tha Sons of tha Pyrlan Ouest," (ltd Psalm); evening worship at et: Touna Peoole'e Society af Chrtatlan Endeavor at :. business men'c class at noon, Mr. Orcutt will spesk on ths "Con servation Con reos In New York." Lather. Kountee Memorial. Farnam Street and Twenty-alalh Avenue, Rev. Oliver D. Beltsle. Th. eeaular eervloe both morning and evening. Sunday school el IS a. m. Lutlier league at i p. m. RL Matthewa Ensllah. Comer Nine- isenth and Caaeellar, Rev. G. W. Snyder. Pastor-Service et 11 a. a., eukMot, Man Ruled Out." Sunday achool at w . m. Choir rahaaraal ea Thursday even ing. toa EneUsk. Maanolla Hall. Corner Amea Avena and Twenty-fourta Street, Rev. a. W. Snyder, Pastor-Services at I S p. m.. subject. " Treated There se Treated Hera." . Sunday aoheel at tM . BS. .,... ' ' at. Werk'a fKeialfehl. Twentieth and Burden. Dr. U Groh. Paslor-ll, "The Aecenalon. Coronation of Chrletre, Paradoxtral Ufa f Bvery Tru se Hover;" Sunday school at ': Young People's Christian Endeavor at t:tt. St. Paul a Twenty-slihth and Parker, Rev. B. T. Otto. Peslor tlervloee at M snd T at. la the morning eervloe the Knglleh catechumen elaae will b eon fttmarf. Ihiiulir M-hool et 11 Se. Knatleh evening eervloes on the ft ret and fourth Sundays ef lite month. Holy communion on Pentecoai Sunday. Toung; People's Bible mass o Tussdsy at t-Se, 1 ' - ' Metbedlst. ' ' Oek Street. Twentieth and Oak Preach. Ing by the paator, Rev T. C. Webater, Sunday evening at I; Bible school at I; young people's meeting at Tj midweek meeting Thursday evening at g Trlnllv. Tw.niv. first and BlnneV. O. W. Abbott. Pastor Preaching In the maralng at Met by pre. Hal say of th University of Omaha; In th evening at I Rev. Themae Bagshaw of South Omaha will preach. Larlmore. Cart U Bader, Pastor Claae meellne. S:4i: morslna worship St le ss; Sunday school at noon: Junior leagwe at 130; Kpworth league at I; leader J. J, Cameron; evening worship at l Brolner knMt wMMIne Mondev at a Klrat. Twentietn ana uavenpon, nee Milton B. Wllllama, atlruster Morning servlee. Hi earmon by Rev. K. B. Craw ford, "paator ot naneoom raa ateioooisi church: eveninc senirs. I; sermon. By Rev. r. E. Jenkins of th Theological wmlnary; Sunday achool. f;S; Epworth league, J. ' First Swedist-, Corner 'North. Nine teenth and H-irt. Rev. Ouauv Erlckean. I ttor-(iuno.-.y acuo4 at t a. aa.. led by l!r. Krlw K. riandwalL Preaching scrvlc et 11 a. m., suhlect. '-Th Hm-4 ot Home Uieslcn " Epworth ieagus service et I p. sa. Preaching aerviuc at t jr. an, sub-y-eu "Christ's Compa-'eloii. ' rlrst Mrraorlal, Vhlrty-torrth and Lartmor - Avenue. Rv. W. . vVhlt iman. PastorMorning . org!-.!', at 11 o'clock with sermon by tha pastor, sub ject. Tne :iilid Kingdom. t-verona-wmhrp at g o'doi-k. jiperorth- laro. f o'clock. Sunday school. 14 a. ra. Mia eiasel Willluis wlil give a sole at the morning aertve. Mr. A. W. Miller, leader. vj'.k. er.4 Parnam. Rev. John Grant thick, Iunday achool it II a a. f uwrlr.t.nJcnt (.nanes n. Chas In eharse. l'ren'Ult.f by the pastor at 11 a m. and Iil a. Themes: Morn- Ins. "Melpere of jay. evening. A Timely Prayer.". . Epwortb. league aer- vice at S p. m., sire. w.. u Hatneia. leader. Midweek orU7er meetlug ea Wednesday nlghL Hanscom Park. Twenty-r.lnth Street and Woolworth Avenue, Rev. E. B Crawford. Paetur-Mornlna service at U):M o'ejock. The pulpit will be occupied by tha hev. Thomaa Bitneii. u, u. Evening service at 7:U p. ra., eermen by tii pastor, theme, "Christ's Measase to tke Man Who la Dowa" Sunday school at noon. Mr. B. A. Wtleos. auperlatendent Epworth league at I B) p at., Ksv. B. B. Crawford, leader. Fiwebyterlaa. Fall-view. Pratt and Fortieth Avenue Bible school at l:tf: afternoon worship at t, subject. "Daniel;" service ef eong at g; Fair-view Blols club Thursday even ing at s, subject. "How to Bring Other to Christ." Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant, Thomas B. Greenlee, Paator Bible school et 1. Public worship: II, "Living In Two Worlds;" s, "The Garden or th Lord." Wednesday at I service of prayer and fellowship. North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt. M. V. K if bee, Pastor-Morning worship at 10:; sermon by tha paator; evening at g Sunday school at noon. Young People'e Society of Christian Endeavor at 1, Prayer meeting at 7;tS Wednesday even- in. First United, Twenty-first and Emmet, Rev. A. C. Douglass. Paator Sermon topics: M:M a. m., "Obedience to Christ the Teat of Dteclpleahlp;" I p. b., "De ceptive Leadership." Bible . school at noen. Touna People's Christian union at T p. m. Centra United. Twenty-fourth and Dodge, H. B. Sneer, Pastor Morning worship at M'.M o'clock, sermon by paator. Sabbath achool at nooa, E. E. McMillan, superintendent. Toung people'e meeting at T ocioca. evening worsnip at s o'clock. W. B. Graham, director ot ehorue choir. First. Seventeenth and Dodg Streets, Rev. Edwin Hart Jsnks, Pastor public worship at S theme, "God's Work manahlp:" evening worship at s. ster- aopuoon picture. Dr. Jsnks will show hla views or lance .a in xioie. inn.iin KndeaVor meeting at UV Sunday ecbool at IX Everyone la Invited t attend.. Third. 'Twentieth and Leavenworthr- Sunday school, with cloacae for young men and young women; M:t public wor ship ana aaareee on luresy or ur. Cheeneegsosyseni t. prayer meeting of tha Chrlettan Endeavor society; i, even ing worship and sermon by Dr. Cheenee gaosysan. "Is It Accident, Coincident or tUbltr Church of the Covenant, Pratt and Twenty-eeventh, Charle H. Fleming, Peator-Mornlng worship st M) :eV eublect. The win la Heneve; ' tnsic ecnooi at noon: Endeavor at T; evening worehlp at MS, subject. "Daniel;" Covenant flible club Wednesday evening at a, aabjcot. Chrlet la King." , Weotmtnstsr. Corner Twenty-ninth and Mason. Rev. Thomas H. McCennoll, Pastor At 1 W a. m , servVe of wor ship with sermon ea "The Advantag ef innat e Ascension u in unruuao. Sabbath school and Blbls classes at noon. Westminster chapel Sunday ecnooi at I B p. m. Westminster Toung People's sects ty meeting at 1 p. ra. At p. m.,, service af pralsa with sermon sa "Ths Roy with a Handicap," . . . -. . Reiermed. , First. Twenty-Utrld and South Central Boulevard. C. M. Rohrbough. Pastor unsay aenom ai :: mornina wnranip si li. ausieot. "At tne n-sitl neaa or uoa Christian Endsavor at T. Preaching at t subject, "Ths Trsgedy or a waeled Ufa." uaiiarsaa. at IS ai Dr. Llnletors will preach. Sunday ecbool st u:. unity gauowsnip at i m. aflaMltaaaaac - tnuraarjonal Bible Studenta asencUtlee will meet at Bartsht hall. Nineteenth end Faraam, aunaay at I p. m. bu bleat, "The Devi re of ATI Kations.1 win be tne epos aer. people's Charles W. Sevtdge. Paator Morning. "Do Splrlu Good and Bad Ever Come to Earth and May Their Presence be Detected r Evening. "Praying Reli gion." Sunday school at Boon. Christian Endeavor at t. New Thought Fellowship meats ta the Weed building. Eighteenth and Famara. Sunday morning at It o'clock. Henry Harrison Brown of San Frandaco. editor ef "Now." will 'deliver n f hi new thougnt lecturea. He also will lecture ea Wednesday evening, at oicloca. MISSOURI AGAIN CUTS - -. INTO BANK AT FOLSOM qLeNWOOD, la.. May M."Spaelal.)-. Ths Missouri river Is again snaking some trouble at Folsom In western Mills county. The Burlington railroad baa been at work repairing the damage don tost month and la redoubling efforts to avoid a repetition of It experience at that time. When a portion ef their Kan sas City branch was hurriedly moved tg prevent tt going ths rrver. On tnou sand cars af rock have gone through Pa dOe Junction la the tost week to Work lota tha riprap protection. Tha catting b) a few hundred yards below th Apr , aa. The eld D. W. Bennett bouse went m yesterday. This was at ana time a very aloe farm home ea a very produc tive farm. BIG BATTLESHIP SLIPS INTO WATEB (Continued from First Par) : bureaus, Governor Colqult of Texas, with a numerous delegation from that state; Governor Mana ot Ytrgtan with his staff, and tost, 'but not least, little Miss Claudia Lyon, daughter of Colonel Cecil Lyoa. republican national committeeman from Texas, sponsor of ths Texas. HOW ABOUT HOSE? For the garden. Made by the B. T. GOODRICH Co. You cannot beat GOODEICH HOSE anywhere-nor our prices. You know Goodrich hose is the best made and can not be sold at ANY OLD PRICE. We have the same brands from 10c a foot np ;ward. ; : .'. ti:au whirlpool, mtesiax. cascade aro TRnoii Every foot warranted and at right prices. Our guar antee protects you. GARDEN TOOLS AND , HARDWARE FOR THE HOUSE AS LOW AS ANYWHERE. l. ; jits. r.ioRTo;i & son co. TOOL HEADQUARTERS. : 1511-13 DODGE STREET y . w. .ilu...Salr Old Afc for Cafe or Home It's tag boar that wlU pleas la tog club, ear, hotel, farmhouse, eot tags or manaloB, because it satliftsg the most critical snd sxactlsgudgsa. It pours clear, sparkling, sloiidlaagg SBd pure. f The aAober Bottle : protects Old Age h'om deoay. ' ' ' fabtzxt ravasa stjtfubb bti ' esrlli OmalisWat. eTTTTWa, ggog M SS, - ra, saath sea. - Qniabs WPoo F, BxiA lass Bwag-las g Phono, Benglea lee. . JETTER ERE17IKQ CO. .. SOUTH OMAHA, NIB. IA . l UI.VJtl ft Jtt B Developing Dust and Chest Utile Uerlre. AaMrtes'a sieataal eeisarny a HeaMt ae SNMI uuisre. esvM tea kreile- Im wkS sniN eaS slisl. suaerl'S tke BMts k welfew nesoty (veue esc stswt. see mem niaa kstes tee Bans ! saM lea eeu. tiM waue'a VUan Oalasa TakMa laer imo a a.r. trt.k eur tmly. a4 wKkle Wry reseeasele Use onIM emits will as eMhew. tt W seasonal tket re us. tee Vow null tku MleUS ta. OKNVINS 1M- marto OiUlU, sera aa Will. re wane u aw e Se, an te ts se tke aera ates ssk tm tkM araeS. uk. aa eokeiusus. as ekeji eie eruy Tke lakM. ae ante af a leeS tkaa a tills. as ere Mmlr kamMss Buw ts take, M aetr em Mix Berlra tseene laa walk I kl ate Silk e.tlMliM aa kaeiy mH tmt knew wrtura ae . at viae wte ban li nanty eie tkws. Wkne't Vaa Uee TtktMs si ee sew stserUsMH. W CAtmog pw te ask far Wlllard White Oa, VAUCAIRE TVS FAKOUg Bill BmleNT ricsk BaUder TsaJa tie BOX' 89c lui. w tke sneenitae a. btstr rtrfiaait lr "kta De im vis .ae an be ewaaraue aa awiu ees mmmtr eaaafe. . Wbna'a V.wetie Hup TaaMs aeatate tke k aaaliew sert e.nUe ee tke eeet firm. If re mim mnImhl THIN, aareeen. an i. as sr im Sees, take s kaa ef tkees tafcMOB sri wmm tkw wmji.i ettMSs. W fce ai mw tresiMe mi, ae on. k af ik. tea Ms aaeai iuaa el tke It etaa Itn1 jag it ctrnor. i aw kmc .It. US. UM aatr tke OTVI. aals euaMketa te wiuwe wtHa oa, ckaait ee ei aeaMaeua. utt ear V. a : CavtMlaa PHsaaa. 'pfret ST Mary Aveaae aad Twenty. M eel kn piss Basel Be mar. Be aassjli et atst I mm9 nine; eae se eeai. wras IS WUXAP.D WHITS CO.. Ckfcnee, 1U. tlELCOSEiavn-'-fto I , 'VxrMaVPffli ayara VOUaTnT.' as. -Ta at owl Pwrteet TeUeS eralsa ta as . i Wares, eei r' Pkerwe a HAwasetL Urwe-Ointe I,' Qm5Tj f I I I jj " 1 u"y X . 1 . . . M STODDARD DAYTON Incomparable Values at Prices tom Voixr Desires Stoddtrd-Daytos "Saybrook" 48 hp.; $2,800 SJ5 xl: wbeelbaaa, UIW Stoddird-Dtytea ,,StToy" 28 hp., (d ifA Flve-passengsr Tonring Car; 1,-1JU four-cylinder. 4iH: wheal, base, ill lacbea. Made also wits 4-pas-segger Touring or I-passangsr Compart ment Roadster podlea. Stoidird-DaTton "Strttferd", 38 1 fllA nvwaaaeiifar Toor DPnI,OJU Ing Car; four-cjlinder. dUisni; whoelbase, lis) Inches. Ifsda also wits T-sagMDer limousine or Lsp daulet bod las or with '-passenger Coupe or I passsngsr Semi-Torpedo bodies. Mohair Top and Boot, Robe Rail,. Foot Rett, Horn, Jack and Toole rurniihed With All Model. Color Optiom. passenger Tour- . Car; four-cylinder. -m Inches. Made . also with 7-passsnger Llnouslo, d-paa- -, oarer Torpedo or t-passenger Compart- ' Bent itoadster ' todies. Completely qilpped. 8U11 the "Touring Car Un equalled." Luxurious. Built for continued service. - Stoddard . Diyton "Knight" 6- ; Cylin., 70 hp., $5,000 IS"- rlnv aad cejater coatroL Fora-door Tour gear; whaelbasa, 111 Inches: Kit Urea; ' H. D. demoaaubla rims; windshield; tire " t.olders; seat-covers; tnink rack; Hartford v shock sbaorberg; speedometer; electric ' bora; electrlc-Ughtlng outfit. Furnished ' also with UmouslBa. Torpedo snd Com-' ' partmant Roadster bodies. ' Every Model carries with it a style and quality unequaled by any other car on the , market at the price" quoted. ..;Tt 1. --w ' ' - THE STODDARD-DAYTON FOR YEARS HAS. BEEN THE STANDARD CAR FOR OTHER MANUFACTURERS TO WATCH 'and the Stoddaxd-Dayton driver il ea vied by those who pouesi ars of equal price, but deddtfdly lest merit. : ; , Deright Automobile Co. '''. ' DISTRIBUTERS. V :" '-I818 FarnamSf. " :'-;';" :Oir,ha. Nebr. fewnb g nana y acaewt at and U. gaa- 0