s THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 19, 1912. B 55, : ACTUAL " " . . . : ' -a;. ACTUAL ; ASk fiAfl . SIZE I ' ; . . IjJsi SIZE jyl) j &Son Kniret-J Cettificatet Each ; & Son t fT " " V' L'Tl ' rifTF WHor- v7 ' 1 J 7l 1 ,Mh:; 1 J 7 - . . iS : - A . t ,r ' .wp.soe-jh i ' J Jf f T ' v --:.!,.. t f, i . . J itiXg Cl ' J-1 i Cold Meat Fork . . , , . J ' V iMmm ' (rT ' , V. .A. 9 Certificate. ' Y ' ' Berry Spoon 15 Cartificateg V 4rjtiwmymuJ&A i - U .A--' ' i A- . . i yg.scaa ! .. - Vl . , -J .1 , j iTMjtmiiMm ' - 7 7 V r .slji , -t.m.. v ! L l! VJ.J.3S?mw . r , ; 1.1 V. f ... ' - . . -V..., J ' I E N. - WC(UIKI - wuikuo hu . ,L., f " " Gravy LacUe Butter Koife UHCertificAtea 5 Certificate CoDec Morrtumtt' Coapoaa' ud OrtlflratM Md zchaaf then at The Bm effle for th Bilrrwr. , Tea coapoM qud mm 1 The number of certificates required are stated under each of the elegant pieces above. These certificates come to yon from many V -quarters at once. Thusyouwill be able to secure the complete set and manyextrapieceswithinan extremely short space of time i home mmlmw tMs (S-piece ihrer Dy lnilT4 With Thes ner-? chants tad Reading The BEE you will hT mtnr erUfIctt eomirg to foa continually from nun. nrk... " ' " u 14. under tbt eo-operatlre pin, yoa Ul be iu wcurv in enure eet tnd omny ex tre piece of thli handsome Win. Rot art 4 Bon tutranteed Table Bllrer lthln a Terr ehnrt tlma T a. tnn..i ..... vou. Clip to tint coupoaUOW. :, ' Aoricsa Tkt&ter :. Cor. 18ta aad Doaflaa Bta. ' Krcg ErewizlCckjm - Uoalerard aad knm Ato. ' Hiss BaUcr, Ilillincrf 15ta Ooaglaa St, ad Floor. ,',Bcdei$ FlsristDest ' J i : VU t M. Bojera, Prop. ' NchaxiaFusl Cesjany v .-. i i an soata lei St.- v - 1 New Enllacd Btkery Co. Siller Liquor Ccspiny et wattnoiit cost Let The BEE start you with one or a dozen Teaspoons. The Omaha merchants listed cn this page will complete your set at their own expense. Read this brand new plan: CERTAIN. reliable firms of this city have joined Hands for the purpose of TEN COUPONS EQUAL ONE CERTIFICATE 130 84. Ui aad Fwaaaa, ' - ' Hjsiti SUticner? Ct. . . n . vs A. All to a pom moat be broafht to The Bre etloe, where they can be axeaaitted tor any place of the aUrar. further expanding their business.'. Each one has many exceptionally good things for you every day, both in the matter of value-giving and efficient special service. The present patrons of these merchants aje daily enjoying these advantages In order that other thousands people will become familiar with these special benefits, these merchants have adopted this plan pf distributing this beautiful guaranteed Wm. Rogers & Sons Table Silverware to all who trade with them. ' fTHE BEE has been enlisted in the plan. All , people who - read The BEE a few successive times, until they become familiar with its superior facilities for reporting the world's news, its features., its special departments, its high ideas, become regular readers of The BEE. V 4 ' Cut on the Dotted Liner OMAHA BEE DAILY COUPON XO. . Sunday. May It, mt. Thli eoopoa when preeented 1ta tae loar ee-. reedicf eoupoas to be pabltahed one upon earn of the following (oar daya, aad 14 eeata to eorar the cost of handling, cntitlea the bolder to one Wat. Hogera A Bom guaranteed Teaapooa of V Xeca. aire pattern. Oat of towa reader will add to extra for poetaga. . . : . . Xante Street aad Kev.... ... raatofflea. It is Easy to Secure the Silver You can' start right now by clipping either coupon at the bottom of this page. , , If you clip the Yearly Subscription coupon and you bring or send it to the' Subscription Department of The BEE, you will learn how to. secure the complete dozen teaspoons at once. Or you can clip Number 8 of the Daily , Ser ies today, Number 9 of the Daily Series tomor row. Number 10 of the Daily Series the next day, and so on for five days. You will then present any series of five coupons published on - consecu tive days to The BEE office, together with 10c to 7 cover the cost of handling and receive, a teaspoon. ' Thus you will be able to secure a full half dozen Teaspoons within a month. ' How to complete the Silver Set without one penny of expense Beginning at once, the merchants named will fill your set with all of the other pieces of this iden tical pattern. V '" You will not be requires! to pay any meney whaterer when securing silver with mer chants' coupons and certificates. The 10c that you pay when you secure the teaspoons covers the entire' cost of handling all pieces of the set ; ' You will find advertisements of some of these merchants in today's BEL telling you where and how you can get your first certificates. V. They will frequently advertise merchandise on which a specially large number ' of coupons and certificates will be issued. ' " Why We Named This ' Pattern Le Necessaire ' la the romantic dayt ot old France, when milady, and her female trarellng companion Journeyed from Parle to Ver aallee, they rod in a huge leather coach -and foura, and their courier wore epleo ' did yellow llverlee. Somewhere about the coach was Mr to be found milady's Kee caeaire. La Seceeealra was an exqulelte old rosewood bos -inlaid with ivory. It' contained milady's silTer-mounted toilette articles and preeloiie fcnlek-knacke and dainty what-aota ICllady would have thought the ournr as nnpoulbl. without &e WiniMitre u without the eaach itself. Se Mim.i.lre waa morenr. the ernblna of genteel birth, of noble elegaoca Poor Marie Antoinette did one not bar. her VMeeaalie and did ebe not etart it by epwlal courier for li.ta although to be sure it betrayed the flight planned for the Royal French pair .till, the Ill-fated Queea loved her aTeeeeeaire none the taee; In .electing a name for this our latest pattern, end one offered exclusively by the Omaha merchant, and TUB BEE. we aetMd npea tht. hit of hl.tory- If te ImmuM . u lndl.pen.lble to milady of Franca then niraly correct Table Silver I. Ivtlepetuable to milady of Amarlca. If &e STinnnlie of the 18th Century waa adored by the women of that .lining time then aural y wtqul.it. Table Milrar la adored by the women of today. If X W.ine.li. of 1711 wee an emblem of taste and refinement, more ee today la the atlver of the well appointed table. . - .1 For theee teaaone principally aad hureeee we helleve all people will eoocade the necee elty of Iver whava cheeea ta cell tale . We commend tt te yea ee entirely worthy of a place In any home, end fir. yeu with each piece our absolute guaraotea WPL ROGERS MF(L CO. . Isittsttiiail Sibar Csastrfi Stttraw It yea tree ha the oMt betaoT row eeapeas to tae ef&oo e rSm B-e. . . - rOUPONS will be issued by these merchants on purchases you make of - them. Ten V coupons will equal one certificate. " Merchants coupons and certificates will be good . for any pieces of the silver excepting Teaspoons; For these you will heed BEE coupons. Read the list of merchants on this page, read their advertisements today on other pages; watch for future advertisements. ' Cut On the potted Lines ' ' Yaarly Sabscriptiaa Canpaa Omaha Baa This coopea when preverly etgmd aad pnaatsl at the office st the Omaha. Bee lor mailad by thoso rsald lag out of towel will bring to the bolder full Inferno tto. how. every ha ose can secore a full dozea Wm. ' IUrs Soa ruaraateed Tsaspoens at eaoe. - y AIM., the sender will rralse a fm. caialogtte of all pieree of this est together with the eomber of cou pons aad certificate, reoulrad for each place aad the aaaMa of Omaha firm. Issuing them ta the public , 1 .............. rise edfee appliee to everyone. sakeerlhw Se The aaa ee aoe,