Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 17

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aCo& of Panama Canal and Where the Money Goes
I dead
s el
(OopyrtgM. ltU, s? screak O. Carpaotar ' ,
aim zaam, Panama. 1
arru haadna minion eeUsn! I
That l what tha Ptoaiaa '
eaaal vol bar coat whea
eorapletM; Too. need mot quae-
ooa ua flgurea Thai
et and I will rival von ah. x .
farther on.
But atop tint and think what MM,aa,000
. cuppaee jm had ta eera It and
roar wages ware a a day. How long
would tt takaT It would taka e,0sm
or Borathaa wOlAOM rearm. Tha
Xawory or man goat hack only CM rears.
aa rw.wouid have had to a
nines ua ma at thU world aa far as
nanory eoaoamcd la hare donrthl
row huadrad million dollars! Sup-seas
it wera all la alive eoina, aiach aa ara
now paid to tha man who ai doing tha
digging. What a PUa and what a
Ona thousand aaeh dollars eota) to ttfty-j
f. ana us WBole sua would
weigh in round unbars 8,MM0a, pounds.
". tons. At a ton to tha was
would ba aaough to load a train of twe
horsa teams, maktag a slngla flla aw miles or road war, -and tha
aaen taut might rest on tha tailboard
ox tna wagon in tront at M.
Indeed it la a goodlr sum! Where baa
gene? And la Uncle 8am getting tha
worm or us money? These ara set
ue matters I nave bean looking Into
tola week. I have gone OTer.the easal
wore and feasted tor leaks, and have
also made notes of some places where
Uncle 8am Is Using; tha prlnolple at set
entitle maaagemeat and modern economy.
I bad. a eook at the books In tha ad
ministration building here In Culebra.
and with tha elerks have font aver the
ledgers to laara how Uncle 8am sounta
the cost and to shew you what has al
ready been spent and what we must
spend In tha future.
VW 1
' we
oar 4oo,ooo,eoo DUea.
But first let ma satisfy you aa to the
total. Frostdeat Taft and- Colonel Goo-
wais nan estimated ua eost of the
canal at vm,M,A. In ona war they are
ngnt, out thera ara othat Items which
will amount to at least ts.000,00. These
ara tha extra charges entailed by the
annual sum ws pay Panama, and the
truncations. The first estimate of the
cost oi the latter was lU.AW.OM and con.
areas has aow cut It down to 111.000.. 000.
ws have already spent mare than S3. Odd
and wa will run up to S,0M.Ma before
get through. Moreover we have
agreed to pay Panama S2M,M a year,
oeamntna wita nin . .. . .v.
( treaty by, which wa took the canal.
I Eight rears bare already sane. rul
I year- from now wa will ba spnediag that
ytaO.OOO, 'which will be filed charge
upon tna treasury tor all time to' coma
Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
tbauabaual Interest on. mora than
M.O0O,0, and so wa must capltallss that
M.OM.OCS) and add It to the cost of tha
eaaaV. And so you hare tha tS.IW.we
"It wltlait going farther, making, as I bare
eVM eam, a total at MOO.OOO.OOO.
I Now, let ua sea where tha money has
I ftrne,. We shall first take u In the rough.
We spent tM,0,n at tha start to get
control of tba canal property. The Irenes
company reeelretl rtf,ro,tt for Its rights
and tba work It had dona and Panama
got eWOOe,ooe. tor the canal Bone and
ouer rights. Than we began to clean
up the. canal, la organise tha werkvano.
to ailWa spent leas Uiajivtl.oat.Olid In
MOt, the 'year; w bought the.oanal. .We
paid but about K, 000,000 u ltta. tU.000.CQO
in ira, Bl.ooi.ow la nor and from than
on has steadily laereasad antil wa ara
bow soendlnc millions a month. By Jan
m next we snail hare need up the tots'
appropriations so far male by ooagress,
and they now equal the rest sum of tat.'
t6&,ra,7t.- At the begtnnttg of this year
we aa already expended mora fhaa aaa ,
000,000 and . tba remaining 000,000 Is tha
cost of the current sis maBthav
UateJa Sam's staaey WSrth.
Is tha lob cheap ona and la CacH
earn receiving tha- wart of . his moo. yt
tbs Job Is not ehesp and navartheleai.
Uncle Sam Is jetting tbs worth of .his
money.' Ha Is getting more than anr
other (Teat eompany or government has
fop similar worB. -Let arte gr sorae!
"trmpet-aUve figures, ..When -tha Iraach
started, this canal' to U71 It was, planned
Buiia it at sea level and at a oast at
sw,sm,obo. Tha first company continued
na want tor tan years, after whlea time
It burs Bis. bankrupt In that time H
spent 1260.000,000 and- sseavated about at,
ew,w yards of earth and rook, so
. average cost of digging waa about
a yard - . , .
Caste Saw. with ad Ms nt-alimlnariee h.
tha way af aanKatloa and aetUiia i-eeii.
for work, baa beea oa tha lob lass thaa
eight years and at tha and of last reb-
ruarr -Be-, bad takaa cut over lev
cuns yaMs of earth and rock. Ba has
been abas to Me a little leas than N.OOO,
000 yards of the Pranch digging and has
aow a total axeavatioB all told of a little
mora than J00,oe0,as) cubic Tarda, with
sometning Ilka Jf.Ooa.ON ret to dig.
Tha French cost, aa I have steam.
M a xard, - Uncle Sam's eost waa at one
time a yard, but It baa been steadily
out until, an the Culebra division, where
it Is almost -solid' rock and tha exponas
is tha greatest, tha dotal' average par
eublo yard la less .than at osnta, while
the dredging east at tha AtlanOe and of
the aanal la leas than cents. Does It
not seees as tnaogli Vacts 8am to getting
us worts, ax us sMsey?
The Suea canal' cost aO told about tUO.
M0.OW to build, and tha original excava
tion waa Bt.OOUW coble yarda' Tha cost
was about tUe per yard- or" Just twice
what, weare paring aow tar taking the
at aara at Culebra, TWa toso aot-
withstandlng Boas -was ditch itheougb
a desert-wt-boat -Bill or hellawi Where
tha sand oald be ahovalad aa Oar tba
banks and where . thoeaanda of laDahs
wera furnlahed by the khedlva to do the
work at Bractlcally noiiiinc a dax.
The drainage canal coat t Tit
tle over Pa.0W0H, and. rta e-xcarvrjoa
amounted t over C 600,030 eubta yarda
of whleh bewever,' only about U. 000. 000
. ware reck. , At ' that rata tha digging
; there coat aa avaraga ct W orats per
cuMo yard, ar loVeau mora than, that
y ara now Plying at Fanama. ., . .
, ' ' TWa-Jtbt-aal 0he,Cffr,.rii1 7;J
It Is Onii by waUbia the otsmar that
Uncle '8am is r able ; to cut-down the
cost af the 'arark to thai vary; low Hg
area, Top IBast reanember, that Ik pays
tha beat -a a aertb; and that he
bouses baueen free of fbarga. Mavartha.
leas tba aust ia 'about as ' low aa lt
could be eh any great work of this Kn
Jr wMM
f a dei
almoet aurwaere, h tha world. The Mdi
Uoa Id ssadatr tPr!t"g esry leak
br naiad vryTUata aH of materuU.
jThe Perach - houses -avjrr Tpsiro" 'and
. used. o mfiuea dodarj worth at. tba
Sf Frf eneh menhlnery' was
a put
bit at rrsncb
aaa waa aotd far what it
mL-. m h i-
wouia artne. Tha French buildings al
together saved na UOOOOCa, and every aid
Franca aback 4hat has beea tors dowa
aaa round a nlaoe hi other buildlnga.
aaoeao, -i' nave Barer seen so much
oars taken In saving the scraos. anr.
where as right here at Panama. Lumbar
la used ever and -ever again. Tha build
lnga which form a part of us Guam lake
oasia nave beea torn down by can
icra, ana au tna mate rial chipped to
ouer stations ladna canal sona. The
windows and doors ard even toe" gal
vanised roofs ware preserved.
Bight here at Culebra they ara bow
moving tha buildings la advance of- a
great slide, whtoh Is expected. tohlng"la
the ground where the penitentiary stands.'
K wiu ail be bare by tba time the
slide comes. In doing such work the men
save nearly every hinge, nail and every
ooara ana encg that can ba used for
new construction, sad then act tha Ja
maica negroes to cutting the scraps Ints
kindling wood lor the employes. Cnde
Bam furnishes free fuel to his msa and
kindling la quite expensive.
Mllllaaa saved tram Old Material.
Indeed tt Is wonderful how much Uncle
Sam saves by ue sals of old machinery
various kinds of waste material.
Tha moment he gets throush with a
machine he disposes of It, and at the
close of the work thera will be soms
mighty sales of this kind. So tar more
5,000,000 baa been turned Into
tha treasury from the aale-aO government
property own- here, and aa additional
K 000. 000 baa been received for ssrvloes
rendered and material supplied to Individ
uals and aompsnlaa. -.:
Eeterrthing Is watched and there' la
nothing too small to ba picked up Bad
eared for. Going through tba Culebra
cut Bunder one may Bee a gang o msa
gathering up Mm old hits at Iron to be
shipped eft and straightened out for new
, The bad joints ara thrown away.
and new threads ara made oa that which
la left It la the same with brass, cop
per and old rubber. -It la all saved and
classified sold as Junk. Thera Is
a ear filled with rubber boss and rubber
piping on tha alda tracks here aow. and
la this Is a large quantity of worn rone
and wire cable, and also of lead uu
steel chains and other material of vari
ous kinds. .' '. .
WslWrsT Wluocolot Devot throttglf
some.of these buildings covered with Wire
aettlng, I asked as ,t tba attest of the
eumate upon tna metal cloth. He replied
"This woven-wtre lasts only about two
rears. It then begins to have holes and
wa take It off and replace tt with new.
The old netting We bale -up and snip to
New York, where It la sold at fixed prtesa
Wa made a -ehtpmenl last week, which
brought la, and we have sold many
lota "which brought mora. .
It Is the same with tba galvanised
roofing.' Some-ef that on tha French
nousss built twenty as thirty rears ago Is
full f holes, but nevertheless It does for
the walls ef buildings, where auch boles
do not matter. It Is the same with every
thing. The machines ara 'cared for. as
though they wera race horses and svsry.
where eosoowiy-a&d efflottmcy march side
by side. .- I - .
Watahlaa; the Labs.
I hare already written something about
tha labor of tha canal. Uncle Sam pays
bigger wages 'and gues bigger vacations
than any tothtr employer on aafth. Tha
here get from S to M per cent more
in .ue. states, tree jneaicaj .attena.
a nee and free fuel. They can buy eatables
at a shade above east and each at them
baa sis weeks' vacation, with bis high
rats at pay during tbs year.
la return for this Undo 8am sees that
they do their work. There la mighty little
loafing aa the island, and during work-
Ing hours every muscle la put to Us high
est efficiency. Thera ara detectives waa
go about to aaa if there la any scam ping
tha Job or padding the pay- rolls, and
tba poor workman is pretty aura to Be
dropped, '
This hi especially so of the msa hand
ling tha shachlaery A careful record Is
kept of - the' amount at labor that- aaeh
machine perTorma, -and from weak to
week thaanaiaasra know Just what every
steam shovel and every dredge ta dptngr
Tnsra is a great oompstltioB aa to which
maohmea and which gangs do .tbs moat;
and aa a result wa have bad soms 'sur
prising work. Tba output ot tha steam
shovels have been doubled, and a single
hovel baa execrated abou4JM eubtc
yards .la one -day, while another baa a
record of bavins; loaded mora than H.0W
cubic yards la ana month. That first
shovel' did tha work at eves' SW meo.
Now when a Is remembered that wa have
aomethlng Ilka 100 ahovela asvtne knhmaa
yoa aaa ate bowtmuch tt mease that
all sbould work well. Altogether the
bevels aloe represent a tone equal
to tha tabor of et,00 or s,80 sum. and
the simi le ttu.of ether gnat machines
an the Isthmuv suck aa tha track, sblfte
ara sad spreaders, each at which does
tha work af hundreds.
H i
I ,r U I'' t. il 1 T
: , m ' ?$Cr- Jim
k1: ml&kmi
i V'
ba caa
Maehlaa Bffloiewer,
uasao, tae amount of labor saved at
Panama by the use of machiaary la aoor-
Uncle 8am la doing nothing that
get . steam, elect rtelty
air-ter eA'aad ha finds that tt
pays. Scienllflo studies- ara -aaaae of
Maatnsg and circling.-and "the men know'
Juat where to use and where to .saws
drnamlta. la connection with tha- steam
sbneais, tba dwernraent employs Tat er
la awitrr and hlsatlna. f S the
work wars dona by bind; It woojd have
to ve. t,im br kMO aaen an would aad
aaout. -thrse -Usnee tha amount of expio
aiaa,Tka' brack shifters 'and. soreaders
hick ara handlsd by three white men
and six laborers, cam move mora thaafa
aaua m. trecx to , a stay,
-BafsreBd -bowb arrefghl
atom to" a
wida road oc-bma feat It la
that tba afcta saea so working as suual
to a gang of tot. which would need nine
foramen to handle them, . The Lldgar
wood unload are, which require twenty
sight whits men aad forty-two laborers to
operate them, each do as much work aa
low laborers with tha necessary white
foremen, supposing tha work to ba done
otherwise. The dredges are also of enor
mous saving in the way ot efficiency and
we have many other machines of similar
economical nature,
raeie Barn's . Bookkeepla.
I wish I could show you the books that
the government Is keeping dowa here at
Panama. They have 4 rystsm of accounts
which shows Just wbat svsrything costs
down to ths lifting of svsry pound of
sand and rock, to tha making of every
eublo yard of concrete and, I might say,
aa to tha 'labor pertormsnoa of every
man. It tbs concrete la ana dlvirnoa of
i ths work dl-costlng mere than that of
another JJncle Sam knsws It, and his
books show Just bow much ths cement
pnd sand la each yard of that concrete
cost It Is ths same with the dredges
and - with every bit of machinery, even
to tha oil ased hi greasing tna same.
Tha eost of excavation per eublo yard
Is figured out to tba hundredths ot
sent, and the variations from month to
month ara es Urns tad. This ts per eublo
yard of work dons, and It shows Just
wbat we are getting and of tha men and
mac hi nee.
. Take, for Instance, the Oatua locks.
am looking at tha records at laat year.
During the months of July, August and
September the average cost, per cubic
ysrd, ot work there waa a little o
t.M. In September It was about 13, m
August almost to and la July only a
little ovec tt ' i
Thle was made up of Items like ths fol
lowing: Cost of drilling. B) cento; blast,
tog. il cents; loading by power, I cents;
by hand, TT cents; track traasportatleB,
a cents; tracks, 1 cant; division ex penis.
It cants; and so on, making up tha total
that. I have given. J would say, however,
that I have eaty quoted the round asav
bsrs, and that each of these calculations
la carried out to tha huadredths ot a
cent.' ' -
Where Slxreea rests Ooes.
Wbea you divide a cant Into a hundred
parts and make your calculations on s
Job ot HOO.OOO.OUO you ara getting things
down to a pretty tine point But this la
dona aa to avsrytUag. In each suhis
yard oa tha Atlantic, where the dredgtnd
sosts kt cents, they know to this fraction
ef cent Just wbat tha cost ef the use
of the pipe lines la. They know the re
pairs of tba dredges, the eost of opera
tion of the dredges, the eost of the tugs.
the eost of -tba barges, the rock breakers.
ef the big boats and tba little boats and
of svarviiiihg hit aaa possibly enter iota
that work. -
Oa that division there are fourteen dir.
ferent Items which form a part of the
unit eost of getting one cubic yard of
earth out of the sea and landing It and
the total eost Is only a little over It cents.
la addition to rhte Is the administration
and general expense account, which la. a
utile mora thaa a sent aad which must
be added. , -
la getting stoae out from the duarrlea.
the stripping, drilling, boating., loading.
transportation, tracks, power aad main
tenance of equipment are takaa Into ac
count, and to, the concrete cornea tha
sssastoBa, soman, the mixing and other
things. Similar work la going on ta dif
ferent places. al ever, the -canal aona,
aad if one-pax of -the work goes much
ahead or, behind the others la eost that
part Is tnvestfgated and tBe reason Is)
known. . . , -,
' Haw ITtseta Boss Bare.
. A great jnanir -heva wondered, that there
aaa wot- beea -some scandal eosmsctad
with the, canst purcbases They cannot
bee bow tlW,0W.0W;esBi pass Ul rough the
itching palms of tboasanda of weak, ava
ricious human beings without a large per-
eentawe atlckinc thereto, indeed, tt would
be risky, were It not dor the safeguards.
Uncle " Sam . baa : his purchases wall
watched, and there Is an arms at dstee
ttvsei always oa tba outlook for fxauda
One gnat protection Is the method by
which jiim liseia ere. .made. Ible pre
vises that every contract- for work er material-
to- the amount ot ttOW or ever
eaa- be- swarded-- enfy steer bids-for ths
same have been edvertised 'for and than
only to the lowest bidder. The kids- are
made upon plans and specifications and
upon accurate descriptions as to ths ma.
ehlnsry aad material of which tba goods
are composed. Bvery bidder baa. to send
In a bond 'With his . bid or a certified
check of not lees thaa It per -cent of Its
amount tor hla faithful carrying -out of
the same it It should be accepted, sal It
he starts and falls to complete the work
he Is liable for damages.
' Bidding ot this kind Is dons as to small
contracts as well aa to large ones. I
have before me the circular which gives
ths proposals tor the great lock gates,'
which, It - will be remembered, were
awarded to Pittsburgh parties at a -coat
of over trs000,00a. - It fills many ; pages
and It Is seeompanied by designs which
show Just what the locks must be. The
provisions state bow. the stesl must be
made, bow tasted, what the constituent
elements ot eaoh part must be and. also
iTrach an. Infinite -teumber .of details and
provisions that a .full page of this Mwa-
pepee wouia not contain mem an. t .
After 'such contracts are mads ths gov
ernment ssatls Its scientists and engineers
to the various shops to watch ths con
struction slid to sew, that all tha details
ot the contract are carried out' These
men make-chemical and other teato'from
time - to time, They assay tha metals
which go Into ths vartour. parts and meas
ure to ths thouarninib of an Inch every
piece of the machinery. The least varla
tkm may destroy fa contract and tha re
sult is that Uncle? Sam usually geta what
he orders, although the contractor may
go bankrupt la tarnishing the same. '
rrrelrtcht Adyertiilna t tha Road, to
BlaV Ksturas .-i.J ,' I J ..
aa " c..,tf.M- v
...... . r lr --
.- - - Mr-n , en mS
The qaestyas answered below are gee.
bra! In character, the symptoms or die-
are given sad the answers will ap
ply to any ease ot similar nature.
Those wishing further advice free, m
address Dr. Lewis Baker. College Bldi
CoUege-Kllwood Sta., Dayton, 0
loe self-addressed stamped envelope for
reply. Pull name and address must ba
given, but osly Urinals er fictitious asms
wiu be used la mr aaswsrs. The preecnp
tione caa be filled a- any weli-etocked
drug store. . Any Bugrat aaa erasr at
a bolesaier. . - w w
.... i ' ' ' r:'"-.'- -
"leek" aave "T seed a ' ed sane, teata,
uve u on very aara aat a
wet a 'wreee. -.. tr. , , .
ieeeer: tear ennSlttwa ts.
eteiellr aaena brela wafSf-re. - autre nte
low lea teal hy raiilrer avma ar k'tMeeeaeettae
eMaa., eae.; liseeire sesnreeae rM capleBMal,
I ea: aad rake a ItupeMM ette eaofe BMai
at la a Hm weeka raw emasia will aa ra-
"Mr, W - vrneer "1 eta fettltMl tee SMet
far eamreet ana weals Mae. res u Mailek a
aire, enWure eate. -,'.
Attiear- ! hnkaV laeeretelr te eveld eherl'
haiea.- tmnalle ellilr t est.; street arteleae.
I M- Mil br Hnklea well atel take a taaooe.
ttl antr b1a tef itie tint ttuve tare a taea
eruble tke Seat. - Many save fTrMtf ake. toee
at e emwt ol fleak a ear after taains tke awk
rtu lac i avwal week Thai eMsM aa ees-
aaaet aaiil yua snserlr Myge year wetekt.
atlas K.' wrlteet ' rm aatfllk
vramy fee ilvar aaS ktan.y lieaWa aaS
! that arlee trow ttMt aeene.
m trfeaiei ertth Sltay leelta. aark Kpata
ten mj area with rMetaulsa.- -
Anewer. lroa will sea tkiee srals
uaieto met SFitaer UMetal. eai laaa eotoratisi
ta dlrectleai. er will atf ealy e rellevee, eut
tt yae coatluli the see at thee takleia fee vtu
a stwiually ares ef all tie traaale Woe aea-
llea. Ttn vili parity the bleeS aa ales esta
yuar ratuiaatUHB. - rf .- ' ,
f ., e- e .,.-.
-WaiMwTear calls ees W- eaalW aanl ar
MvMllns tr ' Heelers ealia, 1 Srta;
tlaclere rbeaaraamle. t SraaM. anS Maaa. net
kalaiwvt I ea - utve blai IS te U areas la
suet , Tata la etaeliy ee
t s s e ,
-Peer Wesws:" Slaea res are kaabla ta Uka
treataMl Irota year skrrda way aat try ltU
heme ireatweat far the eere ef leiMrraB, te
naaaiatlea. Searing eowa aalaa eat arioaie
Tata haeia, lenae tke sane auS ateae ell
anenaal Slarharsa ay lis aevertal aetlewle
erepenlee. Mil fnoether: I ea. Uaale irll
aa I aaa araiaarllo Mew . Ue a laa-
a uart wera walsr as isieeuea
wns synasa. ,
s -! a e .
naaaaa" wrfteet -t weaM Mae la aat aeaw.
tklas thai vnH SMbe siy kalr left eat Huffy-.
ay aeir m trwr aaa i aaa as sMkias te saea
tan ell eal e U." , ... . j,
Te bum the sanies' all set at' tke
aalr aa trees B salt as tlarfr, at i I a
lar St slaat yetlew silsyel aat taewlertr.
Tit. will easa Maalaa eaaay aaa -Saeentf aad
auhe tke kale sees, aas rw wiu set to
eetkaree wllk antasx, auaaaltaa. aaa.
: ...
TW wrttaa! " 1 aw sal Ntaasb eawasB
ear ta. aalaM. I eta aau eat UBIs ss baas
rreaeeat kMSaibea. Pleaae saVBsl east wtat
daawert Tsar antaWaa h deb a tea task
el rat ateet mniiiaiei aaa teviee aMkias
Saner Uaa akrea seata kyawaieoltaa taatoea,
whMa eaa ke svretu aay as a east eras
a aaaies aanaea was Sail aireeue, a Ttkaaa
will eeaee Ue. Mr aa ! ta tka
tail, eteweea et Sate SSS tkaa
aa4 aeeaS aalay t tke akUa
la reuse aa4 aaa) will aa ke W
ease. - TSeea ara miMWiimliil ay alq'aaaae aaa
U takaa eeawitag w Slimlaal ye. wtu asaaly
seta tieaa, . - . ; .
" iLL
TluaWai bflaa wrterwi I eww wtetas
t aa hreealeS Ak amea altaaBrel
waiek aaamiaea Imaa we Is aeti
rteeae aavtae eawaulas-lat aja."!
iaeewi My fcrertte y i aa,a) ear
aUaa. aaS aaa tkat f aaa aaa VaraS
Caea at yaeeie. la taate ay alat laaMe el
uaiMa. i areawi eMlea aaWrflaw. 0 ayaaail
wlae el aetetteara, aee-aalt ,ea. aSns, swwaea
aieial. I eal yctaa. nalt lnllawia!i. I ae.i
arras aaiaaparbu,. s eaa. Take aaa. taaaaaaaraf
at aaaal (ibm aad at eat use '.ase, yea will .
eeee aa eaiva. .. j i
invert e- wrtuef " sne Vara sieatly aa- '
erea wiMy w aaepuag aaa a uoiiias
Uaa ta Ike ihreet -aaS SxarMSea aS
By sraaakial uaaa, an utuj aim'
Aaeweri Tae eeei sa aartf' nSX et rata
kreetklal. tieakle ky tat4 aa4ane eaalaa
laaaaa, Tkie niieeia auuaiy . aaS aaruuair
krlasa ibaat s aiv, '-sf ua ueB sad laaauve '
aMlee aaS Ikerenia Is kuaanar ta araiaary
anaaMllaaa vairk ealy ntteea. Tae aaa feel
Ike sweictae werktas aa ike caveat, leeaa a
kreaeaial teset, (! s IMItaq et ttaaiiel ea
ateaaatk te Uaa eattre ayataak raraaaaa s lw
aa. aaeaase e Hi I mat laaana aad svaka
eeearileg ta ska amaieaa ea 'katllte an lake
eisat at cae tMaaa aaliy stat seq aau
. a s
vna alaewak
trtei aaa.
I sate STSat
H etftaeal tar seen
kroeNe Sa aeamaatles, Bate
ut eta aa area rettere,
-uaa aamlriiy enay I
Aaewert aaUta takleki Irtaaittlaa aaa take
tiaillaa ta auvvtleaa Tkaat -iaalaay era ataS,
vaiia-aS Mae, Take a eua staiet atiar stata
Iset. s warn tawat artae snsw aaa a Wee
flaeM after sanaar. ' Hslar siilmial wilb
tkaae litiltta wm erue aay teas el A sax
ad tttiie, but the war tber
very, very eattsfrtagi yea, and you'll
rwlYfeelr and a H,iat-l-Teek-Oaa
faellna; oreepa all ever you.
it a a leyaaa anvaieaa reaiiv. to
have a swwst little t aaeataeyal-PtU
to exereise the bowels without ,
purging. . griping-, and Straining j
OeitvaacoB does rets Of karate
Avoid It by tasting niackburn's Cos- -
raKoral-Pllla. Thar aewrteh the '
Bowel Nerved Bad pleasantly rellere
oonatlhatlo . .
Lai. .. AH togglata. A .
the bowel ta-art fr-e
aey to yetsresit, Way, hew iiitgbei
Isast ta
j j.. eaearasvaw hjeas'Miwi leawaawaaaa. an w t ,-, t , ,
:wm I intern
- - ' ' w w I - - a a
in the 1912 Coupe1
a. 4' K-V' :
t, viv, ,-M
-'.. t ll.
I --'
, A more beautiful motor car than the 1912 Baker Coupe could not be imarinedV
Its stately, linetvset off with "full Bkirtec. patent leather fenders and the 'J
- t ' ll I -1 11 . I 1 1 SBSSSS fa
gieam oi smaray aesignea nuD caps, mane a nanosome impression. , ine.
following refinements and enlareements have been made in . this 1912 y
model,, in line with a' well-defined manufactoing policy to, keep Baker J''il
Elecjfcrics, regardless " of "cost, in the forefront of electric vehicle design.' .lir.
- '".'.' ," , '-""' v-y 1 ' 'xVsra'i-d - ? -"X !
Full Skirted Patent Leather Fender.
1 t f-1 !.
.KWi7 01
i,7 Pi t i
elnterior is More Roomy
Inside body dimensions have been materially, in
creased without making the. car Jook,buIky. Thia
is an important reservation, as every motor car
owner will appreciate who knows the graceful
body lines of the Baker. Coupe. .
Aluminum Panels
In the construction of the coupe body aluminum
panels are used.- These are more lasting than
wood, lighter than steel. They will not warp nor
crack are unaffected by weather. ; The Baker;
Coupe is both as strong andeas light as it is pos
sible to build it Will retain its handsome appear
ance over a long period of years. - " . v
Wide, Comfortable Steps
' permit easy entrance and exit They enable women -,
daintily gowned to get in and out with perfect 1
safety to themselves and their clothes.
... - - - ' ,.',..'-'-'.-'
. For Convenience Soke ' '
the odometer is mounted on a flexible shaft acid so
placed that it can be easily read from the driver's
seat inside This is one of a number of minor con-
. veniences and refinements which make the Baker '.
I Coupe so desirable a vehicle for women to drive. ,
"' N. W. Cor. 40th & Farnam Sts.v Omaha. Neb.'
" ims.
add the last touch of elegance to this hjmdsoma10'1
exterior. - The broad' sweeping bands of polished
lAAfTkA. vmcilr-A a Ana .v.vlammmm FPU... a -' i I
IWUlU auatav e uuo myycai OLUVQm UKJ atB SHI UXUCia
1 1 . . - Tl M a 1 a. a 1
ncner uum meuuiic lenaen ana aosoiuieiy noiso-
- less. Do not rattle under any conditions. - Steps roo
and rody are now completely protected against mud r:
stains and dirt from the wheels. ...,.-...
eVBl AUVI eaV 1 Vf IWVU M,T r.'
Baker wheels are cow overtired? The tlVes'irf s.
larger than are strictly required. Easier riding J
and longer tire life result And the cost of niain-X
tenance Is also much reduced. Whether Cushion-
tires or ;pneumatics' are used, this wide' marght "
of reserve service in them adds materially to the'"!
comfort and security of Baker operation. . The car, t
naea wiu wonaernu ease oz motion,
Still Greater MUeatJe1 -
has been secured by increasing the battery capacity.
Unis will enaJbie the Baker to travel farther on a -1
charge than heretofcire. People want mileage la '
ah electric, and in a Baker they get it more mile
than in any other car. This has always been true; i
wiUbernoresohereafteR f ,
; The Baker Motor-Vehicle Company
Msaufactoreri " CleTeiand, Ohio
Oldest and Largut Mmnufactmrtr at EUetric fVoasg -.
t:.3 i'.
' 3 '
T i'
10 i
r -
ett '
iir a
sale !