THE BEL: OMAHA. SATUKDAY. MAY 18. 1912. The "FAMOUS" $35,000 SATURDAY Will Be the Greatest DAY of All Slock Going Fast at These Unheard of Prices THE GREAT CLIMAX in this wonderful sale of the Famous Cloak and Suit Stock Will COme 5atlirHa whan tho m9dnifionf erf -ae-k -f M.llinrr C9iaH frnm tK ww s s w a I I w IllulllllWUiil JiWWIV Vl I IIII III vi w fc W WW II will lllw . . ft f . m m mm . a . - . , .. . . . m Famous fire goes on sale for the first time. This sale remarkable sale ever known in the city of Omaha. will go on record as the most OVER 2,000 HATS ON SALE SATURDAY FOR ALMOST NOTHING Hals st 9c Hits at 33c Hats at 69c Hats at 98c iHats at $1.48Hats at $1.S3Hats at $2.98Hai. at $3.98 J!?!. 1 ,,JL ,J,n? H,," ,h4t Wr children's In thl. lot rou will In the lot will fin.l itrand display of the Imported hat. In hlirh- All the imported mod Hate that wr!iara- aged, bus not as bed ss " 'hat tot musty find beautifully trim- a grand assortment of mil beautiful hat. est grades and tyl.a jls. " JZ'lf aged by water, and tn flrJ, )ot, worth to " x"tr: ribbons med hata. plain tailor- of hat. suitable for In th. city, only a few th frames of these m,nt TOU wln beur worth all tha wajr ta on than hau ar. worth d hi. sailors most- any ocraalon: worth in tbla lot that got h.ta ar. worth twle. prised to mo them all 111. will go at IN. CO at thro, times tb. amount !' perfect condition to lli&O- damaged tb. price In our price 9c 1 39c 1 69c 1 98c lS1.48lS1.98lCTs3.98 ilfiarvelous Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits and Dresses Continues Saturday We are positively giving these garments away. Hundreds of new styles and models will be shown for the first time, as our selling space is so limited. 71 SEE THE I I mm ainn-a si ITS Mia LwdteaT and Mlawaa Damagsd Coat, no Indira' and. Misses' Costs and Bulla, Ladles' and Mines' Kins Tailored Suits, Ladles' and M liana' Suits and Costa, sot matter wfcat tha former price, wars ,",JteUw prtoJTw. befor n 6.0O-aUf hUy loUsd-- flan, regularly sails from 3QW to Ssiardar ta elota tham all Saturday urday M&.M, to eloaa Saturday at Sim flHBc $SJ!5lffsA Ladles' House Dresses, all there is left Ladies' and Misses' and Juniors' Street Ladles' and Misses' and Juniors' Dresses, All the higher sliced dresses from the from the Famous Stock, dumped for Bat- Dresses, one bl Uble full, some dam- ""Jf"- UM' ",u',tt,! tw.B' rmo" mr w1" cu do,w ' " . ... . Voll. Wash Dross Stilt, etc., worth to so as to make a clean sweep of tt, worth nrdar- sgsd. others part act, worth to la.W ,1640 , , on, tot from fll.00 to S50. at Sc 1,98 $2.88 IsT'nias rtrccc ,Aril, Children's Dresses, whits and eolors, CbUdrsn'a rj smart Dress, all par- Pretty Asrss, las. nuaren s cresses, worm c . worU tmm PrMj Apronll , wlth b(b J0 tod. fr - - some sllfhtlf soiled and soma perfect different patterns. 5 0 doses, worth M 91.SO, at " tiOQ to tt.M, st each. Salurdsy 15c, 25c and 33c 48c, 69c and 98c 98c-SI.98-2.48-2.98 15c Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings Go for a Song SLAUGHTER PRICES I Now rmr raa f avlf V misT- w " $4.95 Hbd Bin 111.95 Hlack filar (5.95 S8.98 lIA. mmm'm .Ilk Hull.. ruaraniaed hand tailored, for sis mews si tn o.sii To., will b. .urKtMl at thsaa fine valuta Hatarday. W orates, tajwy to , at is mcss sttts of iaa tartal.aa bloa alao a aviiMidld .AlMtlon of brown., teja.,U1 an dark sraya. aplandlddly mada aad fin. matwrtal paT. Ill walura, "alkirday TS 1M walara, Saturday ....... Sl. nut slash ist snoft) ssasts. It. I ai.n'a ototb ahoaa. (reatfwt iw.?: - 98o M.s's Hhmai aa work, and draaa value, tor ..,....-' II M Men's Orfords tn taris, rt- .ma and aunmataJ. ka ma the lata modala and abawaa ots' wash ra.tiTs. ia. KatckarawakM at.aa ta IS Flls 1st of boyi pure wool paala. bloomvr .tyla, all cdlors, M to 1", worth up to II. M, for . oaa, ractUar . tiJs tar., Hrt tha lataat J 1 .95 IS paala, a to 79o Silk. Has. Me Mvn'a Far. a.ortmnt of anlora On bi( raa M.n'a Hi and sraya. rasular loo valuaa lie M.n'a Hon tor Mra'a Hoaa ove sinrrs IIH Slid. II as Sulta ars-a 190 blacky ...'46 .10 i2c SIS Jl.i sulta ss.aa ic M.e'a Laalhar Bwlla .lira I I to 41 lUO SI'RPK.tlDKIIS. ! Mas s Puapaaaarh la Ucht and haavy 10 w.lsht IOC II a Maa's Herns Otayaa HAKDSUM DUur'S. lie Men's handkar- A rM.f. OC 1t I'nlon Holta. In Balhna- san and m.i run ingin. aim hnwt l.astb . . A U 10 Man'. aalbykssan anion auita, tha uua 53c 45s union 79c MATS. II M Hin t Mala, l.rf. varlrty af aaft and atlf f f I I ft .Wills hata ill Duck I.A DIRS aad U SHor.s White )uck II IC ahoa VliOtf On. lars tabl. of ladlr. Oifonl and Pumpa. In all and aiyl.a. worth up ta II. $j 25 LtAPHAEL-PRE GO. Southwest Corner 13th and FarnamSts. 2Z New Books Klotloa. THB TOITHSTONB OF rOTtTtTVF. 21 Cbaxlea Major. 2 Vv- U-. The acMllttaa company. A romance of the time of Charlea II, Ih story feigning to be the personal rem iniscences of Baron Clyde. The ehler characters are the people of the court, who are still of historical moment. Tbe king old Rowley to ht InUmatea-the duke of Monmouth, than plain Jamea Crofts: John Churchill. later to become tb duke of Marborouirh; Sarati Jennings whom be married, her beautiful atater. France, who la the heroin, of the tale; the eomte do Qramont, he If the pet memorlea of all literature, play the lead ing parts of the drama. And It la a good story that Baron pijdo tells, with plenty of hlatorlcal color, and plenty alao of per Hon. adrenturra and dare-darn truet ring" to fortune, with huge and desperate risks. THE I. ART TRY. By John P.eed Scott. t Pp. 11.2. 1. B. IJppL-.cott couipacy. Thla book sgaln taiui up the twtums of "Prince. Dehra," who gave ihe Mr a to one of Mr. Scolt'a preriouw oi.e'e. Htr American huMwnd an-1 c"nilr of her kingdom made a great ml.tkite. it seem3. Is not killing 'the V.Hain whom he 1-ft off with his Ota in the other atory. an.t the villlan came back and made trouble And ao the king ar d bl frit nd Courtney, who tell, this present at.-ry. oav. an ex citing time, when fighting and plotting and counterplott-ng. before the matter snd the book are ended. mubMpf. and .i delightful young million an who.'-e mone lias not apoUad him. and who la hi" to mak. a great aacrl- floe fr Ms frlrnd. This la s cheery yarn aho:t cheery people. In which even tha schoolgirl vllllfca Is not so very bad. aad In whlrh from tha flrrt page of tba first ohaptr, the reader 1. entirely sure that motor race and mystery and love story aio all coming out right la tha end. THE lj;CK OF RATHCOt-.IE. By Jeanie (jould Lmcoltt. d3 Pp. 11.2. Houghton Mifflin company. A jam of lov. and adventure during Wsahincton's first srlmiciatratlon. The story centers around the t!morn theme of s locket, this time w!th a fortune In volved. The unusually charming hero'ne accidentally gets poaae.ion of said locket at a mask bait and after various e.itagle menta it reaches the hero. Its rightful owner. Bv Margarita tl.lw. liarper HEART AXO CHAP.T. Spaldhig Garry. 3M Pp. ajid Thla book deals with the experiences of a trained nurse. The writer evidently epeaka from experience, acd th-ae atorle. of human suffering have dVpth ar.d sin cerity Of feedng. A motor romance. There's a charming yams; woman, a spoiied achaolglH, a philosophic chauffeur, a asaker of auto- O. A. Wr Geors. H. l.AtAGKS f.OVEB. Rv Ingham. UT'I Py. 11.30. Doran company. In the peraon of Ij!aie. the Irish tom boy, who becomes possessed of a re former's seal, the author has created a character wlnnlnn nnd audacious, "he Is the embodiment of youth, and has ail youth's joy and earnestness. JAOQi'IXB OF THE Hl"T. By K. Galilerno iir.Ui;. Mi Pp. SLM. U. P. Putnam's sons. The scene of this story Is laid In the Island of Sara, and th. time the second half of the eighteenth century- The hero lusty, selfish, happy-go-tucky type of his dr.y--?a a r.iugg!er. whom poor, friend ls Jvqulne loves with an uncaUculstlr.g, head-long derotlon. Tragedy enter, but Jacquine comes to her own in the end. HIDDEN HOVPE. By Amelle Rives. til Pp. 11.20 J. F. Wpplncott company. A udy of a dual personality plus a love story of a New fcnglander of Emer sonian Ideals seeking seclusion In the flr'tntalna of Virginia. THK TOI RAR. Bv J. B. Ruckrose. SO Pp. 51 Si. rJ. P. Putnam's sens. Tlie Bar is the name of a gloomy inn. with a mystery attached to Ha In dwellers a tyrannical innkeeper, hi. withered and blanched wlf. and thelr daughter In lore with a young man who Is the central mystery of the story. THE MYSTFRT OF MART. Ry O. U H Lutx. a Pp. '. H. Llpptnoott compaay. When "a young and beautiful woman" fliea distractedly down a wilderness of trscks near the month of a dangerous tunnel and appeals to a young man .also flying dowa the tracks to a dtnnar en gagement) to find a place whera sha can hide from pursuers, there ia evidently some mystery connected with her Tryon Dunham rises gailantty to the occasion and the mystery is liter settled to uie complete satisfaction c-f all. VllE bit; tl!-H. Is;- H H -Marrictt ,V trou if Vv- '-tt Brown st 'in A young OTaii, seeking s!;e!ir .n aa auc'iii ruot.'. frjrc a heavy thuoder Itoim. pays : guineas f-'jr an ordinuT looking Japaneae lacquered box. It turna out that In antlcrus box balds the seem of burled treasure of the Inraa. and peo ple of shady reputation want the secret and tate little how far they go to gain their anda. Events follow thick snd I.AHT ELEANOR MVBRRAkRK By Robert Barr. 1st Pp. tlO. Rand. Me lt ally w Co. Toe writer bsa ehoaen ss the scene of his operaUons s region illuminated by the personality of a character wh. la In himself a souro. of perennial interest Richard Brtnsley Bherldan. While the character of Ihe great playwright Is skillfully subordinated, yet the pleasant Uillmacy setwsea him and the characters of the narrative adds to the fascination of the story. FROM THE CAR BEHIND. By a nor M. Ingram. 90t Pp. ti.M. J. B. Uppin cott company. A motor romance. There's s charming young woman, a spoiled schoolgirl, a Bhliosopnlc chauffeur, a maker of auto mobile and a delightful young million aire whose mosey has not spoiled him sad who la able to make a great sac ri fle for his friend. This ia a cheery yarn and about cheery people. In which even tbe schoolgirl villain Is not so vary bad. and ta which, from tha first page of th. first chapter, tha reader Is entirely sure that motor race and mystery and live story are all coming out right In the snd. M laeetlataeeaa. THE LIFE OF BRET HARTfC Ry Henry C. Merwin. K? rp. p.. Houghton-Mifflin company. A narrative of Hart, s rife In California. In the eastern state, and in Bump, of remarkable freshness, fullness and in terest, together with a full and apprecia tive study of his work sad bis contribu tion to American letters. Not th. leaet Interesting part of the book ar. the chapters which are given to a first-hand account of th life of the pioneers in California In ' and the years following tha life upon which !rt Hart drew for the sublet of practically all of his books. DOWN THE ROAD Rv ts.'HH. v.i tine Kelly, ta Pp. M.&0. Eaton Main. A collection of esaaya on natur, life, Htersturs aad religion. A WOMAN'S TOl-R IN A MMTOR. By Harriet White Fthr Tjt i to a J. H. Lipoincutt company. Automobile experience under eircum t.'"ccK the most banal are apt to eventful, and a trip really accomplished in aa a-itcmobUe that encircles the globe I !5 wori or lees epoh-mal-ins In th. worid of manufacturers at least. Mrs. Kl-hrr ha a-. omplKhed this trip with uttuual suecesa tn that her experiences were many and atlshaps last, starting from New York, she landed In France, crosped Ihe continent, sailed to Bomnav. crossed India, again sailed tn China, thence to Japsn, snd landed tn Han Fran cisco, the trip scroxs America beUig tha most difficult of all. TNCHKASrVO HT'MAX EFFICIFNCT FN Blb-INKHB By Walter Dill rVott. Ol Pp. U.K. Ths MacMSIaa company. From ths standpoint of technology this Is sn able book wrtttra In a style that will appeal to the business maa and showing him how be can Increase th efficiency of every class of employs, as wall ss his own efficiency by mors or less simple applications of the rules of psychology the real psychology off the scientific laboratory and not tha Imitation brand which is exploited In magaxlnea of success. THOirOHTS FOR DAII.T LIVING. Ry Imogen Clark, selected from th. spoken and written words of Robert Collver. 17i Pp. IMA American l.'nttunan asso ciation. There Is no tenderness like that of s strong man. Is a phrase which has bees oftsn used. It applies to Robert (Tollyer from the three pot nee of view of physique, mentality and spirituality. No one who has spoken to him. heard bun speak tn public, or read his writings can doubt that he poascssea a dominating person ality. Hence, tha selections made by Imo gen Clark for this volume are suggestive of that personality, whether they glva good counsel, cheer or consolation. ; whether they are for th contented man. ! the successful man. or the failure. In every phase and from every point of view Mr. Collyer deals with the prob- : ems of life and living, now in relation tn . self, now in relation to ones neighbors. ' Ml'SIC AND MORALS. By H. R. ' llawets. 503 Pp. II ik. Harper A Bros. The term Is comprehensive snd hre covers tbe author's elaborate analysis of t the connection of music with emotion. I There Is also critical comment on music i with reference to Individual morality, and j to its influence and significance in society at large. Tbe biographlea of great must- clan, and the chapters describing the de ; velopment of th piano and violin from I humble beginnings are particularly value-; ble. A comparison Is given between the coats of rail and water transportation, and the final chapters are devoted to a detailed dlscusnlnn of government reuul.tton. WILLIAM J A M Eft AND OTHK.R KSSATS By Jnaiah Rove. W I'p. II a". Th. MacMlllan company. Uavh .May mtalns an lnterpratalion of scone problem that ia of vital Interest to thoaa who want to form sound Ideals for tha conduct of life. INEXPENSIVE H'lMVS OK 1N DlVIDI.ALITf Pp. 76 cenle. Mc-Brlde-N'Mt a Co I A collection of photographs and floor I plana Illustrating certain of America's best country and suburban homes of moderate site. WILL WE SOON SEE BY WIRE? PMll.llltlra f thm rmr Fatar lad Ira (" hy m RwiUa Nffgstor. THK AMERICAN TRA V8PORTATIOV ( QV'KDTION. Bv Btrnwl o. bunn. StA Pp. $3-". l. Appletoa 4k Co. The prtncipk: of rat niaktnR are fir -confldfYw. avnJ th cost mnA vala? of tha j servlr out!lisd- Thn wUavrUnlisatii. be- tven commodltitai and oimmuiiltlM( and ; b&wrwt htpprs, ts takn up and reenedtea mmmUni. fcwaral clwatcra ara devoted to railway tfflcteney from tha tdtgrtprtnt of avoaoaar tod irabiic otrvtc j Iaugii. If rati will, at th apparent folly of t4HetnK bv mlr. but In tha rotdst of your mirth ptra-- o not Utrigrt thai our grarxlfathf ra Unglw4 jut aa hd-arti.y when thr rumor of talktnr ovr airt. And, if anyon had tniimid that future irr.rallon would even tlk without thf aid of wir:, over thr.uaanda of nrltea of on. crandad would haw rsaaiei away wtth a wtroke of acopipxy fODeyrlndm-rd br rortK ted lautthter. When It la rmeii.VT d thai the vni--ran be reprodur-i by mechant"al man ir.biimurh as it i but a w-rk f vtbra tloris tn th air; that vieton Is but an other kind of vlbratioi. in the ether, it loookM as thoi.t:h iinfi over wlret would be nuite as ilmpl as talklnx over the telephone. The tlm may come, and not no very far away either. whin we wtll plrk up .he .'kphone and ivi only lain wtth our friendi", hundrr-d of miles away, but a tlicm quite dlattnrtly as well. Elcctrlcly travela at nearly the aaroe speed a lifiit. mllea a arond. and It ta planned to cban the Ul't -1bra-tlooa Into electrfccai vibrations, snd tb-m over tha wire, and then oange them hack Into latent vibrations, which wtll be visible to the nsvktd ey-. This is exactly wtiAt occurs in a teleph4n. In a much aimpier av. Th- sound waves arc chanced Into electric waves. the elec tric waves are flashd over a air- and t ho reLtti vr ch i icea t hem ha, k v a ' n into sou ad wavea with the aid of a deli catw isaSsftTiet and a nnaai disk Prof. Rosins of the Technological in atttate of rit. Teterabursh baa aiiwadiy sMompHsoed muci. In sendinc rays of liffnt rmr a wire with tha stsUtance oi ctetcuictty. The Rosintf aypai' ia mm yet In Its Infancy, but vary amail ob-J-rts esn ho seen with it and t ta only reasonable to suppose that within a short llmta aVst will ha aiila tn a natratsn whlls siwaJtlng' to him over tha tsriephoMa. Eiacirtc Mews HAIL THE NEW FOE OF FAT Medical Maa Drops 11 Ha fe Porsy ad Load th- Haw ble Oalaa. 1 f ou have ti-ara prenar tn h-d them, now. Know also that the medical pro few -km in enronraKinK the onion as thi rose anions; roses, tha pearl of bulbs, the queen of vegetables. Dr. J. 8pllnfr of New Turk City whoa cup of poesy brim a over, has an art If Is in The IHetetlc and Hygienic fia sstts in which he hails the humble onion aa the union of many desirable qua I It ten In onion there Is strength, not only of brt-ath, but of body. In addition to other noble of the onion It reduces fat. "1 would Ilk to Introduce here way," the phyahian, "of uains; the inn onions tailed srulllona. which ar so:re times Indulged In hn raw on ot-ca5ion when privacy during and after eatiiix them Is possible. "Koll aM sr n thera like axp-iraKi-si, on tuam If desired, and you sill find that n'ne of their delicate flavor is lost. while there la not tbe odor Imparted ta the breath as whan they are eaten raw. Ths sinailer tbe yoiwig onions, tha battj they are for thla purpose-" Key to the Hituation Bee Advertising. Flattery far l be I Tim a Oowaw. Fdwurd L. 1-.ton. one of tha btrweat maii"fsturers of talkliut insrhlnes In tber world, haa jo Idea that everyboily ta aa niu'.h interented lu gtand opera as he la. He rU-vi weekly coneerts at his hom and makes ail his servants, who repra- sent vsrioua nationalitlt-s, listen to them, owe a Swedish housrmtid aava slima of tnt-nie Mtlsfactton at hearing a particu larly loud and shrill record by tha groat hoprano. l.tiia Cavalterl. "So you like that?" asked Mr. East on all puffed up bet-suse his grand opera had made such a hit. ' Ay t Ink It banc grand. replied Alma, "It sound to ma lak d way de Ireesli cook she cry las He-k a hen busban die I'upular Magaitne. 1 Bfa veatlfMltl4a, iiridget. C it Mm I m at home, but I dn t want to sea him." "If you will look at the clock. Mr.. Kickshaw, you'll sea It's time to go. I don't know who th other candldsta l old chap, bat if you're running for the office I shall vote for him." I'll lend you the flvrw. Junk Ins. but It only fchowa that I've got more money man i ve got eanse. .No. I m only going to star a few mo. mnls. Mrs. Kadger; I see I Interrupted your upanking of th children " I like your votes well enouah. M'sa Ohucksiey. but you make awfully ugly iar-. nen you nn. "Iteart". your talk foesnt bother me a bit; I m not listetUo " hicajio Tribune. 4 Do you Mke a really "comfortable" smoke? TUXEDO TOBACCO will make you glad. Of course it won't "bite" it's the orig inal stingless tobacco and its fragrance is famous wherever pipes flourish. Ia the curved green tin 10c PATTERSOTTS TUXEDO TOBACCO .Ull II I SUM."