19 The ee np aazirxe fag'e THE- BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1911 r SILK HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT VOHCMU taw J rT Ml .The Judge is a Regular Solomon Cpyrlrht ml National New Am Drawn for The Bee by Tad PI?) I iEH' " - r I a Married Life the Third Year Helen Finds it Hard to Buy a Befitting Drees for Her Mother. By MABEL HERBERT V III ICR. "Oh, m. ssmethlng much plainer P" iM Helea Vsoked disapprovingly at lb white dreas bristling IU tsce and Insertion that tb saleswoman held out bafora her. "Something " suitable tor an ' aldarlr wsraaa." 4 T.l "Wa bevea't any thine plainer la tack, They're wearing everything vary much trim med tM year." "Tee. I know .but thhla tor quite an eld lady, Purely yoc have something plainar and with a fuBer akkt then that?" "I have ahowa you aH we pave, madam." . "But what do you aall (or old ladles?" persisted. Helen. "Wa aall these," answered tha sslsswemen. Already Halen had baan to thraa atorat looking tar a plain, fuli-efclrted. sleeved, high-necked whlta draaa for twr mother. And aa far everything aha had am had baan absurdly aarsr-trlasmsd. with narrow skirt abort gleevsg and low necks. - And tha aalaawoiaaa had baan equally swrnrsasd aad Indignant whan aha had ventured to any that each gowns would he moat unsuitable (or a plain, modest aidarly woman. "Thla ie what thar are wearing." waa tha Inevitable answer. It la aa difficult la And anything la New Tore, ascent what they are wearing." a It ! ta find sunflowers at tha North pole. Never waa a elty or a psspli aa la the shralls of the latent sty." he' hldsoao a unsellable that atyla nay he. And the stout grey-helred women of yeara la snpootod ta wear eneetly the aaate medele aa bar slim, brewa-helred dauaKter; No tonrey are there any teen nana tor elderly weaaen. far tbap aentora eecarly ra the raoet yaatliful madaa, And the reanlt la eftaa aatvnlatatnc and aome jrhnae pathetic And wow Helen went from atore ta tore Is a ala arch tor a plain whltr pawn for her mother. At laet. In des peration, aba aeked a floarwaUaar. "Haven't you a elnale whlta dreee In your ehep ! table (or aa em lady of ft reerar And the floorwalker only ate red at bar In raOd wonder and referred her to a eaJeewemaai who with an Indifferent "Certainly, ma'am." began to ahoar the aeual modela with ptat a waieta and aebhle aklrta. . By thla ttrae Helen waa tired, thor. uaMy tired and eontewhat Irritated, for there la nothing mora wearing ta ene'e nervee and temper than ahopptng. he waa alraoat Inetlned to return her avtther'a check and write that one could tH neither the dreee nor the hat. But then ahe reread her mother! Itu: tad felt ashamed at bar lmpulee. piw reeld not eiaappolnt her. Be aha dragger wearily on through more etorea, and at net one aaleewoman aa!d hopefully: "I think I have uet what pea want I' awa a epedai order, hut tha customer Udn't take tt." Then aha brought awt a plain white wiul' Ireee with a full, graatful aktrt, trlmmee wry with neate narrow hemstitched band if fine twtae Inaertlon. It waa )uet what Helen wanted, but. la her dtamar, ahe round Ike price wee fjL TMrtyflve dol-lara-and her mother had oen only WO for both tfce'nat and dressl "Oh. aavoa't yon anything leea expen alve thaa that? I don't care to pay SB for lust a wash dreee." "Oh. yea. We have plenty of white ansae from pis ap. pot they're aH eme more fancy. There you aee," potMdnc toward a nearer ease, "that lot Is IS And aome of them are very good valuee." tleien looked ihraugh tha ease, nut they were all covered wuk laet aad tiackg ao embroidery. Again she wont hack to the athalr aa vhirh lay the t drees. IB kaew tha rhe must pay for ptsimesa. It Is onh the thlnaa that are menureotend by the thontande that yea can get cheap la Nov. York. The eaceptfanal thing. If you tlnf It at all, yo pjwst pay (or. And tha) year plainness waa certainly exceptional and therefore, hick prleed. Helen waa thinking ragedly. ba be Iraewn she) eaoid not get was drees an hat for tha money her aether had een aad had already determined ta add aoas tldng herself. But aha had aot export! ta have to add sa much, for tha hat wa still to bo boaght. But aha tents tha dseea. Irie must ma age It eoiustiuw. Theaf She began eearc for the hat. Aaaia aha reread that pa of her assthei-a letter, causa ywa eee we don't haw any a' 1 needing toward a peeapeus. eve: were Helen. If at mo t asking hv much, I should Bka to have you get me some kind of a hat or bonnet alas. Just something email and doe fitting that I caa wear a rati with. And It should be light you know I caa never wear any thing heavy, it gives me the headache. Either all black or with a Httle touch of white or lavender. However. I will leave It to you. Any thing you select I an aura will pleaea me." And If Helen had difficulty In getting aa old ladya dress shs found ahe was to have far snore difficulty In getting an old lady's hat She almost gasped at aome of tha monstroeltlee the milliners brought forth when aha aeked for a hat suitable for a woman of sixty. They were la every ooaoelvaMa shape and trimmed gayly or freakishly with feathers and fie vers. "But these era far young women for young girls." protested Helen. '1 want an old lady'a hat" "Oh," smiled too suave milliner. "We dent have old ladles' bars any ssors i dreseod, white-haired woman, who waa seated before a mirror In the back of the store, while another attentive saleslady piaeed aa her head a huge whlta Leghorn hat with anormoun pink roses, and then stood back ta admire the effect While tha whlta haired dams task ap a hand glass and viewed tha hat all around with evtdenoe of satlsfactloa. Tea. I think I do Use that better Helen heard her say. "Ob, ft la most becoming' to you, gushed the hovering eeleawo- And tha acta who waa welting oa Helen smiled aad aforugasd her shoaldars. Tea see new why we make up ao hsts for old ladles?" Half aa hour later found Helen at a department atora counter where "rni- oiou is rum piscovefxe-B of LOST OFrritTWreiTlK . -nm tvwae was ew. tms SCCWB WAS (Mf Or IfcMZl B&Mrrv.rr vjoulb tke moke THAN A MCRE 15TVIUe7r "TO KSCRlBSIrC vVCrVTXWVc! Momus rttur w in ali MTRCOf. SHC AreOPKM -ejrVE TMe omsA RrX THC XUfTCK. ArVVrYCN . TrrfrN IMS STAAtPEM aTTARTED. BUT OUR NO 8UC HCRO.frtcfc L, fUlSCS HIS rtAMrVO shq If- h CHlUCCNl MPTrtCfa TMlC Coe.0 euU TVtfc HENH AiM? OH JAVftAvS A U9r0fsfc-JS MOtpf f CWT smertCam e5 AMaCIL KAMT AhOtfTlrt01si lf TlsLMll IVtat I AW tMrT lM THE OKiSTXTAt. OrrAeCHbU isientE OetfMsV ntsr tbunB lifVldM t 0OAA TyfC SoOO JHtf fMOBurOSEft JtlwffT TrrifeU0DtCOi ir Cy wCEH rfn OlMClMAt. JfAAM" ALfUl Vn WAilrV Trrtt FsAiXArwV SflHk- M A l4Wt)AMS VOlCi? rftwVor0 HA VAT TrrC ihoktm rour vMovAe) we 09CIMAU? SAW- rrMO'- A W. MAKE aA perTi F 'elaTlaXlXU wtsiUc. Areduafir-TM vaL&mtt wrjbjO-aW AfpUArTa TOf-Jwtli vtlktTC Of TePdC PtftV lOS QOOf TteVeet- ueiioei fear & Trn that' Awb with THos yroptoi, a nmvm rcixvo SLAal BAalail 1 UIV HQUH IN Tft CVsi.lTIS SAP CNovejM TO SsT HfTVvrrM A Tiec op overfftTeM fish, CVT PAV18U -BA'. TM INSvit WAS Ce-MFirr?. viwcciurr saw tm Fiwr IN news Kit AND MIKTD DP To PATH6'5 APAKTMPJCI HE LK1 THCMt COtvfiftlMf) ' 6eMiMT TVIR icuiSW BRAfOUES. TVoM THC Htt heir cams- a cops voice - If AliAPOT wJl mtetuJHM com 1 tAWeMtsr. TOflPOMl. CtvArerydlU' cumooh rvtai foot- ' PtT. Wf AreO CI4TA trtC A AcHl rKj, tTIMATS frfde opt It " f0 ATV fAA HOPAC AS M.CU. Otri'OeT OfTrTAr woo fror HOTrVP awefh se worH'iv' )rxnu. OkV. China's Attitude Toward Religion J IVeparad bf EDVY The great uphaaval that U now galny oa la China naa called out a revised edi tion of Colquhoun'e "China In Traaafunna ttan." and I take bum we book the fol lowing Interesting paratrsphs dealing with Chlaa aad taa religious problem: "What are tha proapeots ef Christianity la China! To answer that we muat aak another Question : What hat Christianity ta offer to China? We offer her a ayttsa of ethics which la In some respects In ferior lo her own. Our morel system Is founded on Individualism, hers oa the family Ufa Christianity bids man leave father and mother and cleave ta his wife. It preaches war area In Ih family, and rta founder aald. I come not to bring peace, but a sword.' "These ire hard naylnss (or China, and It will be long are aha can accomplish aa entire change of moral vision aa to perceive their true meaning. Phe la now able to gauge how far the abstract prin ciples of Christianity hsv Been aban doned In building up our ethloe; and aha oaa ere-for Instance, la France how far the Cbrliuan people are from rooegnlslni tha Influence with which we desire ts supplant Confucius. Leo-ti, Budda or Mohammad. "The Chinese are too lustle a people Iraery supplies" were displayed. Baa waa looking at soma wire frames. They were all too large, but ahe took the smallest aad tha salaowsmin showed her hoar she eould bend It In to make H emallar and shape It as she wished. Then aha bought a yard of black buckram, a tan-yard piece of bleak straw braid, three yards ef black velvet ribbon and two bunch ts of sUk violets. . All together it cost her only 3.. Then she hurried home, threw off her wrap, spread her pureheses out oa tha bed and eagerly went ta work. j Flrot ahe bent In the wire frame ta the alas and shape shs wanted. Thee covered it with, the buckram, and thaa braid on row after row of the straw until the top waa covered. She to have asms scrape of black Ohlffon with which aha faced It. Then aba trimmed It with the violets and tha black velvet rlaaea, It took bar tha rest ef that after oooa and most of the evening. Warren had brought home hie bank book to balance and while he added up oolumna of figures, Helen sat beside him ta a low chair and worked on the hat ha was asvsr happier thaa whoa he waa going over some papers while shs sewed. The eveataga they spent In this silent eompanlonship were to Helen always rest ful, contented ones. At laat the hat waa finished and she held It up proudly for his Inspection. Leak dear. It's ail doaa sow, Dlda't I do It well? And It dossat look a Pit 'home-made,' does lit" Warren glanced bp from his figures, "tln-m, pretty coed looking hat Try it on." "Oh no, It wouldn't look well oa me mother wears her hair so different'' Try It nor "But It'a mach too old for ma,' at be laughingly obeyed. , ' , . "I don't know about that" : aa be viewed her. critically. 'That's a hat anybody sea weer. It'a a dara sight J tetter looking thaa most of tha freaks you tee In tha windows." Helen took It off and looked at II proudly. Praise from Warren meant i mush. And H waa a good looking hat Tae net! morning shs packsd the drees ad hat In a strong pasteboard bog and took It herself ta tea express office. She pictured her mother's delight when shs opened the package. She eould almost hear her little cries of appreciation aa ha shook out the dress and beM the hat at inn's length to admire It Only Ihoes shs have lived In a coun try town known of the Joy of a hot from the city. The Adventures of Cupid : V National News Ase'a. By Nell Brinkley aLajrumAXXT. wm xxs Piirotiim "Wa eved. but they signed; no sooner sighed, ut they aeked ana another tha res sua" And hervmg passed through this stags .f Inexplicable kriee. they dlenevsiiid here waa sot nine m Me worth Hvtng far at eacs) other, and that the ear way aa eerure sack other hayood teterfereece tf parent, guardian or friend waa as 'ope. Cupid. In bis many adventures as utafttUy portrayed by Neil Briaklay In ST. KB BS The Baa, la sweat asses sa a gtifs heart for a aaa 1 father objects Ps the lever. It Is tha aest, tha sptoe, tha Ufa ef tha nmyire. It Is the Ojrfll that I idsiais It trees tha pssssls, If the sasid ss wUlreX Cusad baa oaly to whisper m bar ear that thla lanr-srhrrer youth Is aot dw su-aMo In her f -Khar's eyes, and she faila la (ova wttb bits farthwttb. ta taa blessed times ef aid w-Kb thetr chreairy and state, the lover sashed up oa a milk white ebargar. and the ajisldsn slipped eat ef her fathers saauo. salsased up behind aim, and away, they- Caw ta A BTTaTAWAY OOOVU TO Ksury BAT. wm VMM BaTTTB Br BEATRICE FAIRFAX. (Copyright. 111 National Nswg Ass a.) thatr Gretna Green. The fuhsr always mads taw dsauie at. there waa aa alarm to his B-Utafwl i stain era. and they started at la sssd sea salt But slways the Bttle sod Coped wrged It wea he that be prograoatve. and that the faithful steed euuc tn ahead of nioaem mathoas at pevswit BAsrr raAajj-d) n-MtH a beeoma a ohauffeur. Ha at aaythtnf. Ha oaa steer any bail! for lead, water or air. who lovs wish ta call d aalvatrls area eves If those the awrgaoas past, aad tha aaa wttb the tra peas' assail sad giaanv ksg spear, eSaged baa only to cast over them has magic spell aad they do aot know ta what times they tree. The brewra trusted thetr m the ptotnra who have Ifrvea to kre wild staermg do not know If they asp nana In aa air ship sr an okl-tliee r'.ac coach. All they know la that to-V la the lukling baud sad that Cher aJb together. ' ni poosttbt aaKiaro rm ' There are sharp ewves aheadj, man) danger slgiw oa tha road will be dlsrt garded by the little tow-heeded child a the wheel. There will be knmps. aat Jere and Jolla. and perhaps s upset o ooUieioe, but trrrough It all they will h heppy aad coirteat so rang ss lore leal For love Is a reality which la born the fairy region of rams nee. It t cauamatloa of bap-plness. rortanate are tboae with lo-e's r.r at the wheel! Per sw krag ss leva gutd paweult from behind, danger, en the .- end the dragons of the future ahead w not at IV if .vMrD-f, to he drawn away frarn fas am ship at oaa est af worda to another withe be. lug convinced that the new form has a more vital force than the old. rn them, unfortunately, Christian doctrine muat seem mostly a form at words, since rta vary propagatiaa among , then ta founded sa what they aeastdsr untruth. -Christianity,' they sap, -was permitted to be preached because it taught virtue: we find that k teaches a great many things which are not virtue. turh a defying the law of the land; aad n Is. bi fact a political aad hot a re Ngious propaganda.' - Read era will snake allowanos for tha Chinese point af view. . But again, what has Christianity ta offer ta China? The spiritual con so lo tions and uplifting of our religion da not have tha same appeal to a people whose fuadamental Idea ef virtue Is statdeoi. sad whose mysWoel aids baa hover Pool developed. "In fact, when era reoemeer bow Uttlg tha Chinaman la aware of bis owa need of religion. It la hard to formulate la words say enact aptrluial bansttt which we can promise bin la eichange lor long-cherished cue to -as and tradltloas. To borrow an expression, the conviction of sin and the longing for salvation da not enter Into bis purview of life; and. . whan wa reflect that many things which wa call aln are virtuee In ala ayes. It Is hard ta asa how wa are ta sriag these , things home to him. "But Christian civilisation, -without Christian doctrine, hss amok to offer China! and tha benefits af advanced humanitarlanisnt, at applied selsnos. aad ef personal devotion to aa Ideal are beginning ta bear good fruit after a long period m which their nnnneatlon with tha hated foreigner and nig ware wad tha great obataol. 'The opening, under offteia! pairopags, ef a medical college even at Peking, pro moted by mlsstonarlse. but secular ta character, la ana of the signs af a now order of thlnss. It must be remem pared that surgical Work hss beea greatly hindered by tha Chinese hatred of mutila tion, which rendered operations In hos pitals tha aublact of frightful miare. prsssntaUosjn. 'This meat Christian form of teaching-. Iks alleviation of bsraaa suffering--has had ts (Ight he way through ma ay eb stscles, and baa llluetratsd well the wMs gulf WkkJh separatee the eastern and western modes of thought "It la notorious that a paw asm aai begun w Chins, and that tha aew tears. Ins la DO Wiser ts be despised, bat hat become the fashion. The Insecurity ad the Maachu dynaaur la the midst of theai new ocrtduis-ns drove the court and of ficials law aa attitude af great msapUli aaes to foreign powers, aad bow we set a Chinese C-hrhnlaa elected at the bead of the republic which the reform party v lakes ta "Is this tha beslaaiag ef a fresh era bj the hi story af ChrtatiaeutyT Daspits svery thing, tha Chinees attitude, the (elss position created by the astro-territorial rights of mfealrmerieo, the trans parent poll! leal deelgna of those who pre. toot Christianity, despite all theaa ar4 many other hand leap, are wa yet to sss Christianity as a practical and efficient fores In tha rebirth ad the Chinese pes. .It? "Chinese philosophy end morality am breaking down of tbesMalvaa before the mpact of materialism, and dark aa the Hitlook has been and still la for tha prtad ot tag dogmas of Christianity, 'here la reason to believe that tha aflwrtg ( Christian man to raise the Chtneot essdard at J net those point where tt H owest-fa hnmanltartanlara, respect fed somen, and freedom from degrading . upsrstitlona will eventually win for the ' elision which prompted them a recognei ' .Ion which ao mere deeirleal propagasy ' lara could attala. "But the aueetlea af rellgtea In Crrbu net. ts the mlad of the writer, snip -oncerned with the future of Christianity'. hrsesh the emeleain of Ctmfuclanhna 'aolam and Buddhhwa (which for the urerags Chinese has supplied the r'-et f a religion that ts a moral aad etbksj sal to bis material silstseeel, may he Verier ss an elevating Influence M 'hrtstianity, yet It has certainly bad ami very striking sfteots. and bat ulped ts produce a type of man wtu cms stariloaT Qualities, aad a sweteti kors very longevity le a guarantee si tfldeney. "The precepts of Confucius and Lao-tsl aad tha Buddksst doctrines at the parol irtd are of tha eoftlsst rJmraoter. But t as ike Bngash school bey er girl nay sea tract a Bfelsng pvsrsioa ts the ' :hle from being aamnellsd to m assort aa md chunks of it a tke 'cUaasrs at bias are la danger ef being psgleeted the rush tor western esTueation. Tea el danger Is that Teung China, sa)oct X the fsahlona of his fathers, maj aw up without any seligloa at all. Tat tines are entrsraely tolerant ta rejig -is neattere. Toeeraace la rellgleas aaav "i la aat always a post live virtue; mer ten then aot It Is a aussttua ef Indlf renre. Toung China may flad Christ, .ut cannot cttapsnss with Ounfurtae. P- 1 1