The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES XLEVZ5 TO TWKIty AH Tke News AD Ike Time T See flTM It reader a attr psajraaia te kappa1' ef the wkel worl. VOL XLI-XO. 288. 0f ACTA. SATITBHAY MnPVrvn MAV 18 1Q1( SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SKILLED AERONAUTS COMING nny Expert! Detailed to Conduct Balloon Exoeriment Here. MAST FLIGHTS WILL BE KADI Stadeats aa laerraetea-a ! Waal, era Dlvlalaa at Mcaal Cwraw Will Wltaeee aa Taka Part la tee Kxperiaaeata. Aeronautical expertmente to be con ducted by the Signal corpa at Fort Omaha from My n to a will brine to thla city some, of the most prominent ballooniata in the tnlted State army. Off! Cera in charge declare that the flight will pray the moat Interesting of any yet attempted by Uncle 8am. Fort Omaha la the aeronautical nation of the western division of the army and all Instructor and students of this branch of the signal corps will attend. Definite Plans of Instruction have been con over and prepared by the officer in charge and notice received from Fort Leaven worth of the men detailed from that post to take part.' Majwr Reber la Caarae. Major Famuel Reber of New Torn, an instructor of the army signal corn, and vice president of the Aero Club of America, will be here to taka charge of the flights and superintend the courses of instruction. Major Reber ha charge of that department of the Aero Club of America that arrange for flights and I an authority on ail form of air craft In present and prospective use. H will be at the post during the entira tiro the course of Instruction extend. Besides Major Reber, fifteen commis sioned officers of the signal corps of Fort Leavenworth are ordered to travel to Fort Omaha and be present during the flight. laatlv aad Free Ballaaaa. At lease one captive and one of the free spherical balloons at the poet will be used for Instruction purposes. The dirigible is in a good condition and likely It will be brought Into aervlce sometime during the week. The post ha a total of four bal loons. Including the dirigible, which an considered to be sufficient for a.. Beside the flights school will be es tablished for the study of signalling from air craft. The us of wireless telephony and telegraphy and the care and prepara tion of a hydrogen gas station will be studied In regular art courses. Lecture along the line will be given by the Instructor In charge. The beginning of the course of instruc tion will be signified wltb a balloon ascension the afternoon of May 17. After that event the balance of the month will be devoted entirely to aeronautical drill and study. Aeraaaatleal Detail. The Instructors and students ordered fiom Fort Leavenworth for Instructions st 1 t Omaha are: Captain George K. Mitchell, signal corps, acting director of the army signal school. Instructor. First Lieutenant J. 0. htanborgrj. third infantry. Instructor. Captain George a, Olbbs, signal corns; Captain Holland Babottom. algnnl corps; Captain Parker Hltt, signal corpa, and Captain Alvin C. Vorls, signal corps, student. First Lieutenant Frank 8. Bowen, Twentieth Infantry; Jamas O. Taylor, Eighteenth Infantry: Glrerd L. Mo Entee, jr.. signal corps; David L. Roscoe. First cavalry; Burt W. Primps, Twenty seventh infantry; Howard R. Smelley. Eighth ' cavalry: Charles Aa Dravo, Twenty-first Infantry: Karl truesdell, signal corps: Second Lieutenant Edmund R. Andrews, Seventeenth Infantry, all students. Feast of Weeks to StartNext Week Shsbuoth, the Ttest of Weeks." also called the "Feast of the First Fruits," this year, according to the Jewish calen dar, fall on the eve of May S and will he observed at Tempi Israel. Rabbi Conn In charge of the services. 8habuoth derives It name from the seven week, which elapsed between the departure of the children of Iarael from Kgypt and their arrival al ML Sinai. The time was the, .early ban eat season and historically it carries one back to the promulgation of -the ten commandments when Israel accepted the new moral code and religious legislation and was aroused for the first time to the consciousness of Its new spiritual task and destiny. As time has passed, Rhabuoth ha gained a stronger and more impressive bold by entwining its symbolism about the Im pressionable child and baa become the cxcaalon for confirmation In the Jewish church. At Temple Israel this year the first service of Shabuoth will be held next Tuesday night. Rabbi Coha officiating and delivering tha aermon, the hour hav ing been fixed at o'clock. Wednesday morning service will again be held, at which a das of nine children will be confirmed. They are Edythe Castle man, COT South Tenth street; Elisabeth Jan Hart, fist 8bermaa avenue: Sara Alex ander Rubinstein, Xtt California street Irene Schlffer, Ml Webster street; Michael Goldsmith. 804 Sherman avenue; Emanuel Green, TO Park avenue; Isaac RuMrt and Leon Rudolph Schlank. 221 Webster street, Omaha, and Salle Rotholx. tm G street. South Omaha. Aldrich Fails to . Show Up for Meeting Governor Aldrich because of executive businee failed to appear In Omaha to attend the meeting- of the Commercial dub yesterday, wbea the Illinois state fir marshal. C. J.' Doyle, (poke on "Fir Wast and Fir Prevention.' He sent his representative. C. N. Ran dall. superintendent of the Board of State Fire Commisstonera. MASONS LET CONTRACT FOR THER NEW HOME The contract for the erection of the new Masonic temple. Twentieth and Douglas streets, has been awarded to Gould, a Sons, who have offices In the Faxtoa block. Excavation for the build ing will be started immediately. The tem ple will meaaure Main feet and cost Some Councilmen Now See Things in a Different Light City Clerk Tom Ftynn is enjoying a laugh at the expense of Commissioner A. C Kugel of the street cleaning and main tenance department The laugh I also on Thomas McOovera and J. B. Hummel, Ftynn declare. When the old council on January fo rt ructed Street Commissioner anyna to spend not more tha? one-fifth of ha allotment In any on month he objected and objected more strenuously when they later naasid a resolution directing him to spend no money for street work until the council had authorised him to do so by resolution. Flynn pointed out that he had to meet emergency repair problems promptly. The council couldn't are it and told him when he wanted washout filled or cul vert replaced to aak them for a resolu tion and If they saw tit he would be al lowed to make the repairs Lea Bridges and Fred Schroeder ob jected to thla resolution, but toe other members of the council voted for it Last night the new commissioners unan imously rescinded it. upon the motion of Commissioner Kugel. who discovered that It was too great a handicap and anyway did not hitch with commission plan Ideas. Flynn say he' completely vindicated for ever having objected. The commis sion agreea. for he has been promoted from a ROW Job as street commissioner to the city clerkship at X1.S08 a year, and In this capacity la really an advisory committee of one with the special duty of seeing that proper parliamentary de corum obtains. Castellar Pupils Bid Adieu to Their Old School House School - children and teachers Joined fores In paying a farewell tribute to the old Castellar school, on of the oldest schools In the city yesterday, which la to be torn down during the summer and replaced by a modern building, which Is now under construction at Seventeenth and Martha streets Singing, recitations. folk dances and dramatlaatlona of Long fellow "Hiawatha" constituted the tare- well entertainment Every pupil from the we little tots to those of tha higher trade played an Im portant part In the exercises. In each room in the building an entertainment was held. The lower grade sang appro priate songs and the older students gave Interesting recitations, dealing with his torical event of the Greek and ancient Roman and those of the early days of their own nation. The school was decorated In a magnifi cent ay with flowers, fern and large paper streamer. A large number of proud parent were in attendance to see their children auk their Prat bow bsfor the public. , . , In the school yard a May pol dano was given, nd w followed by folk dance In which nearly all the children took part Slight Damage is Noted in the Wheat "Wheat has been damaged In spots be cause of the last week of cold weather, and several acres of wheat planted Itun fsll on my land I have had plowed up to put Is corn," said at. B. Seeley of L share. Saunders county. Neb., stopping at the Merchants. "It ha not been cold enough to affct wheat ordinarily, but some which looked to be m good condition a week ago has been killed. We had two . nlihta thla week that baa touched freexlng, and 1 believe tha ktUIng of wheat has been due ts this. The percentage of loo I ahouid Judge wouM run about M par cent" To Dissolve the laloa of stomach, liver and kidney trouble and cur biliousness and malaria, take Elec tric Bitter. Guaranteed. Only 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co, STYLE lA style yoa I lie better and I uf buy by name I lv If PAD CORD II K Boston I Garterjf Q Holds jour todc II smooth as your lj U Laia 2Sc T 1A OJL IA, MM X co no STYLE eternal Frost Co., urne. Bos-roe. SiseiesS'rs Trtvt OWy B" S. H. Stamps Free With All Purchases Store Closes Night at Nine a 'clock. HiL YE . dmstmm How About That New nuts, Mrnw iijhs, miianm nats, luun inoof Hats; it matters not the size, kind lyle you want, you will find it here. To give you an idea 1 prioing --SoTt and stiff lints in nil of the newest styles ;trong lines at $2 and $2..'0; high grade straw lints in all newest summer, 1912, shnnes, l, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3; GENUINE PANAMA HATS at to. ls.60 and . which la conairtcrable lea than you can buy the aame qualities for at any other store; men rain-proof hat In grey or tan hades, 60c to f l.zb; men's raps at 6UC to 11.26. Men's new plain or plaited boaom coat shirt of the newest patters; color are guaranteed strictly fast If properly bandied;- amply cut, accu rately proportioned, perfect-fitting and well made In every particular; $1.00 and 11.60 each, according to the quality. 1.50 high grade madras roat shirts, with French cuffs and soft collars to match; apeclally priced for Saturday at (I. IS. , Men' new wash ties, in strictly fast colors, Saturday, 15c each, or two for JSc Men's and boy' high gratlc belta, 35c, 60c and 7&e each.. Men'f invisible aunpenuVrs, 6c. - Men's 36c silk lisle hone In all colors, Saturday s special price, 2uc the pair. Men's ZSc rornbed ataro hose, 19c the pair, or three pairs for 60c. Men's Underwear Attractively Priced Men 'a high -grade balbrlggan shirts and drawers, Saturday only, 2 so tha garment , Men fine $1.00 Sea Island rot ton union suits In blur, white and ecru color; all lies; Saturday 6e the suit. $1.00 Porosknlt union suits, 6. Men's Porocknit shirts and draw ers, Saturday only, 36e the garment. i "Rttestie" union suits with tha I new closed crotch; perfect fitting and finished like a $2.00 garment. one of the best values we ever of i fnred at $1. the suit. Make It a point to sea them Saturday or tha 1 first time you are in tha store. Bennett Hand Tailored $11 E. Gia4c for Men and Young Men Are Not 11 v ) Equalled In Omaha at ...... AAW Here's a men's clothing store that isn't "just out for the meney"--and it might be well to mention In this connection that many a man Is dissatisfied with his clothes because he picks the wrong store rather than the wrong suit Choosing the store Is more Important than choosing the suit for at the right tor. you are bound to gat tha right suit no matter which one Is selected. Men who travel around and who know business conditions tell us that ours Is one of the most popu lar clothing stores in the central west And If there Is one thing above another that has brougm iuis about it la the quality of our $16.00 suits. MEN HAVE FOUND OUT THAT THKSB SUITS MORK THAN MAKE GOOD THE CLAIM FOR THEM equal to the suits you get in most stores at $6.00 or more in price. They are hand tailored throughout -even to tha buttonholes. All site, all fabrics, all styles. Also, tha suits at $11.60, J1$.00, $10.00 and $26.00 are equally good In their class. NationalStudent" Clothes for Young Men "National Student" clothes are proving to be about the most pop ular ot all with the young men ot Omaha. For they really nave th' anap and go a young man wants and do aatlsfy Serges and fancy fabrics In great varieties and often only one of a kind. $7.60 to $16 ir you buy them at this store. Exceptional Pants Sale this Saturday There are peg-top and regular styles in this assortment, for both men and young men. Tha materials are of an extra quality and come In colors and patterns that are best adapted to wear with other coats. All sites and values ranging up to $4.00-dlvlded Into two lota and priced for Saturday only at $1.50 and $1.95 Boys Wool Suits Up to $8.50 Values fl? l n C AU wool JUHterials, ele-, 5jl J gtfntly tailored, in single and r double brehsted styles.' The ' sizes range from eight to seventeen years. One lot of boys' $6,0(1 all wool suits with an -extra pair of pants to match, . ' all siies, on ssle Saturday at. . p3.39 A small lot of boys' summer suits of excellent wool materials, all alsea, values up to $4.00, now marked at $1.93 and a.0, for your choice. Boys' blouse walsts-the 40c kind, Saturday, arte. Hoy' naMi suit m aailur t Russlsn blouse styles; made only of tub-tested fabrics, to $1.60 values. Saturday, 40c A 80c, ac cording to former prices. Children's cloth and felt hats, worth up to $1.00, to close, Saturday, 40c each. Boys' khaki pant and blouse waists the very thing for a boy's vacation wear-OOc each. Cut Flowers ROSES, worth J 6c and $1.00 the doien, Saturday, CARNATIONS, worth 60e and 76c the doien, Satur- Q day, at... ...ZfC Candy Specials Huffet chocolate, worth 60c the lb., Saturday, 2W. Chocolate peanut blocks, worth 4c the lb., Saturday, 83c. Freah toasted mamhrnallows, worth 30c the lb., Saturday, 30c. Some Knit Underwear is Reduced Sots' rorosknlt skirts with hl(h necks and short sleeve and draw ers In Rne length styles, refulsr JSc grade, Saturday, 17. Beys' Voreskatt kae Waftk naloa salts with high necks and short sleevee: white only slightly Imperfect, but wearing eualitle are not impaired 0c values, Sat urday. JT. Women'. laes trills vests with low necks and no sleeves; values up to 2 Sc. Saturday, wbils they last. ltVi each. Misses' llr weight, whit rib sea aaioa salt. In slse 4, and I: knee length styles with low necks and sleeveless; 2ic value, Saturday. IT. Wemea'a Jersey rlbaed. lew seek, alaevates aniea salt. In umbrella atyles; torchon lace trimmed: all else fron: 4 to Inclusive: regular 6 0 valuea, Saturday, as. W oB-es's rise rib, saw swab, ahysvelosa voate, in sises 4, a. and : an extra good qualtty; priced for Saturday only at S-ve each. Gloves and Hosiery Specially Priced Women a fast black, full regular made, light weight, extra fine gauge silk stock ing. wiyi Hal) tops, lisle soles and high spliced heels to help out tha wear- IPl In qualities; excellent values, at..b91 o of . fin lisle thread; ll-fht blJIe, Dink tana, efe I mnh .- . . - priced at. tha pair vM.UU w-' ailk Uale steewlnfs. In medium, light t a cobweb we-tuhta, full regular made and Ilermsdnrf dyed; have r -t double eolea, heel and toes; pair. .-"-'C Several haaer4 pair of wemea'a ssmtiU Moekta', in a large range of colors as well aa black and whit; up to 10c - I valuea at, the pair --C Wexeea's tS-kattoa length ftae Mask Ual gloves unexcelled for service, specially priced to Baturday'a shoppers, 4Sc NewSuits$9I Women who are in the habit of paying 19.50 to $25.00 for a fine tailored suit surely wont object to pay ing $9.05 for these. They're worth every rent of the first named prices but misfortune on the uOl .. nart of the makers and rood fortune on Aviiv. our part in being able to handle the en tire lot enables us to offer you Actual $19.50 to i $25 Values at . $9.95 Very wnnrt looking and well made garments in every particular. Mostly plain tailored styles of sum mer weight, sirijied suiting or tan and gray mixtures. There will be a slight charge for auy necessary alterations but the size range i so complete we think we will have no trouble in satisfactorily fitting both women and misses. $14.95 Knr iuHi of Ht-otrh mixture, flirt, w o r a t t) a. rif, rit&ffonals. and twAtviia; $2. 40 and $.O0 value. $18.95 For novelty M plain tailored cream-white, plain colored and fapcy mixture suite; il to l values. Saturday Coat Specials One lot of women's and m Imps' Ian and navy serge and nov elty coats In various styles aud coloring, extraordinary 1.50 values, while they Isst, 918.90. Plain tailored, black and nary serge In extra slses-41 to 61 inches bust measure-very specially priced at S12.S0 for choice. j ,.,. j,ts $3.95 A email lot of tlies. suits to close, la offered for Raturdey'a selling. They are n.ade of black and white ithephord checked ma terials and com in lsea II and It only. Formerly priced at 11 04 each. Wool Drese Skirts About one hundred wool drent iiltlrta In plain lilark, navy and ian and various mixture; ex .iresafK in ua by our Mw York iuyr; will go on aala Aalurday at li M. The vaiufta ran up to i.t0 and all are now alylra. Silk Dresses at $14.95 Nw meesalln allk dresse In plain colors and hsndaoine atrlped patterns are very reasonably priced at 114. Hi. Conie In high and low neck atyle with pep lunte and apron fronts and becks. Beautifully trimmed. White Voile Dresse. Whit vull draiia In low nck lac atyr promt to b anion r aumiiier' mot fav ored varment. Horn of thoa w )iow hav noat. woven blat-k trip. $7.6 to 110.01) as th quality, workmanship and trlm mlnce warrant. $1.50 Walsf at 95c Here's an assortment that will meet th need of all. Plain tailored waist and lingerie walata In high and low neck styles, with long or abort sleeve nd with or without peplunia; beautifully with lace and embroideries: the kind we slways sell et II. I reduced for Heturday selling to sic each. All alaea la th lot Cr&venetted Coatt One lot of cravenetted coata In atrlped designs and plain colore; reals that regularly sell up to I IMS on aals Datarday at II.K. Lingerie Dresses. $9.95 A wide selection of beautiful lingerie (Ire.ees In low neck otyles, elegantly trimmed with lace aad embroideries: regular HISS val uea, Saturday, t.i. Sample Pre ansa. $4.95 One lot of sample dresses of Ilk, chiffon, vollo and lingerie materials, worth up to S 1 6.0. will be closed out Saturday at It S. Those who come early will find a nuet uleaalng aasoruiienl of tyle ana color luge. $3.93 Silk Walett, $1.93 Taffeta and messallne allk walata. In a good range of colur Inga and atylee. that ordinarily ' aell at 18.11, are priced for 8atur. day at 111. Aa the quantity -I ' limited, early choosing Is specially advisable. Middy Norfolk Waists Whit Middy-Norfolk walat In misses' alsea only, finished ' with contrasting collara and cuffa, specially priced at lie each. Hcally worth not lea than SillOdjerskirtt A new lot of allk messallne underskirts which will appeal to women deairlng a good allk under aklrt at a moderate price haee Just been received. All colors to choose from. The price-only If 49c and 59c for a New Corset This Saturday - Although the prices are very low, you will find In theae corsets the same style llnea aa Is the higher priced models, and If wa are not greatly mistaken those who come will buy several pairs for house and street wear. None Worth Lest Than 75c- On Sale Saturday at 59c and . 49c Girdle top with extra long skirt or medium bust styles with very long hip conflner. Made ot a good quality coutil and boned with non rusuble boning, which makes them an Ideal corset for summer wear. SHOES to 599 It There's a jaunty air about the new spring and summer pumps, colonials and oxfords that appeals to every woman. "Dorothy Dodd" shoes have the happy faculty of not only feeling and fitting well, but "going" well with the lafest dress fashions. YouH have no dif ficulty in finding here styles to harmonize with your new spring costumes. t Pure Food for Your Sunday Dinner Quality for Quality, More for a Dollar Than a Dollar Will Buy Elsewhere. A aire, line of HOMK MADK Bread. Plea, Cakes, Doughnut aad Pant rieaosT Male 8ats day In Pure Vood Mure Assorted teaa and 75 stamps, lb etc Tea slftings and 10 tamos, lb 15c t-lb. can Bennett's . t'apltu. baMkp . der and 100 stamps for 91.00 Bennett' Capitol flour, sack -J-J1 Bennett's Best coffee and 20 at'pa, lb., SSc t lbs. Bennett's Best coffee and 60 stamp for S1.00 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00 Butter and Eggs Seaaatt' Capitol reaasery batter l he finest butter made anywhere In l-lb. biicka of guarante-.l full weight, 8t'u4 32c lb. rrssaly laid cwan try egg, apeclally prlt-ed for haturday selling at 20c Doz. 10-lb. bag white coca meal for 90c Three large cans Cot lag milk aad 10 stamps Vie Large bottle Blue Label catsup and 20 stamps 24c Pint cast Gaillard's pure olive oil re duced to 40c Onion salt and 2'i stamps. Jar 3V Full cream cheese sn.1 10 sumps, lb. ...22c 2-lb. roll Premium but tcrine for 42e Bennett's Capitol ex tract and 20 sumps. bottle ISe 24-lb sack "Queen of the Pantry" pastry flour and 40 stampa for si-as 3 lbs. haad-ptrked navy be ana for 25c 3 pkga. Toasto corn flakes and 10 sumps for 2flc Large can Bennntt'a Capitol pears aad 20 sumps for 2Sc lion-. x.'rd'a" .. 1 i i 10 stamps, can . .15c TRUITS AND VEGETABLES As ai: eira ayvti u to- only we will offer a peck of Fresh Spinach for only Sc. On account of the low price none will be de livered and no telephone orders accepted. Two large heada plain lettuce for 5c Six bunchea of fresh radishes Ac Three hunches fresh rhubarb for ........ .Be Flva bunches young spring onions . .....8c I Three large cucumbers 10c , Fancy n'W Htd potito.-a. 4 lbs. for S-V Fancy solid cabbages, the lb 4c i Texas dry onions, lb Sc Large juicy lemons, per doxen 20c 18 bars "Beat AJ1- seas for Me Tlire can Eagle Ly and IS tsmpa for Uaple butter and I stamps, ran, ate pag. Utar and Crescent macaroni and IS atampa as Peanut butter and IS a tarn pa. Jar.'ia MEAT SPECIALS P0EK SH0ULDEES..,9,c PORK BUTTS .12Vic POT BOAST. ...... Uyt, 10c LAMB LEGS .111,0 VEAL BOAST. . .. 12 Vic, 10c HAMBUROEB, 3 pounds for 25c YOUNG CHICKENS. . .14y,c PORK CHOPS... 15c 8V-lb. pk. LEAF LARD for $1.00 M0RRELL HAMS 18y,c COUNTRY SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for 25c NO. 1 LEAN BACON. . .17tf (Prom 7 to 9 P. M.) PORK CHOPS liy,c JJv art' amok Permit. cents.