THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. 1912. 13 You Can't Tell Where You'll Finish When You Start Drawn for The Bee by Hal Coffman Copyright, mi. National News Assn. 7 hi-ho-Hun. musT BG BoviT Tim "T& s-o sV-KK. DOWN SOUTH fOW I.-f li I hi i i ii ;,i, j -I , rufciia , ':- Tr- . - J i t, 'Pi J !1 lili M II j' l) I Hi H lit' im, .1 a-& ..7 . -"- . . . X X PERSONAL van tiTvivttiu 1 u 11 u 1. . . . 1 - - ncwi B ,llll 1 1 sup (I cioUiing; In (act. Anything you do aot " a hviicvi, tiyif uu Mil at ui N. lit!) St, for con of collection, to th on will call. Mauxt. Mrs. Klttenhouse, 90S Boston Bid TOUNQ women comma to Oman aa strangers r invited la visit tits Vwaag woolen a cnnauan association euiiaing t Seventeenth and at Mary Av where Lhy will ba directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise satiated. Look tot our iravolerm auk at th Uuios station. f A ilX 1 (iV Swedish movaaaacl. Apt. MAOCSAUta Farnein. D. be MANAGE treatment Mrs. Steel B-s Bank Bldg., 2UD s. 12th. IU aattj. WS KENT and repair all klnda ot sew- log machines, lnd. A-lfeU; Douglas last; NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, LUn and Harney Sts. VACUUM m.a;es 'leraonstrsted by lira Steal, R-ii Bank Jild., 3V So lMh. Daily and Sunday. ANNA II. MAKKJS, ? nam. Liavldg BlkH A PL t Ked Ta. CHIliOPIiACTitJX'L.; ' causa con- ultatlun; examination Irea. UM o. Wto. H-8K37-7M. MAGNETIC "TS. ro"- Vital ntaAaaite. batlis, elctrlo vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anns U Visiter, 'l Ware blk. im S. 1. A-sVi-sUsJ.Ja.tlp , a healthy condl- tlin. Mme. Frayer, It-'l Farnum sued. MASSAGE K Mrs Haynes, lth tit. POCLTRY AND PET STOCK. ftlnarla fomh Whlla OrulmfLon u, ana Barred Rocks, ft) No. wtn or Web. Kit k-rvenlnts il .60 uer luu. W aanar. sul N. It. Buff Oriilniiloa, first prls winners, ftur. eats. U par luO. baby clilcks W. Mat A.NOuHA kittens tor ssie, cuesp. itra Vt . K. H. .Mo- l.luig Kock. Is. FINE female Hoston terrier, ressuiiabla, well marked and pedigreed. Tyler W. ziJtt iKiuirn cockerall, oeep red color, slao Belling. Call Inupendent. Tel. U-Uas. REAL ESTATB ADllatLit w 1st Lai. Raed Abstract Co., oldest sbstrset o! fica In Nebraska. 208 Brand els Theater. NBAUSftCAMfMEU all KarnalO SI. bUuttiUS' iMiOUal Alloa, Electric, (ss fixtures. Omaha Silver C. Ideal Cement Co.. Uih and Cumins at. Fucna. Hon at blind. pa,ni,n. decoiaung U. Gross, lum. wieut g, plb. U at i'aul. OVOIjO screen and others. X. U. Walrlch Fixture Co.. U17 N. 14th at. ACK1CAGK rOK ALB Going Going Acres Half Acres Eimwood View Add A leu ot i lie best lots in tins line uuilluu sre unsold, if you want to get one of these lots you will have to hurry. Located on the crest of the rldite south of feiimwood perk and omy biocka to car line, ueaumui view m every direc tion. Prices mod to SM0. Less than ordinary city iota equally distant trum town. Terra (ft earn and lis per month, rnone or call lor piat today. Miowu st any time by aioliitment. The uyron Reed Co. Ortn s. Aternl). 1213 City Nau Hnk BiUi. Best Lot Bargain in Dundee Two tine south snd east front lots, large shade trees, lie beautifully, three feel above grade, comer lot CO feel wide. In side lot s) feet wide; all paving tax psld In full. Price fur two lots, K,tOJ. Rea sonable terms. Benson & Carmichael He sf&JatUj. lilUC. Only a .bevv Lett UU isVv uuw UtU4.s" CU(ia.I UCUUO ID iH-au r.s.c sue ui. t.iu tii.ij tt number vt vroil: are luur.Dtf on i.avinK u umid tut sjt i..e tiA iut we iasiv leu. Yve ctinfideBUtiliy tpeileve there will not be a uui liuNUe ut tinny oays. it iou aic rvsauiy in tamest iuut ksiUqk Ural C.ltW flulUi;. in AO IUM. luCexVUOIl. ut ftv reo4ia.btt: pi ic and uu ay irmi, IvOK iDLtt uu proixjetuoa oi oura. it wti py uu u imufc)ii ic Kro and Msf ui Louk under contu uetion. Tt.ey are on liaetaft Ot. OU baUCfe BUttU VeV i'Ufctpi ton arvve bviweeo far it Ave. and awtn Ae. An xaiiiint.ULn oi tiietn will oon vmce you t&at tney are well built in every ebpecv. ita a targe Ust oc aaua lieo tfiijtae ot noiiiee bunt ty us. SCOTT ft HILL. D. W0t; A-I7&2. )vi McJagu Bldf. DELIGHTFUL HOME FIELD CLUB Parlor, living room, dining room, all finished in oak, and kitchen downstairs, four sunny snd bright bedrooms second tioor; third iioor finished for billiard room; full basement, a. I subdivided, large lot; has garage; two blocks from car line, owner leaving city In about nine months, desires to sen. (U.S0O. . UALLAGHEE & NELSON tfj Brandeis Bldg. ' Omaha, Xeb. WANTED AUTOMOBILE New 7-roora, all modern home: oak fin ish, desirably located; cement walks, lot Wxl42. Will take good 2-hand automobiw as part pay. My price, 24,1100, Is rignt price ot machine must be right. Will give time on baiaac. Address O 2tZ, cars Bee. ; -. . Lc REAL ESTATB CITY PROPERTY POW SAI.B 4219 Farnam The owner must sell hie (-room, all modern house, furnace beat, fine base, menu room large, well arranged, nicely decorated: larxe lot. 50x130. oavad street and paid; only two blocks from car. This Is a fine location; only ten minutes' ride from downtown. Price, U.KS. Cheap at Cne. The owner lives there. Go out and look It over. Rasp Bros. 108 McCague Bldg. Doug. KM: A-MU. $700 Cash baianoa very easy, buys nice -room House In Banson. 4 sere fruit in bearing, fine garden goes with pls-e: half block to csr; balance eaty terms. Must be sold at once. B enson & Carmichael tti Psxtoa Block. KOUNTZE PLACE rooms, oak finish en first floor nine upstalra, furnace, combination fixtures, modern plumbing, large lot 47x110, located close to TM and Evans. Price, HIM. BEMIS-CAELBERG CO. 310-au Brandels Thester. $3,300 5 Room New Bungalow In Norwoid Addition Opposite Miller Park Large Let 44x165 ft New nve-room bungaiow. exceptionally well built, thoroughly modern, ail on one floor. I built this place for a home, but en account of leaving the city will sell for VS.auu. oak and white enamel finish. Oak floors throughout. Colonnade ooenlmr. Panelled dining room. Window aeat and plate rail. Shower effect lighting fixtures. Switch for every lighting fixture. Large floored attic. Pud cemented basement. Hot and cold water and laundry sink. Good furnace, coal Una. Full length screens. Sleeping room. In fact everything that e-oea to make a modern home. Walka and improvements are ail In, yard sodded. Not a cent could be spent to Improve the place. The street car win oe extenoea to Miner rarK im mediately, greatly Increasing the value of mis propeity. come out and aee tnit home today. Don't let It get away from you. 6SJ1 Jiorth Mth. Tel. Webster 7M. Two Mid-Week BARGAINS No. 1 A nearly new s-room, strictly mod ern house on a large, east Iront lot. with garage In the rear. Nice lawn, fine basement. Oak finish In living rooms. Houss Is well built throughout. Fine location, near corner ath and Popplelon Bis. On pavad street. No. 3 A nifty s-room cottage, entirely modern and nearly new. Oak fin ish and nicely papered throughout. Splendid basement and aula Only U blocks from llh and Chicago. SCOTT aV HILL. Tel D. 1006 or A-1,52. M McCague Bldg. BUY FKOM OWNER Seven-room, reception hall and bath, all modern, furnace heat, lot fOxli. barn, chicken ahed and some fruit, close to 2th car. buildings in first class condition, win patnt and Decorate to suit purchaser. Lo cated at 1413 Corby. North IMh Six rooms, reception hall, bath; all modern: eu-rt. corner; on Boulevard, near school and ear line, owner, w ebster 37M. BUNGALOW We'll put our time aeainat "you re to show you aWmeinUag trial is dtiierent titan you nave been looKinf at; room, teamed (.elling- in trioing room, oak tioort and finUh; large lot, located In Field dub a.siiict, one bux'ic w ear; aaii, oa alive tim. BEMIS-CARLBEKG CO. 31-H Uranoels Tneater. Pnone D. MS INCREASE YOUR INCOME STOllEl A1 HOMrj COMWIffc.D. 4M OK Lktaui CABM. Pfcit MO. Nive store building and 4-room cottage aoju'ning; best repair, water. Unlet, gas. .arae ociiar, barn, lull lot, walks, ate. Excellent location for family grocery or other business; no competition near. You can opeiate tnts and conunue your po sition or other business. A bargain at RUSSELL ft M KITKICK CO.. 4-1? Kamge bldg. lath and Harney. SEVEN rooms, reception hail and batn, in line repair, au rnouem except neat; large lot, on Ohio near Pith St.. dose i car and scaooi. A bargain, fuone Weo. 27. BARGAIN Must be sold st once. Good lot In Bemis Park district. Keady to build upon. Block to car. paved street. owner. 123 M. 4tb Street. 8UNDELL sV. GRANT REALTY CO. 14th and Bedford Ave. a rma, sot modern. 11,400. 46tn and Burt. ( rma., partly modem, 3150. 24th and Lanmore Ave. I rma. modern except heat. 12,100. 2Mb and DuponL i nns.. mortem except heat. 22.306. 334 and A St., So. Oman a, t rma-. strictly all modern. 13. ,00. Istli and Laird. i rmc strictly ail modern, 23,Sa, 40tb and Mcooiaa. rma.. modern hot water heat 24.100. Doug. 333. 217 McCague. MUST sell extra well built borne. Bemls Park; not advertised before; east front bungaiow style; three large full sited sleeping rooms; one on first floor; two have large alcoves, taking full also beds; living rooms all large; full cemented dry beseraantk laundry, two toilets, tugh. sightly location. This place) Is a bargain and must be seen Inside ta be appreciated: half cash required; no trade; call atur time. 1232 K. MU St. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE THE beet lot In Omaha for &.00Q. sSxlit. to ls-ft. alley; asphalt paved street and cement walk; lot lays nice and just right for double flats: walking distance; be tween 33d and 34th on Howard tit. paving pato tor. inquire at iziv r srnam et. FOR QUICK SALE Owner has reduced the price of his modern ?-ruom home In most beautiful location In Hernia Park. Large lut. fine garden. Ideal surrounding. Tel. Harney S335. GOOD lot In Kountie Place, between 10 snd 34th. on Rvans St.. 11.075; good s-room house, modern; Kounlxa district. 92.&0. Several houses for rent. McEACHKON R. E. CO, J4 LAKE. WEBSTER Ml. TO BUT. SELL OR RKNT, KIKsT SIS JOHN W. ROHH1NH 102 FARNAM ST SMt for rooms and barn. Tun for a rooms. These two houses at Second and Francis now renting for 11" per month to be sold at a great bargain. Small cash payment, balance Ilka rent. HARRISON NORTON. 14 Omaha National Hank Rldg. 8MALL payment down, balance like rent, for good modern bom la attractive addition. Phone Web. 17 8AVK commission, buy from owner. First lot east of iiTl Evana, Harney sua. 7s choice lots !n West End of Council Bluffs. Will mske sn exrentlnnsllv low pries for all or part-lf sold this week. vouia consider some exeneng. HASTINGS HKYDKN. 114 Harney gt NEAR LONO SCHOOL, Price ll.SHi FOR SALE By owner a 11-room house, modern. Rents for ISO per month. Two blocks from csr line. Paved streets, ce ment wslks. Tsks a look at this place. Key at W4 Franklin St. FOR isALK Attractive s-roora house, modern, except heat; desirable neighbor hood; nice lawn, trees, porches, cement walks: near good school. To blocks from car. Phone Red OluO. NEAR Omaha, exchange for vacant city property or good land, new bualness block In residence se-tlon of Omaha, con taining four stores and four flate, mod ern: be finished ready for occupancy about June 1. Rental income 1340 month. Owner. 401 Hee Bldg., Omaha. REAL ESTATE ttsrH usuti yos SALS FARM s Caaaaa. CANADA LAND ASA ah vlnl. Klsh, Un 1 1 . from town of Bruce on Grand Trunk Pa. ciflc railway In Alberta; 225 acres under crop, a nestitirui rsrm. well located, at a bargain. The Phllllps-Lstlmer Co., SO Whvte Ave., Edmonton. South Alberta, rsnsda. Colorado. DM ACRES good farm land near Graver, Weld county, at 17 an acre. Time on 11.100, Box 35, Denver, Colo. Yaaeaa. TWO Improved quarter section farms. Hamilton county, Ksnsaa. 11,000 each cash; 1 an acre agents commission. Box 15, Denver. Colo. California. DOOU Want to know about "The Garden Spot" of the Sacramento Valley CALIFORNIA Ask us for literature and full information with regard to LIVE OAK Rich soil. Abundance nf Moisture, Ideal Climate, Best of Markets. Unex celled Transportation Facilities Mean Dollars to You. Are you thinking of CALIFORNIA and vicinity. Do you want the best? Be sure and see us. Trowbridge-Boleter Co., 404 City National Bank Bldg., Doug. 1U4B, A-2S57. Omaha, Neb. IF YOU are Interested In California land for fruit er chicken raising, call on Ftxa aV W eat berg, m Bee Bidg.. Omaha, Gears; la. GREAT SOUTH GE0RGL Traversed by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILKOAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Ma soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. B. LEAHY, DEPT K. General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, OA. latsva. THE easiest way to find a trover fee yarn farm Is to Insert a small want ad In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in tha etata si Iowa, saw) daily. The Capital Is read by and believed la by the standpattsrs of Iowa, who amply refuse to tierout any aiber paper In weir homes. Hates. 1 cent a wore a day; Itaf per line per month; count six ordinary worda to u.e line. Address) Dea casual. Das Moines, la. 1 AM the owner of an ideal atock and grain farm; other bualness compels me to sell. Can givs possession at once, if necessary. If Interested write Lock Box 12. Clearfield. la. Aebrmaasu HOMESTEAD U acres rich farm laod lor alia, tiling tees aao ail. too kill. J. A. Tracy. Kimball, Nek. scattered, will take ts an acre, net. Carry 3r per quarter 2 years, per cent. BOX . DENVER. COLO. i SECTIONS good land. Lincoln county, Nebraska, at $S an acre; bait cash, bal ance . years. ir cent. Commission to agents. 11.500. Box 2&5. Denver Colo. Texaa. TRUCK FARMING. Let us tell you ot the cheap living snd Ideal climate and the profits they are making In southern Texas; get started rleh. aarav fnr t h'a aum aair'a rmr plant a paying crop anp Una. Call or GULF COAST DEVELOPMENT CO 724 Brands Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM 4 Mt.Mli I.ANOH FOR SAL Mlaaesota. 100 BOUT HERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR SALK If you wsnt to buy an im proved farm in Southern Minnesota write for catalog. Southern Minnesota t.and t o.. Mlue earth. Karlbault Co., Minn. Avvada. GOVERNMENT homesteads and desert land with abundance of water; grain, alfalfa, fruit and vegetable land; aend aoaresaeo envelope or tree inlormauon. 120-ACKE north Arkanaas Itunroved farm, near town; about 1,000 bearing trees, auuvu, jojin L. staurer, omana. rao. Vlralata. FARMERS, MAKE MORE MONEY tome to Virginia where you can get cheap acreage, long seasons, tine climate, highest markets. For Information and catalogue of bargains, address Douglas c. layior, men mono, ta. HEAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA properly and Nebraaka lands. O KiCKFE REAL E.-TAI t, CO.. New Omaha Nat l Rank Building. MONKY to loan on bust lass or isei denes properties, tl.000 to lun.ouo. W. U. THOMAa. KM First Nat I Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smith sV Co., tX Farnam bt. H00 to IW.OlM made promptly, F. IX Weed, Wead Bldg.. Uth and Farnam. GAKVIN BliOS. ferJS. .rVw-'L LOANS Farm and city property, i. n. uumont et aon , lav r arnam BL WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 6cf TITT LOANS. bemls-Carlberf Co., tlO-U Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED " 1.1 .w mw iw wisiij in a or 0-room realdsnos a 4-cyllndr s-paaaenger nr i vern e ...4. , . . . , . auto m swu coounion. a, ui. ssee. WE have buyera for all classes of nroo. -erty. if you are anxious to sell and your price is riant, list your nronertv with O'Nell's Real Eatate and Insurance Agency, rnones jyier uU4, a-xiu. FOR SALE OR EXCIIANOK WILL take Omaha houss or clear lot on my ha,f-sectlon; 7 miles to U. P. main line, weslrtrn Nebraaka; black soil, no sand: requires 112.50 per sore cash, in i annual Installments, describe your house or lot. Aaaress r fbo, oars lies. coin Co., Colo. Want Omaha Income prop- ,., SIS . anu 1. A L . I . . nilM - l.l K. Adair. la. AUTOMOBILE. Incubator, lathe, stesm engine, tents, gaa engine, dynamo, mall order mfg. business; wsnt billiard table, diamonds, automobile or offura. Tel. Hlsik 1853. Parent, 501 Frank St.. Co. Bluffs. ttlO.UOO DEPARTMENT STORE, with equipment first-class and up-t-dste eaah store; will aell for cash, with terma, or exohange for good luwa, Illinois, eastern Kansas, Nebraaka or Mouth Dakota land or good Income at rash value; no Inflated prices considered. Address Lock Box L, Seibert. Colo. KOIJR-PASSENGER Overland Car Model 30-30-horsepower. eguliipid, new last November. Doug. 2203. 217 McCague. OCEAJT STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAII8TEAMEBS MONTKEAU LlVfeHPUOU ULASOOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London. The Picturesque BL Lawronee stouts. Four oaya on the ocean, threw days la river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine bieamera. baluon. aecunu-cabin and third ciaaa. auparlor one-ciass caoia service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention, bvuu fur urvuiars, raiaa, plaaa, eio, Allan at Co., u N. Dearborn bu. culGaM Anctior Laiie tsteunibiiipg New York, Londonderry and Glasgow New York, Palaimo and Naples. Attractive rales for tickets between New York and all scotch. English, irua, Coatlneniat and Mediterranean points, Superior accommodations, excellent euv slue, efficient service. Apply promptly lor reservation to local aant ox Aatiaor Una or Henderson Brumsra. uaaaiai Agsnta. Chicago, lit. WAXTKD TO BUY Household gds, clothes A 8hoea.D7i Blsei Id-hand goods. Keiser, liao Center. D. asst. WE pay most for old ciothlnit Kathan's fxan Office. 100 So. Uth. Chicago buyer. Id-hand clothes, shoes, hats; best prloea: will calL Tyler lluo. LOT. not over 2a00; south or west sides preferred; gas and sewer available. Ad dress K T5. Bee. WAXTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, lease or buy. hotel furnished or unfurnished. In good live town. No agents need apply. Address H M. Bee, WANTED Room wlm board for two in Kountxe Place, near car line. S PM. Omaha Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS let class laundress. Mary Hunter. W 2s4. LACE curtain specially work; guar. Harney t62. FAMILY wii. or bundle work; day work; house cleaning. Webster ass. Mrs. Gertrude German eteans ail slnu. curtsna. 2 pr. 21. Csll evenings. D. lla LALMjHY work tak-n honut. W. ltJa, WASHING and ironing done. T.. 11. Mr. Carey L'ndi y, cut rates. Tyler 18. A-lxvS BUNDLE washing, 00 cents a dosen; rough dry, 2 cents a dosen. Webster 21, MAN wanta position as Interpreter or some other position- Can speak t dif ferent languages Instantly. German, trench. American, Greek, Italian and Yiddish. Cail Doug. HKO. Family at buadle laundry; guar. W. n4. TOUNG lady wishes position as sn assistant In a dental office: can give best of reference. Dougla. 7770. "EXPERIENCED-rounK iady wouid like poaitatn in doctor's office. Ca.l liar aey 473. WASHING and Ironing, by tlie day, by white, reliable woman. 'Phone Web. 40ii. A LADY would like position in doctor's office; owns and uses typewriter; aiso assist with patients. Good refirence. Ad dress T 14. care Bee. FIRST class pnctlcal nurse, Harney 56M). LADY wants day work. Call Red OtS. ' L J 3? J H AfliK TANt MYS WAXTEII SITUATIONS LOOK HERE! Young man deslrsa posi tion with msnufscturlng or whntesale house, with chance for advancement and opportunity to learn business Address 1. t. Be. WANTED-A loaltlou in Omaha by s competent, reliable dentist with fifteen years' experience: a graduate, and capa ble ot taking charge of offlos. Address 11 $77. Bee. UVE STOCK MARKET OK WK8T Ship . stuck to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your aansign menis receive prompt and oateful aitaa- Uob. Live staeat Casasalsalaa Mrrekaata Ber Bros AY Co. atr .ng and reapenslMa WOOD BHQS, !M Exchange Bidg. Great VsL t-um. Co.. Umsha sV 1'enver. Clay. Robinson t:o.. aw Exu. ansa mug. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 2a Exchange Bldg Cox Jk Jones Com Co.. bunch of bust. era L K. HOHEHTS a CO IJI Each. Blag. Martin liios. st Co . au-4 Each. Bidg, 1'AoU liROH. handle cattle, hogs, sheep. Deposit l-.-veue of shipmsnts la Stook Tar j. v-ti iank. Oaly bank at yards LEti.AL NOTICES. F.RTIFICATE OF f'UBLlCATlt.N Slate of Nebraska. Office of Auditor ot Public Accounts, Lincoln, April wth. lli -It la hereby oertiiied that the United Stalea Fire Insurance comuanv of Naar York In the slat.- of New York, tias oumpueq wun tne insurance law or this state, applicable to auch companies and la therefore authorised to transact the business ot firs insurance In thla stats tor me current year ending January Jtlst. 1112. Wilms my hand snd th eaal at tne Auditor of public Accounts, tha day i, i in m sinna written. SEAL.) BILAH R. BARTON. Auditor of 1'ublle Accounts C E. IMEIU'F, Dsputy. OOVERSIMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR SHOKM-OFFICE "oT Depot Wuartermaster, St. Loula, Mo May 1. 1M1, Sealed proposals in tripli cate will be received here until 1) o'olock. ,x.n rlnl ra I Hi., U .. I J i . - "'" . mm, tur rur. BiShlng and de.lvvrlng at either th Boa- ,, . ,,.,i ,,, m. uwum aepetsl eti.000 pairs Husset Marojilng Snoea. In. luiin.i.on iiini.nrq U1KJU application WILLIAM H. WILSON. Captain and ei tsssi isiaa art , j. a, A my, Mt-l-l-MI-li. RAILWAY TIME CARD tMOix SAllOA !.. !. lalua Pacific Desert. Arris sta Frta ovsrlss LI talus... a ten ..".'.. i K" " .iZH Atlsnlls kisrMB .7. a 1:1 sis Oresos Kisress il a pia on mm Us Ass is. Usills Desvw Sslsl CatDBlj sul Reil. u sn a I s aw a I : US 1I.II.S suatsn sUiSlaal t I U ssi a IS sal i.u.rsQO aisrass OtMoB-Wsunosua Lieut., .su H sa a s: am Notis Plait. Uku llt.a . ( a mmt Orsa IsuuiS LsmI., g-IA sn. ai train. sm,( local kit II sat alias set taicaaa, Hawk lelaaa st lacllle EAST. Rartr MmbUIs ualu .1) a) set si. st hb Ckloaio lacsl rsM.s lt a ta fcl It .a I'Sluio Uir Eisesss .(Ham SIM.. rsle Eaprsst -a lata i u pm Da stolnM Local r.Mrtr... 1 it .ra all U aat Chlcsss.Nssrsssa Lusita a I at a. WkST. Cfclrao-Nb U. I Llnael.. I aw a I It SSI CSIraee-Oelr.s Mkstcss. .... 1:11 am Oklshoms Texas express.. .s I M pra ell:4l sat Rvckr Moaalsla UatllsS sl;IT sal ail st SSI LBieaga, misaitn at gt, Paal Orstlsa Usuiat ., Psrrr Local Comrao Kisrvas ... ...sTUpra a 1:11 aat ....s I It sa all a pas l utm a at sa ...kt-ltsa ail St pa Cslarsdo Bpaclal .. rsrrr lasal n.iuuia teatrab Oblcsae Xitraas J a 140 ass Cklcsta liana - see sa a B-e sal Laicago a oriavaate NORTH BOftvn Mlssassollt-tt, fsal kspMas... I N sa Miasaapuiuvst. Psal IM pa s t st sa Twis cur Kspraaa a 1 ia a at pa uku Cltr lacal l a pa l it sa HISBWUMHI. a PSkMa tit.. 1.SM llllia T.IB city Ualu at.Ssa a 1 at ea MlaeasHa Start ftilist sa SSSTSOUMD. Csmll laKsl sTMsa S 0:1 ss bwiistt Cbiess l a sa CSItSa. Lscl U.a aaa 1 M aaa CMalre a I tt pa Cairass serial s a pa a is aa Psalli. CeaM.Cilli'as 4 tl pa pa Los Asssiaa Uifcittd l. pa alls pa 0arlari4 Llaiu a 1 It sa st.llsa crrotl Lot. . 4 M pa sit a rw Mall IISu at:itaa (Mar Ha4is. Has City aa oaata a l et pa CBtssil hat Liana UMlm U.U pas WESTBOUND. Uas rise t st sa sll SB sa Nriotk-0.1las iISib sll:etsa Lose ria.-UBeals 1 it pa a t at pa Haatiiit-Stiparler a t IS pa D4o-HM Serfs t it pa t st pa Cs.sw-L.oow s 1 It pa st u pa FTvasBt-Aisus pa a 1 a pa Wakasss Oaaiac Latila (apraat.-.. ( at pa a i ll aa Mall as Espross T aa sil.ti pa UBbwrr Lecsl lUoa C. . k let aa at. It a Mlaaaarl Pacific K. C. a St lts gsrss..:tua 1 s sa a. c. a at. Uaa E.nas..ll:U pa st atpa Calcaga, treat We.i.ra Twi. cur Ualu t it pa a I at aa Tvta City gipraas a I t aa t IS pa Csicafo glares tla a 2 40 pa Barllagtoa Statlara Tatk Ifaaoa Barllagtea tsnmr A Cslusraat..... Puaet gipia Saoraaas Psiat Slae ssllt LUcals Mall h' fun Kearssk Exprsss BcbrjTjer rtautaoalk Liscas Local Piattaaosfh.Iows ., B.I !..-flat Intacta ...... ckKaa Ssaetsl IJBar Ssertsl llkata kUprt. ttira. Paw Exprtss rrrato tts I Laval St. Luv:s Expr-aa Karwaa Cits A St. Jor . Kasa. CKr A L Jot. Depart. -a i v. a It pa -a t B aa ...a a. It pa ... l a pa ..all li pa ..a I II sa .. I S sa '"s i'ii'sia ..aU a pa ...s T u pa . all a pc ..- t a pa ..a IS pm .. t at pm ..a 4 a pa . a pa ..a aa Arrtra. I t pa a I pa a I.I. pa s l it pa U at pa ilSia s I I pa MSa kit J aa ItHie S I I (SSI .11 U pa ! a pa I S sa Ut U aa all i a 1:44 mm IS pa Webster Mill.! I."tk aad Wetwter Mlesoarl aelfle. Depart. Arriva it pa sll it aa Aatssr Ises Chicago. 81. P, 2f. t Sataxa CK bpra ktJSpa kil l pa Sleas Cltr Piassiir a J aa Twi Cltr Piaansa t ti sa 7. Oaaaba Local Ilfta et:atpa 4a astir, (si esttr eaeert na. tel Saaf J P I AL(- iMT J 1 eailfir . ArtvttO AFFAIRS ATJOOTH OMAHA Council Allows Estimate of Partial Psymrnti on City Work. YARDS WATER FUST FAVOSXH Ordlaaae Praklbltlag Paeklag Plaat Wltkla va Haadred reel st a (karck riac-ed I paa First Radlag. Councllmea Jay M. WtUatma retxib Uean. and Thomas Alton, democrat, showed the mettle at which they were mads whsn they voted to abide by th recent opinion of th city legal depart ment, which had advised against th al lowing of any payments on contract work until the validity ot th union labor clauee bad keen tested out In court. William, before casting his vote, sought to recall the reel of th council t a belter Judgment by explaining that ac cording to th rcat opinion ot the city legal department trouble might mult It th estimate at publlo contractor wr allowed, i Alton, th democratic president of th oeundl. votsd t sus isln his republican vls -vle. hut the ma jority were not to b stayed and cell mates, partial and final, war allowed to the National Ctmttnictlon company, Han. son at Craig and th George Park comrany. Th report adopUd by tha ma jority was read. red by Councilman Henry Ilsrtnstt. a the minority report at the finance committee. William and Alton rsfutsd to sign th paper. After the first break front th conserva live policy, rerintly Inaugurated, It itemed assy eaough to repeat th do and Councllma llartnatt. demoerst. In troduced a resolution tnatructtng City Clerk Wheeler to purchase I.OOt street mapt at a cost of 1135, Coanellman Wil liams, plainly nettled by th expenee In volved, stated that the purchase et street map at period when th financial oon ditlon ot th cltr funds was attenuated, atked that th matter be dismissed. Councilman Yalta, reoublluan. ameadaa Williams' motion and urged that th pur chaa be put aver (or on week. Th nin4mnt carried. Evidently devtssd a a mean of relief lo the oronert v of St. Franni r.o..n. ohuroh at Thirty-third and L streets, an nrotnanr rorniodinc th erection of any packing house, slsturhttr nan. ham livery stable within Too feet ot a church. wss mtroanoM ay founcllrosa HartnelL An ordinance Ukewiaa an tha ftroi aat. Ing approved th now completed Instal- isuon of th stock yarda water works ysttm. Relief for the resident in tha iiin. of Thirty-ninth avenue and P street was given by th council, which ordered the Omaha Water com party to lay mains northward on Thirty-ninth avenue with out further delay. The aama resolution was passed a year ago. Annexation Aitala. Even before th new administration ha. ntd Urns sufficient lo set comfortably seated on their aldarmanla chairs, th hydra-headed annexation question was revived, resuscitated and omental i. w. aocutiomed gate ot tha public. This urn in cus is said to arts within th rsnks of some saloon men ha h.M been refused licenses to op rale for this year. Two of the men whoee name sre withheld Presented thomaeina day afternoon at th office of th county clerk and obtained copies of th oM peti tions. Mayor Hoctor declared that ha kaA ... heard of th matter before. Tha mh. member ot th Fire snd Polica k..a rs trsvellng in Tegs with City Treaa ttrer John Oillla and former Councilman John Franek. That then I oonslderabla aorenaa. .... aids of the band of saloon man who war refuted licenses ass hea ma.m e.. seme time, but until th legislature meets t.ters is scarcely any danger of a strong movement to come under the new eom do for three er four weeks to come." Itaaawaya Capiat. In company ot Detective ib vi Outre ot the local police department Edith ZaJtls and Hedwlg Tutu, (wo la year old runaways from the vicinity of Thirty-third and T street, returned last sight to Bouth Omaha from Sioux city where they were captured by the local po nce. Ths detective amy that th girls becsme enamored of two young men and left horn two week ago. Rev. George Joan Ilia, pastor ot th Lithuaniaa Catholic church. Interested himself rn the work ot bringing th runaways back and notice wss tent to all nearby cities. Word of th capture of the girls was received Sun day night from Slotix Cltv and ra.i,iu. McGuire was sent to bring the girls some. Bval Not Vet la office. In Local political circles th depart ment of th city engineer Is engaging much attention in view of th fact that although Herman Beal ha keen ap pointed city engineer over a month ago he has cr assumed offlos. Yesterday there was a persistent rumor thst Mr. Beal had been aotwlnted assiat. ant dty engineer ot Omaha and It was averted thst Mayor Thomas Hoctor bsd slresdy received notice ot the resit nslton of his appointee. With Beal out ot the way there are a number of applicants said to include &. B. Tow I. George W. Roberta. W. Scott King, Joe Rasper snd Jar Lefler. Rob ert Is ths present Incumbent snd K a pat Is hi assistant. tap Map VltTht. For a peaceful old gentleman with philosophic proclivities. Sanitary Inspec- i tor Edward Bur eon is having hi hands full. His la teat etperlenc was referet In a Joust held funday at Twenty-fourth and t streets, between George Wright and hi next door neighbor. C. J, Knecht. The cause of the row was an attempt by Wright to bum trash ot aa alleged odorferwas nature In his back yard. Th amok la said to have caused th trt of Knecht to rise to such a dears that th police were asked to arrest Wright for committing a nuisance. Th eUpio matir police referred th complaint to) "Cap" Burton, the sanitary Inspector, whs) hastened t relieve th strained situation between Wright and Knecht During g) parlay between the high disputing par lies, Wright la said to bar mart ag onset upon Knecht with a shoveX Wright stood his ground and met th annual of hi opponent full and square with stiff rlght-hsnder. Cap" Burton, aft el some fin footwork, reduced th Mm tetania to ease and quiet and want opj bis way rejoicing The blow rankled, how vr, and later Wright swor out a war. rant for assault and battery Mains! Knecht, wh wal sr rested. ' Kaassrratara am Mam. Rids on th proposed addition to Corrtt (aa school ware opened by th school board last evening, but action was d ferred until next week. Th board an pointed a corps ot woman to tak th school cemua. th work to be complete by next month. Ths enumerator art Mrsdame Kata Broderlck, J. SplvsiLJ Mary Lelsy, Ueorg Morris, C B. Starr, If. lUufltire. Mary Whatsit, Mary But gleucv. Dougherty and Mia Sarah Oreeru Far Sal. Modern seven-room house, In best rest dene Mock In South Omaha. Tel So. 44, Maaii flip taasalp. Marry Powers of Curtis, Neb., Is Id town on business. Fred Wilson of HsnMn. Neb, Is Lb guest of relatives hers. B. M. Bckmsa and J. M. Henry hav gone to Spauldlng n a busts trip. Richard O' keel left yeaterday tor Ea relator eiprlnga, whr he will remain let two weeks. 1H No. 24th St. Modern double aoi slntia rooms, with or without board. Tel south aw. Frank Henry spent Sunday with Soul I a fa 'r'?d ww sstTday fa , .'.III. HI. Police Judge Jamas Callanan la ex peoted home today after a fortnight's stay at F.xcslslor Springs. Mrs. Bloat will b hostess at a tea fed ths Lefler South Side Aid society Wed-I nosday afternoon at 1 o'clock. TELEGRAPHY WITH SAVAGES The prlacipl of telegraphy would ap pear to hav been anticipated by th savag tribes of Africa la th heart og Africa. Thla barbaric syststa of aommutt cation, at one practical and sff active, survive to thlt day and It value aaa) been teeted many tltnea French tirHorers aeem to hav been tha) first to bring this system to th knowL, edge ot civilised people. Br means of, It new of Imp runt events m th Inter ior of the Sudan reaches all th trad ins) port on th coast la a very short tima, Th oomrounicstioa I mad by mean of various Instruments, th moat com mon one being horns, tomtom and whittles. The horn era made pf solid. Ivory, hollowed out ot elephants tusks. Tha mouthpiece la at the aid. The, trumpet sre ot various Mas, bat tha favorite onea are varjr long and gtvt seven distinct notes, produced by plug. . glng th mouth piece wits cork of differ ent sites. Ths ordinary tomtom at a hol low bit t wood, with a goaukia stretched over on nd. Th following mstanca Illustrate tha manner In which thla native telegraph la employed. Th poet commander ah Stanley Fall wat ones informed by a native ot a neighboring rlllag that af provision train had been attacked two day before at a point 120 miles furthest down th Congo. A week later th party arrived and con finned tha story la part. They had reached the scene of tha al leged attack at th time reported, but the shots thst ths nstlves had taken aa, Indication of a conflict with robber bad been fired at a herd of antelope. At a later period, when aa officer ot tbo French Congo cam to grief la th rspiua, the mccident was reported th, next morning at a vtllag 190 mile distant. Among tha Bengals tribe sort of. xylophone Is used with tour not, bjt mean of which th natives eommunicaia. over treat distance In a kind of tele graphic language. An American missoaarr. working among the Basutos, discovered that th villages had means ot conveying ntea- sages from one chief to another or of transmitting ths Intelligence of defeat o victory. Th Baauto hollow out a larg gourd and thoroughly dry IL Then kldtlda as hard and as thin a parchment la stretched acrosa th hollow ot thla gourd. When beaten with a padded drum stidt this gives forth a sound that can be dis tinctly heard at a distance ot from flv to sight miles. Ia every village there at a clasa of mart who ar utilised as scouts. Among thea there are always tome trained to th us of th gourd drum. Th cod la what might be called an African auorsa alpha bet, and Is beaten on the drum la tha open air. Th round ia carried acrosa th valieya snd glens of the next village, where a. IS Interpreted by another scout If tha ntessage ts tor a distant vlllag be rw pcata It on hi drum and la this way it, la cs tried from vllaga to village, wltaf very lltti eta et ttot uattl tt lasrhss tha person for whom It ts mtaadett.-a1 New York Sun.