Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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.Jteyition of Iroa and Steel Schedule
to Occupy Upper Chamber.
teajreeaanlttee at Ja4letarr stee
j Baa Beew ata4rtaa Thte Qeestlen
i. aa Merer la Llkelr la
Be Maee Saaa.
WASHINGTON, Mar li-A variety of
Important measures crowd the ntTe'
alonal pragma this week.
The discussion of the revision of ths
Iron and steel schedule of the tariff law
bids fair to occupy most of the senate's
attentfen. with a eoeelNlitjr of the demo
crats ad progressive republicans cettlnf
together and forcing adoption ef tht
Cummins compromise bill early next
The house Investigating committees re
suma activity tomorrow. These include
. ,tne Judiciary eoirmultee's Inquiry into
the eharees against Judge Archbald of
the commerce court and the agriculture
committee's consideration tf attacks on
federal meat Inspection methods.
The proposed act to give effect to the
treaty between the United S tatet. Great
Britain. Jspan and Russia for the pro
tection of the fur seals and sea otter In
the north Pariflo ocean will be brought
up In tiie senate tomorrow by Senator
lodge with a view to Immediate action
The convention was signed last July and
the bouse has already eexsed the bill to
' make It operative, the senate foreign r
lotions r&mmltlee agreeing to It la mod
ified form. ' '
Tea are af President.
The sons? judiciary committee tomer-
. row may favorably report on the proposal
to limit the tenure ef office of the presi
dent bt the United States. The subcom
mittee fa study tl.s question expects to
-ajbinit Its conclusions. The advocates of
a single term proba&y six years cen
f.dtnllv express the belief that the mess
tire will be reported out and pass the
..It weuM act affect tha present presi
dential campaign, for il would mean the
submission of an amendment to the con
siltuth s to the state legislatures. Under
the Works resolution, pending before the
committee, the president would bold of-
T;os for six years, with Ineligibility to a
second term. The committee is also con
sidering a project for advancing the date
of the presidential inauguration to a date
'soon after election. '
Senator Clapp of Minn soots, who heads
the elections subcommittee to investigate
-contributions ts the presidential cam-
"palgns of 1M and 1M. will not call the
committee together until about May M.
Mo I scheduled to speak la the Ohio
-Wnpalgn In tha Interest of Colonel
Itooeevelt all this week.
The agricultural appropriation kill and
the bill to limit hours of labor on gov
ernment contract work to eight hours
probably will soma up la the senate this
week, while Panama legislation promisee
largely to enxroee the attention at the
Scatters Flowers x
Where Titanic Sank
- For Dead Husband
.NEW YORK. Msy U-atandlng on the
bridge ef tea Carmanla In mid ocean
last Thursday evening, Mrs. J. It. Lorlng
'of New Tors and London scattered arm
fuls of flowers on the waters of the
'Atlantic In memory of her h us hard, who
'tost Ma life en the THanlc. When the
Carmanla. which reached port today, ar
rived la latitude 41. H and longitude H it.
the nearest position to where tha Titanic
'sank. Mrs. Lorlng, attired In doe mourn
ing, was escorted la tha bridge by Cap
lain Dow.
Five hundred cabin passengers stood
'on the decks aa Mrs. Lorlng scattered the
Towers an the sea. Men stood with heads
bewea and uncovered, while some of the
'women passengers, touched by the wife's
devotion, wept
Whea the Mackay-Bennevt ' and the
Uinln, the steamships despatched to
"nearer, the scene of the disaster, tailed
to find the body of Mr. Lorlng. who was
a member of the brokerage firm af Ross
Vancustoa ef London.- Mrs Lorlng
deeMed to make the trip across the A
la ntle to pay a last tribute to lb memory
ef her husband. '
Severe Windstorm
:;. Causes Heavy Loss
CHICAGO. May 12,-A severe .rain and
wind Merm. which swept -ver Chicago
auturday night and today. Indirectly
-caused the deaths of two men and the
injury of severs! ethers.
. I'M rick Murray, IS years eld. and an
.-unidentified man of about S years were
run down by street cere while Minded
ay the sweeping rain. Both died at hoe
atals shortly after they had been struck.
Several padestralns were struck by aate
snoMlsa or street cars sad Injured.
i-The wind, which reached a velocity of
-forty-fear miles an boor, unrooted treea
lew dowa asany signs and tore scores
of beats frosa I heir moortugs along the
lake shore.
Captain Charles Cartas and the era
ef the life saving statlue went to the
aid of the lumber schooner "Quick atop.'
which signaled for help a mile off the
mouth ef the river during the afternoee.
Because ef the heavy see, the erhoeaer
waa anabie to make the harbor. The
craft was tewed tote the river by a tog.
Icebergs Are Sighted
y in Southern Waters
NEW TORK. Mar A-lcebsrgs In the
Atlantic, further south tbaa they hare
ever bee seen before, were I sported to
day by twe tacesalnc eolaiairs. The
Causard Ikerr Canoe ale last Tbarsday
stanied eight monster tee sneuneams fa
latttede north, looeitude ?. west
wktie the log of the rreach liner La
favosa recorded bergs la latitude Js-H
aorta, ioeastude ?. west
HALIFAX M a. May 11 -Wireless
Deasscee frosa the steamer Mewl ins in
which -was deapatched fresa Haltnax
last week to search the sea for victims ef
the Titanic, reports the recovery of foer
bodies. Three of these were idawtined
-as forte t:
IIAROLO KETXOLDa, eieeraae paa-
: C bXITH. a steward. ;
A aTaUAX CI EL. about U years eel.
Ut8 BOOT, that ef a sailor, was uo
iuentjficd aa4 eerie at sea.
Itlatsaft fwats
General Superintendent of AU Armour
Packing Plants.
Urge. People of California to Sap
port Hii Cause.
Declares that Reeeevelt Has t
Oivra Hlsa seaare Deal, Theaah
Me Appears te (land ea Bach
Platform. , N
WASHINGTON. May U-L'nablo te
cross the eontlnent te campaign m Cali
fornia, President Taft today ssnt by tele
graph te the mea and woman republicans
of that state his arguments for support
In the presidential primary on Tuesday.
The president's telegram waa sent te
Colonel Charles M- Hammond, manager
of the Taft forces in Baa Francisco and
a brother-in-law ef Colonel Roosevelt. It
waa also sent to t. A. Stanton, the Taft
manager at Los Angeles,
In ths message President Taft reviewed
tha achievements of his administration
when be asssrtsd thst Colonel Roosevelt
waa set giving him a square deal, but
was appealing te class hatred and forcing
sham Issues. . Ths telegram In full fol
lows: 'i
"On ths sea ef your presidential pri
mary In California I vsnturs to appeal to
the republleaa mea and women who Mer
cies the franchise to consider fairly and
wsil the legislative and executive achieve
ments of my administration and especially
Ihoss which have affected California and
say whether they do not deserve approval
by the people of California.
Necwrel ef Aeeeaapllshaaeal.
"In the metier of ths tariff, ths
Panama-Pacific si position, conservation.
In ths Increase In our Inter national and
Philippine trade,, la the employers' lie
blHty act. In the more drastic and com
plete regulation ef Interstats commerce.
In the postal savings bank bill, la ths
mining bureau bill for ths health and
wealth of the miners, la the establish,
menl of a tariff commission, in the
ehange from a deficit of KAtotaie to a
surplus ef Mewses, In ths corporation
Us. la the children's bureau bill for the
health aad welfare of children. In the Ss-
pelntmsnt te ths children's bureau of
Miss Julia C. Lathrop. ens of the asltst
women of America; In the making ef
psaos treaties with England and Prance,
which have been emasculated through
the Influence of Mr, Roosevelt and bis
campaign manager, senator Dixon and
the demorratle seem hers of the senate;
In the affective prosecution of the work
of building and eompletlng the Panama
canal. I submit a record Is formed that
entitles this administration te the sup
port of the republican men and women of
California and that It Is progressive la
ths highest degree.
Wsrksies'i leaaesssllss,
, "Ths last Important measure which I
have urgently recommended te congress,
which has passed the senate and Is now
pending In the house of representatives.
Is the workmen's compensation bin, which
changes altogether the policy ef the law
with reference te the UaMllty of the
employer -te the employe ea Interstate
com me roe railroads and gives aa Insur
ance for every , employs against the dan
gers ef hie employment by requiring the
employers ' te ' Inderal fy the employe
against Injury received la the employ
ment not hroua;ht about by his will and
voluntary account and fixes a reasonable
compensation graduated according to
regular tables and proportioned to the
extent of the Injuries and the earning
capacity of the employe injurted.
In the opposition which Mr. Roose
velt Is now making te this administration
he to not giving me a Square deal, aa
I have shows by uedoubtebla record
proof. Ho Is appealing te class hatred
and forcing sham Issues In such a way
that his sue ones would be a real detri
ment to the public Interest aad a dan
gerous departure from a wise tr edition.
which he htmeelf has reeognlard. that
Mains a etnas te twe terms la the
Corns stunts that were left eft ths pro
gram at the fourth annual beefsteak din
ner aad vaudeville of the Ad club, are te
be gives at the weekly luncheon ef the
dub at the Heasbaw hotel this Boon.
Rufus Heme, knowa ea the asssssla
ef the piano; M- 8. Hamilton, traced lea
and voctiejll. unique dlvirtlssiusnL will
be the numbers.
The Human Heart
TVs heart is s osailutal doable pemp, thrwafa fae--
astisa at whseh the Meed stream si kepi swsspig
rawed axel re I taceefh the sedy ot the rasa sf seven
wil aet Head the strain ef over-work;
h aitaol eel." Aher sassy yean e erady a ths
eeove erwetsse si sasdisias, Dr. K. V. fieree rawed
tiMt fcflsfi teats fataMsMfc Wwatl CMst 4sf wMsitW . faM U0al4
si there were imslsma el
, a teaae ssees of tha jlyasne axuast ef
the seat eorreetr. Thsa hs
Dr. Pierce's Golden
ida withsot sjeehel. this ' Mesisal Diseaisry " heipe the steeaece, te
I the hud, rbsiosy sanad liisipias. It is oaposssBy seaeeed as dn cease
severe, fee thin slssse pup Is anal
Dr. I-Wee's Cosamea Sease Mediae!
seen seearee tor the F reach doth-bo and
a. v. resree, rte. aa e-ieea atreet, aetata, ra. f
Insanity Experts
Examine Richeson -For
the Governor
BOSTON. May It -The board of insan
ity experts selected by Governor Poss
to examine Into the mental condition of
Clarence V. T. Richeson. the former Bap
tist clergyman, who hi under sentence or
death for the murder of Avis LlanelL
subjected Richeson today to the most ex
haustive teats known. Their examina
tion ocupled almost the entire day.
The commission Includes Dr. Henry
Rust Stedman of Brook Una. chairman of
the board of trustees of the Taunton In
sane hospital; Dr. George T. Turtle, su
perintendent of the McLean Insane hospi
tal, and Henry '. Frost, superintendent
of the state insane hospital. It is ex
pected their report will be ready for the
governor some time before the meeting of
ths executive council Wednesday.
At tha time the governor can, ask hit
council to commute the sentence of Riche
son to life Imprisonment If the alienists
report that the prisoner was Insane at the
time be committed the crime If they
report that be waa sans then, but thst
hs Is Insane at present, the governor can
only ask that tha council grant a reprieve
until such time as the prisoner-Is sane.
at which time be moat be executed. In
any event the governor has no .voice In
whatever action the council takes.
If the council declines to take any action
on Wednesday. Richeson will be af once
removed te the Cbarlestown state pewp
tentlary, there to await In ths death ceft
the execution of the sentence of the law
against him, which is that he be electro
cuted during the week beginning May D.
Bankers Stand Ready
to Give China Money
PEKING", May tt-The minister of
finance and the banksrs representing the
six powers, the United States. Greet
Britain. France. Germany, Russia and
Japan. 'havs arranged the terms of a
series of advances to ths Chinese govern
ment totalling Kd.oOO.OH, against treasury
bills redeemable within one year by the
proceeds of the big man. There will be
supervision ever the expenditures jointly
by foreign and Chinees auditors,.
If ths scheme Is approved by President
Tuan Bhl Kal snd ths national council
It will be tantamount to a defeat of
Premier Tang Shae Tl, who persists In
opposing It .
It Is pointed out by thoss Identified
with ths scheme, that the country Is a
veritable powder magatlna and that ths
unpeysd soldiers threaten an outbreak
which can only be avoided by payment
of their wages.
LONDON, Msy 1I.-A Tien Tain dis
patch asys the International troops ars
patrolling ths native quarter of Tien Tain
la view of possibility of a rising.
Missouri Pacific
Mail Train Wrecked
ST. LOUIS. Mo., May ll-Missourl Pa
elfls mall train No. I. which left here
this moraine at o'clock, was derailed
near Btlah, Me, sixty miles, wast. John
Linaberry, engineer, of Bed alia. Mo., waa
pinned under his engine and killed.
Tha derailment la thought te have been
caused by the loosenuig of a rail because
of heavy rains. The observation ear was
the only one which remained oa the rails,
ths snaiM and ether ears rolling down
aa embankment.
D. Oullbolt, fireman, jumped and es
caped Injury. Heveral passengers were
slightly Injured, hut aaae seriously,
Unaberrys body waa net recovered unl'l
late this afternoon.
WASHINGTON, May tt-Indlcatlons
are that during the coming week fair
weather will predominate with tempera
tures below the seasonal average gener
ally east of the Rocky mountains dnd
ir or above the normal oa tha Pacific
According te the bulletin Issued tonight,
showers are probable tomorrow In the
middle Atlantic and Nsw England states,
attending the eastera movement of a
disturbance that la now overthe Ohio
valley. A change te considerably cooler
weather, the bulletin eaatlnuea. "will
overspread the reelon east of the Missis
sippi valley Monday and Tuesday, and
frosts are likely te occur the first part
ef ths week te the Rocky mouotala re
gion, the northern plains States, the so
ber Mississippi valley and ths upper lake
region, and Tuesday and Wednesday In
the lower lake region, the upper Ohio
valley and the Interior of the north At
lantic states.
"Ths next disturbance to cross the
country will appear In the far west
Wednesday or Thursday and move la
the middle west near the close ef ths
a. It will be preceded by a general
rise In temperature and be attended by
local showers and thunderstorms.
QCTHR1K 01, May U--Tns women of
the E uchee band of the Creek Indian
tribe are la mourning and are under
going several weeks of weeping because
wklta mea who recently purchased the
Indies lands destroyed the hones of their
papooses, alace earueat times the Kuchees
have deposited ths bodies ef their dead
children la hollow trees and fastened
boards or bark ever ths epenlota. Re
cently vMte seen bought the Euches mans
a western Creek country aad walls clear
la the land cut dowa the grave trees
and burned them. -
wttaeetf good.
Medical Discovery
fuses waa ere elways '
Adviser is seal ea
el It eae
book of 19M sagas.
Aednee Dr.
Many Iambi and Shorn Sheen Said
to Hare Been Killed. . -WHEAT
Reperte ffwaa Railroads aaa frame the
3lye-!9ekaelder-Fewler Company
sheer Great lasrsvenest
Over m Week Asa. -
Railroad reports from the Sheridan
dlvudon of the Burlington showed from
two to four Inches of snow and a tem
perature of below f reeling. The Nona
western reported snow moat of the way
from Ca;per te Lander and tha Union
Pacific found heavy snow all ths way
from Cheyenne te Rawlins and light
snow from Rawlins to Oreen River.
It Is also reported that the snowstorm
and the cold weather accompanying ,t
has killed thousands of young lambs and
sheep that have been shorn of their
While the cold is expected to nip some
of the fruit and early vegetables. It is
sot going to Injure the wheat that la
making wonderful headway In Its growth.
The Burlington's crop report for the
week ending last Saturday shows the
following condition of wheat as compared
with a week ago:
Present Time. One Week Ago.
Division JVr Cent. ftr Tent. .
Omaha .... 1 (s
Lincoln .. si . -Vymore
,. ' 84
McCook ... - 7 - at
The reports state that In -every section
on each division of the .system the con
ditions for a bumper crop are much more
promising tlian they were ths previous
week. Temperatures hare been low and
moisture has been plentiful.
The only danger expressed for the fu
ture of the crop Is that the grain will
grow too rapidly, running too much to
straw. - -.. .
The Nje-Schneider-Fowler company,
that keeps In touch with tha crop condi
tions throughout ths state, receiving re
ports from its hundreds of buyers and
agents and from farmers Is out with Its
report for the week ending last Saturday.
In summarising the company says of the
Nebraska wheat crop:
"Wheat la almost perfect in most lo
calities. ' Where early reports Indicated
that the cereal would be practically a
failure, now at least a three-fourth crop
la expected. The soil Is In fine condi
tion and there has been plenty of mois
ture. Spring wheat and oats ars almost
perfect and corn planting Is progressing
la a satisfactory manner."
A pedigreed puppy was stolen from
Lowell Car eon of 1CU North Twenty-ninth
street Saturday In a bold manner. Aa
unidentified iran drove up to his house,
entered the yard and took Ihs puppy
from a kennel and drove away, Carson
learned yesterday that ths stranger had
sold the pup for t&
M. R. Monahaa of 111 South Thirty
sight street reported to the police that
a Boston bull pup named Buster bad
beea stolen Sunday.
Llahtwlaa Plree Pleat.
PITTSBURGH. Pa.. May lx-The slant
of ths Woods-Lloyd company, manu
facturers, . waa partially destroyed by
fire today, causing a loss of S1M.C00,
Ths blase waa spectacular and resulted
when lightning struck aa electric cable
leading into the plant.
To Keep the Face
Fresh, Clear, Youthful
(National Hygienic Review.)
Mora Important than the cosmetic care
or ths complexion is its physical care, to
keep the face clean, .. fresh, youthful.
there's nothing better than common mer-
collaed wax. .It absorbs tiie soiled or
faded worn-out skin particles. Using
cosmetics simply sdds unwholesomeness
to the complexion. T list's the difference
By all means, acquire the mercollard wax
habit It's so easy to get an ounce of ths
wax at the druggist s. apply at night like
cold cream and wash It oft next morning.
There's no detention Indoors, the old skin
coming oft so gradually no one suspects
you'rs using anything. When la a week
twe the alluringly youthful, resellke
under-skln la fully In view well, you
won't want, or need, a make-up complex
loa after that. '
For obstinate wrinkles, a face bath
made by dissolving aa ounce of eaxQllta
IB a halt pint witch basal, surpasses mas
sage cream for reeults. Adv.
"Juot Say"
It Means
Orlfhiil tad teaalni
Ths Feed-.rlnk (or All Ages.
Mora keaUiul than Tea or Cotfea.
Atreta with tha weakest digejtHB.
Dcucioos, Bvieratkig mod ButlxSotaV
Rich milk, majtryj grain, pcrwrjcr tcxBa.
A. txaick Waca Tcparae! ia a sWMiw.
Others are imitations.
Jewels aad Private
Papers la a Safe Deposit Boa.
For the saan or wemae wha
forms this habit there a abee
laie dAFETT tor all valuables
place for evervthiag. . aad
everyiaiueT la its piaee." .' .
lasseet the Safe Pec-eel t Bexee
we offer toar at a yearly ren
tal ef lees taea a eent a day. .
foahi Safe ttfsi Caaax.
a Tea-Ma
Fine String of Bass
Caught in Missouri A
River Near Decatur
"The disciples of Old Ike Walton have
always been saying that black bass would
not live In muddy water." remarked
Doc" Williams of Decatur. Neb., who
waa In the city Sunday, stopping at the
Rome, "but I know that they will"
Decatur." continued Mr. Williams. "Is
on the banks of the Missouri river, about
the muddiest stream that ever flowed.
Being something of a fisherman myself.
know what I catch when I go out
angling. Last Friday I was out on the
Missouri fishing for skipjacks and was
Every day many times a day, it just seems
as if nothing would satisfy.
There's nothing like it II-
It's as wholesome as pure water, and quenches the thirst
V as nothing else will
' Delicious Refreshing
' Wholesome
1 Fre6 Demand the Genuine Refute Substituted f f Whenerer
SfSrW" THE COCA-COLA CO. you tee in
swosftfc tht seta. X 7 oi v-a-ua.
" '
; . Have your ticket read "Burlington"
A Broad Choice of
Western Vacation Tours
- movant
8aa Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland. Seattle, T a coma, dally from June 1. limit Oct. SI.'. $60.00
Saa l-ranrico, Loa .tngelrman Piego, special dates, June 12 to iO, Aug. S9 to Sept. 5 $53.00
Portland, ftemitle, Tacoma, Vancouver, special dated. May 15-17, May 27 and 28, June 3-6. June
27-30, July 1-5, July 11 and 12 Soo.OW
Cout tours, inducting California, Portland, Seattle, additional to above $io.00
v, Ta Gardiner, Cody or Yellowstone entrance SJ2.JJO
Side tour from Livingston, all accommodations. Soa.oQ
Tour via Gardiner or Cody, Including rail, atage and botela $84.50
- Toerr, ee way via Cody, east aad scenic entrance through Sylvaa Paaa, tha other via Gardiner,
rail, automobiles, ttagee and hotels : .-$89.60
- H'Uey PrrmsiM-et Camp Tours, alx daya In Park 10.OO
Frost el Richard, ejxteen-day personally conducted camping toura from Cody $64.00
Through standard sleepers, Omaha to Gardiner entrance.
Te Beltoa or Midvale, Montana
Deerver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
Katsa Park- ana ot Colorado's moat attractive regions
Belt Lake City and Ogdea; stopovers at Colorado Springs, Glenwood
Faaaoaa Black Hills iwaort, noted for Ita plunge hatha and tanltartumt . -S15.7a
Ilrdwood aad Lewd, Black Hllta. S. D. $18.75
New resort la the Owl Creek Hoantaioe. 18 mtlllona gallons ot waterdally. lJio temperature. . .$33.00
la tha beautiful Big Horn Mountain! gatewaya to the various ranches and hotels. Absaraka
Park, Eatona Ranch, Paradise
ranchea along the Shoshone River; Three Mar Kancn,
. Wapiti, Pst a Inn, Holm Lodge aad many othera . ,
. First and third Taeedaya to many
lad A-3323.
using a small spoon, with a red feather
above. Casting over Into a eddy. I got
a strike that almost pulled me out of the
boat Realising that I bad a whale. I
gave the fish plenty of Hoe and worked
It until It wax tired. Then I reeled In and
with my landing wet. brought ever as
pretty a black bass aa you ever saw. It
welched a little over six pounds. En
couraged by my success, I cast around la
that eddy two hours, at the end of which
time' I had fourteen black basr. In the
bottom of the boat, none of tbeui weighing-
less than four pounds and one of them
tipped the beam at six pounds aad five
"Where those bass came from Is a
puxxler. They were never pisntea in ine
river and my judgment Is that they just
grew there. Of course they might have
run down from some of the small streams
Kancn, nney inn. Tepee uo
West aad Northwest destinations.
Free Illustrated publications, "Pacific Coast Toars. "California Excursions." lel
lowetone Park," "The Cody Way. "Big Horn Mountains, "Katea Park," "Colorado Hand
Book." .
1803 Fanaat StrejOiaaha, Xeb.
and could not find their way back, but
they were In the Missour' alrisht when I
caught them.
"The finding of bass In the, Missouri
to believe that if the govern
ment would stock the stream. In a few
years It would become the most laawua
fishing water In the world. It Is so large
that it would furnish room for the whole
a h -nA , h entrant la so swift
and so deep that, the seiners could not
exterminate me usn.
Mevemeata ef Oeeae bteas
PMt. - Arrive. asih
KFWTOWt Csmsaia...
..irwvnUlf " ' '
NEW TORK.. Tbtntsuwlee....
I QrisEKSTOWN..'. Mssretsats.
j aONTriiuiu.."..Cltsela MeauUe.
Spring, etc $30.50
Gateway to the resorts and
Ranch, Morris Ranch.
Ben, d. irw.