By Hershfield Desperate Desmond Claude Eclaire Can't Be Scared by a Ghost, bat His Head Can't Resist Bricks. . i i . j.uii- -, - L'tVv mJ J. sea mFMw I I.-TO THB SPOOKS. Before Ibc drmwn revolvers a( the Ri stsn guards, Cauda Ecislre . la Being forced Into tha haunted konaa. Our hero doaa not know that Rosamond la a pris oner tnalda tha house, hut Daamond does, and that acoandrei la afraid that Clauda will discover tha (Irl and (oil his plan to fore bar Into a marriage. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time but to Insar proper classification bum ba prases tad before 111 a ease a. (or too renins adltioa and before T:M p. ca, for nwralni and Sunday d Ooae. Want ads received altar sack hoar will have their Una InaarUun th bnadiag "Jim mm ta CABff RATfiS FOB WAHT ADS. sUCUULAA CLAnSiyiCATlOar On l u. raatf anr wura ana s per word lor each subsequent rsnsnaUra Ineortlon. bach inaor. Don seeds on odd day lH-cant par word; 1JM par lino par month nrbaB nd la run willuml cliand ui copy. I'NDKKTA KKReV ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER. Casketa I trust price. Phone H. T. Braes Co.. a. UI er f-ITU and savs nwuey. ' AJoX'BEMENTS OMAHA FILM KX. V" MoUea picture machine and tlm baigaiaa. AMNOVNCCMGIVTS THIS la WORTH He oa your bill (or repairing carpet sweepers ar grinding law a mowers. Name u .......... Address and 'Phone. tr ..... Vie do the work at yoar home. Call - . .. UuM bsjit gracer iur - ' - Food Pills, U per box, postpaid, ah.rmea A McCoaneil Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. rXlGENTLEMAN. mi eaBbslmsr. 1(14 Chlosge ft D. Mat, B-HM. Ben M. postpaid, M . try half doss n; If Sot aatiafsctary money refunded. BBA- TON UHLM CO.. lee rernaia. uni'i. il 1 n Vnn.J Fire A Tor- ouieu ucuucuj t Md(i insur ance. W First Nat Bk. BMg. Doug. TO, THE TEKNA SHOP 'cJT Fanner Psvors, Leather, Brass, Ulsss sad Silver Noveltlee; SUUooery. Baskets, Dolls Popular prime. CMasha a eaclusive gtft etore. 1H remain. Phone U Ml "iiT anKMIcn HOME COOKING. ARK INS, lit S. ItTH, UPSTAIRS. GET your diamonds at Bruosgaards. M. B. Murrlll, chins paint Brsndele Th IikiKi Tk. N T CO. tel. Id Douglss. SUvensoa, earpenter. coot. Beth phoaoa, MAVS Davie clssa your well paper. DT 171, i ts I live la Omaha. D. A Griffith, wig aiir. a rresser me. MONEY TO DOAN-LOW rata. In sums ts suit. US Bee Bid tWlON LOAN CO. IT IB A BRAtfTLT llUkl ta laks buy blsmunds, Vt etches and Jewelry at Fred Brosegaard A Ce.'e greai aaarlllea snd removal sle during April. Omsha Bill Postfxg Co, lull Her. D. kdt, OLSON BliOS. -v?. rZ Measrd to see all customers at our new iwvin eu ivuvv. . t:itlmktes fire. C'ottrell. srch t. Red eW. NKW pdonee A-1MI, Tiler 10. Carey Laundry- Cut prtcea Twenty per otnt teas then Omska prtoea, HOUR rUKNITURE CO, Twenty-tourth and L Hta.. Mouth Omaha. TfpaeUleriag. pieno, (urn. res. SnM Far CARPKNTKR repairing a speclsity. Msmey Kit. NORTH HUP LETTER DUPUCAT1NO CO, let Paston Bik., ctreular totters, any aueatlty; eidrst eetsbllshed eoaipany; as perts of kiultisTsph sad Neoetyle. OFiTvKMAxN f?- bathtubs. HAM. UK Douglas 8C CARL JAliL ifck"BUhik hewers fUisrpened. DOUOLAA Prtntlns Co. Tel. Dvug. Ml ANX110K FENCE 00, Iron and wire frncea cheaper thaa wood; last a UleUme. M N. inn. Phone Hrd lit. ED ROWS. Wll bortng. Brneoa M. Lews mowers shsrpned; perfect work, reasonable charges Uih sad Corby. B-Bet Ousrsntee Leusdry. Pine worn. D. Urt. Wedding aenouncemPBts Doug. Ptg. Ca. KODAKii hestmsa Ooods, eomplets BAJiJJUlO .(ucs Largeet flalslung depsrtment m the weet THB HOftKUT DKhrPSTER CO Uls ramem at. and Mi A. UU at. W A XTED Kepelr work of all klnde; grinding aad saw tiling. Call lad. B-aae, H. Cols Bign Ca. D rax lii FsTnam! PHOTO supplies, Aueo film and paper. Saratoga Drug Ce., Mlh snd Ames. W. Ill Neb, Seed Co. l.ld J once. Both phones. 0 LAZING CAMPEN'TKK WOKa, AND KKI'AlltH A C Lraaard. Tyler Lrav. u, k' II I V, L' .laniig end Dye Works OIL.IU 111 j H BoMurt,,. g, We call snd deliver. Beta paonea. AITOMOB1LKS Teur TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. Expert tire rppamng: work ruaranteed. Af TO TIKE REPAIR CO, MM Fernaav Auto Ismpa repaired. Omaas Silver Ca Murphy Did It REPAIKINO, 1 Ki V M I Mi, PAINTINO. HAV1NO dlscontlaued handling ALTO MullLB, we offer ear remaining stock eoarietleg of three high areas Flreetoae touring care at bargain prices, nattier Co, teth and Jeaes Sta TTRV. RVPATPIVa Doat away your old tjrea. We make thsm ahnoat as good aa new. Kothing but sighast priced and new aneterlale osed. AU work guarsatsed. Arthur Btsrs AsU Supply Ce, nta Fsr- DRUMMOND Asia repairs, rubber rjrea for earrtagen ajjd eoauaeRial tracas, Uch and Harney. H.-DOWN THB CHIMNEY. As soon as Desmsod sees Clauda aatar tha door of tha so-called haunted houaa ,ha promptly batafeaa himself to tha roof and lowers himeelf Into tha chlmnajr. Des mond knows Claude's Indomitable cour aa. and knows that no (ear of ghosts will deter our hero from finding his way to tha side of Rosamond m dancer. AUTOMOHILKa Why not sell your aid nutosMbtls and buy a new one or. maybe, you nan use the money In aome other way la either event, Bea went sds will do the work. Rates IVj eeote per word If roil only one time or 1 cent per word If run two ar mora times consecutively. PFAf'flVf will repair and ruioaaisa DJUlWia any puncture or blowout, lie. Ill Paraanv Doug, 4711. Melereyelea. Unmapvpr ri eat -- , f mm from HM and up. LouU Fletcher, ISO! apiwi ATS RBCOND HAND AUTOMOBILES PlTSfT I'ead carai guaranteed: ail t0 A makes. Aee me (Irs; low prices, McOnruc, tit A nth. Tel. Her, an 6EVEN-PAS8ENQER 111 Packsld; used very little: la excellent condition and fully equipped. Iseula ofdon J. La Brandela Bona, BCBIXSU CRAirCBS. TO get la ar out at bualneee call en OANOkMTAD. M Bee Bids. Tek D. MflL Ed. Rothery, Bustneea and Real Eststs Bschants Co.. Koan lit. steCague Uldg. Burna. Brlnker A Ce, Omaha Net' I Benk Hldi, mortgages far Inveetmeat. TO BUT. lease or sell theaters, aew or second hand machines, repel re aad repair ing. Write Theater fcmhsngs Co, UN rsmam hi., iou. ust. TO get la or out of huslneee call oa WlLLlAalH, Room til, McCague Bldg. Ts aulcklv buy or sell business, any kind. aaywh'a Kennebeck Co, Ml Bee Bl'g. Om. WILL esehanse He equity la (las ere herd for buela ar alear boms, P U. Bee. WANTED elk ef July attractions, such ss merry-go-round, picture shows, shoot- Ing gallery, baby rack a, etc. wnta rt. v. ainirew, riap,tnee, 1,1,0. FOR RKNT-An el'Sknt furnished res- tauranu connected with the beet hotel In merlins. Colo: ooing a tnnving auataa The Annei Csfe, Mterllng. Colo. KJD apon It, Wllco: Bos cox. Keb. FOR 8AIJC-gto. k general merchandise, levntre about Main. Ne ulelhlna or out of Asm goods No trades considered. Ad- U B. a, Ansioy. wee. FOR AALsV-Ths Frauklla Moving Pie- ture theater, one or the best paying t ne sts ra In Omaha. Will stand Invesllgstion, F. B. Ooff. Utt FrankUa BL CONPECTIONKRT In food Neb. town; np-to-date plsoei cloeeet InspeeOoa rea son for calling. Addreas T 11. In cars Bea. CHEAP A (Iret-clesa lunch room doing a cash bualneee of is per day.' Cheep rent and a money-maker. Win oonsider Smd teem of Horses or muiee. Aaorese . H. Moors, M Maple at. 'Phone VYsa. 1M7. Baoaatna Maavaee la tele. GOOD -r. rooming hoaast Ineoma MI month: close in. o w, cere Bee. Bl'al.NKSa PsJUiONALB Attarmeya. a W. hlelde.Attoriey. sTT B. of Trade. BEMTI OMAHA BAO CO, Omaha. Hsb Baa and Paennaa Mnnalnetnrera, Wooden Bra A Perks go Ca, 1114 N. 1Mb. CAlswpedlate. PR. ROT. 1 Parnsre. Pouglaa MH. CUthlnsT Maaataetnewra, Wear Ideal drsaa ehlrtn M. Smith Ca, Cera lee and Sleei CelUaaa, CARTER Bhrst Meul Works OmahA Crwaaseries. Uatrtea aad Sep piles. Palrmenf s Diadem butter. Always good. David colk crbamert company. MACE7ES ." anirimar. ULAiaJ.iM9 BMiclats three tlmea a week. Come any time. UK Harney. D. UK Beatisia, Bslley. fhs dentist City Natl D. Mech A Mack, at floor Paxten. tMSV Tsffe dentsl roe ma. U1T Doug. D tm Deteetlvea, Nebraska Detective Agenoy, tncorper stsd aad bonded. Interview, eorresponeV once eonfldentlaL tu Brewa Bis. D. mit. U W. LONONtCKJ.H. ii; Karnaoh Blk. Omsha secret I I Pastes blk. DJSA JAMES ALLAN 1U NevUle Blk. Bvt deace eecured m all eases. Tyler 1UA ikeesssaaklaus. JrrDsmskJaaeoege. XX h A Par, DREggMAKINU by da . Webster ml" Dreeemakuia taught' nights, Doug, it II Dreeeaaklrtg by the day. Webeter MM. DHtMAKlNU. Tel. MAHNtV ASS. DRESftMAKINQ. Tel. Hatwey . SEW ISO by day. Reg g2. DRo8MAKINa bv dv r f Qood work gusrsntesd. Tel. Web. e-a. Itewaaeses. rmrir.i .. . . srdera; catalogue free, ghermea A w.wwwii urm vs., mnana, jsso. Itverytsulan hJeeuriaal, EUctrie lighting tlx, wheleaale aad retsA, gwtwrwmQta yot an Howard, r all STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. tui. ill south 11th St m )V iDIi W sAi-u 1 - n 1 .1 u - ' " nr. ey. n L. IV VJPt fas. era-, 2d H&nd EWtrin Annararna , t r - aad rapalra. La Bros, rj A ma ay. vewytnens law We DMns) msMlns. buttsaa eovered, su 1NO CO,, t Denglae Blerk. Beth pheaea kUaat, vacuum cleaner. H M day. fVeh. tut. CIIR ra-inedTiihaaias asiia, si Kreryltuen reeieireow eeeern r uc ce,, Cuetalne la u rata res. sirs. Carvaoflj, Dr. iisacack C, AH WtthneU, M HaZ III. SPIRIT RAPPING. Tan, tap! Tap, lap! Ia tha ghostly silence of tha dark bouae a strange ras ping cornea from the desolate hearthstone. It Is a mysterious noise, enough to rack the nerves of any ordinary man. but Daa mond Is not doing tha tapping In the hope of frightening Claude. The villain knows better; ha has another leas booeet plan. BC61NE8S PkliJSOXALg , Mverytblnn las Waaaen CARPETS and rugs cleaned on floor without removal: (ree esllmstss. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Uoug. 7s and VM. Feed Mills aad Stares, Feed all kinds, Olencoe Mills. SS Isard. Flee la la, A. Donaghue. 1007 Fsr. D. MM. A-1001. HESS A SWOBODA. MIS Farnam Hi. L. HENDbROON, llll Farnam. D. UM. BA.TH riXJIUHTa Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut (lowers Doug. 117. Feaadriee. McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings 1407 Jscksoa, Movies, storase and Cleealag. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Movlnl furniture packing, fireproof storsgs, city office, n A 17th. Doug. KM Ind. B-IH Ferrin Van A Storsgs Tylsr lXk BU7M, Furn. moving; 1 men, V per hr. W. 17el Nsrserlee aad Seeds. STEWART'S. 8EEDMEN. 11 N. hTTH. ALFALFA SEED. Good quality; write lor prleas. Samples SCHWABS BROS, Chadron, Nab. Opt Is tans. B. F. Wurn. fitting snd rep'f. 41 Brssdsls. Oateapatby, A11re Johnson. s Brandela The. Bldg. Katharyn Nicholas, U-i Brandats Tha, Palate aad blase. f Yon are Invited to aome In and ret eolor esrdi snd Ulk svsr your painting snd decorstlng. Complete Has Sharwla WUIlsms fsiuie aad veruiehes. iMUHUiu eaAwivPt a aa iv a sJ Ms Fnrnam. Doug. 47Ml Pa teals. D. O. Barnell. Psxton Blk. TsL Bad Till. WUlsrd Eddy. leM yity Nat. Bk. Bldg, rave tea re ph ova. Rlnehsrt, photographer. tth A Farnaja, Piatlsuy. OMAHA SILVER CO., tU A ltth. tsnaajraphera aad Cvart Menartesa, Myrtle A. Kelley, Tot Bran. The. P. tm PrintlasT Lew W. EaberPriiiter, Subi??i BK BLDq. ENTRANCE ON COURT, LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od roar work, wit Duusls St. Tel. D. Ret, Rets-Hsil Ptg. Co.. M A Hth. Ind. A-atK Ave. Tel. Ind. A-lws (or good printing. teal Task and Cnlvert Ceaaseveiee. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steal Tank Coaa. pany. Hth and Nicholas D. "". 1 reeks aad gait Ceaea. Prellng A Heinle, 1M Farnam St. Wlaea aad Lis re. WTT.LOW Springs beer, Uqnor, cigars sandwlrhan Alea Jetee, W-l A 1Mb St. VIRGINIA DA HE wine. Mo a large bot tle, Alain Llojioe House, aa N. Isih St Teste aad Awalaas. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 121 Douglas stDCCATIOKAli B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAB risaislsts sstirsss In Bualnaaa Sena. keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil service or asieamanania, -ine eataiogua Is free for the aekt&g. Call, writs or Fboaa tor It at anas. Audioes tL sveyus, Pr Oaoaaa, Neb. Presldsnt. Boyle Callege, TUTORING, let ta stb grada M. SM4. HELP W A VTKD r'KMALX Agents nnd aleawassan. TEN lady ennvaeeers: sxnerlenea im- nscesssry. The apex ry A Hutchinson Co, 1U7 Haraey St. COMPETK.ST lady solicitor (or hish- grade proposition oa house-to-house work. Cell ia Farnam. or phone Douglas suu. Faetewy aad Tradea, M 01RL8 to Operate machlaea la shirt factory. Clean, cool rooms Dower ma. chines, good wages and permanent situ- suona see ears iieosca. M. a umltn Co, Mh A Douglas. Beaeeateepere and Deaaeetlaa. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED-lke Bee will rue a awwent 0 Irl Wealed Ad f RkK until yon get the deelred results. This sppUss to residents of Omsha, South Omens sad Council Bluffs bring your ad ta Tha Bea since or telephone Tyler lusx WANTED A air! I Or censral houaa. work, no w sailing. XI 'jiiimsre. WANTED A good wk j girl for aea- eral housework, la small home: eoupie am ployed down town. No cbUdera; must furnish best of refsraoces. Oood aragas. Phone Harney JSM. GIRL (or aenersl houaework. All! Cuming. Haraey 4S1L WANTED-Experienced white girl fur general housework. In family of two. ins n. Pin tu, uarney ixa. WANTLD White girl (or general housework far t or I weeks, one who can go home nights, sirs. Ouy Liggett. ) N. Mth ft. Webster 1U1. WANTE-Coo potest girl for aeneral houeework In (esmly of three growa peo ple. Mrs Felix McSbeae, 701 Park Ave WANTED A competent girl tor general houeework. Good wages. Twa hi family. pjp Dodge St, , WANTED A oompetent girl for ganorsi houeework. 1114 iO-oney Si Phone Web star Ma. x WANTED A UMreughly competent gtri for general houaa work. Two la famuv. aw bo. ewe dc r-none nsnny nea dry work, small tnaatly: highest wages. jui 1 r 1 , , uneima inn tor gen eral beosewark; three In tame. 'jpnon liarnsy CSf. iv.-enterino Tin trap. I the darkneaa of tha haunted houaa the tare of tha brick ring out ghostlike upon tha ear of our hero Claude. But ha knows that than are no such things as ghosts nd resolves to give tha human agents tha battle of their Uvea, A coord- -Ingly ha orepa otrward cautiously toward tha soudas from tha hearthstone. HELP WA.tTKI) FEMALE Maasekeeners nad Damsatlca. WANTED A girl for general house work In fsmly of two. 16a Pinkney. W ASTaD-Young lady to assist with housework In (ins home In exchange for room and board; one going ta school pre ferred. Would be lovely home for right party. Harney MM. LADY for general housework '.consists of 1 sdults, Ml Harney. TsL ind. B-2573. Mlsoallaaesna, Y0TJNO women comng to Omaha as strangers ere Invited to visit tha Young Women's Christina association building at St. Marys Ave, and Hth 8t, wnere tney win ne directed to suitsoia noeraing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travel are guide at tne union station. HELP WANTED MALE Aseata, talesssea nnd Sallaltara. WANTED-A man ta aottott ubeerlp. tlons for The Twentieth Century Farmer. salary til a week. Addrees Circulation Manager, The Twentieth century rarmor, Hlmaha, Neb.- . COLLECTOR on saury; also U McCagus Bldg. Must be live wire. Suu Furniture Co, Hth and Dodge FIRST CLASS solicitors wsntsd. Oood money for right men. h.xpensee guar anteed. Call Herman Balkln, California Hotel. AGENTS wsnted In every oounty In Ne braaks to write health and aooldent in uranca. Liberal commlsstona, Addrssa World Accident Association. W. U. W Bldg, Omahs. Neb. WANTED A llvs wire specialty sales man for our llns of Jewelry and neck wear. References, age and experience drat letter. Right party can earn three to (our thousand a year. Addreas Bales Manager u, box tia, station it, Water loo, la. WANTKD nsleemsn, strictly tern Per sia, well-dreeeed. slngls roan, tl to es, with good refersnces, to travel with man ager and solicit for Chicago Portrait company; experience not necessary: sal ary and sinenses. Apply R, B. Stout, Merchants Hotel, from a, m, to p. m. Monday. men are ham aa aat. Thev don't arsndsr around tha streeu looking for signs In wlnriewa When you nasd good help advertise In Tha Bea. Ree Want ads a is resrl by keen, onsrgetle men who wish la better their 00 edition. Rstaa Is per word If run two or mora tlmea esnseeutlvsly. Teie phone Tyler was. WANTED District managers to sstsb- liau county esenvaas, iveiwwe ewe lui X per month or better. Act quick. 1111 U'ANTRD Experienced ssleamsn In Our carpet and rug oepartment. apply at once to superintendent Branoets torsn. EXPERIENCED saleemsn wsnts posi tion in city or nearby Mrrttory, employed now. B-PsX Bea. Clerleal and of flee. FULL drees anils and party dresses for sals: alio for rent tl to to 1110 a night JOHN FELDMAN, Ml N. 11th. ft XnV WANTED Clerk exceiienced In rail. road freight rates, (or office work In city. Salary ITS to M sccordtng to experience. Address Omaha Bea, n-trJ. Faatsry aad Trades, Drug store (snap) lobe. Knlest. B B1dg. FIRST CLASS painters and paperhsng era wsnted: steady work if asuafsctory. J. P. Poscksa Co., 70 Main Bt, LaMara, lows. Mleeellaeosae. TELEGRAPH posltloog guaranteed yos kr the Uaioa Pacldo and Illinois Osn- tral railroads If you gala your training la sur scnoot rractica on h. jl wires aa, dreas (or particulars, K. B. Boy lot. Pres. Boy lea College, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Mors people ta raise Pool try with lbs Old Trusty incubator. Writs for free catalogue, U. M, Inhnaon. Clay Center, Neb, WANTED FOR V. A ARMY Able bodied unmarried man between tha agar at U and : ettlaens at Unltsd States at gaed cbsraoter and temperate habits whs can apsak, read and write the SagUsh language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. UTk and Douglas SU, Omaha. Ne.: nTf ttb St, Btovx CUT, lev! 1M N. Mth SU Lincoln. Neb, YOU ARE WANTED tor go' position, let Per month. , Bend postal for let of positions open. Franklin Institute, Department aj r, itocasstsr, n. 1, MOVKD Tii OL'R NEW TRjUNINJ SHOPS. Too largest, finest and beat oaulpped', plant for automobile training. Do you waat pleasant outdoor work, with thousands of money-wishing opportuni ties! Write or call on as. Day or night Hassan Unlimited 00 urea; liberal terms. NAT1." AL AUTOMOBILE IRAJNINU ASS N. Mil N. Mth St. Omaha, Neb. MAXE MOt to 1600 oar month sell ing I aad sVsere ORaNQI tracts M par sore: eesy psymenta. Mt Bee Bldg. f.M GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Wrtu for list Franklin IsaU- tuta. Pep I ill P, Rochester, N. a. U'A.ti:u-Man to Uara barber traae. A good barber rr.akae good money and makes It sary. The Molar system will msxs yon n good barber la a few weeks Soma mo. earned while learning. Call or wrtta, Molar Barber College. 1st sV Hth St WANTED Menjurer. thoroughly ao- ualnted In South Omaha; tasa entire nisnsgemeat ef high grade tailoring ea Ublunent; experience not ascessary but wide acquaintance compulsory. Great chaaca (or good man. Andreas A Ms, Bea. HELP WASTED HUB OR PBMALB. ANT misiugeat person mar warn ei recome ua 1 Hi'uiniinv w ,r- , perlence unneossnary. Addreas Press Cor- lesiwmoma in,,. - " LITE STOCK FOR 8ALB saCrVs J uas for amlett draft eragwn borsss to let by the day. SMI Shermaa Ave. Phone Webster UM. HflPSPQ to tot by day or week. Bher LlUU&ZdS nas i kern. Mth and Chun. Horssa and otarea bought and seta. aCB8 sos ess. Mil Cvanas BL LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Masses aad Vehicles. IDEAL PASTURE For fine stock: running water, shads trees; woven-wire tenoe. Addrees A. H. Bsker, R. F. D. t Benson. Neb. Tele phone Benson 747W. ONE none for ssle cheap, am Leaven worth street Phone Douglas Ml). ALFALFA bay. C7 ton. Wagner, 801 N. Is. FOR SALE Cheap teem horses, har ness and wagon. 711 Bo. Mth Ht LOST AND FOUND LOST One Boston bull pup. Finder re turn ta HI S. Klh Bt (or reward. Han MM. LOST-Gold cuff Unk, ntonogram, "O. t C." Tel. Pouglaa eTTs. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call np the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tha street cars. Many nrtlclsa each day are turned la and tha company la anxious to reetore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 4t OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Ur. B. K- nrry extras nisa, ersraia. and ether rectal dissasea, without surgical a pars lion Curs guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Write for book on restal dleeasss with teetlmonlsls. DR. B. R. TAJtHT. Bee Bldg, Omsha. DR. RACE Spsclsllst, nervous and all chronic dlsesss. C2J Harnsy. Doug Mil Women's allm'ta. Dr. Burka, 41 Doug. Blk Ladles' guaranteed remedies, evl Ware blk. &r. Baboork, specialist: both sexes. Mt Wtthnall bldg. 1Mb and Harney sts. SfOKET TO IaIAX Snlnry aad Chattels. ATTENTION. Loan! on REAL ESTATE PTTR. FlTURE, PIANOS, WARE HOUSE) RECEIPTS. BALA RIKA, ETC nt 14 usual re lea Xe red tapa. No delay. 1 BIGOEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. 1 RKLLABLJE CRKDIT CO. 1 It Floor, nn-t paxton Bik, 7 a Mth St rnonest tiosg. hu; a-ivii. Money on furniture, plsnos and real aststs at a very low rate oc intareat. Nebraska Loan Company Doug. UM. t Bea Bldg. A-1SA MONEY losnsd salaried people women eping bouse snd ethers, without se amy: esay payments. Offices In (I prin atpal sttlsa. Tolman, tut Omaha Nat l ana stag, rarmeriy n. x. uis oiag. CHATTEL LOANS, ft to 1100. SALARY uiapib. you can get n tooav ar STAR LOAN CO.. SM Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS st ty. aod I oer oral CLATAU. Kit Dodge At Tel. Red. tslA OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS M0NTRBAU LIVERPOOL, OLASOOW. Montreal. Havre, riymoutn, aosaoa. The Plcturssauo St, Lawrenaa Route. Four days on I ha ocean, three days la river aad gulf. Splendid new Turbine bteamsra. nelooe, aaoona-onMa ana uuxd aiaaa au per lor one-class csbu service Cuisine unaxoelled. Courteous stteollon. eaad tor circulars, rales. Mans, sta A una A Co.. 117 N. Dearborn Su Caleags Anchor Line Steamships Ksw York. Londonderry and Glasgow New York. Pslsrms and Naples Attractive raise tar u eke is between New York and nil Scotch. English, lrus, Cantlnsntnl and Medltarrnnesn points Superior accoatoiodatioiia, exosilsnt cut- Apply nresapuy tar rassrvstlon ta loeeJ agent 01 Aeca Una or Hendsraon Brothsrs, uoneral Agents. Chicago, lu. OFFERED FQH RgtyT Beard nnd MaoansJ O. M. E. hauls trunks D. sU A-MU. tl N. HUT ST. Rooma and board. rnone lyier less. ROOM for two: aielklM jliatn stia t-apiioi avs. rnone ioug. cm. M GEORGIA AVE. St riot I V modaraT boms, can acomroodata sis young men. Comfortable and reasonable. Harney Miiu rvi, u a . - with or without board: reasonable price. LAROB room, excellent board, private, root Fsmam. Harney at. LARGE front room with alcove two Closets, prtvato lavatory .alas single room. Large shady porch. KxosUant board. rnone rtarney Ix. TWO young men ar ssarrisd oouma ta room sna soara la private fsmlly; mod ern; walking dletanos; excellent board. 'Phone Harney XKL THB MADISON HOTbL One of Ossahn'a Ore siasa tud frwv. tst hoarding plscea la now ander saw managemsnt aod haa bean thoroughly ranovsted throarhout Clean, nleaaant auulde rooms, nice hath rooms elegant euuna; re sen ovary convsnienoe st reasonable prtcea. a NICK pines for NICE people, list nod Chicago, within walking distance. O'E siegsnt suite of rooms with board for two or mora people. The best rummer hours In tha city. The Madison, Est and Chicago. --- r-raas ' KM HARNEY f!T.-DearraMe room, in privmte family; suIuOms (or sae at two parsons; strictly modem; refersneaa sx- caanin. Ma CAPITOL Avs- dellshtful in.. homo for one or two people, easy waia tng dlatanea TeL Doug. H70. ISM DODGE Coei. pleasant rooms iargs perrh. lasra. Reaa rates Douglas eH. For rent-u HsnatkHn park district, ana bloek from oar line, a iargs sieety furnlshsd front seocal alary room, m a good aekrhkocbooA la n atriesly arlvate family. Mo other iwosuoia this la a first dase nropesltfcan for n man whs wants a good room and plea is nt sur rounding. Bast at reference must sc eompany answer and only arse dees par ties need aaawsr. Address S xzt Bee. CM N. Oaatral Blvd. For rent Furl stahed front reoss modern with board for taw Fauns swsa Cnll Tjlor-JMa, V.-8PRIXaiNO THE TRAP. The moment Clauds reaches the fire place from which the mysterious sounds are coming he reaches out to grapple, as ha supposes, with the person trying to frighten him. It la at title point the alert villain at the top of the chimney dislodges great pile of bricks, which (all upon our hero's bead, bean or cocoanuL OrTERED FOB RENT Poralahud liuuaae. tU7 DAVENPORT Nicely (urnlthed room: prlvsis fsmlly; gentleman. PM. A GENTLEMAN or couple to room and board, close In. Hsrney 261. Front rooms. P and up. IMS Farnam. eM 8. X5TH AVE. Sleeping rooms. TWO nicely furnished rooms; private family. 11 So. Mth St Four large rooms, modern except heat; close In: 111 Douglas Tins. sue . . aioi cii, vimw u" , -a . r-i riA,, r:9 LUbAn ruoio. iMuiy, for one or two; close In, V per week. KM So. t3d Bt. ' SUITE of front rooms, elegantly fur nished; shsds snd lawn; rant reasonable, So. Kth St lot A Kth Ava, well furnished room, suiuble for 1 or t gentlemen. TsL Doug. 42m, ' Pnrnlehed Heuseatewptnsj Kamase, THE MANUELr-Tww-rootn apartment Rt Tha Howard. 1-room. private bath, Me. rlst and Howard. IIS N. iiFT ST. Two light housekeeping rooms, semi-basement rnone y-yier leas. FOR RENT Oood sised. nicely fur nished house during summer months; West Parnsm dlatrlct; references ra- aulred. Hsrney Mffl. W , , .A , . . ( . - BAAMa Im HtfWfr V. r . . - keeping In Privets family, modern. In beat IOCSMOD. newr miw. TWO furnlahed housekeeping front rooms, lavatory, second floor; zsj pj. lth St TWO nicely (urnlthed rooma, oompiets for housekeeping, wis us yen port Furnished Manses , V.TftirT moms all modern, flneiv fur. nlahed; east front; good shads; Weet Far nam dlatrlct; one block from car . Tel. Harney 1UH, Untarnished H earns. POUR ROOMS and bath, upsUlrs. In quire 1111 Emmett St. Hstela aad Apartssaate. Dewey European botsl. Hth snd Farnam, OXFORD and Arcade, spool si wkly rata. Ogdl on Hntol Council Bluffs. Rooms TllUllT UjlTKI. Mil Mnlllrananta of - lirai-ciasa nuiei, sireeeouaoie aim Anartmanta nad Flats. THRRD nod 4-room apartmenta, mod. nt 8. tad. 4-ROOM apartment, new, inwern brick; at earn heat; ahort walking dlatance; gss novo, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds: laundry; One Janitor service Douglas 130s. I snd 1-room modern Tst. Scsrgo Bldg , nH N. Mth St. S. Omsha. Hail, tit Rsmge Bldg. D. THA. A-etOC STRICTLY modern 1-room apartment la Davidge Bldg. 1Mb aad Farnam, He. JOHN W. ROBDINS. IMS FARNAM ST. Central, unequaled, e or e-r. flat, all mod, good condition. Tlsard, a N. nd, VERT fins duplex apartment large rooms, first floor: large (rant porch, fire pises; Bios yard and aornar lot. laM Oeor gla Ave. Haaeea aad Cottages. MOVING, packing snd storing ef house hold goods and plsnos is our business. Omshs Vsn A Storage Co, fireproof storage, M a lith, by tha viaduct. Branch office. M 8. lith Bt TsL O. IIO, A-1UA I-ROOM new house. 71 Evans. Na children, Harney Kit. n QUO n so imris ox me aty. ft-ROOM modern bouse, 101D Arbor. Phone Douglas 1KA 1-ROOM cottage, all modern except furnace, located at Mil Decatur St (11 per month. VINCENT D. DERMODY. Tel. Doug. TS. loll City Nst'l Bank Bldg. 2913 MASON ST.-Brlck bouse, tloss to Park hnee. Phone Hamsy Utt. Cd A Kth St t-R. MODERN, well-located; beauuful yard: MO. TS South 17th St Web. &30. MODERN t-room cottage, beautiful lawn ana ansae, Miami Bt t-r, modern, glO Chicago St Doug. 1717. on car line. Phone Harney goo. ' For Rent Eight Room House in Kountze Place Located on Mth Bt. bet Bnencar and Lothrop Sta, Has large reception ha, I. U-ng room, dining room and kitchen. with oak floors, oa the first doer: weeping rooms, Bath and outside oorch on the second floor. House Is strictly all modern. Has largo shade trees: on paved street and In a first-class locality. a vary oeautixui piaco to live." HASTINGS A HBYDEN, lOt HARNEY ST. kf A nri ion - . v , w t , oti, . , .. . tMWk nu mtar Mrul -km 1 u - sna pianos; no ensrgs for return drive Ull Hsll Ave., lakes. Vacaat Msy Mth. lb ion, F. Ranige. Both phonsn SOL'SkHULD QOODH ammtmA A . w-uura, . ... v rmixm. luVT SSO storing. Expressmen's Delivery Ca let. rrnnelaa la. at uffiM. Ala A ls aUje BMg. FOR RENT 1-room cottsas: newlv no pered; modern except beat lils's ourt 01. aiA.w per monto. WILL take Id per month for beautiful ail monern aome tocaieg at MLt Hick, orr Bt VINCENT D. DERMODY. TeL Doug. Tst. 15H City Nat I Bank Bldg. nVRfmu koiiae. Un,. b,,- ahada trees, yard. Near car. Kountni Place. Phone Web. KL T-ROOM tnewl modern house ar XVA imago st t-room flat, Xd floor. 29g Cuming St. s-room flat M floor, XT7 N. Mth St e-room bouse at UM N. 17th St. a C REDICK. ATTORNEY. lSli Fsrnam St ateeee and Utt tree. DESK room, good lnrht nss a close to elevstor. very rtnssnshia Bl nrnaia x neater wag. VL AWAY! I'm the boskir crtee Desperate Des mond. -snd Claude la knocked outski! True enough, our hero Is stunned and Desmond takes advantage of the oppor tunity to force Rosamond to flee with. -him. Her heart Is true to Claude and aha expresses her contempt for the villain. Tomorrow we shall sea how flight ends. OFFERED FOR RENT lores and Offices. About July 1 the DRUMMOND Carriage Co., will v scats tha BUILDING bow occupied by them on ltth Street, and It will be FOR RENT From !, ta M,(W square feet of floor apace. 8. & CURTIS. 1M HARNEY 8T. No. CO A ltth St. sTxil. Tel. Doug. gQA M'CAOUIC BUILDING. 11TH AND DODGE. Attractive offlcee, moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AAA BUILDING ASSOCIATION OFFICES or salesroom at 1Mb and Har ney, new. Third floor at IK Harney, new. Office at 1S17 Famam St, second floor. Store at 1111 Harney. New centrally located hall, second floor. lNS-M Hsrney. well equipped, tor rent by night O. C. REDICK. Attorney. 1517 Farnam St 1111 Farnam. 1 story and basement will remodel to suit J. N. Snltasr, D. ML OFFICE with uss of reception room and stenographlo service. Very reason able. Mil City Nstlonsl Bank Bldg. Steem bested store room; suitable fur mall factory. MS S. 11th. ti FELL A PINKERTON CO., Ill Board of Trade Bldg. STORE at 2KB Cuming 8L 1 Store st 2101 Cuming Bt 1 fctors at m N. Mth St. Btors at 937 N. Mth St. Stors at KU N. Mth St. Store at VX N. 1Mb St. Store at 3M N. Mth St, South Omaha. O. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1117 Pernio St OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrallnsw. FURNITURE, M rooms reasons bis M Na Md. Doug. TM). A 171 COMBINATION folding bed. dresser nnd writing deak for M. Aleo esnltary couch nnd los bog. 78 N. Ink St Doug. IKK. Real Bargain Opportunity We are moving out of town and must dispose of a coal range, gas range, two small chiffoniers and three beds, all ta good condition. A quick bargain for im mediate purchase. Call Harney I7M. 1x11 RUGS, damaged by water, M; aleo upright piano, electric fan. wsll case and furniture cheap. Ml N. Mth. ( Typewriters, 1 TYPEWRITERS (or rent I mo, I Central Typewriter exchange, 16V! ra UNTIL our stock la reduced we will sell BRAND NEW Fox Typewriters at Mi cash. Ths blggeet bargain In new typewriters ever offered on 1100 machines. Wa handle all makes rebuilt If van dan k want a new one. 1W16 Farnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co, WOULD you show eur wholly vialble typewriter to your friends and let them see wherein It excels sny $1M typewriter mads If you could, without costing you ons cent, hsvs ths typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then write us (or full Dsrtlculars. Emerson TvnMril.p Co, Box tv Woodstock. III. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tno Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas MIA Mlssellaaaaaa. FOR SALE New and second-head eerom and pocket billiard tablee and bowling allays and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy psymenta. Ton Bninawlck-Balka-CMIander Ce, 477 -4W a, loth st POOL tahlea. atAre !.. bought sold. Levy. Mia N, So. Omaha. OLD SAFES. DERIGHT. lull Fsrasm Bt, won . 1 v r w ... . " Omsha Commercial collage and one ta iw cwwia siUBineas otiica, umabo Bee. . ttAVKA OMMIMbl l.b. , .... . -.wvkcw .tin Hiung-Hiia mvm u msses; Bargains. American Supply Co, Ui Fsrnam St LARUE!!i u. 1 . ihw, . ,,o,g. v.naa. mors, w coster lag. Hr.'n mm tV mw.A k ,, r r - r ,v.u,u uhui a wiia Bend vou trie In r.,11 ,. sorted denominations. F. O. Taylor, 1U " v,gw. acsaon, Sltss. LATK nuul.l M,iini c.k almost new; a snap. North Mth St! South Omaha. FOR SALE-Cheap, dog kennel In good" nwig. x . cere oee. 1 HAVE two complete threehlng ma chines at Bradley-Merriam-Smlth, Coun cil Bhitis, la. Look at tnem and mako me cash offer. Ueorga D. Koysr, Govs, Kan. FINE goat for sals cheep; wlU drlvs. PM Lee ven worth. Har. Hi. PVTRSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY eolictta casu sff clothing; In fact, anything yoa do no need. We collect repair snd sell at 1M N. 11th st, (or cost ef collection, to the WorlhV nonr. th.m. tWut.l,. , M a wagons will calL (t-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Olaulah Phsrmscy. Uth and Dodge. - A New Truss- NEW IXVhVNTlON. ACTION AND BXSULTsV Does not spread rupture open lnternsllaf as convex pads do. Write for booklet THE TYRRELL TRUSS CO, KM Broadway. New York City. Mieiisgc. Mrs. Ritteanewaie. an Boston Bid MASSEOTHEPY i--'nd Allen of Chicago. M A tl. 1st TfL D. fwxt VkKU w v.traa.1 llsga, up a ya ne S af rinwiri r .ovntapd u rtstt Uw Youu Womcti B ChJirniaa mmodMion ImUdiaS m mvrwaiMwmnv mum bK, mmrB ATxV. wber u.y will b diiwtetl to siiitivbl Ufrolc tr 4Hir tnwmUn aid ml Ibm i :mfm MASSAGE AlHn -. w ruxAiB. gatasghkr RlartnT tM a llll. A a. a , . . : ' . - a. ats-jva-. sv .aunts WgJaUr SUi lUOOM Ol s,kLMfJ