l1ffiEElmBs;"TODAY; may s. im. " OFFERED FOR RENT Mo U CotMAea. " SJS CAUlWEU, ST. : -g-room house; modern except heat $3L KTH AXD GRAND AVE. t-room. house: inter, electric Hrhts, Knre lot fenced, with garden tU in. M. Key- At offlce. - 8CCWT HILU Bath 'Phone. McCajroe Bids. t21 Lee v en worth fit, 7-r., modem. $5. t N. Mth SL. T-r. modern. fcS. JWB N. KUt t-r . partly modern, til BBMIS-CARLBERlJ CO., tie-ill Brandels Theater. Phone T. 54 SIX-ROOM, modern. St Louis flat, rea sonable, rat ft. Iiiih Bt - . . - Bus aad butcee. Ha. t 8. Hth Bt., ttaeS. Tet Pom- tat Otfioa ar salesroom At lelh and Harney, (new.) Id floor at ISM Harney (new), id floor At U-W Harney (new). Office at VU1 Farnam (second floor). Store at 1111 HarneT Street. O. C. Rediek, Attorney. 1517 Fl .mam 8t MCAGUK BUILDING, 16TH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate price. APPLY OMAHA LOAi AM BUILPIKO ASSOCIATION. OFFICE with use of reception room and stenographic esrvtce. Very reason able. Wl city National Bank Bids. 1113 Far nam. 1 story and basement, will remodel to suit 1. N. Hnitser. IX 81 U. Store at 2AK Cuming street. , . , Store at 113 duninc street. Store at S36 North Mth street Store at KU North Mth street -Store at Ki North 34th street. Store at 1030 No. 16th street -Store) at IM No Kth 8t, South Omaha O. C. Redick. Attorney, 151T Farnam St GROUND floor office. M'JO ft; display window, a So. nth St. Phone Doug. .657. OFFERED FOR BALK B"araltae. . FTFTT tall velvet rugs at KL All kind furniture and wall case cheep. Ms N. Mth. NEW oak rolltop desk: cheap for cash. Inquire K4 Board of Trade Bldg. Typewriter. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas MIL WOULD you snow eur wholly visible typewriter to your friends and let them see wherein It excels any Hut typewriter made If you could, without costlns you on cent have the typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then write us for full portlculara Emerson Typewriter Co., Box i. Woodstock. 111. VISIBLK typewriters and all other makea, sold or rented anywhere at M Vi mfr'e price, allowing rental to apply a prise; shipped an approval. Writ for circular. 1Mb Farnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. TYPEWRITERS for rent mo., JS. Central Typewriter oxchang. MOT Far nam. Musical lastraaaeau. PIANO;" valued at 3M. must be sold at once. Price 1121. Harney B3. ' - UPRIGHT mahogany piano, also furni ture. Call Sunday, week days after i p. m. Hit Caldwell. FOR BALE Ne and second-hand carem and pooket Millard table and bowling alleys and aocaoriee; bar fix ture of all kinds; easy payment. The Brunswick-lialke-Collander Co, eOT-A 8. loth St. ... OLD SAFES. DSHIOHT. 181 Farnam St FOR BALE-Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and an 'la Boyle coUeg. Business office, Omaha Bee. SAFES Overstocked with oond-haa4 safes; all sties and makes; bargains. American supply to. m rarnam at PT? A WTTTRTJ UVE OR COOKED. M- " a 40a CALL HARNEY am POOL "tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, an N.. 60. Omaha. LARGE Herrtng-Hall Marvin safe, used but short time. Chee Btors, Webster urn. SEND m 12 and by return mall I will send you ttrfO In Confederate money, as sorted denominations. F. O. Taylor, ill East Fsan street. Acs son, hiss. PKRBONAI, THE SALVATION ARMY solicits east ff clothing! In foot anything you do not need. We collect repair and cell at IM N, Uth St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas US and wagons will -celt- . t-DAY BLOOD KlMtJJf. ' Alatflsb Phsnnacy. UUi and Hodge. -A-New Truss . KIW INVENTION. ACTION AND -1 ' RESULTS. Dos -hot spread the rupture open In ternally as couvsx pads da. Writ) tor booklet 7THE TYRRELL TRUSS CO, - WiWt orOwVQWMjfs f9W v't MauMtt. Hr. HittootiouM. Bob ton Bid Allen of Chicago, lot 8. 17, let tl. P. Ha. :' YOUNO women mating to Omaha as straagar ar Invited to visit the Young Women ChrUUaa aasoolauon building at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ava, where tny will be glreoted to sultabl bearding place, or atharwls sssisiil. Look tor our usvtlera Aid at th iituea IAUOB. T KWW sad china painting, firing LUOOUiV ardara, reasonaWa, Ruth LMohford Stadia, ill sV nUb Mat M A S5 4 OF. wdtah movmnt f Apt laut Farnam. D. tmk WS KENT and repair all kinds at eew- k macniuei. lnd. A-i6ifl. Douglas IKA HH&JkHKA CYCLE CO uth ana aariwy eita. MASSAGE treatment Mr. Steel B-aV Bank Bidg.. tut V Uth. t to t daily. VACUUM maasag'o demonstrated by Mrs. Steele, RK Bank tilaaw So lMi. Daily and Sunoay. GEIBOPEACTIU Pre conraltatlon. tot S. lttfa D-SOTi-TKs). ANNA MARKS, 1U B. Kth Bt, Boom sV.vwdtfc tnsaaagf hours, 1 a. m la It. a renedy tor ltcblnf, bleeding or protruo Ing Plies, He postpaid; sample tree. Sherman McConneU Drug Co., Omana. a h.m MvtlM wentMt tnr Uail camping trip. Yellowstone fark licensed guide. Satlatactioa guaranteed. - . f. Alien. SM Cass 8t f ATF.TI!trlm," -5.Brou.sis MA3JUlJ g nth. td floor. MASSAGE tAlHt . Vital msiig. bath, oneiric vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Ana l. lsber. m War blk. v 8. Uth. D. tU. POULTRY A!H FET STOCK BINOLJB Comb Black Minorca aggs, atliity tripped layers; t per lit M per at; ver satisfied customers last see son; Aatlstactlon guaranteed. Frsd l&aitn, Seneca, Kan. . . . Single Comb. Whit Orpington eggs and Barred Rock. . 7 No. th or Wb- im. Butl Orpington, first prise wuuiers, gaar. egg, t per M; baby ehlcka W. M Screeamgs tlJu per 106. Wagner. N. It FOft SALE-Whita Wyandot t gg from heavy winter laying (train hewing farm rang. H par M per MS. Laura Ivngtand. Knot 1. tincout Jieo. - FOa lALE--,edi7eed Engllsa - ball -terrier, male; I months old; fine stock ana pnoe mat J rigoi. www south n - - . RAL EBTATB . . v'rRAx.,r r" ytia-E, :. " Reed Aberrak Xcs oldest abstract of Be is) yetiraeka. Brandete Theater. KKALgA CAMPBELL. lTOriwit "an.a.t;' m roaVMAJioa. Elerlc, gas erruvam. Omaha 81 Ivor OS. Ideal C aiuent Co.. TTth ad Cuming Bta. ' Fch.8o Blind, pamtlag. deooraUng." B. Oreee. lam. wreck', plb, fi Paul. KatriGS) slxtur co, isu N. itui ot " REAL ESTATE ACREACB row; SALS Professional or Business Man SUBURBAN HOME af I asrea In One of the choicest locations la ths city. It Is la a neighborhood that yoa ad not make apologies for. has a tare front- on maiAtlant road and a boulevard th antir distance down town. Th prlr la RIGHT, and terms MOKE THAN RIOHT. KM cash, haianos monthly. If you wish something that will make you good money, then do not hesitate on this. Mark what I say an excellent Investment and a good home In the meanwhilo. Let m sbow yoa to foods. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY, lM-lt City Kat'L Bank Blag ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. Orln S. Merrill. 1211 City Nat Bank Bids- SUBURBAN HOME wltb about I acre of truck ground. Vary comfortable a. room nous and Mcessary outbuildings. No railroad tracks to cross and no hills to go up to roach this place. 0n4i!f mil from town; tD from now until March 1. 1912. Oeorg U. Clark, u Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. -ACRE GARDEN FARM Close to town, with level road to market A good house and outbuildings; sen ror th season ending March 1. lull Qorg Q: Clark. It Pearl St. Council Bluff, la. $ ACRK8 BLOCKS FROM MOTOR 7-roora house and outbuildings; part posture, part truck ground; lift par month. George G. Clark, It Pearl St. Council muirs, CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. How About a Home Near Hanscom Park Have you sees ths four esv houses w srs building on Harris St. (first street north of Poppletonl between Park Ave. and Win Avr They are all sold but on. Take a look at thee while under construction and see how they are being built then If you want us to build you one in that same location. Phone us or call at our octic and we wui go over th proposition with you. SCOTT & HILL, Both Phones. W7 MeCagu Bldg FIELD CLUB A dandv stone buncalow. Just finished. with reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and both, oak fin ish, coionad opening between hall and parlor and dining room; No. 1 furnaoe, elegant combination gas and electric light fixture, cemented cellar, perma nent walks In vara, lot SVxlAL all nloely sodded; close to cor Una, In on at th best neighborhoods In city; MOO cash, balance term. Located near Mth and Marey Bts. BEMIS-C A RT .BEBft CO. Slt-tJI Brand! Theater. He Has The Cash Client want t good building- lota Call us up and let us know what you hav. Sundell & Grant Realty Co. Doug, tm 117 McCmgu Bldg. Owner Will Sell Owner Will Trade HI slv-raom strict IV modern hem. fine nelrhborhood. near school and stores; good shads, fine lawn, on paved Would1 consider good vacant lot or smaller sottags out nor in. ror luriner iworma. tlon call SCOTT & HILL, Both Phone. tOT MoCagua Bldf. NEW FIVE-K00M HOUSE Moder except heat, 11 M down. Terms to suit Lcats u lyier bi.. near school and oar. com out ajta sf u. Phon Webstar m. heart, good location, close to ear. Pries I . have many bargain In real estate stir pnoe ana vmrmm MBS. MYETLE DEUEL .. 'Phon baton W tv as. JTOt BROWN Tl Webster MM. $400 faah. balance en say payRients, tlon hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, Uth iMMtrnnme and aath u Dal air. furnace, combination .electric light and gas fixtures, cemented cellar with sink, permanent walks, lot nicely sodded and set out In shrubbery and tre. Prto only CS60, easily worth ii.&O. Located, m Patrick Ava BEMIS-CAELBERO CO. HQ-til Brand els Theater. Phone D. Hi West Farnam Home Bur Now M--suaaB, r4jrt. VtssM-N SWItlKPsa hDUM OO PVW(. lLrVMV IllW irasinw esA, . la 42xtf; mirl" mw. lUducad rom KWO J a-.-A. i Uih kaskAAi In IO B, IW (Of qUIUs fWw, 7w4- SMW uoucisf mnm . u winvw wv wa. it food. - -SCOTT & HILL, Both Phones. 07 MoCacu Bldg SundeU & Grant Eeaity Co. Almost new ast front torn on 41st street, finls&ed In quarter sawed oak. full cement basement large tot, atsw. Doug. HM. W7 MoCayua FOR SALE By owsar. a. w. corner Mth and Wright Bt.; lot tttxia teat Price . TL rt uiA ; BIG BARGAIN. Is Wst Farnam District new, mod ern tf-room resldeoc. Owner going going away. HICKS. 1 BOARD TRADE BLOO, TO BUT. SELL OR RENT, FIRST 8EB JOHN W. BOBBINS. 14 FARNAM X eivjfa tiwe wi vr peie m WMl tit B- lTuk 1-1. Enlult. UL tlon. betwwn lh and Grand Ava In cur 7U N. Uth. North Sid Cottage Owner M Anxious to sell ana wlU make reason. bt proposition on this t-roasi sad bath horn; front roots 11x14, dining rsm itxis, with bay window; large kiuhaa, with nantry: two bed noma, with finest apses; sttM floored auc makes goad stor age; boua has gas to each room; th woodwork I In good aoodlUoui tot Is tlx Ue, with good sbsds tree be GEO RUB R? WRIGHT, tar? NO. IsTU, Hue doarg aorta of Madison Ave, or booh wsa, ttiA Owner Must Sell " ; Make Offer - HMD wlU buy otx-rcom cottage. m lot 3xl fact facing both Emmet and Corby stmts. Room for another house, near 27th and Corby streels. This Is a good buy and must b seen to be appreciated. A tew hundred dollars down, and the balane Uk rent ., SCOTT & HILL, Both Phones. aW MeCagve Wdg. TWO fin pieces trackage and wre hous property, by owners. P. a ALL modern 4-room houa. walking dis tance, iwt N. 10th. phoa Harney 173. FOR SALE TO CLOSE - .AN ESTATE WortbsASt corner Kth and P St, tooth Omaha, lot otxlM feet with two basse. Lot . block I Msg lots and t. Mock a, Omaha View. Lot li.li.li and Ms block t, TborntBS Piece- - - - - Make aa otter on all or asry part , v4. . C R- COMBS, tU Brandels Theater BWg. Tel. D. B; . A-tTU. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY Hilt gAtlt 5 ROOMS And bath, all moder nearest beat scren for windows, lot etxUs. Perma nent walks. $aa cash, balane monthly paymentA Loraied nor 27ih and RuggleA - BEMIS-CARLBEEG CO. : Sl-1 Brandels Theater 'Phom O. S REAL EBTATB -rARM A) MANCM 1AKDS WOM 8AMI M W srwii w ei . k. .h,. - Flxa W tberg,m Bee Bldg, Omaha. t - . KeS SriHflli Cohunbla land on the Grand Trunk la money-maker, employ me to buy It I ran save and make money for you. I ve for Vancouver May ia inat Crawford. Omaha. . "lAKEYAXTAGE OF. THIS OPPORTUNITY - aii. mm Mn, a fart In th rOrtll Arkansas valley of eastern Colorado, whr thar M no fallur at rp be cause . . . . iRRinATins ( thorauhslv cover th land w ar sail ing. Thie land ia in rrowere oouniyoa the Amity canal getting us water imi ImmMM reaervoir la nlace SB feet deep and with A coast tin of tt miles. There Is ao fallur at crop oscauss iner ar CROPR. Wheat aata alfalfa.- gardsn truck. cantaioupes, sugar bee la, fruits the ar soma or th principal ones mat 110 READY MAitKAia- ' Th mountain town And cities of Colo Miln AmmI umb the, fertile valleys Of Colorado for produce). Put. of All th crop grown SUGAR BEETS AND ALFALFA are ths great money makers. Sugar beets. because th Ov Bee sugar tsctones 01 th valley pay th highest prices In ths world for suaar beets and cannot get enough from th farmers. Alfalfa, be- eaus it grow so prouncauy anu m shipped to th south snd sven to Canada, bringing as high as os (an tnw, year. And btcaus alfalfa grows so readily. SHEEP FEEDING has become a great Industry. Th com bi ne I ion of alfalfa and sneep reeding na made and is making many a man wealthy. Sheep are shipped in to be fed from s far as New Meslos and Arlsona. LOW PRICE. EASY TERMS. Tfieu firmi ar near Holly. Colorado. and or blng sold to on-fifth cash, 'bal ance on to ton years at t per cent. Writ or call tor Ir literature, naps, pt leas. tc. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY COLONIZATION AGENTS a X. Corner 1Mb and rarnam Bta Omaha, N : Florida. 1 FLORIDA LAND. TKt land we or offering In Hills bor county. Florida, near Lakeland, Is guaran teed by the AMERICAN WARRANTY COMPANY, both the TIU snd ths vaias. and buyer of this land taks ao chances tor If this land Is not satisfactory and worth th money, th AMERICAN WARRANTY COMPANY will pay you the purchase prto ana tax tn iaoa. WHY TAKE CHANCES? LAKESIDE- LAND CO, tM-m Qloyd Bldg.. Kansas qty. Ma. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tn ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RA1ROAD. Lands adapted to the widest rang at crops. All th money crop of th south plentifully produced. For lluratur treat ing with ini aoming country, it swa climate, church and school advantage, writ . W. H. LEAHY, DEPT. K, ' . Gnermi Pavsenaer agent ATLANTA. OA. THE easiest way to find buyer fee your farm Is to Insert a small west ad tn the Dea Moines Capital. Lsrgeet etr eulatlon tn tli ststa of Iowa, A. AW dally. The Capital la read by and believed la by th standpatters at Iowa, who simply ratua to permit any other paper in their Some. Hal, 1 oent word a deri Hat pr Una par months aauu sU ordinary word to to line. Address Dos Mouses Capital, Dee M 01 pee, la. BARGAINS tn farms; write for Bat. Kansas Land Co.. Ystee Center, Kan, Ail ATTRACTIVE' PRdPOilTiaN". t,o69 auras tn Northwestern Kansas tor sals at se.ev per cr; imnu i iwsise br land ha been selling at doubls that mice and where wheat has In many years yielded twenty to forty bushels per acre, ffuct D oia,. is tn rrou tor Quoting low price.' v rue eataee 11. Clarke. Hastings. NSB, .. .. MiaBowta. CENTRAL MINNESOTA - "Ottertall county Improved farms," pur water, good Soil, hardwood and prairie, One schools and church, saw terms and not . .. . : - t:,A iStlM ' WfIi. r D. Baker, Fargus Fail, Minn., (or farm . , ... ItlsHsn, . . . "' - - elwaassawo High Cost of Living Has Bel men of moderata maana to thinking and do yu know that you oon get from It to acres, thrs townslts lot and 22s share or stock tn our l.t-acr rahard, all for 122; payabl ti down and MO par month, hi tn . Famtus Ozark Fruit. Lands . M par cant at that lands srs leu than fts miles from railroad and are great iwvonu proouoera -. , BEYNOLD8 CbCNT? rRUTT ... : LANDS CO.. W KATbach Block. -PTwn D. tU, lnd. A-a7. Maswaaajq. , . HOVP.inT.AD t oorat rich tans) land tor (Hi, tiling tee and all. No sand kUla. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Fan. oVBUSHEL WHEAT fcASiD, A to PER ACRE. W bay tor sals over to. 900 act of Cheyanao oounty, Mbraaka's cboleaat farm load. wbro th rop yields for It years, loci d in 1S1 and 11L average with the host to th atats. Alfalfa, ais A leading-orop. Bettor soli, water aad cllmata oanoot bo found. Writ for full informal tua today. Asato wa4td ovary wharo. ' . - - v FUNDINOSLAND IWVttTMENT CO, Sidney. Neb. - TRUCK FARMING; . Rals vegtiabl ah wmui and make from W to live per acre. Think of itr Why wait any longer? -Calf tod aes us or writs for book on an Benito, Tax. , 0LLF CUAeX DEVAXOPMaiNT CO 7M Brandels Bidg.. OmaliaV NbT - :- VlAartata. , FARMERS-MAKE MORE MONKT- Com to Virginia orher yob gt cneap acres;, -rag; eesson. tin en mate, highest markets. For Information and catalogue of bargains, adore Douglas 8. Taylor, Richmond, Vi WAeAlaiCtaa. .- : - HOMT5STBADS-, Taklra Valky Wash., Tleton Cnltgoverhment Water; drawing by lottery:. lUe "by Tstter" May TltH: "In tormaUon, And snap ghowing dascrlpUon and o. ot acres of act trsst-by re turn geaO. ft.S- Writs at oow Taklma ? alley lnformaJWtt ' Bureau.. Xortb akltna. Wash.. . ' -. . REAL ESTATE LOAJfS , OMAHA property and Nebraska saoda. O'MEEVBi REAL ESTATE Ct -. Kit New Omaha Nat'l Bonk BuUdt.- MONSY- to loaa oo feuies-er dence properties, !. to ges tae, W. U. tUOMAA, Ml First Natl ' Bank Bidg. REAL ESTATE TOAXS WANTED Cltv loan and warranto. W. Farnam Smith At Co., UN Farnam St Vim ,a T1A .inn n,aA nrMu,,W V Tt Weed. Weed Bldg.. ltth and Farnam. GARVLX BEOS. LOANS Farm and eitv nrsoarty. A H. Dumont Bon.. NU Faraaas St WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co, REAL KBTATK WA5TCD WE hav several eustotaera for t. I and 7-roem bouse and cot tare. If your property M worth your price, we can quickly sell It for you. O'Neill s Rest E. tat and Insurance Agency. Ik Farnam k. rnonea Trier not. A-Sfu. nAiiiavi-.v inuv inr vuj vj ut ? ax Im iJ aaaAlll.. 1 3av FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD bom hi Colorado to exchange for stock of merchandise, might take othor property t good value. Address Lock Box U-oeibert, Ceto. IS) ACRES. Have oounty. Nebraska; smooth, well located, good soil. Price right and take In good automobile. H. i. Hill, Browneil block. Uncoia. Neb. WANTED TO BTJY Hounhsld gde, cloth A Shoes. Own BljSt N-hand gooda Kelsar. HO Center. D. hmL Chicago buyers. Id-hand clothes, shoos. hats; best prices; will call. Tyler 110 WANTED To buy A Firs Insurance Agency iiuisn. Address. N (A. boo, OCKA HTEAMHinPS. THE ALLAN LINE . " ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL. tMASOOVT. Montreal, Havro, Plynwuth. Lsnds Th Ploturosau St Lawreaes Haute. Four ooys on th otoaa, three days In nver aad gult Bplandid nwvTurbtn tteamera Hal 00a. aecottd-oobio and thlrg Sisss. suparior eno-cioas oaout service Custtn unaxoslM. Cotirteout at lectio a. Bend for circulars, rat, plans, at Ailaa A Co.. U1 N. Dearborn St. Cnloage Anchor Line Steaaialupa Nsw York. Londonderry sod Olaafoo New York. Palerms and Naples. Attrectlv rates tor ticket between New York and all Scotch, Eagllsa, Iris. ConUnantal and Mediterranean oolata Superior acoommooatieci. eaoallent aul- sin, fttent service. Apply promptly for reaervatloa to leual saeot OS Aoes Lias or Header bob Mnuftor trsoaraj Agenia, cbetAse, lit WANTEI aiTXATIONS AN elderly lady would Uk position a housekeeper, good bom rather than wages, wui go to country, ion . nth, W. UM. 1st clsss laundress. Mary Hunter. W but. LACE curtain specially work; guar, siarovy seas. FAMILY washing or bundle work; day work; hou cleaning. Webster a m w wi imh ewe mM aiuui Turtains, s pr. si. tail svsnmga u, iisx LAUNDRY work taken horn. W. leay WA8HINO and ironing done. T , H. Maa CARPRNTEU MUUriM . eneuieitv Heme ISM Carey L'ndry, cut ratea Tyler IM. A-lWt POelTlON aa houa keeoer. wltb ohll- oren praierrea, widower. Mr. A. sa- carey, bus No. ltth St YOUNO man wants position on farm; oee or rvrerenceje. u ail. care nee. LADY wants Ironing. Harney ML GENTLEMAN highly educated, good appearance. snooks -vrsi laaaiiaaaa. wants position aa sale man ia slar or rood, o PA, YOUNO lady wish a stenographic work u do evening and Saturday, alter noon WANTED Position as housekeeper or maia tor aeoona went ia wrivat lamiiy. aooress ; sua, nee. LADY wants day work. Web. ITU. ' WANTED-PoslUon of typist with firm with an oppartuniiy ot auvanoemeat a stanographer. c svi, Hoe. WASHlO and Ironing; sis bouss- deanlug. by th day, by while, reliable woman, rnon web. eg. DANISH woman with one ohild wanU poeluon as housekeeper. X8 N. Mist bt Mrs. Johnson. ..- . BUNDLE Washing, osnts a doten; rough dry, oent a dosan. Wbs(rllia, UVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST hip - stock to South OmahA oav ailiaag and shrinkage. Your sonslgn sieuta receive preuipl aad oaroful ailan- uon. 0 ' Uvo Stoeat CosasBlMloq Merebaat. Brt Bro. A Co. Strung and responelbla wood BHU8 , Mt-at Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver Clay, Rouinson A Co., tot Eaaangs mdg. CLIFTON Cam. Co., HI Exohang Bids. Cox A Jones Com Co.. bunch of hustlers. L. t ROBERTS A CO.. t Exoh, Bldg. Martin Bros. A Co., ton Bsoh, Bldg. TAuO BROS, handle eattla hoga sheep. ' Deposit pruvd ot shipmMta'la stook (aros nati oaoA.- uny oana at yarn LEOAIi KOTICE8.: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids win be received at th offla Of ths undersigned until noon on Mon day, May U, tor th construction ot barn for school ot agriculture at CurUa, Nab. Plan and specifications are oa tils at the office ot the ooramlaloner of pubUo lands and buildings and the secretary 01 st ate at the capital building, Lincoln, and also at the etflce ot Burn P. Miller, areblteot, su-aodsls Theater suiiomg, innana, . ADCfsOM WAIT. 8cretnr of Stato. m-i-d-s-t tSO VERKMENT JIOTICSS RT CROOK. NEBR.. APRIL MTH. Ult. Sealed proposal. In trlyiket. tor eoostruotleo of extension ten-inob sewer sntlet here will be received until It a. at. May 1J, MIX aad than opened. Informa tion furnished upon application. Pro posals should bo endorsed "Proposal for Construction ot Extension to Sewer Outlet, and addressed to. capt. c. A. Martin. Q. M. AM-M--MI-4 Goyeriiment May File Civil Suit; Against Packers WASHINaTON, Ka 1-Tb trwrero- snant lnteada, tt sxas, I ear Bed today, to ft la stvtl antl -trust salt tor the dissolu. tio of th National Packing oomnanr snlsas ths eoiponUun toko sofa volun tary aotioo to that directloA Rumors that tbo cosnpany contomptatae soma novo Itava reached officials mdl ractly. Attorney Otoeral W'lclosraham baa lBotractsd Uutted btale Attorney WHkarson of Cbtrago to consider s etvfl gutt 1ST the light df svldenea gobatttad at th recent criminal trial, at wmoh th packer Arer ooquftted at ortmrsol viola- Oon et Jbo! BborjoAa. tow. A ctvll bill. fjled" against th rTaOortal Pckihg corn- pan r March XL !A ojos laler dismissed gt too request of the gu'sriiuient because at rsaorbi that the pacxer proposed oak- mg a ctponcment ot fno cricihial trial until th ttr coos Bag beo decided. Th sow rait tf rsL. wBi ba d!srsst from ths old btll. R Is said, containing allog tuns si earned ftonrtbr Wstlmony St the gnauBisw - ASTOR ESTATE LEFT TO SON Will Drwn Soon After ErriAge Providet for Trait Funds. nvx imxioss fos yotoq wife Itsallar 8axa bet A aloe tar Tew of Daaakrer, Marl el Threw bin- ' Ilea do to Expected Pt t ". . haataaa Child. KEW YORK. May '.-Co revel tor the family made public Mot night th win of John Jacob Attor, as drawn In that city in ssptewibtt but ear; a few day attar hut ssamex to Miss MsdoUno Talmas Fore ng approximately aron months before b perlahed wltb the alnklng of tbo Titanic Vincent Agtor, s son, wtio wilt com to ago within th year, la made tbo prin cipal beaeflclory and residuary legato. No hint oa to tbo vol a of tbo. groat aetata la grven and by th creation at trust funds tbo testator has followed at tar oo pose! bis tbo custom ot forbears In 1 keeping tbo vast Aster eaal estate hold- logs Intact Valuation ot the rotate run aii) w her tram t7a,ftmoo to t ltd 058, OP. olos Mond ot th family said tonight that tbo smaller figure. In bis opinion. It nearer th correct estimate. Aside for provisions for Vincent Astor, the will frovtdeo tnr unooeditlonal b- quosts otevnly tCTtKO. Among thee there I bat 000 f a cttwsttAble natur. This la M.0ut to St.. Paul's oobool ot Concord. N. M. Tbo remainder ot tbo legacies or to relative, friends and faithful aorvanU. Nearly all othor provisions of tho will, mad public goal with tbo truot funds, ot which there are thr-J, 000,000 tnr tu young widow, b 000. dot tor the colonel's young daughtor, Muriel, th child of bis former wit. Ave, Willing Astor, and ta.tD0.tM tor th expected postbnmous ohUd of tbo present widow. Thai latter oleosa provide tor "each child who shall aurvtva th' testator othor than hit son, Wlllkwa Vincent, snd bit daughtor, Ava Allot Muriel." Kethlag tor Former Wife. No prevision M mads tor th wit who divorced him; And It tbo young widow dlos or Is married again tbo bvauxoro trust fund, togstoor wltb tbo town nous sad other property toft to bar, rovorta to Vincent Astor. Bho rocerves. bowot tlOaOOt outright, without stipulation, gad until th Income from tbo truot fund shall biennis available, tbo trustees ere directed to pay bor an Income of 1X0 om 4 year. There was aa ante-nuptial settle mont which oh accepted In Mm of dower right The amount ot this baa bo been roads publl. Rumor hav placed it at t6.ott.o0i. Tbo onkwol give th trustee minut dlmtloat concerning making Invest' meats, following almost word tor word Instructions ot similar aatar loft by his father, William Astor. All boquostt art mad taa free, tbo taxes to bo paid out of tbo residuary as lata Aa to proper tnvestntan.il bo cites, among other things. real estate, railroad securities ant th public debts of tbo United 8tats. New York,. New Jcrey, Peansylvanla and 0lv .. , . -' The most important pvevlalovt ot tbt will r - . To big son. William Vincent Astor,' out right tho following property. All tbo land and personal property at Rhlnebeck, N. T over which the testator waa given a poww of appotntmcat by hit father e will. All tb lands and personal property at Rhlnebeck which belonged to bint abso lutely at th tlm of bis dsati. ;. . Tbo hoes anl grounda at .'ewport, R. I., Wltb all personal preperti . therein over whleb h had a power bt bpnolBi ment under bis father's wttl. - : . .. All th Bletoreo and stataary left to him tar lit by Ms tatber't wUI wltb power of appotntmcrrt All Ms Jewelry, wearing apparel, per sonal effecte, yachts and boa la To his widow, Madeltns Talraag f area Astor. th towa houss and stable at Fifth avenue and Blxty-flfth street together wltb books, paintings, ploture. sngrav. log, marblso, brenses, statuary and ob- jootg of art, plata and sllver-plaud war. Uaon, chins, glass, household effects, useful and ornamsntal. therein contained and not herein above otherwise disposed of, to have and to hold tho same for so long during her Ufo as tb shall remain bla widow, and open her death or re- xaarrlags all this property la bequeathed to tb testator's son, William Vincent Aster. ror bta wlft, (tie) Madeline Talraag roroo Astor, a trust fund of ex.M0.Me. abo to roestvo tbo tn corns of such fund tor so long during bor natural II f ens shall remain his widow and upon ass dsatb or la coos ot bar remarriage then upon such rwnaniag th capital of this fund goes to William Vtnosnt Astor. Lesracy ttatrlasrt to Wllnt, To his widow Madalln. Talmag Force Astor, an outright legacy of tlsO.000 pay, abla Immediately upon too testator's death aad all tho horses and othor Hvs stock and- all aarrlage and harness gad MAM furniture aad all automobiles and an provision aad supplies bstonglsg to tho testator or subject to his disposal at th tims ot bla dsatb, excepting such ot SAW article aa are otherwise disposed ot The prevtotoht tor bla widow art mad la Uou of dower and all other claim upon big estate, and .until the trust fund ot ta.aB9.ogt js set up th xeutor aro di rected to pay bey aa Income at tb rat ot Ktt.n a year. - A trust fund of fettbON for tho benefit of bis daughter. Ava Alio Murtl Astor. 80 much ot ths Income as tho trustees shall detormln to be proper I to bo ap plied to bar support, xoalBtoaaaos and education during btr minority and th balance of the Isooom to be accumulated. Upon attaining th age of 11 th duugn tor h to -roosfvo this fund with Ms ge stimulations absolutely, la case of bor death under a year of ago It goes ac cording to her wtu, and In default ot a will, then unto bar hunts, b any, and In default ot a wfH or tamo surviving her, than to William Vlaoant Astor, A trust fund of RX)0 la created for th benefit of each child who' shall eur. viva the tsslatos other - than . hi so WllBAm Vincent As tor and bta daughter, Av Alio Muriel -Astor. to be held la trust for such eMld until attaining ths age of a years, with Mmllar provlstoa as to th disposition of tbo fund la event of tho death of tha child until' a aa are above set forth la cotmection wltb tb truot ot tbo doagbts. . Nicholas Biddls, of ptrtlsdelphiA who went t Halifax , wltb Vincent Aster to claim Colonel Aster's body, leccjeod a legacy ot tJe,S5; Robsrt H- M. rsrguson. a close friend and a trusiee ot hat father's estate, and now living In Silver City, N. M , g-t $10,(10; Dougui RoW neon. brother-tn-lsw of Theodore Rooeevelt. Is bequeathed p'.OW. and a similar aunt goes to the testator's brother-in-law. Jamea Roosevelt Roosevelt, ot this city, James 8. Armstrong ot Rhlnebeck. N. Y., a 'cousin. Is bequeathed tSO.OOt, a sum which Colonel's Astor's father also left, him. Other bequests ar tSM to his secret anp. William A. Dobbyn of this city, -In recognition of faithful services;' He. to bts steward. Thomas Had. "In aporoctattoa of bla many year ot serv ice." and tlO.OW to Herbert A. Pink ham, superintendent ot hi country place at Rhlnebeck. . The executors ar directed to pay the New York yacht dub tl.SOO a year until Vincent Astor shall become ot age, this sum to bo used by tbo dub tor the pur chase of two sllvor cup to be Balled for by th yachts of th New York yacht club at Newport during th annual oruia. It to suggested further that Vincent Astor having reached ago, will contlnu to otter th prlsea. thus perpetoxttns the fkmeuo Astor sup. Named a executors ar Jam Roose velt Roosevelt Douglas Robtason and Vincent Aster oa th latter attaining the age of a. The sua or also appointed trustees of tb several trusts created by the will. Th will was executed In New York. September It. ail. In ths presence ot Lewis Cass Led yard. PbtUp C. Brown and John F. Kan, as subacrlbtng wit ness. It will be filed for pro bat is a tow day. Thar was no reading of th will to as sembled delegates. As soon as Colon) AStor's death bee roe known to a cor- talnty they wtr Informal of tbo pro vision of ths document Braided by Steetas or aootehed by a fir, apply Buckles'! Arnica Halv. Curse Piles, too, aad the wore or. Ouaranleed. Only Mc. For wtio by Beatoa Drug Co, I L'k (i. You I I Si ft'! JLXr 1.1 'S. i - A Circulating Gas Vater Heater attached to your kltchea Uok to bcAt water. , You simply opon tb door ot ths small cast Iron heater -(ag shown Is cat), light th Oa burner at tha bottom ot -ths copper 00 11, and Instantly tb water paaring through the " rustless tnblng it boated, fchut ths door so that all ths heat can go into tha watar And none Into tho kitchen , In a few ' minutes hot watar can be drawn from any faucet In tha house. When yon hsvo enough hot water, ghat oft ths Gas and ths eipensd stops. Order oas today. Sold oa aaay terms. . Omaha Gas Company .1609 Howard Street '-V: f --vhJHZ&x rur ' ttmr ds - protoetuni mi ; nun Arclibald Witness Prepares to Flee; Officer Sent for Him WASHINGTON. May T.-Aa aUeged plan ot an Important witness. An th? charges of misconduct against Judg Archbald ot tho commerce court to - cape Jurisdiction ot the house Is said to have been frustrated by the passage ot a resolution of Inquiry into the charges Saturday. Warning reached Chairman Clayton of tb Judiciary commltt that a man In terested In the negotiations with the Ert railroad for the Culm bank property, around which the charge center, waa planning to lea tor Europe. Quick ac tion by tho house Saturday resulted la a deputy ssrgeast-at-arins being sent to ScrantoB, Pa., tor th witness, POLICE MAKING SEARCH ; FOR STOLEN BICYCLES , That an organised gang of bicycle thieves is working tn 'Omaha M the belief ot tbo local police, for they say that tho manner la which bicycle have been die sou ring recently shows beyond doubt that th work to not that of a Ion amt tuer. During th I sat ten days at least a dosvn stolen wheels hsvo been reported to headquarters, and hut Bight two more names were added to Mr list Th latast, victims aro Frank Rolla. totl Cass street, and H. M. Barnes, Thirtieth and Ames avonuo. Rolla bad bis machine m front of tho Mervhasta National Bank biUldinas shortly before I o'clock and It was taken, and Barnes had hkt near hf drug storey; Every police officer and detective taff ths department has boon ordered to keeO a strict lookout for th stolen wheels o. th thlovoa. , Key to th Situation-Be Advertising,. HOTEL GOTHAM I'5 Hotel ofrelTnecl d elegance, located in hlewYork. social centrt Easily dccessible to tUtrcandsWmct districts 1 tmsiwbsssbss, .rmAootketJJPfctS?? Pcii.li m istl we beShs -tit? SKCIAL DISCOUNT! 15f MAY r OCTOBta Wetherbce tVWood r.ftn Av, tyrifVH St NEW YORK. CITY Do Not Know Whit ' Comfort Conycnience P . -Yoa tre lisslof la put np in Amber bottles tbo rays cf tha sun cannot de stroy iu purity or flvo tt a.' duwrreoabLa taata. Old Ago ia 01 ado from, tha costliest m starts Is. - U bt not . simply a boor of duality, but a beer ot double quality. .... Family Trade Supplied by: " 1 South Omaha- Wit. J ETC Eft, S303 V St. Pbooo 80. 868. Omaha Hl'OO V. BTXZ, 132A . Douglas SL, Phono Doug. 1541, : Jstter Brewing Co, ; - SOCTH OMAHA. "SEB. mi