THE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY, MAY 8. 1912. $ 1510 Dowlas St OMMIIM 1510 Douglas St I 1 150 Gowns si Dresses $25. $27.50. S30. $32.50 and $55 Values-WEDNESDAY. at $12.50 In announcing this special b&1 of 150 gowns and dreJsei, we want to say that while the quantity Is not big, the assortment however is quite large there being only one or two of a kind. All sixes and colors in all the new, up-to-date styles are included. Many are foreign copies and exclusive models made of the very finest imported materials such as messalines and taffetas, French voile, chiffon, pongee, etc S We guarantee that these Gowns and Dresses are W Aft VSSAS VT W .1IVIB QIC some that are even worth more On Sale Wednesday, choice ORKIN'S. 1510 Dona. Street a x .a!efiXiaiiX1f)f!,Aav ROADS DIStmSASSESSHEHT State Board of Equalisation Heart from Tax Commiuionen. SEAL ESTATE VALUES DIFFER , Repreeeatatlve ( MUsearl PeeifU DmUhi Mia llae Operate la Nekraska at Lees Brief ( riled ar Osaaaa Reaa. (Prom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, liar 7v-lSpaL-7b.8tal. Board ef Equalisation, composed of Gov ernor AM rich. Secretary ot Stat Walt. Trawtw Qeorae, Auditor Bartea and j Land Commissioner Cowl met Honda i moraine and at once pluntad Into work t up to thlr ay. In addition to the member of th board th.ra war. present Thomas J. N.wklrk of CMcaco. lepra. entlna th. Reek Island railroad: R. D. Pollard of th. Burlington, A. W. Bcrlbnsr of th. Union Pacific T. A. Pollie. of tha Bt, Paul Omaha, J. M. Sslbsrt of tb. Missouri Paclfla and Tom Benton of too Pullman Falao. Car company. At th. outMt It wa apparent tha roads war. not coin to artua that th valua tlont pieced upoa their How era la excess of tb. actual value ot tb. prop, art, but that th. figure war too hlBh aa compared wltli th. lamand value of real aetata. Pollard at tna Borllnctoaigm, Udioaud no would ua tb. united a tats. eeuua figure aa bit bail at aataallah lng real aatat. value and anowlng what per cent of th real valu. wa represented by th assess msrit. Mr. Polllaa, wbo wta tb tint ot th railroad awn to pro ant hi case, uMd a tabulation of .versa aalea of land la tb oountte to whleb hi. Una operate, for th bum purpose. Auditor Barton moved that a data b at for each road to mak It appaaraaoa, and thi carried, but It wa evident tb men present were ready to go ahead with th. ha ring, and thia wa dona. Land Commissioner Cowla iuggeatad they take tb. valuation of th. road themeelve placed oa their property when reporting I Don't Charge a cent for the "fin ishing touches." Quit often a clothier will pick up a garment and aai "Now, HERE'S a ewell cult with a o and ao lining; th coat la cut in tha o and eo model and th trousers bar ao and ao'" Than a tacks on hla little extra price. Nothln' doln' In that line bar. Ton GET what I coming to you; ftnlabing touch and alii at par ult only $15-$20-$25 VaMtag' Vale Baits fa Msai Oomplat Baa here. Cor. 16th and Harney Arrow , Kotch COLLAR. Easy to tia Ik cravat la ua) te axch cm. oval batroaAotaa. which seakaa sastloaiad aaay, 2 tot 24. to tha railway enmmlsaion. and tha roads' tax agenu were apparently not averse to thi. but they wanted thi to b the true valu and then mak th assessment th same par oent of thi that wa taken at tha true valua of real estate for assessment purposes, and particularly If th board would aooept their astlmate ot real wtata valu. la starting out, Traa. urar Oeorf said, and th other members concurred, tbat th. board. In arriving at It conclusion, would aaotrtala what ro tation tb ssasesmcnt of realty now being mad bore to th figure which bar. bean used la th last four year, and that wall tb railroad man would ba heard, th. board could not determine th road assessments until thee figures ww at band, for It would not be fair to ehang. on. class at property and sot another, taking It for granted th ratio In year, past had bass fair, and It wa th general understanding farm valua war being Inoreaasd by tb ameaors. Brief far Oamaha Road. T. A. Pol Ilea of tb Omaha road pre sented a printed brief, which be read and also made running oomment on It con tents. Summarised b. take th Mock and bonds, th physical valuation and tb. capitalised - earnings methods of reach ing a valu. reducing tb to their aver age and reaches tb conclusion that th. portion of tha company' property In Ne braska la worth (W.M par mil, whereas. It la now asMsd at f1.4M per mil.. which according t hi flguraa 1 par I. more than It I actually worth. Thi. howvr, add nothing for valu of frajMhla. H Insisted th taw said prop arty should be aensssl at It actual valu but In no Instance to exceed that, which ha bald wa th case with hi road. He asked if tha assessment of hi road la to stand that all other property be similarly valued and Intimated a would be on band when th equal laattoa ot rtal aatat and other property was tab so up by th board. Lead Vale. Ur. Po 111, prasented soma table, whlob ba said is pi seen ted a compilation of ac tual land sale, in th. twalv counties through which hi road run and which a maintained fully repreeented th. actual valua ot land la those coundea. By the table n appear that farm lands are assunil at MM per cant ot their actual valu and lota at KIT. Tha tables do not tnoluda Douglas county, whero tbo percentage, for farm ' ar tan and tor wta . Ha Insisted that It land and other property were finally socialised at 71 per cant or any other par osnl ot actual valu tha earn ratio would be applied to hi road. Representa tives of th other read nodded acquies cence m th plan. It la apparent tha road will make ao effort to eoevlaoe th board th valu of their property I leM than th figure. formerly fixed, but will eonfla thern- eelve. to attacking tha ranablllty ot th. realty .saissmenta leal asset rtararee. R, C Pollard for tha Burlington pre sented fltura to Show tha real astats In th. countlx through which bis company' run wa assssssd at kill par cant of It value, taking tha eemrua Crura, a a baala tor their red valu and assuming that tha railroad was anid at It full valu. Mr. Bcrlbnar ot th Colon Paclflo fig ured real eatat la oountle. la which hi lln operatsd at HJI par cant ot it valu. J. H. Selbert of the hflsaearl Paclfla said hi road was taxed at tn per ml la th Burlington at ttet, tb Omaha at P7 and tha Union PaotOo at Wat. UU road, aooording ts th statements filed, did not earn anything en Its Nebraska lines. In fast .bowed a deflott. and ha asked tbat Its .sessemsnt be reduced. Baker's Isms Certala. It t now eartata that Cosnrtet Edward Baker, who disappeared from his usual haunt to tb penitentiary last wek. ba soaped Instead ot being bidder inside the yards. It la pretty eooetuatvaty shown that he made hi ascap In the steward's wagon, which ss drive by Convict Hand lay. trusty. Handler UU persists h. know nothing about Man. hot the prison officials ar certain he knew ot Baker's praeencs in the wagon when ha drove oatstd th gate. Kassp Asks Allewaaee. Cbarie T. Knaps, receiver tor the Farmers and Merchants lnauranoo eom paay, ask the court to allow hint sets alary tor hi service He has bean la cbarg of the affaire at tha com pan since January. BU and thinks UN Per month would be about the proper a meant. He asso sake tbat the attoraay tot th receiver, VWd. BJestete Risketta. ke sJtowedfUat, Ba mw taa MMDt la oaaB aaat reoorud tbat tha asaete WUI ma freea tMMst t M wtth 1UM aredlt. era, their ctalm aggregating about t m Jadge Ceearave took the allowaaa ot salary udr adflsaaatnL iiewalt faw Xaaasaaat. . A carload ot the ffranite tor the Lln eoin sjsrmiimsTit arrrrsd today and aa- sUmc a scted Btuia Work will be commenced tomorrow on placing theee blocka which weigh eieven and a half tons each, there being four ot thus. Teet.r riles Bond. Captain Joesph Tatter filed his bond and oath of office today as commandant ot the MUford toldler' homa II ex pect to ass urn. hi dull, within a taw day. tad. Parents geat. Joe Oltnder. aged IT, returned to hi old home la College View today after an ab eence of two years. Intending to give his parent a surpris Instead, he found bl parent gone and none of th neigh bor knew where except that It Is to eome point oa the Paclfla eoast. Th. boy is now seeking through the postal author ities and other mean to locate hla parents. y.M.C.A.WillHold a Conference on the Work in the State For the purpose of talking over the work being done by the Young Men' Christian association In all parts of th world as well as In tha state a conference will be bold at th local asaoclatton next Sunday and Monday under th direction or the state committee, of which J. P. , Bailey ot Omaha I secretary. At the regulsr men's meeting on Bun day afternoon Ocerg t. McOIU. Inter national field secretary, will speak on "Recent Developments In World Wide As sociation Work." Th local board of director will meet with th. members of tb state committee at luncheon Monday noon and Mr. McDill will speak on th. "Responsibility of the Directorship.'' A dinner will be held tha same evning for th committeemen and active worker of th. association, at which Ooorg F. Oil more, president ef th Omaha association, will deliver aa address on "Developments of the Omaha Young Mea'a Christian As soclatloa Work," and F. A. McCornaok, president of th. Sioux City association, will talk en "Opportunities ot Committee men's Service." During the tallowing sight dsys Ilk. conference, will be bald at all ot th aa sodatlori In th data Oa tha team that will have charge of theee meetings will be J. P. Bailey. George D. McDill, B. F. Denlaon, R, & Flowsr and Ocorg. F. Gllmore. The following place will be visited: Lincoln. BMlrtoa, York, Hastings, Grand Island, North Platte, Central City, Co lumbus and Fremont. Blair is Selected for the Cadet Camp Blair bss bee. decided upoa as the place of the annual encampment of th. Omaha High school cadet regiment. An nouncement of th camp sits wa mad at th school today snd a fund for tb ex pense of the six days' outing from June t to will be collected Thursday of this week by members of the faculty. Each cadet will be ebarged M whlob sua will Include railroad fare, rental of tent and three square meal each day. The eadeta camped at Blair fa 1M wbn Captain William Oury of Fort Omaha wu commandant of the drill or ganisation of the school. Parents Eager to Give Child Away Mr. and Mr. John Klnkaid. th wife wheeling a baby carriage, appeared at the office of the Associated Charities yes terday and asked Miss Mary Porter to adopt tha I-months-old .hlld. Mlas For. ter told the mother tha had all the famlllee she could care for. The par ents then tackled Miss Ida V. Jontx, secretary of the charities, but were un able to dispose of their .offspring by ados- CREIGHTON ORATORS ARE TO COMPETE WEDNESDAY The final elocution contest of the un dergraduate classes of the High eohool department ot Cretghton university will be held at the Cretghton auditorium Wednesday evening. The speakers have been separated bite two division and medals will ba awarded tha winners In each division. There are twenty-four speaker in all. They are as follow: Division 1-Carl Alva-. Ifaarto Aspsa waO, Lso Bermtdga, Paul Daffy, James Hal Etna. ' John Harrtngvon. William Kelly. Paul McAvoy, Oaorge Morrow. Vatenttae Roach, Earl Torrey and Wal ter Wolf. Dfvtsloe t-Paul Boban. Adolph B ran ees. Cromer Coedy, Cyril Flannigaa. Harry McOaira and Lea FtafL daob Ky tairsHitmoras bss IDLE MINERSBEGIN RIOTING Vorken Charge Hon Men at Work Than Seeded for Kepaira. TROUBLE MADE IN F0UK CITIES Hewllasr Jtob at Mea, Wamea e.d Beys Invade Streets ef Mshaaoy City aad Steae R.epeoled Warkssea. PHILADELPHIA, May T.-Serlous riot ing, which began today In tbs Schuylkill valley, continued tonight and outbreaks were reported from several other points In the bard coal region. A feeling of unrest has prevailed since the proposed egreement between the operators and miners was mads public and Ml. miners, who charge tbat more men are at work In oolllerte thaa are necessary for mere repair work, todav made riotous demonstrations In Bhenen daoh. Mount Csrmel, Mahanoy City and Jeasup. William Marohssl was shot and probably fatally Injured at Jeeaup and hla brother. Baborlo. wa shot In tha hand as tbs result of a quarrel with two other Idle miners. . - ' In the Schuylkill valley tha chief die- order occurred today la BhenandbaJa The rioting spread tonight to Mahaaoy City, where a veritable reign ot terror pre vailed. Howling mob of men, women and boys charged up and down the main street and atoned suspected workmen. Trolley care, automobiles and wagons, suspected of conveying worker tram the mine, werw stopped and searched by the riot era Young boys appeared to be among the worst offenders. A mob of 400 men raided th St. Nich olas and Ifapl Hill oolUerlee and or dered all men found there to oease work. Those who demurred were roughly At Shenandoah peace waa maintained tonight by a squad ot Mat police. Th foreigners in tbat locality ar reported to be in an ugly mood. Another serious riot occurred at Mount Carmel, where an enraged mob ef men and women attacked Thomas Culllon. Roy William and two other men, wbo were returning home after repair work la th Richard colliery. Culllon bad hi bead cut open and wa kicked Into un oonsclouan. He is la a critical condi tion. The others escaped wtth severe cute and bruises. KANSAS CITY. Msy 1-Brewsry wagon driver here, numbering about too. have announced they will go oa strike tomorrow morning. It 1 expected the other brewery worker will go out en a sympathetic walkout. In which event more than I.OW men will be affected. Th strike of th. wagon drtvars waa brought about by the refusal of th. brewing companies to grant aa Increase in pay. The breweries have requested police protection for their wagons, which, be- KAY ZBwTaT WAsTTS TO FLY. BUT MB IS TOO XZATY la Order to Learn She baa Planned to Bedaee Bee W sight Bsw Way. May Irwin, corned lenna fancy farmer, ports wo man and famous shof. la tnr th first time in her life dissatisfied with bar bulk. Miss Irwin has always prided herself on the fact that she has beea superior to her Weight, it has been the butt of her jokeo. the plot of her eomedle. and the Inspiration of her eong writers. She has rejoiced In it because it 'was typical oi May irwin the .only comedi enne not afraid of her corset-maker. Now It la all changed and Mar Irwin reads the fat-reducing sda She practices banting, she studies diet, end refuses to isugn mat nig, nearty laugh of hers, ba oeuee. forsooth; laughter make, adipose. Bo far ail her efforts have been in vain. and ah. admits that sh. Is ashamed to look a scale In the face. The secret le that' Misa Irwin bas the aviating bug. It baa bit her eo hard that she is willing to forgo almost anything lor tna aak. of ridding herself of the all too solid flesh that makes her efforts at aviation lm poeelbie. She hea written to friend. In Denver to call on Marlorle Hamilton, the famous "Fat Vanishes a Pound a Day" specialist, and offers Miss Hamilton a prize bonus if she can rid Miss Irwin of a good, big silo, of her surplus flash. "I will giv. a Prise to Mlse Hamilton If she shews me how to take off fifty pound a" Miss Irwin is said to have written to her friend here. "and. ae I have heard of the marvelous reductions mad by Miss Hamilton. I want you to see her and find out If there is sny hope for me." Miss Hamilton, from herfflc. 30M A, In the Central Bank building. Denver. Colo., le ready to take up Mise Irwin's challenge. "I can' reduce Miss Irwin s weight fifty or one hundred aad fifty pounds It she will ae my treatment," deolered the famous ttttle Calender Girl today. "I don't want any prise for K. either. I feel I owe Mise Irwin a gnat deal, t have enjoyed more good laughs at bar comedy then I ever bad to my Ufa anywhere else, and If sns will allow me to show her how to reduce I shall consider ft an honor to show her Just how I do It." Miss Hamilton has written to Mtaaj Irwin, making ber such SB offer, and is I waiting a reply to her letter. The friend. of the little Calender Qtrl are making ginning tomorrow, will nonunion men. be manned by Street Car and Auto Meet; Driver Hurt Driving west on Woelworth street In an automobile, A. W. Young turned north Into Sixth street and collided with a Harney street car yesterday. Ills clothes were ripped from him and he wae ren dered unconscious. Folic. Surgeons eared for him and be waa sent to his home. Bit Grant street. He Is pot dangerously In jured. Rub 'Em! SSSBSBSBSSBSBSaD SSSBSBBSSBBSsSaSSB Scrub 'Em! Tub 'Em! The washable percales, ginghams and peps which we ar featuring for little boys are positively NOT afraid of water! They will not only hold their color, but their perfect 6hapc after the most vigorous laun dering. Every mother of a tot should sea our beautiful suits at 95c- $1.45 i We aleo have a wonderful collection Ot light-weight (alateaa, kindergarten aad madras, beautifully trimmed. In cluding saw French novelty with de tachable 'collar and shield; also plain white regulation tailors and Russian at 12. U and (3.95. The navy and taa pull-over which we feature at 3.5 are refular $3.00 qualitiea throughout. Straw Hat a to go with all these suite, in all the newest atylea $04 ul $1 $16,500 is Found in Brandeis' Pockets HALIFAX N. a, May TThe third ship to go In search ot bodies ot victim ot th. Tttaatls disaster steamed out ef Halifax harbor this evening tor what le probably the last effort to recover nodle. Th vessel Is tbs Canadian government steamer Montmsgny. Tbs Mlnla came In today after having recovered seventeen bodies, two ct which were burled at sea. The provincial government baa In It possession suras amounting to tMsot which have been taken from bodies. Tb largest amount found oa a single perao wa liam found In tb pockets ot Col onel Emll Brandeis ot Omaha. Only one of th seventeen persons whose bodies were recovered by the cable ship Mlnla In th vicinity of th Tttanto trag edy died from drowning In the opinion at the cable ship's physician. Th other sixteen perished from exposure, death ensuing some hours after tha vessel sank. This wa demonstrated by examination ot tha bodies, watr being found la the lung of but en person. Key to the Situation Bee AdvartMaf. 1 1 lr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Has Been Helping Women For. Forty Years - - 1 1 Over 40 years old! Why? Because it has been a boon to suffering womankind It has turvived forty years of ignorance, prejudice and jealousy and is today more popular and doing more good than at any time in its history. For woman's peculiar weaknesses and derange ments causing headache, backache, dragging-down pain or distress and kindred symptoms of weakness, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has proved a suc- cessful remedy. It tones the system in general, and the organs distinctly feminine in particular. Makes the weak strong, and banishes mental worry. Makes life worth living. Contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. Ingredients printed on wrapper of every bottle Every sick woman may consult us by latter, absolutely without charge. A regular graduated phyaidan will carefully read and answer your communlcatiaos. All replies are mailed sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear aa without fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Preaideot, 663 Main St, Buffalo, K. V. lea mmrnm o. a, 20 BELOW OMAHA PRICE Not One Day, Out Evory Day HTge? TlTVZ&SWElWfi 8 fi Large Line iof Porch a soo 6a the proposition. Thaaflrta aral yk, ail la Umm ln auaaeaft , . GET OUR RUG PRICES : 7x5 4-Inch Velvet Rnga at ... 95 27x5t-loch Aimlnster Rnga $1.45 6xt Seamles Bruraela Ruga (4.75 9x12 fceamleaa Brussels Rubs 99.75 xl2 Velvet Hufra at S12.50 xlj Axmlnater Rnga at . . 815.00 ROCKIES Lars alsa Rocker (like eat) round reed $2.25 Sam in ladiea' aita 82.00 Arm Chair to match $2.00 Sewing Rocker, to match t S1.75 SAVE Yt ON Y0U& ICE ICS BILLS Full carload of toe famons Leonard Refrigerators jost ! received, at i $5.00 to $45.00