Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Trader in Wheat Punled in Face of
Ceming Report.
Hlpmli Have Grratlr Mini
tacks mt AU Prtutr tttB
M a m. . m.-iaa a . .
: . feet Corn. .
-if. OMAHA, May I, J!l
It m hard tor the trad to guess the
wheat market today, knowing that too
official figure oa both condition and
acreage vouM be given out after toe
The news lately has bees o bulliih
that a one-tided market has been the ro
sult. New high figure lor the year were
reached, due to big reduction In tock
and the visible supply end the strength
in the Kansas City market, which la la
cloae touch with the eropa In that ety
The corn market la very strong, hiteat
reporta from the country do- not claim
very liberal offering, Shipments have
greatly reduced stock a. at all primary
points, tin the other hand, weather MB
ditions are fine for the planting season,
but a bullish demonatratlon In wheat will
affect oora more or lees.
About the only features in Uta wheat
trade waa the lark of business, the trade
being disposed to wait for the gcrvernrn-"t
report. Crop newe from Kanaae. Ne
braska and aectlene In the eouth are
more favorable. Cah wheat waa uc
changed to wC lower.
The com market wae ftrotnf and held
firm onder feod bonne support. Ail
conditlona favor high prices and cah
atuff aella readily, price beinf hi U Ic
rT-lmarv ' wheat receipt wee J
bushels and shipments were . bushel
stainst receipt laat year of 421,ot bueb
Ja and ahlprdbnta of 4fc,a bushels.
Primary oorTi receipts were 7l8,te) buan
eli and shipment! were u,mo bushels
atalnst receipte laat year of "Il.vue buan-
aid ahlproenti of tu,(0 buanel.
CI -are nee were (BOO) bushels of corn;
HON buehele of oat and wheat and flour
were equal ta tli bushel.
Liverpool cloeeoWiiisd lower on wheat
and hti on corn.
The following cash -tile were reported:
TVheat: No. 2 hard. 1 car, U 11'; I car,
W ill, Corn: No. white. 1 .tr, ;te; no
color, 1 car, T7c; No. I yellow. 1 ear.
I car, 71c; 1 ear, T7Sc; No- yel
low, 1 car, T7!,e: I car MSc: 1 car tc;
Ko. I yellow. I rare, 7 Jo; No. t mix-. 1
car. tie; No, I mixed. 1 ear. T7o; 4 car.
We; No. 4 mixed, I eara, 14c; 1 c-r, Jc;
ear. Tip; no grade, t car, etc; 1 car.
Sei i car, ale; 1 car. Co. Oate: No. 3,
white, 1 car, bit: atandard. 1 ear. tec,
No. I white, t rare, (ec; 1 car, Mc; o.
ahlte, i car. Mbc
Oaaaka t'aek Prlcee.
WHEAT No. I hard, tXM'ttil.U: No.
I hard. 10S11!; No. 4 hard, .
,iRJ-No. I Whit. 74ipSc; No. 4
white, JJSitTtc; No, I color, iiWsi No. 1
yellow, 7;vrtr;Hc; No. I yellow. 73
fce; No. 4 yellow. RtytrTIc; No. t. Inc.
.', 777o; No. 1 7 LOc, ae trade, tutj
OATS-No. 1 white, i&C5V: stsnoard,
m4j6e: No. I whit. M'yuoC; No. 4
while, M444c: No. I yellow, MSttfUc;
Ho. 4 yellow. WtWNrc.
KAftLKY-Maltmg. Hr4) M; No. 1
feed. -.Haute; beavv full, pejSec.
H IB-No. 1 4t49c; No. 3, I7aaa.
CarUt Herniate.
. Wheat. Com. Oal
ChTrato U tl Ul
MtnneapoUa ..117 ,
Omaha M ' U
lJUluth V .. ..
Feeiareo at the Tradlag and riwalaaj
Prtroa Board at Trade.
CIUCAOO, May T.-Althoufh uaea
went wrong on the government crop re
port today and put the total eat 1 mated
yield of wheat Uooauu) bu. lower, the
factor developed too lata to Influence
taa market. The oloee waa firm and
raaged from a hada down to o higher
aa compared with yeeterday. Corn made
net gain of Ho to SttV; eat fee off to
V up and provlBlon varying from a
anade decline to 17Ho advance, .
U waa waiting day la wheat. There
wet much modification of the bullion
feeling that had been to manlfeat the
pravtaua day. Kanea and neighboring
atale had good raint over night and
l4verpool pricee thowed only a fractional
rtee In raeponao to the great etrength on
tht ida. . .
Delay In aeedlng In North Dakota
teniled to ranee a reaction toward a
fcitfher level after th market had under
gone e moderate dip. The ooneequenco
a firm clooe at virtually the htgheet
point of the eeealon. July fluctuated
(mm 11. IM to II. lt. wilb laat tale
ALMS4H.UV esarlly over laat night.
(omplalnta concerning the quality of
awed put the com market on the upgrade.
in weather and tnured acreage were
loot tight of, hort covering freeTy. July
tanged fmm ?Sw"o lo 77So and cloeed
tMly SOV nrt higher at 77H77ie.
Cah gradea ruled firm. No I yellow, (la
Oti were under much local preaeur
to aeil. Important long, aeld to bo In
fluenred by weather favorable for pro
moting the growth of I he new crop, ap
peared to be letting go of their line.
July ranged from fc!V to Hic with tht
ch c higher at the figure last named.
la the Brovudona Dlt aelllna on the nart
t foreign house acted aa a drag on the
titer net. Lara ana not were held down,
Advancing plica tor corn and hoge,
however, lifted pork THtyMc to l'Ho.
tath quotation were aa fallows.
Artlclel Open. lligh.l Low. CToae.jVea y.
W hetr
utU t II j i
1 I3V1 14ih I
1 IS
1 )7i
l nv
1 WHl
.tn I
Cats .
Mi 74H'4
mi, r,
i a
york I
May. I
l 7HI l 9
it to; 1 ,
l ( It
II 11 KVil
11 e.i
ii tm
Id bs
May. Aely.
trie to)
FLOt'K Firm; whiter patenta. 34 A)
l: winter etrtighta. K30t4: apring
patenta, 34 S6 ; spring patenta best
l'd. K: epnag ttraighta, M 3ueM.3s.
bltr, tteiajeao,
RYE-No. J. tic,
MAHLKT-FWed or mixing, 30c4J1.3;
t'r to choice malting. tl.l1 a.
gV-rns-Tiaaotby, 37 Axe, n. Clover.
U4,., j. .
PROVISIONS Mem nor, 1 IP1.3.
. l tiercaa, HJi;( SlMsrt nb.
iooee, H M.
'Votal dearanees of wheat and flour
were equal to t!S.a bu. Primary re
e.jjw were !.' an., compared with
vnM the eorrespondlng day a year ago,
1 he world's visible supply, as shown by
Bradetreet a, decreeeed mil, bu.
totlniAted receipt for tomorrow:
"W iHiet, t care: corn. 308 eara; oata, tm
cere: beata 31.033 head.
Cftlcago Cash Prices-Wheat No. 3 red.
31 I: No. 3 red, 31.1S1.T7; No. 1
,ard. 31 174J1.J4S No 3 hard. tl.llfyl.17U,;
M- I northertv. S low.: No. t amiun
31 "lo-t.sP: No. t northern, 31.1401 : No. I
earing, 31.141 I: No. 3 tprlng. 31 121 17
o 4 spring, tl.-l.lf; velvet chafr a u
l.n; durum, II S1l.H Com, No. i, 'taste
Ki. t whiie. 3ic, No. t yellow. 31c; No.- 3
while, Tttto: Nav t yellow, TSOTJ; N'o. A
n'7(.j,c: No. t white. 7lS77e; No 4
yedow. 77e. Oate. No. I white,
t"V No. 3 white. MtttTtae; No. white,
efijCe: atandard, s7jie.
Ki r; No. 2, aje.
BAKt-liT-cfrn.B. ' -" ')'
fcr.L-Tiaothy, KMQXU. clover, ut,)
tt.'.' .
POLLTRT-LlT. steady; coicken,
t.i.TTKR-e!taady: araaaMtiea. Mttfk-
lls-rie. rW37. -
KiuS-rinw; receipUi, 33.737 tiawe. at
msrk. ease Indtided, 17; arjlaary
fluid, c; ftrtts. Sic,
CHEEsp- Steady; oalales, Jtt)!Tc;
taint. 1S1V; young America,
lr: long horn. K4ItH-.
POTATOE- Steady; receipt. 3 eara;
Wisconsin. il-r-ajj: Michigan and Min
nesota, $l.Sntil.&.
VEAL fiteady at 7ttc.
Mtetlfa at the Day oa Tsrioss
NEW TORlv. May T.-FLOrR-Fllrly
artlie: spHng patent. tb.ibtH': winter
straight, ti.10tm.S; winter patent, feet)
iM: i-piing clear. te.eotMs; extra No. 1
-KiU.-. X.TM, extra No. 1 winter, M.M
8t l; Kansas ttraightt. S i:96-.1i. Rye
flour dull: fair to good, CuuhK; choice
fancy. Cv IMi i-e.
CORNMEAL Steady; fine, white and
yellow. tl.KitlJ&; coeutef tl.7S61.; kiln
RYE Quiet: No. 1 Kc. e. L f.. Buffalo.
BARLKY-Quiet: malting. Il.24bl.3i. c
I f., Buffalo.
WHKAT-Spot market, quiet: No. X
red. a.a. elevator, export baa!, and
n.S",. t. o. b afloat; .No. 1 northern
uuiutn. ai.ay, r. e. a., axioat, opening
navlgatloa. Future market narrow
with operations mostly In the form of
evening up for the government report,
but the undertone was ateady. c lowing je
net lower to e higher. Exporter took
three loads of wheat. May. 11 m0LMH,
closing H U: July, tl.lWLlH. closed
.1H; oeptrmber. tl.lMl.tH. closed
Kecelpta, IM.ou) bu.; inipmenta,
COKN-Mnot market, tteaoy: export.
NSc f. o. b. afloat. Futures market
nominal. Receipt, MM bu.; (hipmenta,
11.JJ4 bu. -
OATS Spot market, steady. Future
market, nominal. . Kecelpta, 11474 bu.;
shipments, 11,040 bu. .
HA Y Firm; prime. 1170; No. L;
No. I KM: No. t,
HOPS Steady; state common to choice.
111.; ivio, nominal; Padflo coast.
nil. 1c: llo, nominal.
HIDLs-Sleady; Central America, ZHc;
Bogota 34,Be -
LBATmvK-rirm; nemiorg, nrt. ey
2ic; tecondt, nttc; third, Zltrc; re-
jrrf. 14c. . i jr
t'Kiviitiu rora. tirm; mesa, saw
93.00; family, t30.et31.M; short clear,
IIIHM. Beef, firm: meat, U0fl4.s0;
family. I4.w(rl.): beef hamt, raJii.i
Cut meats, steady; pickled bell lee, w to
14 hound s. Ill.euHlie; pickled hamt.
li: r.ai2..fD. Lard, easier; middle western,
III OS, refined ateedy; continent. $1116;
ilouth America, lx.s; compound.
TALLOW Firm; prime hogiheadt, IHe;
pertal, 5e: country. Vk47c
IMil8',c; wtttern galberrd, w hi tat, I0H4I
CHEEoE Keoeipit. am noies; market
firm; state, whole milk, ntw, whltt, spe
cial. Wc; tktma, 4UVkc-
KOlo Reoelpti. sO.704 cases; market
Heady: . fresh gathered, extra, tmtr
23c; same, first to extra first storage
parked. JWrtrnV: tame, extra flrtt regu
lar packed, 3U490Vtr; ad me. first regular
packed. 1!t)lVtc: freah gathered, tecondt,
III TTfcU-mrset atrong receiptl. asm
lube; creamery special!, K3c: extras, II V;
firsts, anyfl'lc; stat dairy, finest, llty
II Wc; good to prima, Itv&kn common to
fs, Jttresc i
POI'LTRY Allva steady; western fowl.
lfkc; turkey, ltc; dreeeed Heady; west
ern fowl. ItttlSVec; turkey t, 1642c.
. Cera aad Wkaat Reanea Balletla,
I'nltedf Rtttt Department at Agrleul-lure-.
father bureau'a resort for the
twenty-four hour ending at I a, m . 74U
marloian time, Tuuday, May T, Hit: .
IP, Ram- (
Low. fsll. Sky.
U .() Clear
4 ,( Clear ,
37 .oa Clear '
et .00 Pt. cloudy
4 .0 Ft. cloudy
M .oa Pt. eloudy
at .a Clear
43 .03 Cloudy
44 . Pt. cloudy
43 .00 Pt. cloudy
43 . Pt. eloudy
(1 .00 Clear
at . Pt. eloudy
i ,M Cloudy
M . Clear
M .at Clear '
m ,m Clear
ta ,t Pt. eloudy
4 Clear
a A3 Cleer
.43 Clear
41 .w Cloudy
tatlona. - High.
Aahlsnd, Neb.. 7
Auburn. Keb..
Broken Row ... 74
Columbua, Neb. 71
Culberuon, Nb. 14
filrbury. Neb. P
Fairmont. Neb. 7s
Or. Island. Nb. at
Hartlngton, Nb 74
Hsstlng, Neb. 77
Holdrege, Neb. 77
lncoln. Neb... 7S
N. Pitta. Nb. 7
Oakdsla, Nek.. 71
Omaha, Neb....
Teksmah. Neb. la)
Valentine, Nb.
AIU, la M
Car roll, la 74
Clsrlnda, la.... N
Nlfcley, la ;i
ttloux City. la. 74
Minimum temperature tof tweive-nour
pstliil ending at a. m, ,
Na. Temp.. R la-
Central. Btatioaa. High, iow. fall.
Coiumbut, O..;.. 13 73
Louisville, Ky... ii 73 ell .33
India poll, ind. 13 J at .w
Chicago, 111 M 33 M .13
St. Louis, Mo... 13 34 H .33
De Moines, la, 33 K (4 .
Minneapoll .... 43 34 43 .30
Kan. City, Mo. Si M i M .M
Omaha. Neb 17 73 43 .03
No Important change In lmprtut
ha occurred In the corn and wheat
region within the laat twenty-four hour.
Rain occurred In all except th Omaha
dial; let and ware very heavy in th ex
treme eastern districts, jtatnt or on
utch or mor occurred at th following
stations In Kentucky: Oreensburg, Lali
Lexington. 114: Mount Sterling,; St.
John, 1.1; WHHamstown, Le).
U. A. W Mjfl n,
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
t. Laals Oeaeral Market.
ST, LOUIS, Mo., May t.-WH5AT-Caah,
higher; track No. I red, 31K4JL35;
No. 3 herd. 31.101 .
CORN-Weak; track, No. I, llVtc; No. I
whHe, Cflk-'V.
OATS Lower: track No. t, Ulttjooc;
No. 3 white, s747c.
Closing prices ef future:
WHEAT Higher; Mty, H 13; July.
II. IIS; Sept em her, BeWLul'v
CORN-Hlgher: May, tl,. July, Tits;
eptembor, 7(M73o.
OATS-Hlgher; May, eWea; July, sa4&
RYK Unrhangeo, sec '
FUH'K Higher: red winter pt tenia
V aV8b.7t: xtra fancy and straight, KM
hi , hard winter clear. tiajuMa K
BRAN bull; sacked, east track. tLM
HAT-tow; Umothy. 324.0000.6; prai
rie 33tlJo.
PRoVIHlONS Pork, unchanged: Job
bing, lltto. I-ard. unchanged:' prime
steam. ario.eo. pry salt meat (boxed).
unchanged; extra shorts. 3107; clear
rib. 314.73: abort clears, 111.03, Bacon
(boxtdi, unchanged: axtr ahort tU.T3;
cleer ribs, 311.7; short elesra, 313 0.
POI'LTRY Firm; rhk-ksns, Uc; tprlngt,
43c; turkeya 14H; ducks, lie: gee, c
Bl'TTGR-Dull; creamery, t6Qa.
KGOS-Weaa, 164,0. - -
Recelnta Shipment a
Flour, bhls 10.HQ0
Wheat, bu 57.003 .
Corn. bu..... 1KMW 74.i
Oata, bu tt.uW .00t
Kaneaa City Cirala aa Prevlaleae,
-Cash, steady ta He higher; No. I hard,
tl.USt'i 17: No. 3, 31 HOl lUi; No. I red,
31.17ttl.13: No. 3. 31. 11 1.17.
Ct)KS-Cn. hanged to He higher; No.
mixed. IXmoMtc: No. t, TTStyiHc; No. 1
white. 36c: No. 3, 77UjC
OATS-Steady; No. I white. 37e&Se
Nn. 3 ml led. Vt47c
rioetng orlcee of future:
WliKAT May. . 11.11; July. tl.7-.
September. It.MSi,
(XWN-Msy. rHr7Vc; July. ?sJ
Ttvc: ttttemer, tisc: uecemoer, at
OATS July, !lc; lieptember, 4H4
OATS-July, aTewtlc; September,
HAY Lower; choice timothy. 133.104
T.. rhelce prairie.
BCTTfcH-Craamery. Jc; flrstt, 17c;
teconda 25c; oew:klng stock. Nr.
EOGS-Extraa, 13c; flrstt, Ce; aecondt.
Receipts Shipment.
Wheat, bu M.m
Cera, bu .- gtl.oel . 31
Otis. bu... 11.034 ' tjm
1.1 aet pawl 4Seatai
ttrocg: No. I red western winter, 3 3d;
No. 3 stsnttooa, a. ruture. easy
May. 7slltd; July. 7S4; October.
I iiO.
CORN Spot Anrtran mixed, new
ted;. SaiVtd: Aasartcan mixed, old,
quiet, ta UM; America mixed, sew kiln
dried, quiet. 7V1- Future. steady-
May, at ia; September, tttata.
FLOUR Winter patents, Iw.
lswl Market.
PfSOSIA. SS? 7.-CGa.V-l5ff; Ne. I
yeliew, 77t4ae; No. 3 yellow. 77c; No. 4
yellow, Tec; No. 3 mixed. Tie; X. g
Blxd Tar; aampl. tMtrav. ,
OAT Lower; No. I white, eTUc; staaxt
ard, Kc; No. f white, tHe,
TTin? ' trAf, n mtnrr 11 nTtra !
BCif IUKf. MUllR BAKRlile'oo ra etau 4 pubUe. debt
United SUtei Steel Aain Under
SeTere Pr enure.
All. Grata (errtera Move rp After
lseaaare of Crop ' Rtperl, with
I aloa Paetfle Eswee tally -
s -
NEW 'TORK. May 1-Tntereat In th
stock market today continued to center
largely around United Statea Steel. That
atook waa again aubjected to sever
praesure. declining to t in the mlCdte
of the day on very large transactlona.
Much of today's selling of steel origi
nated with the bear faction, which hat
openly shoes lie attitude with respect
to that stock since the publication of an
unfavorable quarterly report a week ago.
Further ammunition aeema to have been
furnithed by the government's dissolution
suit agalnat the corporation. '
Two rest of the market ranged! from
steady to strong, with dealings far below
thoee of yesterday. Reading. 1'ntoo Pa
cific, Lehigh Valley and New York Cen
tral there more than . held their own
after the opening, which wae weak all
around, and torn of th active Indus
trials, Including American Can and
American Smelting, did equally well, but
the session in th main waa dull.
All th grain carrier moved op im
mediately after the tea us nee of the crop
report, with especial strength in Lnion
Pacific, Atchison and the western and
northwestern group. Reading, too, went
higher than before and th movement
spread to ateel, which regained prac
tically all lis early decline. Th closing
waa active and strong, with Indication
of investment buying.
Bids for tht W.WO.OiO of New Tork City
i per cent bond were opened lite In
the afternoon. Th number of proposals
sggregated 34", but bide were a shsde
under prevailing quotations for outatand
ing Issues, averaging 101.
The coppers were under tome restraint,
presumably In connection with the April
report of th copper producer, to com
out tomorrow, and which I expected to
show an Increase of production.
Aounaant money weakenea discounts at
London, thereby reviving hopes of a re
duction In the bank rate on Thursday.
London bought round lota of .ileal and
Amalgamated Copper.
Th annual report ef the International
Harveater company toy Ittl ahowt a net
loea of fctt.uuu. due. to poor crop results.
Th United Htate Rubber company In
creased Ita net for the Sams year by
pat.ou. The Missouri Pacific road for
March loot 1130.00 net and the St. Louis.
Iron Mountain 4e Southern reported only
a alight net decrease despite a large in
crease In operating expanse.
bunds were Irregular, with eepeclally
heavy dealing to th Wabash refunding
4. which over three point, i otat
sslee, par value, $2,7C.(i0 ljmted State
governments wsre unchanged on all. -
Number of tale ana leading quoietioni
to bondt today wtra:
gales. Hie. Lev CI eta
Alls-raslsMft, tit......
Asuutamstea Capper.... St, 14 lit 7 114
Aswrtcae Aanesitanil
AsMfirss Best Busar
Amerltas Ces .......
, 1.M ttti tat
, 4i.ew 41 tt et
Aatertess C. A F.
ti 47
Awerieas Cone Oil....' 4.74 Hi Ut It
Aseartra 3 I L t4 34
AbmMsui lie Secentlei.. It.aM M14 nt U
l.SM ui 11 , Ul
Asssrtsse LeeeBetles It 41 41 411a
Aaerlea 3. a I4.4S4 441 M 44
ABMrtca 3 4 X. pM.. 4tt IN inj let
Ajeerfcea gtael Pan... ne 34 H
Assarteaa iutar stetlaisa 4tt lit 117 U 1st
America Tel 3 Tel.... l.Mt lt 144 la)
Aawrtcea Tabaeee
ASMrleaa Wealee ....
.. Mt 3Ki M tt
.. Ilea tilt ttUj 4i
... am 1414 144 mit
im ltiia letli Hi
., tot lies ltt 11114
,. 3.SM ustt lasti leiuj
.. an m h4 u
.. tt II V M
Aneeeaea atlsisg ....
AtckMee ,
Atetoeoe att...
Ailamla Ceast LAsa.
a Okie
Bmhletaai ttesi
reeklys Res. Tr..,,,
Oesstlst Paelfle ...
.. I, tot situ tu tun,
Castrsl leetser
Castrsl Leatsar tit..
Ceetral et N. J
Oasaeeass A Okie...
Ohleais A AHaa
CM. St. West., see.
Chi. ot. Wast art..,
nt sm lt tist
, M
.. 1443 T3 T1H 74
,. 44t 1IH lit II
.. Mt MIS 4414 nt,
.. let lata 140uj 144
.. i,k teitt i in
itt 31 14 II
.. w 1114 nn ni
cti. ft H. W....V,.
Chi., MU. It. P...
C . C a It. L...
Cole. Feel A Ires...
Cats. A gestsera
Ceoeslttatet Uea I. let 141 143 111
Cars Pretaext 1,4e u u- Uli
Peiseaet Jleee.,, .tat lie irtta Itaia
o. a n. u
o a a. tit.....
utt im
.' 44 e 44 eit
, it. 144 I4H 111, mt
tit 1114 31 tit
DlatlUere' tenrltlaa
grit ,
trie 1st aft
Erls It set
Oseertl sMerlrlt tat 141t I4t lets
ureal Nerlkera Sf4...... 3.0)4 11 14 lias U'4
Orwit ItertlierB Ore Ml. MS n tff a nH
tlllaela Oantrtl Mt Itllt m U7
satartneenab-Het. 1 noo 11a It. Its.
iDtartWsah MM. pM... l.ana M Itlt Ui
iBiersaiieeai Hiiinwr., ew lie )i
Islereauaael Manse sit, 4e lt II
isteraatiessi rsesr ..... lav
II 144 14
Istereattenal rm$ lit
loea Ceetral .,....,
Mt H tt rH
I.MS St Mtt a
M t W14
Mt U 14414 1H
14 a a n
..... ' ll4
14t ,371 tltt tie,
l.tM 4114 4t 41
ne IMS 1HI4 IM14
t.att H a! H14
4.41 11114 11714 lliVj
1 144a a 144
l4 11144 111 U S
l.ifl uta ""4 ii
not n in a
l.t U114 in, in
l.K in , m 14 1M14
"if iis4 ii44
HO 34 4 u4
143.M 11414 11144 11414
ere m tie, rs4
44 T144 t4 r?4
4 la Mil M14 14
l.4 MI4 . Ut M
a at a h
K. C. teetbem 1.04
k. C. S'aiaars prt.,.. XS
laalete Oes
Loslsllle ft Naatyllle..
atlas. at. Loan
M., at. P. ft A ate. M,
M.. K. ft T
., K. ft T. I4
niieeaa Parihc ,
Nalleeal Plaeslt
Natlesal Laat
Nat. R. et M. 14 14 .,
New Yerk Ceetral ..,
N. Y., a ft W
Nerfelk ft Waster .....
North Aswnce
herteer Psallle
Paeifla Mall
eveaarlesnlt -
Pestle's Oet
Pitts, c. c at. L ...
PHtabaith Ceal
Praaeet tteel Car...
Pelistaa Pataa Car....
Rellway atael tprlat....
ReseMIe gteri
exOlla Meal phi...,.,
nee laieee ce. .......
Reak blsed O pM
31. U ft g P. M pit...
M. L I. W .,
a l, t v. pfg
tleea-aeemslt 3. .ft L.'. 1 Mt 41 44 at
tastier peelflt 4,41 1114 1414 11014
leettera fUllear ASM . JIt 1:14 n
teetkere nalleer PM.. Mt TIH 7414 11Uj-
Teeaeesas Ceeser 1,4 4f 41 41 '
Tesss ft PseUle Mt M kl SU
Tel.. t- U A W t
Tel.. 31. t ft W. sft.. u
Cstea Pscina 44.1 14. iti last.
I'alee Psrllle eft Mt Mb, Mu
VeMad ttales eJUIty.... .'. 1114
traltet ttetea Rsteer .. I Mt 44 tat, w
usnae B4Ma eiaei .....sw.nw ae S414 sa
Catted ateta tteel pM.. 1 tea iia iea ns
Ita raasee 1.4ft tl lava tt
Vlniisls-Cerailaa Ckea. Mt 11 11 II ti
Wabaat ..a I.4M S 1
Wateak ft. ..
List 11 PK4 31
Weetara Msrllsst
Waettnsbeeea Blaeuis ..
tVsstem t'elee
Wheat! ft Late 3MS..
Utush Valley
Cfitee Ceeew
iw m m m
tt tt n 1414
Me 31 t e
it in t t
IMt M7 M3 4T
l.nt a h
A 4t u u l
Tetal sslea tar tee ay, m il skstma.
rtnelea t tae-esi tawwtatlan.
BOSTON, May l.-Caoainc quolattonl oa
Alteeea 41 Moeeek 31
ieaL Ceeeer ...... tlh'eve O n
A. Z. L ft t ...... BNleteina Mlaet .... T
Ans. lie .-.on. .ni ..., xth
A ft C. C. ft i. M. T Merit Late ....... t
Cal ft Arts 47HOM Diilalea 11
4sleaM A MaelS ...4T! Oamla , Ill
OMaeetal a Qelscr M
C'trrr PlSBca Cee... M asasaeel 11
Peat awtte Ceo lrbftueatiee 42
Preakke 11 ft . M.. 1
Orseke Oa IntTaaaeieek a
eirtebs era B B. 3. a R. ft kt... m
iserta Csesea .... 1 e art ta
lele Remlle Put Ce e w
Keer lake Irtat Oaer ....... e
Lake Oveae 31 'Wteaea t
LeAstta Oeew t
Mtaiel reaper 3f
' Mew Vwrk sTtntwar Ittee-ke.' '
NtJW TORK. May 7.-:silolng guota
tton oa mining Mock: . . ..
Altr u..tnUtUe CkMt 3
Piesealfk Cea...... lllilea W......PST
Ceaa. Teeeat eteek.... lioetarte IM
ts seses ttnlr las
Cea. Cal ft ... Taateeaard .. .......... M
tras KM lMYeUew Jeeeet ....... M
avMCrtne Cea, "
CamalHtea ef Treeuraey. ,
WASH1NOT0N, May T. At the begin
ning of buatneea today the condition ot
the Crmee Statat treasure waa: Work
ing baiaaee In t renew off) re. 3iaUI.9&
In bank and Phllipptn trwaean-r, 331.
TTl.Tll. Total balance In general fund,
r X, W 403. (wdnary receipts yeterd.v.
tl.taVKl. Ordinary dtebarweenanta, H..JS,
KT1, - DefUll ta data thta ftaoal year. 8!L afainK ft deJiit ot peaaSIt at
thfa tmm mmt mr. Thems flcurea
ww York MowOy Market.
call, steady at H,i: percent: ruling rate.
! per cent; 'dosing bid. 1 per cent,
offered at 3 per rent. Time loans, steady,
sixty days. 3 per cent; ninety days, Itt
per cent: six months, 34j4 per cent.
per cent.
actual business In banker bills at M etis
for sixty-day Mil and at Katie) for de
mand; commercial bills. M&ttr.
SILVER-Mextcas aiuilarv 43c.
BON DS Government, ateady; railroad.
Irregular. . ..
l,ead4w gtaeek Market.
LONDON, May l.-Trading In American
securities waa light m the first hour
today. Canadian Pacific rote Ita points.
and the rest of the Hat ranged from un
changed to U higher than yesterday
New York closing.
Bank C.earlaaa. ;.
OMAHA. May 7.-Bank clearing for to
day were and for the oorre
apoBdlnc day last year 32,37.075.33.
- ' Metal Marksrt.
NEW fORK, May 7.-METAL8--Standard
copper, quiet; apot, Mey and
June, 1( 4Uli M; July, !U.1.2H: Au
gust. 31t.Buejl3J6. Salea were reported
on th New York Met! exchange aa fol
lows: Fifty ton spot at 316 17. twenty
five tons spot at 113.43 and 100 ton Au
gust at lis..r4. London market quiet;
spot tut 3d; futurea, MB 13s ML Arrival
reported at New York today 3.310 ton.
Custom bouse returns ' show export of
4.344 ton eo far thl month. Lake
Copper. llt.gtl.I5; electrolytic, $ii.o4
l I . - m.II.v IE AAM Tt- ln -mAt-
spot.; June. 343.32We4e.3e: July,
M4.7ftsi46Uu; August, 344.47b: September.
344. 30044.14. Bale, I.4XW June at 34S.M;
fifty ton June at 3.37Vi: fifty-five ton
June at 345 tu. and fifty ton Juno at
34S.43 and fifty too July at 34S.02H. Lon
don-market firm; apot, izu la; futurea.
304 lot. Lead, quiet; 34.154j4.Jv. New
York; KlotM-l Kast St. Louis; London,
OS Ua. Spelter, easy; spot. 36.70j-S6,
New York; 44.40 bid taut Ht. Ijoola Sale
for Beat St. Loul delivery W.utk) pounds
May at 3K2Vj; 26M.OUO pound June, at
P..4J4; mow pound July at 3t-; and
2S4I.0M pound Auguat at 3t.!2t, Ijondon,
iii 13t ed. Anllmoney, quiet: Cookeon s
38.00. Iron, Cleveland warrants, Ma lu1
m London. Locally Iron was steady; No.
I foundry northern. 115.364) 13.75; No. .
fli.oMfli.W: No. 1 aouthern, and No. 1
southern thft. J. R4jlS. 76.
ST. LOL'IS. Mo., May 7. METALS
Lead, quiet at HOTVHH.M; speller, quiet
at 33.r03jt.33.
- Mtaaeawoll Orala Market. .
May, IMf; July, 31.1it115; Septem
ber. 31.08V Caah: No. 1 hard. tl.WS: No.
1 northern, tl.UH; No. J northtrn, 31 le!;
No. 3, 31.11. - -
BARI,ET-70c541 S3.
CORN-No. 3 yellow. T34nc
OATS-No. I white, 64'4tjMc.
RYB-No. , .
FLOUR Firat patents. IT.?".; sec
ond palentt, 34aVae.A; first clear, 3i.r9
tJ4.; second clear, .
Available applle mt Urala.
NKW YORK. May 7.-Spclal cable and
tetecraDhlc communlcaUona received by
Bradalreet't how the following change
In avallabi auppllea aa compared with
prevktu aooounl: Wheat, L'n'ted Statea,
eaat I lock lee, decreased 1.332.003 bu.
United State, west Rookie. deoreased
3k. 000 bu. Canada decreeeed ll,281.a bu.
Total United Statea and Canada de
creased 14.3ll.orn bu. Afloat for and In
Europe Increased Lko.ow bu. Corn,
United State and Canada, derreaed
77,003 bu. Oata. United Statea and
Canada, oecreased ou. , ,
" Cwttea Market. '
cloaed quiet at 10 polntt higher; middling
upitndt, ll.uuc; middling gulf. 111m. No
aale. . - - .
COTTON Future cloeed steady. Clos
ing bids: May, 11.44c; June, 11.4eo; July,
11.54c, August, U.tAo; September, U 40c;
October, ll.oMtc: November, lL73c; De
cember, 11.78c; January, U-itc; February,
U.7ec; March. U.31c.
- Mil waakee Crara Market.
t nortnern. II Jlt1.22; No. i northern, 31.13
Jl.A); No. 3 bard winter, l litjl.14; nay,
11 141.: July. U.14Akrl.l4H. .
COKN-NO. 3 yellow, 734073; No.
white, Tc; no. 3. itW'iyto; may. vc;
Jvly. T7r.'lHc.
OATS-mtndard. MMifjeTHc.
' bARLEX-Msltlng. ll.LSt
Coffee Market. V
ture closed atttdy from 13 to 14 point
higher; May, lA4vc; June. u.4tc; July,
llaec: Auguat. IStec; September, 1171c,
Ootober, 11.71c: November. Xmv: Decem
ber and January. U.ecc; February, ll7c;
March and April. 13 70c. Spot coffee,
steadv: Rio No. 7. 14V.C: San toe No. 4.
lec: mild, quiet; Cordova, letjlstoc". noml-
Oaaaka May Market.
OMAHA. May 7,-HAY-No, 1. 321MI)
8 03; No. I. 118 OWO uu; No. 3, 115.00, 17.00;
No. 1 middling. K5v:i.00; No, 1 low
land,; alfalfa, choice third and
fourth cutting 122.ow.iarD; first and sec
ond rutting. rWS 23-03; No. 1. 1LO0; No. t,
. , Dry Ctsaala Market.
Cotton good market, quiet. Tarn are
vary firm and In moderate demand. Car
pet and floor covering sales have bean
active on the opening a new eeaeon.
-t ;.
Waal atarkot.
ST LOUIS. May r-WOOIj-Steadyi
territory and western mediums, lttjuo;
fin medium, 15417c; fin. lotJUo.
Oeaaaad far Cattle Slaw 1 eHegt
Aetlvea Skawp Ptraag.
CHICAOO. May 7. CATTLE Rerelpts.
I.Sm bead: market Mow: beevea. M.Mcy
3.4; Texas steers. 34.4037.30: weetern
ateee. 34.75477.43; Btockera and feeder.
M 6 75: cows audi heifer. &3ot7.i;
caive. r um..
HUGS Receipt. 12,003 head; market
art I re and to higher; light, 33 lKr7.;
mixed, 31 wri.nuj,; neavv. ,.avri.;
rough, tt .-tr7.0; pun. MT5J.B: bulk of
talee S7.MtK.7s.
PHEF.P AND I.AM BS-Receipts, 3000
head: market ateady to 15c higher; natlva.
34 4S47 r; westarn, 34 907.: yearlings,
MoutWM: native lamb, M-lutje). west-
era lamb, Ikiatxt to. .
St. Leal Live Stack Market.
ceipt. IVO head. Including w Texana;
market ateady: native ahlpolng and ex
port ateera, 37.554Mi.i): dreeaed and butcher
steers, as ,;' -, steer unoer t.ouo in.,
33.sutM.73: elocker and feeder, 34.7M3XO:
cows and healer 34.i4Jt.4t; owners. 34 73
fie. 75: bull. 35.00t;.M: calve. 3s.50tTt.73;
Texas and Indian steers, aUot;.a; cow
and neiier.
HO lev-Kecelpta a.30 head; market
steadv: nit and light. Mart; iC: mixed
and butcher. f7JC;.t; good heavy. 37.C
head: market 33c lower: natlva muttons.
3i.754S7.; lamoe, 37 0ner; culls a
buck.; atocker., 33.g44.a,
; Kaaeae City Live tteek Maeket.
ceipts, 7,433 hsafj; no eoHharna; market
steady to Strang: Marker and feeders.
Mr to lee hut Oer; dreeeed - beef and ex
port ateera ts.nA7; fair to good, Stv
nd' feeder. Y0o47.35: aoothern ereers.
35.4ntM.33: eeuthem cow. 34 !: aae
tivo cows, M.eutJH .; natlva heifers, 33.03
3j.o: bulla. -'JSi.: eaivaa, i-ienv.
H 004 Recetpt. )e,93 bead; market 3r
to loo Higher; bulk of sale. r7.a;
heavy. .70jf7 77H; Darker and butcher.; light, F; Puss. . 3kS4y
. 8HEFJ AND LAMBS-Receipts. J-Of
bead: msvket ateady; lam be, 7 SsiSf-K:
vearimgs, KOAtojt: wethers. 3.et7.6;
ewes. K4i7.0: ttockara and feeders, 32.75
.. - .
. I-.'" '! 'V ' ' . 1
I ---... Plawste tat Makt. -' ;
tpau west era sears eta yseiei iiatl
e.t.... i' t. Sheer
pV.uth itnsha -U !!,;( xm
St. Joseph 3,a3 . 4.3e .. -Lit)
Kaaaaa City : I.eM 4 wo
St. lAytaVa-u tluk. .4.
Chicago LsW Ti.Pt) (.403
...U.nai 4.) ,io
-. , a n J ,
- - r
Most remarkable barzains
and desirable character. See
Cattle Open Aetire and Values Are
a Shade Higher.
Opening; ta Hlgker, kat Toward tke
Clowe Trading; Beeeaaee Dull
' aad Prleee Weaken Skeep '
' aad Lass be Are) Slow.
SOUTH OMAHA, May T, 1911 .
Receipt were. . Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Official Mondty 3, 3,939 4,4 it
Bjttimate Tuesday 4,w u,rw iiw
Two day thlt week.. 7 3 . 7,414
Same dayt last week... 3.367 3o.7t U.343
same dayt w'kt ago ,t 34.2M
!4ame dayt 3 weekt ago 10,333 32,443 3.3M
Ham dayt 4 weekt ago l.ow i',u .
Sam day laat year.. 10,777 U,m 14.3W
The following tablt thuwt the rtoalptg
ef cattle, hog ana heep at South Omaha
tor the year to data a compared with
last year: lilt. 111 Inc. Deo.
Cattle m,S3 3B3.773 12.330
Hog LJ27, y.'l.Stl 406.744
8heep 774.131 414.S61 13,334
Th following tablt show th rang ot
prices paid for hog at South Omaha for
tht last few days, with eomparteona:
1311. lll.ilW,lM.i:w.lil,lSii3.
April 281
April 33
3 011 7 031
3vk 7
3 141 Mi
3 01 I
3 SI
3 At
3 3S
e 11
April M
May 1.
I el
7 at
3 41 13 241
Hay 3..
May 3..
I Mi 3 31
3 tt
' 414
3 4W 3 341 7 l
May 3..
May ...
May (.,
3O3I7 04
7 44i
3 31
1) 7 00j
77 M
13 1 4 I6
I 37 It M
May 7..
3 34 ( 1
Receipt and dltpoaitloti ot live ttock at
the Union Stork Yards, Soutli Omaha, for
twnty-four, boura ending at 3 n. m.
Cttle.Hoga8hp H'r a.
C.. M. A St. P 1 1
Wabaah t
Missouri Pacific 4 4
(jnlon Pacific 47 34
C. N. W , weet.. 11 3
C. 4t N. W., eat.. 13
C, 8L P. M. O.. U 18
C, B. ft Q oast ... 10 4
g a eV tj., west.. 44 el
, a I. ( P., east. 4
C, R. 1. ft P., tul. 4
IIHnol Central I I
C. (J. W 3 1
Total receipt.... 16 131
Cattle. Hog Sheen.
Omaha Packing Co..:.. 617 J.Jta 48
Swift and uompany... IB4 s.isa s
Cudahy Packing Co.... 1.253 1 738 l.kik
Armour 4k Co 7 1,7 1W
Bchwaru Co U ,
W. B. Van sent Co 104 '
Benton, Vsnssnt ft L. m
Hill Bon 118
r. a Lewi 1
Huston Co ' 17
J. B. Root Co ..
J. H. Bulla.............. '140 ......
U F. Huax :. 1 .k...
L. Wolf ' 4 .1... '
H. F. Hamilton........ '.
Lee Rothschild 8 ..
M. Kens. Calf. Co.. , M '
Other buyers ill
' Total ......:.'...'.::."Zs4 UJM -'8.318
! C ATT LJD Thr , was a comparatively
moderate run for a Tueaday and at hat
been the case for the laat two weeka the
quality of the offering was very desir
able as a rule and th arrival Included
quite a few atrtctly prime cattle of all
elaaaea. Trad opened out ft little more
aotlv than on yesterday and In torn
catee prlcee looked a shade higher, al
though for I ha moat part tt waa a ateady
trade and th beef upply changed hamt
readily. Choice heavy cattle eold up to
8kM or a high aa anything hat sold dur
ing th eeeeon and prime mixed year
ling brought 33.4s. which Is higher than
anything that sold o far thlt year. On
th whole It waa an active and strong
market for anything at all delrabla and
practically a ateady trad for th bulk
at the beef ttock. ' .
Cow and belfer found a ready outlet
at ateady to strong price and although
th supply waa mora liberal than yeeter
day clearance waa mora easily effected
and th tone to the trad waa. H any
thing, a ehede firmer all around. Beef
demand Is not particularly vigorous at
thl time of the year, but the fact that
tuppllee are limited la an effective check
to any bearteh Intern Mine on the part of
buyera and the undertone to the trade
continue very strong. Veal calve were
auetabiy steady and bulla, stag, etc,
found a broad outlet at fully recent
quotattona. , M
Activity and atrengtb characterised the
trad la Mocker alnd feeders and a very
fair volume of buelneea wa done, al
though fresh supplies were limited and
country buyera were not very numeroua.
Yard trader did th bulk of th trading
and the ton to the .market aa atrong
Quotation on cattia: Good to choice
beer ateera, ' " . '
ateere, gl.tSoT-S; common to fair beof
steers. PS-Sayl : o"d to choice heifers.
34 ooa7.Mi; good 10 choice rows, to..
73; fair to good cows, 34.7j4.7S; com
mon to fair cows. 31 utf4.; d. to
rlioice stock ere and - feeder. 35.8Sii,.SS:
fair to good ttockers and teedera. 5 iifl
i 75: com mi. a to fair atocker and feeder.
34 SkS.t; etock heifer. 33.5uaj; -eai
calves, M.30d-:.7S; bulls, nag, etc, 34 )
3J. I ". L
Representative galea:
3ta Av. rr. No. Av. TV.
ST....1 ta 11 m 7
it kat tit ." ta. UM Itt
It Hit It It.. ...... -.I 344
I -en tie ,ia.. tu ttt ;,
M . M7P " M..-V fat I 4
.. 141 It r ll...,;..Ut Itt
t.Z U74 Ttl V IT -..144 tit
n...v. tut 1 B n....--..-ini
t. !..4t7 7,, .... 13-1
le.....lJ 7 It UM It v
S;":!:..i ft t. u i
44. mt tp m 8
rl 4 at . a. jsa 10
at U ) I.... .... 7 T
1.. ........ itt lit . ta. m IK
...;..... J 4i .. mi
..... o S4 . .-... k 11
..Jtii4-lt4 tu 111
: . . cows,
e ' ... US ATI 1 ..,114t 14 - .
,. tu I a set tit
3 74 1 IS
t....ll II
t.. m t
3.4 1144 t
4. ...H4 3I
IS ss m
...,.." 4
Ml - 4 41
A.....,....ltt 31
-.' or
MAY 11
ever offered by any store in
the great window displays Watch for later announcements.
1 4- 4 S 1 4M 4 Jl
1 i I is I ta 4
T Mi 4 it M US 1 44
411 I S3 J4 :.. 7ir 1 at
TM 4 it ri tea T 13
ta 4 44 1 toe It .
U 3 It 1 14M 4 at
U7I I It 1 MS I It
mi 4 04 3.. let 3 3 '
1 lie 4 40
1 W Ik 1 W 13
I... 770 4 aa 1 lit 1 a
I ley 1 3 set T M
3 T 1 1S 7 St
4, US 7 It t "4 TM
II tZl i 71 0 471 3 M
n 4 3 73 11 im t tt .
II 414 3 H tt., 734 3 13
HOGS-Some decrease In general re
ceipts of hogt was responsible (or a
healthy demand locally, aespile a good
lied run at thl point. About 1J.70) head
arrived and average quality ot offerings
waa nothing to orag about. Packers
needed killing material, however, and
did not stand, on ceremony, the market
opening active and atrong. In apot the
trade ruled a nickel higher, but hulk of
business waa transacted at figure only
slightly above those n force yesterday.
Toward the close competition became
dull and prlcee weakened. Lata aale
were generally quoted steady.
Outside buyera provided a few ordert
for foreign medium weight butcher, but
the demand from thl quarter waa by no
mean broad, and leu than 10 per cent
ot the crop sold for stiiimiait. Spreads
between heavies, butchers and lignts
thowed no material ohanxet, best lard
Bud common bacon grades soiling about
48 centl apart.
Smooth hogt, with plenty ot weight,
made a top of, as compared with
veeterday'a limit, while bulk landed
within li.tOwi oo. Offerings of auo pounds
and less sold from 87.4b downward, but
salea below 37 80 wer few and ecaltered.
Representative sales
At. ta. rr.
Av. ta. rr.
.144 ... IM
r.i m t M
.141 tea 1 41
Ml let T w
t 1
7 It
4. .
n .
st 1 u
1 44
44 '
1 it
1 M
4 M
M in
IT.. .....144
44 1U
; ta
7 til
71 lit
it in
174 LI Ta
....111 ... 7 41
II lit 111
14.... .114 M 7 41
t) m a ta
11 Ill II 1 41
I n nt et 1 44
..ta 114 7 44
M...... lil It T
at 141 144
I a im ...
..111 la IN
T 44
I 44
7 44
7 4t
7 41S
I 45 s
n 111
.41 !I4
41 Ml
11 e
U Ml
17 ttt
7 M
7 44
M 1 i:t4
I U't
111 tw I uta
IM M T U't
49 144 W 111
II T7I ... TH
e) T 4
... t 41L,
7 47ta
M t 424
... t ,
It It
Tl Ill 1 14
44 W K I U
41 341 M 1 44
.....! Its t U
a .
41 714
ii r.i
lit 144 7 14
t M
1 44
m m i 1 tt
41 l:l 44 T l!
47 SI 744
tt im ail
M 114 140 t 41
74 1st It T 44
M Ill 44 t 14
tt 117 ... t 41
1 a
1 tt
t tt
7 tt
44 m
41...... K
..HI ... 7 40
t Ill W II! 43...
14. .;....! It T 44 V ...
t tf... Tt 14...
71 114 M T I7V4 44...
..Ht ... Ttt
,.HI .... f 41
..144 D IM
..T74 It ? M
14 114 ... 1 ll4
11 114 M T 4114
..:... IK IM 7 1114
II Ill 1 T 1114
II HI It 4 &
t ne ... im
,M 174 44 1
t; :m it it
..-.. ...mi !... 1 a
11 i ... it
31 34 Mia
rthEBP Following yeeterday' mean
trade, owing lo burdensome aupplies of
sheep and lamb st Buffalo and Chi
cago, today market needed plenty of
nursing and got it In the shape ot a
.ran head run. Quite a respectable string
of holdovers Increased offering consid
erably, however, and the demand early
was slow and draggy at yesterday's large
declines. Before the aeetion ended
yeeterday, values droned to levels
right around toe under laat weekt
cloae,- iambs getting the worse treatment.
The Belmont Mexlcane, In company with
two or three offerings, remained unsold.
Ton to the trade today wae naturally
very uncertain, but various trades made
early Indicated a halt- In the downward
rusk of price, moat talesmen quoting
the market generally steady, gheep were
scare and usually eold first, moving In
email bunches.
Attractive wooled Iambs were still quot
able above MOO. but It yould take some
thing strictly prima In this line to pa
tt "S. Shorn lamb told from 88.30 down
ward while thorn eweo were wanted
largely under the 44.00 maris. Shorn weth
ers claimed a limit ot 84.40. although tout
wer untested. Outside of a few lambs'
and ewe, practically everything coming 1
at nreeent haa been ahota.
There was nothing doing on' country
aooounl. oemano lor tnearera and tern-
are have vanished completely. Yeeterday
buy consisted entirely of fat stock tor
slaughter, and laat week purchas tor
country shipment amounted to lea than
-low neao.
Wooled heep and lamb: Iamb, good
to cncice, av 4.!0. 1 ; lamoa. tair to gooo. ,
B.e&8.0-: ewes, -oad to choice. Vara
7.30; ewes, fair t ctjod. tt.s6frf.4PS. Shornwin waii , mZTrt t JT mJ? m
ahrp and lmN: 1 jrnibn, ntjod to choir
Ctl44talt9 ah
11 't
y'itt 125,608 People
LKjy Are regular and satisfied ceateejert for xj
JO Wetjer t Pore Old Monogram Whiakey-there Vs
nZr eealdo t possibly be better teettawsul to ne ex- VT '
Of sseoothoeas. meuew Ssvor aed abeohrte pxrity. . ,
try Only portly sod age Is a gstraatee of nti wAiaAwe far
At locsale
Head a ae arder sot kicteiS'
Mosmcress-teet k for Base.
. lists of eeeaf aWaVsaer aa
kail of It aad satisfy year.
eell. HyMsresxwtlnroagalr
coavtsced that k M the facet
whiskey yoa ever need, retera
tae eels ere at oar iiimi
vowr sanaii
1 1 13 I i ft I 'J I IS wilaeal naiatlna
VillflU. J. sUcger t Gfc,
waists of such up-to-date style
yearlings. J0.tiy7.1,; Werners, 35.Soti.iO;
ewes, "
No. Av. Pr
62 wooled lambs , W '8 03
8 wooled lambe , t W
IS shorn lambs IK S
W wooled lambs ........1 7 &
S spring lambs ii 5
124 wooled lambs t
'Ita shorn lambs 87 8 PI
108 shorn lambs 68 7 7S
:M wooled lambs... 73 8 Tj
M wooled lambs , 73 8 7o
shorn lambs S3 8 40
Z! thorn lamb el 6 00
St. Joaepk Live Stock Market.
ceipts, SUmo Jietd; market slow: steers,
Sb.TMje.tiO; cows and heifers,;
calves, 34.50U09.
HOUS Receipt!. t.Jut) head: market S
10c higher; lop 37 80; bulk of sales, r.oO
07.73. -. . . 1
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receiptl. i,m
head; market tlow; lambs, (iMa'j.'J).
Sugar Market.
NEW " TORK. May 7.-8UOAR-Raw, '
firm; muscovado, u) test, 3.5oc; centrif
ugal.. M test, 4.06c; molasses, S test, t.Xs;
refined, steady.
Wisconsin Woman '
is Sent to Jail for "
Contempt of Court
LA CR0.S6B, Wit.'. May 7.-Mr. Ruth .
Mile ot Tomah hut been sentenced to -remtln
In Jill for contempt ot court
until th produce! two of ber children .
who are now In Idaho and whom she It .
accused of kidnaping. , -.
Mrs. Ml let was married ten years ago
to George Allnghtm of Tomah and later
secured divorce. Pending the decision
of th court, tht mother t given out-
tody of th two children with the provi
sion that they mutt sot be -removed from
the Jurisdiction of tht court, Mrs. Miles
Immediately went to Idaho. When th
husband was granted ft divorca and the -euitody
ot the children an refused to
give them up.
A year ago sh removed, to Lot An. .
relet, Cal., whert the was married to '
William W. Miles ot Chicago. Returning
to ber old home In Tomah on account ot
tht sellout llluet ot her mother, Mrs, J.
H. Beardeley, the was immediately ar- -rested
on the charge ot kidnaping, th '
oliarge later being changed to that of
contempt of court. Although nor mother
It at the point of death Judge Hlgbee hps '
ordered th womsn confined In Jail until
the children are produced.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertitlng.
Calilornla land Syndic ale
A rare opportunity Is offered a
few persona to Join some Califor
nlans in acquiring large tracts ot
River Bottom land in southern
part of Sacramento valley, Cal.,
adjacent to river and rail trans
portation. Land it tubject to over
flow and, Is equal. If not superior
In richness, to Valley of the Nile.
Reclamation cost ig nominal, and
under advantageous conditions
and system; the land cost is small
compared with value wben re
claimed. Will net approximately
100 per cent profit
Subscriptions solicited, payable
to the Land Account of the under
signed. Interest In the company
to the amount of your subscrip
tion, with your Investment, re
turned within two years. Capital
isation 1250,000.
For further Information, address
24 California 8L, Saa Francisco.
front ft Bow Spavin, Blag Ba
Splint, Curb, Sin Hon or Mml
aeToobi ft Del ft atone) fina wbkbA. DoM
mm. blfcatr or nwovt tb hair tntl
HT cti to orfcerj. j?r IT 1b puipbM OMacat rantfU tttita tknar. Bl & hatiim
t)leliTPr4i. H ot Book 9 B inm.
kind. liajMT-i nin1tU8UtiMrfaBQikiffitJ
UMtnt. tioitra. Hm nrn im Vir.mMt
Tots. Tftri4tAU4t, Old
Alter Pal Be
m am n or 4hrnd. UaLMaiAetnnA oalj br
We Prepay
Tbe Express
se retseOed
Two !Bi kottkta ef
Riecer'a ptne Moao
graa WWtkrT, 43old
tleped Whiskey eats
aad Fkteol teikauiey.
Mciaei imrpoeee-UN punty of KiegeT'. kosoerasi 1
irasaeedbyae aadet the Pere Food Law while its are is 1 1
ataassawbtewtweatyyesrautnsrsess. Voacaa bav I II
VgawBIMeara n a.. fOf
f 'ft