Desperate L REUNITED. Before Uw Ruaalsa poUesman. Desmond to too cowardly to attempt any violence, and he stands by while Mm trap under whlck he has Im prisoned Claude Is lifted. One nn Rosamond aad her lover are reunited. For Diamond loam up Uw shadow of th dreadful Russian prlsoa from which few prisoners smergs alive. WANT ADS Waat ad received at aay tlaaa be to laeure proper ctawuficaitoaj must be presented before IS o eto-n a, tor to evening; edition aad bdor T:SB p. ra. for neoraieg aad Sunday Hons. Want ads received after oca boor vrUl have tbeer lint .nawrtloe, aader too beadiaa "Too Uta la Uaastfl." CUiH RATES FOB WAST AD RfcULLAR LlIKlCAT10M--0-e laearuo. IM reel Pr word cat par word for a oeaaaf Ura sBaertloa. Fob tcr f tioai saado a odd dav IH-caa aar ward; IM per Una r-r aawotb ba ad I ran witteMrt cu ' auPT. IKDEBTAKEKS. ANTI-TKteT t;NUBTAK.R. Caskets trust prtra. Phooo T Brsas Co.. m or F-IW aad save moaay. AMVBKKKXTg OMAHAFILMEX. Uia'a-" Motlaa plotar mac bins ad filmjtargaln. AKMOCSCEMKMT8 "THIS IS WORTH We on your bill lor rrpelrlnc carpet sweeper or grtndiag law mower. Neme ...... Address end Phone v.e do the work at your horn. Call B-HM. K. B. gherlck. Kis Cuming. nt.T Kr.r for men. Oray's Nerve Food P1IU. II per hot. postpaid. Hherma MeConnell IHTlt Co., Omah. Neb. FUK sodding or grading eaU'w sbeUr 41. J. A. GENTLEMAN, V2SEst embalmor. MM Chhtsga tDJ5i. B-l VfinVVI tli . Uth L Cverytatng JtVUJJIil n.w lorlng Style. . .'wu-VI. . UlUlMk 1 ' 1 1 1 A H Boa M. postpatd, try halt dusen; It ant atlreetory money refunded. bA TON URl) COi. VM rmm. Orealia Alfred C. Kennedy, ?zJlZ anr. M First Net, fll. Bldg. Doug. Ttt TIIE TEKNA SHOP JF..lX IXnner ravor. Leather, Brasa,Hllaas and liver Novelties: dutlonery. Uaskeia. txlls Popular price. Omaha s exclusive a 1 1 1 eiore. rarnvm. ..... ' EAT KOSHKIl HOME CtKJKINO. AHKtNH 111 8. liTH. Cl'HTAlK. OKT your diamonds St Hnwliaard a M. sMurrlll. china palnL M BrsjUeui T OMAHA TBNT CO. Tel. ta Uougiaa. "atevensoa, carpenter, pant. Both phoaea phohitertng. plan J. fur, rep. KM rer. HAVK Davis clean your wall paper. O. 41T1, A-tPt. I live in Omaha. Omaha BUI Poetlng Co. HU ""-J "NORTHRUP LETTER DUPUCATINO CO , M Putea Blk., circular letter aay ouaaUty; ldvt eetsbltabed oompaay; aa pert of Multlgraph and Neoetyl. OFFEIiMAN SrS sarloada of bathtub, tills, lite peugl Bt. Xvi? ITIIVPd mattresses renovated Oat. PUlcw Ca, lit! Cuming. D. tOJT. CARL JAEL 'lh.h.Jr DOUOLA Prlnung Co. TL Doug, lei ANCHOK FENCE 00, Iraa aad wlrt fences cheaper thaa wood; last a lifetime, an N. Kth. Phone Red tit, Lawa moaere sharpened! perfect work. Keaseaable charges. Mta and Corky. B-tMt BD ROWE. Well berlog. Benaoa Xa. W.Tba PI .A R R'ibl? Price. Cou.ll Jal Csa Red ever. KODAKS IT" SSi' department la the west. THK ROBERT DKMPfTER CO., UU laraaai tt. aad Ms & 1Mb at. WANTED Repair work ef all kind.; grinding- nd sw filing. Call In. B-IOt. a H Cole I n Co. P. tl Wending announcemeBU. Doug. Pig. Co. Ouaranlee Lauadry. Pin work. D. SITl Tweaty per eeat lees than Omaha prkma HOME rVRNITLRB CCfc, . Twenty-fourth and L ta.. aeatbOmaia PABALYZED 11 YEARS SIT tobeeriptloaa. TO The ladies' Home Journal Jt The Saturday ICveglag puot 13 Tb Country Oentiemall..... l.i Th punllehers will deposit ftVoM la trust (or some publl eaailtr. lb In terest of which will bring me tat a ssoBth for life. Meet have 3tt store or the mm prvss la lost. Tour renewal count WlRHflV THE MAOAX1NE MAN, UUIUAJI, no. M( at. OMAHA. D. 8. Orlfftlh. wlg aitr.. If PTenser Blk.' LOW w - phone Deug. Boa UNION LOAN CO. era. Tyler 1T 17M Leav. IT U 1 BEAsTLT SHAME to lake candy from haetea. But It a snap te buy DUmaoas. Watches and Jewelry at Kred Broaeaaard A Co. 'a great eaerirtce aad removal sale during Aprlt N- need Co. im Jonea. Both pheoea NEW poone A-u. Tyler M. Carey Laundry. Cut pricea W ANTED By reushie eeiored sua to deeut oftlcea, store aad boos rleaslnt Harney eBt. King. M UolC teacher oaated la anal town te act aa secretaries. Write aa for good, liberal propeeiUea. Office Cntversel lrool of Music, nt Psjrtoa Blk. ACTOHOBIXGB Aute lamp repaired. Omaha Silver Co. MurphTDidlt HLrAIKLIU, TKiaxma. KAi.VTlNO. MAVINO dieooetmaad head. In al'Tik. H'iHUJcM. we offer oar remaimBaT nock ooeketicg of three kurb graa Pneetoae touriag ears at sargaia prieea. rtsnni AaiUe Ciu, kit aad Joaea Bt. Desmond IL-THB HURRY-IP WAGON. It takaa but a few Ml mi las to buttle Desmond lot tb petrel wagon, which ia driven rapidly off toward the Jail. Claud and Roaanond aland te watch the hut of their Inveterate fee. Now. they know that their Uvea will te free tram the dlaturb lnc Influence of the rlllala and love will he lha only power that will bold iwajr. A I TOMOBJLKS miDl Ufi'U A I mvn Don't throw AiieJJ uia auui'U mmmy ,our old lire. Ws make tnara aimoet as good aa new. Nothing but highest priced and new matertslt used. All work guaranteed. Arthur 8 tort Auto Supply Co, MM Par- DRUMMOND Ant repairs, rubber tlrs for carriages aad commercial trucks, tlth and Harney. Why not sell year old automobile end buy a aew eat or, maybe, ye eaa ess th mosey la some ether nay la either event, Bee want ada will do tb work. Rate I'm cents per word if nil only one time or 1 cent per word If run two ar awe times consecutively. Ufl BUIVtllM hlAWOUt. 9imw saroeun. ,'ou. nee. Your TIRE KXPUKHKM cut In two. Eipert tire repairing: work guaranteed. ALTO TIKE REPAIR CO.. Ml Pamam. Aietoeeyelee, t'SED motoreyelea, Mryelas at barrels price. V. H. Hooa, flM Leaveawurta. KKCXJMJ HA.VD AtTUMOBILaikl ItVST Ued care; guaranteed; all U4'1 Diakee. Sea me first; "w price. McConasc, 1 g. nth. Tel. Har. bam ATTRACTIVK aewposiUon In uond cars. The Interstate Automobile Co, . U I. 11th Bt. sTVEN-PABHKNOEft U Packard; used very llltl; la steel lent eoadluoa and fully eqalppod, laqutr afflca J. k Brandels Bona. FOR MALE OR TRADE. Cutting roadster, run l.aM miles, fins condition, or will trade for four-passsngec car. Dr. V. A. Van Bursa, M Biaadols Tiieler. Ul'SIKKSS CUA.tCSB. TO get la or out of bualaesa oak aa BANQKHTAg. tot Bee Blag. Tel. P. aWt " FOk iAI Country store of general mdae. la Hella Fourcke Irrlgstloa project. J miles from railroad; (, la (took and bundles, MM busiaiei last roar. Rea soat for selling te who stay Inquire, imc not , niiaiana, a u. POH SALE The Frsnklln Moving Plr- lure theater, one of th best paying the aters la Omaha. Will stand Invettlgitl F. . Uoff, M17 Frank lis HU Ed. Rulkery, Bustaess and Real alatat Etchsnge Co.. Room 81. MaCagae Bldg. Burnt, Brlnker Co.. Omalut Nat't Bank Bid., mortgage for tnveelment. HALF INTEREST In bottling works for ml or eenatder trade for first class land of city property. Price Thl paying very good, especially with th summer coming oa, put must ee aiepoee ef swine te ewaar'o health. Which foot eaa be proven to Interested partis. If yea siren nuaiaees see ar write us at one FARMERS REALTY AND LOAN CO.. COl'NCIL BLUFFS, IA TO BUY. leans or ssll theater, new or sscsad hend machine, repair and repair ing. Wr'is T heeler Bilssag Co., MM Fsrnsm fit.. Doug. IsM. FOR SALE OUt edre fh-tt sasrtgage e new dwelling occupied by the aaaeit In denomlnatlona ef bs sad fesu. rua nlng I tad t years at I aad A per cent AMERICAN 8ECCRITT COMPANY, touU 17th St.. Between Faraaat aad Hsrrtey. urea neor, OROCIRT otocb ht good Iowa tows of tan people; reaaoa fer selling, have ether business. Address T & ear Bee. TO get in or out of suntneee call a WILUAMM, Room tlU Mccague BMg. Te quickly buy or sell business, ar klI snrwh e. Kennebook Ce.. m Bee Bl g, Oat, ONLY paper bt Iowa town ef IB with Jr. linotype ana. money maker, ressonabl term. Address X 11 car of Res. WHOI.BSALK poultry, butter, egg and ream house, can be bought cheap, guar anteed buslneaa (1 sat a week, aosd pret- Its. located In gooa town, esa as run a very small capital. Best reason tor lllng Address T it. eare of nee. ' WILL exchange fee equity ta One ercherd for busiam or sleer horns. P H, bee. E10HTY shares er any pert thereof; per cent preferred capital stock of Hupp Automatic Mall Ktchang Co.; Bt per share, par value, Be. Must sell. Address M tli. Bee. FOR SALS Stork general merchandle. Invoice about ft.iBL Ne detain er out of dat erode. Mo trade ee eel sere 1. Ad dree L B. 41. Aasley. Neb. FOR gAl Hair dressing parlor, fully equipped with all nodera appUanes. kutk rUN trsae. gecm nvcnuon, suti une es eev gnods. Win sell cheep It Ink at once. Addreet O lug. Bee rtaaaalai. INVESTMENTS. Ws hava several first mortgage lean for sal bearing per cent, well secured. Thess are guaranteed loans ranging la Sim from ITU to n am Till! ORCHARD HOMES COMPANY, IB N. ltib St. Lincoln. Neb. Automatic B-1W7. Belt BX. BISIXK-SS PKRSOSALS - AMoraeya, 0. W. Shlelde. Attorney. XT B. of Trade, Beug Maaefaetareve. BEM1S OMAHA BAG CO-. Omaha. Nsb Bea aad Fee bene Mas teeter re. Wooden Boa Package Ce.. U14 N. lHh. teasrtee Dahrte aad SappHos. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DtVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. DR. ROT. SMS Ferae m. Deugtae . Cleebleo; Mseefaetmrere. Wear Ideal dree shtrta M. K. Smith Ca Cesmseo sustl Steel Cesltauje. CARTER Bneet Metal Work a Oewba. Bsfley. the denriet. City Nt 1 TX Vm. Mack Mach. M Ooer Panoa. D. Paa Tea datual mums, liij Doug. D. Set THE BEE: IIL-A DESPERATE CHANCE. Inside the patrol wagon Deemond peep oat through the heavily barred window. -For a tin h ate no hope, but in a few moments aom eecret bade tall hint that he la peai of the home of aom nlbllltu. Aa then bob consider that Desmond la their ally, the villain count upon their aaatatano It he can rouaa them In time. BCSIWB88 PERHONALS poasettv, Nebraska Detective Agency, Incorpor ated and bonded. Interview, correspond ence confidential, oil Brown Blk. D. aWO. L. W. LONGNECKF.R. 117 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret eerv.. ett Cation blk. D.11M. JAMBS ALLAN IU NevUle Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 11M. Tcrry't Dressmaking college. 10th A Far. DRES8MAKINO by day. Webster rai" PLAIN sewing, reasontbla Harney lit. lressmaklng by day. Phone Doug, tots. Dressmaking taught night. Doug. MU DREBMMAKINO, Mil Faraam. D. tli. DRE88MAKINO, TKL. HARNEY aa. DREMSMAKJNQ. TKL WXB. tl. 1714 N. MTH STREET. Dressmaking by th dy. Webeter out. Plain sewing by day neatly done. II. 117. MORE sewing by day. Miss il,lller, Webeter tm Drstlleu, DRUOg at cut price; freight paid en fie orders; catalogue free. Sherman a MoConnetl Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Bverytblaa Klsotrteal. Eleetri lighting fix., whowsal and retail. BurgofQranden Co,. Ull Howard, D-tsl. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. km. Ill South 11th St. EDWARD F. BCHURia Mgr. 2d Uand Eloctrio Apparatus and repair. La Bron. Ill A llth Bt verrtbtaar fer Women. Nubone Tailored Corsets. Ouaranteed not to ruat or break. Nu Boa Corset Snop, IN Neville Bk. D. 117. CARPETS and rug cleaned on floor without removal; free estimates. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. 741 and uue. DRESS pleaUnaa, button covered, all tss and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT lNi CO.. a Douglas Blook. Both phonee. Elect, vacuum cleaner. I1.BI day. Web. Met. Curtains ' Mm. Carmody. H bt. Babeeck Co.. Btt Wlthnell, It Har. . Feed Mill aad Stare. Feed ll kind. Olencoe Mills. rUl Itard. riertsts. A. Donaghue. law Far. P. 1001. A-IOOt HESS BWOBODA, Hit Fer nam St L. HENDERSON, Hit Fsrnam. D. Ut. BRANDKIS F1OR1HT. Brendele Bldg. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Thefr Bid. BENNETT'S, cut Powers. Doug. 117. reaadrtee. McDonald brass and brons foundry, slu- mlnunv tin. lead castlnga. 14W Jackson. Me Is, Art aad Laagaagt. VMIn hmtea: W L. Patton. Web, bto. fv rn: C H. Thatcher, Planu Piano rnniDir (arr1HI H. D. Mn. Mertsuj, lliiagi aai EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery CoMoving furniture, packing, fireproof storage, city frtc, Bt S. ink. Doug. an. ina. B-ut. Ferrta Vsa A Btorag. Tyler 1J0. B11TM. "Fura. moving; I men. B per kr. W."l7tt. Baiselss aad SssS STEWART'S. SEfCDMEN. TO W. MTH. Fruit Trees shad trsea shrub. Oen'l nursery stock. riensun ta-j. reiuonimtnt rurwery. At vit a flood aualltv: write for pries. Sample tree. . . SCHWABB BitOB., caatrrea. ieo. aUeP. BYRD NURSIRY CO. Ws will be at th asm ld stand. Mth and Dotutia sua. Call Doug, etw; let as help yoa plan your ground fro ot charge. Optletaa. B. F. Warn, fitting and rop'g. 441 Brandels. A He Sehna , MS-S Brudekl The.' Bldg. Ktherya Nloko4a. SM-t Brandels Tha Falala ead Bias Taa are invited t earns la and get oolor cards and talk ever your painting and decorating, complete line aoarwia WUIIams paint and vtrnkthe. BAIiKEli BROS. PAINT CO, laBH Faraam. Daws- 7ML Fateala. D. O. sbwaelL Faxtea Blk. TeL Red Till. WUIard Eddy. IsM) City Nat Bk. B.Jg. Fbetosrapber. Rise hart, pbotographsr. :Ji A Faraam. r tarn here. U P. VALKKNBEBUt Flmnblng. W. HI Steaeaiaabsse aad Ceee Hi Myrtle A. Keller. Km Bran The. P. !S. LewW.Raber Printer, BEE BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. 1417 Douglas St. TeL D. 17S4, Key to the Sttuatiea Bee Advertising. Frtattati. v Pete-Hall Pig CV, MS ft Mth. Ind. A-SUt Lyngstad Printing Co.. Nth and Capitol ivs. Tel. Ind. A-PJt for good printing. Pieties. OMAHA SILVER CO, tu S. llth. tteei Teak aad Calvert rtmeaalis NEBRASKA and Iowa St pear, itth aad Nicholas. D. i Frttlng A BVsUua, IMS Faraaat OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY How the Ding-Dong Wagon Inhabitants of the Nihilist Qnartsri. '' ' 1 - rV.-DING, DONO! With a rubber band which ha found in hi pocket Desmond shoot through th opening in th wagon little pellets which bouce upon th driver gong, making a very cheerful clanging to kts ear. Ha know that a ding-dong wagon la an ob ject of intense Interest to th nihilists, especially aa they may rido In It. BUSINESS PERSONALS Teste aad Awalaas. OMAHA TENT CO. TeL ta Douglas. Wlaee aad Llqao WILLOW Springs beer. Uqnor, clear sandwich. Alex letes, Ml-1 B. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. V a lares hot- tla Klein Liouos House, ta N. Mth St sWC'CATIONAIi TUTORlNq Ut to nth grade. H. M44 BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete tenses bt Business, Book keeping, Btenography, Telegraphy, Civil Servlee or Bslssmanshlp. The catalogue Is fro for th asking. Call, writs er Jihone for It at one. Add res H. aV Boy lee, Preeldeat, Boylaa Collsga Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED TEMALH Avata aad Salesevemeau WANTED Five neat lady eanvasstra Apply quick. 111! Faraam Bt. upstairs. Fsetory aad Trades. WANTED To work In their own local ity; good wigs. Har. 171 or B tm aftsr p. m. Call at 407 Burdette. Heaseksepere aad Daaats, THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Be will run your Dome tl Help Wsntsd Ad FREE until you get the desired result. Bring your d to Toe Bee office er telephone Trier HMO. EXPERIENCED white girl tor grnersl hojisswork; three In fsmlly. Harney 47a. WANTED A girl for general house work; no washing Mil Lsrlmore. M1DDLE-AOED woman for light houss work and to assist Invalid; M per week. Mrs. Mlttlaff, M Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 136. WANTED-Experienced whit girl for general housework. In family of two. IM S. th St., Harney MM. WANTED Good girl for general house work. No washing, ta 8. Mth Ave WANTED A good whit girl fer gen oral kousswork, la small bom; ooupl mployed down town. No ""hlldern; must pimlsh beet or references, .wood wages. rnoas riamey aae. EXPERIENCED girl for general kouss work, small family, good borne to right party. Phone Harney a. WANTED A competent second girl. Apply at mi so. ua Ave. WANTED A good girl to do general housework; small family. Mrs. B. A Simmons, Bit 8. Md Bt Phone Harney 4101. WANTEDA girl for housework t L. Henderson, Wit N. Mth St., South Omaha. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family of three. Mrs. John steel, nil n. auth Ave. WANTED A young girl to seelst with housework. Apply MM California. Kd net. WANTED-Flrst-class housekeeper In bom where there r children; a mlddl aged German or Swedish woman who can go home eights preferred, refersnoss required, weneter tin. OIRL for general housework. Cuming. 4SU OIRL for general housework. KM N. Bth Bt. Tel. Webster ). OIRL for general housework. 421 N. Ifth. GIRL wanted for general kousswork. KM N. Mth. WANTED Dining room girl. Millard hotel. Mtscellaaeena. YOUNO women coning te Omah a stranger are levtted t visit the Youag Women s Christian association building at St. Mary s Avs.. and 17th St. where they will be directed to sultsbis boarding place ar otherwise assisted. Look let our travelers' guide st th Union station. HELP WANTED MALE A grata, salesmesi aad Selletter. WANTEO A man t solicit aubserlp. Hon tor Th Twentieth Ceatury ranos. Salary Ml a ereek. Address Ctrcuiatloa Manager, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb. COLLECTOR a salary; also lit McCagu Bldg. EVERY motorist buys on en sight; you make II on every sale; our tree book let tells how. The A. L. M. Company, Boi lit. Kansas city. Mo. tept. a WANTED HIGH-GRADE ALTO- MOBILS SALESMAN WHO CAN SUCCESSFULLY E8TABU8H SUB AGENCIES FOR DISTRIBUTOR OF SEVERAL MAKES . OF WELL KNOWN CARS. WANT MAN FA MILIAR WITH TRADE TRIBUTARY TO OMAHA. GIVE EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES. ADDRESS T 1. CARE BEE. I Must fes live wire. Stata Furniture Ce nt n a no uooso. Good BMut are har te get They don t wander around the streets looking for aigna In w ladewa When yea need goad help advems In Th Bee. Bee Want ada are read by bees saergetl men who wish I better their eondltloa. Rats lc per word if run two er m.e time consecutively. Tele phone Tyler Ma. FIRST CLASS solicitor wanted. Good money for nght men. Evpeaer gur- anteed. Call Hsrmaav Bel kin. California Hotel. AGENTS wanted la every county ta Ne- braaka to writ see It a and accident In surance. Liberal cemmlastoaa Addreet World Accident Assoclauoa. W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Nee. Clsrssal and tMxaea. TOUNO man with aoortceco ta arod- ace business fer clerical and eelllng pol tlcn with htrg whole! house. Ki te I lent opportunity aad good peettioa for right part)'. Give full partieulare la a plication. AMres Produe Dept. P. O. tVn 2UZ. Wlanlpeg. FULL d ee salts and party dresses for sale: also tor rent tl e to tl tt a eight JWsUi FE1.DMAN. 2M IS. llth. IX fUA 6, 1912. Aroused the Fierce HELP WANTED MALE Factery aad Trade. Drug store (snap) lob Knlett Bee Bldg. TWO Drst-clam tinner wauled. H. Kunde, TU & lth St. CARPENTER wanted. Call telephone Webster 741. WANTED st onoe. good cornice men and tinners. Carter Sheet Metal Works. M taeellaaeoaa. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed yon by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroad If you gain your training in sur achooL Practice on R. R. wire. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boy lea. Pros Boyle College, Omaha. Neb. WANTED 10 white men and 7t colored men te travel with circus; best ot wages and good treatment. Call at Miner hotel at T o'clock Saturday Bight Art Eldrtdga Bupt Col Bros. Show. WANTED-More people to rales poul try with tb Old trusty Incubator. Write for free catalogue L M. Johnson. Cls Center, Neb. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between the ages ef II and at; rltlssaa of United Stata of good character and temperate habit who can apeak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, llth and Douglas Sta, Omaha, Neb.; ew th St, Stout City, la.; IP) N. Mth St.. Lincoln. Nsb. UO AUTO SCHOOL OMAHA. S GUARANTEED BE8T IN WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOPS. Th largest, finest and best ..quipped plant tor automobile training. oo you want pleasant outdoor work, wlin thousand of money-making opportuni ties? Writ or osll on us. Day or Bight classes. Unlimited course: liberal ferine. NATlw. AL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS'N, 14 N. Kth St.. Omah. Neb. MAKE tat to SMI oer month sell ing t and W-aere ORANGE AND FIG tract, tat par ear; easy psymej.ta. sta Be Bldg. WANTED-M) men at one to learn the barber trade. We have th Job on file Top wage. Tool furnished. Diplomas graatsd. City or country spllcants, call or writ. Motor Barber College, U g- Mth Bt. WANTBD Eapertenced man for small country place. Will. B. Clark, Millard notei. . UVE STOCK FOR SALE) Heraee aad Vsblels REECE'S Zn,n2U wgoa bores to let by tit dy. mil Shsnnan Ave. Phone Webeter ll.1t. Harness of all klnas, ths largest stock In tb city, at attrsctlv prices. Johnson, Denforth Co. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jonea H0RBE8 and osa Hit Cuming St NEARLY aew, single top buggy sod tingle hemes; all la good condition. Webeter tri. IDEAL PASTURE For fin stock; running water, ahad tree; woven-wlr fence. Address A. 11. Baker, R. F. D. 1 flsnssn. Neb. Tfls phon Benson 747W. IF YOU want pasture call Harney 177. DON'T forget L C. Gsllup's annual spe- elsl sale of high else horses next Thurs day, May t, at Union Stock Yards. South Omaha Expect fully to) hone for this sale, aoasistina of choice heavy draft light sxpreet, farm mares, matched teams. singl drivers and a tsw fancy galled saddle horses. Also Shetland ponies, soras harneee and coad hand buggies. Don't forget th dat next Thursday com mencing at t a. m. I. C. Gallup. LOST AND FOUND LOST Oa Boston bull pup. Finder re turn te IU A Mth Bt for reward. Har. 44 K. PfllTVn Men's Suits Steamed, Pressed, r,J,Ji,t'Faultless Cleaner. UI S. IMh. LOST-Gold cuff link, mono ram. "O. L C Tt Deuglaa 77t, MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Or. B B- Tarry ear Files, Fistula, and other rectal diss as ta without surgical speraueat. vers guaraetes ana aa ssoaey paid until cured, V rite for bonk oa rectal diseases with testimonials. PR XL K. TA KM T, ties uidg, omaaa DR. RACE Specialist, nervous and all ehroaJe disease, sea Harney. Doug, au i s ailm'ts. Dr. Burke 41 Doug. Blk Lad lee' guaranteed remedlea. 4M War blk. Dr. Babceek Ce.. BB Wltbosll. It A Har. MONEY TO iAJAJL Salasr ems Chstssle. ATTIjmON Leant on REAL ESTATE FTU N1TURK, PUNOS, WARE. HOUSE RECEIPTS. 8A LA RIKA, ETC. at usual rates, Ne red tape No delay. eUOO&vT, BST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT OO. M Floor, m-t Paxtoa Bik.. BT S. NU St ixn tg. uu; A-lttL Money on furniture, piano and real estate tt a vary lew rat of interest Nebraska Loan Company Doug. USA St Be Bldg. A-ISt. MONEY tie nod alerted peapie, weatee Sewptas be it aa ether, without ea amy, easy par merits. Offices in s7 pria elpsi euea. Tmaa. Ml Omaha Nat I Beak Bidg. fr aerly N. T. Ute Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS, B to Hat. SALARY LOANS You can get tt today t STAB LOAM CXX. tat Pa l Block- OND LOANS at naai f per era. FLAT A 17. sMt Deage a. fsL OFFERED FOR RENT Oi ML E. hauls tranka. P. CtL A-BM. FURNISHED rooras. beard. CM So. A GENTLEMAN er couple to room and board; private boa: la. Hamey II N. ITH Firet-elas board sad dee room; oasy walking distance; strictly mode a. Phone Harney MS DEWEY AVB.. lUS-Hooni aad hoard, B per week; heme cooking. Harney tJl The Persistent aad Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising hi tb Road to Business Success. By V.-OBSERVED. Th clanging of the gong In th quiet (treat baa awakened the bead of the local nihilist colony, and he look out to see th cause of th disturbance. Quickly he spots th patrol wagon and Jump ta th not unreasonable oonclusion that It con tain on of hi friends. At one he sends th alarm through th whole quarter. OFFERED POR RKXT 1061 Park Ave. Furn. rm. modern house on car line, to gentleman. S7.8I. Har. can. Itat HARNEY ST. Desirable room, in privet family: suitable for one of two persons; strictly modern; references ex changed. 70t a. 1CTH ST. Second floor, large. nicely furnished modem front room, suit- sole tor two. rnoae nwiitMiwfc f r- 4 Dl TV 1 1 . Am Alirhtrill Mkmrn Hnwnm fur nn. or two nennle. eesv walk ing distance. Tel. Doug. WTO. U34 DODGnV-Cool, plessant room large porch, lawn. Res, rates. Douglas tt.74, TWO. nicely furnished front rooms modern; private family, for two er four gentlemen, lis w. mm at. FOR RENT In Hansoom parb district en block from car Una. a largo nicely furnished front second story room. In a good neighborhood, in a strictly private family. Ne other roomer This Is a first class proposition for a maa who want a good room ana pleasant sur rounding. Best ot reference must ac company answer and only first class par- tie need answer. Anoree n s, nee. nlLhlvrMpnRT Nlnnv f urnUhnMi room; private family; gentleman, IMP. FURNISHED room tor rent, private family, all convenience, walking dlv tance. 714 N. 19th St. DAVENPORT. 1714-Beautlful furnished double rooms; elegant location tor sum mer, close In. N I CELT modern furrnlshed suit of rooms tor light housekeeplug. Oa Ir dealrrd. Bit Webeter. tat N. Central Blvd. For rent. Fur nished front room modern with board for two young men. Call Tytor ISff. Famished Heaee hoopla; Reams. tnra l A kit 1TT Two-room anartmeat CI Th Howard. 1-room. private bath. BE. tlit and Howard. 10 N. H8T ST. Two lurht housekeeping roomt, seml-basemet. 'Phone Tyler ltM. TWO rooms complete for housekeep ing; electric light, gas, telephone, hot water, hardwood floors, on car Una, re fined neighborhood. Ml N. ttd Bt Heron 3971. S631 HARNEY street, housekeeping rooms, sn suit or single, new rumiture, i etrtcuv modern. Phon Harney BOTI. I TWO newly furnished housekeeping room ni Davenport. rsunaMhed Meeeee. EIGHT room all modern, flnsly fur nished; east front; good rhade: West Fsrnam district; on block from oar. Tel. Harney im talaraWd MODERN unfurnlehed tooma, Fhon Hamey 414t. FIVE rooms, modern exoept heat near Tilnta flatat near car: adults only; oniy two In owner's family. Apply nt eu mi street mi'R Inma r.u.n.a mod. I heat close m. tts. kjo ugias iiam. For I ROOMS and bath, upstairs. In oulrs lilt Emmett St ' Hotels aad Apartateata. Dewey European betel. Dtb and OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. n-cln- TIr.f-1 Council Bluffa. Room V vV UU1U ttM to r per week. DODGE HOTEL, all reaulrements of a first -ela hotel, at ressonabl pnoe. Aaartsaeate aad Flats. t and t-room modsrn flat Scargo BMg.. ntH N. Mth St. A Omiha. HalL 4M rlamg Bldg. l. T , A-eoa -ROOM sport ment new. team heat: short w alklna diets ce: cas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe! Diinos; ia unary ; one janitor Douglas tMl APARTMENT. Fine, t-room. thoroughly modern, hard wood finish, tiled bath, stoanwisatsa apartment with light Janitor service, telephone, la th Central Apartments, ta a. istn at.; w slicing atctance; sfvu decorated, very fins, in sa D. V. SH0LE8 COMPANY. IU City National Bank Bldg. Phones Dousis . Independent A i.nuin.lwl n. t.r flat all mod., gooa c naition. i isam. tm . swi. VERT nn duDiea koartmsnt t lanre rstins first floor; Urge troet porch, fir. piece i awe yore am w w w. ee w e gla Ave STRICTLY modern t-room apartment la Davldge Bldg.. istn and rams, at. JOHN W. ROBB1NS, IM FARNAM ST. ALL CLOSE IN. Mh and California, t-r., new boated apartment summer; He. winter, kxh and Fan lam . t-r. brick, new. IM. Mth aad Dewey, brick, t-r. down, l-r. up; new, modem, . O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. Wit Omaha Nat'L Doug, or A-aSt THREE and 4-room epert-anta. mod. m t at. MODERN t-room healed apart eat oa Wert Fsrnam St.; vary choice. JOHN W. BOBBINS. IP. FARNAM ST. Hoaeee aad Cottage. MOVING, peeking and starts ef house sold foods aad Bisno Is our business. Omaha Vsa A Storage Co. fireproof el or are. tot a. ltta. or in aai . Prancb office. A Utb St TeL D. 41 tl A-Ut. -ROOM new house. S71 Evna. No children. Harney dill FOR SALE A heavy ton wagon, sult sbis tor a light Ice or delivery wag a. very cheap. Inquire Bennett baraa, ltta and Howard. 1101 South tti street, large moden dwelling, with etable. BA lsn Mouth ta street, six-recaa sets ig. modern except best S5- Mfl Pactfie street, sevea room nodera dwellmg. PS. lag .vonn ana ruost. ax ran at, tie. led Famant street six -room saodera cotttge. Hi. 1714 Seward street, six-room cottage . tur ittLr i" ax..r4Bot. M First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Deuglaa TB. t-ROOM cottage, modern rent beat CSI Patrick Ave. Cab Web. tm. FOUR-ROOM eetugs. IB) Coaler Bt, Call Red :. IF RENTED AT ONCE win take Ot par month for beeetifaj all model- bean, located at U Hickory St t. uciuiuPT. lalt City Narlenai Bank Bldg. Pboae Douglas Sst Hershfield Vt THE SECRET SIGN. "I'm th boskir eriea Desperate Des mond, "and here's th slgnskl!" Th vll '. lain, aa soon aa he sees the nihilists in pursuit of the patrol wagon, poke hi band through the bars and gives them th aacret alga of their order. This spur th pursuer to greater speed, and Mon day ws shall see how the chase ends. OFFERED FOR RENT Hsasrs aad Cottages. TTnnona la all parte of th city. U.0Ti8e3 erign sons A Co.. Bee Bldg, Haggard van and storage cu. pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to ofllce. Doug. 148H or B-H28. Ult Hall Ave., tii.M. 7-rooms modern. Vacant May 10th. Ihoa. F. Hall. Id Ramge. Both phones NEW t-room cottage, modern except heat Rent reasonable. 41M Ertklk St, Key at 41B Erskln. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed aid far warded; cheap freight rates; inovl Jg and storing. ureas men's Delivery Co. TeL Douglas 44. City olflca, Ut A l.'ih St, Be Bldg. , 2ll MASON ST. Brick houae. close to Park line, Phon Harney Ituft. ta 8. th St , t-R. MODERN, well-located; beautiful yard; t-HOO. TB South 17th St. Web. MP. 7 ROOM HOUSE modern; west (Ida Han scorn park. Phone Harney Itth. t-r., modem, git Chicago St. Doug 1717. LARUE MODERN DOUBLE HOUSfil! NEAR Mth and Capitol, suitable tor boarding house. It rooms, I baths, alter atlons to suit Rent WO. MoCagu Co. T-room (new) modern. ttl Dodge St. t-room flat. Id floor. SI Cuming St t-room flat. Id floor, 137 North Mtti EL t-room house at 1SU North 17th St. O. C. Redlck, Attorney, U17 Fsrnam Sty t-RM. cotug. 133ft Corby, garden patch with fruit end shrub. Webster 172. I-ROOM cottage, yard, shads, clot to car. TeL Web. Ktl. MODERN t-room cottage, beautiful. lawn and ahad. 1124 Miami St a ncuu u . - aiti, n.mM Si RA iu. e-rwm iiwuww " . nu. month. Hot St Mary Tel. Red teDl. t-ROOM modern cottag except bat 03D North Kth St. B-112&. atarea and Office a. Ne. Ht S. llth St.. Bixti. TeL Dong, tm Offlcs er salesroom at Utb and Harney. (new.) Jd rioor at wot Harney (new). Id floor at lsOo-10 Herney (new). Office at 1517 Fsrnam (second floor). Store at 1411 Harney Street. O. C. Redlck. Attorney. U17 Faraam St. M'CAOUK BUILDING, ItTH AND DODGE. Attrsctlv offices, modarat price. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. OFFICE with ua of reception room and stenographic service. Very reason able. Wit City National Bank Bldg. 1111 Farnam, t story and b element, will remodel to suit J. N. Snltaer, D. tttL Store at im Cuming street Store at ilt Cuming street Store al lat North 24th street Store t Kt North Itth street Store at t7 North Mth street Store at 10 No. leth street. Store at t No Pith St., South Omaha O. C. Redlck. Attorney, 1517 Farnam St GROUND floor office. IxN ft; display wiadow, RS So. 17th Ut Phone Doug. Hal. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare, FOR SALE-Carload of all kind furni ture In M day. Baebman. 144M Dodge, FOR SALE 8x19 Weiton velvet rug. used five months. C tit. Bee. FIFTY till velvet rug st tt. All kind furniture and wall cas cheap. K8 N. Mth. Typewriter. RENT aa Oliver typewriter from tb Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas Mil VISIBLE typewriter and all other make sold er rented anywhere at a te 14 mfr's d rices, allowing rental to apply on price; shipped oa approval. Write tor circular. IM Parnam. Typewriter Inapection and Supply Co. TYPEWRITERS for rent t mo., is. Central Typewriter exchangs, 1607 Far nam. WOULD you show eur wholly visible typewriter to your friend and let them see w nereis It excel any tut typewriter mad if you could, without costing you ne cent have th typewriter to keep forever as your own 7 Then write ua for full particular. Kmerson Typewriter C.. Box i. Woodstock. UL Mast col last aa at. PIANO, valued at IMA. must ba ante. t once, price 119. Harney S3t. UPRIGHT mahogany piano, alse fural- tur. Call Sunday, week days after I m. is cat weu. MlenelUeeeee. FOR SALE Nw and ssond-af carom and pocket billiard Ubles and bowling alley ad accessories; bar fix tures ot all kinds; easy per men ta Tb Bruaswlck-Balko-Cnlltader Co, 77- 8. loth St. High Grade Pocket Camera . I waat to communicate with nartlea wishing new camera. Give telephon tm nber and name. Address Bee. D 7. OLD SAFES'. DERIOHT. If1 Ftrnsm St FOB lALE.Ta SchAlmMhlna ta. Omaha Commercial college and one ta Boris ceilege. Bnstnsis offlo. Omaha Be. BArrjt AMMorbMl Ml, a - safes; all stars and makes; bargain. American Supply Co.. utt Farnam St nv i linen live or cookf-tv wtaiu wur.,,,, misrv-ae POOL tsbie. store, reetaurant flvluree boagbt, gold. Levy, Ml N.. So. Omaha. SECOND-HAND range. Ml 8. Vh Ave KIDD" Disk Cultivator tor sale. anu-. tteally new. Telephone Hamey JS, ftll Caiifornia. PKRBOXAL THE SALVATION ARMT aollcite aft etothlng; la fact, aaythtng yoa do not seed. We collect repair sad Mil at IM N. llth Bt, tor coat af eollectioB. to the tsenhy poar. Pboae Doagla tut aad rui call. A New Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTION AND RESULTS. Daaa act epreed the nipt re eaaa te. teraally aa eoovea; pads do. Writ for booklet THE TTRRE1.L. TRUSS CO.. I7M Breed war. New York City. tS-DAT BLOOD RI1-TJT. Waaisk Pharaaacy. nth and Dodge. r . uu, w Hr,lC viVTWier reotatnr t atmeota. Mr, griyder. apt X. - -iv t w vie Y