Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1912, Image 1

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    )Aily Bee
LwSdaf Ikckwiri
This Day 1b Omaha
', m
lua Ag
,VOU:XLt-XO. 277.
The Re-v cratic Primary
Presidential Conte to Date
Tear. - Brinf Abrupt lading
. President TafY Speech tt
, Memorial herrice.
Chaneter Single, Simple ui Incap
able f Intrigu
5atnnd for Dead Man ' to Help
Those About Mm.
Ufa of Chief fcxeeattve
Iealated Bad . Bead
Presldeat aad Vh
laaeaallr Close.
WASHINGTON. May .-Ts- Bfe f
Major Archibald W. BuU aa soldier.
newspaper ui, aids to presidents and
lodge member, mod Ml berete death, an
' the Titsaite were conummoratcd by hi
romrnAJider-tn-chief.'a presldeat asore
tary of war, a aanator of hi native
-elate, a contemporary In tha newspaper
flaM and tha fraternity of Masonry at a
1 lmpreaalve memorial service here today.
' Tha tribute President Taft paid t life
I lata alda epitomised all that m paid
I "Everybody . kaaw Archla aa Areata,
caimot go Is a box at a theater; I cans
tura around hi my room I caa't la say
' wW wrlaaut aorneetliur tn aa him emnln
taoa ar to hear his cheerful voice In
greeting, r Tha Ufa of the presides te
rather Isolated and those appointed to
live with him eeme much closer ta htm
than aay one alee, Tha bond la
cloaa and It hi dlffloult to speak ea such
an oooaatOB.
"Archie Butt's character, we single
: simple, etralghtforward and incapable of
Intrigue. A el ear sense of humanity light-
I ened Ms Hfe and thoaa about him. Life
waa not for him a troubled problem. He
! was a soldier and when ha waa appointed
. - Hija MMftha jk that
I nedenH hnnllelt lovalftv.. 1 never knew
la man who had so much self-abnenUaa.
so- much self-sacrifice aa Archla Butt.
armvery Net SarwrtBtae;,
"Occasions Ilka tha staking of the Tt
tanlo frequently develop anforeeen traits
In man. It makes them heroes when yea
. don't azi
. Just aa
S about hi
ta nermi
don't expect It. Bat with Archla it was
natural' for- him- to help thoaa
hint aa tt was for bint ta ask me
ta permit htm to do eomethtnc for
one or for me.
"He was on the deck of the 'Titanic
exactly what he was everywhere. He
leave a void with those who loved him;
but the. circumstances of his coin ar
all what we would have had. and while
' tears fill the aye sad tha voice la choked.
! are felicitated by the memory of what
vhe waa."' ' : -f .
: reeldcnXTalt Sikika.aJth4Uaculty and
he waa farced to aa abrupt endlnl by a
failure of votoe and a (toady flow ad
, tears. Reside Mr. Taft sat Mr. and
Mr. Lewi Butt of Augusta, da. Oppo
site then sat Secretary Wilson, Secre
tary Meyer and other prominent officials
Senator Bacon aat with tha members of
tha eUorcla delegation tn eonkraM and
throuchoat the meeting piece want elate-
men. aoMlera aad friend at tha dead of
ficer. Temple Lodge, No. M, - of .the
Masonic fraternity, wee seated with tha
epsakere. . , ,
Homestead Conferees
: .Are .Unable to Agree
, fFroen a Staff Correspondent.)
' WASHINGTON. D. C. May fc (Spe
cial Teletrrem.) The coaferenea commit
tee aa tha Borah three-year homestead
bill baa bean in sassloa for two days,
holding two executive session yesterday
ami on today, without .coining ta any
agreement Mr. Monden. one of the house
. conferees. Bald today that no. arreement
was la sight. aHhouali 'yesterday it
looked hopeful. v ' . j "
'At that time. It was said, tha senate
co far en virtually agreed that cultivation
requirements should be one-sixteenth for
the second year and ene-elfhth tha third.
but after thin em- It over they receded
tram that poalUaa asday. and Mar n
ollned to require mora riaid cultivation.
rurthermore, while the noua conferees
are standina aa that there should be
no water power and mineral reservations,
tha senate iconfereea are still uastsUnc
that tha bill (ball mcloda such reserva
tions. , . t ; t.
- No prediction could ha made by any
members of the - conference committee
whether an agreement would ha reached.
They adjourned today without settlnc
time for rbelr meeting. "
.WASHINGTON, stay (.A dlsUnaulshed
assemblaea tathand today at George-
town university to part Id pete la the
travelling of a statue of John Carroll.
- prelate, patriot aad founder af that ta
sututloa la ITS). The preacautloa at
tha statue, which waa tha gift af the
alumni - of Georgetown, waa made by
Chief Justice White of the supreme
court. Attorney Oeneral Wlckarsham
was tha personal representative of Presi
dent Taft. Cardinal Gibbons, succes
sor ta Archbishop CuroD. ta ths Sea af
Baltimore, aaM Georgetown . university
waa a lasting memorial to his distin
guished prepares or.
. v . The Weather "
Forecast tor Monday:
Fff Nebraska Fair; warmer la west
portion.'' -For
Iowa ProbaMy fair.
rar South Dakota Pair; warmer. - .
re at Omaha Yeoterday.
TTHwr- -
lb a. as..;...- i
-Ail - f
M " ta. sa d
la. sa-
. m
. el
. at
a. m
T a- m.
11 a. m
11 m..-.
1 . - ......
. ..
...... T4
t p. m.
a. .
a. m
5 p. s ,
I aams3nsaaaaaaea -
Instructed far ar favorable to Taft:
A Is be ma (el bat 1 dial.).)
. Alaska
, Colerado (at larjn' and't dist's)!"!.'
'Connecticut i...
Delaware -
Wstrlct at Calumbl.'
Florida ....-. ,
Georgia ,
Hawaii ;
Illinois a dlst.)
Indiana (at large I dirt's.)
Iowa .at large dist's.).
ansae (l aiat.l..
r'.il (M Ur " " 2
Massachusetta .i.'.....; U)
Michigan (at large I dirt's )
Missouri t dlst'a) It
New Hampshire ., I
Hew Mexico : .'...
New Tork (at Urge and 4 dlst'a)..
Oklahoma (5 dlst s.) 4
Pennsylvania (4), Mi)
Philippines v.
Rhode Island N
Porto Rica ... I
South Carolina ; It
Tennessee l dlst'a) 11
Vermont (all but I dlst) -
Virginia ; - M
. . Total for Taft.......'.... 441
Interacted for or favorable to Roosevelt:
Illinois (all but I dlst.) si
Indiana (S dlvt'a) ; Is
Kansas (4 dlst'a)
Kentucky OH dlst'.) t
Maine ....
Massachusetta 1
Michigan (4 dlst'a) I
Missouri (at large and I dist's) 14
Nebraska H
New Mexico I
New Tork () dlst'a) T
Oklahoma (at large and 4 dlst'a),..... 14
Oregon !
Pennsylvania (at largs and I7Vs dlst'a) 47
Vermont O dlst)
V Total tor Roosevelt.......
Instructed for Cummins:
Iowa (I dlst'a)
Instructed for Follstte:
North Pasota.
Total for ta Fellrtts ., M
tclMlfied and disputed:
Missouri (I dlst'a) 4
North Carolina '
Maaaachuaetta - I
Total' undassined...
Total number of delegates
Needed to nominate (majority).
Needed by Taft
Needed by Roosevelt
Tat ta be selected
Styi it Wu for Money Lost in
, . Cattlo Bniineia.
Criticism at gredtck Net Baaed aa
Fact tha MayeV Mraa Were
Wipe) Owt by Hare)
' , . .' , (. W la tar. . ' .. -
Mayor James C. DaMsub and the "on
the square" oaadldates completed a twa
Uuthhl eaiacsugn of the elty wtlh a sornr.
tng njaeting at Washington ban anturaa
night. They mayor took up the Issue
with tha Cltlsenf union again, and de
clared he had bora repeatedly misrepre
sented and personal attacks made on him
while he 'was conducting a legitimate
campaign based on the public record at
tha opposition' candidal.
Refutiag the charge' made by Judge
Red tok that Dahhnan was fighting Mm
because , he had rendered a Judgment
against Dahlmaa for fXOO or M.0W, the
mayor said:
I'm' not fighting him on that point.
Tha judgment waa rendered, and I owe
tha money. It wsa when I was In the
commission business and wa had made
heavy loans to western cattlemen. The
cattlemen had a hard winter and failed.
They could not pay us and broke our
firm. ,',."
1 lost ovary dollar I bad and my com
rades lost all they had. I told this man
I would pay htm when I had tha money.
He said he Intended to sua ma and I told
him to go ahead and get a judgment if H
would do Mm any good. Ha got the
lodgment and he s got It yL
If I had been a grafter while mayor
of this city t could bar paid that money
back the first six month while I was in
office. I Intend to pay, but I'll never
take a cent oat of ths pockets of the
plain people ta da It, and yon can bank
on that -
Aides' Mlsalaa la Omaha.
Mayor Dahlmea said tha "homlny-fed
carpet-bagger," C. A. Alden, campaign
uger of tha ClUsens' union, a prohibi
tionist bad been formerly In Chicago and
there fought Mayor Harrison, tha pea-
pi' choice for mayor, for re-election and
had'Coma ta Omaha la try and defeat
Dahlmaa as be could gat through aom
of his pet policies. '
During his ' speeches made at half a
doaen place during the evening the
mayor attacked tha Citlsen" union for
Its attitude toward Sunday baa ban and
a theaters. "Tha ' Ministerial anion
wanted ta know the onion's stand on the
Sunday base ball and opsa theater propo
sition. They were given aa answer tn
secret. The Ministerial union I now out
for the ClUsens onion, so tha answer
must have been favorable. Now. I II toll
yea where w stand, and I woa't tell you
la asm dark room. We're In favor of
Sunday bass ball and spea theaters ea
At Washington hail all the candidates
spoke aad addrsssn ware also delivered
by U J. Ta Poet, Lea Bridge. J. J. Con
nor and Vincent McDonough. One of the
largest crowd of the evening waa con
gregated at Washlngtoa ball. '
Talks on Street.
Before the mayor began hta speech-
making In the evening the auto carrying
hie party war gathered at Fifteenth
and Faraam. finch a crowd assembled
that tha mayor said he, believed tt
just aa good a place aa aay ta "open fire-
be tors M people ha reviewed the
cauapalga and ask for support tor the
caodldaJas "ea tha square ticaet-" Men.
women and ehildrsa greeted tha cacdi-
LINCOLN, Neb.; May l-Mrs. H. T.
Whltiock died Saat Bight as the result of
gas asphyxiation la a new home Into
which aba had moved last Tuesday. Dhe
la the third vlctlas of, the accident, her
granddaugster aad Bar. Harrlana Pres
sor!, pioneer Metbodfat minuter and drli
war veteran, being foand dead la tha
soeae last Wednesday morning.
Democratic .
Instructed for Clark:
Colorado ..-
Maine -
Mauachueete -
Missouri .... .
Viebraska (at large aad dlst'a)..
Oklahoma (halft..--
Pennsylvania ( 1 dlst.)
Wisconsin (I dlst'a)
.. n
.. ta
.. 1
.. a)
.. I
.. at
.. as
.. it
Tofal for Clark..
Ihstrocted for Wilson
- Oklahoma (half)...
.. l
.. t
.. M
.. s?
'. U
i '. Total for Wilson.. .
1 Instructed for or favorable to Harmon:-
Z Maine
J Nebraska
Total for Harmon ..
v fn llarshall: , -
Instructed for Burks:
t North Dakota
Instructed for L'ndsrwood.
A Ifthinu .4. ............. 14
Florida h
Georgia -
- Total for Underwood at
Unlntructed and unclassified: .'
Alaska -
Hawaii ..
Maine J
New York...., W
Wisconsin I
Total unclassified .'. M
Total number of delegates... .....1.44
Needed to noraloatb (two-thirds) 1M
Thousands . of Laborer Put in
Profitable Day,
Relief Faads (living at, While
Cwa areas' Falter ta Pass "- .
laHea Lead te ' Mepplaa;
Caatraets far supplies.
NEW ORLEANS, May l-A half doaen
hour of sunshine In tha lower Mississippi
vslley yesterday gava some relief tram tha
tense anxiety of the test few day.
Threatening clouds gatnered at Intervals
throughout the day, but the floodgates
overhead held back the drenching rains
which for a month have been adding to
tha already enormous volume at menacing
flood waters piled high against the
levees. Engineers, who yesterday ware
almost hopeless, today said prospects of
saving the remaining levees were fevetv
able. But lee danger Is sot past.
.The weather bureau hat scheduled nttfi
another foot He In thev river 'above -tho-l
present record-breaJiIng stages from the
Bed. river south. The crest wrtu it ac
companying 'Increased danger of 11s
astreu wniati, I not expected to paaa
Baton Rouge and point south of there
for another week.
Will the big Morgansa" dike holding
back a volums of water forty fret high
stand? Win the- threatened levees at
Baton Rouge, at Grand Hay, at Labarre,
at Scott' Point and above and below Maw
Orleans be Impregnable! The engineer
say they "hope so," but offer nothing
more encoursglng. , , . . . ,
I Borers Get Opporteallr
The beet remedy Is sunshine. Yesterday's
absence of rain permitted the thousands
of laborers employed on weak stretche
of the levee to work uninterruptedly
and tonight encouraging report
from all points up and down the river.
No other breaks occurred on tha Mis
sissippi today, but on the Bayou ' dee
Olaeea, where the great volume of flood-
water from the disaetroue Dog Trail
crevasse la hourly mounting higher, one
break waa reported In the levee. At
Slmmeeport official reports to the en
gineers said a serious crevasse wa ex
pected at any hour.
On the Atchafalsya rTver from Melville
north the levee situation became more
threatening, and several thousand per
sons deserted their homes In that terri
tory and are rapidly getting out their
live Mock and bouse hold goods. Water
from the break at Torres baa spread ever
the -entire upper half at Points Coupe
pariah and I (lowly creeping on town
farther south.
Relief reads Exaeeeted.
Relief' funds ' already are getting
scarce and appeal are going out for
help. Loa Angeles today telegraphed a
tubatanual contribution. Birmingham.
Ala., ha pant generous amounts; while
Psnsaooia. FUv, wired that the people
there were raising funds.
Tha New Orleane newspaper today
printed full page of an emergency call'
for a masa meeting tonight of the New
Orleane bualneas men to consider plane
to aid the sufferers.
Island of Rhodes
Seized by Italians
Without Opposition
ROME. May l-The Italian Peat seized
(he Turkish island of Rhodee this morn
ing. The dl -1 st on landed at Rhode with
out opposition, under command of Gen
eral Ameglte. Much enthusiasm aver the
achievement I felt at Rom, where the
operation Is described a a part of a pi sa
ta iaotata Constantinople. It ta stated
that the territory wDI be restored when
the Turkish troop ar withdraws frota
Trlpea. ,
Ten-Thousand March
Under Suffrage Eag
NEW YORK. May l-The promise at
reman suffrage leaders to eclipse all
Lsvevious detnonatrations for their can
waa fulfilled today whan about MX) per
sons paraded ap Fifth a venue aader suf
frage banaera. Hundreds et thousands
of persons looked on from window and
aaiceeiea siong in avenue and the side
walk word as crowded the entire route
that the mounted police were unable to
keep the spectators wtthia bouada. There
.'' aai mataBLaeW4pS -tV
. r z?7 m"MSJ evra .-wi " :i
Praia tha St- lawki Oltbe-Detnoarmt
Ketnrni from Preoinet Convention!
-''Show Cloie Sesult.
Cover aar et New Jersey Oaly Leeks
Few Vote at Being Able le Cea.
Irel the Stale Deasovratle) '
DALLAS, Tax., May k-Woodrcw WIU
son secured a lead ever Champ Clark
and Judson Harmon m yesterday's presl
dsntlal preference precinct conventions.
Lata returns did not clarify tha re
publican situation, which, with ths re
turn at hand, show Roosevelt and Taft
running cloaa, Mr. Taft having a (light
advantage. , . ,
Return received up to 1:30 o'clock I ths
morning ' assured Wilson M vote In
tha aula convention: Harmon, M and
Clark, M, the number .necessary to con
trol - fh . Mate democratic convention
being at. Latest returns from republican
conventions gave Taft thirty -eight and
Roosevelt thirty-seven convention votes.
In many coantlea the republican did
not hold precinct meeting and In others
instruction were gives the delegates
elected to the county meetings.
Only a few contests have thus far de
veloped within the democratic party, but
many are reported among the repubileana
In most of tha cities and larger town
the convention took place at night
MONTGOMERY, Ala.. May .-Alabama
republicans of the Roosevelt wing of the
party bald county conventions throughout
the state today aad named delegate to
tha state covnention which they will hold
In Birmingham May 1L Resolution were
adopted endorsing Roosevelt and recog
aising Joseph O. Thompson as legal Mate
chairman of tha republlcaa organise ton
Thompson formerly waa chairman of
tha republican state enranhuuion, but
waa succeeded by Pope M. Long, and now
la reevrnlsed aa the leader of the Insur
gent wing la thla atata. The Blrmmg
bam convention wa called by him to
aame a coo testing delegation to aend to
the Chicago convention.
Chicago Newspapers
Run Single Editions
CHICAGO. May (.-Although consider
ably handicapped, Chicago morning news
papers tonight succeeded tn getting eut
Sunday edition at about the usual Mae,
and It waa said that all regular city and
mail subscribers would be supplied. Each
newspapers, however, limited Itself te
one edition of the Sunday paper. Instead
of the early and lata edltione usually pub-
Officer of the pubtiihera' association
aacawced that the places vacated by
the strinking web nsen and steraotypera
been filled by other workmen and
it tt wa expected that each office
weald nave a full complessent of men
before 4he middle et the week.
The delivery service waa maintained
ander pel Ice guard, all of the newspapers
joining la a combined temporary ei the
During the night there were a number at
re porta of disorder by striker a various
tuaners of the city. A BSaaber of arrest
were made. These arrested were charged
with violation of mjuitetieo secured by
the publish era, te prevent unci fwenu
with dtstHBUtioa and sale of papal a
- - ' w m.laJ I W 4. i ,dT af Ar
Morley Held Guilty ;
of Murderin First
t ' Degree by the Jury
LINCOliN, Neb... May (.-Charles Mor
ley. ths only surviving member of the trio
of tt penitentiary convicts who broke
jail March. 14 after killing Warden Deie-
hunty, Deputy Werden Wagner and Quids
liellmen. was today found guilty of mur
der in ths first degree. The jury recom
mended that he be sentenced to life Im
prisonment Clinton R. Lee Passes
Up a Board Meeting
.' (Prom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, May (.-(Special Telegram.)
-Clinton R. Lee of the Lri Broom and
Duster company, which bss.'the contract
tor the labor of the prisoners at In pent-'
tentiary, had an appointment to meet the
state board which haa supervision over
the prison at 2 o clock today to explain
why he-bad not employed a many men
aa. his contract calls for. Mr. Lee failed
te keep the appointment, though he waa
around the capltol a short time before the
hour set tor the meeting and left, saying
he would return later. At tha hour for
closing ha had not returned.
As on ths day previous he objected to
proceeding with tha charing because
newspaper men were present end re
quested an executive session. It is pre
sumed he was having aa sxecutlve session
with himself where no newspaper men
oould come and make htm afraid.
The members of the board, and ths
governor and warden of the prison par
ticularly, ar anxious thst the convicts
shall be given employment, as thla lack
of work la the only thing which prevent
condition at lha prison from being nor
mal. Several members of tha board ex
pressed the opinion that Mr. Lea would
havato some u the center, not only
In the employment of the men his con
tract called for. but also in paying
promptly for the labor of the ertsosera
sad thst he could not (lave the matter
off by failure w Attend meeing arranged
at bis request -' , , '
It Is evident' there la a sentiment that
Mr. Lea Is trying to trifle with the board
and the member are la ao mood I be
trifled with.
One member aald: "No date-ha been
st tor anotnsr meeting but when tt ta.
and the date W1M not be long at the
future, you can set Mr. Lee wtll be present
or there Will be something doing."
Lightning Bolt Kills
Four During Shower I
ST. JOSEPH. Mo, May l-A special
from Bueklin. Ma. ears: -
Four persons were killed two miles
southeast of here today during a shower
en lightning hit the barn of John
Nolan, sr.. In which they had taken
refuge. The died:
S. H. M Cl'KRT.
TWO a A Li, t 'KILCREN of Mr.aod
Mrs. Benjamin Maine.
Joha Nolan, ar, waa severely ssorked
by tha bolt and la reverted la eereuj
Kebritka History Auooiatioa Heidi
, .. ' 'Interettiiif Seiiion, 1 '
he Had Alee ea Display a Fine Col
lect leu of Greelua Draw I age
,J " Object with Which ih
"Th sessions of 'ths Nebraska" History
association Saturday' had to do with
Greece and Ha people. Tha meeting were
held la the library room at tha ' high
school building, - where everything waa
suggestive of Greece. There were Oreek
msps and picture on th wan and en
ths platform ' there wers Plena at trees
statuary and relics -of Greek antiquity.
' At th morning eslon Ml .Eugenia
stsrktn of the Omaha High school reed
paper that dealt with tha teaching of
Oreek, the method aad the best way at
securing results. At noon th members
of the association accepted Ike hospitality
of th Omaha Commercial clab, - being
tendered luncheon at the Hamilton. -
Prof. Fred M. Fling et the University of
Nebraska occupied muck et th time of
the afternoon meeting. Ha ' took - th
position that th text book ranting to
Oreece and Greek ubjcu are not bring
ing out enough facts en the subject with
which they deal. The result I that un
less ths teacher I thoroughly posted, th
Heat results cannot be secured. The teach
ing he 'contended should consist of some
thing mora than simply giving Infor
mation and should desl with the facia
It I due to this kind of teaching, be
thought, thst causes boy and gtrta to go
out without much of a conception of th
Ideas that it It sought I Inalll lata their
minds.' ' ' ' '
Aatlaaltlee DlapUred.
The Grecian exhibit of antiqutttea used
at tha Omaha High school yesterday
proved a source of considerable taterest.
Mia Eugenie Mackla et th history de
partment at the local high school col
lected the exhibit and need It to U lus
tra ts her talk on Greek history - given
yesterday afternoon In lha assembly room
at ike et hool. '
Some of th most interesting thing ta
th exhibit r aa follows. Taugra
statuette from . Beetle, Cinerary urn.
Pom pels n ' architectural instruments,
terra cotta figure ef "Satyr and Ma Mien."
Grecian tear jug and vases. Greek
"patera" such aa used n ancient worship,
several hand mirrors la bronec aad aom
Grecian lamp of intricate workmanship.
Several rare Grecian col no leaned from
the Byron Reed collection at the nubile
library were alas included In the exhibit
Most of the exhibit waa sorrowed from
local collectors of antiques sad from the
pubtie library.
Charles Cady. the photographer, .has
made a fine oil portrait of Miss jSouna
Whltmore of Lake school, who la shortly
te retire after twenty years of servlcs in
the Omaha echooia. Mr. Cady waa a pupO
at Lak scsoai for a number at rearm
The portrait Is to be left at tha aeheal
upon Mlsa Whltmore' retirement In Jam.
It I aa artistic prodactioa and la ens
of many prised gifts ef the Lake echoot
Tift Loose! HeaTT'Guiu Agninit
Colonel in Speech, Telling- Trot
, " About SarretUr Combine. .
Addree Large Audience in Lyric
- Theater at Baltimore.
ttarges Colonel Weald Establish
j BeneoUnt De&jMJtiim.
H street Caajpeilga ta H let err ef the
' State rinrtakrd by Beth Frew
. Idraf Tat! and Celeaet
' : i t Bsasmlt. ,
' BALTIMORE, May (-In tha closing
speech of a fourteen-sour campaign trip
lb rough Maryland President Taft added
a new, chapter, . to the history et the
harvester trust, here -last night Speaking
te an audtertce that filled the Lyric
theater. Mr.. Taft declared Colonel Theo
dore B ocas volt did prevent th prosecu
tion of that trust after George W. Per
kins, ese at Its dfrertors and now a
Roosevett nupportsr, bad asksd that the
trust not be taken into ths courts; tati
mated that . Charlee 1. Bonaparte, at
torney general under Mr. Rossswslt, waa.
"mistaken" when ha 'aald Mr. , Taft was
present at a caMaet , meeting, which de
cided against th prosecution, and aald
lb diary j of Herbert Knox Hmlth, then
and new head ef the Bureau- of Cerpora
lions, proved that- at the tifi referred
to lha preatteat wa ea a trip around the
wofhl. , tl, , i ; .
'' Ceaewralag Msrrteler Trait.
.Mr. Tart explanation of tha harvester
trust muddle was only one of the many
points on which he- attacked Colonel
Roosevelt Ha sakt Ms piwdeceaaor'i st
tttud towards the trusts allowed clearly
that he wished te perfect; a benevolent
dei pot lent that would ditcrlmlaate be
twean good aad bad tnwta, painted eut
how Mr, Roosevelt bad ehsiaied from
hi attitude regarding hut antrsnca tnta
the araaidentiel race as a calamity te
that of being an ecttv oamnalgner for
the Bomlnatton and Instated 1 that Mr.
Roosevelt waa trtrtng ta make, this caov
psiga en In which ths man ( who had
Little should be arrayed against hie who
had more. . , . , i . g
lnosactsa farm he listed the'aehieve
menle et hi sdrainurtration . and tha
ohargea which Mr. . HooaaveK baa - mad
agahwt tt.1 declaring that at M term
in the White House titer bad be en more
srogreaalve segtslatlon enectedj thaa In
any previous p reside oil term: since the
tQ war. . .1 l i v.. " l, ,: ,
Mr. Taft' Raltlmors lueeoh ; came, at
lb end et a dap that took htm War much
tt ths central and south eastern part of
aiuufeasieia . pan os
- ' '
aeveet . p fee has to
tusntir fand - that
Mart-land' ' r
-fci'-gll mad '.
erswda that were attentive 1
beared him frequently. For Stoat ot the
hip ha traveled, la hi private car. but
Just before turning south' to Baltimor
he motored tor thirty mllea ever dusf '"'
road that added perceptibly to the
husktneea ef his voice. , In practically all
of . his "early speechea 'delivered at
Hrattsvllle, .Laurel Elk ton. Abe nice i
nelslr and Have d Grace, the president
brought In the nam of Colonel Roosevo't
and asksd again and again' tor "a square
deal." , ' , ' . : 1 ' .
Tn a man of peace," shouted the
president at . Hyattsvllls, "and . I don't
want to fight But when I do fight 1
want to 'hit hard. Xvn a rat In a cor-
r wlU fight." , . ' i
Truth A beat Trust.' ' ,
The president' Baltimore speech waar
dellvered just before he left tor Wah-x
Ingtoa. where h wilt tek breakfast ant
lancheon before leaving for Cincinnati
tor a short stsy. In it b said, la part:
The truth about ths harvester trui-t
I that Mr. Bonaparte thought tt ought
ta b prosecuted. , George W. Perkins,
nh waa a director ; In th harvester
tfuat then a director In tha steel trust,
then a member of the firm ef Morgan-
Co., cam ever to ' W asatngtea en I
ided with Herbert Knox Smith not
u bring the suit and Induced Mr. Smith
te maks a report to 'Mr. Roosevelt m
which he aetf orth th fact that th steel
trust aad the harvester trust and the
other Morgan Interests bad attempted to
carry eut Mr. Roosevelt Idea of public
ity -and therefore they -ought not to 'be
subjected to prosecution under th sett
trust law. even though. they wsrs tech-
alcally guilty.- three taatng that if they
war prosecuted they would fight the ad
ministration, . glvs them ao mora acce-
ta their hooka and would conduct them
selves In opposltloa te the admlmstraUon.
Perkins (.aiaed HI Petal.
"The result waa that Mr. Smith made
a report en September tl to Mr. Rooae
velt, la which be detailed thh converaa-
(Continued on Second Page-l"
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