Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE 03IAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 5, 1911
UvU4 80NSC0.
Hardware Specials Monday
Tomorrow win 1 uMbw of m w,i
i4.v w. v-i.a T
IUI genuine ball bearing
nickel plated (I ig
Monday only.. I H3
$U6 full clamp, plain bear
ing. Monday OOa
only DSC
full clamp, cut ibnli,
iton.d" 49o
Monday only
Dustless mops, with long
handles, regular IQ.
Tic Monday WO
Jbc Duatinc Cloth,
Monday ,
O' Cedar Pollah,
tie and ,
na rarawT
as bastob
i Tl
mora (as
very year
eft una wo
the beat
A-B New Idea and Jewel are un-
el are uji- I
$9.50 1
equaled. gold on pay-
menta prices up from.". I
II rwa rmiT
I ." 1
v7'r a 1 1 1 a 11
mora caa ranees I '
m D .-. j inn wo-
nave m
the Vk
A Skirt or a Pair of Trousers ?maa
In order to And out how effective our advertising has been
and how well people know the locations of our different stores, we
make the following offer:
Write the names of as many' of our branch stores as 70a know,
giving location with reference to nearest street corner.
Tell us briefly the source of your information (whether from
newspapers, wall signs, street car signs or telephone books). Also
state if any of our stores have done any work for you, and If so,
which one. Sign your name and street address and we will mall
you a coupon entitling you to free cleaning and pressing of a skirt
or a pair of trousers which we will also call for and deliver free
when you phona us. Pin this to your reply and mall at once to
"irw tobe-b moss oramu oboabtbatiob"
BTODB8T ALTSCBUUS, Ooadnetor. Bololjrbsl Tare Cortts, Soprano! Xsnrl
La Boats, Tsaorl Bra Kylott, Contralto Albert Os Janpolssl, Baritone.
"Fremlere Banseass Btoil" of the Imperial Opera atoaae of at. Petersburg
aad the Metropolitan Opera Boose of Mrs York Is engaged for a limited
somber of perioral in ate, Vrlesai too, aavoo. Seat Bale Toawrrew.
run 1 p jo)
"The Home of
"The Coming of Columbus"
A Moving Picture Drama in three reels, showing the won
derful events in the life of the great discoverer and re
produced with history's exactness. The weeks' of sailing
and mutiny at sea are put before the mind in a most inter
esting and educational manner. You cannot afford to miss
this exceptional treat
Emergency River
Bill Passes Congress
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. May 4. (Special Tel
egram.) The tall to appropriate SAC)
as an mergency fund for the
protection of property In Dakota
county, near Sooth Boux City, acalnat
farther damage by the Missouri river was
passed by the house and reaches' the
senate at 1 o'clock today. Itva minutes
later Senator Brown secured its passes,
breaking the record tor Cms. Prompt
action was necessary in order to have the
fond available tor as beore the June
rise of to river. The water baa already
damaged th (ovamment work and
threatens to cot a new channel behind
Sooth Sioux City. Delegations from
Dakota county and Stats Ctty kav been
In Washington the last week werkins on
th matter before the War department
aad with euuSTess. Messrs Stephens and
yvrrm of Nebraska and Hubbard of
lews sot th afil through the house, attar
w Mina UTt,
Xsawa Brtwos Oar 14-inch Hustlera, ball
bearing. knives, guaranteed. M ) C
Monday only . 3
teel blade.
umii mn
Buy reliable boss from
a reliable firm, any
length you want, con
plete with couplings
and nosxla, price per
foot, up
Kew sanitary Improvements cold
air circulation, heavier Insulation,
bigger, etroncer locks make our re
frigerators eplendld money-savers
and food preeervera No odor, no
taint We have lust the "lie you
need at very moderate prices.
Wait Baasaelsd Uned.
m atoCoYAT, Oval Olass Lined.
lrloes up.
Oct Oat Tree Book.
"lav To TJss a Befiiferator.'
Good Pictures"
which Senator Browa put it through th
upper branch.
Th Crawford bin to mere th limit
t coat f th public building at eluron,
S. D.. H, 000 has passed the senate. The
Increase la needed to complete th walls
with th stone called f or by th specifi
cation in th contract
United State Marshall W. P. Warner
returned last evening from Washington,
where be had been to press upon con
grass th paasag at an emergency bill
appropriating for th protection of
property at sooth Stoux City against fur
ther erosion of th Missouri river.
"W vented MO, Me' to do the work, but
we war willing to compromise to get I'
through." said th marshal. There Is
about L40S feet Just a bore Sioux that
will ce eat If work on th bank Is no
started at eoos. Thar is every chance
In the world It th river breaks through
at that point for th river to change Its
course right through the Iowa of Sioux.
The work should be completed la time
tor the Jap tis"
Winter's Cold Has Done Very little
Harm to Orchards.
i Apple Trees la Some Places Sheer
staaalt af Eatresse Lew Teaa
peratare Myers 1e Ask
rhaaae at Venae.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May .-(Special.)-Re ports
I to th Stat Horticultural society In
dicate that with the single exception of
I peaches there will be a good crop of
I fruit this year. Peaches, except In tlie
I southeastern part of the state, are said
; to be badly damaged and the bloom Is
I dead. Blossoms of other fruits, however.
1 show no indication of injury from the
sevsr winter or the trusts of spring.
I Trees which bore a heavy crop of apples
I last year, however, do not carry a large
amount of bloom, but what there is ap
! pear to be healthy and there la plenty
I to set a fair crop of fruit even on these.
, Plums, cherries and other fruits all
promise a bountiful harvest and no fur
ther damags la anticipated from frost.
Commercial orchardlst have done the
first spraying of their orchards and the
second one will be due In about ten dat a
In the north part of the state In some
place Injury to some of th more tender
varieties of apple trees Is reported. It
appears to effect ths wood. Immediately
under the hark on the upper sMs of the
limbs, but It is thought thst with a good
season the trees will outgrow the in
jury, which Is attributed to extreme
Frank Edgcrton, assistant sttorney
general, la setting up the clears on ac
count of a new girl which arrived at his
home last night.
Victor E. Samuelson, a baker at Hold
rege, baa been fined HO and costs for
having his bakery In an unsanitary con
dition. Tha railroads of the country ere ex
pected some time In May to settle on
passenger rates to the various state and
district fairs, and the officials of th
Americsn Fair and Exposition associa
tion, of which W. it. Mellor of Nebraski
Is chairman, are preparing to submit
their requests for this year's expositions.
Senator Norrls Brown filed his expense
sreount today, whicb shows thst he ex
pended (HI. 49.
Wrjsi Gradaatre.
The following list of graduates from
th Wayne normal has been approved
by the Board of Certification or tta
Certificates: First grade certificate,
Geneva iJonaldson. Helen J. Blair,
Edith E. Beechel. James K. Brltton, Ed
ward I Coleman. O. H. Cress, Ida M.
Jett, Ella M. Leahy, Milo J. Melius, Bee.
si Marstellar, Alice M. Phlleo, Elvira
Roberta, Mrs. Homer Scarce. Clerics C.
Smith and Jessie II. Wlckuam; ele
mentary Junior, Mabel Bentlry and Fan
nie Brtttell; elementary, Emma Arduser.
Game Warden Miller and Fish Commis
sioner O'Brien have retumeu from a trip
along th line of the Northwestern road
north of the Platte river, where they
have been distributing young trout to
stock the streams found suitable tor
these fish.
A lB-year-old girl who was removed
some months ago from the School of the
Feeble Minded at Beatrice to the Mil
ford home has given birth to a child
and It la reported that the little one In
dicates negro parentage, though the girl
Is white. The mother, up to the time of
her removal to Mllford, was an Inmate
of th Beatrlc Institution and Uie
reputed cause of her condition was artto
an Inmate of the same school. He had
wit enough, however, to run away when
tha girl's condition became known and
his present whereabouts la unknown to
ths state officials.
Handall Isaacs Clrvalar.
C. A. Randall, state fir commissioner.
Is sending out another circular to deaters
In gasolln urging them to make basts
In complying with his order that all gaso
line kept In quantities of mors than five
gallons shall be put In underground recep
tacles. He does not set any definite
time in which they must comply with his
order, but urges th necessity of prompt
Labor Commissioner Guy Is sending
out notices to manufacturers who up to
date have not filed with his office ths
report required by law. These reports
relate to wages paid, number employed
and value of product. There are sorhe
609 concerns on his list which have not
yet reported.
MoCsok Complaint Is Up.
Th railway commission this morning
took up the complaint of the clly of Mc-
Cook against ths Nebraska Telephone
company, In which it asks that rates
charged In that service be reduced 33' i
per cent The rates at present are 13
per month for one-party business .tele
phone, 12 for one-party residence. 2 for
four-party business, .75 (or two-party
business snd 11.50 for two-party residence.
The company in Its answer sets up ths
value of th McCook plant Is (53,000 and of
th Culbertson plant 17.000. the two being
operated a one exchange without extra
charge for service. It also sets up that
at present prices the company Is not
earning an excessive dividend on Its In
vestment. The tsklng of testimony was
postponed until June 7, and in the mean
time th engineering department of the
railway commission will maks a physical
valuation of the plant to see whether the
company's value on its property Is cor
rect. The city was represented by F. L.
Wolff, city attorney, and the company by
Attorney E. M. Morse man. Jr. W. A.
Plxley, auditor, and Casper E. Tost,
president, were Interested spectators.
Hyers Case Set First.
The case against Sheriff Gus Hyers
of this county, hsld for ths killing of
Roy Blunt during the chase of the es
caped convicts, is set for Monday in ths
district court In Sarpy county. Mr.
Hyers Is anxious tor an early hearing,
as Is also Chief Brtggs of South Omaha,
held with Hyers on the same charge.
Neither, however, is willing u g to
trial In Sarpy county, alleging prejudice
and are confident tbey cannot obtain a
fair bearing In that county. They will,
thsrefore, ask for a Changs of venue.
I alt Bale Dare et Apply.
Democrats who are In touch wltb af
fairs In this state affirm there will be
no difficulty In the national convention
over th votes of th delegates elected
under Harmon Instructions. They ss
sert no appeal will be made to the unit
rule and that the chairman will an
nounce th vote as th delegates wish.
They base their opinion on the fact
that the unit rule has never been en
forced except as to states where the
nommatlng or electing body has Imposed
that condition, as In New York, and there
precedent Is likely to rule.
ttepabllraa Delesates ta Meet.
A meeting of th delegates elected in
the recent primary to represent Nebraska
In the republican national convention tn
Chicago has been called, presumably to
organise and make necessary arrange -nsnts
tor attending, Th meeting Is t
be held beie la Lincoln on Msy 11. but
so far no noise has been made about it.
Bret tVorkere' llre,lra.
The heg ra from the Russian settlement
in the bottoms to the beet fields Is now
on In earnest and tn a comparatively
few day that section of the city will
look deserted and remain so until after
the harvest Is ended in the fall. Ths
first contingent went to Minnesota and
next Thursday morning fifty families
will leave for Billings, Mont. Others will
go to Colorado and to the western por
tion of this state The entire family
works, children and all. and they take
the contract for caring for the beeta at
so much per acre, except planting and
Mrs. W. T. Whitlock. who wss over
come by fas at the sams time Rev. Har
rison Fresson and her granddaughter
lost their live, la still in a precarious
condition at the hospital. She haa not
yet regained complete consciousness.
Railroad Aseesaaieat.
Thirty-one years ago there were thir
teen railroads listed tor taxation In Ne
braska and now there are only sewn.
At the earlier period the combined
mileage of the roads was 1.M4 M, whereas
the present mileage la tSXS. In lttt
the highest assessed valuation was I1LU2
per mile for the Union Pacific, while
the sams road last year was assessed
at tU.Mt for all Its trackage, main Un
and branches.
The new tuberculosis hospital at Kear
ney la proving the most troublesome of
all the state Institutions Inmates are
continually complaining of th facilities
and treatment received there and seve si
after entering, have left. Th board
attributes thla in part to the condition
of the patients, which makes them
naturally fretful and Inclined to com'
plain. The Institution Is not yet fully
equipped and prepared to rare for pa'
tlents as it will be when the new building
Is completed in July, after which th
present structure Is to be used as an
administration building and home for the
help. The patients now are quartered
In ths third story, which Is not as con
venlrnt as It might be and was not con
structed with the Idea of caticg for
tubercular patients.
Call for Convention
is Issued by Miners
NEW TORK. May 4-OfflcUla of th
United Mine Worker of America, who
have been In conference here tor two
days, tonight ex pressed confidence that
a strike of the mine workers of th three
anthracite districts, who have been Idle
sine April 1, had been averted, and that
a satisfactory agreement would be
tered Into with the operator before the
end of the month.
After being In conference for four
hours, th members of th three anthra
cite board Issued a call for a general
convention at Wllkosbarre, Pa., on May
11 to consider th tentaliv agreement
entered into by the subcommittee repre
senting the operators and th mine
workers, which was rejected by th full
committee of th miners In Joint con
lerenc with the operators here yester
day. The convention also will be urged
to empower the commute of ten to en
ter into a second Joint conference with
the operators and conclude an agree
ment, subject to ratification by a refer
endum vote of the miners.
When Frank llogan. who asys Chicago
la his home, knocked T. J. lisgan's hat In
"the ring" at the Burke saloon. Tenth
and Parenport streets esrly Isst night,
hs preclpltsted a free-for-all knock down
and drag out fight, which ended wltb
four persons going to Jail.
llogan was cut about ths fact and
hands; Hasan was cut about th fingers
Charles Mahone about the ears and
James Msnley had an old wound la his
mouth reopened and his fac cut.
Officer D. C. Rich arrested Hogan and
Manley and Officer McCsbs later arrested
Malone. Uagan was arrested an hour
later. The last two men are held as
containing witnesses.
WASHINGTON, May 4. -The minority
members of the senate committee which
Investigated th election of Senator
lxrlnier of Illinois are planning to begin
the fight against him on ths floor of ths
senate next week.
Senator Kern of Indiana, who Is draw
ing the minority report which will declare
against the Illlnolls senator's right to his
seat, will close up the case and seek to
fore an Immediate submission of the
majority report
Senator Krn a plan to avoid delay In
getting the case on Its merits before the
senate ha the support of th other
minority members.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Msy i (Special
Telegram.) Joseph Holecheck met death
In an automobile accident this morning
three mile south of Vsrdon. He was on
hia way from Humboldt to Falls City
with bis wife, bis brother, Paul Hole
check, Joseph Iloplnka and Mlas Shea
tack. The machine became unmanag
able while going at high speed and turned
over. Mr. Holecheck died In half an
hour after the accident. Mr. Hoplnka bad
his collarbone broken and the rest of
the party were slightly scratched.
The damage to the automobile was
very slight. Mr. Holecheck was about
17 years of age and lived on a farm a
few miles south of Humboldt.
CHICAGO, May 4 -Jack Johnson said
today that he would stsrt for his train
ing quarters near Las Vegas in about
thre weeks.
Johnson's party will consist of Clyde,
Brooks, Marty Cutler, Jim Smith, John
Perkins and Walter Monlhan. trainers;
bis wife and mother, a piano player, a
singer and a chauffeur. Tom Flannlgan,
who trained Johnson at Reno, may Join
th camp later. By a special clause In
the fight articles, Johnson wilt be per
mitted to take two automobile with him.
Johnson Is doing a little light work
now. He weighed Z2S pound stripped
Chleaa Takee Lead.
KANSAS CITT, Mo, May 4 -Chicago
tonight took the lead In the series tor
the championship of the National Ama
teur Billiard league, when A- J. Hams
ot Chicago defeated J. P. Backus of
City. 0 to 41
The Persistent and Judicious Us of
Be Advertlsinc is th Road ta Business
Troops Ordered to
Prepare for Quick
Journey to Border
MONTKKET. Cal.. May 4. -The Twelfth
regiment. United 8tates Infantry, quar
tered here, received orders from Waah
Ir.gtoa to be prepared to embark at a
moment's notice- Company J of the
Twelfth I sleeping In shelter tents by
the railroad and will entrain early to
morrow for Tumi, Arts.
LAWTOX. Ok!.. May -Colonel Gran,
ger B. Adams, commanding officer of
Fort Sill, received Instructions from the
War department toolgrst to have all
troops ready to move to the Texas border
on short notice. There la great activity
at the fort tonight, and preparations are
being made to get the troops ready for
Immediate travel and field service. About
LOCO men are stationed at Fort Kill.
Orders wers given to Colonel Adams to
renew efforts to secure enlistments. It
Is understood here that similar ordsrs
were Issued to officers commanding other
WASHINGTON. May 4.-Activities at
Fort SHI and other posts In the south
west, it was understood here tonight, are
merely results of the announced plan
of th War department to put th troop
In a state of preparedness for any emer
gency. So far as Is known there ha been
no sudden change tn the situation along
th Mexican border and no Immediate
movement of soliders la contemplated.
MEMPHIS. Tenn., May 4 -An Indict
ment charging murder In th first degree
was returned sgalnst Mrs. Olive Carglll
here today after Investigation of th death
of Bailey T. Carglll. whoa body was
found In his bedroom Isst Monday. Both
Carglll and his wife come of wealthy
Colllervlll. Tenn., families. What mo
tive the prosecution will allege the woman
to have had to alay her husband ha not
been explained.
In a statement Issued through her law-
ycr Mrs. Carglll declares her huaband
said h would kill her and himself and
commanded her to bring a pistol. She
lays en secured the weapon and shot
Carglll to death.
The Persistent and Judicious Us of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
Mr, Auto'owner.
If you have not a
suit made from
my dust-proof,
wearproof, rain'
proof auto cloth,
you'd better sell
the auto.
Let me show you
the goods,
MacCarthy-Wkon Tailoring.
X4-800- South Sixteenth St.
patronise th BaXJCOBT STAtT-
BABT If you era looking for th beet
food, served tn an appetising, satis
fying way, amid congenial aurround
inga, where the ventilation a vry
essential part for tha enjoyment of
the meal la abaolutely perfect.
Th many compllmant w hav
had upon our plac leads us to bellev
that our customsrs sppreclate tne ef
forts w extend for their comfort.
Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday 11 A.
M. to P. M . 40c and tOc.
ISIS Dodge at, O. V. Ban Fro.
Open All Night
Look for Large Eleclrlo Sign.
Dr. Clark's wide experience enables
him to do better work than most
dentists he Is careful and particular
and that's what ceunta In dentistry.
Prices reasonable. Call whan in th
Set of Teeth SS.00
Very beat set of Teeth, on rub
ber Bt00
Aluminum Plate, very beet
made -00
Gold Plate (3S.00 and up
Gold Crowns S4.00 and up
Porcelain Crowns. Ilk your own
teeth M-00
Gold Fillings (LOO and up
flllver Fillings 60
Porcelain Fillings l-00
Bridge Work, per tooth S4.00
Work aaaraataad lO Tears.
m FAiaxasa bebtist, so vs-
toa Block. na Floor. Office Boar
S to Si Bvsalng, S to Si Baaaajs,
10 to 1.
A Simple Berk Quickly OareThla Dreed
Blesses, to Stay Oared.
Diabetes see eereuifore Ne ewuiSeras ls
nrsbl. ess the eslr sops sale m l lb er
flleu ass sea U srewss tselr rsrs sr strict
A plant raentlr etseererH ta Maxles telle
DlsMol Bees, sea bees fossa te M s esecitla
ra the treaUMs el 4lakMes. esleklr relucts
the spertne sralty et th. suar. neuruig Igor
an Mists the srsusL,
Tht. earsjua seuUi reneir will relUee
the taunt or his eotst sjraeHMia, Is the sseet
asxrmrau euss. wiula a eee and t srore
n we will wail the bnt sse parka, for Be
wtta tree booklet of spotlal ralao u the tie
socio, eontaiaias lotoot Slot list oa4 exeloatre
UNO foe values. flllX eoreoataso of starek
in eoser fearbohrarateo) Is sW Slftorest tooes.
T.I1 roar annates bleul. of ibis offer sad esse
Mc today for a foil-else be eocsasa
AHs CHtsnCAL CO., Box MtC WsKaey
rotat. a.
By far the lowest prices made by any
Furniture House in all Omaha
W make a special feature of famishing complete outfits tor
home of various sixes. Ws bave original ideas that will be of
value to yon. We caa help you make a charming, home at an ex
ceedingly small cost.
One reason why we are able to CVT VXDER THE PRICES ot
every other concern In the city Is the fact that we are Just off Six
teenth street, and while only 60 feet from that important afreet we
save In rent alone a considerable amount, and take advantage of It
by cutting prices down to a limit that Is Impossible wltb other stores.
We'll arrange terms ot psyment to suit you. VOl'R terms wilt
be OVR terms. Pay a little down whatever you, can spare and
the balance as you earn the money.
sion Tables
4-ln Top ft
Mad of aeleeted
Neatly designed and
thoroughly wall
mad. Havy
solid oak,
S ft., strict
ly high
French bev
el snlrror.
and SKXOO,
Special sale of
Iron Ileds, Brass
Beds and Wood
Beds, a splendid
showing, a num
ber ot most un
usual v a 1 u e a
Brass Beds at
unheard ot
prises. Wood
Beds reduced 25.
per cent Iron
I n t
Oak Buffet
Well mad and flnlsh
d, golden, fumed or
Early Knguan, n-umon-
Beds now
d glass doors.
French eersi
(So up.
Terms SaM Oesa, 1J0
Others on sale I14.TB, unn
Msd of selected quarter wed oak,
oldan. fumed or Early English finish.
also In mahogany rinisn,
a high grads table,
large slss, special,
Terms Sl.TS Oeah. SI so Btestklr.
Others on sals atVT.TS, SlO.., IfltM
and SS4.T.
Old Age for Cafe or Home
It's the beer that will please In
the club, cafe, hotel, farmhouse, cot
tage or mansion, because it satisfies
the most critical and exacting Judges.
It pours clear, sparkling, cloudlesss
and pure.
The Amber Bottle
protects Old Age from decay.
BOatt Omaha Wat. JBTTBB, SSOS BT
Fhoae, South HI,
Omaha artroo F. BIU. 1384 Douglas
Faeae, Ttonglaa ISea.
Is the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west Its columns are tTJleS
wltb the best thought of the day In matters pertaining to the farm, the
ranch aad the orchard, and It Is a factor In the development ot the great
western country.
1 v yfr if. ill
extends to
Oik Rocker
Quarter sawed a a k
Rocker, full ea-
special St aenuln TC DC
Rocker, full
a, vT-i
Credit J Term uTSElf
S.TS. S1S.TS, SS4.TS .prlng eeet, OdidJ
Best on earth, strongest
Irs Rack ever d v I d;
from ooubl circulation of pur
It you of Ira; solid hardwood
eablnel: eonerlae
Bted a bed Ot any In every way;
kind visit Rubers door'sl?.
A new Improved One-Mottoa
tart, light yet eery
strong, lanra rueoer
tire. Special
Others at SI. to S30-00.