Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    : MAT 5. 1912. . K ,
Safe, Sane, Bona-Fide Reductions
on Serge and Whipcord Suits, also handsome -worsteds
and mixtures, to make room for new linens and silk suits.
These suits have been eagerly taken by the best trade in
Omaha at former prices; with
these genuine reductions they
will not last long. Note the
Women's $22.50 Suite $19.75
Women's $25.00 and $27.50
Suits at .....$22.50
Women's $29.75 and $32.50
Suite at ...$23.00
Women's $35.00 and $39.50
Suite at '...$29.75
Junior Suits from the $17.50
and $19.75 lines at. .$14-75
Junior Suits from the $22.50
and $25.00 lines at. .$19.75
"1912 Model" Borne with
itrnight plain jacket others
cutaway model with skirts that
are correct in style, yet not ex
treme. Fancy collar and cuffs
are shown on some of the more
fancy suits. These suite hold
such true lines that they re
quire very little alteration.
mil in m j kTi
1518-20 Farsun Street
Fifteen Thousand
Suffragists March
in New York City
NEW TORK. May 4,-The weather man
prowled a tin sun and a cloudless sky
for the biggest woman's guffrsge demon
n ration in the history of New York City.
For nearly a year preparation for the
treat parade have been under way and
there, waa little for Mrs. Harriet Stan
ton Blatch and her aailatanta to do ex
cept to marshal the various- divisions of
their forees for the big parade at I
o'clock and the maa meeting la Carnegie
hall at o'clock.
The 15,000 women and men. too who
had asked for places la the parade, re
ceived a last word of exhortation from
Mrs. Blatch during the morning. "Re
member.' she said, through a printed
card with which each, would-be pander
was provided, "you march for the might
iest reform the world has ever seen. The
orderly appearance of our procession de
pends upon each Individual marcher. Re
member the public will Judge. Quite lllog
Ically. of course, but not leas strictly,
your qualifications as a voter by your
The nan marchers, a host which Mrs.
Blatch thought might reach e,0t In num
ber, were disappointed to learn that Colo
nel Rooaevelt had declined the Invitation
to lead their division.
The program provided for a precession
mad np of eleven divisions, ltd by the
equestrienne squad at IN riders, a hand
and a company of outdoor suffragette
orators, each carrying her little green
platform slung Ilka a knapsack across
her shMlder.
The elsventh division, bringing up the
rear of the parade waa assigned to Mrs
O. H. P. Belmont's organisation of de
partment store clerks, preceded by the
newly, organised baby carriage brigade.
The tenth division, which comprised the
regular members of the women's suffrage
party, hired a dosea band for their sec
tion of the parade and provided each
member with a yellow pennant and a
tiny yellow electric torch.
submitted now, no matter by whom,
would be legal." ,
after firing the deelsloa Judge lalle
aald that In Ma opinion sow there are
only two ways In which H may be ar
ranged for election boards whea the
pons epea on election day. One la for
the council te reconsider Its actios on
the mayor's hat and reach an agreement
with the mayor; the other Is for the si en
ters of the several precincts la bold meet
ings at the polling places and select the
judges) and clerks.
Arguments In the alliens" anion man
damus notion to compel the city council
to name Judge and clerk for the mu
nicipal election, to be held May f, were
concluded shortly after soon Saturday
and J ad re Char! Leslie took the easa
under advisement until I o'clock In the
Conaall Arajse..
Arguments were mad Saturday for the
city and Mayor Dahlmea by City At
torney John A. Itlne. W. J. Cannot, and
Frank T. Itanaom and for the ataren'
waxm candidate by H. C Bra mo and
Mm P. Breen.
Mr. Connell said he had no persona!
objections to the ankm rsndldstee. but
If k had any objection they would be
to in organisation that had arbitrarily
named them as candidate and bad beea
able to Influence enough member of th
city council to have It stand in th way
of th mayor's performance of hi plain
"They are good mea, these candldatea."
said Mr. Connell. "but It la their hacking
that I against thcm-thls committee that
arbitrarily arrogated to Itself the right
of th rank and 01 of aa organisation
that was supposed to be a anion of cill
Maa; that brosght sufficient pressure t
War to have member ef th city council
Interfere with th mayor' performance
of hla (worn duty because they saw an
advantage la It; that to standing behind
thee candidate for office and If they do
not do Its bidding will call thorn apoa
Ihe carpet to maa them give aa account
sf themselves.
Aetloa at Eleventh Hoar.
"Th very fact that they waited until
this lata day to start their action ahould
warrant th court In ending this hearing
right now with a ruling against them.
They knew In situation long before they
brought their action. In th far of th
plain statute law, th common tow, tinder
which these man are trying to argue, doe
sot stand and It would bo nothing toss
than Judicial anarchy to mists In them In
their attempt to hav th law set aside
by a Judicial ruling.''
Mr. Ransom declared th whole ease
was a plain on of whether or not th law
ahould govern or ahould bo twlated by the
court in order to take advantage away
from a man who I fortunal to have It
locally. He said that talk about represent
ing th people waa not pertinent a we
sr en aged anerety in a fight between
two set of office seeker.
Ihmalsaaa Ha Advantage.
It doe not make a great deal Iff dlfftr-
no who I elected, Mr. Banana said.
th affair of the city will be sdmlnlatered
Just about th same, no sutler who is
looted, but sine th law give Mayor
Dahlman an advantage la th matter of
selecting Judge and clerks of election
that law ahould govern. Just a all other
law ahould govern, regardless of who
thsy benefit.
Mr. Rino dwelt on the fact that similar
situations hav aaltd la Omaha time
after tins, several time when attorney
bow representing th ClthMn union hav
beea Interacted, and yet th question of
tb mayor' right to Sterne th Judges
and olerka never before has been raised.
at see re. Brome and Breea elaborated an
their former arguments that th mayor
being a candidate disables him from nana
Ing the Judge.
(Continued from Peg One)
The Persistent and Juoictoua Us of
Be Advertising I th Road to Business
The Great Spring Tonic
and Dody Builder
J Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Mi an aboolately pure distillation of malted grain, and as non but sound,
clean grain can b malted. It- U mad from th moat carefully selected
grata. . n is predicated liquid food In th form of a medicinal whisker
It paJatabilltj and freedom from Injurious substance render It so that It
can bo retained fcy the moat aesaltiTe stomach.
It la ft gentle. Invigorating atlmulaat and tonic that lanucnoea for
food every Important organ oX th body. It la a remedy that should be
in ever family medicine cheat. It I especially valuable for one at this
time beeaaa it so aid digestion that H enable yea to set from the food
yo at ail th nourkaoment It contains, thug enriching tb blood and re
building th system that ha become ran down and weakened from th
oc strain f whiter.
JWffy-s Pore Malt Whiskey to the only whiskery tha waa taxed by
u uoTfwwjneiit aa BWflrtw oaring Use HpaaUh-Aanevicaa war.
0 th aennlne; sold by druggisih, grocers and Uqsor danism, or dlrert tt-M
m bottle, tf year dealer cannot supply yon. write aa and we will UU
where It can be bought. Medical beeJtl-t and doctors advice free on r agues.
t . The Duff Mail Whisks! -v. Unshoe l sr. Mew Tern. '
ani at s c am-m . as- ,rm-m ;mwamja r - tij i u t ac
tradlctory tatment made by Dalian,
and ordered hi arrest.
Motel Employee Ret treat.
One of th unusual feature of the ease
la th reticence of th Chatham hotel
employes. They refused to admit re
porters te Barclay's room until after the
body and belongings had been removed.
They aleo gave out mtsleedmg statement!
regarding th shooting.
According to the officers Dalian went
to the Chatham about t:M o'clock and
after being In Barclay' room about tea
minute rushed downstair and excitedly
Mid that hi friend waa dead or dying.
Dr. Harris, aastitent police surgeon, waa
called and be notified Ihe coroner. Dalian
did not wait for them to appear.
To on of th hotel attcha he aald:
'After thinking about tb shooting all
night, and upbraiding myself all th time,
and aocuslng myself for having th re
volver, I went te hi room, thinking per
haps h was only hurt. I waa horrified la
Ond him dead. I could not believe H." ,
jm Weridsi ea Merde Theory. .
Dalian eay that Barclay and be went
to Ihe former room about 1 o oiocx
Prlday Bight While there Dalian ex
hibited hi new revolver, so be sax a, and
Barclay examined H. Dalian cannot ex-
pleln accurately tb ouwumataaeea before
or after the shooting, and aa thl aeceunt
the police are working upon th theory
that Barclay might have beea murdered.
Dalian I positive that he was not hand
ling tb revolver when it waa discharged.
The odd thing about Ihe case la that no
on la the Chatham hotel seems to hav
heard tha shot fired, although th at
taches admit that many of tb guests
were awake at th tun tb shooting Is
believed te bar occurred.
Another unusual feature which th de
tectives think tend to prove th murder
theory I that Dallas, a level headed
huainee man. did not report the shooting
to any one, or try Is procure medical a
datanc for hi friend. Instead he left
the hotel end roamed about the dty all
alght, afraid to notify the polio, afraid
to go beck, and almost erased. This
morning ho became calm and returned
to the Chatham.
heetlaa A beat Midnight.
Deputy Coroner Spain found Barclay's
body In a chair, la an unnatural position.
He thinks that death waa probably In
stantaneous, and that th shooting oc
curred about o'clock, or within two
hour after th tw men went to th
Barclay I a Scotchman, about M years
of age, and has been In America about
four month. He lis beea connected with
th J. Gordon-Steel company of lit. Paul
elae coming te thl country, lie baa oc
cupied the room at th Chatham for two
month, though he ha enly been here
twenty-eix day of that period, being
eut of town on accountant work. Th
Omaha offices of th Steele eompany are
In th first National Bank building.
Dalian statmanta seem to Impress Mr.
English and Detective Devareea that th
hooting was accidental.
Dallas roomed at Mil Dewey avenue.
end hi rent there would nave expired ia
tw week. He waa making arrangements
to room with Barclay at tb Chatham
after that period. He say that Barclay
waa hla closest and beet friend. The two
became acquainted la at. Paul. Dalian I
an Englishman and has been ia America
lea than year.
Aa tnqurry waa made at th J. Gordon
Steele office for information about both
Barclay and Dalian, but th stenographer
la charge aeemed to be unwilling t gtvs
est gnythlng.
As Inquest will be held Monday, fol
lowing a poet pertem wsmHsHes to
determine cause and approximate time of
death. Dalian has been ordered held
without ball until after the Inquest.
ABERDEEN. & D. May A-4 Special.)
Love's young dream waa sadly Inter
rupted, but merely postponed, wnen
Hardle Wedegsrtner. a young business
man of Rugby. N. D.. and Miss Pearl
Wert, aa Aberdeen young woman, were
married. The couple had planned to he
married at the home of th bride's
brother, but the day of the wedding the
brother and hi wife were taken down
with smallpox. Then th young folks
went to the Msthodlet pe-sonag and
wee married, bat tb hxavv band of the
law deecended upoa them, and ta bride
waa quarantined for two weeks Mr.
Wedegsrtner be returned to Riufrr,
wbsaee hat brie win follow Boa being
rrliseea front quarantine.
Ear t ta Sitsei-eh,-
A Cash Outlay of Ten Dollars
Will Furnish Your Home Completely....
Do not allow a small salary, lack of ready cash or a limited saving account to
Btand between you and home comforts. False modesty is the bugbear that forces
many a family to exist among such scant furnishings that the word home, which
should be synonymous with comfort and happiness, is sadly out of place. You can have a beautiful home
if you will avail yourself of our quiet, dignified confidential plan of selling. It enables you to buy all
the furnishings you want to the most elaborate and you can make a very small cash payment and meet
the remainder in such small monthly amounts that yon will hardly realize you are furnishing a home.
Quartered Oak Frame. Carved Claw Feet
Mold 1
These wonderful eouches are upholstered throughout la genulrj Imperial leather which for actual serv
ice Is one of th. best coverings made. Frame Is mad. of aeleoted quarter sawed oak wtth claw
lewi. IBS onrcuil IUIUDI as uwu vj uhu v.vt mil nv wi wiu laiupvivi. .yi a ivsuih
f 20.00 value, on. sale Saturday only at tha low price of
Beautiful Massive Rocker
This heavy rich rocker I well mad
and exceptionally comfortable Back
and seat are upholatered In high
grade Imperial leather. Is of comfort
able steel spring construc
tion. Front panels ar deep
ly carved and back deeply
ruffled. A great valu at ..
torn iui i
Har tman's Complete Home
4 m.oo
98.00 PER MONTH.
New Model Refrigerator
Th season's newest dolgns, hav patent
drip cup. Interlined with galvanised sine
throughout hss removable shslvea and
many other hygienic feature. sj (
Hard wood cess, brsss trimmings
and filled with charcoal and mln-
era! wool. Special for thl week. .
Elegant Dresser
An exclusive Hartman design, large
pattern eh ape mirror, two large and
two email drawer with bra pulls.
maoe ok select eo American
quarter aawed oak. pollened
to a n.lrror like brilliancy.
A wonderful value at ......
A Mfat
Handsome Brass Bed
Handsome braaa bed In the newest eesign, I xcedlng1y wsll made,
has heavy t-inch poet, largo ores rod with five massive fillers
Larg corner cap sad ball bearing casters. Thee beds com I a rich
satin finish, any sis, while they last, at the very low price of
One Morion Go-Cart
A 111 modl collapsible Oo-Csrt that
fnlda with one motion, all tel
fram and body of guaranteed Im
perial leather. Complete Is l
with hood. Offered thl
Week at to extremely low f
price of
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST.
a ""aoetw-
J sessasssaaMSWiTwseis -
a wsswu-m , atsaiaBs.. g,
f "eessweawSrsswae 1
;il'iiaat' i
tr rrr i mm i m
Green Porch Rocker
Thl rocker a exceedingly well mad
and for actual wear In all kinds of
weather cannot be duplicated. Has
win spacious seat, board t,
back and comfortable bent '
wood arms A regular
11 1 value now offered at..
Five South Dakota
Farmers Meet
Tragic Deaths
SIOUX rAUA 8. D.. May l-8peelt)
o addition to the two farmer, on liv
ing near Huron end th other Bear Eatel
Une. who were killed by lightning, as
reported n few daya ago. three other
South Dakota farmer have met tragic
8. Drtvlnes. a farmer living some mile
north of 81oux Fell near the vtllsg of
Cotton, died from injuries received whea
he was kicked la the atomach by one of
his horse.
Bdward Perris, a proe parous tanner
Rvlng In th westarn part of thl (Minne
haha) county, waa Instantly killed by
lightning. H met death while driving
to hi horn I a box wagon. A Strang
reature in connection wtth his death waa
that neither th bene nor the wagon
were damaged m the least by th light
sing. The belt (truck Perrtn near th
heart and tore hie clothing badly. The
team Jogged (long wtth th tiedy s th
wagon, but finally turned off th road
and opart tb wagons when member of
a farmer' family llvmg nearby discov
ered what had happened.
Joseph Mosneh. a well knows Hutch-
tnsoa county farmer, was (track by light
ning and inataatly killed. He had yust
led a horse Into th barn and we en
gaged In tying It to a manger whea a bolt
of hgbtntng. killed bote himself and th
three or tout' weeks before any work tea
be don. Miles of railroad track and
railroad bridges were weakened and
washout war frequent Merchant
suffered thousands of dollar damage
from flooded baeementa.
Detective is Found
. Guilty of Perjury
NEW TORK, May t-Jame Q. Bras-
glaski, former secret ssrvies maa aad
special treasury agent, who we Indicted
for giving tale teetlnsony before th
federal grand Jury In It investigation
f the sugar underwelghlng frauds w
found guilty of perjury yesterday. He
waa committed te the Tomb to await
sentence oa Monday.
Brssalnski wore at the inquiry that
when Richard Parr, en November M, 197.
discovered the teorst spring seed In th
false weighing of sugar at th docks of
the AsMricsn Sugar Refining eompany,
O'dvar Spttsier. superhrMdent of the
docks did sot attempt te bribe them. Evi
dence waa adduced by the proereotlea
bowing the testimony to be perjured
BROOKINGS, & t.. May .-Tn flood
la th Sioux City river valley ss th
result of heavy rain, has cnewnat
subsided. T!lcsaa! of acree sown to
small grain are rained sod tt will be
ABERDEEN. 8. IX. May 4Eltlawa IX
Smith, aged a years, as dead at a local
hospital as th result of lnjarte received
In hotel fir at Seneca, a tew days ago.
H la th third victim. A gasoline stove
Kptoded and caused th fir. Ml Cera
Kelly was Instantly killed by the x
peosloa and her mother died two hour
later from mjurte an suffered la th Bra.
hunty of the Mat penitentiary on March
It, waa still out lata thl afternoon. The
jury retired at i:e) p. nv, Friday.
Iowa Demos Plan
Sttmpede for Bryan
at Baltimore
DCS MOINES, la.. May l-Plan to
engineer a "stampede" la favor of W. J.
Bryan for president at the stats demo
cratic oouventloa at Burlington May 11
ad to follow thl up by presenting the
Nabrsskaa ' nam ta the national con
vention developed today following a secret
conference of th Iowa Bryan league last
Th league was organised a boat a
BMBtk ago with Charles O. Holly of Dee
Molnee president. The fact that It was
at existence did not develop until after
th conference lest night, when a pehltc
tatcment urging Mr. Bryan' candMacy
for ptssldint waa Issued.
LIKCOUt. Neb.. Msy t. The Jury hi
tb esse sf Charles Mortey. the convict
sjccssrd 9t the murder of Warden Dele-
tslarr-Sraaek. , .
TABU ROCK. Neb, Msy !-SpeclaU
-Jtarried. ' at th German vanUeal
church a few alia northwest of bar.
Mr. John J. Stslnsr and Mi Hilda H.
Branch, both of this vicinity. To cere
mony waa performed by Rev. H. H
Kreuger ia th prussnr of a a umber of
reUUvee and friends, for the present
seaoa they will i aside on a farm near
Steiaanar. est will move to South Da
kota ta October next, where the gioosn
draw n lucky number la the recent land
dren of farmer of the vicinity and will
occupy a farm of their own.
houaehftM . Uw k.n.. Mil- n j 1 1
chsttel securities st a big dlecount of ths
uiw isiea. uuice ever s w. b away.
WMT POINT. Nek. May .- Special )
Th marriage sf Mania rayarbeisa. sen
of Mr. end Mrs. C reverherna, te Mies
Hose. Schleoct waa snlimslsii la Beers it
VmmiUv K fMiiiall titkerSM
ohnrch. The yeejaj ceupl ard ta chO-jj
laundry that please particular
' In every shirt or collar, as all
edge are perfectly smooth and
who are particular we ask Just
one trial.
You Can't Lose
Both Phooes. Wijdm Enryirittrt