B AMI KBTS. e n.ea Doyd's 3 SSlThur.' May 9 Ty EDWARD J. BOWES Prmnti MARGARET . THE - OMAHA- SUNDAY BEE: -MAT 5, -1912. ' , . . ... - - - ' -v. .wk . . r I P, ' .'..'.-TV v Of " L . Ill ".V:'- 1 W I aa msn B rtxmontlis' prosperous j 11 . t y, 1 1? i ' A V 3 A I "."rslo" uara "wd . C II 1 (l-CVi II run ia tw York at lk Horaia Bquar and Caainaj thaatara, Tb Balkan PrlncwA" a muateal aonwdy, with Mlaa Uiuiat Otinntna la una rolt. wui U th. attnutlM at th boa thMtar tuMday and Wadoaa dr, Mar )-,. . i ,P . , 'Th Balkan Pnnoaw"' waa originally ltd In London, when it ran for a tr. fh acora U by Paul A. Kubana, i book by rraoerlok Loaadal and . Frank Curaon, and tha' lyrloa by Mr. Rulwn and Ailhua Wlmixrlt. Tha local laid la tha mythlral country of Uaialra. ft-lnwaa Btrphanla la about to ba "crtn qwn. but In ordr to Innir ww iiaouity or th thron. aha haa rwiUMtM hy har eounnlor to marry. Awaingiy MX Kraal dukea ara Invltaa to'iiwar Mora tw, On, bowavw, -Utmnd Dun. r1u(alla to nbty th iraciou oornmaiul and tha prlncaai la DaturaHy Btdiroarit at hla aatioa.' Uora evar. Diik Mr(iu hu bMn ituilty of wnuna violent attack anltwt tha av rntnant In arder to avn a wnrns dona hi father by lha.lat, king. Ha a!o IrwiMnta rwta. h.r h nplolt hi Va. All this feads th princau te flea, lnwaTMlo. nmired to find out what man ntt at mas thia duka aiay ba. Oa antar- , .... . m eoaw upon "" wirrouiuiM by hi uaual onm Mttion. Ko on rwognlB , Prtnow aiHH,,; and tWrtlua, attracts by hr bttty. fall madly In lora with h.r an arould bava fori n, but that na pro-i a loaai ta u downfall at th vammm, VHntqm th dVooontt hlaa. rciaaJ her kVatlty and ordara hi. tu ta forthwith imprisoned In th . rayal pataca. How PrlncM BUphanl .; """J'r rlt and la about to abdicate ,iatbn"tban marry without v, whea j 1uk Bftua come, forward aad reaouea fctr from her pUaht. furrriahn Wuu. ful Mtaailoa and a'-Wey eenclualoa u w vrnif romance. j Mw tuneful-aumbera ara Included a tha acora. won which y ba men- Uonaa ; -lUlf HoUdaya." "Steallin." " LauAhusr.- "Dear. lvllhtful , "Women, nl. .Don't Let'a HP.. " 'Tha - Oi (w - vpera Bail. " "Im.i.. "Wonderful WorW." wano opar will be et the Orphean att Ihle week. Alexander Bavaa a itooiany ?Cer eunpany m preeent "La ru j W M- Agoata.1 the prograa cenuinlng "pera anaa and Italian folk aong. w nay a BMntiaaed suck IWht ditties as tha well knowa "Oi Maria. ana "ruacull-Fttnlcttla.' The muK 01 tlie opera by Leoooaralla and ruBTEuneut. Th maasbera of the ai l V ara AJexaader Bewaa, Danla Pout. Kaaenuni. Eatorw Sartgnaao. ( aniB t. Kaoemsker, Floreno Qulna. . nertotte Anderson, Eeteil Burgesa. Maria Borehantt. Florence MoCUUough And Floreoos Tulare. .. , " Dramatic Cartoon." a homely Utile comedy full at heart interest, will ba pre stiitad by Ulaa Kortoa aad Paul Klchol aoa. Eusic Burahaat aad Charlotte Oreenwood, twa girta aad a pie no, will Civ a musical perfofmaaea. Both ara JWHsedlannea of pronounced ability. "A Child asalt ut Then." Is (ba seme of A unique playlet which win he offered by t'na Clayton. It appeals aa aermm ot It weet aunpHeit y. Masterpiece of fanooa Eanopraa paitxera win ba raprodaced by MiMet Modeis-tlva young weawa wb ! m a larga gold tram. Th Motlett as I Oatra Trto. will glee aa entertaining art wostlt of song a4 daace. Bert Torreil. th Dutch character Tocatiet. tu g) aa nteru.!ftment, tti (eaturas f whk ere singing aad rooellfl. '. At tha Amerkan this week fR canedy that Is r.w w Oman wlB -- prMBtd by the Woodward company. ' Boy." Unipal play In three. ecu by Arthur Law, having been selected. It la a funny story, based as usual oa mistaken Identity, thla time tha material being handled In a way that I entirely novel.. .Its story, has, to da wKIr the troubles of Dr. Candy, head ot a boys' school and wealthy, In his effort ta choose between hla nephew and niece a to his heir. . Th nephew tries U . mak tha ehojoa for hire, but the eld' gentleman rather favor the niece, with whom ha has quarreled, but to whom ha becomes reconciled. He knows she haa been mar ried and 'widowed, but not that ah ha taken a second hue band. Ba he mistake tha new hue hand for tha" widow's son, and for eapedleney aa Ik humored la thla belief, with the result that many amus ing complications ensue before th en tanglement ta finally brought out all right. Mr. Parkin will play th role that require him to. be son la his awn wife and look oa whir another man un dartakce to win her affect tone aad tha others will ba well placed la th cast Th first performance will ba at a matinee thla afternoon, and tha bin will run all weak, with other matinee aa Tieday. Thursday and Saturday.,,. . . . '- ' "- For the star raaturd of Ita fifth annual eummer show, starting at 1 o'clock this aftsraooa. th Oaysty will offer for th first taw la Omaha tha famous Roth- phet Daylight ran torn Fotoea.- Instead of anting, la a darkened and gloomy audi torium, the picture are projected wKh cortsummat clearness and without th y-ru!nin( flicker, with tha light la the theater all aglow, lust a though a stage performaac war la progress. There'll be aa groping around ta the dark for a seel aad tt th picture doe not Interest, you may read Voua- paper unt(l a wrdevllle act MartA And speaking of vaudeville. R tS tn purpose or ino usyeir agemeat to mak thla tha beat on and with this Idea la view It haa contracted only far th bast la vaudeville. Coming tha first halt of th week ara th Brook lyn Harmony Four, on of th beat auar trtte at present la vaudeville with their high close epedalty. Another act of un usual merit la th Wllhat troupe, con sidered among th beat comedy cyclists. Starting on Thursday afternoon a novelty In tb form of a trained troupe of cock atoo will be presented. On the program th last .half of th week will b (Yank aad N elite Ellison with their spectacular musical novelty. "The Village Black mttla A. short, snappy prelude aa the ayWiphaaa ' will demonstrate their handling of thla Instrument. At every parfotmaaca. all season will be heard Richard Burtpsv whom Manager Johnson claim la th greaiaat baritone la cap tivity. Th picture will b changed dally all aammer-, rha vauderlll every Sunday and Thursday. Tha hour of en tmalnstrm ara from t to aad t te 11 p.-nrfdaJiy,-0e mag ga at nr tlmand ar rmg 3r?4 2kTJ-e22 lay as long aa desired. Bummer prices will prevail. ' , " - ' p ., . ' . Comedians who are really funny. comedy that la' apontanaou and lever onga that possess the proper jingle- to make them popular, singers who ara cap able, vaudeville act of th beet quality and novtltle and featiiree that come u ti the caption of- originality coupled with a eeenio embellishment, costumes sal effects that are startling are a few of the Ingredient ot a "Lucky Fellow" end "A- Quiet Kvcnlng" by Harry L. Copper. -Who .heads the cast of players: the two musical comedies which will be presented by A. VY. and Sim Wllllama' Imperial Burteequere at tha Krug theater, week commencing with the usual Sunday matinee. Th company supporting Hary U Cooper ta the strongest company that waa aver aeon with a burlesque show, containing fifty people. Including Clayton Fry, character comedian; Violet llttenn. tae rl eoubrette: Wolf aad Lea, sketch artists; Pet - flrlffln. eccentrle dancer and th Dramatic Rag Four, GOTHAM'S BABEL OF TONGUES Aa Investigation just conducted by th research bureau of the New Kork Tut- ration of Churchee shows there an only IBM people of Mew York's populatloa ot 7I,8SJ, both of who parents were native Americans. The northwest Europe element decreased ItT.R from 13W to Bit, while th southeast Europe quota In creased overwhelmingly. The number of Jews la placed at l,3B,n. Tha Increase ba population of peoples from southeast Europe Is la Una with Increased immi gration from porta in that part f tha world. - ., - , t v fa bureau leaned that New Tork' ta aow th second largest ItanAa city in th world. It I tb third largest Roasts n city sad tha city's Austrw-Himgariaa group ia mora than half tha use f Biidapest. In th last ten years New Tork s population ot British parentage decreased U7,ci. Tha population of lm mediate Oermaa ancestry dti eased al moat aa muck aa tha Irish. English, Webh, Pcotch. Canadians aad other Br. Ish put together. While New Tork e pop. ulatlon from northwest Europe deereaaed from is to HI, residmts of Seshdma vlaa parentag Increased. Th growth ia ButBDere of Ruaetaa, Polish and Pmnlah parentag axoetded the whole loss from British and northwest Europe source. Ia terms of percent ace. the populatloa of New Tork la HIS waa Ii.3 per cent British. li. per cent of Busaiaa birth or , parentag. ii.ii per cent Oermaa, ti.st per cent Italian. tS p, Aaetro-Huagartan, 1st per cent tcaa dlnavlaa, IAS) per cent at mixed fareiga or mixed native parentag, ug per rent negro and .13 per cent ooterad- parsons other thaa . aegraeji. , , 1 "Kindling" : and Bain' rlnht la (reater than bain' food and It' different It'a aaay.anouch betn' good, because everybody agreea aboat It. nut In dotn' right there noihln' to back you up but your own aeme. Maggt Bchultt In Kindling. "1 bet the Lord made the rules of na ture long before he mads th Ten Com mandments," . saye blunt Mrs. Bate Is Charles Kenvon'e vital and Impresslv drama of the tenements, "Kindling," which will be teen at Boyd's opera house commencing Thursday. May t. The old washer onian IS talking of th frightful conditions thst environ th bi.vs born In one of New York's Irhttlng tenements" owned by a woman of wealth, and It la Mrs. Bates' conten tion thst a mother lit warranted In tak ing any measure that will safeguard th lit of her child. She discovers, whan she cornea upon a cradle that has bean rescued from ths wrecksg of a fir la a furniture factory and Is hidden under a labia In Maggie Bchults flat, that bar word mean everything to her neighbor. With a beaming countenance aha turns to tha abashed young wife and say ten derly, "Maggie, darling. 1 It true? Aw, Mggle. Maggie! ' An to think what I waa eayin' to yes a while ago. What daea'Helnla say?" , MAGOl laHe don't know. BATES-lt's time you told him. MAO, IK-1 don't cere, lletnale thtnka like you do. A kid ain't got a chance down here. I'p tin a while ago be used to feel like I did. BA'I'Kft He d have welcomed It. eh? MA(iJllv-Via used to talk about It nights. How happy our home ud be with kids, somethln .to hold him an me to gether forever, somettiln' to work -for. it ud ne -a real some then, no matter where It was or .how poor it was. Tnea one day the health officer eeld somethln an that started him thinkta. Then It started reaoj thlnga up to find out tot himself. .An now nes fle-ce agstnst it. He says bringin'. klda tmo the world In place tike tb worse than murder. Tnink of It, Bate worse than murder! BATBB (Impatlentlyr-Aah! MAtriilB 1 touani against beltevln' It. But now you say It's so. The Doc save It'a so. and 1 can see It In the sick kla dwniaira. tit reeking down), cm, it a awful! - - . . - -i BA 1 K-t 8ure, It's a loin state of mind ye' re gelt In' in. MAOUltk Heinle n be wild at me. HATK-tlhure, he'll be kissln' y tin ye re smilln' and thkled to death- Teti him ngnt out. If he a cot any objection he can be takln ye away, he can. . MAOOIE leurpriardl lake me wayr HATtS Do ye thwk thi is th enly place of residence lu the world? MAOUti v bat je mean! . - BA ltf What a the matter with Wyomutg? enure, it's the peradles e baolra. Ldok at Meve, Wnea euev waa a baby he used to sleep ia the sag brwea bk a regular little Moaee. . MAtXHsi (vaguely) yomlng It a a terrible long weya ott. ain't it; Bay, 1 bet it s a aesMturui place. -HATE. t slo t keeiun tourists awu from tha Garden er Kden,-but to say muind it got tt oa this piece. MAOUIsl irspturouslye it all covered over with grass out there, ara t It? An there s trees en brook an lakea. An v can Je take ye lunch an' go off oa a picnic wbeaever e wanta, and say aroaa' an nlea BAI S.S-AM th oleum- yen go at ple- nkw II be the shells off n hard boiled eggs. There ala't no rosea in V, yomlng. jAuui& twsta enaa o laisappoiat-ment)-Oh! v . Ba f tik-No, dearie. It' a hard, rugged country, an ye got to scran tor a Uvln' jea ilk ye oo here, but ye Ttlt tha color in yer cheek aad the sparkle tn yer eye to erai with. An' that's where me boy ztteve waa bora. MAtXHE ibresthleeetyy And Jm grew strong and aueky BAT ES Aad tna night he cam inaa th world the thunoer waa crash) a among tha peaks and the wind waa aniiekre'. and rtoOnV soartt-after boara off the house, and tn rattle outside waa ! a-bellowln'; but above it all, loud and strong, came the howl o' me baby, aad I thanked tha Good Lord ter It. Fer 1 knew he'd eoroe Into th world to last MAOttlS-Vee' Ye! - BATBtl Like the rocks and the prslrtea and the mountain ' MAUOfB i tloojitely Com lets the world to last that's a hat I want! On, God. that's what I want- ' BATKS An it s whst's expected eg ye. If ye bring a lit hit th world, re steal baby ribbon? Baby pin baby 'ln sudden enlightenment he stops and falls back a step, hie head across hut j brow as ah stand betara ktm,,tremb- Its Problem got to start It right It's rar averlaatln' duty. 1 MAGGIE My vrlstln' duty. (Esgerly turning) Say, d'ye think Heinle d quit n ion an gor I BATKM I can put yea next to a scheme to land yes both In Wyoming and set ys up fur a hundred do! tare at tha most. MAGGIE Ye an? , BATR8 Eer hear tell ' a' home steadln'? Well, there's certain land the government ain't got no use for. so It gives little pieces to ths poor people, and tells them to go and live happily eves aft her. MAGGIE They gtv It to ye, to own? BATEM Wslt till y see the land. MAGGIE Then If we get a hundred, we can art up n Wyomln'f ' BATKS That's th game. MAGGIE Heinle's got to do It. I'll help him I'll work, too. Gee, think ot H Jlvtn' out ther In th sunehtn an ftowersl- Anyway, It's away from here. Heinle's got to do It. Tell him shout It when he comes home tonight, will ye? BATEB Ait' you'll ba taliln' about tha other? . - MAGGIE-Yes-Yee-l'll tell htm to rn! tit. . Mad desperst by th prospect, which become an obeaslon with her, that her child will os me ailing Into .the world and will not long survive the terrible condi tions In the rotting' tenements,. Maggie gives heed to th advice of the sapient Bates, who suggests that. If (be take th place of seamstress which hss been offered her by a rich woman, she will be abl o pick up many s trifle which will never be niiseed in that wealthy houee hold and which will be of great use ta her In her' coming trial. "It's ths wsy of beasts." said Bates, "and they're al ways! good parents If you need anything for your young, take it!" i Maggie follows the advice, takes th place in the household of her "benefac tor," whh happens also to ba the owner of thedlsease breeding tenements, and steals money and trifles with the Idea of obtaining money euough to buy railroad Itcketa to Wyoming, where she thinks th baby will' have a fighting ehanc for life, Bh ta found out, and In tha course t a pitiless cross-examination ' by' her hus band she' biases up in vindication of her deed. Thus the scene proceeds: , ' HEINIE How shout ths silver cup. them gold pins and things?- " MAGGIhV-Oh.. they waa just knock In about. Nobody wanted It. .It didn't mat ter. . . -,. ' HEINIE Didn't matter? My God! What e got Into ye, anyway? MAGGIE-Yu put tha Idea Into my heed. HKINIE (stunned)-Me! MAGGIE Yea. yost. You showed me th game we wsa up against. I was aat Isfled with things s they was 'tin lis You think I'm lust a weak foul that 8 love got to help him. Well, bow, I'll tell y somethin g Ye're wrong. HKIMK Ipuasled by her defiance) Just what's ya drivln' at? MAGGIE I mean that I finally woke up to what 1 had comlo' to me. Them people owned our home, they owned o. and if I dared to bring a life Into the world they d owa that, too. Well, they went too far, ea 1 went up there and took what I aeeded what waa mine I had a rlaht to. I tell ye. , . , H EINI E Right? 1 MAOGIK-Yes, rlgrit. A ' right to a share of life, lust as they tie re. Just as any animal has. I didn't ask tor com-' fori.' I didn't ask for happiness r that for their kind uptown: that a th law: but there's some thin they've got to Jlestv ma have: me. and the lowest ani mal livln . You re a man. and you're gout' to have food and drink, ain't ye? Ye got a right te live and ye ll steal and ye' 11 murder to do iL Well, I'm a woman, aad Sod, sever m a greater right ewea than that- He gav ma the power to give life, and there's no want In my body or soul cries out so lead It will be satisfied, my greatest right of alt. Taea they come, them peopl down te-er. and warn ree. warn me that if I wrought a Ufa Into the world tt would 'j smothered out. burned up tike so much kindling, and for what their comfort, thetr pleas ure! Think of it! I stele. Vm a thief, I'm rotten. I've -lowered myself In their eyes; well, let them think so and In my owa eye I have raised myself fsr above env rar tar ahov em- HEINIE And how about thla? rTaktnsx baby ribbon from the tablet. Ye didn't swipe that to get yer needa of Hfr, did ye? Ye wan t buying yer pas to Wyoming with six yards of that, waa ye? No. ye took U because ye was a satural hors thief. -MAGGIE Te on t understand' HEINIE A thief, and eosvds't .!p yourself, that'n take tank y got no use far. rnh tike thia, because ye can't keep yer hand off tt 'Waving a piece of rib bon ta her faeehWHl ye tell me why ye ling). My God! My God! Oils vote husky- with aw and- rwierancai. Why ' In th Sprm Dramatic Sensation KINDLING a nw rut, T CIULII XKVTOV . Dirct hu loaf im ia CUc-a ud lTw Tork ' A ruy wttk Throk ThrlUi u4 Jot WtU luki Ton Tkink vmxCBa wioai, eoe. TSe, aum, (I-m; utmi, aoe, tsc, fix. Tues., IVSay 14th Sf; SAM S. and LEE SHUB2RT, NC, Offar LOUISE GUNNING The B a I k a n P r i n c ess TlK iatlMt of all aiwlcal pUT whlcH aatarUlstd Iioadra for i imw ut UMt na lor li month! 'at th Casino, a. Tn and Zw riald'i Inald Bgaara Taaaur. KATb OSSXM WOW MAT KAIS XAT STH. ALL WEEK -BEGIHJilPIG wiihcl-:jii; TOWIOHT 9:39 A Gardea Show of Kumner'i Sweetest BJocaoma WILLIAMS' Famous I . With HARRY U COOPKR , , ".. Th Cdmediaa who makes yoa Scream and Roar. : The niftiest bunch of rnoriatera on the road. The Only Burlesque Show rXOIAX, JJtllSDSCmse ev. 4 DAYS, Com. Sunday, MAY 12, Mat. Wed. , AMlmOA'a BiisflW MOTIOsTAI, AOTBllga : HELEN WARE THE PRICE ' , 'wsromai BBOADBtrstar Tk Big Snecese Direct from Budso TksaUr, m. T. stake application for aaata Mow gteralar Bala Thara. Prl., So te glJO, m.,. wgS i 1- - Phone. Dong. 44 1 Ind. A-14S4. ktaUaee Bvsry Bay, gilij Bvsry Might, Silt. Advance. Vaudeville ;: Week Btartlag Matlne Today. The Romany Opera Co., (Inc.) ' ? erection of Alexander Bevan,' n a buectactilar Kinging Novelty Untitled "T,A FHSTA I'l MKZZ AtjOSTO" Miss Norton and Paul Kichclsoa; ,, In ' "A Drmatic Cartoon" By Mia Norton. Esalct ; Ctarlofti Bumtiam and Greenwood Two ft.rln nJ a PUno. . Winaom ' Una Claytoj. . And Her Playera, Presenting the e Itnlque 'Comedy. "A Child Khali Lead Them" By Misa I May ton . Vaudeville e Classic MOWs Model.'.' World' Most Famous Works of Art Done In Life Moltett & Claire Trio; : In . -Dances of Various Times snd ' t'llmes. Bert .Terrell. Dutch Character Vocalist Completing Hla World'a Buccesa ful Tour Kinetoscopa. v . Projecting the Latest ta Anl- - mated Photography. .. Orptieuni Gon.ert' v " ' ' Orchestra. 1 s ': Tulented Artlets ' 1 5 IMoss Bight: 10a, S6a, so, TSa. Kattaa 10a, Vast seats SSc ex cept Saturday aad Baadag. - AMERICAN THEATER Mat- Today. Btata. TSaev. Than, Bat. The Woodward Stock Co. Xa th Parcial Cossedy THE NEW BOY Bxt Week, gwrxxTssT euti. n didn't- ya tetr me. Maggie? Why didn't re tell me? Th story ends happily, far Maggi is not prosecuted by the people from whom she lias stolen. Indeed, the fact that they are by no mesas guilUesa la the cir cumstances is borne in upon them and tSe raer of th rotting tenement house promises to improve cofxUTJoos there. Mies lungtoa do tn beet work of her career In th rot af MaggK. and ati-Tcclv admirable anpport from Byron Beasfey aa Heinle end- from Frank Carapeaa and Frank C Cm. - " TODAY J in Town , .. . ... Via Ob Ob KEARS ' THE CAYETY'S SUMMER SHOW STARTS TODAY AT 1:00 P.M. . Wlafi- BselnsiTS Projection la Omaha of DAYLIGHTfotoes Ibatmt Wrlnkla la Moving Picture Hytone Vaudeville BROOKLYN HARWONY 41VarMe!cay ' - riUT POUB DAT or WtlKl Wllhat Troupe lr&J LAST TKXEB BAT OP WEBXI THE ELLISONS ui!1 ucs'smfth MLLE, si A BZ ELLA S taaaual' Stunts At Bvery Perforsoance All Bammart BICHABB BDHTCrcgta Pict.rescS:r,VjD.8Tlle .J-. , AKY?fMJ10cKwc Daily 1 to S;T to 11 P.M. PflUC C1DI V dome any tlm; stay Ut "t ts.nl. I V2 aaaMeta!gaaag8sia.) in mn i is ' Omaha's only ; ' high-class moderate priced ' cafe..., v ."' ' Cool tables at t: pleasant windows.... . . , Excellent assotri ment of delicioat , Mummer foods..... -- appetizingly pre- . i pared.. - r THS OMAHA BEE prints dean Bears aad cleaua adrertssuiE. ( OlMt J . IMTMCt I 1