I Of FSREO FOR RENT IIomm and Cottage. ' HOJES RIB r.F.VT J1Z50 iszr i)umfias Sc. partly mod el:. Oat. J-8-r., 17a Burt Su, modern apart. sent, cieem heat. lAev-S-r.. w aiadlson Are, modern ex- fft heat. P7S--t. flat li Howard St.. modern exrer hear, rrio-s-r, !i4 Buggies St.. modern. SeteJ-J-r. See Ha. lika bi.. modern, hot water beat. 5."t.. KD Pacific St. modern, fine tapeur. W -;-r. modern fiat SS 80. Kth SL, ateam heat. GEORGE COJ8TANT. Phone D. ft or A-1T5. 2M K. 18th.. 7-r., modern 35. S3t Leaven worth. 7-r., pt. mod y ri f BCMlt-CAKJL.UERa CO.. 31-H3 Brendan Theater. I. 8. FOR RENT. t-ROOM HOrSE IN KOUNTZE PLACE. Located on lth St.. between Spencer a-id Loioroo. Has larire reception hail, living room, dining room and kitcbea on first door; four sleeping rooms, bath and outside porch on second floor. Aiso one flniahed room In attic. Oxlt floor first floor. Strictly all modern. HASTINGS & HETPF.X, Harney St 813 MASON ST.-Brlok bouse close to Park tinea. Phone Harney ISO. 833 8. 3Sth St. RENTAL OR HOME BARuAl.v (-room cottage, bath, closet, sewer, water, gas, ahade. etc.. east front lot; rent, 318. or will sell on rental term. J. B. M KIThiCK. 433 Ramge Bldg. p.m. 3-r.. modern, ill Chicago gt. Doug S17. FIVE and aU room cottage, modern except heat. Call Harney 3S. Stores and Office. GROUND Coo.- office. 830 ft: display window. K2. M South, llth EL Phone Pougia bSi. No. m a isth St.. xxtt. tl Poug. tat. 8TOREROOt suitable tor Grocery and Meat Market at !WI Hamilton St. Tel. We Redgwlck. Hamey T?T. M'CAOUE BU1LP1NO. 15TH AND PODGE. Attractive office, modeiate price. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AMD SUiLDINO ASSOCIATION. UU Far nam. S story and basement, wilt remodel to ault. J. N. Bnltier. D. 3131. OFFICK with use of reception room and stenographic service. Very reason able, loii City National Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE Saraltarc, FOR SALE Carload of all kinds ftirnl tur la SO day. Bachman. lew Podge. Tyswsvritera. RENT aa Oliver typewriter front the Oliver Typewriter w. uougus aia VISIBLE typewrlteia and all other makes, sold or rented anywhere at to H mfrs price, allowing rental to apply on price; shipped on approval. Writs tof circular. 1H& Farnaas. Typewriter Inepectlon and Supply Co. Typewriters. WOULD you show nor wholly visible typewriter to your menaa ana let mem ee wherein ft eacsls sny lle typewrit made If you could, without coating you on cent, have the typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then writ ua for full particular. Emerson Typewriter Co., Box e, wooastor. in. Central Typewriter exchange. 16U7 Far- sana MlaoellMMaa. FOR BALE Mew and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline allays sad access or lee, bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The 2runswicK-Baia-4-D!ianar co., sw-eiw a. lh St. FOR BALE Barber chair, cheap if taken at once. 7U7 8. 16th. upstair. OLD iAFES. PKKIOHT. UU Faraam St. FOR SALE Two scholarship la the Omaha Commercial college and on la Boylsa college. Buatosaa office. Omaha Bee. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand sates; all aiaee and make: bargains American Supply Co.. 1110 Farnam 8t PPAWFTSTT UVB OR cooked. UIlAYVf 10H call HARNEY ItO. LITTLE GIANT carpet and rug cleaner for sale; price tsu. Call W24 N. 28th bt. Phen Webster et6. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixture bought sold. Levy. Xli) N., So. Omaha PKRBOSAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicits east, ft clothing; la tact, anything you de not need. We collect repair and sell at 1M K". llth St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas itfS and wagons will call. A New Truss NEW INVENTION". ACTION AND RESULTS. Pees not spread the rupture open In ternally as convex pads do. Writs for booklet THE TYRRELL TRUSS CO., I7M Broadway, New York City. M.I11V RllOIl RKURDT. Olaolsn Pharmacy, Uth and tiodga, BATHS, Swedish massage, vibrator and radiator treatments air. Snyder, apt X Punsany. UHh and Pleroe. Douglas i38s. laaga Mra. Rlttenhouse. Ma Boston Bid vntTUi ..m.n Mimlnr Uk Omaha aa trangers are Invited to- vlsu ths Youag Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and 8t Marys Ave., wusre they will be directed to suitabl boarding places, or otnrwtn saelsted. ook lor our tranters aid at the Lmaw station. f rSflM sd ehlna palnUng. flrtog LiCjiXDiJM dub order, reasonabia, Ruth Letcbford Stadia. aU a. Jim. Bad t 1 JJ A nt! Swedish movement Apt JUAiJOAvtil j ma Farnam. D. aaea MISSAflF. Baths, eaii giow. aromau MACiOAUri treatment Mm. Allen of Chicago. M a i:th St. 1st tloor. IX Mai. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines, lnd. A-1661; Douglas ioei NEBRASKA CVCLE CO. 10th and Harney Bt. MASSAGE treatment Mrs Steele, eai Boyd Theater Bldg., stair antrana on barney: elevator In lobby; to 8 daily. MiSSAfJIi; Bkthk-. l1!- H" Tin s. isth St VACUUM massage demonstrated by Mrs Steele, ll Boyd Theater Bldg. jjaily and Sunday CLLLEXJPEALTIC Free consultation. 60 S. 161 h, D. 3837-76A AKN'A UitlKR 111 K. 17th Rt C Swedish nuaeag hour, W a. m to It p. m. HAZEL LEAF FILE CONES Best remedy tor netting, bleeding or prvtruo liig piles, toe postpaid; sample fie tiaermei McConnli Drug Co..' Omaha. Vital niaseage. Anna Fisher, sol Ware Blk. A PEW more parties wanted for ie-day cir.Ji-rg trip. Yeiiowstora. Park Uceostsd u;dca. auafaolioa guaranteed. E, e. .aec. 34 Cass tt MAV L UIJ This Is to notify ali con cerned that I will not be resixmsibte fur axay oasts contracted by my son, Francis H. Powerii. K. T. Power. FOCLTRV AVD PET STOCK KILKO CHICK FOOD to tie best hi the snarket for young chicken. M&d frcm pur grain, s'or saia by all daaJara. A. W. WAO.VKR, AOENT. Ml N. 1Mb St Tel. Doug. U42. Ind. B-ltei. THOROUGHBRED- Brown Leghorn eggs and palieta for sal. TeL Florence Ba. 'Si-NGLa lomli Block Muwrca eggs, rtliy trapped lay ore; at nee la, M par tr, ever j) satiafiea ewsiomers last seaeua; eutfa:tion gusxaausA Fred Keiaa Ccnece. Kan. RAikiiulD liovk .- pilw. float mated pens. Utility ilock. ttot per !M. hena for mating Hat F. C. Ahiqulit li.i ., Ames Avenue Station, Omaha, y.i tt. Florence VA ' S-nfte Comb Whit Orpington eggs and Barred Roes. 7a No. Hh or Web. ifn. I PUVLTRl AXD PET STOCK. I Buff Grpinst.u, first prise winner guar. ss. per MO, baby chic. W. :ta Sciwnmti R.S tr M6. . Wagner, tin X. 14. Pi)R SALK-WbJt Wyandotte eggs from heavy winter taring strain havine farm range 31 per 1. 34 per Me. Laura tcHite Lincoln. acp. TWO bOStOB bullosa ftu,la fn.,ll Registered. Prlae winner. Tyler 1316. . REAL ESTATK ABSTRACTS Ob TiTLK. Reed Abatraet Ce.. oldest abatraet of fice m Nebraska. SOS Brandon Theater. NEALE A CAMPBELL 1U4 Farnam St. UCli.Ua.eV I.SPUHMATloa. Electric. fas future. Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Cc 17th and Cuming Sta. ruchs, Son Blind, painting, decorating H. Pros, lum. wreck g. plb. n Paul. SCREEN'S izj2rrJTiz Welnch Fixture Co.. U N. Wth 8t ACBSA6E FOR SALB Acreage--Half Acres in Elmwood View Addition Are Going Fast Two woeka ago we first advertised this addition. We have sold ten lots already. Located at the crest of the ridge south of Elmwood Park and only t block from the car Una. This la the cheapest. "dose In ' acroaae near Omaha. Isttu mt 24th and Fort Sta s-il for more money than umwona view acre and they are rela tively the same distance from town. To all purchasers who buy before May 1 w wui give 5 wortn of fruit tree free. Prices, MM to Butt. Terms: cash and tie per month. Including Interest at er cent, rive per rent discount for cash. Ve can show you these lot at any time convenient to you. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phones Hi 8. 7lh St Get 8 Acres Fruit Easy, only tx now. balance monthly: IVi mllea northwest of end of Amea Ave. line; less than a mile from paved road north from Kmg park; no house, but plenty uf fruit well started: 600 tree, apples, cherries, peaches, plums: MO Con cord grapea, H acre atrawberrlea. with 7.OJ0 plants: might divide. Ask to see It Phone NOW. O'Keefe Beal Estate Co. low Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phonee Dougiss 31(3; Independent A-KSS. Evenings Harney 2M3 or Harney 1134. ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. Orln S. Merrill. 1313 City Nat Bank Bldg CITY PROl'JCKTY FOR SALS. Here Is A Real Bargain Three Acres Improved Locatsd at the northwest comer of Wth St and Curtis Ave., within blocks of 30th St. car Una and within 1 block of school. Two acres are In fine blu grass sod, 1 sere In fins tardea land. There Is a row of large maple tress on ths east and south gldss. A good -room bouse; built of ths very bast material through out; fins bricked up ceMar. Houae ha reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms on ths first floor and on finished bedroom on the second floor and on mora room can be flniahed at a vary small expense. The rooms are all large and wall arranged. Ther Is a large bathroom yrlth new bath tub, toilet and lavatory. Also ha a good barn and new cement walks around the house and to the street. The house Is now vacant and ready to move right Into. This property can be subdivided Into eighteen SO-ft lots, which would ell at from IU0 to t)M each. Ths ground alone Is worth the price the owner 1 asking for the whole property. BE SURE and look thla over at one and you will say that It la the biggest snap that has been offered In a few acre for long rime. Price, O.tSt. HASTINGS 4b HETDEN. UU Harney Bt DUNDEE K9W buys choice I-room, strictly all modem bungalow at (1st Bt and Capitol Ave. It, 700 buys brand new chote horn, well located; full two stories and attic; large living room arrangemrat with nifty brick fireplace; hardwood fin ish; sleeping porch; south front lot MxUb ft, and pavtns: nald la full. 18,800 buys MOt CAPITOL AVE., a new nause, six large room, vary floe ar rangement and tastily decorated throughout: living room, with fire place; bookcase and buffet built In; HOT WATER HEAT. TERMS can be arranged on all theee. Vacant Lots Lt M each for two choice south front tfV(t uauuj ?iw. SUM buy cheapen lot on Capitol Ave.. cureui psuu. pan or. paving, and ewer Inside the curb. VlKT MrFPY n -. - 51st and Davenport Stv ao Ideal corner for home. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE ia-2J City National. Phone Douglas 3963. $3,300 Easy Terms A rerr a eel rale B-room onngalow with all modern conveniences; living room and dining room flniahed in Orogon fir, balance oard nine; floors finished for rugs; furnace heat; lot !x7 ft; cement sidewalks; hone built in and almost aa good as new; Ideally located, only 2 blocks from the Farnam car line and one mile from 16th and Farnam Sta. Own a home of your own and stop paying rent. Special bargain for this week only. J. H. DUM0XT & SON. Phone Dong. 60. 1603 Farnam Bt. BEMIS PAEK F!v room, mil vtoderi. except heat, good lot. ftKmtb front, elooe to car line and achooa, good neighborhood. Prtc, fc.-Sd. Ctuh payment, baianeo time. BEMIS-CARLBEBG CO. 30-U Brandcis Theater. P. tax THE Ilt.lL ESTATE CITV HKos fcU ran S4I.E For a Home or an Investment Dundee is the Tlaee to Buy Omaha a beet residence district has al ways moved wt and Dundee 1 only minute hy street car beyond the Wen Farnam district. Pundee and Happy Hollow now have the public Improvement of the best resi dence sections. Including uniform paving. Pundee and Happy Hollow is the only place around Omaha where a large tract of ground has been scientlflcallv and ar tistically laid out and ao restricted that nothing but first cias resdenre. properly located, will be built thus assuring the future of this district A lot purchased now mean not only an Ideal place for a home, but also sub stantial profits in the near future. Go out today and look over this attrac tive suburb. Our easy payment plan place lot within the reach of alL The following is a Hat of a tew of the many attractive propositions In Dundee: DUNDEE LOTS. I 70347x136 feet oa Wth St.. 1 block from the car line In good neighborhood. I TSOeOxUe feet, double frontage on Wth St and &0th Ave.: high, sightly lo cation: good residences auroundlng It: will have all Improvnsnts, In cluding paving this summer. I Ku-0xl3t feet north front, high, sightly location, with city water, eeaer nnd cement walks Included at the above price: navemenu will be laid this summer; only 3 down; $10 per montn. I f7-0xlK feat, fronting north on Web ster St., Just one block from the cr line: city water, sewer, gas and cement walks In and paid for. paving to be laid this summer; reasonable terma. f M0-I0xl3 feet, south front en Cuming St. between both and 31st sts.: all pedals except paving In and paid for: a well located, sightly lot. I tot 9xlK feet, fronting north on Web ster St., one block from ttte car line; all specials In except paving. A amall cash payment, balance monthlr. H.00O-)xiS5 feet, south front on Burt St.. between slat and 6M 8ta: terma cash: 32S per month; all spe cials except paving In and paid for and bide for paving have already been submitted. SL3-ixttS feet fronting south on I sard St. one of the highest points in Pundee. with (ewer, water and ce ment sidewalks Included at the above price. This lot Is In the dis trict which will be paved this year. Only flow down: 310 a month. O.06O For a north front lot on Under wood Ave., near the Happy Hollow club, surrounded by first class homes, elty water, sewer, gas and sidewalks in and paid for. Street paved and first Installment paid. A good lot at a low price. lUOO-For 3 lot KWxlSS feet located at the 8. K. corner of tlst St. and Davenport: city water, sewer, gas and oement sidewalks In am paid for; both Mreeta paved; one block from the car line; one of the few corners left In this neighborhood. Might sell these two lota sep arately. GEORGE & COMPANY Tel. D. 7M or A-17W. Ninth Floor City National Bank Bldg- Just Finished Two new modern cottages of t room each; rooms highly decorated; oak, polished floors; finest of combination fixture; opea nickel plated plumbing; window shades and awnings, full cement cellar; best make of furnace; nice cement walks. In fact, every Improvement to make a complete home ready to move Into. Lots SOxIS each. Houses numbered 3703 and 2713 Ruggie 8t They will be open Sunday for Inspection. Cell owner lor further particulars Webster 8388. HERE'0 A MONEY MAXER. Large doubl apartment, rooms each, all mod., good condition; fine location; M blocks from ponoffloe; lot tOxUO fronting Sherman Ave. and 17th St.. leaving OOx 110 feet for apartment, flat or cottages; you can occupy part and rent remainder for practically enough to carry entire property; can release vacant ground and arrange for building. A bargain at 13.900. Omul I amount down, halano your own terms. Might consider amall property in exchange for part. KUBtiULL at Jt tWTKilK CO., 433 Ramge Blk I'll) and Harney. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Brand new bungalow, reception hall. llv. Ing room, kitchen, dining room, two bed rooms and bath, oak nnlsn, furnace, ce mented cellar, yard nicely sodded, perma nent walks, one Dioca to car, close to school and In one of the beat neighbor hoods In city. Price, M.ooo, part cash, balance monthly payments BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-313 Brandel Theater. 'Phone D. (38. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Only 3,li0.l. BEMIS PARK DISTRICT Lot 0xl27. W. H. GATES, 44 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Five-room house, modem except heat. goo a location, close to car. race, Xl.sou. TERMS TO SUIT BUYER. I have many bargains In real estate. For prices and term call MBS. MYRTLE DEUEL, 'Phone before 10 A. If. 1791 BROWN. Tel. Webster 1063.S A BARGAIN. For aale. 4-room cottage, gas. electrlo light: lot COxlSO. fruit and shad. Fhona v mww r I . . Must Be Sold at once. A new 8-r. all mod. hous. on Poppleton. Ave., near 30th. Owner leave this month for toe east bene ths deelre to salt E. W. Stoltenberg Douglas til. 438 Board of Trado Bldg. 1350 CASH 385 MONTHLY. Buy brand new strictly modern oak finish home, full two story: near Kounus Place. Price xg.eui. rnone owner, tiarnsy Zh. lor further intormmatlon. North Side Cottage Owner ta anxious to sell and will make reasonabia proposition ca this t-soess sad bath boms; front room Uxli, dining room uxia, who say wiooow; large siienea, with nan try: two bed rooms, with eloaet space; attic floored ana ma good stor age; bouse has gas In each rooat: the woodwork Is in good oonditlou; lot is leg UA with good shad tree. 8e (ISOKUal rt w luun i . zzr uin, urs Qoor north atadlaoa Ave,, or noon Wee. TWO brick flats. U rooms each, rents for 3130 a month, i blocks to postofflce. bee Vogi. Karbach Blk. FOR SALE Eight-room modern house. list snd Laiayetta Ave. Easy payments Call Harney m. FIVE room con AO e sacnr.ee, on account of aickn for sai at us. Web. 7i TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FlHaT 8K3 JOHN W. HOBBLNa, UU FARNAM al. HEAL E8TATB FARM A BtaACat LAHIIt FOB SALB Callferals. IF TOTJ are Interested In California land for fruit or cnicken raising, call on Fix Westberg. Ut Bee Bidg., Omaha. C ulwaSu. COLORADO. Now Is your opportunity to get a home m tha famous Rocky Ford district. It adjoins the main lino of ths Santa Fe railroad. Bix thousand acres of tins lsnd luet put on ths market for aale at 873 per sera, half cash. Ths soil is the very seat in ctMorauu. n wiu reauny produce ugar beets, the famou Rocky Ford cantaloupe, alfalfa, wheat, corn, ail kind of vegetable and fruits Th land la there, the water Is there, and all that Is nsrsssary la mars good settler. Agent waned. Th stain band company. Room I m, iiwwuh ouuuiiia, rumuiv, voio. BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, KKAL KSTATK tvlart.4. HOMESTEADS now opn for Miry m Puebto county In the ArXanMa v ley that ar all amooth and pienty of good watt-r: 3 mllM to the Oty of Puhk and 4 miles to a good lit tl town. Thi opportunity mav never com your way .uran. You can takt 330 arroa If you wnt to. Agents wanted. Excursion Way .. Th Main ..and Com rmny . Room lt Ftan k Un Bldg., Pueblo. Cola Ilea rata. GREAT SOUTH" GEORGIA Traversed by me ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAIROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crone. Alt the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, writ W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. GA l.ea THE easiest way to find a hover for your farm le to insert a amall want ad In the De Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in tlie state of lows, Uooo dally. The Capital la read by and believed la by the standpatters of Iowa, who aimply refuse to permit any other paper In tbelr home. Rates, I cent a word a day; 31. per line per month; oeuni aix ordinary words to lb line. Address Das aiausas Capital. De Moines, la. BARGAINS h) farms: write for list Kanaaa Land Co.. Yataa Center, Kaa, hSSMBS, FIFTEEN years to pay 33.30 ear acre for Montana's choicest irrigated farm land; 7,JU acre now open under the Carey act at Valler, Montana; (0 bushel of wheat, U0 bushel of oat. 33 buoheis of flax per acre. Write today. Clinton, Hunt Co.. Box 8. Valler. Mont Neaewasta. A Bargain in Neb. Farms We have In Boyd county, Nebraska, a Mt-arre farm that rs a snap. 300 acres under plow, 3 acre In alfalfa, so acre In meadow, balance In pasture: about 13 or 3 acrea tine Umber In pasture, J0 acres el this farm la level, balance roll ing to rough: all fine black soil; a good set of Improvements. The owner want to sell this and will accept a smaller farm In exchange. Mortgage of 88.UM at per cent Toland & Wiley 44 BM Bldg HOM ESTEAD 320 acres rich farm land tor 3176, filing fee nd ail. No sand hill. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. FOR 8ALE Three fin MU-acra farms 33 miles south of Stratum. Neb. Main line of B. A at R. H. W. L. lilbbs, Uulncy, 111. ALL land invesimeote are good, sum better than others, a tev-acra ranon aaa farm In bherldan Co.. Neb., fenced and Improved, for quick caah sale, tit. OS per Sera t.iear. wouia connaer unwis rea idanca property of equal value. P. O. AHeshouse, 701 8. 13th St, Omaha. VBUSHEL WHEAT LAND. (4 Is tS PER ACRE. W have for sal over 30.000 acres of Cheyenne county. Nebraska e choicest farm land, where the crop yields for 13 years, including 1310 and 1311, average 1th tne best in the state. Alfalfa, aiso a leading crop. Better Soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information today. Agents wauled every where. FUNDINOBLAND INVESTMENT CO, Sidney. Neb. Vlrslata. Pit) u t-uo r. k.- . . . -uv. run . u en din. acre- HI Inn mM .nn. f I n dln.l. ........ markets For Inlormation and catalogue oi wiaeine, auurvav ivugiaa a. 1 ay lor Richmond, V Waehlaetva. HOMESTEAD'. Taklma Vallav. Wash. Tleton Unit government water; drawing by lottery; file by letter May 33th. In formation, and map showing description and No. of seres of each tract by re turn mall, $1.31. Writs at ones, Taklma valley information Bureau, North Yakima, Wash. REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska leads. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., MIS New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONEY to loan on bust vase or resi dence properUee, SUM to SM0.000. W. H. THOMAS, tW First Nat l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans snd warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co., UW Farnam st 3100 to IW.OuO mad promptly, F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. Itth aud Farnam. GARVIN BR0S.t7r.Tk LOANS Farm and city property, H. Pumont A Son., U03 Farnam Bt WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have customer galore for acreage property around Omaha and Mo. Omaha For quick aale list your property with us st once. O'Neill's Real Estate and In surance Agency. UOS Farnam ot Phone Tyler MM. A-S13. WE have several customers tor 3, S and 7 -room houses and cottages. If your property la worth your pries, we caa quickly sell It for you. O'Neill's Real E. lata and Insurance Agency, like Farnam St Phone Tyler luM, A-3313. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW Montreal, Havre, Plymouth. London. The Plctureeau St Laarcac Route, Four days on th ocean, three day In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine steamers Saloon, second-cabin and third class. Superior one -class cabin service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention, send tor circulars, rates, plan, etc Allan A Co.. 127 N. Dearborn St. Chicago Anchor, Line Steamships Nw York. Londonderry ' and Glasgow Now York. Palermo and Napiea. Attractive rates lor tickets between New York and ali Scotch, English, Irlah, Continental and Mediterranean point. Superior accommodations, exoelleat oue eiu. efficient service. Apply promptly tor reservation to local agent eg Anchor Line or Henderson Brothers. Gaaara.' Agents. Chicago, lit WASTED TO BV1T WANTED TO BUY One five-foot roU top desk, second-hand; 3 office chairs. F. C. C. 1714 Fsrnsm . Household gds. clothes A shoes D3V71 BUM UASH FOR SILVER Jg-JJ 2d he ml good. Kelser. MB0 Center. D. 'JfX- Hardware stock to Invoice from 82.W to SUM. Toilinger 4s Jepsuo. Herman. Neb. i Chicago buyers. Id-hand clothes, shoes, hats; best price; will call. Tyler Uu. WANTED TO BORROW StO OR SLOW to borrow on fleet nnr.. gage for S year st t per cent Interest on a good. Improved farm, veenh ass Address Y 7, cars Omaha bee. WANTED STTCATTONS WASHING and ironing done. T . H. 843. Day work. 30b an hour. Harney Se03. i.inv ,mu uita . , keeper or general housework. 3801 Dodge "t.ui. waeaing, so centa a doten; fmiek ilt. . . jt - . . Curtain laundered, 30c up. Guar. W-4032 Family and bundle laundry; guar. W. SKd CARPENTER reoalrinA Ir1arriy lfci MAY 3. 1912. W A N I K! SI IT AT lOSK Is clmcs laumlrrs. Mnr Hunter. W XfZ LACE curtalii Harney r4r fciwmlty work; guat. FAMILY waaitirig or bimdt work. d' work: house? cVaMug Vehter -mm. Mra. Gortrudc Gar man cleans aU kinds cwrtatnm 3 rr. fl- evening. P. ;'T5t LAt'NDRY work taken home W. 1635 Day work, cleanlne r laundry W MOi WANTED -By repectabl. reliable lady laione) position aa house-keeper. Ad dress Y s, c.irc KEFINKli young lady desires position !n millinery store. Apply. J Ss. Bee office. WANTED Posilton by an experienced bookkeeper: am an expert penman, mar ried; best of references. 'Phone A-3STS. WANTED illuatlon as driver of car; experienced and good recommendations Address. O M. Bee. WASH1NU end Ironing, alsu house cleaning, by the dev. bv white, reliable woman. 'trone web. exi. NEAT lady, .good workei . farm and ranch axperlfiK-e; wanted piace ae housekeeper with children, tzti rterc St., Omaha. Neb. Harney (13U. WANTKIV PoelUon as houekeetHr in small familv; city preferred. Mrs. Alcene A. Miller, Gen. delivery. Omaha. BOOKKEEPER-Well experience.! in lumber, gen! mdse. and banking, desires position; salary reasonable; locale any. where. P. O. Box ', Omaha. UVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST Ship )- stc k to South Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. Tour consign menu rsoeiv prompt and careful atwa- tion. Live gteck Casasalaalsa xferehaat. Brers Wros. ft Co, atrong and responsible. WOOD BRtltj. Exchange Bldg. Great Weet. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. Clay. Kooinson a Co.. 3W Exchange biog. ii.teretai Co Better results. Ship to us CLIFTON Com. Co., 333 Exchange Bldg. Cox A Jones Com Co., bunch of hustlers. L E. ROBERTS CO.. ta Exch. Bl'g Farmers U g. Com. Co., X Exch. Bldg. Martin Bmi A Co.. 303-4 Exch. Bldg. TAiKl BROS, handle cattle, hoga, sheep. Deposit proceed of shipments in Stock Yard Nat'l bank. Only bank at yards LEGAL NOTICES. CERTIFICATE OF PURLICATION State of Nebraska, Otrto of Auilltor of Public Accounts. Uncoin. Feb. I, Wli It Is hereby rertlited tht the Pern Mutual Life Insurance) Company of Phil adelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, has compiled with the Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies and la therefore authorised to continue the business of life Insurance In thla state for the current year ending January II, 1913. Summary of report filed for th year ending December 81, lil. INCOME. Premiums M.aM.tMT. All other sources ,3)l,2K.3t Total $ ,937,TI7.11 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders.! 12,i 364 3: All other payments 4.3U.3H3.7S Tots! $ I8.jKl.8tfm ADMITTED AHSETH 313S.487.uS6.51 LIABILITIES. Net reserve Ml,3W,8Mi.0(l Net policy claims 411.M.1 All other labilities D.819.Mlu t 3X21,4iH.(C3.M Surplus beyond raplial slock and other lia bilities ....$ t9a.tai.lS-J 4.393.M1.SS Total S13.T7,(M.M Witness my hand end the seal ot the Insurance demartment the dav anil vmi first above written. (SEAL) SILAS R. BARTON, Auditor of Public Accounts C. E. PIERCE, Deputy. C. Z. OoI'LD. General Agent. 830 Be Hldg., Omaha. PROPOSALS FOR SHOES-OFFICE Or Depot Quartermaster, St. Louis, Mo., May 1, 1313, Healed proposals In tripli cate will be received her until 13 o'clock, noon, central time, May It, 1IM3, fur fur nishing and delivering at either tha Bos ton, Philadelphia or St. Louis depots, m.m pairs Russet Marching Shoes. In formntlon furnished upon application. WILLIAM H, WIliSON. Captain and Quartermaster, U. r). Army. MS-l-8-M4.lt. Receivers Named For Moffatt Road DENVER, May l-Judg Harry C. Rid dle In the district court this attsrnom appointed D. C. Dodge and 8. M. Perry receivers for th Denver, Northwestern 4V Pacific railway (Moffatt road), Th receivers war appointed on th ap plication of th Denver Railway Securi ties company, th holding company of the railroad. I'pon request of executors ot ths estate f David H. Moffatt, the court appointed a receiver for th Denver Railway Securi ties company and named W. W. Watson. Ths Denver Railway Securities company was unable to pay principal and accrued interest On 33.800,000 of collateral trust aotea now due at the Equitable Trust oomparty. New York. A ene-half Interest In the securities company Is owned by thr estat of D. II. Moffatt who Indorsed notes ot ths company for 34.000,000. of that amount SMO.ooo was paid. MODERATE GAIN NOTED IN NUMBER OF HOGS CINCINNATI. O., May 1 -Special Tel egram.) Prlc Current say there his been a moderate gain in supply ef hogs In the markets tha last week, with contin uance of Borne shortage In number In comparison wKfa last year. Total western Slaughtering reached 310,800 Tioga, com pared with 303.030 the preceding week. For th corresponding time last year tha number was 830,000. From March 1 the total ta 4.3K.O0O against 4.60,OW a year ago. a decrease of 396,000 bogs. The qual ity of the stock Is generally good. Prices of hogs wen well maintained un til th end of the week when they yielded somewhat under the enlarged movement the general average for prominent mar ket indicating about S7.Se per 100 pounds, compared with 87 so a week ago. Pack ing totals for places mentioned, from March 1: un mi Chicago 8.38 Vfm Kansas City 4.n0 7&.u South Omaha X WW laim St Louis Axi om 396 WW 8t Joseph afc 'ino 3S.O00 Indianapolis, 134.W0 17o.W) Milwaukee l&.wo l&s.one Cincinnati Ke.oue Ottumwa M.tno 7si) Cedar Rsplds ' F7.0W Sioux City l,0w 1ID.UU0 st Paul m m itim Beers Views Nate. COLUMBUS JUNCTTON-Mr E E. Griffith, a highly respected woman ot thia piece, attempted to commit suicide last night by cutting her throat with a rajor. lt 1 thought that she may re cover. GRIXNELL Mis Eetella Ricker. a senior In Iowa college, died at her home In this city suddenly on the night of April 33. Br.e fe been suffering from diabetes ior a long time, hut death came unexpectedly. Her mother la a widow with but one other child, a eon. who live In Chicago. MAR8HALLTOWN At a special elec tion held at the town of Ciemona. this county, and in th surrounding rural school districts, th voter almost unani mously voted to bond the consolidated district for SI! MM, with which to build a central consolidated school at Ciemona Foer rural and the town district were .conaalingttid a few months ago i BISHOP REACHES DES MOINES Sewly Consecrated Prelate Given Seception as He Arrives. RESULTS FROM PAVING WAS I ; Iowa Capital 111 tiet Paving for I Sl. t Yard a Reenlt Mothers' t'eagreee Take Part la Kle dergartea I aloa. (From a Staff CnrrcaiMindent.) PES MOINES. May i-8riecUI Tele gram l Bishop Austin Dowling. recently consecrated at Providence. U. I., as bishop ot Pe Moines, arrived In thla city this evening to lake over numerous chargee. He aaa duly Installed with appropriate ceremonies at St. Ambrose cathedral. He came In a special car at tached to the Rock Island train and was accompanied by Archbishop Keane and the bishop of Omaha. Sioux City, Chey enne. Rivkford and Fargo. At Orlnnell the train waa met by a special reception committee from h"ie. and from the train the new bishop was escorted to his resi dence by tha Catholic societies. They key ot the church war tendered to Bishop Dowling by Monslgnor Fisvln. for many years In charge of the church her, following which there was a re ception and later a banquet attended by the priests of lb vicinity. I.ovr Pxtvles; Bida. As a result of a war between paving contractors. Des Molnee got low bid on street work to b done this year. One company made an offer of asphalt paving for 81 4 a yard. The city has bean pre paring to do a great deal of paving. Mother at Kladeraartra. The Congress of Mother occupied a part of the time of the International Kin dergarten convention today and report were read to both conventions .on ths progress of the work. A discussion of municipal recreation centers was given thil sfteneon by Guy Shlpp. Chicago, and an address by Annie Laws. Clnclaetl, on the kindergarten In social life. The convention continued It sessions here today with only amall attendance, ss nearly all the members are from east ern cities and the distances were too tar tor them. The elate for officers agreed upon by a nominating oommlttse Include entirely eastern people, as follows: Prealdent-Mshel Mr Kinney. Brooklyn. Vice President Alice Tempi. Chicago, and Margaret Stanwnod, Boston. Recording Secretary Netta Farrta, Cleveland. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer Luella Palmer, New York. Auditor Catherine Wslker, Washing ton. Ths next convention will be located either In Washington. D. C, or In Rich, mond. Both place have sent invitations. Postpones Switching; fees. Th famou rase before the Iowa Board of Railroad Commissioners for th fixing of switching charges and defining a witching gone tor Dee Moines and other cities hss been again postponed. It was to have come up May, but will now be heard June 3 It Involves the Interpreta tion of the new Iowa law providing for th commission defining a switching charge and fixing rate. Tea CesiBslaelee feet Pointers. Members of the Stale Tag oommlmlon returned today tram Topeka, Kan., where they visited the office of the permanent tea commission of that slats, which la now In good working order. The commis sion spent some time Investigating not only what the commission Is doing, but In finding out what the people think about IV and whether or not th commission la supported : and it la atated that th result of the quest waa decidedly favorable to a similar commission for Iowa. MaaefBeterers te Sloes City. Secretary George Wrtgntman of th Iowa BUI Manufacturers' association go to Sioux Clly next Monday to pre par for th meeting of the association ther on May S, and he ig confident it will be one of the largest meetings ever held by the association. Th program ID. eludes the following) James A. Emery, Washington, en the workmen's compensa tion acta; Loula E. Reber, Madison, en Industrial education; J. E. Biindley. Amea, on taxation problems; Frederlok W. Taylor, Philadelphia, on efficiency, and J. L. Mahln, Chicago, on advertis ing. Senator W. 8. s.enyon la to be on of ths speakers at the banquet. Draawtnt la Benkrwpt. H. B. Storm of Orlnnell has filed a Pe tition in bankruptcy, with liabilities of 313,803 and assets of lll.ono. He had one of th finest' drug More In th stats. Among the creditors are the Merchant' National bank of Grinnell and tha Church Drug company -of Cedar Rapids Storm Is a graduate of Iowa college. Not MBer fteheertnar. Only twenty rehes rings are docketed for the first day of the May term of the supreme court, which commences next Tuesdsy, a smaller number than usual taken to Indicate that the attorney a art better satisfied with the decisions of the high court. The May docket Include esse filed prior to October 1 last and la a short one. Buy a New Idea gas range for M cent a day. Investigate our plan. Everyone can afford a gas range on our easy terms P. C. Pe Vol Hdw. Co.. 104 B'way. When you want an especially good bottle of rye for your company, buy Why hot have it for yourself alio? Distilled 4 times makes it 4 times "tvxcx." Bottled in Bond Each bottle is sealed with the U. S. Government Stamp. Vuea you buy Rye, buy eiley. At an a Schenley Distilling Company, Loccoco, Pa. Underwood Defeats I Wilson in Georgia By Seven Thousand ATLANTA. Ga., May t-Oecar Under, wood of Alabama Is Georgia's choice for the democratic nomination for president, aa expressed in the presidential prefer ence primary In this state today. Prac tically complete . but unofficial returns comi'lie-1 up to midnight Indicated that he carried 100 ot the 14ti counties in the stute and that hi majority over Wood row Wilson will he between 7 ae and 8,000. The name of Champ Clark and Judeon Harmon also appeared on the ballot, but they received a comparatively amall vote. FRECKLES Vow Drvig That Quickly gUmOTM Ths XoimIj Spots. There a no longer the. tUlghteet need of feeling nhaiTrM. of your frtl, aa new drug, othtne doubl atrength has hn dlwovered that poaltlvely reraovog ttimm homely apola. Simply get one ounce of othlno doub) atrength, from Beaton hrug Company and applv a littia of li At night, and in th imtrnlng you will afx that even tha worst frocklea have begun to dlKappaar, while th lighter one hav vaniatied en tirely. It la neldnm that mor than on ounc la needed to rompllely rlmMr th akin and gala a beautiful clear com plexion. Ft auro to ak for ths double strngth othirt. aa thla la sold under guiirantM of money back If it fails to remove frrklas low Here Is Your Chance While They Last, Saturday Conn Early Before the Stock Is in Gods . Cherries, Urge site trees, each 15 Currants (cherry red), ..5 or 25s Gooseberrlra, Be, t for . .25 Grapes (Concords) Be each, 6 tor 25s Snowballs, 18c, for . . . .25s Hydrangea, l.V, I for . .25s Hibiscus, Pblox anil Iris, per dosen 50 Sweet Wlllisms, Hollyhocks. per dosen 75s Blnedlng Hearts, 10c each, i 'or 25s IJIy of Valley, per dot. . .40 Honeysuckle 10c, 1 for . -25s Ever blooming Roses, l.V, t for lUVi per dosen ..$1.50 A few Early Ohio Potatoes (Red River) to close out, per bushel at 92.00 Nebraska Seed Go. Doug. laot. lfllS Howard U GERM LADEN DUST CAUSES CATARRH Ely's Cream Bnlm Kills the Deadly Catarrh Germs. No Stomach Dosing, Catarrh, which is bad enough in Itself, often results in loss of taste, smell and hearing, and leads to serious throat and lung troubles It mt promptly checked. The seat of catsrrh la usually In tha back of the nose, and Ha natural course Is downward, into the throat and thence to the lungs , Don't take any chances If you have any symptoms of catsrrh stuffed up feeling in th head, nasty dlacharg from th nose, sore throat, or dry, hacking cough, get a fifty cent bottle et Ely s Cream Balm from your druggist, and begin th treatment at ones. This remedy Is not a "burning out" or "drying up" process It is simply a cleansing, healing, enttseptie Halm, taken through the nostrils back Into the bead and thmar where it Inatantlv. niaIim k. seat of th trouble. That's the only: way to effectually and permanently cure ca'Arrh. Catarrh makea you offensive to your self and friends. Start using Ely's Cream Balm today, and In a short time you will be permanently cured of thla nasty, disgusting disease. Special agent. Sherman ds McConael! Drug Co. S'Ths) Favorite Hy' 01 tux ttwnerauoaa PURE RYE wrttio its eow eeryit Its age Is guaranteed by the UTS. Government. Its purity by the Schenley DlSUliing COUlpcuiy. Its Quality speaks fox itself. BMBBttsBAeesMfieAawttatt 8