t J.0 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY 3. 1912. 1 I. 4 ij mm AND PRODUCE MARKET Wettera Crop Hewt from Hard Win ter Country Much the Same. fCOEI Df SLUGGISH CONDITIOK It la lleelTtaa Little "appart fraai Ball Leader aad Receipts Are Larger, While Cash De. aaaad la I rival. I I, ; i!' ' OVA HA. May I. UU ! Western rrop neae from the hard wln ' ter -heat belt Is mucn the same as ll ' has been following the recent rains. The demand for rash wheat is disappointing, but on the other hand very good au thorities are predicting a final winter wheat crop at leas than Xti.QOi).tu bushels, whkb la considerably below the 1911 crop. On the whole the situation Is a very much mixed affair and (he trend of the market la doubtful until something defi nite, occurs. The corn market is very sluggish, re ceiving little support from bull leadera. and receipts are larger, while the cash demand la.' not of an urgent character. Wail the near futures will be held strong by the shortage In feed etocka the distant option may be expected to aell lower. Liquidation In long wheat carried wheat value lower. Good growing weather has taken the bull snap out of the market. Cash wheat waa He lower. The corn market was easier on favor able weather and free country offerlnge. Cash corn was weak, surplus offers bringing prices lc under yesterday. Primary wheat receipts were bu. . and shipments were I.10 bu., against re icelpts last year of J2MJ0 bu. and ahlp- sients of JSsXuuo bu. ! Primary corn receipts were SS6.no bu. 1 and shipments were 449.MI0 bu., against 'receipt last year of 433, bu. and ahip 'menta of l.oaVOJH bu. Clearancea were 32.000 bu. of com. 5,0(W !tu. of oata and wheat and flour equal to liaMW bu. , lavcrpool closed Veld lower on wheat land 4Sd rower on corn. I ne luliowtng casn sales were reponea: WHKAT-No. I bard: 4 cars, ll.0S"j a cars. fl.Os. CORN No. I whits: 1 car, TJHe: I cars, 7Tc; I car, 77c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 74c.. No. I color: 1 ear. TTttc: 1 car, 77c; X cars, TtSc No. 1 lelMm. 1 car, 774c. No. I yellow: 1 car. TSc; cars, T4c: t cars, 74e; I ran, ISVjc No. 4 yellow: 1 car. ?4e; I cars, 73V; I cars, Tic. No. i mliad: I ear, TTSrc No. I mixed: I cars. Jo; I cars, THc; I ear, "4c; 4 cara. 74ir. No. 4 nixed: 1 car, ;c; 1 car, TJfcc: I cars, 73c; 1 car, 71 V: 1 ears, Tic; I ear, 70c. No grade: S cars, tor; 1 car, 42c. OATS (Standard: 1 car, M"e. No. 1 white: I cars, Me; 4 cars, W-c; I cars, MVc. No. 4 white: 1 car, (4 He: 1 car. ttc. No. t yellow: 1 car, 64 He. No. 4 sliow: 1 car, 43V:; I car. 43c. Oeaaba rasa Frlere. WHHAT-No. t hard. U.7Wtrl.lOH: No. I hard. U.tH01H. No. 4 nard, tit CORN-No. I whits. TTtjTTHc: No. 4 waits. 7M74r: n0. t ,!,, iSHtfTi.c: No. i yeUow. TTHsTIr: No. I yellow, 7H 4j.sc: mo. 4 yenow. tthvatisc: No. t, na. No. 4. T4H47He; No. 4, Joas.lc; no grade. war. OATS No. 1 whits. 144. bMr: standard. HH-Mc. No. I white. rfuUSr; Nu. I LysJIow. MHO.' Nb. 4 yellow. UMAIHo. i BAKI.Ivi-Maltlnr, swtnl.ll. No. I feed, iMpM-; neavy leea, imu! o. ' rUB-No. 2, sM(ie; Nu. 1. rfr"o. lariat Meeelpl. Wheat. Cora, Oats, .Chicago , 14 Its M 'Minneapolis ss Omaha 40 M 'Duluui a. 3 ... ... CHICAGO (,BA1 AD rHO VISION t Feetaree ml Ike Traalaar and C'loalag , Prlaea aa Beard af Trade. ! CHIC AO' . May t-IMapite a private Iforecast that tna government report wvuid augaeet a winter erop T2. w4 bushels lees than a lear ago. the wheat market today sagsea because of a lack of buyers. Closing prlcea ranged from last night a level tu trtc below. Idlest trading left corn varing from SO He down to He advance, vats unchanged to Hn off and provisions strangling tram the same as twenty-four hours before tu 7Hc decline. something of a selling flurry started at the outset in the wheat all. owlna to an official statement Implying that the Kan- ass crop would amount to nuuu) bu., notwithstanding recent advice from ex perts that damage had been severe. In this connection notice was taken of signs that the Texaa yield might reach aa high aa is.iwu.tw bu. The num. line growing weatner which prevailed over thw entire inter wneat belt today counted also against the bulla there waa a sharp rally In wheal n no tations when an authoritative estimate appeared putting the winter crop at , uu bu.. but the market gradually slipped bark alter the fai t became clear that support defended wholly on pro fessional traders who had been com mitted to higher prices. The market all day felt the weight of lower cablea. due to expected neavy cablea from Argentina. Feeling waa nervous and unsettled at the i. Hetween the opening and the rloes Jury fluctuated from ti.iav la II. UH.. with last aalea tl.lH4ll.rSe. a lose of He net. corn, ruled a little firmer earlier rm ac count of rain In Illinois, but relapsed when country sales from Iowa Increased. July ranged from 771. c to 7c. closed Wit Ho net lower at 77H,TSo. Cash aradaa Tere steady, ho i yellow. sVHOeic. vteaaneaa enaractenaea oels. outside limits touched for July wero i:w and MHc, with the close He under last inignt at sshc rrovislone ajyaraged lower. Buvlna? at rthe decline, however, was active and when the gong sounded the only material Bet lose waa pork, to to 7 He. caaa quotations were as follows: lArtlclsl Open, t High Low, j Close ! Tea'y. Whesti I Ml Ma. HIS 1 14H' 1 1V H, 1 1V 1 1H' 1 14H July.U 10Sl i w i ross l ntH oepuii v. 1 uSH, 4 SI toru I May, July. Ts! 7s'ocx, IS ix.'itl"l "H "y RHtrSl 74 4 I 44H! . ept:78HT;HI Dec.:04H, i Oata- 1 I Xsy.l sT,f 7HI July.;4j44HI .MSi Bept.i4HiH eACrHi H'sl 4H 44H 4H MaTluTi I July. 1 t-U: 14 IT, U l Sept., 11 aV40 It si Hi I Laro ( i i I .1 u II Kl iinHi U t2H 147H If s May I sth' lerJHI W ss WW July. 11 0?H llllHli 11 V H 47h 11 W rpc,llH. U ' 11 CHl II rHl 11 Ort-iUSe-THl U 40 I U Ct U .Riae-I i I I I . July.l04-tHf k 4TH' t TH WOJ-JH- N 4t riept.ilaCH- IOTiV l rH.lOIO-r, 14 47H ll 1147 KLOI K Firmer; winter patenta. 44 BU W W; winter stralghta. 44.J0vj4.si. spring patents. Ske4r4a, spring straights, 44 74 eieo; bakers. K84.4v, beat aard clear. V3. KYE-Nol z. 4Hc BARLEY-Feed or mixing. r4tl.a, fair to choice malting. SI 9Wfl.fi. BEEIW Timothy, 7gU.. Clover, H4tucj. PROVIHIONB Pork, mess, tlMllt.iri. Ird tin tierces). IN.sTH. nburt ribs tlooae), 44 &. Total eiearaaces of wheat and flour were equal to lvs.404 bushels. Primary receipts were. Hu bushels, compered with ia.u bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Ketlmated recetpta tomor row: Wheat. I ears: Cora. U2 cara; are. SS cars: hews. Il.l head. Chicago Cash Price-Wheat: No. 1 red. SI. 191.1: Ne. S red. H Utrl 1,; No. : aard. Si. 101. Wh: No. S bard. SI. US ) liS; Ne. I northern. SI IMil.S: No. J twrthera. fI.Iil.U: No. S northern. 41. 14 441 1. No. I spring. Il.l&l 11; No. I soring. n.Iiei.M: No. 4 spring, SI 001,1.11; velvet enaif. SI Oajt lT; durum. SI 4uut.u. Cera: No. t He: Ne. t wnlte, sH4lo; N. 1 yellow. ScHiiilc; No. S, ;tc: .No. S white. 1HtrHc; Na. S yellow, 77c: N. 4. H4'Hc: Na 4 yellow, 7t;;e. tata: Ka. J salt, 44Hee: No. S wane ftra7e; N. 4 mailt, ,tite; stanuarti. (THtleaHe. Rye: Xo t Timothy need, t lOKrjS eL MHc- Barley. ri41 J ..jiia Clover VEAlr-Finn; "tJUt B! TTER eHeady; creameries. Zt31c: dairies. 3Hjc. ' EGUeVneak; recelpta, Tt.TC caaes: at : mark, raaee mduded. ITHc; ordinary if i.st. WHc. firsts, ITHtlSc ' CHEESE tHeedy; deletes, KSOHc: twM, kH4iVe: young Americas, n I l?-4c: long horns, KHtJKHc 1 POTATOEit Weak, receipts, a can; ironin. ftcfll."9; Michigan and Min nesota, 07c6fi.ee. lOLLTRV-steady: chickens, wsc. SEW tORK GEXERAI. MARKET )aelatleas af the nay aa Varlaaa rasssaoalltles. NEW YORK. Msy I-FlrR-Steadi-; spring patenta, d&4s.90: winter straights. 14 Hajs.M; winter patenta. ISKo.fc: spring clears. .SWr4.; winter rxtrss. No 1. HKH : winter extras. No. X t4'J0 10; Kansas straight. 0.0I S IS. Kve flour, ftrni: fair to good. H tta.04: choice to fancy, f5.oHf3.3r. tii.MEAL-.steadv: fine suite ana yellow. nJObl.K: coarse. tl.Til.W: kiln anea, at is. RVE-Steady; No. I, Me. C I. f.. Buf falo to arrive, BARI.KY-Kteady; mailing. 1 2ai.M; c I. r. Buffalo. WHEAT Spot msrket. easy: No. i red. 91. i1, elevator, export basis to arrive and SI.!?V for afloat: No. 1 northern. Duluth. 1 24Hc f. o. b. afloat, opening naviga tion, ruturea market was weak early on the Kansas state report and weak cables, rallied on covering, but again eased ofl under liquidation, closing unchanged to lc lower. May closed at II H. July. II liS til.lKH. closed II 1ft-.: Heutember ckwed 11.11. Receipts, ik ujo bu. t OrlN Spot market easy: exports. Hr. nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Future market wsa nominal. Receipts, none: shipments. torn bu. CATf Spot market, easy: atandard white, 43c. elevator: No. 4Pir: No. , 43c: No 4, 4IHr&Ie: natural white ana white clipped. tatiec on track. Kuturea market was nominal. Receipts. M.OOu bu. KKKll-Msrket ha.f steady: west-' em spring bran. 100-lb sacks and stand ard mixed In Ma-lb. sacks. Csl82.s. HAY-Ktrnng: prime. 1170, No. 1, tl.U: No. I tl.totn 50; No. i, f 1 Ml HtJPS eltesdy: state common to choice. uil crop. KiVXitQ.W. 110 crop, nominal: Pacific coast. Ml crop, Kl.0vdtt.00, 1SI crop, nominal. . HIDEM-rirm: Central America, J4V,c; Bogota. t3S24Hc. LKATHKH-Mteady; hemlock firsts. r Tic; seconds, UQM, tklrda, llvMi re jects, lie. PROVlHirN8-Pork. firm; meaa. fc4 650: family. OO.sOell SO: short clear. HS&otjJOw. Beef, firm: mess, I14W hmi, fsmlly, i4.to17.on; beer hams. U M 0.i. Cut meats, stesdy; pickled bellies, lit to 14 pounds, Utilise; pickled hama. 12H4l2Hc. lard. esy. middle west prime, llo.SSfj 10.: refined, firmer: conti nent, 111.60. Houth America, tl 1 . , a . com pound, Strauc. TAL.UJW-rlrm: prime, city hngh- hsads, vc; country, aHtjaHc; special, inc. t rte,r.tri ntesay; receipts. x,nat boxes: state whole milk, new white) specials. J.-Hc; colored. 14Hc; white, average fancy, lsHe: colored, average fancy. IMt idc; SKims, new, Sfjllc. Bt TTKH Market weak, receipts. t.Ki tubs; eresmery apsetala, Kc: extraa. KHc. tirsts, mqioc; seconos, caw; thirds, a (file; state dairy, finest. MaKc: good to prime, n3lc; common lo rair, 7&4ac. EOUH-KIrm: ' receipts, W cases; fresh gathered, rxtrss. JlHtific; fresh gathered, storage packed. MHO'lHc; fresh gsthsred, regular packed, IfuAic, fresh gathered, seconds. IsHtllsVci wester i gathered whites, tvHVZIHe- POI I.TRY-Allve ateady; western fowls. 14c; turkeys. 13c; dressed steady; west ern fowls, litlie; turkeys. 1J4j3c. I, lasli Oeaeral Market. T. IOt'lfi, May I. WHEAT Firm; track. No. red, II lUrl.Tfl, No. I hard, 11.1401. IT.' ' CURN-Hlgher; track. No. 1 S2Hc; No. 1 white, 3',yi(4c. OATS-FIrm; track. No. I, STc; No. t White. UHc. HYr-l nchsnged. at Me, . ' Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Lower; May. HUH: July, lflHttlOH: Keptembar. fl.0tHtH.KH. COIt.-U.wer; May, 45 Ho; July, 7H9 isc: Meptembsr, Tic. , OATii-Lower; May. 4Te; July, I3,r. PIArt'R Dull: red winter natsnls. at 74; extra fancy and straight, R70r4.2s, nam winter clears, 3 sn.a , . , riKKIv-Tlmothv. flAOO. , , . COKNMKA1-43i MRAN-lwer, n.klrlll ' - HAY-Htesdy; timothy. ilrMa: nral. ris. CI Oej 26 m PRUVIMIONMPnrk. nnrhanaed: Ink. blng. I1M lird. unchanged; prima steam. WttlO.OU Dry salt meata un. rhanged; boxed extra shorts, 110 M. cleat rltia, 110.74; short clean. SI IS. Baron, un. changed; boxed eitra shorts, Ill.Tt, dear noa, sii.is: snort clears. III . rxi'LrnY nrm: cnicgens, JIHc; springs. 44c; turkeys, 14r; ducks. He; geese, sr. Bl TTKR-rirm: creamery, rfftSo. tOUH-vtssk, 17Hc. Raealnta Bhlnments. Flour, bu , i.Ml i.it Wheat, bu. i.0in - 41.0m Corn, bu. B ll.ua Onus, bu. atttio ' sVA Kansas t Ity Urala and Pravlslaaa. KANHAH CITY. Msy l-WHKAT-Cash unchanged to He lower: No. t har,. 41 19 til II',. No. I. l OKU. U: No. t red, tl.lltt 1 li; No. I reif, Sl.HH4il.13H. COUN-ltteadv: No. i mixed l'r: Na. t, TMiair; Nu. I white, miyc; No. i 7c. UATH-I'nchanged lo He higher: No. I 'hit. I7'.i c, No. I mixed, MtlVtc. RYK-WtiKK-. II A Y I'nevenlv lower: choice timothy. tnm- choice prairie, S3 .Ham. t losing prices of futures: WHKAT-Msv. II OTVUtl Tk: July. H.OJHwl : Kept ember, Sl.OHStfl.OOH. COHN Mav. 7W: Julv. lluci Heittem. bar. T2Hc. . UATK-Jttly. SIHrtlSc; September, Hc Bl'TTKR-Creamery. JUc; firsts. Ssc; seconds. Mr: packing stock, 22c. KGtirt-Extras, lu: firsts. lie. Recelpta Shipments. Wheat, bushel! !xan 2Hft Corn, bushels ti. Ti ns) Oata, bushels i.ua 4 ;,0W Minneapolis Urala Market. MINNEAPOLia Msy -l-WHKAT-May. fl.UH; July, U.11H; Deptember. ll.utHJl.otH. Caah: No. I hard. S1.I4H: Na 1 northern. SI. US; No. I nortbein. S1.IIH: No. SI oss. FI,AX-S.14HjMi. BAni.KY-70c4l . t.iHN-No, S yellow, TTHftTJHe. , OATft-No, S white, Ctc , RY K No. t 0c. 1 HKAN-ln IJ-pound sacks. K4 nriflJI 50. F LOCH First patents, Ii.l0tii,40; sec ond patents. 44 T&4I4.00; first clears, SS.M 4J3.K; second clears, St40rlS0. l.tTerawal Grata Market. I.IVERPOOU May .-WHEAT-8pot, strong. Na t red western winter, sa THd; futures, weak; May, 7s WSd; July, 7s sd. October . Ts 4Hd. CORN pot American mixed new, nominal; American mixed old. firm: American mixed new kiln dried, quiet; 4s Hd; futures, steady; May, 4a 7Sd; aeptemoer, ta sa. ' Mil weak Urala Mark!. .MII.WAI-KEB, Msy 1 WH BAT No. I northern. l4.17Sr4il.lSH: No, I northern. n.l4H'l lH: No. I herd srlnter, Sl.Ms LI!. Msy, II 12H. July, 41. MS. COHN-No. 4 yellow, IWiTsHr; No. S white, air; No. 3, 7triHc, May, 41 He. Jtllv. TTSc. UATS-dtandard. STVfrfec. Pearla Market, PEORIA. May t,-CORf-HlgheT: Na S yellow. 7V. No. 4 yellow. Tc; N. J mixed, ishc. KO. 4 mlxea. orec. OATM-Flrm; No. t wrdte, etc; No. 4 whit. 47H. - Metal Market. NEW YORK. May I -MKTALS-Stand ard copper, weak; spot. May. June and July, lls.4My1t.tt: August, Sla.stiU.tTh,: September, 114 istfl&siH- London market oulet: apot. s 7s d. future. t Arrivals reported at New York today, X74) tuna. Custom house returns enow ex porta of 40 tons so far thta month. Lake copper. MHfclsHc; electrolttlc lstlHc; casting. IsHliUjHc Local sales Its) ton September at lu 44. fig tons September at Sla-aSH- Tin. weak; apot. 441 Ka, 44.4a; May. 44) iv4a7a: June, 444.304!,: July, S44-xb44.: August. 44 iot44 ; Septem ber. 444 4Uti44.4u. Uondon market weak, spot. 421 Ms: future. Oa la lcal aalea S tons May at 444. TV; t tons May a 444.!; S tons May at S4i.3H: t ton July at 144 40: I tons August at 44 S4: a tons July mt A44 Ti: iA tn Aucut at 444 a Iead steady: HIOM4.S4. New York; ss.stkg4.s4. East t. letula: Uoadaa, Os lie. Iroa. Cleveland warrahta 4a lHd In Indoa. Locally Iron was steady. . Na I found rv. northern. 41i5U.75: No. 1 41114: No 1 souther and No. 1 aoutoera soft. SI4.3Mjr14.Ts. Antimony, quiet; Coek aoa a, SV44. Oasaha Maw Market. OMAHA. May. S. HAY No. L SJ1 SOeJ S-tv; Na t lis 90i.); Na 3. Sl.0Xs9140: No. I middling. S7-9tL4: No. I low land. i4wra.4:airalfa. cholea third and fourth cutting. e4st7M0l, ttrat and se oad cutUog. S3m34; Ne, 3, SiasO S.M. Ne. 4, sliOeMlS.. S NEW Y0RKST0CK MARKET Trading' Dull and Uninteresting, with Undertone Finn. STEEL ESUES MAKE EEGOVEEY Ass erica a Tabaere Devllaea in Caw aeellea with Repart that Heasa, Will Rappart Review af ('wr4 DeelsleB). NEW TORK. May t-Th. day In the IS?. uStat.ta.Thri-iSr.'n nneraNv flrnf and l- SiiS2 with an ,.. .i.i..i. . with an utter absence of participation by the public. Active dealings were again restricted to a handful of speculative fa vorites. Reading, after some early hesitation, rose 10 ITTy with a sympathetic rise In Lehigh Valley. Steel seemed to have re covered In a measure from the chill pro duced by Its very unfavorable quarterly report and resumed first place In the list. Specialties were conspicuous at odd momenta, some advancing 2, 3 and even 4 polnta In the course of the session. American Tobacco and some of Its former subsidiaries were weak, declining In connection with the report that the house would support the resolution pro viding for a review of the American To bacco decision. The metal shares were little more then steady, their backwardness being at tributed to the general theory that the report of the producers for April Is likely to show an Increased production. Stagnation overtook the Hat In the edrlv afternoon after another rise In Reading "" luiencen van. Ureater strength and activity In 8tel waa the feature of the last hour, the movement being coincident with advices irom trade centers that another advance nnisneo products Is contempalted. Prlcea shaded In the final dealings, but i. wn " auriy tseaay. ne recent ugnt demand for money interests int his market continued today. BlthOUgh the Cash movement In Interior """"a unaoated. Today's outflow In JJZ .3. no,"r telegraphic transfer of 10 tne racing coast. Dunus maniiested better tone, but price changes were unimportant aside from the Wsbash rafunHin. ,hini. m"id jyo'el"! advance. Total aalea. par -, ,v Lnitea states govern' ment bond wee ,in.h.... nN'i!itr.0 ea and leading quotations .vuaj- w. Sales, High. it aej 'iiH IS4 41 4.7ns wt 44.0OS 41 ass so a .SM I4k i.eai 'jjh " MS It, W 444, una) ! M4 14 i. fo ims ana itai, 4W 14 'i.ies 's turn 10. na unit 14s 141 l.e iiih 1.4a H 4.44 S4, I. iss Mavt 7 It las M14 ' iis 'n "14 "'Hi l.sos 1114 ii. iss iu n un "lis 'iiti tea 4. las MS M silt i.aai i:s ' l.sas utt, fas 4 Ms UH sat 11 t l.ans 44H M 117 SM I4' I.WS us I.4SS Silt iss z&i las m 4as 11 1.4SS IWI4 us Ua Mt 141 '.4 '' iss IUH 1. 74 MH "i.ua i:H 'l iiiv.' aS 4IH . l.sss ms mi n 110 x 44 lilt l.sss let is at is M '"iss 'jsi, M 40 157 'h SB I4 la ssi t we i, ras si 14 , MS 4 'i'sss 41 H I. la IHH sas rS ass 144) Us 44 Allls-talners sM Amalgaaale t sper .. Asteriras Agrlrsliursl . Aster! kei gssar... ASMrtess Css Asierlcas C A F Aaerlcs Ctlos oil . Aaertren M. A U s'4-, Aa. Ice seesrMHM) Aaetfcas Leasers Aaerlcaa LKenatlrs .. Aatetk-aa g. a R Aa. . a It sM Aa. gieai PesnSrle.... Aa. Sugar Hefialag ... Aaerlran T. a T Aaerlrea Tneaem s4.... Americas Wnoles Assrenda Mialag c... AtrSlie AfklKS ST4 Atlamu laa Us Balliaars A tlhle Betn.hew ataei greoklrs RapIS Tr.... (asa4Ua Parirta: IVslrsI Lsstser isslrsl Lsalher r4 .... lealrsl a( Na Jaraey.. Cheeweaka A Otoe Clltraso A Alts ftnaaeo 0. W., as Cklrasa O. W, pf4 rakage N. W I'tloago. kt- A St. F... C . t'.. C St. L tVleraea P. A I CeleraSn A aeutssrs. ... Cessell4al4 Gaa t'ars Predurta Delaware A Hasaes UesTer m His Qrasss.... Ii A H a pfs rlet liters' gmntlw ... grl Ccl IM SC4 grts M Sf4 Gesersl glertrte Ocast Northers Sf4 Ureal Nenbera Ore ttr. Illlsea I astral lalarbsrsugh hta Inlerkoreut Met. sf4.. iMereallaaal Harvester . tmae-Marla s'4 IMersstleaal Faper .... lateraallaaal Puap ..... las 4eatral kasaas llli gosthers ... K. I' fc s4 LvcleSa uaa Luulevllls A Naahtllls... Him A St Lasll M . a r A a. m... UlaaDurl. K. A Tk ' M . K . A T s'4 Mleaewrl Paalfle Natlanal Blacull NUIaaal Ia4 ... N R g at M. 14 pf4. Ne Yark 4'eslral N Y , O. m W Narh A Waatars Nertb Aaertras Kenhera Psrlta Sarllla Mall Pensavlvaats reasla'a tlea ,. r. . I'. A SI. la. PHtassrgti Ceal funis (teal tar rail SMS ralaes tar , Rallaar Steal series .- ReaSing 1. hasahile Heel Ilasahlle gleet phi Ulna I4laa4 I 'a Rera leainl t4...., K. L A g P M m ... M Lssls g w 4t L W Sl4 Slnaa Sheffield S. 1 sasthars Farlrle Snalheca Rsllsar Sn. Hallwsr f4 TaaaeasM Oaaar IS 4S 01, 4S 40S S S 4'. MH iS 44 n MH t"S 14 'a S "S IM irtt iiti, 1IS tm 1 44 S4H l4S r 4ts ns la:s 17 'a lals lets 141 14S 111 lliu H S "S US MS 4S MS 344 s S MS ita loss 41 1SH 1414 144 HIS S 1S I72S S 41S US 41 S RS MS MS iS ms MS aS 44 14 1S I2S ItH IIS IIS II4S 47 S II4S 1S IS sas l!S MS MS MS 'iiti S has lass his i"S ns n lS 14 I .. US its 4: IIIS 1" M II S I US II4S s 111 1US 1:1 MS l!l 1S US ms i-s liS HI sis la'S US US M MS ISS MS S sai S IT n MS S 11 s II IIIS s 14S 44S MS 14 S 111 s 14 S s Teiaa A Peetflf T . St. U A W t . gl. L. A W. M ISS t ale Fsrlfle 14 t ele FSiltte 4 SS lalta state. Reell? lane Slatea gohaer.... l-alliwl rnataa gtssl a.lS4.4e H4 MS us MS MS ms tits ms 41 S S si 14 14 T MS 44 MS It MS 'IS ms ms us SIS MS S !!. ill V. a. Meal M4. 1'iah Cppaae Va -ISrallaa Csealesl Walaah Wasaak Waalam Marylaad ... etlahee glertrle Wasters Uaks Wheeling A U 1.... baM4h Valtey Chla tSaeer- . .....:. Har tSaaolMatad ... Ilea US us 4l!t IS MS at MS MS IS Mrs MS !S I4IS 4M II TOS SI MS MS is 5S lS MS MS iss" MS 1H !44 ' Amrrlraa Tehart 144 Tetsl ssla. Me tk. ssr. II4.TS0 Maras. teadaa Stack Market. LONDON. May l-Amerlcan aecurttle opened firm and a fraction higher. Leter the list advanced under . the lead of Canadian Pacific and at noon prlcea were firm and from H to t polnta higher than Tr.terd.y Nw York cloelng. The market sagged In the afternoon, hut hardened again In in lata trading and oloaed steady. London closing stock quotations: Oeaeele. anewr .. Wleeakrrllls A Nsak. tM to seeal MSM. Us AU ' M Asaal Caesar Ms Ne Tseh Osteal. .IMS I-cT!. ISKwtM Waaealll Atthlaea 4. art M , pa lets 01 arte A Wasters. 4S Baitleur A Ohls. .U4SrSBsrtes4 : ... . aaa. Castle rSettn MSRaa hllaa C-haaasaah A OhVa. IISReeSIa M Chi Oraat Waaera lSBeahar Rr . KN. S i . hii. A at r ms m s p. nun MSSaslhw Partfl ...1IS Daavee A H4s .... MStsJe fartlta ms s sM OS se set S rle "Ill A jal II s ta era MS 4 t U4 a M (4 44SWeea - IS Oeasd Trart M M - MS IIH..I4 Cattl . ..IM su.t.K-Bar. ateady at Hd per ounce. MONET-SH4T5S par cant. The rate of discount in the open mar ket tor short and Lhree aaooth' bills Is Mat I-M per cent . . aetaa ttaalaa Mataitatlaa. BOSTON. May t-OvMng quota tlona en Morka ware aa follows: AUewes Mas St Aasal. Cum MS N4fc Caw BS U A g- tssatslaals Hhasa ... IS ) ' a ... a ie-inOT wane ........ gf a A '. C S S. M ISNanh Las. .. TS CSt. A Arise TIHOM Oatflaa M Cat A Heete 4M Oareaaa m ttall M raMer aja C. fa C" C S4hassM .. iiv tet sartut C M...- USasaeter .'a PraahU tt mpmm A S. M ... Uleaas O. ......... 4 Taaensrh at Urassr re . RSt. A a ft. A M... 17 Graaa faaajem .... IS 4 pr y. iaia B.MI CaesSr.. Tsrtrt s here Use ISttsk Chr Cm..... eu q.1-;1 S rsadltts ml Treaeary. WASHINUTON. May I At the bean. nlng of bajalnega today tivs cuodluog sf the I'nlted Statea treasury waa: Work ing balance in treasury office. I3.544.2u?. In banks and Philippine treaaury. suR. Total balance in general funds. II 3. 507. 7. Ordinary receipts yemeraay were ll.9A7.548. with ordinary dlsburee menta of I2.1!l.l. Deficit to date this fiscal year Is l2.T4.o as against a sur plus of txXH at this time laat year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. r lark Money Market. NEW YORK. May l-MONEY-On call. steady. 2Hr2,s per cent: ruling rate. H per cent: closing bid. JH per cent: offered at VA per cent. Time loans, eaaler: sixty days, V per cent: ninety days, Jf3H i per cent; six months, ih3H per cent. I J ""i"5 MERCANTILE PAPER 444H i CTRI-INn EXCHA NGE Steady, with rtul buslnesa In bankers' bill at S4.MJS Imand. Commercial bills, MH rill.VEK .Mexican dollars, tkc. BONIjb Government, steady; railroad steady. Closing quotations un bonds today were as follows: II. S. ret U. reg .ms Inter. M. M. 111 . N't ss coupos ia)JssB 4 teH V. S Is. rag. ,is:h 4H so nuen wrK. 4. as. 1st 3s... 7JH V. 4. 4s. rtg ...lit U I. 4eb. 4S 1J1... reuses 1141. S eel 4s ... Sit Allla-Clul. IM is. M K. A T. let 44.. MS Afser. Ag. A T T .let da see 4S ':S .llSHo pacific 4a 7S . MS.N R H. at M 4SSHS .lS'N Y. C. g JSa .. MS SI ss sett. -4i MS . sn. y m H. A ar ms er. M 1!4 im n. a w. ta i. a., mh . MS e ev M Ill . MSNa. Parirte M MS Aa AtrSlK 1 ev. 4o cv. Is A C U let 4s... Bal A Okie ts... 4s IVtl 4 XV. IHs. Breok. Tr. cv. M. Ces. sf lie. Is... 1 "rs Leather Is.. . SIS s la . MSO 4. L. rMi 4a... MS . llSPess. cr. ISa llli.. Il'4 14SS 40 re to IMS MSHaaiilsi ga. 4a MS w. ef N. J. g 41..11IW-4 u a i. r. ( a s Cses A Okie 4Vt . .! ns ae ret. 4a. 4U i,. M'a CSIcage A A. ISa. . ais a lit gold a ta.... SS A. U 4a MS-. Pse. col. 4a 4. M MS sa ev. Is e. as. S a la ret. M... OSS. Railarar 4a... Tt ee sas to .. sis .. 7S .. SIS .. MS .. M ..ItlH .. 7IS ..ISIS ..ls .. MS ..IMS ..loss ' C. A U) I se ges. a.. C. M. A f P C. R. I. A P. 4e rfg 44 Cola. Ir.4 aa. Ok. MI4. I'nlos Penile 4a. A t r. A a 4S MS cr. A H. rv. to M 4a la A ref. D A R. O. to MSI I. HutiDer to ee ref. to 17'al. a Steal M Sa llattliarr M 74H Vs. -Csr. . tSea. I Erie . I. to iSWabaih IM M 1471; a gaa to 1s 4e let A as. 4a... MS o vi. 4a. aar. A. Sweaters M4. to I7S e aertae II M Viaa. Rlac. cv. 4a. MS eriee. gler. rv. 4a 145', -an Caatral to ... KS III. Cae IM rat. 4a. MS He. Par. ev. .as M later Met 4S MSPssams to 1IS BU. Hank af Kaglaad Slaleateal. IXNION. May I. -The weekly state ment of the Rank of England shows the following changes: Decreased. Total reaerva ttm.fM Circulation eO.tajO Hulhon ll.i Other securities K7.wu Other deposits 44H.ia) Public deposits 54. Notes In reserve 2ss.0! Increase. Government securities unchanged. The proportion of the bank a reserve to liability tula week la 44 41 per cent; last week It waa 48.42 per cent. Seer lark Mining Rlaeka. NEW YORK. May X -Closing quotations on mining stuck were: Alice .rDSBUttls Chlsr . . 4 Helices . Montana . ISOphlr Mgtaadard .lHYello JacM . IS Brueswlek Caa. ..... Cea. Tuessi aeck.. aa bene res. 141 A Ya Ires Oliver Leal. Ilia Caa. Hilar ad. . Baak ( learlags. OMAHA, May l.-Hank clearings for to day were l3.leA.14e. lo and for the corre siHindlng day laat year 4J.W1.134.2b. OMAHA OKNICHAL MAftKCT. BUTTER No. 1. l-lb. cartons, ne- Na. I In OO-lb. tuba, 33c, No. 3. Sic; packing. enc. CHEESE Imported Swlsa. S2c: Amarl, esn Swiss. 24c, block Swiss, Mc; twin lie; daisies, 11c; triplets, tic; Young Americas, zax; oiue laoel brick, etc; lira berger, 3-lb . Sic; l-lb.. Sc. FISH tfreah froxena Pickerel An- white Tie: plk. 14c; trout, 13c; isrgs crapplca. iixriac; epanisn maraerei, isc; eel, isc; haddecka lac: floundars. 13c: arn cat fish, 14c; roe shad. 74c sach; shad roe, per pair, sc, saimon, toe; aanout, he: yel low perch, eo, buffalo. So: bullheads, lis. POt'LTRY-urollara. MOutJUW per dog; 4""a", we.,, injiiij, vwa, lie, aura, isoiur: geeee. tec: turkva. sac: pigeons, per dos.. 41.10. Alive. Hens, 11 Ht) i.ite: oio rooster, sc; old iirk. run feathered. 12Hc; geese full feathered, sc; turkeys. UHfllsc: Pigeons, ner dm 4V homers, par dug., tl.5v; squabs, Na Lj si,0; PIO. 2. SUC. BEEF ITT PRICKS-NO. I ribs, lHc: Na I lib. liHc; No. I rib. ISSc: No I chucks, V; No. 1 chucks, 4Vc. o S chucks, .sc. no. I loins, sue; No. i loins, lie; Na lotno, iv. Na 1 rounds. 12He; Na I rounds. Use; No. S rounds, lie. No. I plate. 7Vc; No. plat. 4Vc: Co. I plate, 4',c. FR1.118. ft i t.-. APPlss: Extra fane nea asvia, per vat., sa.a; winesaps, per bbl.; lb; fancy Missouri Pippins, per bbt, 14.24; Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, par box. IS to; Washington bpitienberg. per boa. MM): Washington K. Beaut v. ner box, S3 34. Waahington Blyman Wtneaap. per box. S2 sU- Rananaa: Fancy sict. per bunch, B Ja- eti, jumoo, per hunch, Li 7Iia. 7a. DAtee:l Anchor brand, new. en l-lb. pkgs. In box. Per box, SZ 25; Drom edary brand, new. ga i-ib. pass in box. per box. St. Figs: California, par cas of U No. U pkgs.. Sao; par of St No, 11 pkgs-, m.w. per cas oiaMti pkgs, 3; hulk, ;a 2 and 4-ll boxsa, per lb., nn; new Turkish. 4-crowa In Sv-lh. hoga. par lbs, Isc; 4-crawn In It-lb. box, par lb., Isc; J-crown In SO-lb. box, par la. ITc Urave fruit: Florida. M alaa nwr crate, M. 44 a a, per crate, 14 54, so-54-i slaea, per crate. ss. urap: Malaga In bbla, r OOtjrt Lmon. Li muni era b1 acted brand, extra fancy, Sut-MO sua. per boa, 4a. loma t,imonira, fancy, ass SM Maes, per box. S4.W, 340-430 slaea. see per box Ice; California lemons. aa si sea, per bog, 44 a.u. Orange: Cali fornia CHmellla brand. Navels, extra fancy, K-Us-llTs-30-ll4-2Ca atiaa, par box, S3 14; extra choice, all alas, per box, SI; Klephant brand. l15A-174-30-314 atsas. per box, su; ztv-zss-aas aiaes, par box. 43. SC. Plneapplea. sV-t4-M Maes, par crate, Ii. Btrawtwrrt: loulslsna, par caa of H pints, tz V s,iJfcri ABUto rieeia, oia erop, per la. IHe Cabbage. Wlaconsla. per lb., 4Hc; aew California, par lb, lc. Crry, Cal ifornia Jumbo, par do.. 11.40; Florida, la li rauah. etfsc do., par caaa. S3. Is. Chi. cumbers hot bouse, per box, 13.00. Egg Plant fancy norma, per out-, u. tier uc. extra, fancy, whits, per dog., lei Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per dos, 44c onions, California, white, botllag. par lb, lc; Wisconsin. yllow oiob. per lb. So; red oiob. par lb. So; Spanish, per crate. M-aV. Paraley. fancy aoutbern, par do. bUDCbes, suxyi. r-aranips, lancy eouuv atn, par dos hunch. sOtrTec; Parsnip. per lb. sHC r-oiatoea. aamneaota He River Early Otuv Seed, per bu, H..74; Minnteota tariy noa sa. par bu , u.W; una Triumph wed. par bu, 41 at: Wla consla white stock, per bu, 11.4. Ituia- hagoa la sack, per lb, IS Tomato. 4 ur per v-om. tieia. e a. v.uoaa. par t-bsk. carrier. StsV Turnips, per la, t . Mlscs;L.LAn,w4.sr Aisiaass, Karr- aorja. per lb, la He; la sack lots, lc taa Cocuaauta. par sack. 440. Filbert, per lb, 14c; la sack Iota, 10 lews. Peanut, roasted, la sack tot, par lb, IHe; roasted la tbaa sack lots, per lb.. Sc; raw, per lb, 4c pscana, large, per lb, ITc; In sack tots, lc less. Walnuts, new crop, L4U. California, per lb, ITc; In sack lots lc lea cider, new Nehawske, per Is-gal. H bbL. U4. par SO-gal bb., SVM; Nw York Hon a. per 14-gaL H boi, at 54-. Bar M-gat bbt. M.4 Hooey, aaw, M frames, ttia- Krout per Is-gaJ. hag. ft 74, par S-gaL keg. ttftv Catlaa Market. NEW TORK. May t-CTTON Spot closed quiet and anchanired: anlodllial uptanda. 1140c; middling gulf, tl.ttc. galea ide'Jvered oa contract!. 12JM bale Cbtton future closed firm. O on leg bids: May. UOse: June. ll.Ote; Jury. U-IOr; August. 11 lie: Septeank-r. U 14c; October. !13c: November. u.!4r: I v- cember. 11 Br; January, U.l?c; Februaty, U.J7c; March. lUac. Cwtfee Market. NEW TORK. May t X1FFTK Fu- irea market ciraed steady, art un-1 changed tw , polnta tower. ,; were 7.- 94 bags. May. ILasr; Jane, lletc; July. U.47e. August. UTS.-. September. IS Me: October and November. 13.42c: December, Hvlc. January. 13.40c. February. U. Tec . liareh and April. ILKtr. Spot coffee. 11 met; Rio No. 7. 14Se, Santo No. A Mc: miMt, quiet; Cordova. J4ttliajc aomlaal- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good. Choice Beeves Are Steady to Stronger in Value. HOGS STEADY TO A KICK1L UP Deaaal U Heavy and Yard Ar Practically Clear Before Elevea O'eleek Lasaha Are Slaw ta Leaver. . SOUTH OMAHA. May J, Wit Recelpta were. fettle u, Bhun I Official Monday l.m 5.7J 4.1S9 v iiciai j uesuay s,m lS.we x.177 Olticlal Wedneaday.... i.m !,:, a.'llO luumate Thursday... tj7 ll.jl 4.7s; Four days this week. 1S.J1 2 55.341 34. IM same days last week..l4.asi 56.341 24.15.- Same days i w ks. sgo.ls.ts; ot.4,1 same days 3 w'ka. ago. 13.538 65,5M K.141 same days 4 w ks. ago. ;..iM a .S5 1S.2S3 same days last year...l.tr: :i.TU ST.lMi ce louowtug taole shows thn receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at rjou.h Omaha for tberear to data aa compared with year: u. UU Inc. Dec. Sr7.7 E7.741 W.STs t....l.S;.i77 7TC.r l-WOsT bheep ........ J4S.77J s jy, j j;, ine folloatng taole snoes the range of prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the laht I.h . , " aim cumpaniaDl lt. j UU. llll.;il-4a.I. -.,.a.,lssjr . ilev. April a, April 22 I l 1 01 I K 05; 7 1 1 7 to; ; iii tie a 34, S 1S 5 31, 4 14 I J4 I 40 I 34, 4 ' 45H S 401 42H: 7 47 Mi S 73! Apru a; April 2li April 251 April 24) April 27 Apnl 21, a is it. 1B I i-iii l2f 04. S sal B SSI s ail s 3b l34J J Ji, 4 to, a 4 5 2i I I J5 5 2 I I Is I 4 I 28 2 I 41; S 34, I 2s 6 34t I 34t 4 27 i)t s saj 5 al ? 5 8l TGtH e 7 51 , 5 41, t 7 T Oh, ll S Sbl i si H I April 2; April 3u May l. May 2.. 'Sunoays. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I nion Block Yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yraterday: RECEIPTS CARS. . far laa U..eaa ai.un II c m. at. p...:.:.. : j nitauit i Missouri Pacific... J i I'nlon Pacific -a ie '1 C. A N. v east... 10 10 C. a N. W.. wet in As a 'i C, St. P, M. A O.. 20 X C, B. Q, e)t.... 1 .. t ' R. A (J weet A a 7 C, R. I. A P.. east, i is C, R. I. P.. west .. 3 .. Illinois central ; Chicago lit. West n I : . i ToUl receipt.... Iii i jj g DISPO8ITI0N-H BAD. Cettle.Hora. Sheep. . SI 5.H ; . 4S4 2.275 l.t2 . 1 2,617 1.511 . SM 3,74 Wis 1M . I .107 '. iii .... '.'.'.'. . 13 5 . . 137 a .... 1 .... '..'.'. . 15 . 2 .... 214 Omah Packing Co.... nwirt and comDanv.. Cudahy Packing Co... Armour ft Co Murphy MorrHI Sinclair K. Beef Co; Hill Son F. B. Iawla J. R. Root A Co J. H. Hull McCreary Kellogg... Wertheimer Degen. H. F. Hamilton late Rothschild Ma IV Kan. Calf Co... Other buyers 231 Totals :.tW4 W.JT5 4.731 CATTLE Receipts were abbut up to the average for a Thursday, and aa hsa been the rase for me past ten days, the quality of I he offering was verv good aa a rule. In all essential respects the market was repetition of Wednesday t trade, good to choice beeves of all weights finding a ready sale at steady to aome what stranger prices, while the medium nd common grade were Indifferent sell era at steady to perhapa a anad eaaler. From all appearances this Is to be the course of cattle values from now on, the beat gradea becoming scarcer and stronger and the grassy and partly fed kinds becoming more plentiful and sell ing somewhat lower In the scale from day to day. Beat cattle her today brought 14.24 and clearance was ef fected In very good aeaeen. nrtoe avr- POLITIC 4 1. ArVvFRTIlG. f LfllfJ TALK f SB BBTEBS OF DA! An attempt will be made by the gang to steal the coming- election and defeat the will of the people. Mayor Dahlman is the preferred candidate of the gang. Shall he be given a stolen third term? Mayor Dahlman's administration has been a dis grace to the decent people of Omaha. His administra tion has been a. complete failure from the standpoint of a mayor's duty to the'people. From the standpoint of delivering the goods to the gang of which he is a part, he has been most successful. - What about police protection to reorts, dives, joints, prostitutes and boot leggn? How do thej secure peraission to operate unlawfully in Omaha? Answer, Dahlman! ' Mayor Dahlman has seldom submitted to the council anything of substantial benefit to Omaha. He has been useless, has drawn unearned salary, has had the honor of the office and delivered back a shameful administration. Mayor Dahlman has catered to thugs and hoboes and has classed them among the "plain people." Taxes have increased 300 since he became mayor. A work tagman's home valued at $1,500, assessed at $300, called for a City Tax of $5.82 in 1907. In 1912 it was $18.44. The Mayor is conducting a campaign of abuse of reputable men who are not candidates. He is questioning judicial decisions without knowing or caring 'what the evidence in such cases showed. Mayor Dahlman, you boast your "square deal" and your "fair play." How about your own personal election boards? Why did you turn down the proposal to appoint part of the officials from the CStixens Union list? Where's your square deal? Stand on your record Mayor Dahlman and tell the people what you have ac complished for the good of Omaha. THE eiHIEtJS' IJIifJ aging right around IJtjlis higher than the close of last week. The market for cows and heifers was fully steady and fairly active. Supplies of butc';r and canner stocg were eom ctratlve!v limited and with vigorous demand from all ttaaees of buyers, it did not take sellers long to set down to bust- nee and clean up the offerings at good strong prices. Veal calves were in toler ably liberal supply, but the demand was verv good and prices were well sustained while there was a broad outlet and firm market for bulls, stag, etc. A fair amount of activity was noticable in me stocker and feeder trade out tne bulk -of business was necessarily small. Conditions were limited the same as they have been all week, country buyers be ing comparatively scarce, while yard traders were all free buyers at strong prices Values are quotably 19 J0c higher for the week. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. 17. Sons. 35: fsir to rood beef steers, S7.oiKr7.cO; common 10 fair beef steers, W.ua7-W; good to choice neifers. !4.0O4j;.5O; good to choice cows, S5.a0tii.7; fair to good cows, 4.7oiS.50; common to fair cowr, f.'.7IS4.7i: good to choice stocit ers and feedera. S5.5ft;.03; fair to good stockers and feeders, 35.2.'a5.T5; common to fair stockers and feeders, S4.5C4jj.' stock heifers. 43 :065.51); veal calves, fc.OJ vin: ouiia. stags, etc, H envw). HOGS-Ali of the regular hog buyers were out In force eurlv this morning and little time was wasted In getting down to business. Receipts were reasonable large, but the demand proved active and gen erous, . resulting in a quick clearance at lirices stesdy to a nickel higher. Yard estimate, ailed for 11.300 head, practically everything selling before 10:30 o'clock. Good sited shipping orders helped con siderably to stimulate the demand and very fair competition between packers and outside buyers was market feature from start to- finish. Medtumwelght butchers were usually purchased for shipment to other slaughter beds, about one-aixth of the run selling to buyers not assocnated with local concerns. Offerings had usual assortment run ning from choice heavyweights down to the common bacpn and highly mixed classes, but the big end of the crop pos sessed pretty decent quality. Best heavy hogs on sale brought 17.75. Identical with yesterday's top. while bulk landed within the 17.4567. 116 spread. No business of cnnaeiiuence was transacted below 17.30. SHEEP Lamh trade was tied up for several hours this morning, packers in sisting on cheaper cost with sellers appar ently determined to keep prices at yes terdays levels. It was slow, mean market from the start, the backward de mand being prompted by bearish wires from the east and good-stxed supply locally, sjheep were scarce, the same as recently, and easily escaped declines, but Utubi ruled slow to lower after move ment finally started. lieeclpts, for a Thursday, appeared to be allghtly In excess of killing require ments, especially in view of the fact that packers are working on hand-to-mouth basts at present. The run was esti mated at head and bulk consisted of lambs, with and without fleece. Only three or four loads of sheep ar rived. Including some good to choice shorn wethers that changed hands at 17.30. Ewe sales Involved less thsn 500 head, snd there waa practically nothing doing on country account In any branch of the trade. Packer bought everything on sale Monday and yesterday, allowing 1.500 head to be shipped out Tuesday. Compared wtlh last week s close, cur rent prices for sheep and lambs show rough advance of 75c4ilL00. actual and prospective scarcity of supplies causing the runaway market lately. An excited demand and very uneven, hepvy price gains have been the two trade featurea. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lmbs. good to choice, S.75 10.26; lambs, fair to good. S lot)S74; lambs, ahorn, S.'.!6y 10.00: yearlings, good to choice. sH.40fifl.75; yearlings, heavy, S7.7Miit.30: wethers, good to choice, IT.SOfjT.tt; wethers, fair to good. ST.UtyT 50: ewes, good to choice, P.litf Wi ewe, fsir to good. S4.O0tj7.ls. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. m fed lambs, culls ss I 25 30 shorn lambs 0 1 00 Kaasas f Ity Lire stock Market, KANSAS CITY. May 2.-CATTI.E-Re-eelpts. 3.144) head. Including 304 southerns; market steady tu shade nlgher; calves. 26c higher; dressed beef and export steers. I; 76i(.7T; fair to good. aV50O7.n0; western steers. 84.264jt.35: stockers and feeders. Sa.0uiiT.15; southern steers. S5.75a4.30: southern cows. S4.3rT4i.25: native cows. 44 5W7 3; native heifers. ti.25.0O; bulla. 4 554jti.T5: calves. SS.Qntfs W. HOOS Receipts. U.OUO head; market POLITICAL ADVRIITISIi. steadv to 10c lower: bulk of aalea, ST tSfl T TV hcavv- S7.7r7.10; packera and butr jj era.' S7.5St7.7; lights, S7.754J7.ss; pigs. S5.i e5ilEEP AND LA M BS Receipt A. 11.00 head: market We lower: lambs. v'4r..i.u 1, a-iw., 3A- wether, ft. - ..el; ewes, 15.5041 7.00; stockers and feedti, A ittLoO; Texas goats. 83-Sutr4... CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Desaaad for tattle Steady Hoga Weak Sheep lawrr. CHICAGO. May 3. CATTLE Receipts. S.tmO head: market, beeves, strong: cows and heifers, steady. 10c off: beeves. .( ti .t; Texas steers, S5.S4t7.35: western steers. 5.757.70; stockers and feeders, HSeSSSO; cows and heifer. Si.S54i '. HOGS-Reeelpts, 32.0UU head: market weak. SeJlOe lower; llgnt. 7 .25j..t5: mixed. r7.30tj7.72H; heavy, l7.eWT.75: rough. p.: 7.45;pigs. S4.754JS.86; bulk of sales. S7 o 4,7 70 SHEBP AND I.AMBS-Receipts, 1S.OH0 head; market iOSr lower: native. S5.i 4.00; western. STi.25fili.25; yearlings. . S.75: lamb, native, SMofcs.!; western. .38 10.10. St. Loals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Mav 2. O ATT LE Receipts, 2 00 head. Including Ji Texans; market steadv; native ahipplng and export steers. rS-00: dressed and butcher steers. 55.73 4j7.73' steers under 1.0ml pounds, S3iOfi8...s stockers and feeders. S4.75ras.O0; cows and heifers. 33.OMM.iO: -canners. Si.754i.io: bulls. S5.OcsSS.25; calves. S.Y50g7.75: Texas and Indian steers, I3.5O&7.00; cows and heifers. M OWi ;.. HOGS-Receipts. Il.tslO Head: market oc lower: pigs and lights,, S5.25tr7.7o; mixed and butchers, 37.ijftirT.aO; good heavy. I7..0 fil'7 IS. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt. J.iW head: market 15c hUrher: native muttons. K088.i: lambs. $7.25010.50: culls and bucks, S4.25ii6.0O: tockers. S3.2Mi4.25. St, Joseph l.lvc Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo, May 2. CATTLE Receipts. :.30o head; market stesdy; steers. Ss.75fjs.50: cows and heifers, 13.2574 1.75: calves. S4.5u4j7.50. HOGS-Reeelpts. I0.CA) head; market slow: top. 17.!: bulk of sale. S,".0jj. SHEEP AND LAM BS-Receipts, 4.ol head; market Wftloc higher: lambs. SS. jl0 25. ' Stark la Sight. rtocetpie "i " " " 1 " - - , cipal western markets yesterday: lvalue, iiw. 0111' South Omaha St. Joseph ... Kansas City .. St. Louis Chicago Totals 2.5110 1.910 II 311) 4.800 10.010 n.imo 11 w") l.tij) 4.5tt 11. mm ;.) u.ouo 3,i0 2,7i .UM ... 16.500 76.S00 42.900 Dry t;emd Market, NEW YORK, May J.-URY GOOlls The cotton goods markets are dull and firm. There la better current demand ror wash fabrics, whle goods and general lines of seasonable merchandise following , , .,n,4 lll,n Hlir- tne improveu cio., "....- - laim are firmer. Woolens and worsteds rule steady. Istsr Market. NEW YORK. Msy 5,-Pi:OAR-I(aw. quiet; muscovado. test. J.e; eemrtr ugal. test. S.; molasse. 89 teat. i.ix. Refined steady. Wool Market. ......j u... a vvtvil Stesdv : terrltorv and western med:tim. lnfllM, flie mediums, 1517c; fin, lotjlae. Campfield Goes to the Seward Team qui rink nresldent of the Seward team of the Nebraska State league has bought from P Rourke. Catcher lampneiu. Rourka holds no strings on Campfield whatever. The former Rourke rucher .,i j mm! of the recelvlngt rhls summer for Zlnk s qud. Campfield waa secured by Pa when the Kansas Stste league went defunct laat summer. He was not used however until this season. He Is A fast catcher, with a good arm and can hit the pill. However, tne acquisition of Johnson by Rourke, placed Campfield en th surplus list. political Anvr.HTim. 4 V