.SUIT TO ENJOIN NEW RATES 'Insurgent Member, of Woodmen of Iowa File Their Action. rOTHZE STATES TO FOLLOW SUIT Principals in a Romance I Kladertartea Wsrkers liimi That Sfctfcsda b Extrasra ta Otavr Grades Dm Xslars ghrtarra Leava aa Special Trala. PES MOINES. May l.-tSpiaU-Tta. anticipate legal action by th Insurant members of the order of Modern Wood men of America iras started yeiterdav and suit u filed In district court here on behalf of the recent state convention of protest ini members to annul the In creased rate tNu were to ta into ef fect tomorrow. The suit Is based on the , theory that Important formalities wers Ignored by the head camp In adopting the change, and that it was never le gally adopted. Suit Is to be commenced in Illinois and probably In other states to tie up the whole matter of rates and ecure an airing In court. Woald Extend Klnderaartea. At a meeting of the supervisors of kindergartens held today In connection with the Internationa convention. It was decided to ask the supenntendents of schools everywhere to extend the kinder garten work to include the first three years of grade work in public schools. The supervisors insist that kindergarten methods are valuable to the child, no matter when he enter school and those who enter late should not be deprived of lis benefits. Shrlarrs Leave. In a special chartered train of eight 'Pullmans and two diners, the Dea Moines shriners, numbering about aw, left the Rock Island depot for Los An geles this morning. The train was dis patched as a special passenger. Pecallaur Tax case started, i The attorney general Is preparing the defense In a peculiar case from Taylor county Involving a tax proposition. A 'banker had listed with the assessor his national bank stock fur assessment and : taxation under a statue of the state which has been declared void because of lack of uniformity. Mow he asks that the assessment be canceled and he be not required to pay any taxes on the bank stock thus listed. It is the first case of this kind and aa similar condl , tlona exist In almost every part of the state It may mean a great deal In taxes lor the counties of the state. Warden Gels New Terse J. C. Banders, warden of the state prison at Port Madison, held a confer ence with the Hoard of Control today and tomorrow enters upon his second term of six years as warden of that Insti tution. When hs first became warden he was subjected to a great deal of harsh criticism for bis introduction of reform methods, but this has now all dlsap- - peared. He reports that discipline has been restored at the Institution after the ruction of last summer. Family Mack Afflicted. A strange disease has made Its way Into the home of J. B. Deaton. a motor man. 37 Maple street. It has, carried away two children and threatens the Uvea ot two others. A week ago Cecil Louise, aged 2, died. A week before. Wyetta Evelyn, a year older, died. The death of the last child was at first suspected to be due to a fall downstairs. Dr. Daniel J. Olombet of Drake university In his ' report Monday night to Coroner Lee, said death In the case of the last child was : due to enlargement of the lymphatic ' glands. IV - .T 1 ft" - i U( i - V MR. AND MI18. RODNEY C. JEWEI.U Towns; Man Answers Message Tucked t n tthlrt Made by the Girl Ten Tears Ago-Married Yesterday Morning. n . IOWA FARMER ENDS HIS LIFE AT PEORIA LOGAN. Ia, May L (Special.)-A. David, aged li. a retired farmer, com mitted suicide by hanging at Persia this evening. He was In poor health and feared a surgical operation. IRISH HOME RULE BILL ON SECOND STAGE IN COMMONS LONDON", May 1. The second read ing of the home rule bill was opened In the House of Commons today In a rather quiet fashion by Winston ('hurchhill, first lord of the admiralty, who applied him self not to an exposition of the bill, but to an argument on general principles and to an appeal (o the opposition to realise the manifest change In conditions during the Quarter of a century since Gladstone's tuns. Robbers Captured at Point of Guns Ralston was thrown into more than a ripple of excitement Tuesday night when robbers were caught In the Frank Dtmke saloon. A barber employed by Dtmke was returning home at midnight, when be heard the rattling of breaking Rinse, He went to the rear of the saloon snd found the robbera He fired five shots after them, but they escaped. The robbers returned to finish the job at 1 ). and they found someone waiting for them. They were held until yesterday morning, when they were brought to Omaha by Deputy Sheriff Hoffman. They gave the names of J. M. Goldberg and Benjamin E. Mullen. They are held on charges of breaking and entering. to become an orchard 1st on a large scale. He has Invested a small portion ot his fortune in a big orange grove In the vicinity of Redlands. The crop from this grove last season brought I9U.0UO. 'AGREE ON BUTTER MEASURE Bepreientative Xinkaid Introduce! One m Compromise. COXBKID WITH LEVIS BILL Secretary at aeaate Faratsbed With daltlsaal (tateateate at Ea sesin at Nebraska Sena torial Aspirants. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. May l.-tSpicial Tel egram.) Representative Klnkald today In duced aa amendded form of hla bill to regulate the sale of adulterated butter. This waa done In order to combine Mr. Klnkald s Mil with that of Repie.enta tlve Lever, who is a member of the com mittee on agriculture, to whom the bill has been referred, and la the result of a conference at which this action was agreed upon. It Is believed that favor able action will be expedited, as Mr. Lever la In a position to push the mat ter before the committee. The measure would reduce the tax from W to IM per year on dealers In the product, and would Indict penalties for violation of the law only on those who knowingly are guilty of such violation. At present a dealer rosy be fined even though he Is unaware that he Is selling adulterated butter, and the adulteration Is sometimes exceedingly difficult to detect. Caaastalaa Expenses. The secretary of the senate hag been CONDITIONS ARE ANNOUNCED FOR PRIZEJSSAY CONTEST Conditions are announced for a prise essay contest for Omaha High school students which has been planned to sup plant the course In physical hygiene In the high schools ot Nebraska. All papcrt must be finished by May 20. A local prise of II In gold hss been offered by Dr. O. W. Henry- There are two other prises as follows: Nebraska interscholastlc prise of S3, known as ths "Gladys A. Daton" donation; national prise ot $0 in gold. GOOD ROADS ADVOCATE IS TO TALK IN OMAHA O. E. Parlsoe. president ot the Omaha Denver Oood Roarda association. Is In Omaha and will meet with the good roaaa committee ot the Comerclal club. Mr, Parlsoe la ene ot the beet Informed men on good and bad roads In the Mis souri valley, having covered In the last year more than lax) miles in an automo bile and delivered 24 lectures on condi tions aa he has found them. I furnished with additional statements ot expenses Incurred In the campaien for the senatorial nomination from Senator Brown. A. O. Shallenberger and W. H. Thompson. Senator Brown says that his total expense was mi t9. made up entirely of postage, printing, ststlonery. telegrams and telephone calls, lithographs, advertis ing, stenographers' fervlcee and drayage. Mr. Thompson spent truss, of which Si3S.SK was for printing card, etc.; llte-51 wn for stamped envelopes. SU V for postage and express and IIS for print ing and lithographs. Mr. Shallenberger ceclaroe that since April lat he spent Sll.it for newsiaper printing. Mrs. BniHH Cornea West. Mrs. Norrts Brown and daughter. Lu die, left this morning for the weat. They I will first stop In IVe Moines. Prom I there they will go In Lincoln to visit Mltw June Brown, going on finally to their home in Kearney. Senator Brown will make his home at the Columbia Country club for the remainder of the session. Wealera Matters. Jacob Kraft and wife of Stuart, Holt county. Nebraska, called on Represents ttve Klnkald today. Mr. and Mrs. Kraft are ou thetr way to Mr. Kraft's former home In Oermany. and will sail for Ham burg Friday or Salurday on the Victoria. Representatives Burke and Martin have joined In recommending the appointment as postmaster at L'tica, a. V . of Ed ward Koenlg. Amendments to the Indian apprortatlon hill jrere ottered today by Senator Gam ble of South Dakota, providing for the expenditure ot SS.0M In the construction of a new school building on the Indian reservation at Rapid City. 6. p.. and for tlO.WW to be expended in general repairs and Improvements en the buildings at the Soux agency at Tankton. 8. D. Representative Martin of South Dakota today Introduced a bill to Increase the limit of cost of the public building at Huron. S. V . .TM or aa much or that sum as Is necessary to finish the walls with ths stone specified In the existing contract. W. A. Meaerve of Cretghton. Neb.. Is In Washington on matters before the Indian office. Senator Brown has accepted the invi tation of the Grand Army of the Repub lic to deliver the annual memorial ad dress at Arlington. President Teft will be the only other s-saer. laws' Sews Notes IMAX W. R. Adams, born and reared at 1-ogan. has announced his candidacy for clerk of the dlatrlrt court of Harrison county, aubject to the will of the repub lican votera at the June primary. LOGAN A muslrale will be given at the opera house In Logan m the near fo ture by local musicians. In charge of Mrs. Frank McCabe and Mrs. W. H. Johnson. Between forty and fifty will participate In the entertainment, CORYDON-J. W. Freelaad. Wayne county's oldest attorney, dropped dead while at work In his garden Saturday. Judge Kreeland was past 70 years old. but hs death was entirely unexpected. He had lived In the county for more than fifty years and had always taken an active and prominent part in the political affairs of the democratic party. CHE8TON Some one placed a quantity of rd paint on ths railroad track of the Burlington line near West Burlington some time Monday and train No. S, which arrives In Creeton -at noon, lost nearly fortv minutes' time In climbing the hill st Weat Burlington. The time usually consumed In making the grade Is eight minutes. LOGAN Twenty-two members of ths Logan Knights of Pythias lodge went to Mleeourt Valley In autoa last evening to be preeent when the third degree was exemplified. Dr. D. Williams, Dr. Charles Huber and Charles I'nmack of Logan. 11. ii. SH.oby. William Bowers and E. O. Moore of Missouri Valley being the can didates. Lodge work was followed by a banquet and speeches by Dr. H. Warren. Judge Arthur. Koes alacLaughlln and C. W. Kellogg. Members In attendance from lxgan were: Judge Arthur, Dr. M. A. liunmhrei lr. U Williams. Dr. C. Huber. Charles Harvey. Charles Cnmsck, O. O. Hock. Arthur Bnyoer, o. it. neim. t . . Baker George Jensen. W. R. Mllllman. Ben Blcarna, Dave Moore. I. E. Terry. M. P. fltt. Frank McCabe and B. M. Jomx. The Yellow Peril. Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanish when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Easy, safe, guaranteed. Jta. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Cultivated tastes prefer Permits. S e. GRAND RAPIDS SHRINERS JOURNEY TO THE WEST The members of Salsdln temple. Grand Rapids, Mich., were the only Shriners 1 moving through Omaha yesterday. There . were 1 of them In the party, which was In chsrge ot William E. Elliott, paten-1 tale. ! The Orand Rapids Shriners arrived In a special train over the Illinois Central, which here was turned over to the Union Pacific. The train consists of eight sleepers, two diners, an observation car and a baggage car. ELEVATOR COMPANY GETS i JUDGMENT AGAINST ROAD Judge T. C. Munger held court In the 1 north room of the federal building yester day. He returned judgment in the case of Merrlam-Holmqulst Elevator company against the Union Pacific Railroad com pany for elevation charges and allowed attorney teea to the amount of S500. He returned to Lincoln last evening. OMAH MAN RAISES BIG . ORANGES IN CALIFORNIA Edwin Mather, a former clerk in the local offices of the Rock Island, and who Inherited several millions of dollars upon the death of a brother last winter. Is back from California, having returned to close up some business matters befors going there to reside. In California Mr. Mather has decided ir you want to avoid trouble on the bills, par spe cial attention to your oil. Remember that the use of the low gear means extra heat in your engine. rOLARINE OIL gives such perfect lubrication It materially lessens the load on the engine. It keeps lu body and feeds uniformly under all running conditions It does not carbonise park-plugs or valves. What l'olarlne Oil means to the motor, Polarlns Transmis sion Lubricants and Polartns Greases mean to the other wearing surfaces of your car efficient, unlforn,', reliable lubrication. Standard Oil Company, Vebraska , 'PesisssA BEST DESIGNED, BEST FINISHED MODERATE PRICED CAR This beautiful ''Classy" touring car only $1,060, fully equipped. This model 35 Buick gives better service than any other moderate priced automobile and is unquestion ably the greatest motor car value offered. Every little detail of the Model 35 is worked out to a nicety. Visit our show rooms and see our complete line of Buicks. Nebraska Buick Auto Co. 1916 Farnam Street R. I SIDLES, 6u'l Mgr., Lincoln. LEE HUFF, Mgr., 0,i. S. C. DOUGLAS, Mgr., Sim City. Ujsn St lilt Ttt tTMB I till III lilt! The Jackson Always Gives You More MORE POWER 50 H. P. In the Model "52" st $1800; 45 H. P. In the Model "45" at $1650; 30 H. P. In the Model "33" at f 1100. MORE SIZE 124 Inrh wheel base in the "62;" IIS Inches In the "46;" 110 inches In the "32." MORE COMTORT Kour full elliptic springs on every Jack son model; Urge wheels; roomy bodies. THE JACKSON slwtys gives you more. Pioneer Implement Co. Western Distributors, ' Council Bluff, Iowa "The Best Built Car in America 99 "4M" Hit Cylinder $4800 to $02A0 "SH" I.lttio Nix 94000 to S6BO "0" Four Oyllmto $85OOtoH0OO jfsasMtZrlJ CAR ASSAY The 43 different metaJj built into ii Locomobile chassii are (elected with tola regard to their absolute fitness for a specifio duty, and qualify under the most searching physicial and chemical tests ever devised in the interest of car quality and longevity. Of steel alone 19 totally distinct analyses are used. Some' must develop greatest effective strength in tension, others in compression, torsion, resiliency, in resistance to wear or shock. This ia but contributory to the acknowledged supremacy of the "Best Built Oar in America." Locomobile Company of America J. J. DERIGHT CO. DISTRIBUTORS 1818 Farnum Street - - - Omaha E-I-F"30" and Flanders "20" AGENCY GOES TO THE E. R, WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO. The E. R. Wilson Automobile Co., No. 2016-2018 Har ney Street, for several years, and still, distributors in western Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota for Lexing ton Motor cars, have contracted with the Studebaker Corporation to sell the E-M-F "30" and the Flanders "20" lines in Omaha and surrounding counties. . The E. R. Wilson Co., desirous of securing a high grade popular priced car, spent several months investi gating every line on the market. After rejecting all others after weeding out every other line because of its utter failure to qualify as to price and quality, finally se lected the E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" as superior to all other cars upon the market today, price considered. The greatest value, dollar for dollar, that any manufac turer offers are these two cars with their unequalled rec ords, of years standing, for speed, durability and pull ing power. The unparelleled showing they have made in the severest contests, all over the world, defeating cars of twice their price and the thousand E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" cars in daily service in Nebraska alone, put the $800 Flanders "20" and the $1,100 E-M-F "30" far above the class of those gaudily painted and selling at $1,200 to $1,500. The famous line is manufactured by Studebaker the same Studebaker that for half a century has been the standard in the manufacture of carriages and wagons. The Studebaker Corporation is a $45,000,000 organiza tionthe largest automobile concern in the entire world. That's the kind of a firm that guarantees every E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" car that is sold. The Stude baker Corporation is such an enormous concern and their output so mighty that their purchasing power is un equalled by any other automobile factory on the conti nent. Here lies the reason that the Flanders "20" at $800 and the E-M-F "30" at $1,100 are the equivalent, res pectively, of $1,200 and $1,500 cars. Omaha being a direct factory branch of this huge concern and carrying at all times, over $30,000 worth of parts for these two cars, owners have all the advantages that the factory could offer were it right here in Omaha. There is never a delay because some part must be secured from some far distant point. This one concern makes the entire car and its various parts are listed and priced so that were a person to purchase only one part at a time the total cost would figure exactly the same as if the car were purchased right off the floor. This is an important consideration for prospective purchasers. To secure in dividual parts of some motor cars one must pay three times the price the same part costs when buying the car new. All these points and many more resolved the E. S. Wilson Automobile Company to become selling agents for these two famous cars the best, at their price, that the world offers. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA Omaha Branch. 2026 Farnam Street 2016-18 HARNEY STREET E. R WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO., Selling agents for Douglas. Sarpy and portions of Cass and Otoe counties The wholesale business of the Studebaker Corporation in Western Iowa and Nebraska will continue to be handled through the Studebaker Corporation of America branch house at Omaha.