Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    T"F WF: nCTTV THrTSn A V M(V o 1010
If you only knew what pleasure the
Dr-Victrola brings into your home, you
wouldn't be without one for a single day.
Car aagffiHgngyg
fd'to& Item1 (to iiteiHj
Any Victor dealer in
any city in the world
ill gladly play any
music you wish to hear.
$15 to $200
Victors, $10 to $100
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden, N. J.
CEO. E. MICKEL. Manerer
1 5th and Harney Sti ., Omaha ) )
334 Broadway, Blurts asssssss
JV ' f ' '
h r'll " :
VictoVictrola XVI, $200 M '
B eaabagaoy og qautand oak
and Ac
cessories, On Sale at
You'll always find a complete
line of Victrolas and Victrola
Records in our new Victrola
Parlors in connection with Piano ,
Department, Douglas Street En
trance. Call and See Us.
Omaha's Popular Victrola Store
fill f! nw rM v rz
Free Concert Every Noon from
12 M. to 1:30 P. M. Hear the
world's greatest artists on the
Victrola. Spend your noon hour
with us. All are cordially In
n vited.
A. Hospe
1513-15 DooglasSt,
Award 13 Held up
Secretary of the AkSsr-Bea Goyer
non Keiign Place.
accepts posmoi nr wist
Hill Beeease Associated Will Pan
aeCalllorale Expeettloa
be HU ta ha Deg. l
rerted ( Yen.
H. J. Psatoid. for mux rear, iw
tarr end Bomber ef the board (
ereors at the Knights ot Ah-Ser-Ben.
kaa returned UitM positions 1 becerut
associated with the PanemealUoniia
exposition, ta be held ta Sua Dlege, Cal ,
far one year, beglnnls January L Wie
Tha resignation waa accepted with ra
rat by tha board a governor! at a meet
ing tat allot.
Mr. TnMVt resignation will beeum
effective on June L when b will (a ta
Chula Vista, a suburt ( Ran Ditto,
which baa baaa bla family feem (r
mora Uaa a year.
Chairman C. T. Kaunas ot tha flntnci
commute, reported that aa indebtedness
ot fu.ew for neuessery repair, on tht
"Ova" laat )aar Buat b. mat an4 tbav
funaa auat aa ralaaA U naat aapeuaa
tot tha pra4ai at tha (all foatlval tlua
yaar. It waa aaraad to lMua aubacriytioa
tarda and .all uaan arehaau tur u
acrlptloaa - la BMai Una. XUasdat .
Tha (aatlval waak will aa Bapumhar M
to CkWaar l raaturaa at tha waak wl'l
aa aa alaaarata aiaaataaturara' aarada aa
Taaar afteraoan, aa alaeuloal parad
wi WaAaaaoay al(ht and a roaa aattla
liarada aa Thuraay attaraooa. .
Tha hlfbett point ot woman'! hap
plnaaa ta roacbod only tbronch moth,
erhood, ta tbo claaplog ot bar child
within her anna. Tat th. Botsar4o
b. la often fearful ot natura'a ordeal
and (brink from tha luSerlsx Ind
dcot to Ita conaumraaUon. But for
nature's Ills and dlacomforta natora
prOTldea ramedlaa, and la Motbar'l
friend la to be found a medlctn. of
treat Talu. to vrtrf expectant mother.
It li aa emulsion for external
application, compoaed ot ingredient,
which art with beneficial and aoota
big aBect on thoao portions of th.
ajatam lnTolred. It la Intended t
prepare th. Ultra for tha criaia, and
thoa reUera, in great part, tha suffer
ing throoga which tha mother aauallr
paaeea, Tba ragolar naa ot Mother's
Friend win repay any mother la th.
comfort It affords before, and th. help
ful restoration to health and strength
tt brings a boot attar baby comes.
Vother'a Friend
la for sal. at
drag . stor.e.
Write for our
free booh for
Failure ef tha Offormaa Plumbing and
Cenatrurtlon company to lgn Ita aid, al
though It waa aooompanlad by' a eertlfted
chock, cauard tha council laat night to
poatpone tha awarding ot tha contract
tor tha construction ot tha Saddle areak
wr balwrn Calltorala and Harney
liweta until Friday afternoon. .
The Offormaa company bid KAMO en
tha Job, while the Jamoa Jonaaa oompany
aid SIM Tha latter bid waa the low-
Mt alsnad bid, but tha Otfarman company
arat word to the council that It waa ita
bid which waa opened and found ua
Igaed. Tha award will be made altar
dlMuaaoa Friday afternoon.
Tha list of Judgee and clcrka at election
for nat Timday. appointed by Mayor
Dehlnwa and aant to tha council, waa
aot approved. Councilman Funknouaar
moved that tha approval be made at tha
meeting thla morning. An amendment to
tha motion waa made that the approval
be made laat night, bat on vote tha
amendment waa Ion. The council will
not approve the Hit thle morning, but
will take a reoaaa until 1:3. o'clock thla
afternoon, at which time the oamea will
be sone ever by the council-
At the Theaters .
(From a Staff Corraapondont )
LINCOLN. Nab. May WSpedeU
Tbe board of Mcratarlre of tha State
Board of Health la reported to have
divided two on each aide In a report on
the Omaha medical branch of the atate
unlverilty and the medical college at Coi
ner unlverelty.
The aacretarlea were In aeaalon yeater.
day and a portion of today and atur
meatus up their report for the Board of
Health, of which the governor la chair
man, adjourned without giving out life
raeult of their labora.
It la known, however, that two of tht
ecretarlra Mined a favorable report on
theae two Inttltutiona to the board and
that two algnrd a report which In eome
manner waa advene, though they retuae
to give out toe' aubotauoa ot tha reporu
and the eecreiery ef the board waa like
wise noneommunlratlve.
The member, are even more accretive
than uaual In thla casa In regard to their
doing, and it la broadly hinted by partial
Inter ted la the college, that tha whole
matter la a reeult of difference, among
the aecretarlea over echoola of medical
practice. Theae. difference, neve In th
pa repeatedly led to -lack at harmony
and ehargea of ' untalrnea. t and the re
fuaal to give out the flndinga. while ad
mitting the facta of a divided report, ha
revived thai talk."
Under the law tt now la the duty cf
the board to paaa on tha qualifications
of medical schools. - -
From other eourcee it ,la learned tha
the advene report on the two schools
waa signed by Dra. Fall, and Dodton and
that the criticism eras lack ot adequate
equipment. In tha caaa of lite Omaha
school It waa recommended the students
ha permitted te graduate and receive
diplomas, which would entitle them to
take the asaimnallon for certtftratea to
practice medicine. Whether this recom
mendatloa extended to Cotner - or not
I oeuld not he ascertained. Creighton Mad
eapectmoi bouf . . - u gu-ea a good recocnaead-
rs which contain mach valuabl.
informatloa, and many snggeatlons ot '
a helpful nature. - I remuta v ameso. I cents. All dealers.
ttAOFIELD llCOLTTOI CO, Atlaaia, Ca I Key to the bhusuob ttea Advertising.
American I "Xtaateaaat teed XeaaV
Orpheam. waudertUe.
Mattneea soday a ta. weyety, Xrag
aad Orpheam theetera.
"The Flarere" at Ike Bramdele.
The Adventure of Lady TJrauhv" a
drama In four acts by Anthony Hope;
direction of Mlaa Fitch. Caat:
The Earl of Haaasnden... Sidney Pewell
Sir Oeorge ylvaatsr Ras Morehouse
KeV. Mr. Lumooe ueorga sicmtyra
Mr. Int Walter Crunden
Mr. Csstlelon William Taylor
Mr. Ward Homer Conant
Sir Robert Clifford Mr. Ixrd
Qulltoo .....Mr. Hamilton
Mllla aar. Joyce
Mrs. Fsnton, aunt to Dorothy Fenton
ansa ljoutsa atcr'nerson
Dorothy Fenton, betrothed to Lord
Haaeenien Mrs. Henry uoony
Well staged, well costumed, well played,
"The Adventure of Lady Ursula." given
by the playen' club at the Brandele
theater laat night before a large audience
made up principally of society folk. - waa
the beat of the three playa recently put
on by the club. The oast waa esceHently
arranged and the whole at seed .and
produced In fine fashion by Mlaa Lillian
At Is usual with the well proportioned
talent In the Players' dub. none starred
other then by the will ot the playwright
And the playwright. In this case, waa tha
whimsical and serious. Anthony Hope.
Naturally he gava the starling to the
holder of the title role, which waa grace
fully and meiitotioualy carried last night
by Pretty Mra. Henry Doorty.
Through her personality as wall by the
charming reading of the lines, aha held
the Interest aad amused her audience
throughout. As a loving slater who went
out to save her brother from a duel and
aa one who Inadvertently but surely won
the heart ot a knight, aha easily gained
the good will of her audience.
Sidney Powell, with his stags experi
ence, handled his lines most adroitly. Aa
the Earl of Haaaenden. brother ot Lady
Ursula and the finance ot Dorothy Fen
ton. he carried well a role well balanced
for dignity and real human tenderness. -Miss
Louise McPberson. aa the domin
eering aunt of Dorothy Fenton. waa In
a character quite foreign to those of her
last apraniK-e In tha Playen' club pro
ductions, n wMea she again waa suc
cessful In displaying versatility.
Miss Mary Rings, sit wa. captivating as
tha girlish Dorothy Fenton. 8he moved
about with an ease that greatly helped to
hold the story of the play directly before
the audience.
Rex Morehouse) sleo scored with a role
appropriate to his physique and person
ality. He wag sir George Sylvester,
with whom the Lady Ursula fell In love,
and In that character comported himself
In a way that waa far from depreciated
by the house.
A very able support was offered by
Oeorge Mcintyre. Vslter Crunden. Wil
liam Taylor. Homer Conant. Mr. Lord.
Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Joyce.
Loral otra af the Staae.
"The Gooae Hr!. dramatised emm
Harold Mactirath'a novel, which la to be
presented at the Brandeis theater on
Then-day evening, proved to be a lexmd
breaker tn outselling ail other romantic
novels of the period. According to the
Interest displayed by both managers and
the txeater-golng public. It will prove a
record breaker as a play hi everv dty
where It will appear, hence the reason
fur assuring your seats early aad avoid
being disappointed. The eagaseenent will
be fur three days, with a matinee on
Getting awav from tha ususl methods
Of fsree comedy work. Mr. Perklne and
the Woodward company at the American
are proving that, farce calls for a huh
degree of talent when properly presented.
And thst Is why the present engagement
la proving a success It Is becsuee the
actor, undentand that serious work Is
required of them, rather than horseplay,
and that each bit of bualneas must be
tactfully and purposely dons In order to
proauce tns stteot. II you really want
to apend a pleasant evening, go over to
the American tonight and aee thla com
pany present "Lieutenant Red Heed.''
the bill for the week. The next matinee
will be on Thursday afternoon.
Pouehot'e Ballet, at the Orphsum thla
week, shows sis vounc women dressed In
fancy tlghta flying through the air with
the grace and agility of bird a. They form
all kinds ol artistic risurea In their mailt.
The most unique pert of their perform
ance, however, la the liberating of aixty
anow-wnite Dtgeons mat ny about tne
stage and over the heads of ths audience.
The birds are beautifully trained, having
seen taugni tne art or peeing oy Mi.e.
Baumler and her assistants.
Next week the chief feature of the Or
phsum bill be grand opera, which will be
given by the Romany Opera company,
an organisation of talented singers. Ths
nsme of their production Is ' La Festa dl
Mesa Agosto." The music ot the opera
la by such composers as Leon Cavallo
I PuncSlcML
As sweet as a nut: aa clean as a
whistle" are the two truths that apply to
l he college Ulna." the cloaing extrava
gant of the regular season st the popu
lar Uayety. Starting thla afternoon and
continuing throughout tne week. Julius
Hstn, ths "reend-the-worid pedestrian,"
will give a descriptive lecture on his
travels, adventuree and the object of hie hike. He has already worn
out pairs of thoee. Tonight the Omaha
and Des Moines base bsll clubs will oc
cupy box seats aa the guests of the man
agement. Liaaiea matinee dally.
One of tha deilghia ot the "Jardin de
Paris" show at the Krug thla weak la
w, ru,l. VMmIM vhA nerfnrme In thS
olio, co-operating with Ray Leevltt and
Win Clark m a singing act. .m
mette la a South Dakota girl and baa
been on the stage only a abort time. Tha
t.u h.. r,.llnwH her durlnf the
three or four years that aha haa been
working nas lea ine management os u
current Krug attraction to predict that
aha soon will be out of burlesque. Her
. . . . k. Vmxtm hle week as
one of the big hits of the show and la
going so wen in an me ante imi asiea
Kmmette probably soon win get into
vaudeville. Mlaa Emmette la graceful.
. . .. -..a - -... miAlttt nas M roe
a great deal In maklag a atage auoceaa.
KEARNEY, Neb., May l.-8peclal.)-By
a vote of I to If saloon licenses were
granted tonight by the Kearney dty coun
cil for tha coming year, ear to tie objection
to but one of the appltranta being raited.
License to but two drug stores were
granted, that being the extent of the ap
plications. Bonda were accepted from all
to whom licenses were granted.
One thousand five hundred dallora was
Immediately transferred from tha license
receipts to the city cemetery fund, to park
a new ten-acre plot and Install two large
cement reservoirs for water storage to be
used In sprinkling during times of drouth.
Tha council also placed St. Luke'a hospi
tal the Episcopal, hospital under the
supervision ot Bishop Oeorge A. Beechar,
on the free list, the municipal water plant
furnishing water to It free of charge. The
aame courtesy was extended to the home
of the Salvation Army.
Deadly mtl
possesses aufferera from lung trouble till
they learn Dr. King's New 'Discovery
will help them. Price, Mo and tLW. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Kay to the WtuatlonBee Advertising.
Strike of Engineers
is Averted by Signing
of Arbitration Pact
NEW YORK. May L-Tte threatened
strike of engineer, of the fifty railroads
east of Chicago waa averted tonight by
the signing of an arbitration agreement
between the tw. committees representing
the railroads and the engineers
Tha arbitration committee win consist
of seven members, oos from the rallroada,
one from tha engineers and the other five
to be appointed by the two. If the two
fall to agree on tha five umpires. Chief
Justice White, Commissioner of Labor
Nein and Judge Knapp will be asked to
make the appointments
Fireman is Dropped
from Ladder Company
Axat Roetin. a glrtaaaa with hook aad
ladder company Mo. L has disappeared,
net only from Ma room, bat from tne Art
station. Ha waa last seen Sunday night.
Aa the reeult of bis absence from duty
ha was Stopped froat the fire tupartneopt
rolls Isst night at the weekly Firs and
Police board meeting Friends of Rcstln
think that he waa probably hurt and
whHw out ef Ma1 bead may have left
Frank Slmona, vaKd" runs a drug store
at KM North Sixteenth street, waa granted
a druggist's permit to sell liquors. The
board denied the application of the Wal
nut Hill pharmacy.' Ttits tt the second
rime the board has. rejected their petition.
The first refusal waa because the police
raided tha place once, though the caai
was never prosecuted.
flSC GKtj0T. lTStt
When you ooen a Blatz bottle there will lv
satisfaction and health in store for Vvouaf'
yours. Partake of it as freely as you like,' you
cannot help but have, faith; in its merits as an
nonest, delightful beverage of rare tonic properties.
It should be in vour home for Kmniful.tV.
ake, at least Phone for a case.
lane iia r i e. .
l""ww aaaagaas.iiiaxe.' vroaaaa, rseas. ,j -
essi V7
14 I i )
A Message
For Men
and Boys
"We have just received
a very large consignment t
of our new 1912 styles in
Suits for Men and Young j
Men, that were made ac- ?
cording to our own special
order from fabrics person- f
ally selected at the mills.
Every tuit is the very
latest New York model t
and is hand tailored
No such snappy styles
were ever shown before. J
Here are the new shad-
ings the plain Quaker J
grays the blue mixtures ?'
in homespuns and wors-
They are thoroughly t
good values at f
$17au $20!
Brandeis Store . t
for Men and Boys '
taaiiL 'ty let JSarXM XeaT. secured ta aa i