Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    S ! . If V .
Nebraska Nebraska
George Baker Missed from Prison by
Lincoln Authorities.
"r prnt Seeking t Oet Mn
Try Mmm k Mad Hrnk
I mm Prison State Cask
la Low.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May l.-Special Telegram.)
-George Baker, a tlusiy employed in
(he stable, Inside the .walls of the penl
tentlery, disappeared yesterday afternoon
and has not been located. It Is thought
by the prison officials that he Is In hid
ing somewhere within the prison walls,
a not uncommon occurrence, and that
the cravings of hunger or thirst sooner
or later will bring him out. He was,
missed at roll call last night and a strict
watch has been keup since to see that he
did not escape. He was sent up from
Dixon rounfv Auini.t 1 1011
ear term, the charge toeing burglary.
Henry Richmond, democratic candidate
for auditor, today filed a statement that
he expended nothing except his filing fee
to obtain the nomination. -
Keeking to uet Jar.
The entire day was consumed today In
an effort to obtain a Jury In the Morley
case, accused o( the murder of Warden
rviahunty at the penitentiary. His
mother. Mrs. Alice Ramsey of Missouri.
whs a spectator. She sal In the court
room all day with a handkerchief to her
Cs. Mo: lev appears to be in gtiod spir
its and manifests a lively interest in the
questioning of the juryman.
The thirty-eighth annual session of the
Nebraska Stale Homeopathic association
is being held In Lincoln. Pr. O. S. Wood
of Omaliu, the only surviving charter
member of the association, is In attend
ance. Discussion of technical subjects
occupied tti time.
I a Ion Purine Hearing.
The raallway commission will have the
concluding henrlng on the I'nlon Pacific
valuation .May The communion also
permitted the Northwestern mad to make
a rate of cents per 100 pounds on
bilrk from Fremont to Lincoln to make
the rate the same as that from Lincoln
to Fremont.
Lincoln health authorities announce
that arrests will be made dally of all
fruit dealers who fall to comply with the
regulations concerning fruits offered for
sale. The prnrpal dffculty a fa lure to
protect frut from drt and nsects.
Judge Oosgrave has announced that
hereafter except In unusual cases he will
refuse to permit women who are granted
divorces to resume their maiden names.
The excise board met this morning and
granted twenty-two saloon licenses. The'
limit Is twenty-five and a as there are
twenty-six applicants one of them must
be refused. As the old licenses expired at
o'clock last night some of the thirsty
were forced to suffer until about 10 a.
tn. before the new licenses were granted.
Heport of Treasurer.
The report of Stale Terasurer W. A.
George for the month of April shows that
the general fund Is still down to near the
aero point andt hat money In the per
manent school .funds, -whlclt- la used to
cash warrants unlll, funds, arumulat in
the general fund,! la also low. Unless
county treasurers remit promptly It will
be necessary before long to register state
warrants. The temporary school fund
amounts to KS.IM.K. There will be some
additions tot his before the semi-annual
apportionment is made to the public
achoola In May, which probably will
bring It up tn about the same amount a
last year. hen It was S3T,000. .
WTMORE. Neb., May l.-Ppeclal.)
John K. . Kemnirrs. aged 72 years, was
killed Almost Instantly yesterday after
noon by the kick of a horse. The old gen
tleman was holding the animal, letting H
graze on the lawn,' when In play It kicked
up Its heels. One hoof struck Mr. Rem
mere directly over the heart and death
ensued In a few minutes. Mr. Remmers
wss born In Germany, coming to Illinois
fifty years ago. After a year's residence
the family moved to Missouri, living there
eighteen year. Thirty years ago they
came to this vicinity, buyng a farm a
few miles south of Wytnore. Mr. Rem
mers moved to Wytnore about a year ago.
Ills wife died In July, 1911. Two sons
and two daughters survive. They are
riaus and John Remmers and Mrs.
Henry TJaden and Mrs. Emma TJaden.
.11 of this .city. Th. funeral will be
held tomorrow at the German church
soutn oi v. ymore.
Kty to the Situation Bee Advertising.
hll length Ugt
audilttvn. Mad
mitt in mthlitit
tmd thrt9-qurUT
can't gap in the teat
can't bind in th crotch
girea doable wear where
the wear is hardest
alway fits perfectly
J!l ,bui, OyUt aW flricttl.OC SJ tSM
Hut gmd dtmitrt Aaxv ) Gtt it Jt.
Twr. SCTimot TTupntwT-sg Co. Pfam, O.
a w
List of Prizes for
Firemen's Tourney
at Norfolk in July
NORFOLK. Neb.. May l.-iSpet-taU-A
thousand dollars worth of prises have
been announced for the annual Nebraska
State Firemen's tournament, to be held
here July 25. H and 15, as follows:
Ju!y 23, Forenoon largest department
In u (tend a nee. rxcludtng Norfolk: First,
second, $15.
Best appearing com pan v with appar
atus: Firt, 1S; seeind, $i0.
July 23. Alternoon ertraiglitaway hose
race, class A. 250 yards. First. second,
$30. Stratichtawav hose race, cla? B,
yards: First. JC5: second. 1. Straight
away hook and ladder, class A. 250 yards:
First. wOu: aeoond. 130. Straightaway hook
and ladder, c ass B, !j0 yards: First, &;
second, Hh, th lets' race, lu yards: One
pr i , $ Regul a t ion hose race, 2j
yards, class A: Kirst. second,
Regulation hose iace. class B, yards:
First. second, Ha.
July 24. Forenoon Wet hose race. lft
yards: First. 115; second. H. Water
fight: First. $15: second. 110.
July at, Afternoon Regulation hoe
race, class A. JVy yards: First. M; s?c
ond. $30. Regulatit n hose race, class B,
4 yards: First, second. $1.1. Regu
lation hook and ladder race, ciass A. .50
yards: F.rst. ISO: second. ) Regul i
tion hook and ladder race. cas B. ISO
yards: First. 5; second. $1.V State
champion coupling, fifty yards: One
prise. $.". Straightaway ho.-e race, class
A. 0 yards: First, .""; second.
Straightaway hese nice, class B.
yards: First. second. II..
July 21. Forenoon Wet hone race, state
championship. KM vards: First. $J5; stn--oml,
$15. Water fight: First. $U; second,
July 2T-, Afternoon State championship
hoye race, class A, 0 yards: First. I'M.
second, S)u. State cltampionship hose
raee, class R. 2j0 yards: First.. fcS: sec
ond, SIS. Stale championship hook ani
ladder race, class a. 3n0 yards: Firt.
fbi) second. State championship hook
and ladder race, class B. "0 yards: Kirs.
$25: second. j.. state champions.i p coup
ling contest, three feet: First. $15; sec
ond, $10. auto truck race,
two to start: Firsts $); second, $40.
Shallenberger Spends
Much Cash in Race
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May l.-d-peolaU-Belated
expense accounts of candldstes at the
April primary continue to be received at
the office of the secretary of state. The
most notable one was that of A. C
Shnlltnberger. democrst, for 1'nlted States
senator, like his competitor. W. II.
Thompson, he exceeded the limit !er
mltted of state candidates. In f:it Mr.
Shallenberger tons the list for amount
expended If the ststements filed by candi
dates are trf be believed. The Alma man
admits disbursing t!.. while under th,
law the amount state candidates arc per
mitted to expend Is $660. Home question
has been raised, however, whether the
stats law governs In this rase. It Winn
a federal office, but politicians are think
ing It would he an Interesting point in
case Shallenberger should be elected.
Fred Volpp confesses to lisvlng ex
pended $97.01 In the vein effort to te
elected at large to the democratic con
vention and K. I.. Kelster put ItOO.SO Into
(losing campaign for congress tn the
tfth district. R. D. Sutherland obtained
the democratic nomination In that district
by- spending S10 for filing fee and f. In
addition. C. A. White thought It would
b: worth St to file as prohibition candi
date for congresa 19 tlie Fourth district.
BROKKN BOW. Neb.. May l.-iSne-dal.r-Tbe
thirty-ninth district meeting,
commemorating the ninety-third anniver
sary of the Independent Order of Od-I
Fellows, was held Monday at Bmke.i
Bow. Many visitors from out-of-town
lodges were present. Including represent
atives from Ravenna. Litchfield. Mason,
Ansley, Merna. Anselmo and Senrcu. The
afternoon session wsa an open one and
presided over by Itepuly Grand Master
T. W. Basa, Judge J. R. Dean delivering
the address of the day. The program wss
particularly attractive and replete with
Instructive talks, able disburses and
good music. At i:W a bsnuurt under the
supervision of the loral ledge of K"
bekaha was served to the members an 1
their guests. The evening Fesslon was
closed and given over to business and
degree work. Before the session ended
It was decided to make these anniver
saries an annual affair and one repre
sentative from each lodge In the district
will be chosen, the whole to form a com
mittee on location and program.
FAIRFIELD. Neb.. May l.-(8prelal.)-Karl
Bascom. son of Mrs. Iaura Bast-om
of this city, was thrown frm a ausolene
trartor this afternoon and falling beneath
the whel was terribly mangled and died
Just aftT his mother reached his home,
lie was to have been married In the very
near future and had his home furnish
for the occasion. He was an exemplary
youiur man of 21 yeara and youngest of
three brothers.
OSCEOLA. Neb., May 1. -(Special Tel- I
egram.) The trial of Harm fhank, !
charged with arson, commenced today In
district court at this place. A Jury has j
been secured and-- taking of testimony :
will be begun at once. A. A. Prince of I
Grand Inland Is assisting the, county at
torney tn the prosecution and John J. j
Sullivan of Omaha and J. C. Martin of !
Central City are attorneys for the de- 1
fendant. i
w.a fea of Iprshler. . .
DKSHLKR. Neb.. May I -(Special. -Winter
wheat will be a fairly good crop
in this section.
Albert Caughey, who was elected vil
lage trustee, did not qualify aa there Is
a penalty for a town marshal to supply
tha town anything and Mr. Caughey la
owner at tbe only lumber and coal yard
bera. Georga Becklar kaa been appointed
to fill th vacancy.
Two accidents happened at corn shell-'
era In thla vicinity last week. Oscar
Warner lost tha first Joint of the Index
finger of Ms right hand tn the gearing
while shelling for August Buck and Jack
itordth had on bona of his forearm
j mashed and th other broken, besidea
' having th flesh badly mangled by get
' ting his right arm caught In the fly
' wheel, while trying tn start the engine
' of a aneller at Fred Hobbieman's. Th
engine started, catching htm and throw
ing him high In the air. He almost bled
to death before a doctor arrived.
Kay to U Sltuaajo Be Advertising.
iewister Humphreys
Rev,Harrison Presson
is Asphyxiated in His
Home at Lincoln, Neb.
LINCOLN. .Veb.. May l.-(Speuial Tele
gram.) Kev. Harrison Presson. pioneer
Methodist minister, aged Vi years,
found dead In his residence this morning
aa a result of gas escaping from a
defective gus fixture. A daught.r of his
housekeeuei wns also dead and the house-keoui-r
woa unconscious, but revtvsd
They had only rroved Into the house yes
turday and It Is supposed did nut know
tit. fixture were defective.
WATERLOO, la.. May I. -Rev. Kllas
Skinner, aged yi years, for sixty years
a member of the upiwr Iowa Methodist
Episcopal conference, was found dead In
Cedar river this morning. It Is supposed
he wandered Into the river while delirious.
Ha was circuit rider In Iowa In 1KI7.
Vark Team at Practice.
YORK. Neb.. May 1. -(Special. -Ye-torday
afternoon Manager I'svls lined up
tlie players from whlah,he will select on.
of the fastest teams In the State leagu.
They gave an exhibition game, which re
sulted in a score of 7 to, 6. Only three
Your Grocer has
a New Food
Something out of the ordinary.
Post Tavern Special
is a new food made from selected parts of wheat,
corn and rice. It was first served at the celebrated
Post Tavern, in Battle Creek, a hotel noted for its
good table.
This hotel dish is now supplied for home use.
To be cooked like an old-fashioned porridge and
served hot with cream and sugar.
Sold by grocers, 15c the package.
Deliciously creamy and rich for
' T-ottoWs Bteate '
Postum Cereal
Get Diplomas
men who played with the team last sea
son are on tl-c grounds. Home of tho
men who have never played tn a league
team shonigl remarkable pced anil ac
curacy In nil positions.
FALLS CITY. N-b.. May 1.-,8khIhI.
A week aao ears of corn In the ovet
flowwl tHilttiiu I hat had recently lten
covered with sediment were found tn h
growlnic. The vitality wan sti-on. an
nearly every Kraln hud a long sprout. It
had heen through the tUnyd (ant Call, whs
covered up with snow during the winter
and stood th wvittidg flmid, rmlnx out
very murh alive this spring. I'erhaps h
corn nf luHt venr's nnwh on the ho I torn
is )ocm need orn.
i ksrrk HvtHvaHon mi llanKar.
IH'MUR, Neh., May l.-8pii-lal.)-The
new First I'reshyterian church sras dedi
cated at this pUi'e la-t Sunday, lie v. O,
K. K haiblc of RurlinKame, Ksn.. offl
clat.QK. In lem than an hour the sum 3f
t.f-i0, neccsMHi-y to raise In order to dedi
cate the building free of dent, waa sub
scribed and paid. The new edifice cost
117, iVW. It has a seating capacity of .
Rev. K. W. Ixive Is pastor. The building
Company. Ltd.. Battle
committee waa composed of James I.
(taker. H- . Baker. Ir. J. B. Uehten
wallner. Wil.iam Nk-hola. Alex Frsncls
and the paster.
ASHI-ANP. Neb.. May l.-lSpevtaU-After
finishing up the year's business
by allow Ins all pending claims aga net
the city, the retiring membera of the city
council adjourned sine die Monday even
ing, and the newly elected officials were
Installed. Mayor Alexander lverty was
succeeded by Hugh A. Wlggenhom.. and
Coundlmen K. II. llolllstfr and W. K
Rarbee retired In favor of ocar Hoff
man and O. L. Bcott. Councilman T. F.
lailey su.iwdlng hlnilf City Clerk
J. B. .La 'hapelle and City Treasurer
Krnest Wiggenhoin. Jr.. succeed them
selves. The council organised for the ensuing
year by electing U. L. Scott as president.
Mayor WtgKetiheru announced, and tl.e
council without i1ent confirmed the Hi'polutmcnta: City ina'raual
and nisi. I watcii. John A Crsft. to vic
anl B.mcr Chitmbeilln: water commis
sioner, C. C. W::ncr; nir.l ommn
slonrr. A. Mcite noN' : l !
Ian and secretary of the board of health.
1. A. S. von Man.(eld : c.y :i: il liary.
Klder c A. Iluyck: sej.tou o! A lilsnJ
cemetery, William Mclte nobis, chief of
volunteer fire department. C. C. Chapman:
member of library boaid. K. K. White.
Superlnledenl V. II. Morton and Mrs.
Kineet YVIsmtnliorn. Prof. Morton suc
ceeds Rev. Viator Clark on the library
board, the others be ng rcanpi'lntmeiite.
Ucrnsrs for biliianl hslls were granted
to Arch l. ldekcr,Mlkc Oold ani John
Kev. r. II. Illne..
MARSH AI.LTOVVN, la.. May l.-Rev
I. M. Mines, formerly pastor of the Stale
Street I'nlted Kvangellial church of thla
cltv and a former Nebraska educator.
died yesterday at San Antonio. Tex. ac
cording to a telegram received here today.
Besides holding the charge here he held
pastorates at Anna and Afton. la. II.'
was a county auperlntendent In Nebraska
before entering the ministry, he having
been elected on the democratic tlikat. Malta.
FA1RIU RT. Neb. May 1 -iSpecial.l-The
funeral sericcs of the late John
llulka were held from the home of hi"
brother. Joseph llulka. In thla city at :
p. m. Tuesday, Hcv. Thomss Maxel of
the Christian church officiating. He
naxd died In Lincoln from a siege of
tuberculosis and the remains were
brought to Falrbury for burial. He lived
here for a number of years.
Hlrlhs and Deaths.
Btrths-I N. and Nellie While, i!4n
Harney street, girl: Arved and Anna
Weklnnd. SU6 Howard street, boy; Win
field, and Kdna Stilling'. M South Thirty-second
street, boy; Millard and Elisa
beth Langfeld, Normandy airtments,
loy: Riclisrd and Hsrhara Krslleek. 141
Csnton. girl: Clarence and Klalrf Jones.
Methodist hospital, boy; Clifford and
l-aurtt Kveiett. 3i eknith Thlrtaenih
street. bn ; 8. and Mlna Cllne. 216 Mouth
Seventeenth street, gtrl.
Deaths -Chester Charles Turner. 1
years, 47..1 North Twenty-fourth street;
Walter Wood, 2J years. Tenth snd Cas
tellsr streets: Michael Thleler, M years.
Twenty-fourth avenue and t Harney
streets: Mrs. Mary J'eterson, : years. SI.
Joseph's hospital; Tony lxmbardo, I
vesrs, 3SI Smith Twenty-ninth street;
(lodfred Ksdrnosk. J4 years, 11 South
Thirty-second street; John lllttle. 74
vears. Wise Memorial hospital; Henry L.
Burge. i.1 years. Fortieth and Toppleton
Hollalaa rvrsnlta.
Kdward F. Traver, IJI Camden ave
nue, frame dwelling, U ; P. Petersim,
4in3 Ames avenue, frame stora, ll.sno;
Prairie Park club, brick club house, tli,
m: B. Seanek. Tweniy-alnth and Tem
pletnn streets, frame dwelling, .tlft: J
J. Hess, 214 Fort street, brick Store,
gl.irti. Hoard of Mueatlon. addition to
Kellom school, Twenty-second and Paul
streets, tlii.on): Havld Thlsman, M2: Cam
den avenue, frame dwelling. UM0. Mary
Rowsee, 1418 Ohio street, frame dwelling,
II. M.
Creek. Michigan.
lKS MtUNKS. la.. May 1 - Rig'.lt Kev. ,
Austin IKiwIlng. formerly of Providence
It. I., wilt be formally Installed as bts!up
of twe new Catholic dioceee of Ivs Moiik'w
here tonight. At tile same time St. Am
brose rhutvh. one of the oldest religions
edifices in the rlt, will be consecrated at
the dlocc-an ciib .l'Ki. Th- new bishop
will arrive shortly after o'clock, under
eseott of a larKe coii.mittee of Catholics
and non-Catholh s.
H11 l!yke-wl1a.
KUARXFY. Neb.. May 1 -(Special.!
At tlie hoin- of F. J. Swltx this morn
ing occurred tiie wedding of their datiKh
ter. Mlsa Bess Switx. to C. I. an lyke.
cashier of the Live Stock National bans
ef Sioux City. la., th- weddlna taking
place in the presence of only a few mem
lers cf the immediate fain. lies concerned.
Tlie bride and groom lett for Cleveland.
O.. their flrM slop on an extended honey
moon trip that will ii.t'.ude the ea..tein
states, returning In time f. r a reception
at the Sioux City Count ly club. May S.
their future heme bring m that city.
I Marrlaae l.leeasea.
j Ine follow ins licenses to wed have I
j iMued:
, Namo and Residence.
John tiiassliof. Millald. Neb
I silnne 4oiulnkel. tlretna. Neb
Charles K Itrlk'gs. Shenandoah. In..
Rutn I. Wetlermark. iimaJia
tleorge Caiuien W.-epuiB Wat. r. N
Addle Flslier. Weeping Water. Neb
red M Brandt. Council niuffs. ..
Anita Uoln. B!i:ffs
Kmerv B. Orlffln. Alncnla. Kan ...
May L. Ro.oson. Obernii. O
Ktvln F Strain. Crcigbton. Neh ...
1ilUao Woolstrnaft. timaha
William Tbeluder. Omaha
Minnie Welae. Is Verne, la.. k
Curtis I. Wlngert. Arnold Neb ...
Jennie B. Davlrs, Omaha
Hal C. McMahon. Wyo.
Forest 1. Thomss. Slienandoa.i. la.
Arthur Ci. Ine. Omaha
Ora MsFailand. Omaha
Uva wires smoke permits, i rents.
See Window
"No 1," Sir!
It contains tho
'makinV of an
other nice big
Flyer!" .
New Shirts of
Striped Madras
At $1.00 Each
They're not like others. Sir!
Different look; different fit;
anappler effort. They're matte
with attached cuff, or, in
new Idea tletaihalile ruff,
shown at no other atom In
Omaha. It' a hard Job lo
write) a flowery atl nbout a
thing aa commonplace aa a
shirt, but If you Ht.K 'em In
the window you'll know WHV
I enthuse.
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
Tyltt 1300,
Ant A-1M5.
W payeaprM
of-town ship
ments of War
Ta! Ta! Old
Winter Togs!
You've been of great ser
vice during the horrid win
ter just passed, old winter
togs, but you are due for
packing away for summer
now. But before you are
packed DEES HERS
should clean you up, so
that the moths don't get
at you, and so that you
will look like new again
next winter.
Dresher Bros.
Dry Cleaners,
2211-2213 Firmm Street
rases, AraclM! mplaa Bam,
raadela Item and Bnaatr, th
- Tailors. 11! raraam W.
Piano Recital
Jame 8. Cohrln present Hia Pupil,
Miss Ruth Wahlstrom
! Y. W. C. A. Auditorium
Thursday Ke, May 2d. 8:30 P. M.
Music Lorera Cordially Invited.
OXAJKA r II. LOW COManufac-t'Ji-r
' f hit-i rala p!.
luws and bedinir.
"i a v y r. r . 1 d
'ritaer beda mad
This week only all trim
med hats (except pattern
hats) 'at $3.00.
Tlie as;-ortiiieiit is large
ami varied nnd tlie season's
latest styles nre to be found.
Winn yon see our showing
you will he convinced that
such (ii:ility onnnot be dupli
ci'ti'tl elsewhere at this low
Milliner, Hotel Loyal BIdg.,
221 N. 16th St.
Fibre Rocker
Note the heavy roll seat, arms
and bark. Finished In atoft
green (hade. Ideal for aun room
or porch. We Invite your inspec
tion jot our large line of Kaltex
Fibre furniture, constating of
rtteei, rocker, hanging basket,
tabornti, stool, tablea, etc.
Full roll arms and seat.
Special. 83.00
Orchard & Wilhclm
Carpet Company
'm ilbtidi rUU our aVmottstratfo
nf WAOMKH fail Aluminum tear
in our 6armcnf.
A h&m.leM remedy, made from com
mon RBrrVti qult kly rratorea f ra
hair to natural color. The rare of the
hair, to prevent It from hwlnf Hi color
and liintrt, la Junt a Important aa to
rare for teth to kep them from dlaool
orinie. Why pnd money for ronmetl'-e
and creams to Improve the complexion,
and ypt nrftlcct your hair, when eray hair
la even more coimplcuoua and vusReitlvft
of axe thun w rink leu or a poor complex
ion? Of the twn. It la eauler to preserve '
the natural color and beauty of the hair
than It Is to have a- Rood complexion.
All that la necessary la the occasional
use of Wyeth's Kane and Sulphur Hair
Remedy, a preparation of common garden
Hne and Sulphur, combined with other
vegetable remedies for dry, harsh, faded
hair, dandruff, Itchlna- scalp and falling
hair. After a few applications of this
Mm pie. harmless remedy, your hair will
liradually be restored to Its natural color.
In a short time the dandruff will be re
moved and your hair will no longer come
out, but will start to grow aa Nature In
tended It should.
!o not neglect your hair, for It goes
further than anything' else to make or
mar your good luoks. You can buy this
remedv at any drug store for fifty cents
a bottle, and your drugglM will gtre your
money back If you are not satisfied after
using. Purchase a bottle today. You
will never regret It when you realise tho
difference It will make la your appear
ance. Agent. Sherman & McConoell
Drug Co.
ASimil(, Sufe Remedy Brings
Instant Relief, Even In
The Worst Cases.
The quickest, safest and best way to eur
catarrh la br using a remedy that will
tnuch the spot and do Its work quickly
without leaving any bad effect. Elys
Cream Balm, which la applied to th
nostrils or nibbed en the throat or chest.
i gets rlfttit at the root of th troobl. and
instantly relieve even the worst casa of
catarrh. In a few minutes after applied,
you can feel a loosening up In th bead,
the pain and soreness are gone, th sen
of taste, smell and hearing cooks back,
and you feel Ilk a different person,
Ely's Cream Balm cleans, heala and
strengthens the Inflamed membrane,
stops th nasty discharge which make
tha breath foul and causes th disgust
ing hawking, spitting and blowing. Hay
fever victim who are made miserable
with fits of sneeslng and coughing get
Instant relief by the use of thla atrnpl
Don't suffer with catarrh another day.
Kly'a Cream Balm will relieve yon Im
mediately, and a fifty cent bottle win
mora than Misery effect a complete cur. -All
druggtsta nil IL