' lutL. Hf.K.t U-iLAjiA, i L rvi a 1 , Ariijj oU, iyi'. The Faithful Employe Drawn for The Bee by Winsor McCay 1 Copyrtfht by International News Service. ) fooap tee ooA Ami b I1EC O0OPJ.ES FOR A Minutes 80Y1 AREff Ti Bui. TOU UHCtfS UTTT OOP TEE THAT SOME one OFFERED FOR REST Maswe and Oftleaw. OFFTCB mat nlMnon at lith and Buw. -Thiid floor at HOI Harney (new). Id floor at lWe-W Harney Si-, (now.) - Office at 117 Fernam (second floor). . Bun at lilt Harney St. O. C REI'ICK. Attorney, 1&17 Faroam tit. OF FERED FOR SALE) Feraller. VOIt BALB-Csrload of all kinds rnrBl ture In M days. Bachman. MM Dodge, PRIVATE party disposing piano, briai boss. rugs, dressers, mahogany furniture, Douglaa "35. REFRIGERATOR, lawn mower, lino- lm Call Red two. MrST dlaooae of the following: 1 dress ers. 1 china eloaat. 1 buffet lea box and gaa ran. Can arraage foe part -payment. Address BS, Omaha Dm OFFERED FOR SALE Vara Kara. ICS trlj rug damaged br water, must ba sold in next few daysj. also, furniture, cheep. 3 N. Mth, , writer. RENT aa Oliver typewriter from lb OUver lypcwrnCT eg. twtum gie. f IMOba . . " " makes, told or ranted aoywhara at ta U Bra prtcaa. allow ln rantai to apply o prtca; aaippad oa appmaL Wrlu tor circular. IMA Faraam. TTPawrltar Impaction and Supply Co. TTPKWRJIBKa for raaU lowaM ff ura ar quoted; I niontha, U. Cautral Typa writer Exthanre. WW Farnara. Dou. Ma. FOR 8AL.K-N and aeond-haad carom and packat blUlard tablaa aad bowline allaya aad aoceaaortaa; oar na tural of all klada: aaay payiaasta. Tha Brunawlck-Balka-Cbllaadar Co.. a7I-V a. Wth 6t BAFES-Orantocked with aacoDd-hand aafaa; all ataM and raakaas baraaiaA A mar lea a supply -o- u rarnam at. bought, low, aw w. uimm. run aAi-a. & ww miuw(w Oraaoa Commarclal edits and oo la Doylaa coJIaaa. Uualaeaa ofllca. Oinaha L-KAVVXIOU CALb HARNEY Si. oLP BAfK.--. DERIOHT, 18U Farnain St. FINE violin aaU' buby carrtaaa, KOI BurdKita. Thona Wtbatar Oil. 1 1-14-l-S) KARAT diamond, bargalB. Pong. 7707. FOR SALE Cleaning worka and ataanl prraav Doug. FlREPROOf aafe, good aa new. 111 8. 15th, PERSONAL A New Truss HBTHIT INVENTION. ACTION AND RESULTS. Dee not epreatl the rupture opea In ternally aa oonvax pad do. Wrlu tor booklet. THE TYRRELL TRUSS CO, mm Broadway, New York City. tt-DAT BLOOD RaHKDI. CHadleb i'hrmxy. Uih and Dodge. BATHS. Swedlah manage, vibrator and radiator treatraanta. Mre. anyder. apt t, Dunaany, Wth and Pleroe, lougla aa. BEST breoer for men. Oray Karva Feod PUla, II per box, poet paid, aberauaa St McConneu Drug Co.. Q"!aiia. Nab. THE SALVATION ARMY eoUdta cut. ft clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We eat tec i. repair and eatt at 1M N. 11th St.. tar coat of collection, to tba worthy poor. Phone Dougiaa 4Ut and wagona wui caiL liaaaage. Mrt. Iltenhoujo. KS Beaton Bid. atranaera are Invited to vtatt the Toting Women's Chrtnian aaaoclailon bolldinc at Seventeenth and St Maryi va, where they will be direoted to luitabM, boarding place, or otberwlea ' aaalatad. Look for our traveler aid at the bawa etatl'wj. . T l'nI and anion painting, tiring LLouv.'l aD4 eiu, erdara, reaaonabia, Ruth Latcotord Studio, U tk nth. Red lr A QJ flP. Swedlah movement. Apt limn nm. 2, ma J Farnam. D. UX MASSAfiR low-aromatic. JU-cUJO-YUI-j treaitaeat hime. Alien ot Chicago, V B. 17th Bu. lat Boor. D. Two. BABIES boarded, phone Webeter Wa WS RENT aad repair all klada ot sow ing tnachineaa. lnd. A-1S3; Oouglaa IMS. NEBHASKA CYCLE CO lath and Uarmiy Sta. MASSAGB treatmant Mra. Steal. 4M Boyd Theater bldg. stair entrance ea narney; etevotr ate loooy, a w wmr. Vital massage. Anna t itner. ta Ware Bia. VACUUM tuassagea demonatrated by lira. Steel. d Soyd Tbeatar Bldg. Uaily and Sunday. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I hereby give notice to the public that 1 will not be reeponsibla tor any aad ail deota contracted by my wile, aire. G WaU, alter tnts oata. utia w. u. POCLTRT AKD PET STOCK SILKO chick: food la tba beat ia tha market for young cnickeoa. Mad from para (rain. For ale by au oeaiara. A. W. WAGNER. AGENT. S31 N. Mth St Tel. Doug. U42. lnd. B-MS4 ROaKCOMB RHODE ISLAND RED EOOS for hatching from trap-aeatd winter layers, a. for la. F. a, hi fig. Benson, Neb, lei, aecnon saw. Guaranteed ferula eggs. Butt Leghorns, Buff Orpington. Caraoa. tut California. THOROUGHBRED Brown Legbora egga and aulieta for sale. Tel. FTorence pa. SINGLE Comb Black Minorca egxa. tillty trapped layara; at per 14. H per S; over at aatlaflad euatomara laat see in , aatistactlon guaranteed. Fred Jaelia. Beneea, Kaa Single Cot ib W hite Orpington egga and Barred hocks, lis no. axn or veo. sih. EggsCheap AFTER MAY 1ST. . W wfR aeieet K4 enre from all bhrh -clan pen. Including tii and II exirs. carefutiy pack them and ahip to row dur ing the month of May, toe fci.su. Alan eoe turn ciaes aetrtng or is eitra for rs. SEVEN OAKS POTLTRY FARM. Fieresee, Neb., phone Florence 11 lnd. H-ll-la. Aw HIM flP TEE OEEWt) fsAT 6U.t,iTs UP TEE OEE SOMEBODY QOOPTT OOP , WH0 WANTS TEJ2ki sjpu? J RWi till a POIT.TR If AND PET STOCK. WHITE Orolnton Km it. It. B; SO. fa. Romer plgcona, K pair for do. SU Catn- dn. Wabatar 411. BUFF ORPIN (3 TON earn for at Minn: all priaa atofk. China brown (ooaa etta and Prktni duck ma. til Ohio. W. 1W1. Buff Ornlnatoa. flrat orla mlniwra. guar. tcta. t par H; baby chlcka W. HI REAL E8TATB AIITBatTI Of TiTLB. fk-a In Kobraaka. Brapdala Thaatwv KEALS CAUPFtElX. 1714 Faraam L ItLlLOitKS' lJFtR5ATIO. ElactMc, raa flxtnraa. Oanaa HlvarCa Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming Ste, Focbe. Son a Blind, painting, decorating. H. Oroaa. lum. wreck'g. plb. M Paul SCREENS Kdewo.Krl!nl.,2: Wolrtch Fixture Ca, 111? N. Mth St ACHEASB FUR SALE FOR RENT ubrrrban home with H acrea of truck ground. Good i-room heuee, barn. cblekaa kouaa and outbuUdlnga Good weU and elatera. Lerei road to market. Rich land. Clone to graded acaaoL Rant tLW for aeaaon. GEO. G. CLARK, It Pearl St Council Bluffa. Ia. ' Telephone 174. FOR RENT Improved la-acre truck farm 44 ml lea from the poetofflce. Ooud huuae. barn and outbuilding, wall with windmill, Kent alw for GEO. 0. CLARK, U Peart St Counctt Blufta, la. Telephone 174. CITY PROPt.lt rr FOB SALB. Kountze Place Home Aa a-room reeldrnce. which la nearly nw. Flrat floor finished In oak; the four bedroom and bath oa second floor are whit enameled with oak floora, The house baa furnaa heat, ton basement and good laundry. The tot la NxU4, south front, and en on of the beat street la Kountae blase, Tata hooae will make a comfortable, ubatantlal borne In a flrat class residence district. W. H. Thomas IN First National Bank Bid. Phone Douglas lt. BUNGALOW Sandstons buncalow. eontalnlnc recep tion halL parlor, dining room, kitchen, bath and two bedrooms, all modern In every particular, furnace, lot 41x111, yard iost comoletedL ready to move into. Lo cated near atn and Marcy oca,, in nam Club district. Price, xt,w; wB casn. balance monthly. BEMIS-CARLBERO CO, n-111 Brandets Tbeatar BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. ATI modern, t-atory hnaee. ( room, re- eepttoa hall and bath; fall oetuented basement laundry, furnace beat; comer lot S feet frontAKe on boulevard: dose to oar. aonooi ana witmn walking distance. Located Z2&1 N. uth at Phone Web. I7W. 7-ROOM house. Mill and Gold. I&5M). Inquire MM 8. Mth. Dougiaa 41M. HOUSE tor sale at ill Haraer. to be removed at once. Phone Tyler MIL REAL ESTATE WANTED We have cash borers for residence property In all parta of the dry. We can sell year property if worth Us price asked. For quick result bet your prop arty with us. 0 'Neil's Real .Estate & Ins. Co, Both 'Phone. IMS Famam street all North Mtb St, So. Omaha. Nab. BARGAINS IN RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. r tUOS-Buys the 7-roocn dweJlng at K yiorta sxia street, aaat rroni, tw blocks from car line and two biooka west of new Omaha coilAge, You cannot loa out on this. Tua house cost more money tnao amount asked, and tha lot la a good on. IIOvBuys the l-room modern dwelling at as roppteton a-v. r-aveo atreet All taxes paid. Uk blocks from Park car line. tLWs-Buys toe modern X-rooc dwtllinc at ! nra Ave, laewg naaasom - park. Fttll-stxe lot Paving ail paid. Dwelling aioae erigtnaiiy Cost t4.SU. W. H. MMU.av S3S Ramgs BWg SACRIFICE SALE Leaving dry. New two-atory house. 4 rooms, reception room and beta, ell modern, earner lot streets paved and parked, la Pram para, email payment baianiw monthly. Come look it over, xsa rewier Ave. wewwr p f. U acre a-round. almost sew -room hoose. srice Ka T7S Msjtdersen 8U I rooms, modern except beat: must be sold by May L Terma ana prioe ngnt Tret irrmore. rooms and bath, mod ern except beat Lot sx23e. Oood loca tion; close to car ana scnoet. race, u,m Phone netere m a. aa. - MRS. MYRTLE DEUEL, tm BROWN. TEL. WEB. M6X. Corner lot, UMM, Pi blocks from car line and business center of city, eon tainc 1 store building with full basement: 7 itvinaj rooms above; 1 l-room adlotnlae; maiding seed for dweUng or market; 1 a-reom cottage: I barn. Room for two more building on confer. Rents, tea.e per naenta. race, ss.-sm.9s GEORGE A. CTRTIS, Executor, No flat Street South Omaha. Neb. Ben phone South to;. ri ME JINStES!' m visiting iMT SISTER". ftoo AN'T YOU 10NG REAL ESTATE rrrr property foh Ai,m REAL ESTATE WANTED Wa hava caah buyara tor raldrnca property In ail parta of tha city. Wa raa Mi your property If worth toe price eaked. For quick reaulla Uat your prop erty with ua. 0 'Neil 's Real Estate & Ins. Co, Both 'Phones. 188 Farnara Street. ill North itth St., So. Umaha. Neb. Benson Vacant Lot Owner needs the money and will con. elder any reasonable offer on this south front lot on Lucas 8t. between Clark and Burnham; It la WxlH; not tar from car and schools. Can you beat It 7 ddreas I. Tzt, nee. or pnone web. aoa TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SB JOHN W. HUiUUNaj, 118 FAKNAM T. North Sid Cottage Owner la anxious to sell and will make reasonable propoaitloa on this l-room aad bath home; front room 11x14, dining room Hi is, with bay window; large kitchen, with pantry; twa bed room, with closet space; attle floored and makes good St er ase; bouse has gas In each room! tha woodwork Is In good condition: lot is ax 14k with good shade trees See GBOROB R. WRIOHT. aU? NO. UTH, tbre ton north et Madison Ava, or ntwoe Web, ;. - t. Why Pay Rent? Why Not Own a Home-Price $1,950 Modern W-room houas, newly painted; cement walk, paved atresia; no further expense; whhla two blocxa ot car una. Hth and Franklin Sta., near Long school. Buy tram, owner. .TelsphoM Bed 4ML FIVE ROOM COTTAOB for sale at taorlrloa, an aosouat of sir, nee wen. re Investments Investments, close la. hopen & Co." Douglas 43. A 4MT. ' $800 HOME. with I lota. 8. K. cor. tsd aad Brown payments. Phone. Med 2M7. rnrr un iniv a 17-room house at the 1n eollea. Ames. Ia.. for W,k)L Thle house ta modern in every respect: private acetylene Hghting system; also wired tor etecirio umi, a.rt end lot TOxiC ta block from ear line. This place rents for ILOue a year; tins for a borne or aa invesuueni. mm tell you about It A. F. Luoaren, Ames, Iowa. ' h a M.ernu nark district owner leaving dty and will sell 4-room modern home, with extra lot: barguln. Appy, law) a. 271 h St Tel. Kea life. run u-s.nwia w. , u.. .nd I Ala wails Ave. Easy uayments flail Harnev erTT. . ' TWO brick flat, li toom each, rente for use a month. I block to pwtoltica. Bee Vogel, 4W JUrbaob Blk. REAL ESTATB WARM as RAM CM LANDS FOB IsXB TV vnn are Interested ta fisjlfonna land for fruit or eMcfcen raising, call on Fixe dt Wottnere. i pee piog., -jinaw. COLORADO. Now hi vonr opportunity to get a home In the famous Rocky Ford district It adjoins the main line of the Santa Fe railroad. Six thousand acres of fine lend Just put on the market for sale at 7I per acre, half cash. The soli I the very best In coioraoo. it win reauuy produce mirer beets, the famous Rocky Ford cantaloupes, alfalfa, wheat, corn, ail klnda el vegetaoiea ana truiis. turn mna is there, the water Is there, and all that M neoessary Is more good settlers. Agents wanted. The Maine Land Company, Room 14. Franklin Building, pueblo. Colo. g.706 ACRES rich smooth, shallow water land near large city. In Colorado; partly Improved, 157,000; good terms; splendid coliniHitton proposition. Ad dress A lis, Omaha Bee. teeerala. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by tne ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAIROAD. Land adapted to the widest range of crops. All tne money crops et the south plentifully produced. For tltarature treat ing with tola coining country. It sou, climate, church end school advantage. ante W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent ATLANTA. OA THE easiest war te find a bonree Sea yew farm I ta Insert a small wast ad m the Dee Maine Capital. Large sir. culauoa la the elate of lows, .ks) daily. Tb Capital la read by and believed ta sy toe suuwpanera ex lows, who atmpiy refuse to permit anr other Daner la llieie boms, Rates, 1 cent a word a day; tut per use per monin; ceunt atx ordinary worde to the line. Address Das Capua. Mjm moinea, ia. IWtrt enwMlk ISA i , I ... I -1 ball county. Neb, farm for l,aMi on easy terms. John L. Msurer, Continental Klqg, Omaha. BARGAINS ta farms; wrlu for hat Kansas Land Co.. Tstss Center, JCAsv FTFTEEN years to nay la?. 64 oer scrs for Montana's choieaet Irrigvitsd farm lands; iX4tt acres aow open under the barey act at Vailer, Montana; 14 bushe of wheat U bushels ot oata, B bushes or nax per acre, writs today. Clinton, Hunt A Co.. Box.. Vailer, Mont Xeerrahelca. HOMESTKAD B4 acres rich farm bud for lliL flung tees sod ail No sand aula. I A. Tjacy, KlabaU, Neb. TES. THIS 11 GET A UaITH OUT,- r .TV (YESMR (TKETol fYES.ANO NOT ) BIZ.Z IS NOT HAVE ON IT THAT BUT 0- 10 K S,iN' 1 JUST RE CEVECI 1E IN!) -EOT00AT OTHER TAPE J TTl iM? iThAT YOU SMoOLfl jj COULD If I'D PARE SIGN THOSE BONO 3 MUST HAVE V0KOOTTEM -EMI REAZi ESTATE FARTtt t RAftrH LANDS F-Ott SALB V Nebraska. FOR SALB5 44 acres ef good Und adja cent to a good littlo town In Saunder county, Nebraaka. which has good graded school, i n Is tana u all in wneat awl rente for l-itha araln rent Prioe. till per acre. Want U,M oash; time oa Delano at s per cent interest A good ranch 14 miles front BurwelL Neb, m acme. Price, tit per acre. A good ranch 17 mile from. BurwelL Neb, M acres. Price, til per acre. Also l-acre tract about half mtie from business part of Pur well. Good lead aad fairly good Improvements, Prioe, IAsi. F. f. Owen. Lock Box itf, BurwelL Neb. VBU6HEL WHEAT LAND, IS ts) Hi We hava for sale over XV00S acres et Cheyenne county, Nebraska choicest farm land, wner tne crop yietee sor is years. Including WS and 11 i, average with the beat la the state. Alfalfa, else a leading crop. Belter aoU, water and climate cannot be found, writ tor full Information today. Ax sal wanted every where. t , FLiNDJNOSLAND INVESTMENT CO, Sidney, Neb. ALL land lavtaunt are good, some better than others. A stO-aara reach and farm In Sbertdaa Co.. Neb., tsnoed and Improved, tor eulck oaah sale. per acre. I icar. wouia conaioer umaiia r Idenos property of equal value. P. O. Alleehous. m S. llth Ml.. Omaha. Wash r srtea. WASHINGTON ORCHARD LANDS. Only 25 Miles East of tie Famous WENATGHEE VALLEY. This land surrounds the town of Win Chester,' ea the main line of the Great Northern railway; (laeat apple land In the world. Soil tile very best No ex pens to clear; lays perfect for Irrigation, with wells ot Inexhaustible supply. No tract sver 1 mils from town. Prices ranee from Be per acre up. This land set to fruit will produce ISA to H.uOO per a ore net It Is in the finest apple country, where most ot the apples are exported. CUnssta ideal' location tusurpMseit, . Write us today (or complete circular with full Information, This will bear close Investigation. Price la remarkably cheep. D.V.SH0LES, til City Nat l Bank Bids. Ttt; Dour ; lnd, A-4. ' REAL ESTATB LOANS OMAHA property end Nebraska land. OKEEFB MEAL ESfA'tE CO, 1014 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. wanted, farm loan. Klok Irtv. Co.. Omac MONEY to loan on busi was or resi dence propertlea. tl.OM to W,i0. W. U. THOMAS, U First Nat'l Bank Bklg. WANTED City loan, and warrants, W. Farn am Smith A th.. W Feri.am St riW to llfi.OiM made promptly. F. IX Weed. Weed Bldg, URb end Farnam. GARVIN BROS. & .ty-S LOANS Farm and city property, H. Dumont Bon, 1 rarnare w. CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlberg (bo, ll-U Brandels Theater building. 6 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Ce. REAL ESTATB WANTED WE have customers galor for ecreag property around Omaha aad So. Omaha. For quick sale list your property with u at once. O'Neill Real Estate and In surance Agency. Me Faraam at. P bones Tyler MB. A-xnx, FOB SALB OB EXCHANGE m acres of level land oa the Missouri River In Iowa to exchange for merchan dise, cheap land or anything worth tba money. Price. 110.000: morte;e, RM0. At strathdee, Arcadia, Nsb, OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Piymouin, utnoon. The nrliireann St Lawrence Rout. Four days on ths ocean, three days la river and gulf, splendid new Turbine b( earner balooa, second-cabin and third class. Super lor one-class cabin service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. Send for circular, raise. Plana, sta Allan A Ce, 127 N. Dearborn St, C ideas Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry and Glasgow New York. Palermo and Naples. Attractlvs ratea for ocaeta between New York and all Scotch. English. Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior aoccuunodatloAs. eacauent cai ttne. affleMnt service. Apply promptly for reservation te local agent at Aacbor Line or llenderesa Bretaera. caaerai Agents, Chlcage, I1L . WAXTED TO BUT Household gds. clothes ehoee.Daffl BUM CASH FOR SILVER -ST Sd-haad gooda Keiser, Ms Center. D. MIL WOULD like to buy a yqyng bulldog uea4fc je, iw, Bee. WAJfTED SITTATIOXS WASHING and Ironing done. T, H. Mis. First-class practical nurse. U M10, A-M71 Day work, 20c an hour. Hsrney IU& BUNDLE washing, 40 cents a doseu rough dry, X cent do. Webster im. Curtain laundered, 30c up. Guar. W4ia Family and bundle laundry; guar. W, tWd CARPENTER repairing a specialty; Harney m. lat class laundress. Mary Hunter. W Bid. LACE curtain specialty work; guar. Web. IBS. , FAMILY w asm rut or bundle work; day work; bouse cleaning, neoster WANTED MTCATIO.NS Mra Gertrude German clean all kind curtains. I pr. tl. Csll evening. D. fTA IJitNPRY work taken home- W, 14B. Day work, clcanln- -r laundry. W. MOL COlXRl lady wants day work. Wetv star 1471. OIRt. 1 years, steady, painstaking, well reeommended by high school teach ers wants to do clerical work. Associated Chartlilee. 408 City HalL WANTED Position ea credit man by young nwa thoroughly experienced la wmnewf WW tw.ii vreiiw, em-ufn, salary, 12.101 par ear. Lock &ox ess, oaiana, r.eo. "l'.. : .... . . . . , WANur,u ana ironing oy aayi reliable woman. , Telephone call. H. XH. WANTED Position as housekeeper by widow lady with small child. Can glv vary beat referannea. Old people pre ferred. Address y-s, care nee. Rf.FIN'lCI) vounn ladv wlsitea position as traveling oonilanloa to Invalid, ot children, during summer months. Beet references. Address. Y-4. care Bee. EXPERIENCED casliler wanta a po' tlon; no Sunday work. Address M wt, nee, "v AVTtn Bv woman, day work. lis. eere fare, or steady place; go home nights; sattataotlon. D. OeH, 10U 8. Mth. N m. Bee. MIDDLE-AGED lady want position hou -m keeper. Phene Douglas IB. sr wrlu O sV7. Use. i, OIRL wanta JuX 'i In doctor's olflo. Tel. Wbtr tvhrrtsrnce. UNcfTsdy iito Smalt. wae to i ntm "Pro Wetx TOU , work In office at . t-erlth refee. vebeter 177. LAUKLUbS tvaau day work. Web. MIL ' YOUNQ mah.VinU position a drug clerk: I years.' exp4 he boser. MIS Capital Ave, , LIYB STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship Stock te Bourn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinks. Your oonsian. menu receive nrouiplULad earelul attaa twa. ' Live Steek Oaa-rolsedee Merebaata. Bvers Urea. sV Co. Strong and responsible WOOD BROS., at-mt Exchange Bldg. Great Wet. Com. Co, Omaha a Dnvr. W. R. SMITH A 8) luetbandl sheep, CUy. Rownaun Co., Exci.ange bldg. li.teratal i Co, Better result. Ship to ua CUFTON Cum. Co., 122 Eioiiange Bids. Cox A Jones Com Co.. bunch ef hastier. L E. ROBERTS CO., SS EXOh. lildg. Farruers L. 8, Com. Co., SM Exoa. iild Martin Bros. A Co., XeTEichT Bldg. TAUG BROS handls oattl. hoga, sheep. Denosit nroossds of shtnments la Stock Tarda Nat'l bank. Only bank at yarda. OMAHA, THE GRA1.X MAUKKT WEEKji grain CO.. araln merchaata. CenslgnsMnu soilelted. Tsl Brandels. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR REPAIR OF ROADS Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo, April L lull Sealed proposals tor repair of road. curbs and Butters will be received here nntii is a. m. May i. inz, aad then opened, information furnished en appli catloa. Eavelopea containing proposals should ba endorsed "Proposals for repair ef roads," aad d dressed Amos W. Kim. ball. Major A Q. M. Ai-J-J-4, M, M. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, FORT Omaha. Neb, April a, nu. Mealed pro oaala. In triplicate, will be received until U a. ax. May SL Ult tor Installing team heating system la hospital here. Iritormailoa fur Dialled en application. A-aVW-M-l-I-a-M. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. AU steamers ot tba undermention ed Una will follow tha NEW SOUTH ERLY COURSE) Eastbound and Westbound thus aroidinK all possi bility of meeting lea, and each steam er will have BOAT AMD LIFE RAFT capacity for every person on board including botA Paseenfora and crew. 6 WHITE STARw Dominion Canadian Strvrc HowTBtAi-QucBec-LrvcBPoot ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA stesutw Mar II. M.S. Jr teaumteHe, l.Jel.Jy.M laeraotH Mr B.Je n tt S) ecsssss Jea t law Pkw W1M. IsceJd stArt, 0iCbm iismninatH rM Clssi ail Jl m UAM Arraaa awaUnss with Local Agent una, - ii in. BCAJrcofAVIAB daisrleaa lias Uta esrlDS wetl Hles la esi-esi et tae reeeireieeDts Oscar IL atsy a r. Tlst-ea, May IS tjaited State, stay BI Bellig ouv, Jane Osoar XL Jane to O. F. Tiste-ea, JaasST Pire-I Class, STT AO p el all a. b yowirsoR a oo , m kis av. UU. er ear wmm Kew steea-aki, f U.WI teas SalM- lie Z. I - i eerw v- . - a as Jf Sd i C L I : CoatiaGBwJs) i i iy. " j g 1 L I M Nsri SSi asrweMleer, Ttufear. ropaiai .erlees. BeM. AilMpetpee4wn6w1reBierrOSr!aeWT eBj-. W ejessWeetettapenasee, sdCUMJMl lunr.el w. 'Vr--BBsBSBS ansa. l.mitler sy snsiinr nBeiU ihin weisrs Hi jstsk mawawjwsBBBSBw pshaw: MUST YOU GO T0 YOUR OFFICE? PARIS AUTOJBANDITS SUIN Leader of Ganf tsd One Han Killed is Spectacular Battle. POLICE T&AP THEX 15 OARAGE Strwetare la Fl sally Rlewa I'p with a Cbara ef Pyaaaalt Haaw Ctsed seska Veagraaca aa Weaaeed Outlaw. PARIS, April Bv-Bonnot. the leader ef aa erganlsed sans ot automobile bandits who have bean terrorising Parle and ths surrounding district tor months, and Dubois, a notorious anarchist, ware shot ta death Sunday In ths most thrilling en counter in the annals ot French crime A garage at Cholsy-le-Rot, sis mile south ot Parts, In which the bandlu bad taken refuge, was blown up by dynamite, after these two men had kept at bay tor hour a large part at the polio feres ot Paris, a contingent of gendartn, tws companies of republic guards aad a onm- pany of engineers. Tan thousand spec tators viewed the battle from aetata et vantage. Today's engagement equalled la era. malie draarnstsnee the encounter - r January, uu, described aa tha "battle of London, " when desperadoes euepeotsd ot being the murderers of polios Is Houndsdlloh were trapped In a house ta the Whltechapel district aad went te their death battling against hundreds of ben don polio and soldiers, Trapped la Garagw. Bon not and Dubois, after wounding tw policemen today, took refuge In the garage. They were trapped la tha build ing, which was at once surrounded. Re InforosSMBta were despatched to aid tht police, composed of gender me, fwvub Uo ' guard and engineers. A battery ot artillery was on the way from Var sallies, whsa a small dttaehmant at sol. diers suooseded la plaelcs dynamlts against the structure aad blowing out the front wall, Honnot wsa captured alive. He was riddled witu bullets sad died oa the way ta a hospital Ths Brest crowd that had tethered, with erica sf "Death to Bonnet." almost tore ths bandit from ths soldier, ssveraj of whom were injured. Parisians, particularly eutomobufta. have been la a stats of terror because ot the reckless s rimes of the automobile bandits, which reached e ellmut In the murder of Assistant Supertntendent Jouls of ths detective department aad the wounding of Chief Inspector Cblemar by Bonnet on the morning of April ft. Tht government then ordered all the avsli- abls polios to hunt ths assassins day and night Bandit Ope Be Fir. At 1 O'clock this morning at. Qui chard. uperiu Undent Of detectives., tracked Bonnet to the Isolated Baraga at Ctwlsy-te-Rot. As Gulchard aad his man ap peared, a bandit who proved - to In Dubois, wsa preparing to mount a motor cycle. Hi answered the summon is sur render by opening firs while be retreated to the f arage. At the same momsnt thsrs was a ball of bullets from a window an two detectives tell, one with two ballets la his abdomen. It was nonnot abooUni from ths first floor. Tha detectives . retired and a general alarm was sent out. Police, gandsrros and all classes of people came autckly, LEGAL NOTICE. I'KRTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. Btate of Nebrssata, Office ot Auditor of Public Account. Lincoln, February lit, islt. It I hereby certified that tne Mutual Benaft Life insurance company or new ark in the stats of New Jersey, baa eenv nlied with the Insurance law of thl tat, applicable to aueh cornnanies and Is therefore authorised te continue the business of life Insurance In thu state for the current year ending January tut, 1911. Summary of report filed for the year SBdlng DecemberMst WIU Premiums ...-... .eMTI.l All other sources 4JH.0Otaj Total I rj6,i.W DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders 4 14X,t3.M All other payments ...... sjaLTBLO Total I U,4 Admitted Assets 147,)l.Wi.w UABHJTirS. Net reserve .t-Ul.Mt.fcS.OO Net policy claims Y1MB All other liabilities ....... JivMO-v-twrn tmrn Total 7i2.77.w WHsees my hand sad the aeai of the insurance department the day aad year first above written. (SEAL) SILAS R. BARTON, Auditor ot public Aocounta. C. E. PIBRCB, r Deputy. Agent wanted, write or call upon Oeo. T. Blandford, General Agent 4IS-M City National Bank Bldg., Omaha .Neb. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. newest and Finest ConttntTital Stunts S.S. France aeflest. Tbk I! " C FmlW 1 I I iurrivc.i i m ;i 47 sakes, sad reams wwh srieet ksu. Tartask seta, ij.iiiu., i,efsllrl.siryseer.osrerv. -r"" r- . Icl. aWi.Mf.1 vesasa. New Yesb s Parta. All steamers take southerly course. r ssrtteslses ssslv B a Bees. w- i St: L. Keess. 1st 9 1. A Bey- Fsiaass BL I YES. TO FOR--fiOT ABOUT A BABY IS AFRAID OF ME. mr. RFAl 1 I wr- a. I HAVE ON HAND! X ISN'T H They wsre armed with muskets and re volver and directed hundreds ot bullets at the Baraga, from which earns a steady rain of, lead ta reply. M. Lsplne, pre fect ot Parts, waa Immediately notified and he telephoned tnstructions to the po lice to do nothing until he arrived. W will blow them up with dynamite," ha, said. Spectatare Drive Bach. t.i Meanwhile the repubUs guard aad enatn neera arrived, while thousands of person; flocked to the scene from all direct tona, sad occupied positions at a sals dltani iney became as aumereaa teat tne a diers were forced ta drive them back as they were Interf erring with the progress) of the siege, which waa conducted aggrmlveiy. M. Leptne, M. Out chard and the coiw msnder ot the republic guard held ai council of war aad decided ta use dyaew mite. Hundreds of. gendarmes- aim- with carbines, then began to enotrole thai building to prevent the escape at tax bandit. A cart waa rigged ap with? thick mattiwases aa a barricade and ttoev attacking party backed slowly towartti the sarase, f a Prior to this the aadtement bad been, at fever heat. Officers sslioped back aad forth giving orders to realrela tab crowds wruck were aow surging ta tws stresta, but s the cart approached the bulldlna- a great atlUaeea fsU. It was eoi marked that on could even hear the. click ot the cinematograph mashraW which the operator turned calmly as aa net to lose a single picture ef the drsjoa, Beaast Ceiwee Caster. Wheel the cart reached the wall Lieu tenant Porteea emerged and coolly place two huso sticks of dyaamlta against te building aad Ignited tha fuse, Tha horse galloped out ot renae and the spectator waited, but no explosions followed. This operation waa repeated twice. Then came a terrific report and a cloud at moke and debris shot skyward. All tin while ths bandits wsre volley- Ing steadily but no one was hit As ths. front waU oollapeed with a eresh, ta police and guards rushed up. On tke g round floor they found Daboia dead. They mounted a narrow stairway and observed a aiaa streaming with blood,' bis left arm, la a sling, crouched behind mattress. Blood waa pouring from wounds In his head and chest , Curse yeul" Curs yeul" be cried aa he pulled the trigger ot his empty re volver. He reached for Poison ia bis belt but before he oould take It ba waa.' overpowered, carried dews and placed iaf: an automobile, . Crowd Cwara-ea Prleoaer. It eras then that trie crowd changed Into a wild mob, bowling tor the death of the bandit ... The eoldlers protected him with thwi butts ot thdr carMnes. but many bloww' fall oa Boanot before the autornobiie" etarted off, literally crushing down ; score of persona la eleartag a pathway, and speeded to Parta Boanot waa unoonsrlous and expired oa- la way to the hospital. The doctors. found twelve wounds. There war twa ballets In his head and two ta his ab- domea and they marvelled that ba lived aa long aa he did, Dubois had tinea wounds. Hs wore a belt oontalrusa poison, but tt la not eenaldsred arobabiai that he had time to awallow any at thw p reparation. j Oa Booaot waa fcxmd a slstsmsat eoo. listing for ths moat part of aa anarohlstls oantewsdoa of faith and concluding With, these words, believed to bar bean fver-t lahly sorlbblsd at tha laat moment 1 I die. Jules BoBaot' He waa armed with tour ievulei and a carblae. . . 2 Vast Crwwd at It ta eeUmated that I visited the scene of tha battle during the day. They saw enly the rotas of tba garage, tor, aoca after the ex pic on. flames broke out and ' destroyed the; traotura, - --..: ".. According to a statement mads by Paul Oulcbaxd, brother ot the upsr!n undent, he sent a bullet into the bead of Bonaot at the bandit's last stand la the garage;' but aa the wounds were numerous tt is' net known which caused tba sod. :. The medical examlnalioa snowed that" Bonnet's left arm had bean shattered br a bullet It waa aa old wound, however,, and hs undoubtedly shot himself afc. otdentalty whsa be murdered Jesda. Ttrla explains why hia arm was in a shn. Garrtner, Bonnot'a eo-chiet is still at large, but tb pelies ear they are oa bla trail and expect ta capture him. - -Paris newspapers, which issued special edition hourly throughout the day, gm prominence to the fact that, the garafl" retreat ot the bar-tilts from- which Ui. conducted the eerie of automobile srimaat waa owned by Alfred Frotnentln, kaowny a Th MilUooaire Aaarehisf gYumea-. tin waa a friend ef Francisco Ferrer), founder ef th saodera school of SpaisC whom be frequently rtstted at Barcelona.' Ia 1MB. after the exeeutioa of Ferrer, be; ; pubtistted a psmpblat entitled "Tne Truth" oa th Work ef Ferrer ia watch bo ex plained Ferrer' Mean, "i Lived ta "Bed Beet." f Fro mentis founded at C noisy w-Rot , number of small vtiiaa. which be called "Tb Red Neat." Thar were ecempted sjrnost exclusively by persons of anarab-. Istlo belief. Frocsentia's frlsads mat!,' however, that be la the etawny of ikilasxa sad that if bis piwerty waa the bead osartera of the bandtta. H must have been without hi kaowtedge. Boaaot was about S year aM and A. native ef Lyons. Ba formerly served ta, the engineer sorps of the army. He waa aa expert chauffeur, the real brains ni the band and wa always at the steers ing wheel of tb car when tha beadrMj were operating. . Jiz ' Cultivated tastes prefer Permits, taT