Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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THe Beer of Quality
. ,"
AN order forPabst"Blue
Ribbon" Beer carries
with it the distinction ot
quality and good taste.
Served with your ldnch or
dinner, Blue Ribbon lends
zest and refreshment most
satisfying. Every bottle if
worthy of your table. ' : " .
Bottled only at the
brewery in crystal,
clear bottles, showing
at .a giance that it
Is clean and pure.
Phone for a case for your home
. -.: today. - : ;
The Pabst Company
Fbeos Douglas 79, A 1479
Msatrh TTMlK'a, Tee-tlting
Vntvrarri, ev.xs if r g r t
Wftaeewt RaUs ff AWrL
MbnaM A. ft. QLMiTLD, U Roy, K. Y.
State Engineer Make Tonr of In-
gpection of Big Froject
Edaratloaal ortlre-re laepeet
Sl Sob. eels Harris ot
Allien Will Escape OmIm .
(It at State's Hands.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)' -LINCOLN.
April .-(8pectal.-D. D.
Price, state engineer, has- returned from
an Inspection trip over the route of the
proposed power projeeta In 'the vicinity
of Columbus, embracing the Babcoek and
Kotnlg flllnga. No work h been done
o either of them eo far at power de
velopment la concerned, though on the
Babcoek project considerable ditch ha
been dug on the Irritation end of the
scheme. Tali whs done a number of
yeara aim and haa been In uae, through
the rainfall In that section haa been great
enough to prevent any large utilisation
of the water for. this purpose. In one
place where the ditch waa originally
dug for Irrigation -purposes, -It -is. n
being uaed as a drainage ditch to carry
water off of low. swampy land.
One feature of this and' all other power
projects along t he Plat te river- haa de
veloped which had .not been - contem
plated. Farmers who are familiar with
the vagaries of the Platte river are fear
ful that If the power ditches; are dug.
carrying Uie water over lands not within
reach of tha river, the river, the stream
will take a notion some time, to abandon
Its old channel and take to the power
ditch. Engineers, however, scout the
Idea, aa they say the lesser fall In the
ditch, except at the point ot discharge
at the dams, will be so much less than
that ot the river that fhe current' will
have a tendency to change Us channel
and that diversion dams, for use during
low and medium stages: will" be "neces
sary to get water Into the dltrVe. These
tlams will not be high enough to af
fect the flow during high water.
Judge Letton, ' who la at Excelsior
Springs, Me., recuperating his 'health,
reports that he la Improving and expects
to be well In a short time.
Labor Commissioner Ouye hag returned
from Omaha, where he filed Information
against tha proprietor of one of the big
drug stores for keeping women clerks
after 10 p m. Soma time, ago when the
giand Jury was. In session, this case,
along wjltb aome others waa brought be
fore that body and tha proprietor prom
ised to comply wltn the law aad no In
dictment waa returned. At SJon as the
grand Jury adjourned they, put the
women clerks back at work, hence the
The Janitors' on the capital grounds
have commenced their annual Job of
euttlng the lawn. Some time ago when
they were busy shoveling snow they
were certain, they would rather rut grass,
but now that the grass, season Is on they
are debating whlc.i is the mora en
joyable occupation. -
r. C. Kurd, ot the physical valuation
of the railway- oomm'sston, will go., to
Topeka, Kan:, May i, to attend a con
ference of engineers of the valuation
departments of the stale of . Wisconsin.
Oklahoma. Texas. Minnesota. South Da
kota, Iowa and Kansas. The engineers
ot tha various states wilt compare notes
In an endeavor 'to arrive at uniform
methods of procedure and also exchange
Ideas as to valuations., -;
Assistant State Superintendent Elliott
haa gone toPeru to Inspect the Normal
school. Superintendent Delsell haa a
busy time ahead of him In May. On
the'Sd he will to Emporia. Kan., wbert
he Is ana ot the Judges In the Interstate
debate ot the normal schools. May It
ha goea to Arlington to attend a meet
ing ot teachers and on -tha following
day a similar meeting at cowl. Then
comes a series of. graduating exerclae
aa follows: St. Paul, May II: Qresham,
May 1: Orchard. May IT;' Waco.. May
a. Franklin. May B; Greenwood. 'May
gl. May he goes to Fremont to at
tend the Ighth graduations of the Dodge
county rural schools. ; -.
Adjutant General . Phelps reports the
only salvage ah the equipment or ' the
Omaha mllltla companies to be a Dual
ity of. ball ammunition, which citrie
through .tne fire uninjured. This am
munition was in packing run, sonic
of which were badly burned, but little
of the ammunition was Injured. j
The town of Schuyler has sent In for
registry, t. worth.' of sewer" bonds. -,
The Nebraska Northwesters, Railway
oompany baa asked tha railway commis
sion for permission to Issue tSUflA In
common stock and taoO.Wt In bonds. The
company waa Incorporated a few monthe
ago with a capital stock of WOO.tfO tor the
purpose ot constructing a line of railroad
front Spring-view. Key Palm county, to
Basaett, Rock county, on. the main line
ot the Northwestern road. Keys Paha
county haa never had - a railroad and
various plans to get one have all failed
np to data. This One la fathered by lo
cal people, but who It back of It does
not appear from the paper. The pro
posed line will be tweaty-flva miles long.
The application, wss-aeeoaepanled by a
detailed statement St what It waa pro
posed to do with the money raised by the
stock and bold Issue "and this was re
ferred to the valuation departments ot
the commission to check ap before the
commission acta on the petition. t
Attorney General. Martin has decided
not to commence ouster proceedings
against Mayor Harris Of Alliance aa re
quested to do by the governor. Tn gov
ernor made the request on the strength
of a petition signed be members of the
Box ButtV 'county grand Jury.' The deci
sion not to commence action , was reached
when H was ascertained that Mr. Harris'
term at mayor expired y limitation oa
May 7 and R. would joTb possible to
get any action en the petition before that
time. It Is Intimated, however, .that tha
governor' Instruction 'hav bad the de
sired; effect, which wsx.te Induce Harris
aot to run for re-election.' . ',
Tha of Albert D..Welptn and
Lawrence H. Daft, banker at Greenwood
charged with embetsletnent, will not be
tried at the May tern, ot the 'federal
court. Accountant John L.' Procter, one
of the main witnesses of the government
ta now tn Alaska and eannvrt reach her
In time for that term ot court, r . -.
pe fate of Albert Prince; the colored
man tried for thg klHIng ot Deputy
Warden Davis at the penitentiary. Is now
with the Jury- -The tskmg of testimony
waa omctoded before noon and each aide
waa gtvea an, hour and a, half for argument-
fever Sheriff James C-' Ktkea
berry was oh the stand this morel ng.
Ha was formerly' a guard at the penlten-
and mmt that Prince h4 ewneraJIv i
been a model prisoner and that he 'had i
noticed no change la the demeanor 6f the J
; Nebraska
prisoner after the water cure. The other
witnesses examined today were doctors
who testified that In their opinion Prince
was sane. , V S . . -
icans File .
ense Accounts
(From a Staff Correspondent. i
LINCplJ. Neb April .-8pecll Tel
egram.) The- final day for filing exiwnse
Hccouilu under the law for candidates in
.primary. eieotloa. finds all the republi
can candidates for state offices In the
clear. Fred Heckmann. for land commis
sioner.' bring the last to get In. His ex
penses were- RsT.M. All are also within
the limit prescribed by taw.
Three of tSe La Follette-Rootevelt can-
dldlatee for delegates reported and each
admlte having donated till 71 to 'the La
Follette. league. Their total expenditures
were ss follows: Nathan . Merrtam,
tM.;' J. -K. Slum, John W.
Towle. UTlTt . - -
Others who filed reports were R. B.
Howell, republican candidate for national
committeeman. gM&ti, of mhkh $146 went
to the-La Kollette eommlttre: Ernest F.
Monroe, . Shelton, . democrat, state super
intended I3W.7S: W. A. Oeorge, republl
can. sate treasurer, tSW.M; James Dean,
democrat.' elector.' -not hint; M. Brucger.
prohlbhlon. state treasurer, nothing:
Charles H. Sloan, republican, congress
Fourth district, tll.M: W. A. Prince, re
publican, congress. Fifth district. gMt; W
B. Eastham, democrat, land .commis
sioner. SM: B. M. Slmms. oemocrat. rail
way commissioner, 57r John A. Mantilre,
democrat, eoharesa. Ftret district, tll.M;
W. B.- Howard, repubiican, auditor.
3M.St M. W. Terry, democrat, attorney
general. K: Benjamin 8. Biker, republl
can. congress. Second district. MM; C. O.
Lobeck. democrat, congress, Second dis
trict g7..
Jury is Secured
; ToTryEegeCase
PBNDER.- Neb., April -Sperlal Te).
egram.)-The Jury In the rase of William
Flege waa completed and sworn today at
I o'clock. The Jurors are Thurston county
farmers and are aa follows: W. O. Brink.
Rosalie: John- Van Houten, Winnebago;
Charles Day. Rosalie; John Brown. Walt
hill; L. D. Vlele. Winnebago; Fred Stew
art, WalthltlitOeorge lityne, Pender; O.
M. Hamilton. Pender; Robert Ottens.
Thurston: W. W. Walters. Rosalie: Wal
ter -Bell, Decatur; - Tracy Dtllard. Winne
bago. '
After the completion of the Jury the at
torneys made a statement of the case
and indicated the different facts which
would be brought out In tha evidence.
The statement for the stats wss made by
C. A: Kingsbury, prosecuting attorney
of Dixon county; the ststement for the
other side by Fred Berry, one of the at
torneys foe the xtefense." Tne'eouft ad
journed until : tomorrow morning.
when the taking of evidence will begin.
The court roam, wss nearly filled this
afternoon while the attorneys were mak
ing their statements. The Jury selected
la. considered an able and fair-minded one
by those jropaipttd with fhe men.
Cowles Defends-
, , .Fare' at Hospital
(From a' 8taff fdrreepondeni.)
UNOOIaN. . Aptlt , .-Speolal.)-Land
Commissioner Cowles, ' who has direct
charge of the. state tubereulesis hospital
at Kearney, has the followlar,ta eay re
garding the complaint of Nellie Matox
of Omaha that ah did not have sufficient
food while' at the Institution and that
she wss compelled to wask dishes and do
other work which ahe was not able to do:
"There Is plenty of suitable food pro
vided for the patients at the hospital,
such as eggs, ' fresh meat, breakfast
foods, fresh . fruit, and canned fruit, rice.
In fact; the diet Is designed; TrUclarly
to suit the. disease from which they are
suffering, .i ;! . ,' r"W&. "
"I have been at the hospital repeatedly
and talked with the 'patients and have not
heard any complaint from them. If I
am not .mistaken the. woman who com
plains gained In weight while there. - It
Is customary In the east of patients who
are subject to hemorrhages to reduce the
food allowance somewhat, ss hearty eat.
ing aggravates this symptom and it la
possible she mar he one of thee and this
1 the cause of her comsislnL" '
State Brings Suit "; ,
To Get Shortage
BEATRICB, . Neb.. April . 9 -(Special
Telegram, -ult waa Instituted In the dis
trict court today by Attorney Oeneral 0.
O. Martin, against Dr. 0. L. Roe. super
intendent of the Feeble Minded Institute
her daring Bhallenberger't administra
tion, to collect'alieged to be due
the state. Dr. Roe's bondsmen, the Amer
ican Bending oompany - ot Baltimore, la
slso mad a. party to the- suit. T. B.
Stewart, bookkeeper at the institute un
der Dr.' Roe,' waa arrested soon after Dr.
Thomas, the as saint superintendent, was
appointed on the charge ot misappropri
ating the sum In guestlon. After a trial
lasting a week he Wat acquitted by a
Jury la the district court.
The suit brought today by the siste Is
to recover the full amount of the altegad
shorUe-gl.!S XT llh Interest at T per
cent from January M, Nil.
. '' ' '. . :
HASTINGS, Neb, April -(Special -Rev.
C. W.-Wejrer of the First Presby
leriaa church ot Hastings has declined
a cdll to the First Presbyterian church of
Pee bio, Colo, the largest church of any
denomination In that city. The offer was
very attractive, the salary being a third
larger than- the one he receives here. Mr.
Weyer baa been eievea years la the min
istry five and a half yeara at Fremont
and flea and a half here. Since ha came
to the Hastings pastorals the church has
advaseed la point ot membership from
the rank of seventh to second among all
Presbyterian churches In Nebraska, aad
ft la believed that aorta has a larger av
erage attendance The church building
Is conceded to be the finest possessed by
the denomination In this state. Notwith
standing tin heavy cost of the tmprsv
meat there la not a dollar of Indebtedness
against tLe church, either for tha bund
ing er far the current expense.
Permit W smoke, l cents. 'All dealer.
State Will Contend ,
- Ouster Suit Should
Be Heard Through
(From a Staff Correspondent.! .
LINCOIA. April 3t. -(Special Telegram.)
The attorney general's office, through
Deputy Attorney Oeneral Ayres. has filed
a brief tn the case or Ryan and Plvonks.
South Omaha police commissioners,
against whom ouster proceedings were
brought. The defendants as kthat the
action be dismissed as the term of office
they were serving When the action was
commenced bad expired. The attorney
general contends . that eo far s the su
preme court knows the term haa not ex
pired and la bound to consider the char
ter, which extended the terms until May.
UU, was' valid until declared Invalid by
tha supreme court, and that the validity
of that charter waa not. a part ot the
pleading In this action. .
The state Insists the ruling ot the dis
trict court for Douglas county Is not Ju
dicial .notice to the. supreme court that
the charter Is Invalid, and that they are
serving the same term as when the ac
tion was commenced. Bven in the event
the term has expired and they are now
serving' by reason of a re-election the
stats relies on a decision In an Iowa case
In which the supreme court held that the
object of the law was to remove an unfit
officer, and It did not matter whether
It waa In a preceding term or In the term
during which the action was tried. -
Hilvard Resigns;
Teeter is Named
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINqOLN. April 2P.-(.8peclaU-Con
mandant Hllyard of the Soldiers' , and
tellers' , home at .Mllford sent la , his
resignation today M Coventor .Aldrlch
and tha latter announced the appoint
ment of Joseph Teeter ot IJnoolg to I he
piece.; . The- appointment le(-to .ef
fective aa aoea as the former com mead
ant can wind up his business affair at
the home, not later than May W. '
In his letter of resignation Commandant
Hllyard thanks the governor for his
"mti placed confidence.' It haa been ru
mo red for some time that the resigns.
lion waa to be forthcoming, owing to
friction at the homei which resulted a
few weeks ago In the resignation of the
engineer, the matron who waa the wife
of the englner, and the expulsion of sev
eral of thp Inmates. In fact, there has
been trouble at the home ever since Gov
ernor AMrlch's term commenced. He first
appointed Henry Howard of Elk Creek
aa oommandant. - He waa relieved from
duty attes there hsd been considerable
trouble culminating in a fight between
the oommandant and one of the Inmates,
and Hllyard, whose home la near Su
perior, wag named. This did not appear
to settle matters and the naming of
Teeter Is the latest development.
Teeter served In the civil war aa cap-
tsln of Company I. Thirty-fourth Illinois
Infantry. In ISM he was department com
mander of the Orand Army ot the Repub
lic, Department of Nebraska, and has
als-ays been prominent In Orand Army
affaire. -
SEWARD. Neb.. April s.-Speclal Tele
gram.) A farm laborer who gave the
name of Jtmes Thompson, waa arrested
here early -Sunday morning oa a charge
of atealtng a team of "brown horses from
Howard Dickinson, a farmer who lives
near Bee. for whom na naa oeen wore
ing. He had arranged to sell the ani
mals to a traveling horse buyer, and
was on the wsy to a, livery barn when
they were recognised by a neighbor of
Mr. Dickinson, who notified tha sheriff.
Thompson was arrested and this morning
pleaded guilty and waa bound over to
the district eourt. . He- was unable to
give bond and waa losked up. ' -
J eo.i' . a.i "Dim : . "nw
NORFOLK. Neb.. April J.-Mra. Mary
Hewlett ot Lurknow, India, a first cabin
Titanic survivor paased through here en-
rtute to Rapid CHy, 8, D.. to visit her
sen. r. R. Hewlett. Mr: Hewlett was
awakened, by confusion, pp the. steamer
and slipped on a fur roar aver hernsjht-
gown. When she reached deck - sailors
hurled her Into lifeboat No. 11 .The life
boat waa nearly- crushed by another
lowered Immediately after. Mrs. Hewlett
saw tha big liner disappear under the
waves. - Her son did not know shs had
beea rescued until a few days ago. .
1 - j
BEATRICE. Neb.. April t.-Speclal.)
The thirty-seventh annual meeting of
the Lincoln Association of Cdngrega-
tlonel Churohes will be held at Liberty.
this county, Monday and Tuesday of this
week. Many of the ministers of the dis
trict will appear on the program. Rev.
Mr. Packard will be Installed aa paster ot
the Liberty church at the meeting.
' Teasseter Injured. , .
WATERLOO, Neb., April . -Special.)
John Oraff. teamster tor the Wetdnr.
Seed company, had three ribs broker.
Saturday afternoon by a fall. He was
loading a ear. trucking the sacks of core
from his wsgon. '
Kansas City Faces
Deficit : of . Seven .
Hundred Thousand
KANSAS CITT. -Ma. April In the
face ot a dafV It estimated at tnt.ent n
tha funds ot Kansas City, M. A. Flynn.
dtp comptroller has said that he would
not certify any appropriations ot the new
city sd ministration antll there la money
to meet tnem. He estimated the revenues
for this year at CSft.M.
Until expert aoceuatante make their re
ports tha comptroller refuses to soaks a
statement regarding the amount of the
deficit by reason of the condition ot the
accounts ot Ous Pearson, hi predecessor,
who died at a hotel. In Chicago April Jt,
Ovs days after going out ot office.
A Fertaaate Teiss.
K. W. Goodloe.- 1 aulas. Tex.; found a
sure relief for malaria and biliousness In
Dr. sting's New Life Pills. Only 3c For
sal by Beaten Drug Ce,
Cumbersome in Operation When
Ticket it So Long.
Twt DMxrtl LrHalrra I ambi tm
Swla ThlBi mm Tmej Mite
la .tbrmiW Virf ftota
la EtMfkrf.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I.INCOI.N. April Xi.-ISBwIul.KWith
enough of the primary -returns known
to indicate who la nominated, about the
only ones who are taking any Interest
In the affair arc t.inse whose duty It is
to complete the official results and aome
who have been studying out the work
ings ot the present lew. The practi
cally universal comment la that the law.
in its operation has proven too cumber
some, but when It comes to providing
a remedy they all confess their Inability,
at present at least, to prescribe.
Wherever politicians gather, however. It
Is generally conceded that some move
along this line Is practically certain to
be made when the next legislature meets
snd they are hoping that between now
and then some one may be able to evolve
a workable plan.
Haw to Perare Voles.
Another thing connected with the pri
mary Is becoming apparent. When first
returns ,came In the general comment
wss thst under the present system, the
msn who were unwilling or unable to
spend a large amount of money In a
campaign pf advertising and personal
solicitation, stood no show. Results In
this respect are somewhat mixed, but
as the expense accounts ere filed and
compared with the names of successful
ones this claim Is not so clesr. The
men 'who spent the largest antnunt of
money were not nominated, but one thing
In this direction does stand out and that
la ' that a candidate who without the
expenditure of considerable money would
not hsve attrtoted any considerable
nolle ot received any considerable num
ber ot votes, can by liberal expenditure
make it - decidedly uncomfortable tor
others. There are several such Instances
In the recent primary campaign.
Ilea Lenders Nrarred.
In th democratic camp It la common
talk that both Bryan snd Senator Hitch
cock came out ot It conslderibly dis
figured politically, for certain It la that
neither obtained Just what he wanted,
though bqth arei sent to rhej national
convention. The lineup of all Bryan t
Intimate political friends with Wilson,
taken with the sorry showing thst can
didate made In the primary, has been
the cause of many wry faces In the
Bryan camp. On the other hand, Hitch
cock's favored candidate did not make
a much better showing, Hltchoock'i man
did capture some delegates, but Bryan
has the satisfaction pf heading Ilia poll
In the list of delegates. , Tss result of
the contest for governor, taken In con
nection with th Injection of the liquor
question Into the campaign by ths suc
cessful candidate. Is also causing many
democrats In this section o 'he state
to rub sore spots and the pain shows no
Indication ot subsiding under th mas-1
sage treatment, ,
Key to the Situation bee Advertising.
Something more than an ordinary tonic it required to restore health to
a weakened, run-do-en system; th medicine mutt post blood-purifying
properties aa well, because the weakness and impurity ot th circulation is
responsible for the poor physical condition. The blood does not contain
the necessary quantity of rich, red eorpuacle, and Is therefore a -weak,
irate rr stream which cannot afford aufflclent nourishment to tuitaln th
system In ordinary health. A poorly nourished body cannot legist disease, j
and this explains why so many persons are attacked by a tpell of
sickness when the uss of a good tonio would have prevented th trouble.
In 8. 8. 8. will t found both blood-cleansing and tonio qualltiet combined.
It builds np weak constitutions by ramorlngHll impurities and germ from
th blood, that supplying a certain means for restoring strength and
invigorating the syttem. The healthful, vegetable ingredients of which
B. 8. 8. is composed mak It splendidly fitted to the needs of those system
which are delioate from any cause. It is Nature'a Perfect Tonio, free from
all harmful minerals, a safe and pleasant acting medicine for persons of
every age. 8. 8. 8. ridt the body of that tired, worn-out feeling so common j
at this season, improves the appetite and digestion, tones up the stomach, 1
acta with pleasing affect on the nervout tystem, and re invigorates every
portion of the body. TEB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. AILAITA. GA.
!j j
I 70U run no risk in tryinir
hurt the hair growth
your purchase you
CaL-'' mm, t e a,.
I'll I
usH-n. guaiaiitcc, niuui wo leave i-ujuur
own sense of fairness. Give the tonic
a fair trial and
tkinlf, dry $cp, iemi kairU thru frtai
. U jitld rnmptb t Q BAN Hair Tuc
Get a bottle today from your dnitrtrist and start ths
treatment. If he don't
w for lull sued package, prepaid,
Hefcig-E1LU Drug Co.
i ilii iiil: II i
. Memphis,
inh'i'iii ii :
.; f SPECIAL. Mall at the
pi ili. i feuWmaeeeyDr. Notts
g lor osiMsta urastratM
HI I.H i'li i X- krtarea.eoveriag
lli'ii M-iC .. 111 V care and treat?
Wi !"H:!ill Nii!!'!' !:' uM lilliliX ssentef
li,:-!' ; ' -..iii'S': , I'l l il
!,l!i::n !lt:,!:ii!i!ill:i l-i
tmiiUtrtliiifHtl I tMi. 1 1 ii i, i
- on of th largttt woodworking centers in the
Middle Wett, want 1,000 Woodworker
T'je Woodworking Factories) n Two Furniture Far'tori,
ploy over five thousand men. Three Planlna; Mllla,
There la work for l.voe more Lare Railroad Shopa
Two large Sash and Door 11111. And the shops of the Brunswick
Two big Coffin Ksctorles. Halke-Collender Company, who
" Two Church Furniture Shops need I. so more men. . .
In addition t this, practically ell the ether woodworking shops have Increas
es their plants snd manufacturing facllltlea and require additional help
, tny Miitman ar Cabinet Maktr can get svorej as DtuVaauc
No Commission Charged. . Address
I Ten Millions Loss
When Bazars Burn
in City of Damascus
great bssar quarters In Damascus hsve
been destroyed by fire. Several persons
were killed snd many Injured and th?
dxmage I estimated at iIO.uOO.Wli The
fire began iU midnight Friday and lastel
until late Saturday night. .
ltamascus. one of the holy cities ot the
Mohammeusns, oapltsl of the vilayet t
SNria, Is noted, among other thing, for
its numerous ban re. Tnese are dci.
lenated by the name of some partlcu-
!lu. imH. Ar ntmmnililv Th hnur fllllN
tcrs comprise - long streets covered In
with high wocawork and lined with shop,
stalls, warehouses and CHfes. The Greek
biixar. one of the largest, waa rebuilt
after Its destruction by fire in 1$93. In
the midst of the batrs stands the house
ot Assd Pssha. one. of the handsomest
in Damascus. There are many miles of
these basars, all of which are luxuriously
fitted up.
(From a Staff Correepondent.)
LINCOLN, April ai-tspeclej.l-j. Frank
Ban- secretary of the Nebrsska Retail
Hardware Men's association, has resigned
on account of entering .other business.
Barr has been secretary for seven years
and is credited with a large share of
the success snd growth of the organisa
tion during that time. N. Roberts of
Urns ha. one of the directors, succeeds
to the secretaryship.
No youn( woman, tn th Jor of
coming motherhood, should neglect
to prepare her aygtem for th physi
cal ordeal abe It to undergo. Th
health ot both heraelf and the coming,
child depends largely upon th car
th bettow upon herself during th
waiting months, ilother'g Friend
preparea thg expectant mothtr's ar.
tern for the coming event, and Its us
makes ber comfortable during all the
term. It work with and for nature,'
and by gradually expanding all fla
tus, muscle and tendons, Involved,
and keeping the breatta tn good con
dition, brings the woman to the crista
In tplendld physical condition. The
baby, too, la more apt to be perfect and
strong where the mother has thus
prepared hertelf for nature's supreme
function. No better advice could be
given a young expectant mother than
that abe use Mother s Friend; It it
medicine that has proven its ralue
In tnouianda of
cases.. Mother
Friend Is told at
drug stores.
Write for free
book for expect
ant mother which eontalng ' much
valuable Information, and many tug
gaetlon ot helpful nature.
BKADriELD UCUUT0I CO.. Atlaata, C.
since it cannot noaaiblv
or discolor it Also with
receive signed "Money
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then decide for yourself.
keoD it send 81.00 direct to
postal card
CORPORATION, Dubuque,!-,
. name
0 .aats
3S oat
Holds your
sock at smootn D a
as your skin.
Snld evervwkeie. Ssnple pair
miIh Dastnsid oa MCelDt ot Dnce.
CtOPjOg FROST CO., Msstaa. BoeTON
Abo makers oi ths lasxxa iSJ
Hoes Supporter lor worses snd children.
Catarrh, Clogged Nostrils a
Breeding Place for Deadly .
' . " . , .
The nostrils are perfect "air fillers"
and, when kept In clean, healthy state
strain ever)- bit of air we breathe.1 catch
ing all dust particles, foreign matter and
germs. The sir la full of germs. You.
csnnot' dodge them, but you esa safe
guard yourself against catarrh and other .
dtseueea contracted In the process of -breathing
by keeping the nostrils clean
and healthy.' Catarrh germs will some-'
limes get In their work, and you may
mistake lha symptoms for an ordinary
cold. ' ' .
Don't tsk any chances. It you havs t
stuffed up feeling In the head, or If your
throat Is sore or filled with phlegm. Just
'grease the nostrils with a . little Ely a
Cream Balm, draw the pure,, aromatlo
fumes back In the head, and you will be
astonished at the effect. In a few min
ute you feel a loosening up In the head,
Ihs nasty discharge will son be stopped.
the soreness gone, and you will feel
sense of genuine relief.
Kly's Cream Balm not only wards off
catarrh, but will quickly cure even a
chronic, longatsndlng rase ot catarrh. It
takes the trouble right where It starts,
tn the nose and throat, cleanses, heals
snd strengthens the raw, sore Inside skin,
or membrane, and In this way drives out
calarrb snd makes you proof against this
filthy, disgusting dlsesse. i . , .
Summer Colds, which Often hang on foi
weeks, can bo quickly cured with this
cleansing, liesllng, sntlssptlc balm. All
druggists sell It for fifty cents -a bottle
and the one bottle la generally all that I
needed In effect a complete cure. 1 Try
It today. v. '
Special sgenl, Sherman a McCoouelt
Drug Co. '-'. ' -
Should flr destroy your home of
burglar enter it and carry oft your
It might be $500, $1,000, f 2,000 or
mora the loss of valuable papers
and records perhapt could not be
stated, tome might never be re
why not be on the safe side by rent
In a Safe Deposit Box in our Fire
snd Burglar Proof Vaults today
0 mail a Safe DepositCo.
street Level Entrance te- "salts.
IsM Fntam Street
should know about th
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Best safest moot convenient;
Cleanses Instantly. -If
your druxsist caonot supply the
HAKVEU. sel stsmptor lllusiratSQ
book sealert. cootaiss airecooaa
Invaluable to ladles.
44 EastUrd Street
for Sal by Sssissaa a atcOo.iaalf
Crug Go. ataU ewaer so ltd ted
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TnMhhl fw tPtee
- - t Ska It. ..Is asa4
.topping dwtrict-XOTttmt
all ftUtnoa.
0?T Liwmn T. Mai.
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