r THE BEE: OMAHA, THOSDAT, APRIL 25, 1912. CHOK HAS 6REAI TRIUHPfl Oohhj Cbaeert Sftl Vriiet of V . Xsiictl Achieremeat was plaudits or imiTrrniE ' i n'tw OrrkM(T Mattae film Ceaeer that DUjtaT""4"1 I fewer f th faeeae J Orajsalaatl. j 9 Mr KtHr and lb Mendelaaoba Choir af Ornate had sot already IbuhssbiiI Um tut' at Ocneha with lbtr im leace, tba Hrtenum at mat night. at tha MiHi mem of Ih eprtng series. MM the verdict. It l trtomph Mtt M any ndctr and any body of mUm might (Ml proud at rentable ratio. Tka Theodora Taos Orchea tm. bad ha share, but the rami musical aeataranaal was that at the etaotr, end It wee m reeogntsrd and approved br alt. Ttlswath s Wedding Feast" waa glvea with U warmth ana rtaar. a delightfully desalted bJterpretaUon. and ahowlag tba chair ability a a perfectly drill choral ergBntsaftoa But II was tM brrnn. choral museo with aa acaompsal meat, that really evoked la plaudit of tka multitude aal that ward la used la ta Irnlat nm tor It M a multitude that tUId th Auditorium hut Bight aad brsugkl aat aaah aa Insistent de ment far aa encore, that an wi tw renteted. " Hysaae Chajmleuvty iaa. Mr. Kelly ha elwaye snowa a rever ential ta udornee ta hta treatment of ratwtoae tin ana. and Octet's must wee Borer better grrea tbaa It waa whan th hotr nn "in Maria it alia." Wall yet tha beauty at tMa Bomber waa rUII lingering a tha sense, a atlU further delight iraa furaiehed la tha wonderful to predated ta staging tba Egar -Angelue." OtM thought tha hl(bt of karaumlaua ' arfattloaa had thaa baan attained, and Uatanad with pleasure ta Iha livelier aad mere famllssr glee. -Kch Vt Mora, Ladles." with aaUafactka. But tha dtmax earn whan tha delicate aet Hoc Oraavtue Baalaoh haa glvea one at Bbelley'a fragments waa at aut by tba hair. It waa tha meet exquisitely lovely Mt af tha whala aaartrt eerie. Tba pestle aoull of tba trla, authar, enra aoaar aad aaedaetor. Uaat la harmony as delicate, aa oheslve, aad rat aa BeJpebia, that tha audloac aat. breath withheld aad ajraa eaatorod. drinking la tha aataa (hat aana aa aott. a awaat and a aura, dying away la a. whlspar of ' saoste, 10 ha flh)ad by tea awat apoa Umoui eutboret of applause that haa baa itvaa. It waa tha acm. and aa aueh waa aapafal br tha fraat aodlaaoa. aad aotalac la tha way af hawa froai aaa- dudar and ehear would appaaaa tha 0- auad that tha auxbar ha raaaatad. It waa Karcalr laaa appXoa and haartac ( 'mtmM Maato W.tl Bwaa. "Hiawatha Waddlac raaat" waa aunt with araca aplrtt. Oalarldca-Taylar of all bm la aaulaaad ta (ra mualeal aatUnc ta tha Laaafallow poami thaaa af aa wha hava haard tha tomtom aaund tta ayaeo- td baa. wMla watchlac th duaky ornu laaa la Mry r Hda Ulta abadowa hi aad aa af tha flrall! alrala of tha ' daaea. ar.bava hataaad ta Iha wild dla aonaao af iha weoaa'a ahaat, tha war rlar'a aona or iha hualar'a Mia, know how wall tha aptrtt at tha radana'a amala baa haaa aaacht and haid by tha wbaaa Mrta haa aaUad tha wild at Africa to tha taaia af Iiurlaad. OoaduetoT EaUya daMaraamt baa (ought out tha aaorat af Ihia atuato. aad broucht forth tar all Tha "Waddlac Wi h) aalta aaturally a aiora aaliaaio aaav paaniaa thaa by Th Daub af Mian- baha." aunt by tha ohoir Mat aaaaoa. bat aaafaaally aotaa tha eharaottrtJUoa af Jbdlaa muata la both. Tha chant la tamaa mahoa Iha datfaraanat tha lon drawa walHng aoto af th aairowful taia af atanraaoa aad cold hi ahortanad and autckaMd lata tba bqraua aalabrallaa af th wadalna, at watch aaaaa aad alaaty war araaaot. and whara tha tribal aatar Ulaar did thatr auniat b tha aad that tha "yoaata b mar aootantaa." Tha choir aetorad a thta with daah aad (nan. and It waa aatandldly raadarad. Mr. Millar acMovad a aaraaaal aaaeaai with Iha m af CMblab. Hti Oaa Toioa fairly flllad th vaat buadlna with IU clair laaianana. tha laaa oarrylac auaht- tty t th anoa of tha aaaoa. and laalna' aoUint la rtty or totamnty. na cot a round H aaplaaaa aa aatbaalaatla t It aouid not wait for th orchaau to Sniah, bat aat aft tba aat barn at tha acora eomalauiy. . ,. ) fnlim af h riaaaaaa. Mma. Vaa aor Vaar aanc wah much draaiatta fore Iha aria "Joan at Are.' bat bar to oaa an mod ta lack ta waratth. ' eta a, too. waa wall raoalrod and raapandad with a Utti Eafttah ballad that abawad araeb ajar at tba oatarful auaitty af bar mica thaa did bar artaotpal aaaal Aat Haaa Lata bad addad to that ba- ai nwia ha amda with Omaha mini Mia 'atatla aal waa a artlatle aehlaraaiaat Tba aeharaa mora- Mnt waa BMdatrjoaatty aooomptUh. -EutTonth" waa pUyai in a masterly aad dtHrbtfat maanar. The Tarh'l kewaky amphony (tewed In the thrlil Ina tone that exalted the whole pfcc The preeloue folkaonrt of -the Ruaaai were eWt from the other aerttoaa aal played la aueh hold relief that H waa , watlele to follow then aa they emerged, driven higher by the proteatln clarinet, elattrrinc on Into a wWer apaca and roor- Inc Into tha coofualua of tha hurly-burly of th peaaaata. Tha mualc ran wildly and moodily, and waa toaaed Into paa aionate acltatioa or waa tread lot to laaplrias aptrtt af th paopi. Th to multuoua agitations of the but momenta fairly whirled one lata tha thro of to paeatoa mualc Tha atrias Instruments em a Btinclnc aote: tha ejlartaet ruahed Into atronc aaantanra. aad tha drums lateaataed all. Fieaiama for the Day. Tha pfoa-rama for the afternoon and eenraf eonoaru war onuaually well - meted, anrrtdlnc the lit beet of mualeal wealth tor the entertainment of all. That played at tha matinee waa: Orarture. "Euryantb" Weber Aria. "1 run Would Woe." from Xury aataa- wooer Mr. Weld. Symphony. No. i, E Mlnor..TachaUunraky Morn atey i. em Died November & UM. a-mphoak: Walts. Opus I Frederick Stock Caprlocio Eepaanol. Opue (4 sinwr'iuiniuw For th veoln( th proa ram was: OTerture Der ImproTlaator d' Albert Choral mualc (without accompaniment The Meadelosoha Choir. Im Maria hteila ,.uwara uriv M Ancelu ifuecenyl. Blr dward Klgur fr 1 -4)1(1 Knernen oiee niq. ad more. lAdiea (.Shakespeare) elevens lit "On Hlmalay" tShelleyl QranTllle Bantock Aria Joan of Arc Bemberg Madame van aer veer. Heheran and finale from -Scotch Fan- US .......... urncn Mr. Lata. Hiawatha's Weddlna Feast" Words by H. w. Longfellow, musie ae a Oolarlae-Taylor. Mr. Reed Miller, the Mendelssohn Choir and Iha Theodore Taomaa urcieaire. Tristan and lenlda" Richard Wagner Act 11 introduction. Lave Been a umuuM a warnina Isolde Misa Hlnkla Brsnsnene Madam Van der Veer Tristan Mr. Miller Vereplei, "Die Meleteralnger Wagner Tka Feraletent and Judicious Use at Be Advertising la tha Koad to Bustaaaa BERNARR MFADDEN HERE albar-tflar Athlete LeUsi Her Tbla Afteraaeo aad Beealaa. Brnorr Maofaddm, who la aa editor and strong man af world-wide fame wUl lecture at th Lyric theater at I H this afternoon ta women only and at liU to ion only. ', , . Mr. Maefadooo drploraa the aoeeselty at thua paraUag tba eaiee, but ha vary daflnltaty atalea that ha baltaVM the In lormaUoa presented at each kmtara la of equal IntporaMtas ta both aexec . . Ha atatea, howerer, that tha eableau he Imain are ordlaarily tanned "deil- cate" by boiita aoctety, aad la ardor ta talk frankly -on thaa Unsortaat themes It baa been at in aery (or Mm to aepamte hla audiences. In connection with hla lectures ba performs aome really remark able teata of strength; for instance, he teara Iwa packa of cards aa though they war paper, ha "china" himself with ona finger of either hand and performs other equally astounding testa. L 3 The Baal, a arach mors arrowy awva mVat. waa aleo lva wlU aolrtt aad excellent taata Mr. LeU taapoaded to th Insistent fall M aa eacare. playing a aacareaa, wttb bar acoomaenlment. and agata ahowlag th maatery he tot tha -king at laetnimeata." Wark f lb wiwbeoera. The a" Albert orartar. aharaetarlstl at th man. waa apleadtely played by tha orchestra, although Na mosJcal value rcsu chiefly aa th oehaalcal Clffleul tita It pros sr ta; tta teahnlo, aad aat tta tonal tea Tit T. reoom mends It la tha or chestra lander. Tha Wagner aasubms were moat in seal i sit presented It la traditlonai with the Theodora Thotnaa Orchestra to gtr Wagner th best and eloasat f at teatlon. and this' Iradltlaa to losing none , of Its fare with Passing, years. Cepa cia lly well done waa th vorapetl ta ''Ola Metnerla-er.- Th trie from "Trtstaa and laold", waa wen sung, although tha laadeauacy of Mha Miakla'a voiot ' ta aueh aa laiiasmaa ban waa sua mar m evidence thaa an tba oaealeg Bight, but the beauty t bar seasa charmed all wha beard bar. kasser AwdiesM) of tba aerte. It was tha banner aadleaoa of the ee- saat atgltt. Omshs's wealth aad caltara bad gathered at tha Auditorium, and ( aia aathualaam waa fre neatly la avt Vaca. while well-ared latareat waa ever anaaUaec Th hoa- aad the orchestra may today ccrigraraUU thaaailvaa that Omaha to waking up. Mr. Kelly aught ta tab moon latiarsgsmiril exBerteooe of tha I I ima. Be to emit led to credit hsytnd meaeure. aad he arast feel that la aama waia hla of- torts hare beam apprsazed. At th Maria. At th mitlaes. wtuch waa atvaa avar . to tVs rchaua aioaa. with a aal by . Mr. Weld, aa audlaaoa of geama music lovers Riled the haO aad enjoyed asath a praaram a eahj tba Theeoere Thnaan Orcheatra. ander the batoa i Buck, - asm luralah. -Th evertur in '. .'A -. V Mr. Macfadden hag eoans very 'aoiou Men In th development of beauty and (harm at womankind. Ha matatalaa, for astsnoa. that all women ran he aetlei that vtvadty, tha moot attraoUva aharaoterlsUc of beauty, caa anally ba Cultivated. He stela that real beauty to nothing mora thaa a bubbling over af th lit forosa: that an must ba aa full at vitality that every change at th fear turaa. every glance f the eye. every move of tha body. Indicate th poseee- awa of tbeee remarkable powers. Ha ba- evaa that bright ayes, red lice, pearly teeth and aa exquisitely tin tan eom- yiexloa caa ba secured by a blood purl- tying aad a body building process. He maintain that monstrous errora are made ta the rearing of girl; that th Waahbeaa of womea to brought about through easily avoidable errora He of' tar hope to those who might be desirous f building superior beauty aad bodily strength regardless of the age Ha tends also that many of tba complaints peculiar to women caa easily be cared at home without raaort to drugs er oper ations. Ha grew deft nit instructions la hla lectures aa to the simple methods which caa ba used for thta purpeee. He haa aome peculiar idea la twtereaea to marriage. Divorce, ha aaya, la largely due ta physiological causes, and that a proper understanding of tba erieoea of lite as K appertains to aes would elim inate tha large part of tha Borrow and suffering that reaulta from marital m la te kea. He haa aome vary an usual views about motherhood. He discuss aa beauty culture la a vary Interacting way and mamtalna that enthusiasro In nergtea at youth can be retained to middle and even t later lite la hi lecture ta mea be deal aome sledge hammer blow against tha lnv morelKlee at tba ago. He believe that wt man abouM ba strong; that should ba a liv personality. Ha call attantioa ta th weaknaa of men, and gives definite Instruction for bulMlng anaaual vitality. Stop by atop be traces th experience of the average bey aa h frw t manhood la th ordinary city. la striking detail be enter lata th diffleuinee with which thla boy k contact- He brand our education el methods aa appallingly defer live. He shows ta a convincing way th pitiful mistakes mad by boy every where largely because of ignorance. The pre vailing prudery to scathingly condemned, tor ho claims that auaearoaa evils wHh whtoh Ih (lowing boy oocaea In contact to daa hugely te hla feeling of dlsreepect tor his own body, instead of look In apoa ur oodles a vulgar ha beuovoa that w abstt th temple of th aoul; th body should Spring Home Furnishers' Exposition ALL through the land there sounds a note of spring-of the vernal, the new. the lovelv and the glorious. What could be. more in keeping with the spirit of this time than this spring Home-Furnishers' Rynosition-evenrthirig is here for making a home beautiful-for giving it an exquisite, subtle touch of harmony, of charm and of beauty. The cooling comforts of a necessity to enjoyment in hot weather they are all here. Rest Havn is fully refreshed with them. Delightfully suggestive of every sum mer comfort is this great store now. And - . to at here the choicest of home furnishings are exhibited all this week at the smallest prices. There is everything to fit the requirements of every purse. Visitors welcome all dur ing this week, and none are importuned to buy. Come see the newest summer beauties. Beds that are more than mere furniture Your home is not a home unless your furniture is serviceable jn the sense that it gives com fort How many beds there are that are mere pieces of furniture. They do not add a bit of dignity or of beauty to the home, and they don't give a restful, quiet atmosphere to the living room; they do not endure either. You find the perfect beds in the Eimbaall & Chappell solid brass beds not just brass, but bo id brassThey possess a lacquer that is good lac quer. Tappiflg of a Kimball & Chappell bed brings a clear, bell-like ring, a sign of pure brass. In addition to possessing the solid brass tubing, these beds have artistic style, and exercise an irresisible ajv peal to people who appreciate the highest quality in beds. There an. quality and comfort in Kimball & Chappell beds. Three styles are shown- above. See this line of beds during the Exposition. Securing refined dining room influence The refining influence of the dining room, sought for so anxiously by the best home-lovers, can be secured only by the helpful assist- ance of dignified and graceful dining chairs, j. None attain the de sired dining room atmosphere when they neglect the chairs. Grand Ledge chairs possess graceful lines, durability and greatest comfort-giving qualities. We show a large line, of these excellent chairs and invite you to see them during this exposition. ' Bookcases that add beauty to the home ;' ' ---eTfi ',' v "f wi.J Ml ii, v " ' The Macey's place is in your home Qtacm BookCabfnets iDo Wot Look Sectional-, Bujjhey Are, The Macey's place is in your home . XT Ml I I.- j.i . I 1 I IBSalSiftCfloV iow, wui i matte inem as ocauiuui as iney arc ui.wuwui, jioe-e-. .! t saia rresiaeni w. n. l.. vverniCKe, wnen ne Decamc prcsiaeni oi the Macey Co. He was the father of the unit idea and Minne apolis wai the cradle of its birth in 1893. I h lib.- -Af. : You would like the Macey in your home. It is the bookcase that meets the approval of everyone. It is the premier, and gives greater service than any other make. See our excellent line of Macey cases, Period 8tyles, Sheraton, Chippendale, Artcraft, Colonial or Mission. Prices lower than you would pay for ordinary bookcases. ijMill tC, J iafcSL: ' : ttilm va wm&k&to mm SOi5uwl- tsar R Lea.TOPa. 5o.l65l be looked apoa aa something aacraa. ana that Use word shame should aavar Be aaaeciatag with at wnea reprimanding children. Undoebtedlr a lecture of thla kind aa tering lata details of tba average life of reung asea. abouM ba at taactaatiBg Intereet ts all snea wb are aaatraaa ot baUdlng axtraordlaarj phraioal aad mes ial aowere. Th average anaa under present condition Joins the crowd of hes beenar from B to M reara of age. Mr. Maetaddea k 41 years ot aa aad be ciaiau that he Is able te perform mus cular taata that wis beyond hi Mreagth tweo.tr yeere ago. U has aealntaJne kts xtraoTdlaarT ataacular aeveloeeneiits largelT beraoae at hi desire tor a dear, strong BknUlitT. He le of the opiaioB that a elgoroti muscular system mala tains th blood la perfect parity aad that only ander awh circumstance la a braia capable ot doing tta beat work. Ha b Uerea that th ktghaat degree of aumaa efficiency ia not reached an til one is be tween th ages ot forty aad fifty, and that mea everywhere waste TttalXor. leseea their mental aad physical capacity. because at their lack at knowledge at th laws of HI. Mr. Macfaddeo haa spent a quarter of a century In a careful study at the laws, and be claims te aadar stand them la detail. He proarnt them ta his lector to mea a plainly aad def initely taat there la no possibility ot be ing misunderstood. Ue prove th ac curacy ot hi touts aaiuBa by refer sues ta th lower term wt animal Ufa aad th conclusions that be sets forth are ao aWerent from tha aaual Ideas aa tbeee subjects that they caa reasonably be termed startling m character. Ma man caa attaad this lecture and fail to bear conclusions that are entirety new to him. This subject ooatalnmg mora valuable lafarmatioa thaa caa be found m the en tire fVaid t hamaa knowledge, haa fee aa long assa looked apoa aa "forbidden fruit.- that It haa aat been properly in vestigated, and a clear headed, practical maa Ilka Mr. MarraoVVea. haa a doabt beea able ta "dig apr much mformarJoa ot an usual value. Mr. Macfaddea himself la a truly mar veaoo example t th remits ot hi wn Aa a boy hs was aa emaci ated ronanmpuva. Through his vera at. forts ha developed th physio ue of a strong- man. Not satisfied with being a man ot mora muscular power, ha has ale attained truly mkrrtZout mental ebUlttes la addition to a acora or man of hooks be has written aa encydoeedel nf nttvafral ftiltiw. (Kb . m..i LM.ka words, aad all thla literary war waa aoL-ompUahed while assuming the responsibility of organising and coosroo lag vartoue - hag buetnees eurarist that went th product of hi craattvg if V ) r It r