Desperate Desmond :By Hershfield Rosamond Dons the Villain's Hat and Coat, but Doesn t Get Away with the Impersonation SHJr CAN SAv rfHiro section rJ nrcpFPATE POWERED "THE AWf t 3 1 ii-: ROUND AND I AMOAVITW? CP THIS 6UICD- I tccR IS 5-1-t-.S' CLAUDE -S I 1 5K&X0h?& MN C IAlSS I-A VOICE OF HOPE. Claude Eclairs, a prisoner In the office of the dreaded chief of the Third Section of the Russian police, U startled to recog nise Roeamond'a voice. The brave girl la announcing herself aa Desperate Des mond, who Is a friend of the dreaded chief and has a right to demand admit tance. Claude cannot fathom the plan, but hop rises. WANT ADS Want ails received at any time but to insure proper riaasuicasioa bo protested beforo 13 o crock m. for lb evening sdilioa and beforo 7:30 p. m, for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such hours will Have their first 1-iaorUoa Bder lbs beading "luo Lot to Ciasslfjf." CASH RATEsToR WANT AIM. REUlXAK CliASSlKlCATIOM OBJ iasertioa IK teat per word 1 coat per aonl for eacb subsequent consecutive insertion. Kadi ! tloa made on odd days IH-ceut per vrord; 11.60 per line per mouth erltea sd u ruu wltliout clianga of wp. DEATHI AND rt'NBRAL IKOTtCKs, 'COOKB-Joseph O., aged fit years, April .. a, uu. Funeral Thursday afternoon at I 'clock, from Qentlenisn'e chapeL In terment Laurel mil cemetery I'NDERTA KKR8. ' AN'TI-TKCHT UNDERTAKER. Caskets V trust price. Phone H. T. Brass Co.. 8. ta or F-1T31 and save money. AMISKMENTO OMAHA FILM EX. 0 a Motion picture machine ani f.lm hai gains. ANNOUNCEMENTS THI8 in WORTH lc on your bill for repairing carpet sweepers or grinding lawn mowers. Kam Address and 'Phone We do the work at your home or call B-W.1S. B. H. Bherlca. a lumine;. J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalmer. Kit Chicago Bt. D. If. H-l. TheWashWord" of the Home Ws plsaaa particular people, mora satis faction and longer life to your linens. K imball -Laundry BLUE WAQON8. Twig. : Jnd.A-Wl. IDll Jackson. WiTwXf 1 8. ttth it- Everything JWUlfll n K).w npring mtwlea L CONTENTO IIABANA CIGAR. Bog W, postpaid, K't, try half doaen; If not satisfactory money refunded. HKA TON 1'Ht'U CO., ltul Farnam. Omaha. Alfred CKennody, J23.1-2SS: anc. r First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. TtL THE TEKNA SHOP Innner Favora, Leather. Brass, Ulaaa snd Silver Novelties; stationery, Baskets, Dolls Popular prices. Omaha's escluslve gift store. I3 Fsrnam. Phone D. Kile. EAT KOSHER H"MB C(M1KIN1. AKK1NS. lit 8. UTI1, CP8TA1R8. GET your diamonds st Brodeaaard's. FRED OKFKRMAN. llath tuba, U. E. Morrill, china paint KO Brandeia Th "oilAHA TENT CO. Tel. a Douglas. Stevenson, carpenter, cont. Both phones. "T'pholiterlng. piano, furn. rep. WHFar. HAVE Davis clean your wall paper. U. 4171. A-SIa, I live In Omaha. PAKALYZED 11 YEA1W For LH Subscriptions. TO The Ladles Horn Journal tl to The Saturday Evening Post 1 SO ' " The Country Gentlemen 1 M The publishers will deposit 16.000 in trust for some public charity, the In terest of which will bring rati (JS a month for life. Must have lit In April or the ft OOa prise la lost. Tour renewals count. fifllJIsfiV THE MAGAZINE MAN, WJliL'VJ, no, ,, n,. OMAHA. VP ATnri? mattreeaea renovated Om. Pl.low Co., 1711 Cuming. D. 2S7. Omaha Bill Posting Co. 1JIS iar. D. MM. CAUL JAliL Z.JZZ? DOl'OLAa Printing Co. Tel. Doug. Set. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr.. li Frenser Blk. M0WEY TO LOAN-LOW rate, in sums to suit, tl Re. Bldg. Phone Doua. zaM. UNION LOAN CO. t HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles. Wc puatpaid: samples tree. , Ehermsa A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha Wedding announ-ements. Doug. Ptg. CoT GLAZING CARPENTER WORK A. u. Leaaara. Tyler UT. 1TM Leav. IT IK A RRlkTI V UU1UI- ... t.l,. candy from babies. But it la a snap to buy Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at Fred Brodegsard A Co. a great sacrifice and removal sale during April. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. SH N. 17th. Phone Red lit. a H. Cole Sign Co. D. re. UK Farnam. Neb. Seed Co. UW Jones. Both phones. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FTRNITI'RE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Ste.. South Omaha jiLDG PLAN'S K PH.. Cottrell, : Guarantee Laundry. Fin work. D. tJTX JvOD4KS Kastniaa Goods, complete ii.UU.iaO Mock, Largest finishing department in the west. X THT ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. ; Ha Farnam M. and aW 8. 1Mb St. Classy Clothes see Jackaoa, the ' Tailor, -so" Block. ' ED RtlWE, Well boring. Benson 2i. ; NORTH P.CP LETTER DCP1Jt?ATINO -CO . Paitoa Blk.. circular letters, any -quantity; old St established company; ei- peers OI aiuutgrapa aaa .eoetyfce. ATTENTION. CAMP Na L. M. W. A. . Members of Camp No. US and their la dles ara eordtaliy Invited to attend a social session of the camp Wednesday, April M. Carda and darning. nter laismmt comimttea No. 13k DISOri8E. Outside the door of the dreaded chiefs office, behold Rosamond. The brave girl, having found Iesmond unconscious, has taken his hat and coat and put them on herself. Rosamond hopes that If the po lice catch Just a glimpse of her they will mistake her for Desperate Desmond and obey her orders for the Immediate re lease of Claude. ANNOUNCEMENTS iVWlf ( 4 V Plumbing, mechanical Ur T iYU,.l.rY. mBrii , carloads of bathtubs, 110.60. 111(1 Douglas St. WANTED Repair work of all kind-; grinding and ssw filing. Call 1ml. Il-.tJ. AlTO.MOillLKS Auto lamp, radiators rep'd., plating sll kinds. Neb. PI. Co.. UI3 Howard. D-jmW. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but priced and new material), used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stora Auto Supply Co., JHM Far nam. Murphy Did ItSil: DRUMMOND Auto repairs, rubber tires for carriages and commercial trucks. 1MU and Harney. PKEIFKER CarnaeVorksriiutoeT plr. 26th and Leavenworth. Doug. a. Why not sell your old automobile and buy a new one or, maybe, you can use the money In some other way-m either event. Ilea want aaa win oo the work.' Kates n, cents per word If rnu only one time or 1 cent per word If run two or mors times consecutively. Tour TIKE EXPENSE cut In two. Espert tire repairing work guaranteed. ALTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. Ilul Farnam. ii.uiiut - .. . -.. ,, r at a bargain fur quick saie. Csll at Car ter Car Co. HAVING discontinued liandllng AUTO MOHllJCH, we offer our remaining atork ronslallng of three high grade Firestone touring cars at bargain prices. Hacine Satlley Co., 1Mb and Jones his SuWE MONEY " our , aaullns. Use a aelf-mraaur- ing oil pump and atorage tank. Safe, ac curate and handy. For circular and full particulars addresa CENTRAL 1MPLE MEM C. lilt Farnam Ml., OMAHA. Mstoreyelea. otnrcycleepairlngat coat Doug. Ka I'HED motorrvdML. bTVeiM' i...-. .i. "" v. ii. moos, j-.uj Leavenwurth. SECOND HAND Al'TOMOBILES BEST 1 "rs; guaranteed; all niaaea. Bee nil first; low prices. v. muiac, ii p. am. Tel. liar. 3ww. A IIS Ml 1.4 1 Ml . t m spienaiu conuition. Heasvn for ""'" " lour in lamlly, have vvhm mici iw. csiras ror car. chains, storm f run l . n . i . ........ Iul.a .iiv tji unieter. OOSt U.7&0.UU. IntiMrlulM, shim. -I -i.. - Ti cjcioineier, siu.w; sixuu; will 'or S'W.w. sit nougiaa anig REBUILT STODDARD-DAYTOXS T. L. T-passenger ma f. F. 7-panaenger I.9S) a. F. Limousine (.too . A. 6-passenger null SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT KEDl'CED PRICES. J. J. DEHlilliT COMPANV, Wit Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Jil'SINESS CH.tXCKS. TO gat la or out of business call oa GANUkSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. till. Ed Itolhery, Business snd Real Estate Eachsnge Co. Room Hi. McCsgue Bldg. FOR SALE To close eatate. half-ln tereat In two good paying businesses. Small amount of capital reuuired. to right party, lady or gentleman. Box tut. Omaha AS I am going to Montana to live, will sell my store and stock of notions at Crete, Neb., including one-story building, S ft. front on Mam SL Frank Uunla, Crete, Neb. HIGH CLASS business man, lust fin ished successful promotion of meritorious patent; desires patented or patentable article oe merit to tinance and devote future to. Anawer quickly, giving details. Would eonmder enterprising jobbing busi ness. K 77. Bee. DUXXIXG HARDWARE COMPANY are offering the Men re markable low values oa there line of Safety Razors of well know makes. Call early for best selectoions. IIK.I. CLASS buslnMi nan. Just finlat.4 feuccafu promotion of morit- orloui patent; delre patented or put ntabi rtlcl o( merit to ftninc and devote future to Anawer quickly, glvlnf details. Would consider enterprising Job blnic buslneNV K 177, Bee. tor we musical Prontable business building, lays tn best Iocs lion of main street, with fifty feet front. Haituts S3o rent a month; par It In ada- rance. 1 am a aboemaker and wlllinc to sell this business because of atcknesa. Oscar Boettner, Ooleridge. Neb. KiK tsALsfc 1 he l isajtn..o t su ture theater, one of tue best wVni( t" ters In Omaha Win stand .nvestiaauoa F. E. Goff. 17 Frankiln St. " tt . 1 for the Hotel Late Wanted v v roortiM and no facilities for feeding our guests. Wm. rtsner. Mgr., 14th and Howard. FOK SALE Urt sharea or snv nsrt thereof S per cent preferred capital stock of Hupp Automatic Mall Exchange com pany; 13 per share, par value tM. Must sell oa account of sickness. Address J Wa. Bee. Tn WV Um m 11 . . second bsnd machlDea. reuaira and renair- ling. VVris Theater Kxcnange CO-, law Faraaa St.. Doug. ISrt. Burns. Brtnker A Co., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. mortgagee for Investment Mertaagea fs Sale. FOR 8ALE-OIU edge first mortgagee on new dweliina-a occupied by 11 owners la denommauona of Ijm and run ning I and i years at and t' per cent interest. AMERICAN 8ECTRITT COMPANT JUS Bo. 17th St., Between Farnaa aad Uaraey, Ground Floor. 11I-THE HELPLESS VILLAIN. Desperate Desmond, the International crook, is securely trussed up and bound to the stairway of the building. The villain now experiences the sense of being utterly helpless, and It Irks him to think that his plight la entirely due to the re sourcefulness of Rossmond, the beautiful girl who refuses to desert her lover Claude for Desmond. nlSINKSH rERSO.NAIJi Attvraria. I.lstnn L. Hall, lawyer. 647 Bran. Bldg. ti. W. fhlelds.Attorne. tn B. of Trade. Hag slaaafartwrera, BEMIH OMAHA BAG CO , Omsha. Neb, But aad Packaae Maaafactarera. Wooden Box A Package Co.. Ull N. 1Mb. Chiropodists. DR. ROV, 1606 Farnam. Douglas MS7. -llorbiaa ataaofactarera. Wear Ideal dr. aa ahlrta. M E. Smith Co. i'oraice aad Steel Celllaga. CARTER Sheet Metal Works Omaha. Creameries, Dairies aad Sapplles. Fairmont Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COI.ECKEAMKHV COMPANY. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat l. D. HM. Mach A Much, 3d floor Paaton. D. 10k.'. faffs dental rooma. lil7 Doug. D. Ulan Detectives. Nebraaka Det Agency, the only bonded confidential. 613 Brown Blk. Phone D-W70. JAMES ALLEN Neville Blk. Evidence aecured In all Tyler 11 1. W. LONUNECKEH. (17 Karbach Blk. Omaha Henrel aerv., lit paxton blk. D.IIH. Dress ssaklaa. Terry's Dressmaking college, vMh A Far. DRsHMAKlNUbyay'r'WebateTl7i PLAIN aewlng. reasonable. Hsrney 2li9. Dressmaking by day. Phone iioug. ttus. Dressmaking taught nights. Doug 3M1 HHKSHMAklMl. ab Farnam. D. U4. Dresnmitklna. Hsrnev lk90. evenlnas. Dreasmsking, reasonable. Tel. Har. 8ej. Dressmsking. Tel. Webster Drsaalata. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 ordere; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Evrrytklaa F.leotrteal. Klectric lighting fix., wholesale and retail Hurgess-tirandi n Co., LSI 1 Howard. l-tl. Hanlo Vacuum Cleaner, 11 76 day. W.fUM. HTANDAHll KLKCTKIC CO.. Telephone lwug. 3sl. 31 rkiiilh I3lh St. KllWAKK F. W-lll'RIil. Mgr. 2d llaud Electric Apparatus and repairs. I.e Hrnn. na H. l!th St Uverytklaa for Wosaea Willow plumea made from your old and new fi'iilhers. reasonable. 1M B. 11. H. WM. Ir. llabrock Co.. 2V- Wllhnell. 15 A Har. Nubouo Tailored Corsets. Guaranteed not to rust or bresk. Nn Bone Corset Shop. SOS Neville Kk. D. (17. CAKi'KTS and ruga cleaned on floor wilhout removal; free estimates. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Iniig. 74'. and 11 iiltbSH pleatiligs. buttons covered, all slscs and etyles. TI1K IUK'.M. I'l.EAT INIi CI.. f Douglsa Illork. Both phones. Feed Mills aad Store a. Feed all kinds. Olencoe Mills. OX Iiard. Florlats, A. Donaghue. 19W Far. P. 1001. A-10M. IIKS.S at SWOHOliA. 141s Farnam St. L. HKNOKHSON. ll Farnam. It. UM. IIKANUKIS FLORIST. Brandeia Bldg. BATH'S FLORISTS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Hollg. 117. Foaaelrlea. McDonald brass and bronge foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. 1T7 Jackson. Maalo. Art aad Laasaaaea. Violin lesson: Wm. I. fatton. Web. . PilinnTlinino- Thalcher. Piano 1 lauu 1 uuitiK ltct 1S0B Hr D mx Mavlas, Steraar aad Clcaalns. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co -Moving furniture, packing, fireproof atorage. City office, 211 8. 17th. Doug. 34. Ind. B-124. FKKR1N Van and Storage. Tyler UX B-17W. Furn. moving; t men, tl per hr. W Km. Aaraerlea mm4 Seeds. Fruit Trees Shada trees, shrubs. General nursery stock. Phone Benson UU. Benson- Omaha Nursery M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO. Ws will be at the cam old ttand, ISta and Douglas Sts. Call I-ouf 4i; let us help you plan your grounds free of chant-. GATE City Nursery, all kinds of fine nursery stock displayed at S9 Daven port. Day phone Lxuglaa 96a, Evening; phone Harney m&. J. H. Mamette, Mpr. 8TKW ART'S. 8PKlMKN. 11 N. MTH. HAZKL DKLsb M RSKRY. J. W. DAT. Oeneial line nurserv stock, 24th aad Plnkney. Phone Web. 3&1 Optielaas. B. F. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 44S Brandel?. Oateopatliy. Alice Johnson. Xft-f- Brandeia The. Bldg. Katheryn Nicholas. t04-5 Brandeis The. Patvttta. D. O. Barttell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T117. Wlllard Eddy. 15 pty Nat. Bk. B.Jg. P kr phera. Rlnehart, photograptier. 9th ft Famam. ralMta aad Glmaa. Yod are Invited to come In and ret color cards and talk over your painting snd decorating. Complete line Sharwin W 111 lams paints and varnishes. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Ms rsraaDa. Seu. Cat, IV.-A 8CFFRAGETTE. As Rosamond, togged out In Desmond's hat and coat. Is trying to gain admit tance to the room In which Claude Is held prisoner, the Janitor of the building sees her and instantly jumps to the conclusion that she la a militant suffragette from England. Grimly the janitor determines that she shall hsve no opportunity to worry the dreaded chief. Ill KINKSS PERSONAI Plattaau OMAHA SILVER CO.. SI4 S. Uth. L. F. VALKEXBERG. Plumbing. W. W I'rlBllna. LewW.IberPrintcr, BEEBLDG. ENTRAXCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. Hi 7 Douglas St. Tel. D. TTbi. Kris-Hall Ptg. Co.. lie s. 14th. lnd. A-JiJt. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. lnd. A-1M0 for good printing. Steel Task aad Calvert Compaalea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. Hth and Nicholas. . 3wj. Sleaosrapkers and toart Hrportera. Myrtle A. Kelley, Tut Bran. The. D. M8. Traaka aad Halt laare. Frellng A Steinle, 1B Farnam St. Teaia aad Awaiaas. OMAHA TEXT CO. Tel. S3 Douglas. VYIaea aad Lienors. WILIX)V Springs beer, liquor, cigars aandwlches,Alea Jeles, 6vl-t s. 13th St. VIUGl.NlX DAUE wine, tOc a laige bot tle. Klein Liquor House. &S N. Itth St. EDLCAHO.VAL B0YLES COLLEGE DAY A.ND . NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses la Business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. '1 he catalogue Is free for the asking. Call write or 'phone for It at once. Addresa H. U. Boyles, President, Boy lea College, Omaha, Neb. 1UTOH1NU. let to sin grade. U. ; HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. AS8 T bookkeeper. Insurance preferred, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. Itil5-I city Nat l Hank llldg. lloaaekeepers aad Dosaesllcs. GIRLS-GIRLS If 1 was In present you with a valuable diamond ring, furnish you with the mar riage certificate and the minister, an automobile for the day. and me wedding oiceaiitsi ei ine rtonie notei, would you marry your beat fellow, tor me It you naveni any p in ine pace that i may wMiiii.w Auiaer quica. F. W. K. Care of The Fred Brodcgaard Jewelry Coiii)any. Iti Uin rlun .,.1 TTTt I Chamber work. s.U'10 per month, board miu ruvm. noiei aionroe, Mnnnell, la W 1VTI Ii 1 irl i Work: two in famllv: vruri a.w Dodge St. THE SERVANT Clin. Pltnm 1. M SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FREE until you get the detdred results. Bring your ad to Ine Bee office or telephone Tyler lw WANTED Good inning room a-lrl si Child e Saving Institute, tUi and jackaoa W ATI'I1 A a-trl f... luMiu.n.b i i.j Park Ave. Harney 33H6. l'lllllkTi:T r,rl f. . -l' work; no washing. W. Ii. h nodes, mot G.enwood Ave. and Lincoln boulevard. II. 1!T71 tt'AXTI'IL.I.'lMrl.nMd .hi- .1. . good manea. Mrs. Ifnnta Xlillr 11..,.! Horns. GIRL for general housework: no w. .th ing or Ironing. Good wages. 211 N. lkth. WANTED Olrl for country Place: good wagea. W. B. Clark, lilllard Hotel. WANTED Girl for aeneral houaework l Harney. H. (Ms. EXPERIENCED glal for general house work; ns laundry: good waars. Mra W. J. Hynes. li Harney. Tel. Harney i'.m. GIRL or woman for aeneral house work. 421 N. tilth St. w' v ti:i i r,i.iiui i.i f., .i housework; three in family. N. C. Sears, o- . iNormanoir Apartment. GIRL wanted; go home nighta Phone Harney U4t. COMPETENT girl for general house work, small family; good wages. 44i3 riaraey rt. U1RL for genetat nouaewurk. Good waiees, no washing. 10s S.). 3&J St. WANTED A white girl for aeneral housework, no laundry. Tel Harney lfel WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family, xlls Poppleton Ave. WANTED Experienced white girl of good character for general housework. Wagea. . Phone Harney iow. WANTED Girl for general house work. Hot S. 17th St., Phone Harney '7. GIRL wanted for housework at HeOuer- aon. th Florist.. Wis- N. lith St. So. l-mthx EXPERIENCED girl for general house- wurk. 2U 8. Hlb St. Tel. Harney ho. WANTED Good air! for general house work; small house and ssnall family. Tel. Web. 1K. 0 N. Mth St. sllacellaaeaaa. TOVNO women cotnng to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Woman s Christian association build ins et St. Mary s Ave- snd 17th St.. where they will be dlreated to aultable boarding places or otherwlas aaaistec Look tor our travelers' guide at tns t'slosi station. HELP WANTED MALE Acvata. Salesssca d aaUctlar. RELIABLE aaleasna able to gjra refereacs esa obtain opportunity te con nect witb aew eoacera of reoutauoa. For particulars phone Doagavs 43a, COLLECTOR aa salary: alas ss.earaea II Mo. ague iUds HELP WAXTKD MALE Ageata, saleaasea aad Sollcltora. WE pay tM to IIS monthly salary and expenses to men and women to Introduce toilet article, perfumes, extract, etc. &j articlea. Yearly contract. We mean business. Lock Bog 774. Room 12. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, WANTKIv-A man to solicit subscrip tions for The Twentieth Century Farmer, balary S42 a week. Address Circulation Manager, The Twentieth Century Farmer, omuha. Neb. MANAGER for Omaha office, now es tablished. Salary flikl monthly. Invest ment of fS.UiD and good business ability required. $3,u00.iw company. Permanent and high claaa buslneaa. L-878. caro Bee. WANTED 8ober young man with email capital; permanent position; good aalary and commission that will make you In dependent. Call Sclllltl Hotel. Room . Boya. WANTED A delivery boy at once. C. N .art. l.yrj park Ave. ' Clerical and Office. FULL dress suits and party dresses for sale; also for rent. $1 00 to ti '" a nlglit. JOHN FEI.DMAN, 3M N. lilll. 1. 31JC SOLICITOR and collector, salary and commission. Bohemian or German, stenographer and office clerki ftS. Two office bos. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-1 City Nat l Dank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drug store (snap) Jobs Knlest, Bee Bldg. Our Extremely low values in bargains on ' Builders Hardware are being taken up rap idly. DUNNING HARDWARE COMPANY, 1C12 Harney St. Mlsccllaaeoas. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in our achool. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dresa for particulars. 11. B. Boyles, pre Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. OTVATi rl A TV 1 1 Get Into a w "ail orofesalon. Learn automobile engineering In our large training shop. Hundreds of successful graduates. Complete equipment of auto mobiles and machinery. Addreia National Auto Training Ass n. Ka Brandeis Thea ter Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. YoU are wantud for govcinment Job. $M).M month. Send postal for list of po sitions upen. Franklin Institute, DepL Mb o. Roihesler, N. Y. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the old Trusty Inoubaior. Write for free catalogue. M. M. Johnson. Clay Center, Neb. UO ACTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. . tJCARAXTEED REST I.N w WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. M MEN 20 to ) years old wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; $M to lw a month: no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y-274 care of Bee. WANTEIt A Japaneae to drive auto mobile, who has u-id some experience. Auorca r. VI. MOX VU. 111I1S rr r..l, nu. ,A ill A creek bed) in Klllatone Park Place, east of Fort Omaha. See us at once. mild L- It'll t I1UJ.U ti 101 Bo. Iti h St. (Cor. Dodge), street Floor. , nam Mine m-niaia. ixisns, ADuracts, etc MAN wanted with rig to take chara of sale of our medicines, extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, atock and poultry preparations, etc. In your couniy. vine men maue f one week. Steady work guaranteed Work health ful, pleasant, very Drofl table. Refer- encea required. Write us. We mean 1 outinees. Shores Mueuer Company. Dep t. 19. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; few weeks completes; come now; finish at busiest reason; we control many excellent poaitione; train barbers on pslace cars, laae and ocean linera, clubs snd office buildings; thousands of gradu ates sending for barbers; our diplomas recognised everywhere: XI branches: established 1MU; tools given: wsges while learning; see our offer; city or country applicants: call or writ. Moler Barber College. )1 . 14th St IT liu.VTIiLl for man to manage branch office, eastern Nebraska; smalt Investment for fixtures. Address Capital Collection Co.. Des Moines, la WANTED FOR V. 8. ARM Y Able bodied unmarried men betw-een the ages of It and 3; cltlxene of I'nited States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. 13th and Douglaa St Omaha. Neb.; V7 4th St.. Sioux City, la,; IM N. Itb St.. Lincoln. Neb. LIVE STtK'K FOR SALE Hareca aaa Vehlclee Harness of sll kinds, the largest stock la the city, st sttractlve price. Johnson. Danfortb Co. 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones TL'V 'IV V Barn, horses snd fsrm JiI-J-,,-i-J mares for salr; draft and wagon horses to let by the day. 2U1 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 11.15. irrilJSF to let by day or week. Sher UUUOLO mn a barn. 2th and Clark. Horses snd mares bought and sold. Black mare, wL l.. Wagner, Wl N. 14. UtflRsCI-'V snares and work harness I1CUU31jO oaudh, lnd sold. jj s. HORSES and cows. 241S Cuming St- NEARLYV new, single top buggy and single harness; sll is good condition. Weheter 3T7S HORSE LM. spring wagon, harness, 860. IMS & Slat. Cail H. 131. LOST AND FOt'XD REWARD for return of diamond ring lost between Farnam. Harney snd latb Streets: t3e reward If returned in good condition to Albert Edholm. Jeweler, s&th and Harney: no questions asked. IjOST line Boston bull pup. Finder re- tura to 811 a. Kth St. for reward. Har. 4424. LOST Oae Bostoa hull pup. Ftnder re turn to Ml S- tMk St. for reward. Har. 424. 'Faultless Oaaaars, 111 & lata. V. DETECTED. Aa the janitor seises the unlucky Rosa mond the door of the dreaded chiefs officers opened from the inside and the poor girl's disguise Is at once spotted, both by the janitor and by the police. It will go hard with the brave girl now, for the dreaded chief of the Third Section was never known to relent In his pursuit of an offender. LOST AND FOC.VD PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha at Council Bluffs street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It in the street care. Many articles eacb day are turned In aud the company Is ar.xioua to reatore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug laa M. OMAHA COUNCIL BLCFF9 STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. VSO REWARD and no questions asked for return tn good condition of diamond ring lost on Tenth atreet, between Far nam and Harney streets. Albert Edholm. Jeweler. Phone Doug. 19S2 MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula, and other rectal diseases, without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boiik oo rectal diseases with testlmonlala, DR. E. R. TARKY. Be Bldg.. Omaha. DR. RACE eipectalist. nervous and all chronic disease, zxa Harney, uoug. siu. Lad lea guaranteed remedies. 4ol Ware blk. Women's el I m Is. Dr. Burks. 42 Doug. Blk Dr. Babcock Co.. 202 Wllhnell bldg. MOXEY TO LOAX. alary aad Chattel. ATTENTION. Loans on REAL ESTATE PTJR NITL'RE, PIA.VOS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALA RIES. ETC.. at usual rales. No red tape. No delay. , BIGGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. id Floor, J07-8 Paxton Blk., 217 S Hth St Phonea: Doug. 1411: A-ltU. Money on furnlujre. planoa and real eatate at a very low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Company, Doug ISO. 220 Bee Bldg. A-Utt MONEY loaned aalailed people woinea k.eplng boute sad others, without se urity; easy payniants. Oftlces In 67 prin cipal cltlea. Tolman, M! Omaha Natl gtank Biog.. formerly N. Y. Llie Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS, t to SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., tU Paxton Block. "DIAMOND LOANS at 1H and! Per oeau fljilAl!. lilt Dodn Si. Tel. KedMi. OCF.AX STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS MONTREAL. LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth. London. The Picturesque St Lawrence Route. Four days on the o.ean. three days In river and gulf. Spltnuid new Turbine bteamers. saloon, secouu-cabin and third Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. A'lun at Co., 12 1 N. Dearborn bt Cnlcagu Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry and Glasgow New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rales for tickets between New York and all Scutch, English. Irish. Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodatione. excellent cu. sue, efficient service. Apply prumpny for reservation to local agent 01 Anchor Line or Henderson Uruiuers. uviml Agefcte, Chicago. 111. OFFERED FOK RENT Board aad Hsoaas. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. U. A-3611. FURNISHED rooms, board, ti So. is. Fnralahed Hooaaa. H.,', V . -.1.1. ninml BlrlCtlV modern; walking distance: rent reason able, weueier zi:t. Kirr.i.Y furnished front parlor, suit able for two, IL7S each per week. 6M N. ISth St. NEWLY furnished rooms, close in. in private family; three or four bu.-lnes gentlemen preierreu. mi ikwh p.. mi bt MARY s A vi Beautifully fur- nlshed rooms, large porches, beautiful lawn. Phone Douglas 471 844 a 2STH ST. Strictly modern south rooma 1 block to 1 car lines; reason able. Harney ff.90. 211 FA RN AM N icely furnished front room, strictly modern, with board; suit able for two. iKHigias awn. liivni i. In Wnunix Place mod ern nomo. rrrone wrwirr " . Karslahed Hoaaelieela Raossa. THE MANTEL Two-room apartment, ta. The Howard, 2-roorn. private bath. 21st ana nowara. Hotels aad Asartaaeats. Dewey European hotel. Hth and Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. flo-rlon Tint! Council Bluffs. Room UgaenilOiei to iroo per week. aJoage, runaias ii.i .uu .uiu . phones In every room; prices ine same. Apartaeeate aaa Flats. t-ROOM modern flat. Bear go Bldg.. S1SH N. 2tth St., S. Omaha. Hall. 43 Rarnge Bldg. D. 740. A-440S. s-ROOM apartment, new. uiern brick: steam best: short walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; bltnda; laundry: fin janitor service. Douglas HOS. (-ROOM apartment, new brick. 823. 1734 S. f7th St. Harney SS4. VERT fin duplex apartment. 6 large rooma, first floor: large front porch, fire place; nice yard and corner lot. Imu Geor gia Ave. 88 S LARGE room apartment, part mod Near 19th and Vinton. Phone Harney 4& THE STANDARD To- those who would reduce the high cost of living, these handsome flats of six large, cool rooms, with all conven iences, will appeal. Price half. It s not what you pay, but what you get that counts. PATXE A SLATER CO. Sole Agents th Floor. Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 231S SOUTH 2STH ST. S-room. strictly modera "St. Louis" fist- This Is s very fine flat and the location Is good- Reduced to 82S. See this st once. PATXE SLATER CO. Sole Agents. Mi Floor, Omaha Nat t Bank Bldg, VL THE VILLAIN FREED. "I'm the boyskl!" cries Desperate Des mond; "and that's my coatskL" The vil lain is freed once more and Is now in a position to have both Claude and Rosa mond consigned to the clutches of the dreaded chief. What plan the villain fol lows will be fully shown by the artist in tomorrow's paper. At present we don't know what the game Is. OFFERED FOR REXT Hoasea ana lottasee. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos la our business. Omaha Van, & storage Co., fireproof storage, iu S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office. KB S. 17th St. Tel. D. 41S3. A-lSo9. COTTAGE, ; rooma; modern; 2uu Cald well St.: $2.50. Good men are hard to get They don't wander around the streets looking for aigns In windows When you need good help advertise in The Bee Bee Want ada are read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Rates 1c per word If run two or more times consecutively. Tele phone Tyler WOO. 7-ROOM house, t-'i. s-room. K. Modern Hsnscom Park. Tel. Harney INS. ifnncaa In all parte of the city, liuunca curt, Sona & Co.. Bee Bldg. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack. move, store and ship H. H. goode and pianos; no charge for return drive to of I Ice. Doug. 14K6 or B-242. FOR RENT-Slx-room cottage. 351S Jones St., .modern except heat, $17.6 per month. Phone Harney 12tt. t-ROOM house for rent, gas and bath; Clifton Hill. Phone Webster 2M7. FOl'U rooms, modern, water and tele phone free. flS.5o per month; walking distance. K3 S. Mth. 7-ROO.M new house, being papered throughout, on 25th snd Evans Si a. il. 0618. t-ROOM house, modern, 4i. Fine lawn. 7 S. S7th St. Phone Web. K90. 1515 Hall Ave.. Ku.OQ. 7-rooms modern Vacant May 10th. Thos. F. Hall, tit Ksmge. Both phonea. virw Mii. heaL Rent reasonable. L6 Erskine Su, Key at 4133 Ersklpe. HOUSEHOLD GOODS oackad and for. warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas zm. City office, US B. 17th Bi ll e Bldg. W. FARNAM. new brick bedrooms. I baths. 31S N. 3$th Ave., ifii. Red 2M7. 4-ROOM cottage, water and aaa. 17M N. Mth. THHEE-rooni house, 110. 1049 S. 23d. NEW. 6-room. brick, close in. 30th- near Farnam. O'KEKKE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug, or A -2151 THUEE-ROOM flaL im X. xuh Sl 110.60. Six rooms, sll modern. 4S N. 27th Ava. Eight rooma, modern, X1K Sdhldlng, 0. Three-room basement, 1018 S. 23d St., $7. Barn at 2U0 Douglas St., 110. O. C. OLSEN. Room 108, McCague Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. All Newly Decorated and Ready. Six rooms, city water, 17th near Lake, 118. Six rooms, 27th and Davenport, $12. Also two 3-room In South Omaha. 13 and 87.50. Several others, sll locations. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 101 S. lWh St., Corner Dodge. K7 Park Ave.; 9 rooma, 113.50. Inquire Carey Laundry. Webster 15t, A-lWo. 3 N. ISth 7-r., mod 1JS0O 2wi3 Woolworth Ave., 8-r.. mod 2tt.W Xlt Leavenworth. 7-r.. pt. mod 22.!iu BE.M IS-tTAHLBEItG CO., 310-312 Brandeis Theater. SIX rooms, modern, 2012 Elm St., 5. Phone Harney 1510. SEVEN-ROOM cottaue. modern, closs In. 823. S24 S. 19th St. Tel. Douglas 6220. 8-ROOM summer home, on paved road, from May 1 to September 1, consisting of a 20x40 living room, large aun parlor, dining room, kitchen, 4 bed rooma, batti room, electric light, garage, fruit trees; cow and chickens if desired; 6 miles from postofffre, half mite north of Krug Park. Apply Arthur D. Brandeia. Stores aaa Offices. afCAOUE BUILDING. 15TH ft DO DOR. Attractive offices, moderate prices. AP. PLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUlLDlNts ASSOCIATION. 1112 Farnam. 3 story and basement, will remodel to suit. J. N. Snitxer, D. 2161. FOR RENT Rfnraa trwim mi AM fl mh fit nt.fk4 location; rent very riUonable. Remington Typewriter Co. STOkfc, iutiM, lw. uu.ard St., gzg 132. auitahiu for large b-isioesa. InQuirs v m. Finer. Hotel Piaza. FINE PRIVATE OFFICE. In City National Bank Blag., with use of large rvcet'liun room and sien.',;raplier services. Here is your opportunity to get some srlendid of rices at a BARGAIN. Appiy ltila City National Bank Bldg. No. 320 a Uth St.. 2x4j. TeL Doug. 6220. OFFERED FOR SALE FOR SALE Carload of all kinds furnl lure in 30 day. Bach man. 1406 Dodg FINE furniture, oak and mahogauy mirrors, piaiio, bookcase. LHuiglaa jTj.j. VIOLIN, valued at 50. for leather case included. A sure bargain. Writ Box Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from th ouver lypt-wnter Co. Douglaa VISIBLE typewrUera and ail other makes, aold or rented anywhere at M to W mfr'a prices, allowing rental to apply on price; chipped on approval. Writ tot brcaiar. IbUb Farnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. TYPEWRITERS for rent; lowest fsguro ever quoted; 3 months, fc. Central Type writer Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Vou?. attacellaaewu. aTVin HI I .FK'atTAT .ssat J carom and pocket Millard tables and bowline aileys and accessoiies; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Th RnlnSWsa-llksnllAtla4at fn aWT-aYa. o ICtn 8ta t A"