1 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL 20. 1912. Four-Piece Mission Library Set I am NOT limited to a "handful" of SOLID OAK Early English Finish styles, but show TWENTY distinct mod AW els of Men's Spring Suits at $15, $20, 25 CASH j!-,isf i- OR CREDIT Th. draaaer who Is "up" en the quMtloa of drees, eipecta to 8EE something when he shop around HERE! For THAT reason I am compelled to show ALL of the EXTREMES as well as ALL of the STAPLES. Mine U the ONLY Omaha Stock of extreme ENGLISH models; mine Is the ON'LY stock of REALLT "TOPPT" Top Coats (I mean top coats that fairly crackle and snap with Individuality.) And my SALESPEOPLE are posted head high too; they wouldn't PERMIT yon to LEAVE here-with an awkward garment It yea WANTED to. Brief " Brooks Bulletins " I am an en thusiast - an up and doing specialist on "SocietyBrand" Clothes SHIRTS. See window No. S for MY idea of f 1.50 shirts. "Brook's Specials," "Manhattans." "Cuffturns," live wlres-all. ' .CLOTH HATS. 'Genuine English from England not from New York priced nice I J. 00 each. , $.1 HATS. Before the year is over I am going to bar YOU boosting for Brooks f 3 hats. J- Corner Sixteenth and Harney Sts. LIVES ARE flYEH FREELY Crew and Cabin fuMngen Exhibit -. Unsurpassed Heroiim. BA5D PLATS FAMOUS OLD SONG lafartaaatr Oe Death as Ship' Stria; Baa Sea Oat ttralaa ' f "Nearer Mr Ca te Taee." (Continued from First Past.) the click e( tha levers, operated from t)M bride, which ateppx th anginas and clascd tha airtight doors. Captain Smith was an tha bridge a mo BMnt later. Ha summoned all oo board ts put oa lit preserver and ordered the lifeboats lowarad. Th Mrat boat bad mora mala paasencer. as they r th first to. rach tha deck. Whea the rush of frighten! man and woman and crying children to the Sacks began., "th women tint.' rul was enforced, Officer draw revolvers, but In Bust ease there was a ue for teem. Revolver ahoti heard ahortly before the Titan ks went down caused many rumen, one that Captain Smith had ahot him self, aaother that Ftrat Offloer M unlock had ended hi life, but member of th crew discredit the rumor. Captain Smith was leat seen on th brldg just before th ship sank, leaping only after the dock had been washed away. What became of th mea with lit tneimtf, was tha question asked by many alnc tha disaster. Many et the paesnfrs were sa to go dowa jf Think how much good spice meant to cooking, and insist on TONE SPICES Full .trsapthlesjr full value. You will find them it your grocer's If not, send 10c for (ulUiz package. Vrowwoa, Dee Meas, le llU:iste. Hmm, uaiUMeeaCoSee, MONEY ! PAID I OUT fa rui una to your Jewel and important faper la .wisely pent. Ma paid out for th yearly rental of a tiafe Deposit Box tn ur Steel Vaulta neaua a sat pier for Inaursnc Policies. Will. Ueeda, Mortsase. Agra meat and Jewels Paper can be looked' ever la -prime by yo at any tun dur uiff business hour. Th key 1 aiwaya Id your pos session. , , . Omaha Safe Deposit .Company. . ' level uaaea a sales, 114 tars street. despite the press r era. and dead bodlaa floated oa the surf as as th last boats moead sway. , It Is atated positively th ships string band fathered la th aalooa. near th end. and played "Hearer, My Ood, To The." Mr. Isldor Straus refused to leave her ..uaband'a aid and both perl an ed to- setber. . llaraM Catteet, th Marcoal operator bf the Carpatala. dM aot ge to bad at bis anal Um ffciaday ailht, end a a result caught the Brat meesase et the TKanlCs plight. Ha had been relaying moaaagoa to tha Tltento on Sunday night and ahortly after 11 o'clock bade the Titanic operator good night. Just as he was about te take the receiver eft hie head the "C. Q. D." call sounded. This was followed by the words, "We've hit some thing; come at one." Cotton at enoe communicated with th Carpathla' officers sad Its ceurss was at once changed la the direction of the Tltanlo at full spaed of alghteea kneta for the full dIManc of slaty mllea Inter, venlng between th two htpa. Before Cotton could make a reply en the C. Q. D came the Titanic "I'm afraid we are gone" Gotten seat word of the coming of the Carpathla. No further communication aa had with tha doomed ship. The Tltanle'a speed, et twenty-three knota an hour waa never slackened and It waa going at that apeed when It (truck. 8. V. Blivertherna of St. Iuls wss one of three or four aalooa pasaanger en the Tltanlo who aaw the deadly iceberg lust after the'oollUlon. "I was In the amoklng room reading, near a brldg whist game at one of the tables,- be said. "When the crash came I said: "Were hit aomethlng.' and want out on the starboard side tu mo. None ef ua waa alarmed. It occurred to m that we might have bumped som small craft -I went back In tha amoklng room with tha others. One of the bridge playera had not left the amoklng room at all and waa waiting Impatiently for tha others to come back aad reeume tha gam. They turned and took up their, handa and w were all about to aeltle down whan an offloer ordered ua ea deck and told us te get Uto the boats. 'There not being enough worsen en deck to fill the first ones, w did not like the Me of leaving the ship then, but did, as we .Were .told- .Had- we been In our .room we would have had to stand aalde aa ether men did then. . . Skip's Side T.rm. Tha Morning World tomorrow will pub lish Carlo r. nurd's story, in detail. Mr. Hurds story said In part: . "recta which 1 have established by In quiries on th Carpathla aa positively a thay could be established la view ef the silence of tha raw surviving officers are: "That the- Tltanlc's officer knew sev eral hour' before the crash ef the pos sible neaTnees of th Icebergs. rThet the. Titanic' speed, nearly twenty-three knota aa hour, was ant slackened.-" , '.That the jiumber or lifeboats en the Tltaalo iwss insufficient te accommodate mbce than one-third ; of the passenger; to eey 'n.nlng of the crew . Moat mam bera at th crew say thlre waa sixteen lifeboat and two collapsible; none ay there ' were ' more than twenty boats la ail .The' TOt'whv escaped filled moat ef the aUtota lifeboat end the one collapat ble. whlcft got Sway,' to the limit of ca pacity. . I, , . .' , f Had , th ablp struck the Iceberg hend-toa ' at .'whatever spied , end with DIUVES OUT a rheum attsm ?Sai0 t6m si'sa frritattofc toflanunatery "aJuJ.: hloh gats into the circulation, beohus clwiuiSSurL SST"0"' Jrci lrgr.wbicrar. uSlu5 SeitttirtKf1 Kothin PP tuy can tverlch ifJH!. u?0,l: mort ,acn tmtment esado U sooth th pains rTt-?t .attid eontuiusily grows SoVacrid WntSi.JS4 01 fS derant muscle and joints, ETHl np? "d 1Vtl conditton, Ugradtully blrdena f.vT. "f DT, dfyin P the natural oils and fluids. Khtumatism eaa "JTVr1 bfcod is purified. S.8. 8. tJwrou cUSsT and tawratta tt drcvJatkm by aeutraiizing th ackaflddnTitteao froratAsffyttaa.. It etrerthens ajrfisoratai TttbtacdothaFlDs5 ll..!Piln rld 1 painful cT7maS JSTT" mr Hhumatism. S.R.B. ,nna nctalh. alkaJi or other harmful mlnarmL he. . ..u.u T. "T.Jl'TT'J , -. - j w rwi., Bvna bjb penaanentr onrss Rhaorna tiara. ur harmiul minsrej. but la wis Book est BhsnmatiaB aa4 thz swirl sp icmc ca, jlilajiti. oa, ' uvm w au wno writs. whstvr resulting ahock. tha bulkhead system of water, tight compartment would probably have saved the vessel. As one man expressed It, It waa the Impossible that happened whan, with a shock unbelievably mild, the ship's side area tern for a length which made the bulkhead syatem Ineffective. - Colonel Aator, holding bis young wlfe'a arm, stood decorously aalde aa the 'offi cers spoke to him, and Mrs. AstoS. snd her maid ware ushered to erst. Mrs. Henry a Harris parted In like manner from her husband, aaw him last at the rail, bend Colonel Aator. Walter U. Clark of Loe Angelea, nephew of tha Montana eanator, joined the line of men aa hla young wife, sobbing, was placed In one of the craft "Let him come. There la room,' cried Mrs. Emll Taussig, as the men ef the White Star motioned to her husband to leave bar. It waa with difficulty that ha released bar hold to permit her to be led to her place. "George D. Wldanar, who had been In Captain Smith' eompany a few minute after the erssh. waa another whose wife waa parted from him and lowered, a mo ment later, to the surface ef the calm see. "OT Major Archie Bull, a favorite with hla fallow tourists; of Charles N. liaya. praaldent of th Grand Trunk; ef Benjai mla Ouggenhalmes, ana' of William T. Stead, no one eeem to knew whether they tarried loo long In their Mate rooms or whether they fore bore to approach (he fast filling boats; none of them wet In the throng which, weary houra after, warn, reached the Carpathla. "Simultaneously on all tha upper deck aa the rope creaked with the lowering of boats, aa they reached the wster. Ihoe la th boat w wht those on th deck could not etht th Titanic was lltlng rapidly lo atSrboard, and that it ' stern waa rising at a portenttous angle. A ruah of Iteerage men toward the boat waa checked by officers with revolver In hand. , Oa SlaaX. Has Llaht. "Som of the boats, crowded too full Jo give theee a chance, drifted for a time. None bad provision of water, there wa lacking or covering from the Ice end air and the only light were th Mill un dlmmed arcs and lncandeoceata et th ruling blp, save tor an ot the boats There a steward who explained te th passenger that he bed been shipwrecked twice before, whe appeared carylng three orangee and a green light That greea light, many or th Survivors ssy wa to the shipwrecked hundreds a th pillar ot fir by night Long after th ship had disappeared, and whlls eonfualoa false lights danced about the boat, the grace lantern kept them together oa the course which led them to th Carpathla. "Aa the end of the Tttani became manifestly but a matter et momenta, the oeramea pulled their boat away and the chilling waters bgaa to echo ptaah after splash aa passenger and sailors la lit preservers leaped ever end started wtmmlng away to. escape th expected auction. "Only tha hardiest or constitution could endure tor more than a tew mo ments such a numbing bath. Tbe first Vigorous strokes isv way tJ heart break Ing ertea of 'Help, helpr and etlffenlng forme were eea floating, tha races re laxed In death. Revelree shots Beard. "Revolver shots were heard la the hips last momenta Th report spread among th boats wss that Captain Smith had ended hi Ufa with a bullet. Tbea It was' said that a mats bad shot a steward whs tried te push h's way upoa a boat against orders. None et these tales have been verified, and maay of the crew aay the captain without a preserver leaped In and went dowa. a The laat ot the boats, a collapsable, aa launcsea too late to get ewey end waa overturned by tbe ehlp sinking. 8oa of those ka It all. aay same of the wtt nessee found safety ea a ran or were picked up by a life boat. la the Marconi tower almost t the hut. th cock ef the sending InMmmeat were beard ever the stars. 1 - "Led by the greea tight under the Hast ef stars,. th boats drew away, and the bow. then th euarter, thea the stacks and last the stera of the marvel ship ef a few daya before, psssd beneath the waters. Tbe great farce et tbe ehlp sink ing waa unaided by aay Wrtewc ef the elements and the section, sot e great as bad been feared, reeked but mildly the group of boat now a euarter eC a mile distent from It Carwatbla Appear. "Wxteea boats were ta the prersssles which entered ea tbe teerTMe hour et rowing, drifting aad sospaase. Warn I Opens vfliv I I Closet ft & ' The set here shown consists of 4 massive pieces large arm chair and arm rocker, sewing rocker and largo library table. The Beats of the chairs and rockers are upholstered In genuine Imperial leather over a full set of hard ateel spring. Table measure 4x2S. Thla set cannot be dupli cated in other Mores for les than azi.oo. For Saturdsy only, the entire four plecee at price quoted above. Hartman's Complete Home OF 4 risked $ $8.00 a month 99 Best Rug Values in, Omaha A splendid showing of rugs in all the new Domestic and Ori ental designs. So-Oert Specials 1111 model collapsible Oo-Cart. all steel frame and body'of guar anteed Inperlal leather. A f Con.plete with hood, priced jT HP irwu. White Inameled Befrigerster Hardwood case, white enameled lined and filled throughout with mineral wool. Trimmings are of solid brass, built on the cold dry air principle, with, large. Jf? C roomy Ice compartment Oil"" Wne.l vain, m 11x9 Wilton Velvet Rugs JgWI -lesSSSSBBSSSsVeejSasusesBF aeaaauai amoaiai srree Thla very handsome Lreeer la made tn either mahogany or an tlque finish. The front of base la full aerpentlne design with two large and two email drawers, fit ted with Colonial bras pull and bevel piste mirror We offer for tomorrow a regular $22 Wilton Velvet Rug with all wool sur face, high pile, beautiful Oriental and floral designs, finished with wide overcast ends; a good rug for parlor, sitting room or dining room. Every rug is perfect and guaranteed by Hartman's and the maker. A great offering for tomor row, only , a who wtae 111 M0 OMR 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. Rr e--3li : P: ---i olid Oak Chiffonier Theee Chlffonlere are nad of selected aolld oak and highly pol ished. Have five large, r.omy drawers with brass puna. tren.ely tell made ano guaranteed. Priced ape-' clally tor tomorrow at '.54-35 wept for loM huabanda and sons, alkrs aobbed tor tha ehlp which had been their pride. Men choked back tear and ought te comfort the widowed. Perhaps, they said, other boat might hav put off In another direction toward the laat They strove, though none toe aura of them elves, to convince the women of the certsmty that a rescue ship would ap pear. "Early dawn brought no ship, but not long after I o'clock the Carpathla. tar out ot her path and making eighteen knote Instead of her usual fifteen, showed her red and black smoke stack upon the horlaon. In the Joy of that moment tbe heaviest griefs were forgotten. "Soon afterward. Captain Rostroa and Chief Steward Hughea were welcoming child snd bedraggled arrivals ever the Carpathlaa side. "The silence of tha Carpathla'! engines. the piercing cold, tha clamor ot voices In tha companion waya, had caused ma to dress hurriedly and awaken my wife at S:9 a m., Monday. Our stew ardess, meeting me outslds pointed to a walling host In the rear dining room and said from tha Titanic, ahe'a at the bot tom ot the ocean.' "At the ship's side a moment later, I saw the laat ot th Una of boats discharge their loada, and eaw woman, some with cheap ahawla about their heads, soma (Continued on Ninth Page.) 10,000 TREES CIVKM A WAT. Braadels Stare Give Away leans White Blrrh Tree Saturday. It la our annual custom to give away tree on or befor Arbor day. Thla year wa hare secured le.oco white birch trees to assist the "City Beautiful" movement Saturday, beginning at I a. m. BRANDEI8 STORES. The Hoosier Club closes Saturday night, 9 o'clock. Enroll your name now don't delay. Membership fee $1.00 which applies on the purchase price of the cab iuet. The balance can be paid for at the rate of $1.00 a week. The Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Saves Miles of Steps It is the acme of kitchen cabinet perfection. This club is conducted under the drect supervision of t the Hoosier Mfg. Co. We advise you to take ad vantage of this very liberal proposition and se cure one of thee famous kitchen cabinets. Price $28.00 Membership fee $1.00, then $1.00 a week. . Club closes Saturday 9 o'clock P. M. Orchard & Wilhelra Carpet Co. HOOSlffiiBiEABlHETSi Millinery Store Quits Business Lease expires June 1st. Entire stock must be closed out in six weeks. All our high grade millinery, consisting of tailor-made and dress hats, frames, braids, flowers, ribbons, Malines and other trimmings of all kinds at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. PENNELL MILLINERY CO. . PAXT0N BLOCK Twenty Steps Upstairs 16th Street Entrance The Best Auto Bargains Everybody begins to get restless these days. One just hates to sit still on the front porch in the cool evenings while the neighbors go whizzing by in their autos. They are off for a delightful ride. Why aren't you going out in your car? Do not own one? Most unfortunate, but you can well af ford to buy a machine. Turn to the classified pages of this paper on next Sunday. There the best auto bargains in the west in second-hand cars will be listed, and you can find just the machine that you should own and at the price that you can afford to pay. Better not hesitate about getting one of these fine machines. You always will find the best auto bargains listed in The Bee "Want Ad" columns. '