Take Time by the Forelock Saturday Plan to Spend a Profitable Day atKDLPATGilliSK' By request wo will offer the residue of the choice silks left over from Wednesday's sale owingto unfavorable weather Figuring roughly we find we have still on hand About 2,200 Yards Left Many of our good friends missed the. last sale Satur day, therefore, a sort of Consolation Salo. Messa lines, finest foulards, fancy figures, stripes, plaids, taffettas and pongees worth $1, $1.25 and some $1.50 All at 59c per yard, Starting at 8 A. These On the Square near elevator And flow for the Biggest Surprise Party Since We Started Our Retail Business in LvJAHA 98 beautiful dresses, to be sold Saturday at a price, which value considered, is so ridiculous, that it is sure to cause a Veritable Sensation. New changeable silk taffetas, fine messalines, dainty foulards, exquisite crepe meteor, Frenchy chiffons, fashionable poplins, filmy voiles, 1 ce collars, spidery yokes, lace and net cuffs, some prettily trimmed, girlish dresses, quaint effects, party dresses, reception gowns, worth $25.00 to $50.00, one or two indeed were marked to sell as high as $65.00 W i'eldo Alterations must be charged for, but you will gladly pay the charges if any changes are necessary. It is a joy and a delight to mix with the crowds at Our Sales Doorishness Never in Evidence always courteous service and courteous customers, make ill nature rare indeed This sale will be no exception. Before yon enter and when you leave ele vatorstake a peep at the goodies shown by Mr. and Mrs. Cobb at the Candy Dept. Makes the writer's month water while direoting your attention to this Sweet Section. Men feel at home also. Silk Hosiery Sab Saturday 'A selected lot of well made Silk Stockings, ia black! and colors, worth $1.00 a pair; Saturday at, pair 79c : These have cotton tops and soles, which adds much to the life and wearability. Big bargains, too, in Children's Hose tan and black. All sizes. Made to sell at a quarter 15c per pair all day long Saturday. , A special Vest for your consideration will be offered at 19c. Minus neck, minus sleeves. 6c of a saving on each vest may not look much but "Many mickles make a muckle." More Hew Shoes Have Arrived All the newest shapes and colors in 'Women's and Children's Shoes now in STOCK. If you have not known shoe comfort and elegance combined try our new department Come in the morning if possible.. Chairs crowded in the afternoon. Hen's Section Saturday we put on sale a little over 8 dozen of Lisle Union Suits short sleeves, ankle length, all sizes. Suits which usually sell at $1.50 On Saturday 98c Come early for these. Quantity 6mall. . The White Goods Sale continues all day Sat urday. Entire square near linen section given up to display. Here, too, morning shopping is BEST. Tho Whito Goods Salo Contlnuos All Day Saturday Entire Square Near Linen Section Glvon Up to Display Hore Too Horning Shopping Is Best Tttioinniais IKflllpaittipflelk: & Co TH1RIT. OWE LIFE TO RAFT Tai of Heroum tad Fearful Hard Told by Colonel Omit. USA. 8TUACS DIES BT ETJ8BAX9 Pleas ( Teas plae la n Dtsro sarded kr Her WarIne at Proeeae ( Im Ar Rat Heeded. ' NBW YORK. April ll-Coleael Archi bald Or, U. a A, the last bub of to Tlbuwe eaved. wtnt sown with Mm ves sel, hut ww picked a. II wu nwt to Bight V nls dsutblsr. whs bad sr rived from Wsshtngton, end hi son tn-law, Pseil H. rabndue. Caknt Greote tola 4 remarkable story sf psrsonsl hardship snd denied emphatically the resorts that there aad any panic aa hoard. Ht preload tha htgheet term tha Bf heeler at both tha passenger ana araw and paid a hlh tribute ta tha haroHrn ef tha wonts passenger k Refaeed teTteav Haakon. "Mr, leader strati," ha said. "wnt to bar death because aba would sot aaart her husband. Although ha pleaded with ler to taka bar plaoe la tha boat, ear steadfastly i refused, aad when the (hi settled at tha haad the twa wara eeeTiIfed by tiia wev that wept It. Coloaal Oracla told at kow ba wu driven ta tha topmost deck whaa MM hip settled and as tha aola survivor afttr tha wava Uiat sweet H Juat before It final aluage bad passed. "I Jumped with Mia ware, aald k. "Juat aa I often hare Jumped with the kreakare at tha minora. By great fsad tortus.! man) ts ma tk prasi railing aa the dock eheve sad I hao- aa by might and goals, Whaa tha ship plunged; dowa 1 ww forced ta tat BB and I waa swirled around and around (ar what Baaiaad ta ba an hdrsdaH tints. Brant yally I anna to Ui aurlaa U (lad Mia aa bhi ef tangle wrack- "Lacklly, I Waa unhurt aad aaatiBg about BiaBMad ta aalaa B w aad an gratls floating aaarby. Whaa I kad recovered iy areata I discovered B tartar canvas and oork Ufa raft whlck bad floated Bp A man who earn I did sot learn waa etrugg llnaT toward It from noma wrecks: la which ba bad dun. I oaat au aad balpad him to (at onts tha raft aad w than betas tha work sf raacurnc Una who had Jumped Into tha aaa aad wan floundtrlnf In tha water. "Whaa dawa krok thara war thirty of ua on tha raft, standing knot daep a Uta Icy water and afraid to move lent Mia cranky era ft ba aaarturwadi Several unfortunates, benumbed and half dead, besought ua to aava tr.era and one nr twa made effort to reach ua, but we had ta want Miam away. Had w made any effort ta aava them we all might anew perished. Tha hour that elapeed before we ware picked up by the Carpatht wara Ua longest and the meat wimble that 1 avar event Practically wlUieut any nsasstlo ef feeling bocauia af the ley water, wa were almoat dropping from fatigue. Wa wara afraid to turn around ta look to aaa whether wa were aeon by paaatnd craft, whaa aameaaa waa wu facta utera paaeed Mm word Una ome thlng that looked Ilka B stesmer wu coming aa. One af the am became hyatertcal under the at raj a. Tba root of ua. too. ware Baarlac the breaking poUif . Coloaal Grade denied with ampkaata CftIa, fl r. I .1 Wmm DISCOUNT FOR Saturday- ; ONLY On Eocry Hat in oar enormoat ttock including all Dres Hats and Street Hats Oatrich Feathara, Algrrttaa. Vntrimmcd SIuumb. "Vawra, and oi ofwthln,t ' ,hop l dlKonnt tor 8turdr 20 Mrs: ' S. RICHARDS 219 OtT Nattoul BbjUc 61d that Bar wiea war Brad upon and aV. stand thai anlr onea wa a ravataar di. Char aad. Tkla wa fat tha parpeee af tatlmlaat UK eecae ataoraaa paaeetujara." ha aald. "IM bad tarnMed Bate a beat bafora It wu preaarad lor muacMB. Thla akot wu fired ia tha air and whea tha tor elfnera ware told that tha neit would ba dlrectad at them they promptly re turn ad to Ua dock. Thar wu no oon fuetoa and no panic." Contrary ta Mia general expectation, there wu na arrtn tmput whea the veaeal atruck, aocordlac to the army offi cer. He wu In hi berth Khan MM ven ae! emuhed hate the eavaierted portion of the berg aad wu aroneed by Um Jar. Ha looked at hie watch, he eatd. and found It wu it tmatntht The eblp ank at : a. m., for hi watch (topped at Uiat hour. . Kara rredleted Dleaetrr. "Bffor I retired." and Coronal Oracle 1 had a lone chat with Charlea H. Hay, prealnant af the Grand Trunk railroad. One of tha Ut thlnga Mr. Hay aald wu thla; Tha White "tar, the Cuurd and tba HamburrAmertcaa line are devoting their attention and Ingenuity to vlelng wUh each other 1 gam the upremcy In lusurlou ahlp and In making apeed recorea. Tha tine win eooo eome when thla will he choched by aome appalling dlaaatar.' Poor fellow, a few hour later he wu dead." Aeter tavoa Teaae; Wile. . "Tha conduct of Colonel John Jacob Artor wa deeervlng ef the hlgheat pre tee." Colonel Oracle declared. "The mnhoaalr Mw Torkar." he aald. - 'voted all hi ewargle ta atvlng hi roan bride, aa Mia Pore at New Tark. who wu la deUcau haaHk. "Coteael Aaler helped u la aur effort to galhar b tha boaf aald CoIoboI Oracle "X Uftad her Into tha boat aad u ah took par place Coloaal Atar re farmed permlastoa af tba coad officer W ro with her for bar own protection. 'No, atr.' replied toe afflcer. "Not a ma a ihall mo on a boat antll Mi women are all off. Colonel Artor Uiea Inquired the number af the heat, which wu be ing lowered away and turned ta the work of clearing the other boat and la r. leaurla the frightened and aervoua women. By thla time the hlp began to Ut frightfully to port. Thla became ao daagarea that tha eeoad eft car or dered everyone to rue t star board. Thla we did and we found the crew trying ta get a Boat off ha thai aearter. There I aaw the but ef John a. Thayer and Oaorge & Wtdeaer of Philadelphia." Colonel Oracle aald that deeplta the wamiaea of Iceberg na dewing down of eeeed wu ordered by the commander of the Titanic Thara war ether wevlaga, tea, ke aai "la Mm twenty-fear boure run ending tha Uto," he aald. "the ehlp'i run wu Mf ml lea. aad wa were told that the next twenty-four hour would aee area a better record poet ad. No elmunitloa of apeed u fndleatad la. the nu aad the enrlnca kept up . their ataady nwialiii When Sunday evening came wa all notjeed'th iiaiiamd cvM. whleh gave plain warning that tha ahlp waa la atoa proximity to Icebersa or o flabu. The efOcer.' I am credibly mtormed. d beea advlead by wtrelee from other ahlp ef the preeenoe ot tceberg aad daiuferoaa floe h thet atctnlty.- Tba ea wa u mooth u glaa and the weather dear, aa that It aacma there wu ao oceaatoa tar tear.- Caaaddee AeetOat Jake. "Whaa Ua voaael attwek.- ae conUuaed, the peeeenrer war a tittle hlarmeil that ! thay Irked over Uta manar. - The few (that ' appeared oa deck early bad taken their time to dreae properly pad there wu not the aUghtm Indication af panic. Borne of tha fragment af lea bad fallen an the aees and tbeea wore picked up and pa lead around by aome of Mi taeetlou onea, who offered them aa mementoaa of Mi oooaaloa. Oa the port aid a glance tvr the Md fIM ta anew any evidence at damage and the vrseet aeemed to ba oa aa even kerl Jamee Clinch rnlth and I. however, aeon found the veeeel wu Hating heavily. A few minute later Mia officer ordered men and women to doa life pi rvr." One af tba teat women Been by Colonel Oracle, he aald. wu Mia Evan at New Torn, who virtually refueed to be reeoued. becauaa. aoeordlng to tha army officer, "aha had beea told by a fortune teller In Landoa Uiat aha would meet her deaU oa U water.' Wireless Operator's ' Wait of Ten Minutes Saves Many Lives NEW YORK. April 1.-How tba wlre laaa oparator en the Carpathla. by put ting m aa extra tan minute on duty, wu a meana ot aavlng 71 Uvea, wu told by Dr. J. T. Kemp, the Carpathla phtctan. today. "Our wlrelea eperator." aald Dr. Kemp, "wu about ta retire Sunday Bight, when he uld takingly: '! gue Ml welt Juat tea mlnutee; then turn In.' "It wu la M next tea mlnatee thai the Titanic call tor help earn. Had the wlrelea man not waited there would have been no aurrlvara.' Dr. Kemp deaoribed the looherg that ank the Titanic u B foot long and ninety feet high. He declared that aa af the boat the Carpathla picked p wu fUled with atokera from the aunkea uaer. "It had Juat twa women aboard." ha aid. The doctor declared that tha Car pathia cm lead twice Utrough Mta ke field near to pot where tha Titanic ank and parked up the bodlc of three men and one baby. H. a Bleffwaoa ef New Torn, another unrtvor. who leaped Into the era and waa picked up. declared that he saw the Ice berg before the eeUlaloa, 'It named t at that the berg, a mile away, 1 ebowld say. wu about eighty feet out ot the water. Tha to that sowed clear of the' water waa net what wa struck. After tba eeiuetaa I saw Ice ell ever the aee. Whoa we hit the berg wa aeemed ts allde spaa It. 1 eouid tea) Mie boat Jumping and pounding and I realised that wa wara en the toe. but I thought we would weather tt. I uly saw the casta In oaoe after the collision. H wu telling tha mea t got the women and children lata the boat. I thought then that It wu only for precaution and . H ww long after the boat bad left that t fait tba etaauer linking. I waited oa I tha upper deck antu snout 1 e clock. J took a look below and aaw that the j Titaale wu doomed. Then I Jumped Into Mia aceaa and wlthta five mlnutaa I wu perked ." Mr. Bteffaaaoa alee described the dle dpha ansa tba beat u perfaex. Maay women, m well mm men, ha aald, detllai ta leave tha Titanic. beHevmg It wu mf Mrs. CeraaUus Aadreera wm an C the first to bo put ia a Ufeeeex. 1 aaw tha Titaai Unk." sba saat. "I aw bar Mow ap. Our little boat, waa a bum away whea the and cam, hi eight wu clear and tha ship loomed up plainly even at that distance. As our boat put off I uw Mr. and Mr. Ator tandlnc on the deck. A w pulled away thay waved their kanda and smiled at ua. We were la the open boat for about four hour before wa wore picked up." Taft Says Congress Takes Notice of the Titanic Disaster WASHINGTON. D. C, April .-Prea-Ment Taft will not aend a apsclal m eo cene t eongreas urging leglalaiton to atrengthen tha preeeot law regulating upervlelon of steamihlp clearing from American port. The pre! lent bellevea congrea aeeds no auch uggetloa alnc the TTtanlo dlaaatar. Moreover, ke la sat lifted that tha law of tha United States are adequate If enforced, u the Com merce and Labor department would be sMe to enforce them wtth the reetrlctloni ot premat tateraatjoaal agreement re moved. fader the agreement with Croat Brltala ths certificate of the Titanic Uiat It had met with the requirement ot the Brltiah Board of Trade u to Itfe-uvlug fulpmcnt would have beea accepted la New York and the Tltanlo would have beea allowed to clear agala far England. Tha dlauter, however, undoubtedly will bring about a new agreement batvniin tha United State and Great Britain and with other nation la tha aame clau, in the opinion of official. The regu lation of the United Bute u applied t vessel that sail under tha American flag or under tha flag of nation not In tha agreement are strict enough to compel the carrying af life saving equip ment diffident to take car of every puaengar and every member ot the crew. An act of congress nullifying the exlit lng agreement would make It Impossible for official o( the Department ot Commerce and Labor to accept a certifi cate from any board of trade or similar organisation unles tha requirements of this country were not s well. Such sctlon by congress wu regarded u prob able here today. Moot Weaderfal Ileal lag. After suffering many year with a or, Amos King. Port Byron. N. T., wu cured by Bucklen's Arnica .Salve- Sc. For aale by Beaton Drug Co. stimulate your hualneaa by advertising m The Eet the newxpsper Uiat rcacoa all or. tha buyer. Victims Taken to 'Four Hospitals Are Reported Improving NEW YORK, April lt.-The survivor of ths Titanic, taken to hoipllats on their arrival here, generally were reported to be Improving today. The following aie their names: St. Luke Hoanltal: Mr. Etta Dean of London, England, and two children; shock. . Mls Alice Johnaon and two children of St. Charlea, 111.; ahock. Mrs Thelms Nelaon ot St. Charles. TIL Florence T homey croft ot London, Eng land; ahock. Kt. Vincent' Hospital: Mr. Sellna Aa pllnua, ateerase, and two little daunlitrr. Mllllam Mclntyre. coal trimmer, ttouth ampton; feet froetblttea. John Thompson, fireman; fracture of left arm. Thomas White!)-, waiter In tint saloon; fractured right leg snd a number of bruises. Mount Slnal: Mr. Parish. Butte, Mont; Injury of right foot snd shock. Mr. Sbeliay, Butte. Mont.; shock. Sydenham: Mr. Ada E. Balls. Jsxk sonvlUs, Vie.; ahock. Mr. Jarman, New York City; bron chitis, shock. Cultlvsted Ustes prefer Permits, tc YOU can't begin a child s education too early in life. Surround your children with the refining influences of music, it's character insurance. Arrange to fill that piano cor' ner in your home during our big April Clearance Sale We're offering the buyer during this sale selection from an assortment of standard makes that you'll not find equaled in any other piano house in the west. , Zvery Piano Sold With Onr Personal Satisfaction Guarantee. Prices Exceptionally Low Payments Arranged to Suit your convenience. If ycu knew just how, easy it waa to have a good piano in your home how easy to pay for, what pleasure it woud add to the home life, you'd figure with us today. Here's Specials in New and Used Pianos Ton Cannot Afford to Neglect Seeing Saturday. Wm. Knabe $175 Pease $125 Singer $75 Chickering & Sons.. $125 Kimball $75 Hoffman Bros. $150 Weber $175 Smith. & Barnes S145 Also Player Pianos from Vose fc Son $125 Steger .....$85 $250 Up. T! tikes. Cm. 2809 HaydenvBros, TelepsDnt lo.. A-1131