n u .... Cheer Up! V-".-.-- mm lXlVaMOU aS. ioloWolilolololol n YANKS OFFERED FOB SALE M iecellaaeaas. L3rV 5N PAWN-Dlemond ring and tl..u. i km at anil V iM. Lady s ring. 1-5. .uil brooch, 7. Friedman's Luu l ar.s. :l Douglas St. FOP. oMLK-.New and second-hand carom ui.d twckct billiard tables and li.wlmc unti& and sccessortes; bar fix tu.a of all kinus. eaay payment.. The Uru-.iv, i.-Balke-Ubiiander Co. 407-40? 6. II" ll si. f AKfcif-Owrslocktil with second-hand safes; u sizes and make: bargain American Eutly Co.. 1110 Farnam 8t. I'TitCK ol (food hay. Webster 101. l-ii It SALE wane tile (Inside and ouv) lefrlxerator; uaed unly 1". montha; 48 inches high. s Inches wide, 3 Inches lout. Price. KV Apply as Dodge 8t. fHOIfi; itrawberry plants Ro par 10) or U per l.faju. Tel. Webster !. CINDERS tur aale cheap. Phone W. aw I'KHSONAL II-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Ola.luh I nsrmacy, Utli aad Dodge. YOUNG wumso coming to Omaha aa t ranger are In. I ted la visit Um Young Woman's Christian aaaoclatloo building at tieventeentii and tit. Mary's Ave., whtre tuoy will be directed I amiable boarding places, or otherwise assisted. Lcok to;- odi uavelera aid al the l-Bioa station. Tilt; SALVATION ARMY aollctte cast oft ciouiiiiat ; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair ami aell at 1M N. Ilth tit., tur coat of collection, to the wormy poor. Phone Dougiaa ilA and wagons will call. Massgs. H.tur.tiouBS. Old Boston Bid. SV EDltill ma sage for rheumatiam, stomach tiouoie, poor circulation. Kara Ira Tunsetli, graduate from Sweden, M Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Douglaa 71S4. BATHS, Swedish mareage, vibrator and radiator treatment Mr, elriyder, apt. I. Ula..l I'tu ano Herca. Douglaa tiau. BICT oracvr for men. Oray'a Narva Food liii. otr box, postpaid. Sherman - MLConirli orug Co.. Omsna, Neb. I, and chlua painting, firing La-oow.' anil ClU0 ordera, reaaonable. .into lichford studio, U7 6. 2iUv Had i J. Vltsi massage. Anna Klher. 11 Ware Bik. bAl.lh boerueu. Phone Webster eM bnaps lor Real Es tate uealers & Others i-i 4v.t,i tvtJs.fivt.4i Wii ciuin by turn roll, lc qui luot JHeuvy vcisMD uoor- alt Hi iilUgatet, 1UV UUsMO. grsiai Ltuuiity utsitiiifc, uy um roil, 7 mmuw DuuuiDg Hardware Co. K. aurucy 6u WL Kfc-.vr and repair H ktnUtt of 4ww- uig UsttCiiiuesc. iiia. a-iw; iuugiui Nbt.iiAKiivA OYl ieK CO lain nd Hnne ttti. MAbSAOtC treatment, aire. Steele, eil Boyd Tueaur iule. etatr entranos on lUrn.y. elevator ui iobuy, s to S daily and bunnay. LALilKti save per cenL Pennell Mil linery Co., faiton uis. a) steps upsuura f 4 "-. if IK Swedish movement. Apt. .tlilOOAUL 1MI ysrnam. D. UM. 9 133 r-. , j : 'l I y A SLV W.V Hatha, aait glow, aiomat.o MAaaAUJJt ,rea,ment. Mine. Alien of " 1 Chicago. K 8. 17th St.. let floor. D. Tatt. AT VACUIM tnassees demonstrated by Mrs. Steels. 4111 tioyd Uldg. xauy ana eunaay. POtXTKl Al l-ET STOCK SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best in ths market for young chickens. Made from purs grain. For sals by all dealers. A. W. WAGNER, AGENT, aoi N. lbth St. Tel Doug. uu. lnd. B-MM. ROSECOMB KHOD ISLAND RED EOGS for batching from trap-aeated winter layers, (. lor la. F. a. Beneun, Neb. Tel. Benson X28W. Guaranteed ferule ejrgs. Buff Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons. Carson, MOi California. THOROUGHBRED Brown Leghorn eggs and puileta for ssls. Tel. Florence ad. SINGLE Comb Black Minorca eggs, utility trapped layers; ti per 16, 4 per HO; over 309 satisfied customers last season; satisfaction guaranteed. Fred eielm, Seneca, Kan. BARRED Plymouth Rocks, exclusively choice, pure bred stock. Selected eggs, carefully packed. Ids for 44 00; So for ti is. Satisfaction guaranteed. Adam A. Weir, Clay Center, Neb. WELL bred shepherd dogs. 31 8. 13d. Single Comb White Orpington eggs and Barred Rocks. 4790 No. nn or Web. 1717. WHITE Plymouth Rock Ega 11.50 (or 1, from prize winning birds. Phone Flor ence 271. FOR SAI.E-Champloo-bred collie and Boston terriers, puppies and grown nock. White and colored pigeons. Whits Wyandottes. 1 can please you. Dr. C L Hallam. Mooresvllle. lnd HOMER PIGEONS (or aale. cheap. Call Harney iet. BLFF OKP1NGTON, first prise win ners, good egK. ts per 10U-, baby chicks. websu-r BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs. for li. from winter iaers; also baby chicks. SMI .No- rd. Webster 47U. REAL ESTATE ABS1UAC19 fib" TVLE. Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of (ice in Nebraaka- m Brandeia Theater. N'AL Sr CAMPBELL. 1714 Far nam St. ULlLUtltS' lKtlKl.ttlU., Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha gllver Co. Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming gta. FuchsTs-n r Blind, painting, decorating. H. Uross. lum. wreck g. plb, 21 A Paul till PKOPKHTV FOR SALK 7-R. MOD. ON EASY TERMS OR TRADE FUK VACANT LOT Ilou.e In best condition. ec. It., hot wa:er heat, valuable locauon, near Sher man ave. ana Jiapie. niwj. lot 4"? hamKe Bidg. Uth and Harney. TO BCY, hELL Oil RENT. FIRST 8KB JOUM W. KOBBLNO. ma FABMAH CZ. I y jooi iirn-k. etec. it., city water, lot 'J seilfe. n-ar Hi and Hamilton, rectal tx. r r-i.ce. ai.i'i. win extiianae lor tacanl jr lots or modern place. Above are not trao- f - ri.c.-. cut actual values. I HU.SSiiLL M'KITRICK CO.. Maybe the Yanks Are Simply Having a Slump I at ttPT. I ! saej A V AMOR , TO t ... tea AT TM6 Vl I"! '3 Y6U. THR.e6 FOR . "YPll. C REAL- ESTATE CITr PROPERTY FOR BALK The Cheapest Lots in Kountze Place On a Paved Street Are located on Locust St., between ltth and Ilth; south front KxUt-foot lots, I (est above the a treat; paving all paid, city water, sewer and cement walks. You will not find any lots In this choice ad dition so well located aa these (or the price. Look them ever; there are only two left. Terms: One-fourth cash, the balance one, two and three years. Ws have cheaper ones located In the new tract that ws are )ust piscine on the market oast ot Kountss Park, between Plnknsr and Pratt 8 la., at prices from ITS to l.oeu, that will have city water, ewer, cement walks and paved streets. Eight already sold In this tract before ws started to make the improvements. Uany new homes will bo built in this new tract at ones. Ws can show you that ws are offering the beat bargains In this choloe addition. Hastings & Heyden 1U Harney St. WE ARB BELUNO OAK. CHATHAM LOTS Vk..tY RAPIDLY. On account ot ths low prices and all improvements being put In and paid (or by ths sellers. $47 TO S Will buy a (Ins sast and wsst front lot In this splendid addi tion. Just being put on ths market by tbo Redlck estate. 8PRAOVE STREET TO AJIEoJ AVENUE SrTH TO MTH Car Una on both sides, good schools on both aides. Where can you beat this In Omaha? ASK QUICKLY It you want on ( thsss Iota. NORRIB MARTIN, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 47. TWO 8NAP8 Two 7-room houses, thoroughly modern, must be sold, best offer takes them. One at eld and I sard Sta.. and one at ttb and Bancroft Sta. Investigate and make and offer. Western Real Estate Co., 411- u naroacn diock. GOOD LOT CHEAP. South front, ca Seward St.. east of 40th. only 7S, or IS discount each day. Corns snd get It. w. i. ukamam. t5ee Biag. Owner Wants Offer hanscom iark uome a-room strictly modem house on paved street; east fro-it; nice neighborhood: 1 blocks to car tins, Hanecom park and school: lot Unci: good sised bsrn. Pries $3. toe. Owner says "Sell. ' Make us an oner. SCOTT ft HILL, Both Phones. 307 McCagua Bldg. hanscom Park District Good (-room house, consisting of hall way, parlor, dining room and kitchen downstairs, throe nice bed rooms and bath room upstalra Double cemented bsss menl, nearly new furnace, nice shade. This is not a new property, but It is In fine repair and can be bought on easy ternta. Would take a good vacant lot in od a deaL Lotatsd two blocks west ot Hanscom park, in a desirable neighbor hood. Clow to Windsor school and aood car service. Price Sl,ltti. SCOTT ft HILL, Both Phones. an MoCagua Bldg. North Side Cottage Owner le anxious te asll and will mke reaaonable proposition on this t-reoa aad haul home; dvnt row a Uxil, dining rwii UxlS. with bay window; large kitchen, with pantry; two bad tema art in ciesot space; a trie (leered aae maase good ster age: bouao has gaa la each room: the woodwork le In (nod eoediuoa; lot is rx JaJa with good ahade trees. See OEOttuK R. WKiGliT. axl MO. isTH, thlae doors nertb of alaulsiirt Asa, aar paiaiias vieh. FuR SALB My bows. (14 Su. lid St., sight rooms modem, terms to salt pur- chassr. pilus named w partlss Interestsd. .U ali al a b-rgala. .'eiephoue Uuvig-i aa wvs. : DOUBLE CORNER, 1TTH AND LAKE. Fine for two or four ho usee. Will sell ground or build your house. W. T. OKAHAJd, Bae Bldg. THE - TOW ro Do I WANT XOJ THAT ROW eOAtt.0 rVtD 5"Kt WQRO& LOUD REAL ESTATE CITV PBOPEKTV POH (ALB A Elegant New Home Seven Rooms 3025 California Sf This Is, no doubt, the beat bargain In a well built, new, 7-room home that ha been offered for aale li, this locality, tor a long time. The price In about fTSd less than what othera are asking for the same clasa of property In the same locality. If you will look It over, you will see for yourself that It la a big bargain. Haa large living room, parlor, dlniiut room and kitchen on the first floor, all fin ished In oak, excepting kitchen. There are (our well arranged aieeplng rooms on the second floor, one used for a sleep Ing porch having seven windows, east, south and weat exposure. First clem plumbing and heating throughout. Tim house Is located on a high slevatlon. which Is very desirable. A payment of about $1,400 will handle this choice piece of property. Be sure and look at this st once. Price p.tfr HASTINGS HEYDEN. litlf Harney St. BRAND NEW Sandstone bungalow containing recep tion hall, living room, dining room, kit chen, bath and two bed rooms. No. I furnace, combination gaa and electric light fixtures, colonade opening In re cent Ion hai; and otntng room, cemented cellar and sidewalks, large lot all nicely aodded. iovautl In one of the beat dis tricts In the city, close to csr, school snd Field club. UU caeh, balance monthly. BEMIS-CARLBEKU CO. Slc-tli Brendels Theater. Non-Residence Owner Will Sucrifice New 7 room bunmlow. Oak finish, com plete and modem in every respect. Close to car line, in line location. $4,000 Address HARRY P. PRATT, Cars TALLERTON WAKF1ELD. Slous City, lows. Northwest Corner 28th Ave. & Ohio St. $1,103 Room to build three or (our cottages. Lot has 1(7 feet on one atreet and STH feet on the other, within one block of Lake street car line. In a good locality, where there are many moderately priced homes. Be sure to look this over It you want a good bargain. HASTINGS HEYDEN, Hit Harney St. CHEAP LOT Fifty feet west of telephone exchange. Ike street, closs to big business center, a full lot, all Improvements In and paid. For Hat, home or small business it Is very valuable. Call owner. Webster Mil Benson Vacant Lot Owner needs the money and will con sider any reasonably offer on this south iron' lot on Lucas St. between Ciark and Burnham; It la 10x14: not far from ear and schools. Can you beat It? Addraa L .a, Bee, or phono Web. itA. 8 Rooms Modern West Fsrnsm District. S17 Howsrd. Only HOW. Good House and Fine Location. Owner leaving- cltv. If not sold booh win rent at W. H. GATES, 44 Omaha Nat. Bsnk Bldg. Two Choice Dundee Lots $67d Hach Located on Isard St., bet. Both and list. About S-ft. terrace; cement walks, sewer Shu city wa.er. nieh alvlnlw -.ma rine new homes acroaa the atreet: a good' bargain for someone. HASTINGS ft HETDEN, 114 Harney St. STOP FATING RENT (3e cash, Kb monthly, buys brand new home, t rooms, besides bath, den and sleeping porch. Full two stories, strictly modern, oak finish. Exceptionally well built. On large east front corner lot. near Kounue place, price SS.7M. Also have some bouses on Inside lot at These are bargains. Look them Phone Owner, Harney fclw, (or more In- forms lion. Met PRATT ST.. l-roorn, all modern kouss, corner lot; itu-ge sain, aoe Vugei. tos ivarbaca block. HAN'KrViM Park . .,.. - T - - . -, uw iaioa- ern house (or sale. Bargain. Ownet leaving city. Location South J7tn. Red 748L Also corner lot. 3lat and C astellar. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE for sola at sacrifice, on acouunt of sickness. JWb. 7a4. wii.i. itpii.n vni u r'T.nc On fine corner lot. 14th ami uu,i- - ewer, gas, etc.; southeast front.' Show' what you want or will sell tot cheap. av. l. OttAMAM. tiee BlUg. foe key lo aiacceaa i ouaaaeaa is um persistent and Judicious use ot Bewspaper advertising. REAL ESTATE ACftKAC.fl KUK A I.E. Suburban Choice 1 Five acres, suburban borne, with al- imoat nsw 7-roora bouse; cholcs location, with unsurpassed view, maradsm road, i bandy to car line. 6c fare, h-gh echoil ,r1,rll. AJ roll, plenty of grapes and ""r ""i mtuiai. . u.w will ceefilngly easy terms; VtX caih. ba'.aice I uiaae you we money, price, ae.'w; ex- monthly. ORIN S. MERRILL CO., Room. ma-It, city Nat. Bask Bldg. L s n . - NOIOS J 3 Y- BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. REAL ESTATeV ACREAGE rOR SALE. A Bargain-20 Acres Bellevue 90 ACRE, psrtlslly In the corporate limits of Bellevue and within nice walk ing distance of Bellevue college; excellent view, the very best of soil and land lss good: slight Improvements; good place (r stock feeding purposes twell sheltered) or for speculation. Thia la for Immediate ale. and the price la MOKE THAN RIGHT. Think of It, U0;4-cnly tuo pet acre, investigate, ORIS a MERRILL C, Rooms liU-14. City Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE raltxt HAMH LAN UN rOR SALB Arkaaeas. M. PER ACRE-1W acres la the fruit belt of Arkansas. N. W. V Sec. SS-J1-4, eight miles northeast of lUrdy. Sharp county. Neighbors enguged In farming. raising trull, stock snd poultry. Mild neaitniui climate: pure water, suriic lent timber for home use. Veima cask. W. U. 01KFIN. st Brsndels Bldg.. Omshs. Neb. fieorgla. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traveraed by tne ATLANTA. HI KM i Nil HAM ATLAN TIC RA1R0AD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops, ah ths money crops or the south plentifully producsd. For literature treat ing with thia coming country, Its soil, climsu, church and school advantages, writs W. H. LEAHY. TEPT. K, Ueneral Paiotenger Agent. ATLANTA, OA. Iowa. ) THE easiest wsy to (lnd a buyer (or your (arm is to Insert a smell want ad In ths Dsa Moines capital. Largest cir culation in tus stats of lows, 4,uuu dally. Hie Capital is read by and believed la by the standpatteia of Iowa, wno simply letuea to permit any suier paper In liieir Ihomee. Rules, I sent a word a day; 41.4s per Una per month; ceuat sia ordinary wurue vi tue line. Auarsaa 11 kapital. Dee Moines, la. j Mlasaart. What's That YouSay? a vomieci lor iro.n iw in ihw acres of fruit lands, three railroad tooaite lots snd 2b snares of stock in a Lww-avrs oronard, ail fur pay a Lie aw down si.d tin per mouth es Sir! and m per cent of these lands are less t..eii la ni. ics Hum lamoad ui Keynolua Iron and Wayne counties. Invutiaaia 'ibis Is aa Investment lust may mean much to you. ha. i N OLDS COUNTY FKUIT LANDS CO., A Karbach Block. 'Poone Doug la ell, iiiu. A-MI7. Aebraaka, 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, IS to tM rc.n Actio. We have (or sals over X.WM acree of Cheyenne county, Nebraska a choices! (arm land, where the crop yields tor 12 years, Including lklw and UU, average with the best In ths stale. Alfaita. aiso a leading crop. Better aolL water lnd climate oannot bo tuund. Write tor full Iruormatlon loday. Agenu wanted every- w ncie. FLND1NU8LAND INVESTMENT CO., Sidney, Neb. Farm bar mm i n. . ,,Mi.a d. . .. . . Orin fc. Merrill. Us City Ns Ba. ui.i Sarpy Lo. 40 Acres Alt i 1 W afiee. everv t. tt . .,.,. choice location, neat Improvements, M mtiea out. if you do not want omihm. choice uo not bother me on this. Posses- on If tskra at once. Price, K.KW; Uieil vi tena lain. ALo w seres, easy terms. Good buy. ORIN 8. MERRILL CO.. Rooms liit-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg FOR SALE Homestead rellmmlan-.ni Improvementa, eeven muea from Dunning, on tne main line' of a. t 4.; is acres, partly tented; a new frame house UU4; Irani, staule and granary: eieaant wall of water; on main county road. This Is a snap, aa it's a fine Odiry, stock propo sition, covered with fins growth of ' Immeuiate poSision. price only W.o. AOdraas W. M. Mover, Dunning. Kaasas. BARGAINS In farms; writs (or Use Kaaaa Land Co.. Yatea Center, Kan. M aetata. M ACRES, 4 miles from Benson, Min nesota: lea acree cultivate - .1 . meadow; drained by river; fine building.. I fenced with woven wire; used aa stock Morehart 4k Atchison. Mankato, Minn. Mlsoellaaeaaa. GOVERNMENT FARM ft mm Official la-PBJi- bOOk. "Free li,,an ,. mem ano. oescri oee every acre la partmenU: Attorney General. Supreme Li . 01 LD", 8u,r?: how ae-I court. Lincoln A.yium. Board o( Control cured (ree; our paper. The Homt-fw Dependent Children. Department of aeeker. contains 112 township, section ; Banking, penitentiary, Boaid of Irrlga piata and maps abowuig exact location; , tlon. Soldiers- Home. Burkett; Rsllarsy REAL ESTATE 14JAA9 VMAHA orwperu' and .uiaa u kurt nisi, as TA t at CO. Itll Neat Oinana Nat'i smi Bundiaa. MuNAY to tuan on euaineaa or re dence properueai, ti.Sus to taenia). W. Vnuka. r irst Nat l aisoa Bldg. a AJa'i tuiy city aoeae and warraata, a. t ai naw amrt a ca. llt Faraaat at. $aa to Sav,aia aiaas aataMnpuy. aveaao. vveau avus.. aatfi aue e CUaAUA Attt'l CITY iXMNs. jmtiiaritrg Cat, aVtMS ftf bsM Wax HE.IL tHTAIK WANTMt V. E have cuatomcra galore lor acreage , properi arouno omatia and rio. on.ana. i For quick aaie list your pioprny w.th ua Iaa wut-e. ..-n avcai asiaie ami in surance Agency. Itttj l arnau tM. phonos Tyler ttCI, A-BU APRIL 20, 1912. Drawn POR. WOLVERTON FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE-IS lots la Waterloo, la., for land In N. Iowa, Minn, or S. Dak Mention price of land. Address Y . care Bee I handle tra4s everywhere. If yoawaat results caU leen. I7 Bee Hide. IX IX. "LAND FOR AUT0M0 BILE." Have M acres of Isnd dear In Rock county. Nebraska, that I will trade (or UU machine. Prefer Hupmoblle. H care time ha. Bee. Council Bluffs. FOB SALE or exchange, homeetead re linquishment of 4Se aerea, I miles from town. For particulars writs Cues. Fisida, F-llsworth, Neb. WANTlCl TO BCT Household gile, clothes ft shosaD71 Blai P ASIT Vt 1R STI.VV.R " "ida.id. D. . td-kaoo aouua Ktser. Iws cooler. D. Seal WANTED SITUATIONS YOl'NG lady drslres poslilon aa housekeeper to gentleman, refined home pxeisrred to large wagea Phone Douglas cms. M S44. Bee. WANTEI Place aa porter In saloon; referencea If required Phone II. s.J. LAUNDRESS wants day work. Kk N. rttx Ave. Harney f.m' V) tain Flr.t-i.laas, p. actual uuise. 11 Klu. A-Oit Day work. Due an hour Harney tVAa. BUNDLE washing, w cents a dussm rough dry, cents a dos. Wsbnter 11 at. Cuitalna leuudeied. JOc up. Guar. VV.fcfta Famliy and buoule launury. guar, VV. mW CARPENTElt repalrina- aapat; laity. Harney 1(J4. C'Altl ENTER. repairing a aueclalty. Webeter 71. LAUNDRY work taken home. W. ISA. 1st ciana launuress. Msry liunler. W biot. LADY wants day work. TsL D. 7H7. LACE curtuln specialty work; guar. Web. 1W. YOL'NO couide want hutel or boardlna bouse to manage; city or country. N eiX, wee.- FAMILY washing or bundls work; day work; house cleaning. Webster aawi. Mrs. Uertrude German cleana all klnda curtains, 1 pr. tl. Call evenings. D. till. EXPERIENCED chambermaid would" like to get work, to go home nights. a xot, care nee. MIDDLB-AOED women wants position caring (or one or two children or aa In valid. Uli Jsynea St. sweeping r washing. Webner list. TOL'NU lady wishes position ss slenog- rsphar: experienced Address O , Bra POSITION as housekeeper by a nice, re spectable lady, a years, (or good re fined widower; must be respsctsbls; otherwise don't answsr. Address Y Sri, Use. YOUNG lady wants housework to do gatuiday aiternoono and Sundays. Ad diets O S4I. rare Bee. YOUNG lady wants a poeltlon as strn- ogiapher; willing to slsrt with small saiary. Address If S41, Bee. WANTED Situation as housekeeper. Strictly honest and rsllabl. Call liar. ney fciss. WANTED Day work. Itiona D. loli'. UVE STOCK MARKET OP WU1 kip your .lock to South Omaha, aavs gflileags and aiiniikage. i Your eoosiaa. ttienis racaiva prompt and sarafiil allaa Lies gtoeb Cass laetoa Merekaata Brers Bros ft Co. Strong and rosponslbla WOOD BBOS.. 84-ts kxcheage Bldg. Great W est Com. Co . omsha A Denvse. W. R, bMiVII a son jut handle sbssA Clay, Hobmaon a Co.. a Esinange Sidg. Interetate Co. Better roauite. soil; le ua CLIFTON Com Co.. Ui ISacnange Bldg, Cox A Jones Com. Ca., bunch of hustlers l E Robbwis cu. mi ascaTBidg. 'Fanners L. 8. Com. Co.. so Esch. Uida Martin Broa a Co.. Wi-t k.xea Bug. TAOtJ BHOi4. beadle lallle. bogs, sbesa, Deposit piocseds of snipoanu la It toes tarda A at I ttaoa Oaiy baak at yarda OMAHA. THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO- a rain me-obeaiA Coasigiisteata soilcltsd. 714 BrandetA LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR 8TATB PRINTING. Bids will ba received by the Commis sioner o( Printing at the office of the secretary of stste et Lincoln. Nebraska, on or oerore 4 p. m. taaturdav, April Ti, 1SI2, for S.OU0 copies Report of Stste Bosrd of Agriculture; l.Ono copies iteiort of State Board of Horticulture; l.U copies U Ml ailalll..n t..la..a.ln u,. lr i.ii.-" . ail I1,.. .Z..T. -I." Gvnrl. Nebraska lnduntrlal Hofu. tftate Auditor. UrtnopiHlic Hoplt&l. tpdnti"ri (or unvt rui be found on tii In lh offtc of th Berntrf of atat. All bida muil be aftccompankd by a, bond rgual In arauunt to tnt prubAhlab rout of th work btd upon. Th CommMjnr rrervfj the right to reject any or ail btda. Uncoln, NVbraaka. April 17, H. Q. THOMAft. sUeputy Commlaaloaer of Frtntinic. LIEUTENANT WATSON IS ORDERED TO PHILIPPINES! Second Lieutenant Edwin M. Watnoo Eleventh infentry. aide to General fimlt.i jo( the Iiepartment of the Missouri, w in baadijuurtera at Omaha, is transferred (h. Taentv.fourth Inf.nirv foe .. , , . . . ... in the Phtl.ppine Islands and will proce"d to Join the regiment- Bee Want Ads Produce Results. 1 . for The Bee by YIP ,m mm . I GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THK QUARTERMASTER. rnrt i.an, Colorado. April is. isis. Seolnl ttrtiposls In triplicate wll be re ceived here until 10 a. m. May U. I'll. for furnishing Fuel Coal required during tne tiscai yesr ending June to. uii, at Fort Loaan. Colorado. Information fur nished on snpllcstlon here. Enveloiies to be marked "prnioesls for fuel coal. Fort Ixigan. Colorado." T. T Frlssell, Captain and Quartermaster, U. s. A. Als-ls-W-SlM-U-U PRINTING - DEPOT Q17ARTKRMA8- tar's Offlcs. Omaha, Neb., March U. 19ir Sealed propoeals will be received hero until 11 a. m., April K, Ills, for printing required at Hdqra Dept. of ths lo and Depot Unartermaster a Office. i tnia city, during tne xiscai year com niencing July 1, mix inlorniatlon lur- alahed on appllcntton. John K. Baxter, Depot. , M. Mch -a-M Apl l-!.il RAJLWAI TIME CAKD l.MOA STA tlUA lealb and Maauu. laloa Pacific - (Mptlt, A I. ssa. ma. o-niaas LlBlta..s hi s 1 is Iklaa A Jap.ii UA Hill .... I S s IX aitstiiie astea. S 1 IS On es Kasr. ...ll.Msa B I. IS Lm AssIm LlmlleS .alt it ssi s A DMver Ssecl.1 St. St .a s Lit Oeuealal Slat, if 1st .11 M sa UIH Cotsrau. gierA S t:M Sat II.H tliwa wauiiim I sites. ...sit IS set . S) i. n.nB ri.ii. uei a . H .at . 1 11 Ors lal.nS tees! s I. IS sal BIS A Bimsubsrg tcel SU.it sa llSla tblcago, Hoot; Island Pacific gAST. Recbr Sisuir Ubm sil . sa sM SI tSiMe i.!Kal ruMnsM..-..-SlSA S141S (klcasa lr It. ., SIMMS S I SS Ckicas kasrea. .a 4. IS sia lis bae Molaae Uical PumssW. -s 4.J1 Bl:il CklBWB-Nssruts blialua ...s S.A a t.M WSST. CkirMe-N.a US. Is U.iiiB..s I si aa a I II CfclCMS-Ceaar.4. gisraM. ...s 1:11 sal S i.Stf 0ht.k.aia A Talks Kapreaa... I US sa SU.al kwkr Meaatala Llsilus... .aU.il aia .u.N Lhiuaac, ntiisvainkoo at bt. Pant Uaerlaas ualus a?iS.s a t.ll rafrr laical 4I.4&S SU aw cemraiia aa.raa... s a-as sa s A LoleiMla Ssacial S flat aia a t is farry LlMl . , S 1,14 sat au.aa ililNola Cealral vklc.te kistaet sl klsa SIX vsiaBae kaafciua sssm a s.as .. a M aa Aoraaaaearera MuMTatuiUJIu, Mlaaeesella-llt f.si tusaa...s Misa Aiuaaaiwil.!. r.ul Manias... I .la) via S I S t als tur aUfiaa. Iiaa ami sis.w kama cur iMii a .... sib a a .aa MinaasailS a ifakuU bte-"'S lias sa. S S.l. leak cur iaauiau sliesa s 1.4V aAe.wutB. csmli bwal tl.s sa a i ts sa iwriisiu t,e.eae ,.,.S1ia.i iNansat CBlaaav S Ilia aia cauaaa Lweal ....Satis, aak CBUaae-lleiaSs .... ,. CSfthaee Sseauu .s I N SA raettie I nt'i kli.SB A S-A He le Sns.lM Uauiad A kias , uiaeMaS usuies.i sl.Aaa CairiHl laiaal Bias sat Sua tail s t aa aa v.a.ai naai 14a gleea CUy sad llaaaka . a ii a S11 a 1.1 a ais.e e s.t aia. a a t.i alia UaaluS 11 11 sa WSSTaHlUMO. siau m m Uag Ptas tiaiMik-uallae baellBse.Saettar Il aas paaSeaeS-HA SSrfllS .-A ua s sa a sa (awec-Laaser stiAsia rienaa.t-aUkiaa s s.sa Ma kvattasb oaasa .-St. keels gif laa. . . .. I S ya Mail saS Kaiaas A VA) aa. Staakenr Laal Urea C u..k t.ae sa 1 sa a sa ass raotflo I.C 1 H gtpraaa..s S:M sa IL C. a Sa. baau luiaa..aUjl sa us a ..a tslcsgs tareat V eetera . Tans uu taaliss s I -Si sa aa as sa a sa Tela cur baaraw. a l aa am .... ..asa sa Harllaalea lulus leath 4k Maaaw a UarUaatea . Paean. Arriae .... i.is ya s 1. a sa ...B ..la saa s s.a sa ...sl.Mua Ilka ...a t.JS sa s t.a sa ...S I aa pa ait at ya ...all a sa s . las ...a 'U aa jg y ...S I saaT aw I. . u a ..au ..4Ua as .M ...a liana .11. u sa ...all .1 sa il su .... a ar lkw ...S IS ya. Ilku ...k I.N sa Sis. a aa ...a IS a ail as aa Desesr a Calltorala. rasas aeaas aakcea.... Kaaruaa fatata siaca ain. Uaaeia Mall tutraeeaaa k-sra as tlekraaaa SMraaa ScSuyiM-yauiaakaiMk .... Piatt kaiaaae-riatbaaiasjth . Cktaaai SsMial baaiaar Saaai ........ Ckuase kasiaa Cklcaae sui Craaas (la t Uaai.... Lfaia aasraa. kaasM 1.111 .all. M ya a l a aa cur a si. 4aaeb..,4 sits sa e Lie sa Webeter Sta tana ISIb aad Webster MUeaerl reel fie Daert ... ias sa Atria UM aa A .Sera tseel .. Si i car Bip ..hIJO ugas a a sa ..k I I aa ..... SIMS City Paaaansa tela Cur faiangir let Sails. IN S.Ur sai Osaka Lecal CH KAN STEAMSHIPS. French Line Ci I liii il il 0 1 1 Ii II 17 aaaes. sad leeaae MalSaaa ins Telephone Your Want-Ad Tyler 1000 I I im 17 "Bud" Fisher Tuttle Drinks Acid to Cast Off Weight . of Advancing Years Temporarily uuana while In .poor health ' and (earing that ha was growing too eld to ba useful, John M. Tuttla drank ths contents of a bottls of carbolic acid on Tuesday afternoon about l:M o'clock la ' his horns at 97) North Twenty-eighth avenue. This verdict was reached yesterday aft srnoon by ths jury which loves tl gated Tuttle's death. Ho was a pioneer of Omaha and known to thousands as "the mayor o( Sheeley." It was brought out that Tuttla had been despondent (or soma time. Just whara ha procured ths poison waa not learned. Dr. McClenaghaa told of how the poison burned the throat, mouth, neck and stomach. The funeral will probably be held Sun day afternoon, though ins arrangements (ur the services have not been completed. Runaway Horse Hits Man on Car While reading an account of the Titanlo disaster on the rear platform of a south-. bound csr at Sixteenth and Chicago streets early laal night Michael McCulll-, gan, a bartender, living at 0 South' Seventeenth street, waa seriously Injured when a runaway horse dsshed across . Chicago street and up on ths platform. McCiilllg.ii wss knocked half way through a window and his fscs and shoulders badly cut. Both of Iho horse a syea were cut out and Us skull crushed when It struck the Iron work on the car. McCulllgan was rushed to police head quarters, -lisie Polios Surgeon Ash re stqrsd hint to consciousness and attended ' hi Injuries. Later ho waa taken to bis , horns In an ambulance The boric was hitched to a grocery delivery wagon and became (Tightened whan a newsboy rati directly under Its I head. The wagon was wrecked aad the animal will have to be killed. . NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO PREPARE FOR CONTESTS Aa acting chairman of the republican national committee, Victor Rosewater Is notifying the members to prepare (or a meeting early In June to take up the question of contests. Hlg letter reads aa follows: Id vlsw of the certainty of a large - number of contests, I write now to ad- . vise you that I will call the national committee lo meet In Chicago some time , during the first wsek In June to take up the work of making the temporary roll for the convention. This Is not the formal call convening the committee, but merely . a personal notice . that members may have ample time to arrange to be present. : The Importance of having a (ull attend ance will, of course, be appreciated by alt" 1 COUSIN OF OMAHA WOMAN AMONG DEAD Or TITANIC Mrs. H. Hoaenstock of SM Harney street la greatly concerned ever the fate of her cousin, B. L. Foreman o( New Tork City', who booked paasege upon the Titanic on the laat trip. I have tried to learn whether my coualn was among the saved, said Mrs Roaenstock last night, "but hare received Informstlon that would offer any hops. I can hardly wait (or definite In formation so aa to know whether he I among the survivors or one of those who ' went down with the big boat." OCEAX STEAMSHIPS. ft WHITE STARft Dominion Canadian Strvhm HnCAt-QuEBEC-lfVtBPOOt ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA M.raatlc Mar 11. J I. Jr 4 araetoeleMar ll.Je 11. J 11 Uaraatal Mr .Je H.JJ CaaaSa Juaa i. Jaly if First WJJO. fieued tU.TX, Oa-CtusCssa 1 1 1 1 USSIU Iktrd CbaUIJi Hum Arranae book Inert with cecal Ageata er Company's Otace. Cbitsaa, III. SCANDINAVIAN A-ericai Lai liOBWAT, SWEDEN WZL aaaaa .uiaau C.IU4 ataaal. Hw U. OLYMPIC E?2'"V aAMrC oaasr It. Jsae H. llAn JLS Pirn da 171 AS a Jaaa a t. Ja.a a Saa S Claaa, aaa a. a 40Hsu.a its. ia wi iil. v ur a Newest and Finest Continental Steamer S.S.France fZIZk,.. Ii terew Turki.i Kama affaea. Tkaa with sr Se keth. Terkub Sak. I. I I il. atere . artssnariae, daily sepa , hsrsr r. aval ry taaaav le aaaece e i-1 J-n,rf-4 . Na Vaab laa t a NaarTerl Mar t till Baaatartr I .Mafia. Is mm1L I M Nai'l Bnk: J. B. Kr- I