The Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL PAGES ILEVIN TO TWENTY. Silk Hat.Harry His Side Splitting Stunts Daily On Our Magazine Page YOU XLl-XO. 24. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKXIXti, APKIL .'(l, V.H S1XGLK I'OI'Y TWO CUNTS. Y1 More of Those Famous $5.00 Suits for Boys A newly arrived lot of our famous J 3. HO suits, with two pairs of pants, again places us in a position to meet all demands. Those who have seen them require no second invitation. Those who have not will buy oil sight-just as others have done. They are absolutely A 1.1. WOOL and, at the lowest calculation, are worth $6.50. You won't be able to buy as good anywhere else but Bennett s for $.".00. Double-breasted and Norfolk J'tyles, as the boy may like. Other two-pauts suits at, ana ?i. : Silk Boot Hose, 50c Looks and wear go together in'thls beautiful silk boot hosiery at 50c the pair. Comes in black and colors and has lisle tops and soles which insure sat isfactory service.' . ' . Women's srik lisle hos iery in all of the wanted colors, such as pink, sky, champagne, pearl, steel gray, new shades of green: light, medium and dark tans; navy.-aiul Mack nil unite; :0o' the pair. Women', fin litis hoss with double tops and soles,' tlrree-pain fr $1. A bi( lis of woman's ample hosiery, in liaik and lolorv, ij marked to clnec out. at -!c the pair. Boys' and ntms' fin and nuaiam nbbd nose, worth :ji)c .tlie pair, Satur day. 1JV Gloves for Summer Women's washable doeskin gloves with one large pearl button for fastening; very dressy and specially desirable for spring aud summer wear; J 1.00 the pair. Women's lit button length, washable tkieskin glotes; unexcelled for service: the pair. Women's two-clap silk gloves in all of the want ed shades, and black and white: the famous Kayser make, 50c, Tic and $1.00 the pair.. Kj scr'n Itt-hutton length .silk glove In all colors and sites. J 1.00 and .60 the pair. Two lots of nice spring suits, worth up to $4.00. will be closed out Sat urday at ( C $2.95 and tSltJj Tou will surco with us that in these two lot you ran find some of the best bargains you have ever known in suits specially adapted to the roueh-and-reatiy wear of school and vacation days. Several patterns and style to choose from. t Blue Serge Suits of Superior Quality Wa i, ,1,1 ih inakrra of these suits that we expected them to turn out a nuamy at the price that would make for our blue serge suits the best repu talicm in Omaha and it seems as though everyone we have sold has sold another one. Parents find satisfaction in recommending such suits as these to others who want the best clothes for their boys at the least prlie con sistent with qualltv. Iioiible-breasted and Norfolk styles-some with an extra pair of pants-S4.6o, 15.00. i.00 and $7.50. Spring and Summer Furnishings for Boys Kverythins that is new and desirable in boys' spring and summer hals, caps. Mouses and haberdashery is to be found In this department. For Satur day we price some of the faimus Puritan blouse waists at 45c each to help make this Saturday's business the greatest of the month. "'Little Tudor" rompers, 50c the garment. Noted for the quality of fabric and workmanship. Besides being comfortable for the little folks, they save mother lots of work. Manhattan Wsch 2tiic The '" that are made of tub-tested rriannaiian WflSn OU1T.S fabrics and which are guaranteed to give prrfert satisfaction, 49c to $3 oa the suit. A large range of styles and colorings for mothers to choose from. ,iij'ini-- - i i ------iinrrrifiJ'n'iri n.i iJiJirLru,ijLru'u LiU'inrrin.n.nii'i.rLmui., i. OMAHAS GREAT mi STORE Shirts for Men : Newest, Dressy Styles There's a shirt here for every purpose and purse as this brief word will show. Some of them bear special prices for Saturday's selling only. New shirts, with plain or plaited bosoms, in new, neat, dressy patterns, f l. no $1.50 and $2.00. $1.50 soft shirts with French ruffs and collars to match, made of woven striped madras, very specially priced at $1.15. Soft shirts In .solid colors or with neat pin stripes, French cuffs and military collars attached, $1.00 each. Rlue Amoskeag chambray shirts with soft collars, guaranteed fast colors, sites up lu 17, 4c each. Soft collar shirts in plain colors, or with neat stripes, 49c each. Men's Spring and Summer Men's 35c imported silk lisle half hose, with double soles, in gray, tan. navy and black: Saturday, 25c pair. Men's new belts, 50c and 75c. New silk four-in-hand ties in all of the newest pat terns including the ultra-fashionable bar-striped effects, as well as the new shades in plain colors; 25c, 35c, 50c. Men's and young men's bats in all of the newest blocks and plain and rough materials, $2.00 and $2.50. Furnishings-Some Reduced .New caps tor spring and su miliar wear, o0c, aoc, $1. I iiion Suits with tinned much, mi. ..I.- i.. . new style that is a big Improvement over the old. . .Madi of spring and slimmer materials. $2.00 "Mtesize" lisle union suits, white or ecru. Saturday only, $1.50. "5c white or ecru Porosknlt uuion suits, E9c. PoroBknlt shirts aud drawers, whim and ecru, 2 i- The Man Who Buys a Bennett $15.00 Suit Will Get All of the Quality, Sltyle and Ser- r vice ae would uer m ine wv.w to Suits of Other Stores. AM) IIK WILL tlKT MOKK. lie will get higher grade fabrics than he lias ever before known In suits selling at and in between thoso prices. We have been spo- cialiiiug in $15.00 suits for aevoral sea sons. Wo sv to it that only I he best grades of foreign and do mestic woolen am used In their construct Unt hi Kind that custom tallora use for their $::o.(iil In $40.00 suits. W e pljc the orders only willi tail ors who know how ti quality of finish the high standard of this store demands. We've a splendid assortment of patterns and colorings. In styles to please al tastes. In sites to (it all men. We want you to Inspect them even though you may not be on buying bent. Blue Serge Suits at 510.(0 We call these our ' tlu.Ma 111. I K MKIt'.ltf, HI'K CIA I." anil a comparison will tell yon l:he story or why. Tsllnreu. Ilneu and mmmeu as s senile msn's clothes should lien atn to be tbo best JI0 00 blue serge suits ever offered the ojn of omalia Sliea range trom 31 to 4:. other suits at prices varying fnai.' 110 00 to, A Oreac rants Salt Saturday$l,50 There are about US pairs or rilr t trouseni. wiuch comprise the odds .ti, d oi lm j.enlnK of this season, made of wool and worsted materials, ind formerly priced up to IJ.oo the pair, to close out this Matorday at 1 1 40. it von do not find what you wish In I Ills collection. Inspect the other lines ..rued at II. i to $ so- many prices In between. Women's Suits, $19.45 : Coats, $10.95 : Dresses, $9.95 Ak if "'X- ' i,i ii;iii4. a mm ?1V i CI m cand Other Sat'day Bargains Sure to Make Hosts of New Friends for This Department TI1E WOMEN'S SUITS AT $l!t.4"i wt'if jluwtl ou snlf Friday anil from tlie receptiuu ami tins liuinlicr we suit! wp an It-tl to Mieve thov ure tin host suit lmr);a,iun '. tottered in iJinaha tins soais'ori. 'J HE ALLKS KANUE I' KU.M $-.'t..0 to SfkilLoU eat-li suit showing a marked individuality in the matter of tnminings,tnionnff. style. ant r"7f ol. Tl. ,.,:..! . .i 1 .,:., i. ...:.. .,..,. .. . 41,.. ..,.,.. ;m,.i.i..., ...,! 1 n... 1, ...... 1....... l......,l. , 41.: --Tiiui;3ji. jut- liuitt'l lilis tu M'lte, w lllK til u.", IllillllllMl 1IIIA I ill CP, lam v noiicuo, i-ic,,, im: viu nuii- 1111 imit-n eiiiPir riiinit'n IIIHI MiUliep tlllll liiivv in--u imimiiii, out, mi iji. season: the stvles are coined or modified from those debitrtied bv the best toreimi and Amoriciin nrtixts; the sizes are for misses, mum II women, women of nveraire size and the very large woman. That no one may be disappointed in the matter of selection we have taken some from our own stoek to replace those sold Friday equal value. Up to $20.00 Coats, Saturday or 95 For Dresses Worth up to $20.00 inese uresses are maue oi exira quaiuy series in ine uew high waist line styles and show side effects in the skirts with apron panels at the back. Plain colors and stripes, high and low neck, V tliree-quarter sleeves. 'Values, $1 3.00 to $L'0.(HI, Saturday, ? 1 For Saturday inwai upcuiaid Evenings Selling Several stvles of striped and plain colored messaline silk waists, that save Just been received, with lace yoke and high necks or low necks and lace col lars; in appearance equal to the $5.00 waists of most stores, but regular priced at $3.60 here, Saturday evening, from 6:30 to 9:00, only 91.0.1. One lot of slightly soiled and massed tailored waists of extra quality percales In various patterns; hare separate collars; values up lo $1.75; Saturday evening, trom 6:30 to 9:00, only 80c. ' Plain tailored antl novelty .styles, in good variety, to fit both women and misses. Made of high grade serges, novelty cloths, wliiiM-ords, mixtures and black taffeta silks. Former prices ranged from $14.!).") to $2l--all in one lot Saturday nt $0.'Xt for your elide mm White Lingerie Waists.98c irons of lass, sold at this prtcs Balsas you .at this ad .at aaa trlnf It with yoa. Just 500 In the lot, comprising about 15 styles In all of the newest Innovations high and low necks, long and short sleeves, peplunia, etc. ACTUAL $1.50 VAI.l'EB for Batur day only, to those who bring this coupon with them 98c Undermuslins,49c-$1. c One lot of gowns, skirts, corset covers and drawers of fine sheer materials, prettily trimmed, with luces and embroideries; uuderuius-' lins that have sold up tp 85c the garment, on special table, Tor Saturday only at ine for your choice. . Combination suits consisting of either corset cover and drawers or corset cover and skirt; daintily trimmed, In many new effects, with lares and em broideries; up lo $2.75 values specially priced for Saturday only, at fl.lW. m Fresh Candies Specially Priced Fresh Fluffeta chocolate -the kind with the soft, creamy centers regularly 50c the lb., Saturday, iiflc. ( ocuanut macaroons, reg ularly priced at 30c the lb., made especially for this Saturday's sale, !0r. Assorted cream wafers, regularly priced at 40c, Saturday, 29c tbe lb. Great Diamond Sale These bargains are genuine and real jr and are for Saturday only. Each stone is p,,re whlte and prfect'y cut- ln AfZS nliliiiiin to these you can find diamonds, C Jia H-karat mountings, at this store at asaaaata $5.00 and up $175 Diamond, karat size. $125 $8 5 Diamond. 5-8 karat size. $55 $35 Diamond, 1-4 karat size. $22.50 We carry the largest stock of diamonds of any department store In the entire Middle West, and our personal guarantee goes with every one we sell. You save on every diamond purchase you make here. $1 Union Suits. 75c Extra fine $1.00 union suits In low neck and umbrella styles, trimmed with torchon laces; no sleeves: the right weight for between-season wear: Saturday 75c the suit. Woman's ons-by-on. rib- Childrsa's tin sea anion salts In every lc- rlbbtd anion salts sired style fur spring, maria at 26c. Low neckn, by one of the most reputalfle no uleeves, tight manufacturers. tl.0u the fittlnr knees, gitrmpnt. This Karment Women's lifht vannut be duplicate)! in qual- wolfht wool Tost. Ily hi the price aaa pant, ror spruiic elsewliere In wear veets have OniHha. blah necks and lona Woman's fin. Jor- sleeves ami the soy ribbed anion pants coii.e in kne suits in light knoe or ankle lengths-- or uinhrellu styles. while only, regular excellent value at 76c garments, Hal- rc the garment uruay. bOc. Women's plain or trimmed low neck sleeveless vests. 25c. 15c and J Woman. onion salts of fin. UsU throsd; tight knee styles with low necks and without sleeves; II. 10 the suit. Women's Its oot ton ambrolla styl. aloa units wliii best torchon lai:o trimming; a very fliierior value at 11.00 the sull. Woman's antra fins anion salt. full triii med with torchon lace, a reg ular $10" garment, for UTaturuay's selling. 7Sc. Woman's rood 4jaallt7, nmbrslla atyls onion salt, with torchon la. e H? arimmlng, iiOc tho suit. '. -i.r.rui., i. 'u L'u'i. ui-"-M-, 1 1 Girls Wash Dresses These dre.sscH ure tiinilar to the wash dresses we jiaced on sale last Saturday and we consider ourselves fortunate in being ' able to duplicate such an offer. It came about a position to relieve a manufacturer of a part of fltilng garments made of best quality percales a lous light and dark colored patterns. Some the styles are rather plain while the others are elaborate as one would want In a wusb dress. Tbe sites range from 6 to 14 years. 98c through our beiug. in his surplus. Perfect ml ginghams. In vac- of Sale Girls' Coats Black, blue, tan and gray ma terials with white or tan collars and cuffs. The variety of styles Is ample and the range from 2 to 6 years. These Saturday prices show a reduction of an av erage third from regulur- 84.50 S3.75 82.75 81.98 Children's Coats Mothers must see these coats If they want lo know all of their good points made of beautiful white serges, for little ones from two to six years of age. 1 4 00 and $j.00 values, for Saturday only 2.75 taw W Roses worth $1.00 and $1.50 the doz. Saturday 39c Carnations, worth 60a and TSo a dosoa, Bator day only aso AIM spools! prioss .a Ferns. Ooraaluau and jacinths. Toilet Goods at Less Saturday 7bc jar Tonpetan mas Mtgi ereain 49e h' tub. I'ebeco tooth paste 30 pnn'l's Z.V Vanlshliuc k-ream for ISo Wottuhiiry's 2 jc facial rrm 19o I'ond's and Mennen's -'.' tslcum 16o Muia, Isabell's 60o pow der Its Z.'.c Itox Sanltol tooth powder 10 J.',,; box Lyon's tooth p,,w- . der 17e Z5e cake Woodbury's facis'. soap .21. 10c cake I'almullre. a'uip at Tc "Odorshun" for prevent ing cwlors caused friitil perspiration S5o One lot of Lie talcuan at Ihix ao l'lnau'l's rc T.llss do l-'ram-e toilet -ater 6Se Ssc sehlliui powdors..aoo hassafras baik, pkg., l&c, loo anJ. .. ., .5c (0c bottle Svrup ot tr 46o II 0 bottle Udla Pink, haul's Compound. ... .see II 00 bottle Duffy's Melt for : So ViMcriptlons aeearat.IT and emrofoUy eomnooadad ia .or Drag Star. Madame Grace xUuorld Corsets ARK REAL BEAUTY BUILDERS. The woman who would appear at her best should aeleet Madame Grace corset from our large assortments. It will assure her a fashionably correct foundation for her new suit or gown and will prove a most satisfactory garment in every way. Thec beautiful models give the figure such smooth li nes; such grace and suppleness we recommend them unhesitatingly to women who seek the best The proper bust, the requisite length of nips, the beautiful materials and trimmings make these corsets the foremost corset ot the spring and sum mer season. Madame lirare Corsets sell at $3.00. $3.50, $4.00, $0.00. $7..".0 and up to $:& . American Beauty Corsets, at $1.00, ll.uO. $2.u!, $3.00 and np to $5.00. For those who wish a popular priced corset. n.MPrea will attend you and assist you in the selection of tbe corset best adapted to yourfgurT All corset, selling at $3.00 or morewlll be fitted. BENNETTS PURE FOODS AT LESS SATURDAY -ITS. of ls.ttT 'oy apacial sffsr of a aack . 61-36 Bennett s tvst Coffee and : sumps, lb a5c J-ihs. Bennett's lst coffee and Co stamp for 61.00 Assorted teas and Ti stamp, lb Tea alftings and 1. stamp I lb IS U-lb. can pure pepper and t.mna . 1. Pint can Gaillard's pure olive oil reduced to Butter Special I Bennett's Capitol creamery j butter, fresh from tlie churn I the finest butter made anv- where in I-lb. brick of i guaranteed weight. Saturday. . . JJ' reanut butter, and I atamtM, lar '. 16. llorserauish and & stampis Mule 10c Taor. wiU bo a sal of HOst HADE BKEAO, VICa. CaZE6 and FAkTBIEg ia ta. par. food tor. Babuday. Cleaned currants and i stamp. pound IS He Bennett's Capitol pram and stamps, can . - - Iten s tiraiiam and Tourist cra-x-er?, witii l stamps, pkg. 10c! T'-aslo vorn flaKes atd 10 stampe -0 .-lh tan Knr..vlt t'apit-d 1 "l:is P" der and ! '. liamCT IS 5 lt.s. hiiw-l iwivy (! f..r fnll cream i-f. -. -n P Bennett's Capitol extract atalnps. bottle Large can Fnider's porx beans and 20 stamps . . . 3s I YogotaM. aaa no' all kinds, nag. and .180 and aoe of lb sac ;-lb roil I'reniiuui b'Jtt.rme. Kranoraied nertarinea specl ffer of a lb. for 15e 1 17 Lbs. Granulated I Sugar for I $1.00 I yujrt lottl ctlr or malt r-n- K-ir and I tanii. 3Q W alkcr ht iaiialei inl ) uur.s. ran 16c B?Jty ajiparasua antl ! st. can 30c ; ctsna Ererxrea com and tamp aoa Roller Skates In a Sale Saturday 1 M pal r-t of boy k" and r rl n' tall baartac roller akataa that regularly at 2 i0 ti.e pair, Sal unlay only 91.75 20 imiitx of hoyV and ajirl'a roliar akataa, pur- cr.xrl at at ionrf ton n-i 6iiferrl ;$ i'tJ f-r fur Satur day a 1 k y 2jL beTjr rubor tr a:.d extra !ni handle. 1 1.1 values. Saturday Sl.l 3 Am Custom' designs, the kind that will be worn at New port and other fashionable .resorts, now being shown here at half custom prices, in the Faultless Fitting "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. For every occasion in all the fashionable fabrics and leathers. ll--Hardware Store Specials-11 nmTi . M-llne wrought steel rakea with cur red teeth, SUr. 12-tine mal leable steel rake, with broad shanks like cut . 19c mmu'illllJJI Wire lawn rakes with 2( teeth, full 20 Inchea wide, tinned malleable socket, reversible, like rut, Saturday These rlotbea lineal Square ' point, 'extra are or best quality, C8gt steel SDadea. 69c hard twisted cotton and lke cut are tun ou ieei m - ienitth. Very specially -Une spading forks priced for Satur- AVof malleable steel Ctim VV strao ferrules. . . .'W day only, at. Galvanized Tubs' Se No. 2 heavy galvanised tubs llke the cut, Saturday . . No. 2 heavy galvan- - land tubs worth 79c, Saturday at 55c 65c Polished garden hoea with blue finished riveted blades. 7'i Inch 10 blade l3' Children's 3-plere gar den seta: shovel, m rake and ho , . . .lC ;strap ferrules. . Wash Boards Good quality galvanized wash boards, like the illustration, that regularly sell at 30c each a a Saturday I Ml only VV MEAT SPECIALS PORK SHOULD EES 9'4C PORK BUTTS 12' C POT ROAST 12' ie, 10c, 8c PORK CHOPS 15c VEAL ROAST lSVaC, 10c HAMBURGER, 3 lbs. for 25c FRESH CHICKENS 10' lc CORNED BEEF, 3 lbs 25c 9-lb. pkg. LEAF LARD $1.00 M0RRELL HAMS IS'-jC M0RRELL SHOULDERS at. . 12' c BACON 18V,c, 16',c, 14 lie iraoa t to 6 r. at otlt PORK CHOPS 12' ii FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! Those famous Kedlands oranges shipjed direet to us, in carload lots, from liedlands, Cal. none better prown, doz. 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c. Kxtra fancy strawberries, box.... 10c 2-lbs. fancy rijw tomatoes for 25c Fancy wax beans, lb 17Va5 'J large bunches parsley for 5c .i largo heads plain lettuce 10c 4 bunches home grown onions 5c Ijirge. juicy lemons," dozen'. 20c Large Florida grape fruit 10c