10 THE BLK: OMAHA. SATLKDAV. APRIL JU, 191:2. HHMmif f-n-H-Tutrt i ' NOTABLE MILLINERY EVENT! 500 Copies Genuine French Hats I Purchased from Julius Smolin, Broadway, N. Y. Every One Is a Charming New Design. greatest millinery lirge. grace- nus is tlx AT Jr,ii? ljrai.l. hemp. IVeiuh chip straw t ' or KiiS!iii Mil.-m. trimmod in t 1 lower crown trim I ami ribbon cf- ncw Contincutal f jjtA iiihtg:-, slcnci 'ii!l!,,s triinmcd in bcl tM'AVy pros grain ribltou; ii NRfv-T Hiirut mcdinin t-izc st "V i'd tailored hats. fT "1 I Values up to $20.00, Jk J(J i-Iting and ul.so mnnv trcct lints Millinery in Easement Women '3 Sample Spring : Trimmed Hats G.0'J and " $7.50 value, at v . .$2.50 Women's Smart 'Banded Sailors; black, white, burnt. red and nnvv at....... $1.50 to $2.50 Women's Untrimmed Hats - Black, white and burnt- worth $2.50. t 81.00 "25c $mwW in h w&Wm- ! Millinery, of Smartest Character The woniau who seeks a hat that is strictly correct must come to this store where correct styles are designed. The designing and adapting of models to harmonize with the features of the women who wear them is an art that is mastered here. Maay artistic creations., designed to meet the de mands of the fashionable u-omau during the months ot .May and June are. here now and niauy may be seen Satur day for the first time. Any high ehtss hat from Brandeis cannot be dupli cated iu a cheaper model. NEWEST, CLEVEREST STYLES for 1912. I t Saturday Special Fancy Feather Stick-Ups All the, m-ason's newest trimmed effects Kmpire green, primrose, black working into solid white, etc. now colors in Mara bou effects, pheasant tails , nud fluffies, worthi up to $1.00, at.. i Sale of Leather afid Mesh' Bags $1.00 and $1.50 LEATHER BAGS at 79c 11 and 12-inch frames some leather covered but mostly . metal frames every bag real leather and many are lea- ther lined, rositively the biggest values ever " known, at $3.00 Leather Bags $1.69 Wonderful barilla la cepUontlljr fla bi. All leatbor bin!, 11-ln. . oildU- , ed triD, tu leather Un-, d and Imlde purte; nma bags ha double handle and two aid pocketi; all color. Many ityle to elect from, at ' '. GERMAN SILVER MESH BAGS $3.00,Cert8 silver Mesh Bags with six-inch framo, kid liued, at. $3.00. German' Silver Mesh liags, kid lined j beautiful grape design on frame and fringe of mesh hanging in points,' ut ; NEW STYLES IN SUMMER BELTS Patent leather alriped In pink and while, red and white, Q nary blue and white and pale blue and white, at, each, . OiC BRANDEIS STORES Showing Greater Varieties of Women's Rcadyto-Wear Apparel. Fashionable and Practical Suits and Frocks for Late Spring and Early Summer The New Season's Favorites-White Serge Suits White serge will take precedence this season. The most popular of all suits for every prac tical wear. A group of new arrivals in white serges, Bedford cords, whipcords and cotton cor duroys glace or earl button trimmings ratine or (?1Q CO C 20 (!f 2 s lace collars. Stunning suits in these four groups, at. . 7, vLOj !OwOUj $dD I Correct Footwear 1, Women s Men I You'll Find Greater Varieties in Our Shoe Section. Main Floor Old Store. RED CROSS SHOES FOR WOMEN We are Omaha agents for these celebrated shoes. Fash- ioned according to the most advanced ideas of shoe uiak- ing to give perfect comfort. All leathers, all stylos in shoes, oxfords and pumps. Sizes . (j O C( a J from 2o to 9; at, pair JO.JU 10 2m 79c! I Women's Clever New Wash Dresses cSi"i?i; $6 98 ttyls) la new, at v Vl mm 7 $1.69 :$i.98 $2.98 i BRANDEIS STORES SERGE DRESSES at $5.00 Those practical spring frocks in black and navy with three-uarter sleeves and low neck, silk collars and cuffs, etc., etc. SPRING COATS at $10.00 These coats are made of serges, worsteds, silks,' taffetas, shantungs, etc., etc. LINGERIE and VOILE WAISTS ScoreB of these clever, new "con tie" or peplum styles now the rage every where; three groups, at $1.98, $2.50, $2.93 Women's New Silk Waists 1 Chiffons, raessa lines . and taffetas in every new style idea, at S3.98 Waist Special for Saturday Waista 'of thin voile or dainty lingerie smartly trimmed, at ' $1.00 Women's Undennuslins Combination gar ments, gowns, skirts, corset covers and draw ers extra special at, each !$1.00 Women's House Dresses, nt $1.00 Women's Dressing Saeques, at .50c Jn Children's and Juniors' Section WHITE CONFIRMATION DRESSES Beautifully made and many are elaborately trimmed. Children's' confirmation dresses. sizes 6 to 14; juniors'; sizes 13 to 17 at $2.98 to $12.50 Children '8 Smart. Sum mer . .Wash Dresses new groups at..'.98c .Juniors' Wash Dresses nt ......$1.98 Children's Box Coats, with big sailor collar and combination cuffs, at $2.93 and $5.00 LOW HEEL PUMPS FOR WOMEN Are gaining in favor every day one of the new features of this .season's footwear. Straight pump styles, also oue strap pumps and Colonial pumps in all leathers and sizes; welf jnadc and finished; at, . per pair... t t :S2.98-$3;48 1 VKJ ISA t A EDUCATOR SHOES for MISSES and CHILDREN Made to train the growing feet properly. Gun metal, tan k J cnlf imd white buckskin in two-strap pumps and button t shoes. Priced according to size (IT 1 . 7 C & O 7 C and leather; at, pair 4L.i J 4LiJ - 400 PAIRS MEN'S OXFORDS Such famous makers as T. D. Barry and J. E. French. Pup, stub and kozy lasts, in tan calf and 'gun metal calf skin. New, up-to-date styles for the "young men. $4.00 and ' f0 Of" $4.50 Oxfords at, pr iJJ.O Hoy' hhofg Tan calf, gun metal calf and patent leather hoea, mostly oxfords, that are actually worth up to M C . (i f ll.!!:":.:....$l.Qo 1 BRANDEIS STORES Omaha Woman Has Iceberg Experience W G niinois Delegates- . at-Large Instructed for Roosevelt SPKlXiiPIELD. 111 . April J -K1ht delef atr-ftt-lrKf lo the ntlunl repuh llran crnvnitlon. Intnn-tl fpr RoveU. were unnntmou.Oy rtiown by ih rep-tli lioin sifite lunvcntiun thit afurnooa as fuHows: . Governor h-le- S. lnn, CMC". Hoy O. Wmi, ihtcgo. K. A. Kf khurt t'hiCHCo. Colonel hatincv !irr. OhicafO. K Y. Sherman. Sprnitftlld. It. 1. t'iark. I-Tii. I.. .. Kitrrnmn, Mt. Vrma. Ualir a. Httarnrtfld. IU k Itland. Tt Taft adhmnti did not oppose the late. . Mr a. carria Alexander Hohrenburg of BeMevll'e, ,. P. Oraut of Winchester ana P. A. Peterxon of Rock ford w ere nomi nated for trusteea of the I'nlversity of BANKER AND WIFE DEAD, I INFANT AND MAIDS SAFE j NEW YORK. April l!.-Tliere ) oc 1 survivor of the fatrful disaster off the JrnJ Banks of NVw found I and wlio Ii ; awaiT t,tt th.- T'ta-iV- .vent t- th- bottom with 1.0 pemon. Including hit Tath -r. mother m lit :1c ?tr. This virvlvor It Tra'.-eri Allison, eleven raontlu tld. who l at the lint. 1 Manhattan with the nurse and two iralds, who were aavetl with him- His patents, Mr. and Mrs. H- J- Alltwi of Moitrrai. and sfft r Loraine. three and a half years old, w?rc left on the dck of the Tfranie when the last life boat was lowered. Two brothers of Mr. Allison. Oeorgo B, Allison and Percy W. Allison, rnrne from Montreal to meet their nephew. They did not abandon hope that Mr. and Mrs. Allison had been rescued until the t'arpathia reached her pier. Mr. Allison was a member of a banktna; firm of Montreal.' Permits to smoke. 6 cents. All dealers. BOONE BANKER DID ! NOT WAIT FOR TITANIC BOONE. la.. April !!.-(Spcll.)-Hon. jS. L. Moore, prt.idtnt of th. First Na tional bank and pm!d.nt of the Security jiiavtnn bank of thl. city, arrived In the ! city tod.y ' from South America and ! Pert.. He had paaaice booked on the Titanic with hi. party, but tailed two dsv.i ahead on the Red St.r liner Up , l.iid. Krery member of hi party, with jthe exception of Mr. Alexander Halver aon til drowned. I Kentuckian Jokes in Electric Chair EDDYVII.LK. Ky April IS.-' I lecKon thla Jar will .hake out my fnlae teeth. eald Wlllard Richardson. 3 years old. w; he was being strapped in the eltt tri . chair at th. penitentiary here today, pi paratory to forfeltina his life for tli- murder of John Viola, a Carole county farmer, two mont. rko. "Cut out all of that confounded bvf Inf. " he said to his Kray-halrcd I.tli-r aa th. latter sobbed his fare ell. 'What's It to you. anyway?" Richardson was dead after the tir-t shock. j Persistent Advertising Is the Road Ills Return. Photograph of ickbkku with which emprkss op buitaix was in coujsiox-loaxku the bek et t ' " ' mr.' m. b. chapman. Mia, M. E. Chapman of 3 But ri. any- wck. and bore him doart. en nnaha. lou had 46 'very unusual ex-, wbeu the euptatn dtatchrd the ship's verlenc of bavins bea oa board a o"i'" around with reanurinn word It I steanwalp when It was In collision with was of ih avail. Not until the sound K't ' monster tceberR. It happened In th.l hranerirc tu heard were the paseeo- iluuiiner of IK. wbca .he wm no the j aatlsfied that w. war. not going '."Canadian Pacific's ereat boat, the Km- down. There was a vast deal of dlffer vreaa of Britain, eut bound. The vnael between the accident to the Titanic polluted with an keberc m th. middle of ! and the one I rvtuk of. The Eraprer. tba lat. Just bafor clearlnc the Gulf "uttered only a slightly damaaed prow M f3t Lawrence. The next day some uf tr" 'roken propellor. After laylna to for line puaenKers made photographs of tte ,ix bour repair the damage. ; iro- ' jrreat mass of Ice. one of which Mrs. ceeded on our way. not. before aevcra. iiniiintn m r, aira wukii " . g ; - w j 1 - . ... - - - n is reproduced Iwrewltli. Mrs. Chapman ! phoiocrafched the caw of our fear i tata to L'n c!-i lat evtairf for com ' Wit the story of the danseroua expert- ; nl"b " ".tt roor-:!n at a safe , u:::me.n in rtatr's piison Be. tho: . , ! distance, a hupe (cclx-rg. I-Uyu. like a THREE TRAMPS SENT TO THE PEN FOR ROBBERY M COOK.- Neb . Apctl Ml Special -Tbrea tram, '4 ere tried before Judjte Perr' In district court taut nlniit for aulrinc. ard robbiric Major Ilev of la dfanoia. this counfy, and pleading StfUty were eMenctd ito, the feni:tiai ' a foliews:, Roy Fisher. 'aged 1 rst tall breed Indlaa-Canadian. two to five years: liarence Cfcney of Iowa, aed Zl years, two to four yeart: Clreeier Cordonaer of Kansas, one to three years. They weit MomevFurniture D-SmShS 2 w lo oeiow uman a rr i c es not une uay uui avery uay Save On Your Ice Bills Full Carload of Famous Leonard Refrigerators Just Received 5.00 to f '45.00 Get Our Rug Prices ,. "I remember perfectly bow it rounded kyacrafcr at lor.i rauei." to aacx I tnouaii somebody's toot bad com 1 contact with my barth. The seen was : to ba alwaya . remembered. Th. tlunr sfwnd th Minn tw. I p'f U't'n :iLANI. Kef., Aprl ML-tSprsaL) re:ieJu it iivke. 5 c-ntr. All Co. .-:, : n5 (rn'Jon. ased ;, a rer.iient vt . . I &aci..'i.r county, rta." rad, for PerRletent Aovertinl la til. Road to th:.tv a.:. died Tje?dny. A widow. I 27x54-inch Velvet Rugs at. ! 27x54-inch Asminister Rugs: 6x9 Seamless Brussels Rugs Seamless Brussels Rugs 9x12 Velvet Rugs at ; 9x12 Axminister Rugs. 95c I S1.45 I S4.75 I $9.75 $12.50 I ? 15.00 I