i. 4 . Jeff Finds that- All is Not-Bear that Growls s -i. . - - ------ OFFERED FOB KEXT Store aad Office. FOR RENT Stop room at 411 6. 15th St; splendid location: rent very reasonable. ''"" - Remington Typewriter Co. Offloa and salesroom si lath and Har ney. . ,,M Boor t 1506 Harney (nw. . ''.M floor-at .1508-10 HvMr '(mw). - ..office st KIT Farnara (second floor). ' T Store at 1U1 Harney street. O. C, KBU1CK. Attorney, 1617 Farnam StreeV. V ROOJl W feet long, well lighted and heated, at lilt Farnam. Phdno DougTHt&l, . No. & a. 13th St., Suxli. Tel. Doug.tr. OFFERED FOR SALE -' ' Far el tore. JOR SALE-Carleed of sil. Irlnd furnl--two In 30 days.. Bacbman. HO, Dodge. "BED davenport, mahogany finished. very cheap, call Harney Ual ' ' . FOR - SALE-Partiee leaving' the city, .cotter the lurntshinss of 'a b-rodm apart A ment. all high grade things; no d.-alera need apply., as a. rtn Ave, tnira rioor. FOR BALE Cabinet ( ranee and Ruod' .'heater.' cheap, owner leaving: town. Har ..(ney vm. - - - Typeerrltere. ' TYPEWRITERS, aT" makes and. prices, largeet and beat stock. Call' or write for Urge list- We ship en approval. B. V. Swanaoo Co.. U1S Farnam' He, Omaha. ' . ; ' ' . TYPEWRITERS for rent; toweet . figure ever quoted; a ntontna, ti. Central Type writer Exchange. 1007 -Faroem, Doug. b. '.' VISIBLE typewriter, and all'' other Hakes, sold or rented anywhere at mtr's prkjee, allowing retual to apply en price) shipped on-approve. Write for circular. IMA r'arnam. r Typewriter lnpunn and Supply Co. . KENT an Oliver typewriter from the. pilyer TTpeyTHer Co. uuuglas an. . - . aiiacellapevae. r 8ALE-Twe scholarships' in the Omaha Commercial college and, one. in, .jyies wiicau-. .eueioe v"1,4-"., Bee. ,,t OLD RAFEg. DERIOHT. Mis Farnam St. :'A FOR T8Ai.E NrW" and , secortd pand tiarom and pocket 'loltUsrJ tuhies' ""and ''bownn alleva and scceesorle: bar. ft- . tares of all kinds; easy payments. The. -t,runwlBk-alkcxiander JO.. en-tia .- a Wth Ht. ' ' ' : t " LAST CHANCE tor chepew and old lumber, doors, sash, X horse and t wag- ona AISO IWl, 'lv " I . POOL, tables, stare, restaurant fixtures bougtlU olst Levy. fcW W. -tto. umana. ,m BAFEcV-Omeratecked wita second-hand safes; all lsa and make,; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1H Farnaio St., r, , FOR SALB-Uood gas stove cheap. .Tel. .Marney hm. FOR BALK Full set ef carpenter toola 1417 E Snaps Eor Economy; Buyers Dunham lawn rollers, 18.00 'each. Pennsylvania lawn, mowers, and up. .,.- Garden tools like finding tliem. itiose reels, COi value. Wo; . value, Us, . - '' i c Vou bet your rkoney counts with ais. - ."..Donning Hard ware' Co' ltW Harney Bt )UiAi-itiatLi plaj;io,.chem. jcaJl.' -at so. l&th and Hickory. Phone. U. MU.I price only H.BU. Here is sure a bargain, liworak WpecKIng Co. , ' ; tt..i tetruivm-iMLtrntniiti J .CINDERS tor saleeheap. Phone W. v 'STOCK of good hay. Webster lulu. ' FOR 8aLE White tile (Inside and oirw refrigerator; used only 18 months; 48 . Inches high, Inches wide, 22 Inches 14saj. nce, t. Apply Dodg St- PERSONAIj O-DAT BLOOD REMEDY. Oladlsh Pharmacy, Uth and Dodge. " CALL Jake Williams for s flret-cl house cleaner. Phone Red. U. Jb ger 'hour. 70CNG women ooann( to Omaha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Young Vocneoa Chrtstias aeeoeuMtan building Seventeenth and 8t. Marys Ave.. ' where they will be directed to suitable boarding fc .ces, - or otherwise ssststed. lucoswier our travelers aid at the Union elation. THE 6ALVAT10N ARilK solid u cast off eioshiurln fact, anyihtng you do not -need. W e collect, relxur -ud sell at )M N. Uth tit-, for east of collection, id the worthy poor. Phone Douglas al&and -wagon will-call. . Massage. Ritier.housc, m Old Boston feld. ' 'WELUSH massage for .rheumatism, -t-stomaoo troupie. poor circulation. Kars - ten Tonstth, graduate from Sweden, J Omaha Nat Bank Bid-. Douglas TUb. BATHSv,e)lati inafsag. vibrator and -radiator' treatment r Snyder, apt. i, Dunsany. loth and Pierce. Douglas Mb. 'I 'BBT nraoer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Ptlla, 41 per box, postpaid, tteernun' - A McConneli Drug Co.. Q"ans;- teh- T VtoiV and china painting, firing IjHiOOM.. ekib -.ordVra, reaaonabie. ' Ruth Lttcfitord Studio, all a ru.tted - - - Vltaftoassage. Anna Flther. n Ware Blk. BABIES bderdedj Phone Weoetef M9. Snaps lor' Keai Bs ; iateDealers & Others Best quality painted wire cloth by the '""roll, ntc, square fopfc Heavy screes door spring hinges, a; dozen. ' Beet grade poultry .netting, by the roIL. VxC square Ttoot.. ;v,, v. . : - - ,,'. -- Dunning Hardware CW Kit Harney . -WE REKT and repair all. kinds of sew-' Inc maehfre-e. lnd. A-HSI: Douglas iMt, '- jrEBRASfCA CYCLE SO, .l-- ifch aH Harney .; - MASSAGE treatment. Mrs. Steele. 401 Boyd Theater' Bid?., stair entrance on Harney; elevator in lobby; to daily and Sunday. . ' i j 5 " I . I ; L . I PERSONAL LADIKS Hive m l cent. penn?ll li- linery Co., Paxton Blk. 3 steps upstaira Slassage movement. Apt Farnam. o. nk MASSAGE B'h- ai low- romaii luztopu! treaunent. Vim. A I lea of c pica go. h a. 17th St.. 1st floor. D. VAClT'la-niaasVgee demonatrated by steel, m Boyd Theater Blag Dally and Sunday.' - POULTRY A.I PET STOCK . SILKO CHICK FOOD la the bast in the market for xouns chickens. Made from pure, grata, fur sale by all dealer. . A. W. W A OXER. AQENT. JM K. Mth gt- Tel. Doug. UU. lnd. B-ttM. RO8EC0MB RHODE ISLAND RED EGO for hatching from trap-nested winter layers, B for IV F a. Benfln. Neb. Tel. Benson CSW. Ovaranleed ferule run. Buff Leahorna, Baft Orpingtons. Carson. Mt Calftorma. & C RHODE Island Rada. eaaa ft oar IS; baby .chicks. Uto;',one pale White Cochin bantamf. scored. W. Mrs.' Chaa. ieiiett. Waterloo, Keh. WHITE HOCK Kfir.H B.M Bar IE: two fine cock,. a eaoh. Uly Whit Poultry farm. Phone Ftorenoa iM. THOROUGHBRED Brown Leaner err end pullets for sal. Tel. Fnrence M. BINOLaV Comb Blck Minorca caa utility trapped layer: C per la. M ner W: 9'sr SOs satisfied customer last seaeoa: sausiactioa .uaranteeo... rrea Seneca. Kan. PIM if Rhntte- l.l.n rhlrb.ni deep rich color.' Call-Independent TeL B-tias. BARKED Plymeurh Rocks, etclttslvely choice. Dure bred acock. Selected eKKS, carefully packed. 100 for H0O: M for IS .6. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Adam A. Weir, Clay Center, Neb. WELL' bred fiepberd dogs. til & B1 REAL E8TATB ABSTRACTS Or TITLE. - Reed Abstract Co.. oldest, shstrsct el flee, In 'Nebraska, m Brands, Theater. K'EALEw. CAUPBELL. ITU Famasa dL UC1LDEKS' i.rUMIUTll)l. Electric, ga fixtures. Omaha 81 leer Co. Ideal Cement Co litb. and Cuming its. r ucn,, eon tillno. pamtins. decorating. I lL -6reaa,,lum. " wreck svplb. U A Paul 4TK PttorKltTr FOR SALS West, Karaam Home Her Is s fki, -r., all rho&hom. only about f years old; rooms all large, nicely decorated; fine lighting fixtures. Lot (ox Ut; lot worth 1. waat we ask for the house; house located at 431 r arnam Kt Near s-r.. bungalow., all mod.; furnace deal;, full bSMment; every room lust newly decorated; "This Is s rti close-in home for ' some 'One. Located at KM pierce UU; only 3 blks . from crosstowa ear tave. . Prtc only V J60. Easy. terms. :NEAB BEM1S PAliK . ' Nearly new l-t." huneakiw. all mod.. Tme- ewuth frost-lot;, paved . street; on Hamilton St , ctoa to car; price reduoed to sZSuO. tttM. caah. Whera can. you get a ,uew bungalowvfor any- such, price? . .Rasp Bros. " KM HcCsgtie Iilue-. Doug. ' 153: A-St Country home to - - Lease s-ROOkf house, electnc' lighted; splen did bam,peultrV bouse, apple orchard, shsde trees' sod Iswn sod gardens; 10 seres sltosether. Risht' oa saved street. Just west of the Meld club. No. gtt.Osa er St. Will lease for thhv season or for a term of years. Ther Is a email house for a gardener or other hired help. A great place to turn tne; children out for fresh air. , . . . Harrison & Morton North Side Cottage Owiier Is anxious to sell and will uiake reasonable proposition on this e-room and win , iivvl iw uiuwe rrjvu) Irxll. wtttf bay window; larger kitchen, with pantry; two bed roe-as, with, closet spaos; sttio floor ana make good stor age; house has gas In eaoh room; the woodwork Is in good condiuau; lot Is etx lei, with good shade trees, dee UEORUal K. WRitiuT. a NO. 1TH, three doer north f Madlsow- Avv r.pnoa Weta Benson Vacant Lot OwDtt- aeeott tb money mfkd-1 wiii nt irunt lot on Lucm dm cuu-r mM burnb&iia: U WxisJ, tar Xrwra car au.4 mctioaiA. Can yau teat It? Aalxat4 L, im, or pnona wao. &m. bath ;'ok. finish first story; whtu eaaawt second story street; paved sod parked. Small cash payment, . baiano - montnly. Possession slay 1st; can tie sees . say time. - The Paion Real Eeiate Cm SO0TT -& ' HILL i BARGAIN tiTOD 5-r. bouse, mod. ex. hast, brick Veneered; lot 44XUO. . . . , t ttaOtf 7-room nnuee, entirely mad.; MO, Ceater St..- lot tsxtst. - - - .. - , tS.SJO 4 room house, entirely mod.: Mth and casteiiar; lot 4kxls. . 3M) a-Toum- house, -entirely mod.; 193) Po- Uth 8l; lot Sx Us. - . Vi.Ots 7-room houae, entirely mod.; 1VA So. 3Sh.St.;-full tot. - t,-4-rQom house, entirely toed.: 11M So. sU-i ec; lull lot. , , -SCOTT HILL, "-' 'IB McCseTO ITIdg.s.. ....... 20,Itvestments ' TWO . three-story brick apartments rejitir.- for SH0 ner month, elm,, in Trice. M.O0: lU.OOt cash. WUI consider lau-ew is waae. -- . Three double brick flats, Sd and How ard Sis . rentinK for HO per; reduced to n.WW: tlSu cash balea. mla-axe. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO 411 rUrbach'Blorlr. . Phone Doug la jar;, ln-lmnrrtrat 'A-JCta. THE REAL ESTATE. rtT rsowttn etiR SALS 1044 So. 32d Street . Seven Rooms Hot Water Heat .$4,250 House Is In good shspe: spleadid looa tion; deep lot. wtlh large abade trees; Juet off the car line; paving paid; ei.ov cash, balance at eVi per cent. Armstronil-Walsh Co. Tyler IBS. tie 8. 17th at . l&Z, IN VESTMENT. Two modern apartment buildings of tl apartments each; rented for Uu.tn per annum; for quick sal reduced to P1UO0; Ii&uW raah, balance In annual payments. , .J .... - Hn.. S2.1W per sAnuiu. Price la.axi. Writ er call. ' l lll-li Karhach Block. Field Club District Home $8,000 A beautiful t-roont house, east front, en the btrt street la this fine district; hard wood finish; expensively decorated; man tel and grate Is large living room; new perxert not air rurnaee neat; stationary laundry tube and every convenience: shrubbery, paving Bald. If-Interested In vestigate at once, ae this will move quickly. Inquire at premises. No. VIM ft. th Ave. Tel. H. 1W1. New and Nifty Two modern cottage. Just completed. of I rooms esch; every up-to-date con- venlenee; lull cement make of furnace: full houses nicely decorated twaement; neat let. eftxlaS each; end shade. Ins and OTIS Rumtlee Bt. To appreciate them you must see them. (I, Tj sacs. can uougia tip. : AL bargain located sUt N. Od St. This Is a traveling man home who has had hi work changed, and must be sold. 81k roirms and large receptloa hall: mahogany finished down stair. Second floor white anamel. Will accept say rea sonable offer. See It before you buy. Call ewnere Webster Saws.' ... 1 f, tl fVl IWa nwi ...n ul. sacrifice, on account of atcknees. Web. Tie, Met PRATT T., J-tyom. all modern house, ounisr lot; large bjua, oee Vogat, suw Kerbacn oiooa. JOHN W. RtMlBi.N a, Uut FARNAM X. REAL ESTATE FA KM St. RANCH LAUDS FOR llll Cauda, THTRTT thousand acres, wall drained hiaek loam land, forty mile from. Winni peg, Canada, at J per aore. Worth lion In ten years, w. tuar, box winmpea. Canada. tlewraia. GREAT SOUTH GE0EGIA Traversed by tne " ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC KA1ROAD. Lands adauted Ut the Sidest rang of hcropa All tb money crop or tne sown plenttruiiy produced. For literature treat -Isg with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advenuvfoa, "writs W. n. LEAHT, DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA, OA. Idautv. HERE' ARB SOMR OPPORTUNITIES YOU CAN'T AJTORD TO .MISS 460-acr farm, MS acres In alfalfa and timothy hay which yleid 4 tons per acre Good souse and barns; W head horse. all term implements and household goods go with this larm. price tie, mm xni term will double your money withla one yetrr This larm sold UVM) worth si stock off of It laet falL w-acr, farm one mil from town; M acre under cultivation, 7 acres la al faiia, good buildings, and farm Imple ments tor tls.w. 1 ids farm now has MS bead of horses and loo bead 04 cauie ea It. Doa't overlook this snap. Don't wait. Com now and look at this land where you have no crop failures snd a tine climate ta southern Idaho under the Wood stiver project, where you as raise wheat, oats, barley, put, tees, ai talla hay, timothy bay, fruit and sugar beets at enormous yields. Ton can buy ea very easy terms. Com now and get la on this year s crop. A lias eQit; as hard wuuars. Address -THE IDAHO COMMERCIAL CO,' Richfield Idaho. For further particulars. We nave a hug list of land that wui suit an buyers la else of farms sad terms BARGAINS In farms: writs for vm. JCajisae Land Co.. Yates Center, Kss, '- SAROAIN. Xscre farm adjoining a good rsUreed tows. MS muss tree Mmnsspoue; lei bouses, ea large bars aad other baud lass, bull ulnae ortgiaatly ceet fe.ss; is acre mnoer cuiuvatioa. - biaea us and mseninw land; aw waste sseil 'im ele par sara, tv.e) eaeav balenae easy, , SCMWAM sUtua, Us Ousrsnty Aataa Buuamst. Mlsiesgs Us. Mice. FINE unproved farms, 30 aud an acres, 40 miles northwest oi Minneapolis, price $ per acre.. Will accept clear property Dp to t2u,vw as first payusant en either farm. Frtal Clark, I East Grant Bt., Minneapolis, Minn. 4S-BU6HKL WHEAT LAND. t3 to tS PER ACRE. We have tor eeie over MOn acres ef Cheyenn ceunty, Nebraska cbotosst farm land, when the crop yields-for 12 years, Including Hi and Mil, averag with the best la the Mat. Alfalfa, also a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full tnformauoa today. Agents wasted vary where. ' FLNDINGBLAND INVESTMENT CX FARM bargains near Omaha, r mil a Oris g. Merrui. mi City Na. Bk. Bias, M lCBPU ,l 1. . au.Kwvu. liwuir coutrly, Nebraska. IT1 per crv ta.os cash, beJanr tonic time or trad. Care i i tj ...... , a u . . . BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, REAL ESTATE FARM sc RANCH LAIVtrS Ft) ft II4I.B THB easiest way to find a tssyar fee your farm Is ts Insert a email want ed In the Dea Moines Carltsi. Largest etr culstloa in the "Kate of Iowa, 41, out daily. The Capital Is resd by and believed la by the standpatters of Iowa, wb simply refuse to permit any ether paper la their homes. Rate. I cent a word a day; 11." per line per month; count six ordinary words to the Ha. Address Dee Molest Capital. De Moines. la. Mieeaari, What'sThatYouSay? A contract for from W to M acres ef fruit lands, three railroad tonal!, lots and is shares of stock In a 1.000-acre Orchard, all for tSt, payable 0 down and lv per month es Sir! and S3 per Cent of the lands are lei than It miles from railroad In Reynolds, Iron and Wayne counties. Investlgata This I an Investment that snajr nwaa much to you, RETNOLD8 COCNTT FRUIT" LANDi. CO., M Karbaeh Blook, I'hoae Doug las Ml; bid. A -Ms?, OCEAK STEAMSHIPS. . . . THE ALLAN LLNE ROTAL MAIL KTRAMFRR MONTREAL LIVBlRPOOL, ULAMGOW. Montresl, Havre. Ptymeuta, Loadea. The Plrrureeeue Be Lawrenoe Route. Few day ea the sceaa, three day In river aad gulf. Hpicedid new Tort in, Steamer. Saloon, second -cabin and third class. Bupsrlor one-class cat. I a service. Cuisine) unexcellent. Oeurteous attetulea bend for circular, rate, plans, etc Allen Co.. II? N. Dearborn "t, Chicago Anchor Line Steamalups New - York. Londonderry aad Ola ago New York, Palermo and Naples- Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch. English. Irish, Continental ssd Medlterraseaa points Superior scrammed Ilea, excellent cui sine, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent ef Anchor Line er Henderson B rot era. Genera: Agents. Chicago. Ill, REAL ESTATE LOARB OMAHA preserty tal Nebraeka lasgg ' O KEEFM REAL KSTATM CO MM Mew Omaha Nat'i Bans Bulidiaa, MONET te loan on 'bueiaeae or rssw denes proper ties, 41.0U9 te MS,vi 1HUMAS. M First Nat'l Bank WANIED-Ctty loan aad W. Fsraaot Rmlffe A Co. UM Faraasi K. lit) te , mad urwnstiy. F. Wsad, Weed Bldg.. itth aad Far.. GABV1N BEOS. Omaha N LOANS Farms and city property- u. iMimont eon. lee raraam at. K CITT LOANS. Bemls-Carlberc Ce, "7 alO-li Brandel Thealsc Bldg. VAJ'tkli-.ity ieaaa aeters aTustUe, FOR BALK OH UCUAMUef I naadM mSvs everysnere, II yea) weet r Wilts oall Dean, all Bee sUdg. P. !. "LAND FOB AUT0M0 ... BaLE." Ilav M acre of land clear In Reck county, Nebraska, that I will trad tor UU machine. Prefer Hupmobiie. M., car Oinshs. Bee. Council Blufts. FOR SALE flu billiard outfit. Complete 4xt auudard Brunswick-Balk taoi. Kamlbar Ivory standard alsed balls, fins cues, velvet carpet, etc Quick aela, very cheap. dsO Rrsadels Theater. Phoa uouglas nil. PIANO. In seod Shane, for trad for most annular- a w. lets Ftik siaLE or exchanae. bomeetesd re- Hnqulshmeut f 4 scree, i miles from town. For particulars writs Cues. Fields, Ellsworth, Neb. WAJfTsU TO BUT Ueusehoid gas, clothes at shoes. DM71 BUB PISH SYlft STT.VV.R snd eld goto. W.,', A WAV I H V ' Tel. D. I ' WANTED lO RENT UNFURNISHED room by young lady, close in. with private family. Address C si. ear Bee. WA-YTED BITCATIOKB WASHl,tv snu zoning eooe. T.. ft. Flrst-clees, praatkal nurse. II Ml 4. A-Wt Day work, toe aa hour. Hartley Mat BUNDLE washing. Bl cents a douo, rough dry, oents a do. Webster tlM. Curtslne laundered. Mo up. Guar. WMtt Famliy aad bunui lausory. guar. W. MM. CARPENTER repairing a specially. na. n7 r.n. iRPKTES." ranalrln . uwlidlu Webster ?VL LAUNDRY work takes heme. W. MM, COUNTRY, printed wants situation with opportunity to learn linotype machine. Steady and sober. State wages and condi tions. Cbas. Ullsou. Bunitutioa, is, Summer bt. ' TOUNG MAN wishes bosiUon at anr oftics work; ran operate any typewriter: nave some knowieuge of eoortbaod and bookkeeping: wilting ts kegia at J per wees. M .M, Bee. ' EXPERIENCED Is undress wants day worn. Call wtb. ten. COLORED lady wants day work. Pueae B SMI. COLORED man wants ousriio as chauffer, lnd. M-ZUR COLORED girl deelree . day work, sweeping or washing;. Webster 11R 1st cute laundress Mary Hunter. W tM. WIDOW with child would like position as housekeeper In small family. Phoos ieugia He WAKTIlD. bv Rnellak Uutv. tu,li,, u housekeeper to gentlemaa u refined home; no objection ts car est extiearea, Pbon Douglas 4M. WANTED-BWuatloa ae stratkht draft fireman; M years' experience- KM Cum ing St. B MXt, . FIRST-CLASS stundreae wishes a sosl- tloa two or three days a weak. lu a. win m. LACK' curtaia Svecialty work: nu Web. 1M. COLORED girl wants work s house keeper or ciiambertnaid. Pboae lieac. Ha. APEIL 17, 1912. Drawn UTB STOCK MARKET OF WEST hip roar stock te South Omaha, see, tlleag aad ehrlakage. Tour eeasigs. smbis receive proeapt and oarerel aites. IMS. Uv gteesi Ceesimlealea pretests. Brers Rree 4) O, strong and reeeosslbla WOOD BHOH., W-si Kxohaase Bldg. area! West, Cos. Co, exiled a Deaver. W. R. SMITH BON lust handle abac Clay, Rebinaon Co.. Mi Kxcheag, Hide, laterstat, Co. Better reaul is Bbir to ua "CLIFTON Com Co., ta Kaxbaog, Bldg, Cox 4k Jaaes Coca. Co. bunch ef hustler L R. ROBERT A CO.. US Kick. Bids, Farmer L ft Cora. Co.. Each. Bids. "Martin Bros. A Co. tutl Eaoh. Bid "aOO BROS, handle cattle, hoc, ebseft Deposit pecceeds at shipment la stock. Tarda Mat'l Bank. Uaiy Mat si yarda omaha. nag oraih markct WEBsta GRAIN CO, srsts M Mi Bread ale, GOVKK.YMK.Vr NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR COAL-CHIRF Quartermaster' Offlr. Federal Build ing, fhloaao. Ills, April It, Itlt-Seaied propoeals will be reoetved here until 11 A. at., stay la isia, nir tornisning coat required In Central Division dune, fiscal veer eeaunenciiic July L una. Intorma llon furatshad oa application. OU, Joe. U Cleat, Chief Quart ermaater. i . . A-ie-lt-ll-lt-It-10 &AILWAI 1MB CARD . UMUM STAT1UR Teauai aad TJaiea Dsseri. AlTlva. ass. Fns. Ovwtaai Msiitsi. a est t ea iMm A Japas bat auvU... 4 sai s 4.-41 ra Atuau, Iwei ... slltaa Oa SUsrMB H 11;H am l lMi U, aasalv UoutMl .....sii U re ilksi tMaver ul-.. lINui illti, IMhiU tal apMlsl UiM sal lilS aai fM,iJ, Kasnas sISia , fMaas-WeHilastM LKe4. ...all t ra s I S pa Mwtk Plan, Ual.. t it a sa OfsaS blaa Lecal,..- I 14 ua alt M sat sueeukei teou kit tl ia s 1JI aa Iktoage, Meek lalaaa) aV rasdtt Rssxr Mewtsia Uta...aiM set alliM pa ..) e CSuase Oar ..a 4. at aw am a lie sw Satl:IIM rsHss 4US yaesMpw. 4. ST sat hlaUteS... 4.S) set Sil:U i SIS, I si a i S 444 I all:) aladti II I il! s I t a til: a WBST. t, UrUV., 1 4t SS) Sik. 1 U ea,. txprwm.. ISfe laaitus...lin 9m ewaauva dt St. ai a It set , t-.m mm ....... 4 val I s u Jt ta. CMracs-we. las. t?maao osiTse, Hkr Ml ,! tkiee. Mil Ovwtud Msutsd Pwrv ual ceunSs gnrasi. sBSfess.',.-,,;ia T;t aat 4 Id m CSuase lasilest a 4M est S I.M aa Chi ii eis s Rertaivreatara-w. , MustTuaoulrp. Hlseseeelw-st real tsssteevv l is UuaieMt. pal UaMlea.., 1:4, sai a I S am Tata Cltr gaseaw...... a t: aa, siSM pa mm cht usmi .a : mm a tm awaeiw, m mmb auts-. :s pw al.Su Tata una LuH . lap. stsiaa Ml Oanall lesal et Maat iMyUsht caleass l,u IMrtisat Csin y m aaa Ckuaas Ual ...... aii 44 aa Cfclemesnloraes ; (Vufll gpaeau -.. m 141 pa, raeina caast-Ckuase -....a 4 pu las asaelae Lkslual I M pa Oiarlia Luailaa 1:14 pk. Carrall laasl a 4 M c Past Mall ., M pa, Umtu Haptss. glees Otty as si ISks s i's'sai sl . pa S 4 I4M Sl:Upa ali:M pa at:Uas au Smi al.Su slslp . lliSS mm wsurreotrsiu. laeg Itee . , , . m .... a :4I Maaxelk-Oallas .,mm... IS aa sllttsa ail M aa a l:S) pa 4 pa a I S) pa ail it pa klMsa s tn a sll:d pa kil.lt SB alSu aMsas Mas list, a I.M pa Haauass-SaparMr W...S I II pea aMMwaea-aua apn,s, m . m pa Cupw-taaSav -a I Kf, Fiaamiuaiwas t I.M pa I . Oaaka-et. beet. Bin la ...S 4:1 a Ball eat tUpeass 141 mm sustain Uaal area a tU .k lei pa Mlssaarl raxlft H.CSS saea Bpra.AMsa K. C. A SL kamls Baliaa HIJI pas caleaaw Wreat W eetera. Tele OUT Umiua., a :M mm Tela Cur aaprea....... 1:41 aa la pa arllsuytea gtsMea Tatk at Maeea aalsaTta ' Oaever CkllleraSa.... reset SaeaS gapraei . piaMsks retsts - . m 4-i, pa at:S . m-tm pa s a e p ..... l:W aa a 1 14 s ..S 4:14 pa s 1:41 -S em ell u p .1IJ4 pa a , ta a. l it mm js i 1 pa mu-t . -l: .SlUa.,:, .AilJSpa l ta i ....s 1:1k pa all .a ....au pa e I Ma ..miMm at i s i s pa aii ......si n pa kis.a, - I.M pa ail Js , savak MllM MSaiaar-Waiaaanlh Dweis becal ...... rauaasseui-ieea Cnsua (la.l heaai.. St. Laala Kxpeass..., Kassas CIU A St. IT anal City A SL -a:44 pa I at . .mt.Umm aliMp Webetanr gtettoa i ftM aad Webster Oaeut. Arrlva. mmt 14 pas' MiM aa CBOcsuxe, St. F. M. ah O . sua Ctty Sav-M. a 1.14 pa SU:43 pa SMsxOV P. ..aw aw... lua Ti, Cttp ha line A I a ...... tal aur. u eany Boasa aaaeap, m swear asu - s a.a .a , i: pa BOTMLS, Hotel Flanders 183.187 West 47th Urtm, , H". r.. CXTT. 200 Feet Esari of Broadwsy. A modem flreuroof hotel In the teart of the theater, club asd hotel district; convenient to all car Una. A awepuunal orchestra. Rooms with privet bath !. per day. From Grand Central Station, Broad way cars without traussfer. Frost PisBatsyivaola etatloa. 1th Avenue sere without transfer. Booklei ea leqaest. B. B. SHAKES. Prosx . n for The Bee by TAfT IS INCLINED TO FIGHT President Being- Advised to Set Aiide Conciiatory Attitude, CAHEY BATTLE TO E00SI7ELT Washlastea ta . Stirred by the Me pert Aaaaelta Made by the . , Celoael '. aa Freeldeat Are t'afatr. (From Staff Correspondent ) WAIUI1NOTON. April. M.-t:pcll Tl exram.r Is president Tsft going to carry the fUtht straight to Hoeewrelt treat Bow anf was the frequent queetloa hesrd about the Whit Heuss today. While ther was no autherltattv answsr to the lnierr4tster', It M knows pesttrrtly that the prasMeal advisers sr giving him advte almost uttatajmeualy tb set said his conciliatory nisthoda snd put sum "pepper" Into his osunpaign, which iiss huised considerably beoaus h has refrained from sailing "a spade a spade." ' Pr sal dent Tsft has repeatedly said that the campaign should be conducted siong line that' would leavs aothlng behind It w mak It difficult lor tb party to get together after tb convention for fleas b tight with tb common uemy. While the president firmly believes thst ha will be nominated en the first ballot. out of M dtlegates yet to be selected, the third term candidate would have t get tw-third to com with In the nomina tion, and that la wholly Impeeelhl,. Mr. Taft has been greatly stirred ap over recent Inriammatery uttsrsnce of T. R.- - . ' Mr, Taft, regards as unfair and unwar. ran ta but the saiults upon him by Colo nel Roosevelt with espeolsl rater, noaa to coupling his tssm with those' of Lori mer, Penroes aad others. It Is knew. of all men thst th president's sympathies at no tltns hav been with Larimer, but that tt It had been left to Mm he would tiae append la Illlsols soad "tooth and Ball." But th president bss felt that th matter at a aesa tor's right ts a seat MIOBeed wholly ts the sanets. Al to Sen ator Psnrose, President Taft kss had" no lntlmats relations with that lentlsroes. He M aat tied up to Mm In the way Colossi RoossTsIt has alleged la hit speech and Roosevelt knows tMa, In coupling President Tsft with politicians who hsve treat epposUloa la their own statu. It Is asserted, Colonel Roooseelt Is : proceeding In the wsy to cause so eiplostoit st ths Whit House at any tlms, gn sx plosion too,' that may tnawa) a quick changs In tb Itniup snaoug the states that sre yK tn set " Actloae of T. R. Shew rj,. Ths following Btartement was Issued (com, th national . Taft bureau , today after visit to the Whits House of of ficial of Ua president's rsmpalgg head quarters , . . '"Former ' f resident Thsodoes' Rooes. velt In his campeign tor rshomUuUion for a third term tq th Whit Hooee, M oonductlnc an organised propaganda to OCEAN STKAMSlilPB HAMBURG Idu-iestB. a.0. AMERICAN la the Wertd OTsa sue atsUFB l.iiOAuo A con Fre. Zdnoota, April H. i f. as. Xals-TS A Tag. Tic Apr. M, A.M. T-STewvi ....stay . ts noon TbrlerU I.TMSS, May Ti 1 AM. Hecond cabin only. tWIII call at Bos log u. RPE(TAl7sAIIJ.Gel fi. 8. VICTORIA LU1SE' MAX 7, JITCE 6 TWO IDEAL C8UIJEJ ARO.ND THE WOKLJ . XMLAsTS lIOTBgtOtiS ARB SiPB TJ1IM. Oytiesai t4 jiatb im JAP AM ioars I IT BATS Ut LSPiA Me. IS. MIS I Fs. sT, 1S1A ria he Tecs ea Saa rrsee Musl'SJtfSU lcjtf all iiiii.tT )MMtg nii-aft. kauL wranjtwtv WTIipiay, mj. law. c. - SUM. MlUi To the &AVB OF MB MIOv BIOMX BOM. aught delightful cruiaes surlac J use, Jiy and Aagssrt, Irou Mam org to Mer, wsy, MOJ-IA Cape, apt la serges, iosisaa. oto, Luratiao 14 to 24 Cat J.2.5l udBi spies! - aim, . , ICTCJUA UJISB," ZE8SIN CSC1US-' I "BtKoNr'iUtt. I "HKTSUH" rue ler svekat aar aralae. BASSIlVpUtEEICA.1 XtfTMR ' ISO W. Maaatolph tt. tjlussto, s seeal at. Cprrit Mis, a , Service m losdon m M PARlri HAMBURG aW Fxoa, Xitxtseta. Acril H, B 1 1 M. V 1 13 "Bud" Fisher ' x wreck the republican party'. No ' deed has tip to this time seen res men dec toua or bos mean, either oa his own part sr on the part ef his nndVwstrap pers ta accomplish th recognhaed sad ther hav In view. "Mr. Hoosevelt hlmceit kaa dnuned by name the republican hMdara In Nw York ststs who sow oppoes aim tor a third term. rsmleae. of tb Seat tslat he accepted to th fuB their support roe governor and for' vke president and president of the laltad Rtatea. snd irki. wlthsundlp ths fsct thst WllQ-tm !u Wsrd at New York, who tor years Ka worked hand In glev with svery repub lican leader In the stats from Thomas C. Piatt and H. B, Odell dowa t WHllani BaarnM, )r nee base the sctjve sup, portsr, the political adviser sad th pjar sooal repreeentatlra of Mr. Roosevelt I all Meals' nasi as ry t tkw fsMs of ths Roosevelt movemsnt as"i headed from New York headquarters in: fht oonlest." . . i . ,f "la contrast, ths conduct st Freslrunt Taft snd his supporMrs, say ths state ment, ''stands forth aa Macere en deavor to maintain ths republican party, not only In acrardanc with' Its prin. tip's aad tenets, gait as a sailltant aeivl cs orgsnlsstloa which wins vlctertes at th polls. ' ..'-.'" "The deliberate, racklns and menda cious ' campeign of Theodora Roosevelt for th wrecking of th republican party Is called to ths attention of ths coun try In order that the teeuee hereafter may not be misunderstood." 'f Tw Rxtfrad Trls. ' Colon! .Roosevelt's Nnbrasluv-Katisaa trip, which bekins from Naw York. Is ta be sxtandad to Arkansas and North Caroline. It was announced today- 1T Senator Dixon at the Roosevelt heed. Ousrters hers that ths w osier ir tour will end at Utile Rock, Ark., Saturday night, aad that Cots net Roosevelt wHl than re turn by the seutliern routs, making a speech ' at Oresniboro, N. C, Monday. Us will rase. New York nut Tuesday.' SESATOR FASSCS WAIHOIOTO.X Abaadoas Trip Tkrh SUt a Advte of Meaaev. EUGENE, Ore., April M -United States Btnator La Fsllett today abandonsd ils trip through th state of Washington: ta support of his osndldatry tor th repuku esa presidential nomination. Ills ea nounosment to thst sffect was given out her tonight, lie will go tmmedlataly' to (California.. ... , . Decision .to stuutdon the W'aahlngton trip" was mads oh advice of 'Walter T. ,Hotur, th ixna tor's campeign aiaaager, who reported that delegates te the as denal osnvantlsn from Washington would be, as ns hrMcl 'l, 'haod-picked.'' ta tb shssnos ot a presidential priaasry, and a-oanvass of tb stats thsrefora would be Inadvisable. '"". .' Senator La Follstt kodsjr In l ipaacli her, jmi that th gwwlnc power. of organised monopory controlled ths ptat form 'of both th political partis ai th senate, snd, through ths csblnst, Us president. "Wham the national republican CouV-' tloa meets, k aald. "both Taft and Roosevelt will be there with their bands full of ths other fellow's hsir. and arhUe they wm not Bks me, thary win hat eaea, other a greet deal tnoro than they IU hate ins, t Want men who will sund firm for their Instructions aad flirht for my cause; jt they do that, I abals b nominated."" - ' Nineteen Injured . . . i ; . in Irain Wreckon Eock" Island Eoad PUEBLO, Colo, April M Nineteen pas sengers wera Iniurod, eevarai st , thasn seriously, whea ths Pueblo section at too Rocky Mountain limited 'train ot the Rock Island Una wss dltotud at Cuba, a smsH fist station eleven miles north of her, at t o'clock yestardky. Th accident wss caused by a broken an sis bar on a switch. Tns wln and 11 ear urnisil in safety, but th day coach wss piled alongside th Mack, aad the Pullman was parti ally derailed. Alt tb Injured passengers war in th ST coach, only jax ot thee oa board tkw entire train escaping without lnlury i A special train wss rushed to ths soma with a corps of doctors snd ths injured brought to hospital in this '.city. ' ' Nme of the Injured were tn on family, thst of Robert Orter of Ogdon, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Orter and three child ran wer severely Injured, The Uat ot aMrhHMiy injured follows: -Alfred Miller. Montr vUia, Colo In ternally injured. - ' Robert E. Gritr. Ocdrn, Uuh. cut oa head; neck and shoulders sprained. Mamie Grier, Ogtieoa legs Injured, con tusion, on back and head. Bertha May Grier, Osded. Internal In juries, cut on head and body. Mrs. Mergers Uner, Ogdea, back and right' side washed, rixn almuUIrr kPTained. , : Majtkie Orler( hurt sbout beats, back and breast. , . , Felix Rissor. New Tork Ctty, right std bruised and crushed, left let and eneuiuer sprained. . i , , Mr. James Hands,' Pueblo, breast and back hurt. Internal Injuries. ,. Mm. LisMe Diiler. Sysart, la, head out, tett hand cut. LIMA CBN TEH, Mitrh, Aprfl, aV-Cn man was killed and aunost asoro of peaaeogers were Injured lata today when two lataruroan oar oa ths Detroit Uwttsd railway met In head-en eoltiloa" about tw mile east ot here. The deed man was Edward "Dttialiaoi a of Maple Ctty.' MJck. - - v - r . . Among those injored Fere 2, W. Diekey, andison. Clyd, of HuzKington. W. Va Mrs. Ceben of New Tork, tad Jdrs, Sm.ii Blaipjpof Eau Clair, "m., . ,r I 1 "