.1 r f , IS a ?4 t 'a I m I J 4 4 t II t 1 vr i J ! f t it i ( w 11 11 1 5 ' I' ! g . THE BEE; OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1912. 1 i ' flv eottsrea. a&ch costinr XL 800. making ' m Council Bluffs CASE COMPAQ TO BLUFFS Aimiyementi Hade Ij Company for Si; Agency Here. 70 BZ IISTEIBTO50 F0I5T Fortaserlr Bukn I Appointee! "Seaee-al Agent fa Bin rail Ctari II It was announced yesterdey aft moon Chat tlx J. I. Cua Thresher and Anto bsoMI company had eenetadad arrnnge tnanta Car making Coanstl Blotfi th gvneral distributing solnt tor all at Its pntaetM la the Ursa and profitable ter ritory rapiaa anted 07 aaatara Nebraska and wee-tern Iowa. The big aouhl Im plement building reoently bought by Proge Bros,, and ramodaUd at a aoat ot nhont mo. leeatad on Booth Mata atreet batwaaa Slat and Seventh nv. ctoaa, win ba occupied br tha oompsny. gioanaalea win ba Ulna at onea and th varebouae stocked up- - Taa Caat people hart distributing ageo ctaa Is all e( ths wait am states, bat ' tbar nava an baas loeatad at tha capitals ef tha atataa, Tha distance batwaaa Da Veto and Idaeeln leevee too lart ad to -p-rodoctlv a portion of tha tar ruory ta ba perwjrtted ta remain ao far from tha baa. - Thomaa Hood, formerly wel kaawa beaker at Tremor, baa bean appotntad tha company'! general agent hara and win bar full charge at Ita hnstnoss. directing tha aoarflaa ot a large torea ot traveling aeleemen, Tha ranodalad building provide a large Itatomobtia waranoat whara a full Una ot tha Case machines will ba kapt on ho (loot and othar wararooma with oon--rt tlaora tor tha aeeoaunodaUoa ef tha Caaa threshing eehlnery. Tha plant ami alas ba full? equipped tor tha ratatl Ira da la automobile, and carrr a full Has at parta and repairs for ail of U ttompaarw factory prodoeta. City Officials Try to Protect Levee javprabanaloa yaatardar that aarloua traabla mlrht ba occaalonad, by tha ton daney ot tho rlTar ta maka a abort out from a, point a abort dlatanoa bolow tha nilnola Caatra! railroad brklaa, wnara It arant orar tha la Taa and tora aorooi tThlity aatanth atraot. eaoaad City Engl soar Btlmaon and othar etty efflelala to maka a (ftort to praront tha an!arf nant ot tho Lrawwa la tho laraa by pil ing In aandbaga. Mora than Jot war banked around tha point whara tho water araa pournlg from tha rlvor and fifty or mora placed along tha adgaa at the breeches that had beea nada aeroes rnurtr-earanth street. AH leans eaoept by algaala and tale phoae ot oomnunloaUng with the maa amplored at tha Thlrtyeenth street pumping rtatlon were cut eft early m day eight whoa tha water poured aanee was pouring from the river and fifty ar ditches In the roadway. There was no aaeasmees, however, tor the danger ot tha river making a new and shorter chan nel betweea the rtver pumping atatloa and Broadway was removed by the teat that the water waa flowing for the en tire dtetaaos over a thick stratum ot the toughest gumbo. Communleatloa with tha city dump was also out off, and aea Dobeoa and bis men engaged ta hauling garbage were lthout a plase to unload. Thoueaads ot people visited the rtver yaatardar. many going to Big lake, where the water baa spread aver a wide taction at territory. NORTHWESTERN COACH CLIMBS RAILS AT DEPOT for some reaeon that railway ax parti tmve been unable to explain one ot th awaehea aampoatng tha Morthwenera't Chicago train No. 1 ckmbad the rails aa the train waa pulling lata the local atatloa yesterday and three ot tha ' cnaehee, all tilled with passengers, left tha track. One ot them turned bait way Dver and shook up the passengers sllfhtly and tore up a big sectloa ot tha paving att the Broadway croaatng. The train waa In charge ot Conductor BwJi and, although aoveral minutes lata, waa coming Into the atatloa at tha awoal.apeodi The rear trucks of one of the aoeches left the rails at a point about fifty feet north ot Broadway and turned the coach awry. This shoved off th coaeh ahead and pullet the one la tha rear partly from the track. Whoa the train was stopped the central eoach was standing at aa angle ot about torty-flvo degrees and would have toppled over If tt had not been held by tha couplings. Alt of the paenngers scurried out oulckly as poasthle. aome ot them going through the window. One or two had alight broleea. The report that a wreck tad occurred aaased tha hurried trip to tha atatloa ot a number et local physt eteaa. Including tha oompaaya medical ftkera, Tha street ear tracks Mocked tor a short time, but the wreck ing jcrow quickly .replaced tha derailed cars and tha train waa sent westward Mte a delay ot little mora than halt aa fcour. ... . . IIRS. GALLAGHER CLEARED BY ORDER OF THE COURT The trial et Mrs. If. A. Osllagher, Which baa beea occupying the attention t tha dietrlet court for the hut two aars, came to a euddea ending at Boon yesterday, when Judge Wheeler sue. tamed tho motion ot tha attorneys tor the defease tor a directed verdict, which reeulta in tha practical aoaulttal et the ejromaa and ends the ease. Faulty char acter ot the Indictment was the ground wpoa which the notion was based. Th actioa came after the Ciuded Its direct teetimony. OFFICIAL REPORT MADE OH CITY WATER CONDITION Th average condition ot the city water for the test week la sbowa by thla report of Chemist Jscobaoa: Bacteria Turb- Preenmpttve Boaroe, ear C C Idlry. Test for Coii Treated water n .AUnegatite Settled water... MM All positive &aw rtver water .eM IM All paeiUve Bacterial offlelaBcy of trsatmeat, U Total panipsg. tUTTjaT aaBona, Varrteee Lteemeea, Varrtegs licenses were Issued yestsrday to Uvi folloertng named persone: Xsnrs and Addreee. Aga Antoa Kerstoa. Couaet! Pluffs . g feaiiia Lee, Ceameal Bluffs ...... Dsroh W. fftetebaagh. Comctl Brett. Keuia Jchneoa. Council Buiffs A. C. Wood. Council Bluffs C i. BeiL- CottBcil Bluffs e. -til I 1 I I 1 . ' . , " - M HMMMMMMiHai - - . . Council Bluffs- Minor Mention Tha CoaaeO Blnffa Otflea at Tba Oaaha Boa to IS Scott Btroot. Tatoaboaa 4J. Davis, drugs. New signet rings at lafferts. Vlctrola, tu. A. Hospe a. H. Berwick for welt paper. Newest eoHd gold bar pins. Lefferts. Wood ring Undertaking Co. Tot Ma, Corilgens, undertakers. Thones lit. KXW TOBK Plumbing Co. 'Phone MMl Kewaet ootid gold baeda Lefferts'. FACsT BEER AT KOOEItr BUFTBT. lawla Cutler, funeral director. Pboaelt. Newest pendente and chaina. Lefferts'. MignilaoB bound. Morehouse Ca, Colfajt mlnral eratar delivered. TaL Z71 K. X. hUsnlck. . Dlckeraen for fine work aa ft & watches. B Pearl SL Only complete stock of Improved Tic tore and records. A. Hospe Co. See the bow sterling silver welry at Lefferts. Bluff City Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye works. New 'phone No. Xm. TO SAVB OR BORltotr, BEX C. B. Mutual Bldg. A Loan Asi a- U Pearl. Bee the new selection ot coral . atti finger rings at Lefferts'. Rt Alban's lodge No. tl. Knights of Pythlaa, will have work la the rank of knight Monday evening. The beet selection end lsrgeat Use of solid gold pendants and lsvalUars ever hows la the city at Lefferts'. BUDWDBKR on draught-The Orand. Anheueer on draught a. Adrein. Bud welaer In bottles at all flrst-claes bars Mornlngalde Chapter of St. Paul's Oulld will maet Tueeday afternoon at the home of Mra. Thomas Q. Uarrlsoa on frank street. BRING 17f your disabled watch to our watchmakers, they will put It ta as good oondltloo as new. Every piece of work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Leffert s Newest solid gold beauty pins. Ltf forts'. Alt BVTDER LOANS MONST sa heuaehold gooda, horeee, cattle and all chattel eecurttlee at a big dlecouat of the usual rates. Office over tM W. B dwajr. New solid gold hatpins, tins selection, at Lefferts'. Harmony chapter No. B Order of the Raetern star, will meet In regular session Thurader evening. All member ere re- queeted to he present and visitors are always welcome. New jewelry and stlverwara arriving sally at Lefferu. Tho members of Jewel court No. t Tribe of Ben Hur, are requested to at tend the regular meeting on Tueeday evening In the Dentin halL Tha enter talnment committee has sa excellent pro gram prepares, Mrs. W. H. Tremor was called to Olen wood yeeterdsy by the aerloua lllneee of her mother, Mrs. R. M. Trout. Mr. Trout has many acquaintances In Omaha ana council hi una. Judge Wheeler yesterday made en order discharging Mrs Lapldua. guardian of her three children, Lena, Ben and Henry, following the eiamlnatloa and approval of her final report. Newest solid gold braeelete, fine selec tion, at Lefiert'. Paner northern grown seed oats. North- era Ohio and Triumph sees, potai asparagus, bulbs and plants, garden potatoes, rden and flower eeeds. Now Is the Ume to sow your graee eeed, plant your sweet peas and naatuiuuma, lounsarmaa Beea co. It Increases your self-reipeet to know that your clothes look sod fit rtgh every day. Bend your eulta l us frequently. We can keep you happy. Bluff City Laundry Iry Cleaning and vy works. Phono fait. Mar. Bourldoa returned from a month's valt with hi family at Ben Antonio, Tex. His daughter. Mabel, wha through an attack of tonallitle wss In a woree condition for a time, has Improved again considerably during the last severe! days. It Is now confidently expected thst ah will be entirely recovered within a few months. A new tent of tha sir knights of th modem Maccabees will be orgenlsed Monday evening In the Danish hall. A. C. Oould of Cedar Baplda, etate com mander for Iowa, will be here end con duct tho work. A large olasa will go In as oharter members snd st ths eloee of the business meeting the two orders will hold a social session and servs refreeh- ments at least at one meeting each month, for members only. Ths six knights will be gueato ot to ladles Mon day svsnlng for lunch. Thomas Q. Harrison' petition for nomination aa a candidate on the re publican ticket et the June primaries wss completed yesterday and will probably be filed ex the county auditora efnee on Monday. Mr. Harrison haa determined to make a strong fight for ths honor of op posing County Attorney Capell, who will undoubtedly be the democratic candidate, with an eaay contest tor the nomina tion. There may be several other re publican candidate, hut Mr. Ilarrteon haa eecured tne advantage or oeing tne first to get his name prominently before tne voters. Thomas W. Insoldshy and family left yeeterdsy evening on the Union Psclfle flyer lor unduy. Tulare county Tell fomla, where they expect to make their future homo among th oraitge grovea. Their two older sons, Baytnond snd Harold, an employed In Lindsay, snd Mrs. Insotdsby bss near relstlves living mere. Mr. ingeidaby has lived la Coun -ll Bluffs continuously sines In, snd Is leaving here two brothers, alao a alater living In Omaha. Th party consisted ol Mr. snd Mrs Inroldaby, their youngest son, Lawrence, and Miss Harriet Judge, aiatar ot Mrs, ingoidaby. Th funeral ef Mrs. Rebecca A. Btslns was held yesterday afternoon from the reeldene or her deucbter. Mrs. W. O. Wirt. Tit Whlow avenue. Mrs. Blaine was nearly M years old. Her death was due to heart disease after an lllneee of only five and a halt days. Mrs. Blaine had been a continuous resident of Council Bluffs since lad. She was ths widow ot N. O. Blaine, wha waa a near relative ot Jamee o. Blaine. Mra Blaine alao a relative of Mrs. W. H. M. puaey. I where the great Maine ststeeman always entertsined whenever be sure to Coun cil Bluffs. During her long life In Coun cil Blufte Mrs. Blaine was actively ben efldent la her church and social work. She was a communicant of the In rat Preehvterlan church. The funeral veeter- day afternoon was private, Tne ervtces were eonaucteo oy riev. ir. Mociur. Burial waa la Walnut 1UU cemetery. On Monday evening st t o'clock ths Barsca class of the Fifth Avenue Metho dist church will meet the naran clean of th First Baptist church la the Young men s v nnsusn eeaoriation gymnasium fur tho final game of the city Baraca championship In basket belL The Baptist boys hive been Intimating that thev have two or three "dark boree" candidates for their team who sr expected to cause the Methodlets to eit up and take notice of tilings, while the Fifth avenue boys are leeting in Tiret-dsss shape alter hav ing defeated both the fecond Presby terians end the Broadway Methodists There will lo no edmtsetoa eharged and a good gam I promised to these who come out. Th following are the players: First Baptist. DeVol and sUlla forwards: neesiona, center; Fierce end Bussing, euarda. Fifth annua, Mcintosh and Marsh, forwards; Que, center; F aimer and Fonda, guards The Mothers dub. ths newly formed orgamsatloa comprising atxty of the beet and brtchteet mothers la Council Bluff s its en art er members, haa made ar rangemeata to hold Its regular to-weekly meetings on the tint and third Thurs days of esch month. Arrangements have been completed tor holding sll ot ths meetings tn the auditorium of the Toung Woman a Christian aaoodettoa building oa North Mala street, beginning at ID In the afternoon. The regular program provides for fifteen minutes' drill In per Itsinenlary law. followed by a ' ss'.nees eeeeion. and then br a paper or address on come subject relausg to the primary purpose ot the orgeaisaiiea. which Is ta discover ''What Constitutes the Modern Good Mother. and tlsea forcnulet and 11 8 dlaruss plans to achieve thst fcdeeL The first regular meeting will be held next Thursday afternoon, and the speaker will be pupertatarascBt BererlCg ot th city Council Bluffs erhoola Th theme assigned blra 1 the I Co-Operatioa ot rarenta ana i mc ;The women are confidently enthualaatle 'over tha genuine good Wat can be ec i eomptuned by the club, and they Intend to bring about the best results Thnnu TMhert Irwin and Ooorcle Louies Conlan came up from Nebrasaa City yeeterday afternoon and announced with great earneatneaa their deelre to get married. This was communicated to sev eral persons after the young people had gone to the county court house end die covered that the derk'e office waa cloaed on account of the uiual Saturday half holiday. Tha ract aiao mat aney were bruht. well dreeeed young couple helped to arouee a sympathetio Interest. Justice Cooper waa called up and he In turn called Harry M. Brown, clerk of the dis trict court Mr. Brown was married once himself and snows now cruet it wuwa be to Interpose needleee delaya and he came to the court house to laaue the nee A glance told him tnat am Conlan was not of legal age ana toe pointed questions confirm a me suspic ions. There was also room for tn aouot that th boy waa O, and he told them that the license eould not be lesued unices their sges were eetabiunea oy competent witness When he proposed that the mum man ehould ner telephone toll to call up th parents ot both esch demurred and qulcaiy lert me oinon, oi -icj were standing at th counter Joahtia Statu and Fav Batamsn. both of Neol. cam In on tho asm miction, also with out wltaeesea Tn gin iranaiy toio tne date ot her birth and sbs was found to be shy twelve dsys of the legal age. They had to drive back to Neola without the license, MISS GENEVA HOUGH WEDDED JO LEROY WATTS X pretty wadding occurred at th bom ot Mrs, George Hough la Hasel Dell township Wednesday at noon, when her daughter, Miss Oensva, wsa married to Lsroy Watte of Crescent. Tha bride, daintily gowned la whits silk nd mull, and carrying rosea, waa at tended by her liter. Miss Ooldea Hough. Ths troom' brother, Charles Waits, acted as best man. Ths wedding march was played by Miss Mahal Hough and tha marriage line wars spoka by J. P. Christcnssa of Council Bluffs. After th ceremony a bountiful dinner wss served. Thoee present were: Mrs. J. D. Cooks ot Omaha, F. O. Hough and daughter of Logan. Mr. and Mra. Charles Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Beel Hough, Mr, and Mra A. K. Klrkwood, Misses Lois and Fern Watts, Messrs. Roy, Olea and Lyman Hough. Real Eetat Traaefere, Baal estate transfers reported to The Be April It by th Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffsi George P, Colon and wife to James Baldwin, i or lot a block 17, in Baylies' tat add. to Council Bluffs la., w d t Edmonil White et al. to B. J. Wilson. n nett of B-7s-. w d M,e Samuel J. Wilson and wife to Ed win White and L. J. Patterson. a neta and e4 seU lMt-M. w d.. li.00 Verne Benjamin ana wire to stay HI ma. Lit L in Renlamln.Fahr Park add.. Council Bluffs. Is., w d.... t I. w. Bquirs snd wire to A. H. Mlckloiohn. lot t. block 11, In Houlrss add. Council Bluffs. Is.. w d - Ml Mary Jan Field and husband to O. B. Town, lot 1. block 1. nry snt Clark' add.. Council Bluffs. la. w d M Anna O'Neill snd husband to Ralph 1). nuts lot M, block 11, craw ford's sod to Council Bluffs, la., w d even transfer, total ta.M ready-mixed paint Is tatter, because machinery la a better mixer than human bands. It Is ehsaper, look brighter and last longer because It Is mixed by machinery. W bav th largest tins of ready-mixed paints In th city; each can w plainly labeled, showing ths aontenu, Tou can't go wrong In using eur ready-mixed paints. H. Bor wtck, tfetU a Main St, House cleaning tlm la hers. A new retrained at picture or th old on y Class before Breakfast tone up the stomach, clears the bead and doe you good. Janos NATURAL LAXATIVE Qtxicklv Believes CON8TIPATIOK GRAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE. EASY WAY TO RESTORE COLOR A hanalees reanedy, mads from sot- Bsoa cardea asga, aulckly reeteee gray hair ta natural color. Th car ot th hair, to prevent It from loetmg Ita color I lustra, ta Bast aa ImportasH aa w ear tor teeth to keep them treat aw eotorlng. Why spend sooner tor co met Ice and cream to Improv th com plaxleta, and yet aegioet your hair, whea gray hair I eves mor conspicuous and uggteniv at age than wrinkle ar a poor com pi silent ot tha two. It a sealer ta at score th natural color aad seautr f Ik hair than It la a bav a All that I sjeeeaaary la tha occasional use ot Wrath Bag and Sulphur Hair Bomcdy. a preparatioa ot conamoa gar aea Bags and Sulphur, combined "with other valuable i-eaaodlea tor dry, harsh, faded heir, dea draft. Itching scalp and falling hair. Attar a tea application ot this simple, banal eee remedy, your katr will gradually he restored to Its ural color. In a short am the dan druff win be removed, and your hair win B longer com out hut will start M grew ss Nature Intended It abouid. Doa't neglect your halt, tor It goes further thaa anything alas to task or to mar your good looks. Toa caa buy this remedy at any drug stars tar fifty its a bottle, aad your druggist will give your a-aoey back If you are not satisfied after Being. Purchase a bottle today. Tea will never resist It whea ye reallss th dlffaxwasa It will tpairlsl agent. Sherman a U-raitsr Drag Ca Build BtlCBftb gaiJJ m sit-- J Council Bluffs Fsubls Art Shop will heip givs a fresh ness to tho home. ' Many Applications Made for Permits For New Buildings If ths rush for building permit Is sa Indication, ths building season in Council Bluffs opened yesterday. A large num ber of permit were issued and state ments made that many others would be called for within tho next few days. Contractor Jo Hansen cam In with a good aised bunch, beginning with the permit required for his contract for th superstructure ot th Eagles' building on North Main street, to which ths figures I3S.0M were attached. Ths work ot im proving North Main street thst will re sult from ths opening of Vine from Bry ant street was runner Indies ted by permit calling for tha expenditure -tt H.SW by J. W. Casey, who will remodel ths brick building now partly occupied by himself for saloon purposes and th Jonas Transfer company. The whole Main street front of the building will be modernised by reconstruction and tha bar will be extended to th alley. It B prob able that th Improvements contemplated will coat much mor than ths amount specified In th permit. Th permit taken out by Contractor Hansen Include the additional resi dence: A one-etorv frame dwelling for Ivan Clark at Twenty-fifth street snd Avenue C costing tl.tCO. une-itory bungalow xor J. n. waiaer. jr., at ma corner of Ninth street and A venue H. nrica HLYJ0 Otte-etory bungalow for George w aiger. Bohrer's park, to cost K.o0O. One-etory bungalow for 1. O. Graham, Twenty-second street and Sixth avenue, price tl.CJO. Contractor A. O. Nelson slso took out several permits, among the larger of which was on for a B.000 dwelling for A. C. Keller at Thirty-second street and Avenue B. and a six-room cottage for Mra. Eberhardt on Littl Benton street that la to coat S.OOO. W. J. McKeeman took out permit for fA mild. SATisrnNO smoke. ANNUAL SALES 11,500,000. S--rWJaaMtVW''SveWSIJIB lllJlllll.iaWtTWgr Klf . tJ-satBie w,w,v n 1 JiSiHuiiiKfiikC n gge-nBnw-mm-wW i i TeWN I VKc v?eiJ3mX aaV -Wftw. , 'tfV,sVaVu,.B asax-i -was, v TtTOCC. THAT'S THE WORD. We want you to think for the piano man just a monent. WE WILL PAY YOU to think for US. ' If we depended entirely upon our own ideas to in crease our business, we would have died in a rut Ion? ago. It is your valuable advice in the naming of a new Player Piano that we are soliciting. It is the accidental sugges tions of our patrons and friends that, when put into prac tice, help build up a bigger and better business for us. Did you see our exceptional offer in Sunday's paper? If not, look at tomorrow's issue. Sit right down now and triinV of an honest name for a Player Piano and mail it to us. $25.00 IN GOLD for the best name, $15.00 IN GOLD for the next best name, and $10.00 IN GOLD for the third best name. Proposals must be in. by Tuesday night, April 19th, 1912. Piano Co. 1825-27 Farnm St "Walk out of your .way to buy from us". "IT PAYS." ' five cottages, esch costing H.8M, making I a tots! of $$.000. They will be located on Avenue C between Thirty-second and Th.rty-fourth streets. Tha demands ot th carpenters union for a minimum scale of 60 cents aa hour beglnnlng on May 1 have not been modi fied, neither has the attitude ot a ma-: Jority of tho contractors, who announced their Intention to oppose it, been changed, j That it will be generally acceded to. i however, la not doubted, for a number! of tha lsrger contractors are bow paying that price and aome good men are re- j cel-rtng mora than that Thus the proba- , Mlitv ot a strike thst will havs any ef fect upon the season's building opera tions baa been practically removed. Con tractors predict a better season this year than they had last. Stimulate your bush-ess by advertising ta The Eee the newspaper that reaches an of tho buyers. Reducing the Cost of Living In thess day of soaring food prices it behooves the careful housekeeper to pick t those foods that give the most nourish ment In proportion to their cost. With ths prices ot meats beyond the reach of a table allowance that once proved suf ficient, one must choose something thst provides meat nourishment without moat cost. That food la found In Faust Spaghetti. Faust Spaghetti la made from rich, glu tinous Durum wheat. . It provides as much nourishment ss many times Its valu tn meat or eggs. A to packsg ot Fsust spaghetti win provide a generous helping to five persons Tou cannot find a cheaper food, nor a better food nor a food that la so universally enjoyed. Msny thrifty housewives who serve spaghetti In aome torn.' very often, make It ths chief dish for dinner once a week and hd ha It Jiu. nm .in i v nrnva aran. omlca! but also receives the hearty ap- prove! of their families. Write for our tree DOOKiet 01 raust ttecipes. MAULIi BROS, latl rtt. bonl Avenue, at. IVonia, Mo. LEWIS SINGLE BINDER cigar is smoked by more men who have been smoking 10c cigars than any other 5c cigar sold. Not only is the tobacco EXTRA. QUALITY, but it ia os from two to three years which makes such MILD.FRAGRANT SMOKE. LEWIS' SngU Binder ci gar goes to you fresh and clean in his Famous Tin Foil Smoket 'ackage. Ask roof dealer for thi cat-a, I Segerstrom OMAHA, NEB. Exclusive Features for 1912 A greater year for a greater paper The Omaha Bee All the newt that is real news. Mutt and Jeff " Character creations from the pen of "Bud' . Fisher that have made all the world laugh ' and turned many a sad face into a smile. ; Looking Backward This day in Omaha during tha history forrning periods of 30, 20 and 10 years ago, briefly and interestingly reproduoed for Bee readers. The Bees Wedding Book . A chronicle of marriage anniversaries of Omaha's own people, simply aad entertain ingly detailed from day to day. Silk Hat Harry Tad's dog-man invention who has more trouble than anyone, but trouble that is so funny it makes amusement for every Bee reader. Katzenjammer Kids These tw youngsters who are the source of Sundf fun for thousands of children promise many new tricks and delightf-U for this year. Nell Brinkley Drawings Nell Brinkley developed a new idea in pen drawings, and her sketches of men and women caught by Cupid, not only have ar- tistio beauty, but also always teach a lesson. , Sherlocko the Monk Sherlock Holmes, works sleuth-wonders to many people, but Monk, the picture-detective, is more marvelous in the fun-way than Dr. Watson believes Holmes to be in a serious way. " ' . Daffydils ' ' Nothing so amusing has been run in any western newspaper in many, years as these humorous play-on-words lines by Tad. Desperate Desmond A stage villain transferred to pen pictures ' and revealed in the most laughable light to make every Bee reader roar and hold his sides. Happy Hoollg2n - Poor, old Happy; he Is continuously grow ing more entertaining and now he is on . the road to new situations to win smiles from all followers. Carpenters Travel Lretters No writer of the present day sees events and situations in such interesting light as Frank J. Carpenter, and none describes them so graphically. Heart to HeartTalks for Women By Ella Wheeler Wiloox, Winifred Black, , Mabel Herbert Urner, Dorothy Dix, Fran cis Garside, Ada Paterson, and many others i who write for women, what women want to read. . Each week in the Sunday issue Several big special stories of particular interest to Omaha, Nebraska and Iowa ' readers. Comic Section in Colors Sands Besides the laughable comic pictures and the special articles by women for women, ? The Bee will record dramatic events of im portance; present exclusive human interest stories and give an accurate account of events of politics, with absorbing sidelights on the two big political parties, their con ventions and their presidential campaigns. Complete Telegraphic and Cable News From all over the civilized world every day in the year. If you neglect to Read The Bee daily during 1912 You will miss these ex ol naive features, the greatest series ever published in a Ne braska paper. ;