Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
The ConcU Blafft Office of
Ttaw Omaha Be Is at IS
Scott Street. Telepbos 43.
Dana, drugs,
Vlctrola, 11V. A. Hasps c.
H. Berwick for wsl paper.
Weedrlng Undertaking Ca. Tel. am
OsrTkraas, undertakers, 'phones lO.
NEW TORK Plumbing Co. 'Pnone Bo
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Paoae7.
Magaxlnea bound. Morehouse Co.
fXcfceraon for fins work MflfL
Watchea. a Ptarl .
Only complete dock of Improved Vie
tora and records. A. llospe Co.
Bluff City Laundry. Dry nnnlm and
Dye werks. New 'phons No. SU.
Mutual Bid- Loan Ass a.. 13 Hut.
Bl'DWElSKR an Oraugnt-The Grind.
Anheuser on draugst & Adrain. Bud.
welaer la bottles at all tirac-claaa Mr
Mlra ConkHn. aha haa barn visiting
Dr. Herbert A. Wood her ry for I be last
month, left yesterday for ber home la
Incubators. SS-erf caarrry. 17 K: 130
egg capacity for lul.Be. Wa sell the Dee
Xolnes Incubator Una. P.. C De Vol
Udw. Ca., eot B dway.
BRING IN your disabled watch to 01 ir
. watchmakers, they will pot It in aa food
condition aa new. Every pleoe of work
guaranteed. Prlcas rraeonable. Lefferta.
household aooda. horse, rattle and ail
chattel securities at a btf discount of tha I
usual rales. Ulrica over Be w. 0 away.
There will be a special communication
of Excelsior lodge No. l raturdsy alter,
noon and evenlnic. April 1 for work on
third decree. All Mailer Mason are
cordially Invited.
WUiiem Thompson, at year old, and
not etijCMjted In any btlstnrea that re
quired I be uee of any kind of meeaucjng
device, pleaded (ulity In police court
yeaterday morning to tha charge of hav
ing stolen a email erale platform from
tha atork rooma of the llafer Lumber
company, lie waa not preaeed to tell
why ha did It. but waa arm 10 tha county
Jail for thirty day to think tha matter
Tha suit of tha Alfalfa Meal company
aaalnat Ilia I nlon pacific Kallroad com
pany, claiming about ta.un damages
from tha re 1 1 rued company fr reepunsl
billty fur tha lire that destroyed tha
plant In January, 1911, waa aettled by
compromise yeaterday. Tha railroad com
pany confessed Judgment In favor of
tha A If aft a Meal company for MM It
was contended that sparks from a switch
engine passing the Alfalfa Meal com
lny a plant act fire to the large atork
of alfalfa hay and caused tha entire
destruction of tha plant.
Former Park Commissioner Frank Pet
erson experts fo file with tha county
auditor today his petition for nomina
tion at the June primaries aa the repub
lican candidate for county treasurer. It
will be strongly representative petition.
Indicating that Mr. Peterson will be a
strong candidate. Ha haa for many years
been one of tha successful business men
of the city and one of the leading Danish
rlttsrn. This prominence haa given wide
popularity and made him one of tha lead
ing and progressiva members of Ilia Dsn
Isli six -let its. a hues organisations com
prise aboue M voles In Ilia oily,
SATVRDAT SPrTCIAL-Whal 1. the use
01 paying so much for creamery butter f
Lot of good country butter, per pound,
Jtfa; freeii country eggs. Wo duten;
fresh strswberrtrs. I bases for Son; let
tuce radishes, green onions and rhubarb;
set rained honey, pr glass, Wo; comb
honey, per cake, c In cmned goods wa
are selling 4 cans com, Sic; a rana wex
beans, : cea heeta, per can, sic; can
fssa, per can, M; pineapple, par can,
Itc, peaches and apricots. ir can, lie,
w" clover seed la
bulk. We deliver to west end every dev.
U tsree. l Uraedwey. Telephone fM
f It. Dredge, the automobile chauffer
who has been In police custody for a
week or more while the detectives wars
Investigating tha foundation for hla story
of how ha came Into possession of a
gunny sack full of ladlasr fins shoes that
J" "oll 'ro" a merchandise ear,
had his hearing further continued yester
day morning. Ha will be arraigned again
on April St. In tba meantime ha will en
deavor to secure the bond of 11.00 ex
acted by Judge Snyder. Clyde McClel.
land, another of halt a dosen men ar
rested aa lha asms day, was released
from custody yeeterday and tha charge
of having assisted In disposing of a lot
of hides stolen from a Burlington mer
chandise car was dismissed. It was
pretty well established that McClelland
only assisted In disposing of the four
kegs of beer that were purchased from
Uu proceeds at tha stolen hides.
W Cat Frlea, bat Never Daalltr.
Read three low prices for Saturday on
dependable goods, linn send us your
order. --Granulated sugar, 17 lb., tl W.
sUrewberrtea, per box. We.
Flour, Flour "Our Vsy fp" flour,
every sack warranted. Xe pkg.
Oxa bouillon cube, l-; 25c pkg. Cedar
Moss, tte; table corn, 1 can, lie; choice
pea. I cana. Sic; 50c carpet broom. Be.
Fruits and Vegetables Fancy bananas,
eo-. lie and 30c-; green onions, ( bunches,
Mc; new radishes, I bunches, 14c; new
cauliflower. 30c and lie; large bunches
rhubarb. 1 fur Zr: new potatoes. I lbs..
tec; Early Ohio potatoes, pk., c; I lb.
eaa blackberries, 10c; Sc can extra fancy
table peaches, 3 cans, &c
Meat Department-Read thee special
price for baturdsy: Breakfast bacon,
by the atrip, per lb., U'ic; veal, per lb.,
up from 18c; fancy roast beet lb. up
from He; good beefsteak, lb. KSe; beat
soup meats, lb. up from lc; home mado
sausage. 1 lbs. for I, pork roast, lb. up
from mc; veal roast, lb. up from lc;
noma made Hamburger, 1 lbs. for Sc;
muttoe, lb. Bp from sc; perkled corned
beef. Ib. up from He; best pot roast lb.'
up from He; fancy boms made lard. 1
lbs. for Sc; Worrell's picnic hams, extra
rancy. sugar cared, weight to I lbs.,
mim Worrell's low Pride, reg. ham,.
xtra rancy. sugar cured, weight about
lbs., par Ih, tic; Morrell' Iowa Pride.
nnnaa bam, extra fancy sugar cure,!.
weight about 1 lbs., per Ib, ltr.; Morrell't
r-aaeeca Brand bacon, extra Iran, be
the strip, lb, rse; Morrell' Iowa Pride
nseon. oy ins strip, lb. Sc.
Hardarar Department Xpecta la-Good
ateel hoc. He; le-twb. gsrden rake. Be;
Iroa pontps, op from ti n); Wheelbarrows,
up from H.S; poaltry netting, t in. mesh.
In full rolls, per Ml so, ft.. c: ran-y
" wsia, qts, Zjc; adjustable window
eraens, nV; garden trowels. He; good
stesi shovel. SSc; good steel spade. Be
ateel spading fork. Sic; hand garden culti
vator. Tec; Mc city null box. c; blue
grasa seed. Ib, we; white clover seed.
'-. ami Bias neat egg, do.. 89c; good
U-taeh high wheal lawn mower. ti.l;
He Iron wheel roller skates. Be.
Th big uptown store. MO-lul.iM.Mt
Broadway. Fhanes Jfflt.
I ft -1 H r f fit'CV 0JI HORSES, CATTLE AND
aura ajrr cmatto, cxcuxrrr at oxx-ty rm oroax avtni.
Teealf Tears eg aeesswfal .asraae.
co turn max axs imuwit. otu Bxrmsas.
Council Bluffs
Lowlavndi on Iowa Side Beoeire
Current of Hirer.
; Water BeTeral Feet Higher Tba a
ee Habeldtarr Water Baal a, bat
Werk Is aa Vet Prelected by
Street Railway Grade.
Tha Missouri river yesterday left It
tanks on the Iowa aide and began pour
ing a swift current from a point Just
vest of the Illinois Central railroad
across tha territory lying between that
locality and Thirty-seventh street Al
anon It had backed up east of Thirty
seventh street, filling a large territory
ts tha northwest with a flood In aoi
low places at least twelve feet deep. A
number of houses wets Isolated and sur
rounded, and In tha afternoon families
began hurriedly to mora out.
Thirty-seventh street, tba thoroughfare
that lead to lha river pumping station,
ha been graded up higher than any
other cross street running north of Ave
nue A, and It thus formed a dam. At
noon tha water on tha east side of th
street lacked but a few Inches la
numerous pieces of flowing over. Back
water' had filled the slough 00 the west
Me, but th water level on th Wast
side wa nearly three fart lower than
oa th east aid of tha street. When It
hroka over In tha afternoon It quickly
fl:ied th big basin on tha other-aids,
teasing up the road to tha pumping sta
tion. If tha water that flowed In bad
not been slopped by th street railway
grade end th Broadway street grade
this would hv been a real danger point,
for It would hav given th river a short
rut that might bar mad a new chan
nel at th point between Broadway am
th river pumping station. If th water
should' finally and an escape Into the
river below or above the street car
bridge It wuudd present a serious danger.
Water Higher Tba a Basis.
The water level In the river wa four
feet higher than th bottom of th now
subsidiary basin that la being construe tad
for th ell? Water plant at lb upper
pumping station, and K wa seeping la
through tha poroua sand very rapidly,
making It Impossible to continue th con
crete work. The 11010 I In no danger,
however, unlet th river should for ma
new cmvnnel or begin cutting Into th
Iowa banks.
Th river began pouring tnto Big lak
early In th day, and by th middle of
th afternoon It had pushed out over (be
banks snd. covered the grounds In the
vicinity ot the custodian's house In Lake
rlew park,, and by mldnlrtit nearly all of
the park lands were flooded. A strong
current was flowing Into the lak at the
north end end flowing bark In th river
via the original outlet al the southeast
end. Th current waa not swift nugh
to do anydamaga In tha way ot outtlng.
The situation, however, would bs alarm
ing wer It not for the reports of falling
stages at all point north. Th elevation
of th water level anotnsr foot Would
send It ever the lev north, ot th old
Driving park grounds and across Seven
teenth street end vicinity.
Per oral 1 aswly built houses near the
south end of Big lake vara surrounded
by water 1st yeeterday afternoon.' Th
people 'moved out and took refuge is
home of neighbor whose bouse war on
higher ground..
Alt of ths machinery, (lock snd other
property belonging to the George N. Hall
Manufacturing company ha been Mid to
the Nelson-Jewell Manufacturing com
pany ot this city, who will continue t
one rats th plant Th Utter company I
ngaged la th manufacture of lightning
rod and much of the machinery Ih the
Hall plant I suitable for the making of
lightning rods and other article now
made. . Th Jewell company will continue
to make all of th hardware specialties
manufactured by the Hall company and
saya the busln will be pushed and
conducted on a Isrger scale thas ever.
William w! ehanaoo, Iowa state, In
spector of factories, workshops and pub-
tie buildings. I In tbe city looking attar
hi duties. Th last autumn ths etat in
spector spent considerable Urns her en
forcing romplianc with the law requiring
fire escapes, and encountered a pleating
willingness on ths part of owner of luch
buildings at required th devices to fully
comply with the' law. Mr. Shannon's
purpose now Is to enforce mother section
of the state law designed for th better
ment of th environment of employe.
Thla relates to adequate toilet fadlltle
for men and women.
The Isw Is very explicit sad requires at
least one toilet for every twenty em
ploye. On section of the law reads:
"la factories, mercantile establishments,
workshops Snd mills adequate washing
facilities shkll b provided for employes;
and when Uhor performed Is of inch
character as to require change of cloth
ing, wholly or In part, by employes, there
shall be provided a dressing room and
lockers tor keeping clothing and afford
ing washing fadlltlee aeparate for each
sex. and a Person or person shall be
allowed to us th facilities assigned to
the opposite sex. A suitable supply of
water for drinking shall also be provided."
Another section ot the law makes It a
serious offense to permit obscene writing
or marking in such placet.
Inspector Shannon said that the condl-
tlena In. Council Bluff ware tar above
the geieral average, but a full cemphaace
with the law will require fifteen or
twenty additional toilet The owners of
such buildings have been notified Imme
diately to supply the required facilities.
'1 - have Inspected nearly all of the
more Important establishments In Coua
ctl Bluffs since I came bare and find
that In -every -Instance the fir ear pea
and other Miprovemenu for the safety ot
employe painted out last tall have been
provided.'' said. Mr. Shannon. "Not Only
have the safety appliances been provided
willingly, but they are of even a better
character than tha law requires. The
owner and manage re have apparently
tried m every way to protect their em
ployes. In some of tha factories no fur
ther Improvement apparently could be
made. Tbe big candy factory of tba John
0. Woodward company at now the modal
for tbe whole state. There la nothing
that I can sea that could further add to
the safety of the large number of em
ployes or pro rids better mean for their
Mr. Shannon left last evening for Dee
Motnes, but will return la a week or two
ta not th pragrcaa made la compliance
with the ether feature of tbe law.
Jtarrlage Lleaaees.
Marrlag Urenews were Issued yeaterday
to th following named person:
Neme and Address. Age
Clarence 8. Fuller, Chariton. la 11
Cecil White Charlton, la II
(join Settle. Council Bluff....., IS
Mary Ortevich. Council Bluffs U
Bethel African
Church to Open
Th first services will be held tomorrow
In the newly completed Bethel African
Methodist church at tha corner of Six
teenth street and Avenue A. For a num
ber of year the foundation of the build
ing had beta completed -and roofed ovr.
and aa th lot on which It stands la more
than Mx feet below grade sufficient room
wa afforded to permit the basement to
b used for church purpose. Last
autumn a new pastor. Rev. Jam L.
Wharton, came here from Bloux City and
took charge of Ih church work. He
succeeded In raising enough money to
add the superstructure, and It Is this that
will b used for th first tlm tomorrow.
It I a neat appearing and substantial
building and, although still unpointed
and far from being finished, the chief
part of the work haa been done.
Tba services tomorrow will not be of
the nature of a dedication. This service
will occur a soon aa the pastor can fix
a dale with the hlahop. Th pastor will
preach tomorrow and the choir will
render some excellent music at the morn
ing, afternoon and evening asrvlc. .
Th pastor will preach on "Gratitude"
at tha morning service. In the afternoon
at I o'clock there will be speaking by
some of the ministers from Omaha And
ot Council Bluff. At night the pastor
will preach from th subject, "Th People
Having a Mind to Work." Th public
I Invited to all that services. Seat ar
free to all. Hour of Sunday services.
M:46 a. m., I p. m. and T:4i p, m.
dolatry is Qroping
After God, Says Points
Aa audience that occupied all at th
sat In Ih rooms of th local Theoeopht
eal society listened last'vnlng to th
second ot th series of lecture by Judge
J. Points of Omaha. Ill theme, "Th
Idol and th Ideal," gar him aa oppor
tunity to present In a masterly manner
hi conception of the truths revealed by
lb theosophta philosophy. With faultiest
loglo and eloquent word h showed that
Ih idol was simply th material repre
sentation ot the Ideal and that tbe only
form ot Idolatry possible waa where the
Ideal wa not that of the Individual, but
on that had been glvsn him by another,
on Uit hid been forced upon him by
th authority of creed or dogma. It then
became a part of, hi personality, not ot
hi Individuality,, a posssssloa of th
physical, not ths spiritual man, and It
thus becaih an Idol whloh he worshiped.
He made beautifully clear tha theosophte
contention that "all rellgkms are th
radii of a elrcl. th center of which Is
God. snd even Idolatry I a groping after
Judge Points' lecture are arousinf
much Interest In those who are hearing
them. On next Friday evening he will
talk oa Theosophy and Evolution." '
The trial of Mia. M. A. GaJlif htr. In
dicted upon th chares tnat she set fir
to the Osllsfhtr bouse, which she waa
operating, and attempted to burn It on th
night of September last, wa betun In
th district court yrdy afternoon.
Mrs. Oallsgher I accused of havtnc at.
tempted to destroy the building for the
alleged purpose ot securing th lnturaac.
Th evidence of Fir Chief Ntcholton,
Assistant Chief Hltchcoc and Deputy
State Fire Marshal Fisher wss Ukea be
fore adjournment of court for the day. The
tire waa promptly extinguished before Ibe
building was damaged to any great si
tsnt. and th firemen told of the situ
ation by th Subsequent Inspection. They
said tha Are had been located In the
kitchen In th extreme rear ot thn build
ing and In th parlor In the extreme frnt
and that there Was no connection between
th two fire. They testified that there
Were no evident- of burned clothing,
trunks and furniture claimed to have been
destroyed, .
Deputy Fir Marshal Fisher related hi
discovert when he Investigated and
told of th statements mad by Mrs. Oal
lsgher concerning th total loss and hi
iubaequent discovery of a trunk and
asm grip tn a railway freight, house.
where they Were consigned tor shipment
The fir occurred while Mrs. Gallagher
and her daughter were uptown attending
die street carnival and moving picture
.The case la being tried to a Jury com
posed largely ot business men. Including
former Park Commissioner Frank Peter
son. Mr. Gallagher I being defended
by Tlnley a Mitchell, who are confident
ot their ability 'to show that th bad no
responsibility for the origin of the Are.
Tbe case I attracting mucn Interest for
th reason that It la th first ess of the
kind to be prosecuted uneer the amended
laws concerning Incendiarism, where the
newly appointed firs marshal appears aa
the chief complainant, and site, for the
reason that tba first victim, unfortu
nately. Is a woman.
Heal Kstato Trans fere.
.Real estats transfers reported to The
Bee April 13 by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company ot Council
Garrett Relneks and wits to Chris -'
H. Jacobean. nU aU. .wit isTa .
ass jaeouei ana wire to Her
man Mendel. sH ne4, t-77-41; eH
H and swH swu, l-TJj; ne
. 1S-S-4J; w ni4,
.t-rf-V. eH net. I-TT-U; S i V
FJMjPi ' fc71-1' sew .
heli, e-77-H. a. e. d
g. C. Williams and wife to August '
Kadeoeit. lot It. block It. Bavlttt'
Third addition to .Council Bluffs,
w. d i
Ous H. Willi ama and wife to same,
lot 17. block at. Baylies' Third
addition to Council Bluffs, w. d..
Louie Hansen and husband ta Mary
First Award, $25
Why Does a Name Mean So Much? Because
The mere MENTIONING of name standi for GOOD principles or BAD prfndples. Sorae'pianos, like some people, have
GOOD names, while some pianos, like some people, have BAD names.
We Are Offering These Prizes for a Name for a Player Piano. Why We Do It
Our factory at Minneapolis Is prepared to launch on the market a full stae 88-note Player Piano. What we are after nowJs
A NAME for this Player Piano that is expressive of. quality, a name that Is easy to pronounce and that will mean something.
We are not going to depend upon our own ideas, but will leave the naming of our Player Piano to the people of this city and
community. Too many people nowadays are buying pianos and player pianos with actually "any old name" on the fall-board
or'front of the instrument, and simply because of that fact they do not know what they are getting. We are authorized by the
factories to spend a large part of our energy and advertising money to burn it in the minds of the people so strong that the
NAME of "OUR" Player Piano will become a by-word and a common household wcrd with everybody in this community. Isnt
this good judgment on our part? . . .
WHAT does the piano-buying public have to guide or direct-them In the purchase of a piano or Player Piano? Onlv "A
NAME" In realitv. Of course
as piano dealers, can ten you aoout our ratio: "Tour next, ooor nearnoor nas one.--we
have hundreds of them In this community, then we have "SAID SOMETHING hi
Wetia eart ntalnlv tha name
matter what rmay be, (It jour roaaoo why 70a think tt rproprUt. A abort bum mean aa muoo. aa Jon on loot tt m wtat wa
deairex "
This proposition la conducted for ta purpoM of setting, tit "BBBT KAJsTBT obtalnabl for aor new Player Piano and ta pojmlarta tfco
' make w handle.
No on connected with our bonia or an other swale nouae to aucnlo tn enter.
The auparlntandent of our factory will cbooae or telect the first three beat name. Tola ta with fhntmoat falrneaa t aO, AH thoao
ndlnt In tultabl usireitlona will be notified by mall. Propoeal tot b maOed to oar fU3t by April 20th,
la oa of a tl. equal award will b siren.
1825-27 Farnam St.
Council Bluffs
Mayer, lot 14. block It, town of .
Walnut, la. w. d Son
Caroline Hchula to Sophia Schuli.
lot 4. diock , town 01 Avoca, la.,
w. 4 ! 1
Leonard Everett and wife to Aaron a
Kahr, lots I 10 . block f, Mayns a
First addltlun to 1'oencll Blurts,
w. d 0
Fremont Henjamln and wife to O. '
H. l oans, lot 1, mock 1, rienson .
Second addition to Council Bluffs,
."'w.' MeCaii'Va''at"Nos's:."iot'T,
block 17, Beers' subdivision to
Council Bluffs, w. d , SM
William Moor, trustee, end wife to
M. Nogg, trustee lor Samuel Noct.
a minor, lot , Belmont addition
to Council Bluffs, w. d 71
P. H. Chrlstenson and wife to
tleorge t. lot , diock s,
ftreet' addition to Council
Rlurfa. w d 1
Joseph J. Horner to Otto D. Borner,
lots ID, 14 and lft, diock 11, ana lots
snd W, block 42, all In Ferry
addition to Council Bluffs. 0. c. d.. 1
John A. McKenste et al. to Kdmond
". Uenlon, eto owl, K-ie-ea, w. a.. s,ww
Thirteen transfers, total.,
Gen. Dodge Reaches
Age of Eighty-One
Hundreds ot congretuuitory telegrams
from all pans of th country poured Into
the office and residence ot General Qren
vllle; M. Dodge all day yeaterday, extend
ing th felicitation of friend upon hi
elghtr flrat birthday anniversary. .HI
Council Bluff and Omaha friend availed
themselves of th telephone or mad per
sonal nil. Th splendid health the gen
eral It enjoying enabled blm to withstand
the . ordeal nicely, and It wss a strain
that would have been formidable even t
a man celebrating nie fometu anniver
sary. Th telegram came from all of tbe
officer ot th Society of th Army of
th Tennessee, of which General Dodge
la president, and trom many noted men
In New York and Washington. Toward
the middle of the day the congratulations
came In a stream from the X'nion Paeiflo
officials, snd lb high officials of many
other lines. The hearty expressions ot
good will and esteem .deeply touched
General Dodge, and bs said, ..yah. dis
cernible moisture In his eyes, that th
things he was most greatly . thankful for
at this ripened stags 01 hla 111 -waa
that bs had been able t earn and con
tinue to deserve such friends. . ,
Oeneral Dodge's health Is excellent, and
his unimpaired vigor sf brlln and will
enable blm to . accomplish a prodtglou
amount of work every day Incident to
business and financial affair that repre-
ent-mUllons ef dollar. He said to many
friends yesterday that be felt that he
la te
most fruitful period of hla
lews Meere Xatee,
n . m-r c i..,inl. Treasurer ftaftr aa
Hubbard sjuwunces this week that his
...... i. i ,he rinar" and that be la a
csiMHdste for re-election. -
IDE OHOVB-Joseph L. Ksckley died
ot pneumonia after a short Illness. He
. . . , . . ...... mHIUImm ts
leaves a i , - - - -
remelns Fere takep to his old home at
Lane vivy ' - .
f M. A. Riley at Dow City, .came Into
of . bottle of carbolic acid and, .ailow. The parents and a
he energetic work saved the
chllds1 We, but It was baOly ourned-
unrnnn T wr femnhell. Tt. It
Wilson, A. H. Hart man of the Wlmerset
city council ana J . o. iwie. ."j
torney. wer In Glenwood this morning
en routs to other cities Inspecting paving
of various kinds. Tbey go from Glenwood
to Omaha- . .
CRESTOS-J. H. Uchty. aged year,
died at the Cottage hospital last nlerht
..... . i ' nt Hir Mr
Ltchlv wss one of tt.e oldest and moat
prvperous of the city' aMslnees mew.
He came trie Iti VT,i and tn many years
had been In the grocery Mirtnees.
college at Mount Pleasant has st been
mads the recipient of a gift te ap
piv ci tne tl3.tM seventieth year en
aoantrnt lund Presirlent Sche.l Is trying
to raise. The dVnors were Mr. and Mra.
K. a Mofole ot Muscatine.
IXX2AM Th plamtia withdrew the ac
In Gold Second Award. $15 In Gold Third
they have the piano dealers ruarantee back of It, but most people
waa aaawaat lor th Viarar Plan, whether It aw long OT ghort, a waanl ararosalnl qualltv or tomafhln I
E. B. Segerstrom Piano
Omaha's Exclusive RcDresentatlves of th genuine Knabe
Walk Out of Your Way
tion In Ih Injunction proceedings and the
defendant paid Ih cost her yesterday
In the case ot J. M. Kennedy against
t'-w titaiurer of Harrison county. The
Iniunctloit pincevdinga aire Instituted to
previ rt miHMiiit.s Ming paid M. W.
Molr as special sollector of unlisted taxes.
IDA GROVE The Modern Woodman
lodge of Ida county held a county con
vention at Ida Grpve to protest against
the proposed new rstes ot that order.
Julius Roll wer snd Chsrles Maeomber of
liia trove rs named as deleiratea to
th Stat convention of protest to be held
In Des Moinu the Itth. In Ida county
the Woodmen have 70b members.
CREnTOX-Orders from ths United
States attorney general have restored
federal grand Jury hearings in the C res-
ton federal courts, beginning with the
new term. Just prior to the last session
of the federal court held here orders
were glvsn that tha grand Jury Investi
gations be discontinued bore and heard
at Uttumna.
DtNlSON-Crawford county, being one
ot the strongest democratic counties ef
Iowa. Is becoming wrought un over the
nominee for that ticket tor president. The
caucus ar Mid April It. Friend of
Harmon nave neon eenaing in much
lltersturs snd friends HI other candidal
ar active, It I believed that Wilson
will M sndorted at lha convention,
April 17. . i
CRETON-Chsrles Teller of Pleasan
ton. Is., recently brought her for a
hearing before Commissioner Hsnna of
the federal court, charged with bootleg
ging, came prepared to make a hard
fight, bringing his attorney from Leon
with him. flowertr. the investigation
resulted tn his Ming bound over lo the
grand Jury it the November term. It
is said Tsllar had recently beea tried
and eonvkud In the district court at
Leon for th aatue offense..
OLENWOOD-Practleally every avail.
able auto snd otMr means ot conveyance
wss pressed Into service this morning to
convey .everybody thst would volunteer
te help, to th western border of Mills
county to seelst In holding th levee that
waa. reported oangeroutly near th break
ing point, rne .jairaouri river ta very
hlgb and rising. Three hundred acres
of land was reported inundated yester
day. The western bottoms will be cov
ered It the levee 1 not held.
OtRNWOOD-Patrtrk Burke, one of
the oldest dtisens of this county, died at
hi bom her today. 11 cam to low
In Ut. In that year he Walked from
this county to- Council Bluffs where he
obtained labor and accumulated sufficient
property to exchange It for It acre, of
land four mile south of Denlson In UaV
He - owned M acre for a numbeg of
year back. Burial waa made from the
Catholic church.
CRE8TON The Railroad Men'e else at
their meeting last night heard the report
of th committee .who have been Investl-
Satlng the co-operative atore at Alliance,
eb.. and were favorably Impressed with
the report Five hundred dollars area
subscribed at the meeting last nlaht and
subscriptions t j the amount of Rn ar
to oe soixiieo. it mis amount Is rortn
omir.g. the1 mlhoaders say th store here
will .be opened soon. It will be patterned
after the one at Alliance. .
IOGAN Delegates from tbe Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons of Utile
Sioux. Modaie. Mleeourt Valley. Wood
bine. DunlSD and West 8ide. aaslsterl the
members ot Chrysolite Lodge No. 4JV of
Logan Mrs yesterday afternoon and
evening In exemplifying third decree
work. O. O. Rock. L. Logan and Harlow
p. orosvsnor Ming tn three candidates.
nearly we war in attendance.
Big Appropriations
Asked for Drainage
NEW ORLEANS. April U Raeoln-
tloaa urging the appropriation by o
gress ot tl.ww.o annually until the com
pletion ot to Panama canal and IS. ago..
tot annually thereafter for land reclama
tion and other purposes, and calling tor
aa Immediate attendance te Washington
of the executive committee and officer
of tM. National Drainage congress were
unanimously adopted today by the d -legates
of thirty-three atatea and tour for
eign countries, la attendance at the Na
tional Drainage congress. The gstberliur
adjourned tonight.
TM congress elected former Governor
David R. Francis ef Missouri, president:
Edmund T. Perkins. Illinois, first -Ire
president: E- J. Watson of South Care
Una, William C Oorgs. U. & A.; Bar
nard Beker. Maryland, and Edward Win
ner, Louisiana, vice president.
Charleston. 8. was selected aa tbe
place ef the next meeting. January, nil
Be Warn Ada m Buatn
I DOeMtCTsss
to Buy From Ualt Pays'
Resolution Against
Biennial Election
A number of cltttens met In ths Bran
dels building and, with E. F. Forbes as
chairman, have promulgated tha follow
ing resolution la order lo secure It
The biennial elections amendment
should M voted against in the primary
Friday. April s. This Is Mrtlculsrly true
because national Issues wrrlch com be
fore tit people every second year would
M mixed with the Initiative and referen
dum questions. Bad results In many
ways msy M el pec ted from this condi
tion. Kvn those who have th wlfar of
political party organisations at heart
might dread to such a political raixup
aa tha biennial elections amendment will
It would throw all the candidates of
our present two snnual sleetlons on one
ballot. This would mute torty or more
offlcea to M filled and from HX) to 130
candidate' names to M printed on the
ballot, beside to Initiative and reieren.
dure nuestloos.
II wouia M very airncuit to evieci
good county and Judicial officers under
ths stress and strain of sucb biennial
nstlonal elections.
unless the biennial elections amend
ment Is defeated, good laws passed by
ths legislature would M referred to the
oeenle in many cases, aa hss been dons
tn Houth Dakota, with th purpose of
defeating them or putting them out of
effect for nearly two year until ths nsxt
general election.
The principal of biennial elections Is
good, but ths short ballot Is needed first
aian n snouia os m suen s lorm si m
lo interfere with the Initiative and refer
Ohio Men End Wild
West Life in Jail
PIERRE, 8. D., April ll.-8peelal
Telegram.) Robert Breoount and Clar
ence Runkle, who come here from Onto
last winter and acquired frontier outfits
according to the eastern Idea of such
necessltlss, tried to start their careers a
real bad men by stealing tw hone
from th Lumley and Breeden bam In
this city, at which place they had beea
They -went to the north west part et
the county and stole a rifle and revolver
snd exchanged the Breedea pony for a
better horse at the Putnam farm with
out asking consent of tbe owners. This
morning, finding the extent of their dep
recations, the farmers took their automo
biles and started- on a roundup, locating
the would-be desperadoes In a grove
about twenty miles northeast ot this city.
TM bad men were stripped ot their arms
and guns and brought In and turned
over to the authorities, and are tn Jail
awtitbig a hearing at tbe next term ot
court In thla county oa penal charges.
KANSAS CITT. Mo, April lt-PubHc
school teachers here today formed
league for their mutual benefit
"It la not to M a union, but tt will bs
on that order.' said one ef tha organisers.
"Heretofore the teachers have feared to
go before the school board wth sugges
ttons or requests, because they did not
know whether the other teachers would
support them. Through a league we
could make suggestions at a whole. TM
league I not for tM purpose ot fighting
the school board.'
MANHATTAN. Kan, April U. Hans
for ths organisarloa of a Kansas women'
council that will units the (MM organised
women of this state to act for their mu
tual tetereata was announced here today.
Representatives of tM different state
organisations of tM women. Including
tM Kansas Women's Press sssoctation.
tM State Suffrage crab. tM Wemen'e
Kansas Day club. tM Woman's Christian
Temperance anion and tM Ladies ot to
Grand Amur ef tM Reasibtlc, win meet
Mr May M and la.
Award. $10 in Gold
want more tnan mat. Ir WE,
The people themselves named it," tnd
Leader Fainti, but Comes Back Hard
at Omaha Debaters.
Tw; Schools Contend over Subject
ef Reelrlcllve Isnsalgfralloa Leg.
lalattoa, bale City Trie Bring;
Declared Leerr.
DES IIDIN'Ca la Anrll IJ ..lul
Telegram.) Nerve won for tbe West
Do Moines high school debating team
in its contest with Omaha here tonight.
John Byrne, the leader of th team,
tub end on th foot ball team. mi
and almost fainted aa he ended hit first
speech. He wt carried to a rest room,
where restoratives ware aDDlled. and en
hour later come back with as many facts
and so much eloquence that hi team
was awarded th decision, 1 to L
The Des Moines team wss eomnosxi
of John Byrne, Sarah Robinson and
Roger Bronson.
TM Omaha Hkh school team waa eon,.
posed of Edwin Landale, leader; Carson
Hathaway, Fred Rypins and Paul
Mackln, alternate.
TM Judges wer Professors Noble of
Ames, Mscy ot Crlnnel! and Smith of
Ths subject was restrictive inmin,.
tlon legislation. Nathan Bernstein of
timsna presided.
Prestos I. MeAvsy Wise First Pisco
Is Caatest.
In the second annual Nebraska Inter.
collegiate Oratorical Peace contest, Pres
ton T. McAvoy of Crelshlon won rir..
place, and Harry Jerome of the L'nlver.
sny ot umsha took second honors,
night at ths Cretahton course auriimr.
turn. Th winner of first place received
a cash prlt of 7e and th right to rep
resent Nebraska et ths Interstate Peace
contests, whkh will be held at Mon
mouth, III.. April a u which meetinK,
besides tM Nebraskan, orators will be
present from Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin
ana Michigan. Mr. Jerome received IV)
In gold for his efforts. Ths mnnev tn
tbe winner Is given by W. J. Bryan.
-America and World Peace" wa t.,a
topic ot th Creighton speaker's addret.1.
Mr. Jerome also gave hla oration In a
finished manner.
The other speakers in order of the de
cision were: E. J. Fowler of Bellevue
and Clarence Davis of Wssleyan univer
sity. F. P. Churchill was on tbe pro
gram to speak for Hasting coiiesc. Ut
foiled to appear. ,
Ths contest was held under tl susplccs
of Bellevu college and was presided over
by C. 8. Stookey of that scnooL H ,.x.
plained that the purpose of the contest.
Is to quicken In the minds of undergradu
ate a determination to further the uni
versal peace movement. Resolutions wer
read thanking Creighton university for
tM use of tM auditorium and for tM
many courtesies which It has extended.
TM Judges were: A. H. Waterhous
Fremont: W. P. Curley. Omaha; Prof. J
N. Bennett, Doene college: Judge A J
Cernish. Lincoln ; E. G. McGllton. Omaha!
TM program was Interspersed by se-.
oral selections by the Creighton univer
sity orchestra, a vocal sol by Glen Rice
wM last year won first plac m th'
Peace contest.
rrTjrI shrnette. "".
ALOIER1 Glaila '.'."
i mma.......
- -,ir"-"'- fmatK
CMUKSL. rtlast.....
AdwtlM ta Tb Bee and wmu
tasincas grow.