Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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f 'tv J,
I am making a
special offer of
S20 coat and irow
sers to order sale
Price low, work"
manship high
MacCarthy-Wilsaa Tailoring Cj.
804800 Sooth Sixteenth 6t.
Comet to Address Masj Meeting at
Auditorium Friday Night
Candidate far PreaUeary Believes
Re Will Develop gtreagth la
West aad Carry Sesae at
the Seathera State.
When you
visit your
and buy
you buy wisely
and well and
get purity,
quality and
food value.
Tip-Top bread
it a "baker's
loaf that ri
vals and sur-'
passes tie "home
made " kind.
made " kind. 11)
f Yon
I .aaBaaaaBB m m
Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio, dem
ocrats candidate for the presidency, who
Is to speak at a mass meeting at the
Auditorium tonight arrived In Omaha
early yesterday moraine and registered
at the Paxton. The governor mad. a
Jump from Louisville. Ky., and cam.
right through in order to till hia dat
here. From Omaha be will go direct to
his home, leaving some time Saturday
Although his arrival was unannounced
and was not expected until last night, the
governor was soon surrounded by a large
number of tha leading democrats of the
city, among the first to greet him being
R. L. Metcalfe of Lincoln, democratic
candidate for governor of Nebraska.
After holding an informal reception In
the rotunda of the Paxton the governor
went to his room, where be secured a
few hours' rest. Later In th. day he took
an automobile trip (bout th. city.
Here Fifteen Years Age.
This Is the first time Governor Harmon
has been in Omaha since I?. At that
time he was here to attend the receiver
ship sale of the Union Pacific, represent
ing a bunch of foreign minority bond
holders. Governor Harmon does not hesitate to
say that his "hat Is In th. ring." and
that he la going to keep It there. While
he did not stump Kentucky, he says he
felt the political pulse of the state and
found It normal. "Kentucky looks good,"
added the governor.
bo far as his home state is concerned.
Governor Harmon feels certain of th.
delegation, contending that th. better
classes and those who desire rood gov
eminent are with him.
Th. governor feels that he Is going to
develop much strength In the west and
hopea to carry th. southern and a major
ity of the eastern states. So rar as Ne
braska Is concerned, he would not ven
ture an opinion on th. outcome, predict
ing that his friends her. have the situa
tion well In hand and understand th.
desires of th. people, politically.
Milady's Toilet Table
Many women wnoa upivr lips and
cheeks are tree from that dunny growth
inM Humiliates soma wumen ll i-mbar-
rassed wtaring sfc-:rt sWvvtjt. levausr of
hair on the forearms. Superfluous hair.,
ar easily and quiefety removed by apply
ing aeiatone paste, mix tnoucb oowdt red
dtlaton with watrr to cover the hairy
surface; apply, and after two or three
minutes rub off, wash the akin, and the
hairs will be gone.
Nine times out of ten hen a woman
looks old before her time she has n-s-lerted
her complexion. Iio!v- In a half
pint of wttcli hasel an oriiKal packagf of
mayatone and gt-nTy tJb h .;tt.t on ia.
neck and arms, and jou w !l be d UKlited
with result. Ise this c'atly tnsu-a.l of
powder or ibT CL-smrtl? and the skin wilt
bo smooth, a.;t a-ni fcaUiiline. Mu atone
preserves ami iescort-j youthful LtoJi
ness of ekir..
Whn a woman Kea not care t r'!li
catL-hlnf ruld washing hr hoad sho an
get Kplendtd results by dry stutmiMj iik.
iut a cupful of corn meal tor lour ounces
of powdered orris root) in a fruit jar.
add contents of a small original packava
of tnerox and fcliaKe wtt. tugrtiier.
pr.nk.t u little on the hvid and brush
thoroughly. Thorox encourages the
growth of hair ;ind mak u btautifmly
lustrous, glossy and fluffy
No toilet table Is complete without a
jar of Mothers Salve. It U a sjvtrcin
remedy for chaps, cold sores. punptcK.
csema and skin eruptions. It heals cut,
burns, scalds and longstanding iv. It
Is antiseptic as well as heating and
lessens danger of b'oood poisoning. .Ww
i . ,: jt . a -a
: "YiTiTBssssissa'iia fr
Hundrtds Gather to Watch Turbu
lent Waters in Muddy Kizzon.
Reports 'rasa erlh Are thai Water
Is Rrrealla. kat ontb ml Here
Mark Ktae Farm I. aad
Is ftabsaergrd.
Governor of Ohio.
(Continued from First Page.)
Can't Beat It
.because yon cant
equal it. The bottles
bear the triangular
"The Flnott Bern
' Vr Brewed"
MHUkwM "
rbsssi DaagUavMS
approached th. altar of the bishop-elect
and from a credence were banded two
four-pound candles, two loaves of bread
and two small casks of wine. On. loaf
of bread w as wrapped in sliver paper
and th. other In gold paper, and tha
small casks of win. were similarly dee
orated In silver and gold, each bearing
th. papal arms and th. Insignia of tb.
consscrator and the blahop-elect. The
acolytes bearing these offerings then
Joined with Bishops Scanned and Qar-
rigan and Bishop-elect McGovern In a
slow pilgrimage across the sanctuary to
the tbron. of th. oonsecrator, where
(bey were offered as prescribed by th.
canon, later being returned to their first
K.r. Joseph Chudelak of Bouth Omaha
read ths bull of Pop. Plus creating
Father McGovern a bishop, In th. orig
lnal Latin, and Father Harrington of St
Cecelia's read th. English translation of
th. document.
Papal Ball Is Read.
Th. first question asked of th bishop
elect after he had been presented to th.
consecrator was, "Have you th. apostollo
mandate?" This was answered In th. at
Urinative by one of the assisting bishops
with Father McGovern. and th. bull bar
Ing been read, the bishop-elect knelt be
fore th. consecrator and read th. pre
scribed oath In Latin, the congregation
following him from the translation. After
th. oath cam. the examination by th.
consecrator, the assisting bishops being
I seated with their miters on and repeat
ing in a low voice the words of th.
consecrator. This examination Is some
what extended and goes forth deeply In
to details as to the faith of th. bishop
elect. During this examination th.
bishop-elect was seated facing th. con
secrator, with the assisting bishops on
each side. The first part of th. examin
ation ends In thai, words: "W. ask you.
dearest brother If you desire to make
your conduat harmonise, as far as your
nature allows, with the meaning of the
divine scripture?"
To which the bishop-elect, rising with
uncovered bead, answers, "With my
whole heart I wish In all things to con
sent and obey." Answers to a long list
of questions following, consist of "1
Will." or "volo" In Latin, and "I do believe."
Doctor Recommend It
Oa. of IM tljltt trttajtas said
TTiara-a ASTiJtermc pnwDr.a
4, fk- hrf that tfca BMtt Baeeeaafol
aareKtaas as, sen atlas It te tse
last Xi r"
Antiseptic Powder
Will stewst Bf-nie ef tk went
kins. B-W aai sust esBOalral rrl
clo ban. Baa BO cgual as sr
Tcatittta. Ceres all aleenwa eotMllttoas
wttaest rrrltatwa te tb oelleata skb)
sriM Baaaasea. tastaitlr t
witv. lSeel far eaecBe. SS-fat sa
asa sataaa rare saiJasia suadard aala
aid tT draswWs eitljateis.
Aak Aw4n. o aend fa Baoatet.
1I.TT1EZ. CWit, Wflriagtaa, BX.
Cef 0 hack of I NOTCH"
Bishop MrGsvers Reeelvee Alaw th.
Apstalle BlraaUatj.
Pius, bishop, servant of tb. servants ef
God. to his beloved son, Patrick Aloyalus
McGovern. bishop-elect of Cheyenne
Greeting and his apostolic blessing. Th.
office committed to our humility by th.
eternal Princo of Pastors, of guiding. In
structing snd governing the universal
church, lays upon us the duty of care
fully providing that over all th. churches
those be appointed to preside who nave
the knowledge and ability properly to
car. for the flock of the Lord. Sine,
therefore, the cathedral church of
Cheyenne, suffragan to the metro
politan church of Dubuque, Is at
present without a pastor, owing
to the transfer of Its hue bishop,
our venerable brother, James John Keen.,
to the aforesaid metropolitan church of
Dubuque; with a view to providing for
the welfare of this same church of Chey
enne and its flock, we, with th. advice
of our venerable brothers, the cardinals
of the holy Itomsn church, by apostolic
authority, do elect you. a priest of th.
diocese of Omaha, and rector of th
church of St. Peter In that place, to the
said vacant cathedral church of Chey
enne, and do appoint you Its bishop and
pastor, and. moreover, do commit to you
tlie plenary care, government and ad
ministration of that same church of
Cheyenne, both In spirituals and In tem
porals, with all the lights. Privileges,
burdens and obligation, attaching to
this pastoral office. We desire, how
ever, that tha rect orate of the
church of St. Peter at ' Omaha,
which yoa for tb. time being retain.
through these our letters be vacated, the
r:- r ' r.---- . 'i -T-r. being aua
.0 j.. . r ... . See's good
-. re that, after
fulfi: all other requirements de
manded by law you be strictly bound,
before in any way assuming the govern
ment and administration of the church of
Cheyenne, to make la accordance with
the forms accompanying a profusion of
Cat hollo faith, and to take Hie customary
oaths at the hands of any Catholic b'.xli
whom you may choose and who Is In
favor and communion with the Apo.soltc
See, and that you transmit these, or
copies of them, bearing yuur own and
th. aforesaid bishop's signature and seal,
to the Apostolic Sea within sis
months. To this end, we hereby entrust
to th. bishop chosen by you, the duty
and commission of accepting, in our
name and that of tha Koiuan church,
th. said profession and oaths. We here
by moreover, reserve to ourselves and
the Apostllo See the power of defining
anew the limits of this diocese In what
ver manner and at whatsoever time
may see best to us and the same are. We
firmly hope and trust that, the hand of
God aiding you. the aforesaid church of
Cheyenee will, through your pastoral
activity and fruitful seal be advantage
ously governed, and grow In both siailt-
ual and temporal prosperity.
Given at St. Peter's, Rome, in the year
of Our Lord on. thousand nineteen hun
dred and twelve, the nineteenth day of
the month of January, the ninth year of
our Pontificate. PITS.
Pontlfex Holy Roman Church
This bull was accompanied by thre.
others, on. addressed to th. Catholics of
th. Cheyenne diocese, telling them of the
new appointment; a second to th. Metro
politan of Dubuque, th. Moat Reverend
John Joseph Keane, D. D., announcing
his new suffragan, and a third to Ulahop
McGovern, himself authorising his con
secration outside of his diocese and at
th. hands of any bishop h. might chouse
In communion with the Holy See.
H. Schmidt of Caldwell Street i j
Taken to General Hospital. !
Ifcaaveroas Morgery
In th. abdominal region Is often
vented by th. up. of Dr. King's
Life Pills, tha painless purifiers.
For sal. by Beaton Drug Co.
New Kc.
Falls from Viaduct,
Isn't Injured Much
Nick Brown cam. to town with a Jag
on, and fell from the viaduct at Tenth
and J,ravenworth streets, lie arose, rub
bed his nose and declared that lie was
not hurt. Examination, though, at the
police stalton later, showed thst one of
his legs had been severely wrenched. The
distance between the viaduct rail, from
which he fell, to ths sandhaap along,
th. tracks below. Is sixty feet.
Brown I a stranger In Omaha, being on
his way from St. Joe to Dakota. He will
be In shape for travel by th. time his
jag wears off.
Special Serona la Rrlaa Vaed Freely
and Three of Ibe Patient. Are
K.xperted to Recover
t onni'it filvr Advice.
r. II. Si-hmld!, 2124 Caldwell street
was taken I" tile Omaha Cienerdnl hos
pital yesterday. seriously ill with
plnul meningitis. This Is the elithth
case In Omaha this month. Five doiilhs
have occurred within the last month and
seven have died of the disease since the
first of the year. Thore are now three
cases, the other two at St. Joseph's and
the county hospital. Tho special serum
for th. treatment of oebro spinal
meningitis has been used in each case
and the three are expected to recover.
Physicians, handicapped because of
nothing but a superficial knowledge of
tha disease, believe the contagion begin
in Omaha after tha germs had been car
ried from the fearful epidemic that swept
through Texas. It Is reported that nu
merous deaths hsv. occurred In Kansas
City during th. last month and a hard
fight Is being made against the spread
of the dlxcaee.
Precaatloa. Takea.
Dr. It W. Connell, city health commis
sioner, said yesterday that .vary possible
precaution Is being taken to prevent an
epidemic. Most rigid quarantine la be
ing enforced. "We don't know the exact
cause of infection, but w have ruled that
those exposed must observe our Instruc
tions strictly." Inmates of houses where
death occurs from meningitis are kept In
quarantine for two weeks. Dr. Ctonnell
advises use of septic spray, for th
mucous membrane of th. throat and
mouth.' In can. of Infection tha physicians
have been Instructed to use frequent and
liberal dose of th. serum.
The Missouri at Omaha is very near
eighteen feet or a foot from flood stage.
The river is carrying abo'jt as much
It possibly can without overflowing, but
1 I ths present level marks tho crest of the
aater for this period st least. By this
morning the river should begin to fall
without much more rise, though at
o clock yesterday afternoon tho ater
waa slowly climbing up.
Hundreds congregated on and below
ths Douglas street bridge during the day
aatchlng the Immense body of water
carrying down rubbish and trnnka of
tree, gathered from the bottom lands
up the river.
Th. water is enroachlng on tha prop
erty of the American Smelting and Re
fining company, but It will yet have to
rise over one ft tot before It damage, this
kronrrty. The Intake of th. .lactrlo plant
nV nearly surrounded by water but there
n, no fesr of It interfering with th.
Flowing lnta Lake..
Wnter is reported to be overflowing
:nto Manawa lake and also Into Florence
lake. The flooding condition on th. Iowa
aide Is nothing serious as tire little watar
running Into the lake Is believed will
help rather more than do Injury. Th.
sam. condition exists at Florence lake
where th. land separating It and tha
river Is submerged by a small sheet of
Th. Missouri Is still rising, but th. rat.
of Increase Is diminishing hour by hour.
Yesterday the wster stood at n.i,
within l.t feet of flood stage.
At the Blair bridge the water la rising
slowly, but th. condition Is greatly 1m
proved, with only one-half foot rise at
that point compared with a three-foot
rise th. previous twenty-four hours.
Btoux City reported th. water there
waa at a standstill, not rising or falling
In th. last twenty-four hour. Pierre,
D., reports a drop there of a fool and
a half and Bismarck, N. l., a normal
condition, the river keeping Its chann.l.
It Is predicted that by this morning
th. river at Omaha will rapidly fall
day by day. Are Aabsaergeal,
Pacific Junction reported that It could
stand another two feet rise al that point
before the people would have cause for
apprehension. The bottoms are sub
merged along th. river and th. farmer
who have this land are worried. This I
good corn land, but the water I prevent
Ing It being plowed and planted.
Members of the Board of Park Com
missioners and Assistant City Engineer
Cam pen made a trip of Inspection to the
ban of th river and Carter lake yes
terday. They found th river at flood
lids, but needing. Bottom have bean
overflowed and tha river waa at th. daa
gar point, but owing to th fall, reported
to b rapid to tb north, no danger is sx
Tou will look a good wnn before you
find a better medicine for coughs and
cold, than Chamberlain' Congh Remedy.
It not only give relief-It cures. Try it
when you have a cough or cold, and you
are certain to be pleased with the prompt
cur. which It will effect For sals by all
n.lldlng Peraalrs.
auenat Burdln. (SIS North Twenty-
eglhth svenua. frame dwelling, 3.0uo; A.
H. Melnlg, 4M Bmmett. frame dwelling,
HOH; Paul Ernst, 1702 South Ninth street.
tram dwelling, u. n, men, forty
eighth snd Pierce street, frsme dwell
ing, tl.Xtt; Frank gotsedt. Fourteenth and
Brown, tram, dwelling, Uu.
rerslatent Advertising 1 th Road- to
lllg Kstums.
A claim for th W reward offered by
th Colorado penitentiary official xor
th capture of Frank Erdman, after h.
escaped from th. Canon City prison. I
to be presented by Jailor John M. Cahlll.
Mr. Cahlll say that he la the one to
turn over Krdmaa h deserves in re
ward and that no othsr officer has pre
sented a Prior claim. Brdnwn hi wll
ling that Cahlll should receive th
ward for hi capture.
Post Tavern Special
A New Food
found extremely popular in Michigan's famous Post Tavern
at Battle Creek, from which it took its name.
Made of the blended field flavors of Wheat, Corn and Rice.
This appetizing food, first served to guests at the Post
Tavern, is now sold by Grocers for home use.
To be served hot as a porridge.
Tomorrows Breakfast
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Pure) Food Factories, Battle Creek. Kich.
QfE the avttT froma i
AV steaming dish of FAUST fV l
Ip SPAGHETTI and watch the B J
yL smile run 'round the table. To t .luViW
jlr keep the family smiling, repeat V--
1 9m ato Ifjeeefc B il fSbsT
That's Why Women Should
Abolish Dandruff and End
Scalp Itch.
On anted authority say that thsr are
fir womea to .very foar
ealdheaded kweo, and has mi hair among
woman la rapidly laereaslng. Till. Is the
startling statement published In Otis of
th standard tnaaaatna.
This would Indeed b distressing n.w
for woman were It not for th fact that
PARISIAN 3A(1B will surely prevent
loaa ef hair from slther men or women.
Ladies, don't worry; this great au
thority may be right and may be wrong.
Just put your faith In PARISIAN 8 AGE;
t will keep for you all the hair you
hav now and grow for you an abund
ance of new hair.
PAKI8IAN KAUU Is the most delight
ful and Invigorating hair dressing In the
world; If you do not use It dally you aru
missing a gtorlous treat. It hi not a dyo
and doe not contain a particle of
dangerous sugar of lead or sulphur.
It will banish dandruff, kill tho dan
druff germs (cause of baldness), stop fall
ing hair and scalp Itch In two weeki:.
PARISIAN 8AOH also puts lustre and
radiance Into dull, faded hair. Large
bottle SO cent at all drug and depart
ment store and at counter where toilet
good are sold. Refuse substitute. Ask
rnr PARISIAN BAGK the girl with Au
burn hair on every carton and bottle.
Remenbsr the Electric Wiring
In Planning Your Hew. Home
The real usefulness of electricity in
the household is just beginning to be
In wiring your new home be sure
that convenient outlets and sockets are
installed for connecting Electric Flat
Irons in the kitchen; Electric Toaster
and cooking devices in the dining room;
Vacuum Cleaner and Electric Fans
throughout the whole house; for a
Washing Machine Motor in the base
ment, and the Sewing Machine Motor
in the sewing room. '
See that the installation is properly de
signed and that lamps are placed on the porcli
and in tho closets, pantry and basement.
Our Contract Department welcomes
consultation regarding electric wiring
plans. With this advice you can be
sure that your electric wiring will be
adequate to meet your demands prop
Important Changes in
Train Schedules
Effective Sunday, April 14th
Train No. 2, CHICAGO LIMITED, will leave
Omaha Union Station at 5:50 P. M., as at present, con
necting with all South and Eastbormd trains in Chicago.
reach Omaha at 8:00 A. M, as at present.
Train No. 4, which now leaves Omaha at 7:10 A. JI.,
will be known as Train No. 8 and will leave Omaha at
10:55 A.M.
Train No. 5, which now arrives in Omaha at 3:45
P. M., will be known as Train No. 7, and will arrive in
Omaha at 3:30 P. M.
For detailed information, reservations, etc Call at
409 South 16th Street.
Phones: Douglas 264 and A-2164. : ' '