i A. XfeULI U, WONDERFUL BARGAINS for SATURDAY Imperial Leather Turkish Rocker Ptettaai. CHRryrOPHa R, by Richer Pyrca. Ml Pp. tl tv Boua-btoa, MUflia company. To tall the Mary as detail would spoil tb reader' piaasur. It suffice to say that ta book ta a picture of contem porary Eagilsh life tb story of tb con flict of pavaetaa aad Idealism In th live of a group of charming aad very human character. It Is full of strong situations full, too, of delicate observation and delightful humor, aad full, everywhere, of a vital asnaa of Ufa. i ! New Books : 1! pp I ONCE you try on an Adler Collegian Suit or Overcoat you won't have to be urged into buying. No sales argument will be necessary. Their pre-eminence is instantly apparent to one who knows and cares about clothes. If you could realize the painstaking care, the rare skill, the fine materials and the expert workmanship that enter into the building of Adler's Collegian Clothes you would understand why their superiority is so conspicuous. These unusual clothes sell themselves to you. $15 to $30 are the moderate prices. DAVID WLWAUKES ADLER C& OYER THE OCEAN BY AIRSHIP Aarrher Iqlnri tor tha ti at firing e N. ' Ik Atlaatl, Dtla Jceaph Brwcksr attempt to eroaa the Atiearie fes a dtrlglbla t peeilly ehar aetarlxsd by IU kastnsssllk sissthsda. Although th task that a aM lor hlnv e.lf was from th Html Hitar af eao easeful sccompllshro.nt thsa ih.t of hit rival a, Messrs. Wellman and Vanlman, aad although by th locality and lima of hj flight h excluded abaolulaly any chtais at setting storm, reegh eea ar bed wreath at any eort, and atom se lected a e-orter rant, ka Drat sc" all Bra nded far th (raataat posslbls safety of th. crow la ouo of accident, by making tb whola car of Ma airship, eootainjng all tk. quipment. Mora, awtruraant and tb Urine accommodation, a thoroughly atawoflhy motor-driven yacht, wltk twa epartu sngtnes. alao with maat aad sales, that by triad and perfected math oda can b launched with aatety from th aw- tot tb aaa at aay Urn aad at a moment's aotic. Tkla ha beta reput edly demoo.lrated by launching tb boat with tta wbol craw and equipment from fraai tb which It are suspended artly ta tb aaa way a It wit b sue. Bsadil frost tba aallcea, and wbicb wt camad aa tb aid af a storing itax at tb Ind of tb aestdsck. Major Yoa Vareeval'a bmnttoa enabled Brurksr to Mcantrat all bla machinery and eoulp BMat la on ear. which It waa aaay to aara lata a atanob watercreft, Wbca tk boat la Unacted from tba balloon watar anchor ar aaad ta bold th latter point hag lata ta wind and to alow dowa It , apaed. Tba tb beet aaa amr hit tb watar broadetd or at a speed of amr than tea mllaa aa hoar. I aplt of that fundaments! precau tion. Mr. Bracks aad hbj advisers, noted apart. In Oormaa aaraaaatlcs and mta ecology, hav baaa themselves tb most akaatieal critic af tbatr chance. Their alrahlp Saabard aaa bow baaa racoa. atractad tbra ttaace ta keep abreast of tb awat raeast adraaea aad sx perl aanta la atrial Ma aaelgation. From tb What Our School Children Ar D:0a :L(I fl Lu . KIOBTH aV SONS CLOTHING CO. CHICAGO outset they treated only to a parfaetad aad waU-taatad typo and ao built th.tr hip after ta Pare! aiodel. Wba tb methods of I allocking tb. boat bad baaa thoroughly triad, th. ant aad moat se vers taat war applltd I tb powar plant and th annulling awrbieary. Com fort a bl bunk for tb now ar below daek; gasoline kt caniad m fir proot Unka along th bottom of th boat. Wltk a partial "clack- with atalrraara and doom, thta apadoa boat laok exactly Ilk a araall river steemer, aad It I diffi cult to haasta M UK ft abov tb Th ahlp la now being rapidly com pleted for trial trip la 0rmany and early shipment to th Cape Vrd Island With an alrahlp that I aow a regular Parroval of th approved and triad type, and capable of making sals aad extended trial flight even undar tba difficult air tadirjaaa af tba tamperau lone, com pleta soeces aaay aow ba raaaoaably ax. psctsd. Captain Joerdeaa. tta commander, tar long a Bated allot of apherlcai bal loon, baa bean for th last bait year carefully trained aa a pilot of Parssv! alrtbtpe wader aa competent a teacher a JUeutenant Slelllag.-dclentltla amar loaa. ' WHERE DOES THE SHOT LAND? Wealthy Patteaea Pad la laaa to Haa few BVaaflt af t tk Pear. Attention I called by the New Terk Medical Journal ta tba fact thai maay peraoa af wealth ara taking advantage of aaaaaarta la tba watt by aceapytag the ta tba exdueloa af tba poorer per oa for wboea they war intended. Tb editor dlacaaaa tba matter la aa artlrl. BUtlad "A Particularly Mean aindle." Ua ay: . Thraugkout tke drle part af tb coun try, partlcalarty kt tb wee, there ar nu atker af aaaatorla of what might b called a armt-cbarltabla aatur. Thee ar aunaorted la two ware by weakly obarg ta tb aatlenta. tnaufflcraat ta par oapeaaea, and (t the extent af the deficit) by liberal don. t loaa from wealthy aad kind-hearted well.wteher. Tba aaraal cent of keeping a patient at auch AXO B STBtXAsSClf CLdUaS AT XMUUm BCUOOIe aa InaUtutlc la about U a weak, but lb ueual charge I only IT. tuck eana- torta ara la poaltloa to do aa Immanae amount af good la taking ear af par- aona of moderate mean without th tac rine of their aelf-raapect, but la prac tice the aooomroodatlona are alraoat com pletely filled by patient quit well-to-do, and even moderately rich. "It ta not an uncommon thing, we uo darataod. ta aea phthisical womea be decked magnificently with diamond din ing at eome auch eanatorlum, where in quiry dlacloaea that they ar paying only th low rales aatabllahed for th poor. Tb meanneea of tbu taking advantage of ebarlty I aot mitigated by th fact that Influene ba been brought to boar In favor of the wealthy woman by aa Influential politician, eome donor to th Inatltutloa, or area th family phyalclaa. "Leaving ta on aid th adamantine heart quaHtle af people who will take advantage of auch a situation, and to which It I ueeleaa to appeal, we may re mark that th wrong don to poor pa tient to great. Inasmuch a they ar forced Into county aad stats eana tori, where th condition r frequently very bad. or Into cheap boarding houses. wher they ara not much better; second. that thta rut of affair prevents tb establishment of private sanatoria In the proper region, becaus th patient who might be legitimately expected to fill such Institutions ar taking shabby ad vantage of their ability to supplant their povsrty-strtckea fellow consumptive In place rightfully belonging to th latter and. third and this statement will ap peal, we believe, with great fore to thoa responsible-the state of affair la bo eomlag aotorlous. which will quickly dry up the fount of misapplied charity. "Tb doctor who bar aided la this mean imposition nave, we ar sure, been deceived by th patient they have helped, and a word at caution ta them will suf fice." tVewr keseawe Map at Utah. Taluabl to kom .seeker and Investor Snow everything up-to-date a map can snow. Limited a umber tor Bale by state conaerraUoa oommlealna. tM Felt build tag. Bait Lake City. Doing-XL THE BUND WHO SEEL by Marls Louli 8aoaen. 411 Pp. II.). the Cen tury company. A blind violinist adores bla wife, whs 1 very leader and awet with him. Bo sensitive Is tb snaa to her presence that In a concert ball when ha com forth to play he invariably faces toward bla wife, wherever she may be aitUng. Presuming on a sort of false security Nona allows her Interest la another man ta grow until she has got both aba and herself la tb toils. Finally tb ma declares he can stand It ao longer that either thy hare u go away together ar ha must go alone. What follows Is dramatic, and ab sorbing, aad few writer handle a frankly, yet delicately, a tilangularlasd love story. THE GIT AUDI AM. by Frederick Orin Bartiett. Pp. U.K. Small. Maraud Co. A novel of the great woods, breathing the keen air of the out-of-doora and por traying th rugged characters of the lum bermen with a skill which surpasses any previous attempt to show them aa they really are. The central them Is simple. and In Its broad application to th lit f men and women In general pnsssiii a fundamental quality that gives rt wide appeal. THE lONELT QUEEN. By H. C. Bailey, ait Pu. U.2. Georxe II. Doran Co. Queen Elisabeth I th lonely queen, a maid with a face of Ivory and hair of gold. W encounter her first as a little child, spying on her muck-married father, the bluff King Hal. as h Is courting his fifth wits. Across th pages w kav glimpses of kings and cardinals, brilliantly conversing and In th midst sit th queen, (intrusting aad un trusted. THE WIIONO WOMAN. Bv Cherlea V. Htew.rt. t Pp. tl.au, Houghton Mifflin company. Th Been of this story I laid on a Texas sheep ranch, but close enough to thriving country town to prevent the reader from becoming loet in th aver aga story of ranch lite. The alternation between town and country present th background for a tale of th usual west srn typs. exciting and sufficient unto th dsy or hour of recreation. THE HOUSE ON THE MALI,. Br Edgar Jepaon. KM Pp. tl.15. a. W. Dll- unsnam company. The unraveling of the mystery of a daring robbery committed in a fashion sbl London neighborhood 1 tb theme on which this story rests. Hleuths from Mcotland Tard ar put upon th case and Ihs detectives go from one clue to an other wltb th plot growing deeper all the time, which I finally worked out to a logical conclusion. THE BROKEN WALL. By Edwsrd A. Stslner. tl pp. H.itt, t'leming 11. ReveU company. Prof. Slelner has th story-t.ller's knack and use Ms art wltb skill In this collection, wher will be found dramatis tragedy and profound patboa In strong contrast with keen humor and brilliant wit. Mlaewlla. ' THE TRt'TH ABOUT AN AUTHOR. By Arnold Bennett. 1M Pp. 11. Ueorge 11 lioran company. In thla little easay th author tresis himself and his own literary career to the asm rathless reallern which baa brought him, through his fiction, to th forefront of our novel lets. He writ with tb humor characteristic of hi smaller book Bat for th first tlm some cold fact ara put Into print about authors, publishers, editors, reviewers and reader. THE AtTOBIOORAPHT OP AN ELD KKLY WOMAN. Z Pp. U.S. Houghton jsimin company. This unusual narrative concerns Itself with the relation of youth to age, with th "superiority"' of th younger gener ation over tb older, and with th danger ous apasd with whleh rim Tie hi th present age. The story told has the pathos that make a direct appeal to th read er's heart, but It has. too. a kindly humor sad a rip human wisdom that make R unique and thoroughly readable. THE AMERICAN WOMAN AND HER HOME. By Mr Newell Dwlght Hill la US Pp. U. Flaming H. Ml compear. These artlolea, when published separ ately, called forth widsspraad expressions of appreciation aad their worth and prac tical valu make thla a moot suggestive and stimulating MM voium. THE atrNDAT NIGHT EVA NO EI By Louis Albert Bank, its Pp. H-JOi Funk- WaanaUa company. A saris of discourses primarily ad dressed to young peopl oa subjects of prcnt-day Importance. THE FACTORY. By Jonathan Th saver Lincoln, k Pp. . Houghton-Mltan company. Tb author, wba Is a mill wwner, makes a compact study of tb history at tb factory system, beginning with It rkss out of tb out faadalfcrtla eoodlttorta af labor, through th radostrial rroluHon. dowa to the present tlm, with tta ssany complex tendencies fraught with hope and danger for tb future. A VOYAGE TO THS ARCTIC IN THE WHALER Al'RORA. By David Moor Lindsay. HI Pp. $L Daaa late cosa Pay. Tba book eoatalaa a dsaertptlaaj of th whaler's trip from Dundee ta Newfound land, from whleh alao for several swaths H wsa engaged In seal fishing oft th Labrador coast. Much Interest ing information regarding tb aeala, their habits and tb sMtbeda af capturing them la given. It is after tba sealing season bi finished that tba search for the Oresley expedition Is started. Later tb vessel snakes a whaling trip to the coast st Greenland. Tb lands visited, tb nr- kabitanta. tb hunting of wild and bird are all described. SOCIAL FORCES IN AMERICAN HISTORY. By A BL glmoaa. 1st Pp. ILiJ. Tb Macmiilaa company. Tke author haa seuckt to bssria sx tba origin of each Ua at social ptiigisas, aad ka first endeavored Is Si si ribs tb etsaa ta asirhaaleal Briigias. the aeesal claaess hresntht mta asassuassas ka? the . eal ctuusrs. tbea the attvargto by which pswsr, dad. Daally, th sastltBOuas wkirt Y.K V iW V..m T: Ti . IIV W''riv iTTI sFaBfgBswaBwaBnwBBsi mini BTBOIAK sUTCBBaT OABIkTBT It provtdeg s conven ient place for every article of dally conaumptlon. Made of the finest selected seasortabl ek and finished to withstand generations of svery day us. For 1 1 tomorrow at th special "Z y" price of BWAkLXBD 111111 BBATOaV Haa hard wood case, whtt enameled llnd. mineral wooled filled, Trimming ere of solid brass. Built on the cold dry sir principles with large eg roomy Ice compartment. n'" Aa amaslng valu at wer created as a consequence of the study. SPIRITISM AND PSTCHOLOOT. By Theodore Flournoy. Trsnnlated by Here ward Carrlngton. M( Pp. U. Harper uro. Tb book begins with a brief account of lb results of an extensive Inquiry, con ducted by the author. Into alleged super normal facts this being a atudy, from th psychologist's point of view, not only of the facts, but of the subjects who ex perienced them. Mr. Carrlngton has con tributed a number of foot notes. WHERE THE MONET GROWS. By Oarrt Oarrett. ft Pp. id cents. Harper Brothers. A series of vignette of Wall street sad the financial district. In an easy conversational style, showing ths human nature of high finance aad low wltb out 1U technicalities. Th old habits and the superstitions of men In ths street are discussed, and there la genuine color la th book. THE MANSION. By Henry Van Dyka Q Pp. Harper at Bros. la clean-cut, colorful narrative and dia logue It compare the earthly mansion and possession of a wealthy man, his attitude toward them, and th principles by which he has guided bis Ufa, with that other mansion he had prepared for himself In th great beyond, whlthsr a death-Mho dream carries him oa Christ- STORKS START TOWN RIOT Graadasa Depee a slew Over New Cater af tb Babya Hair. PTatboet. tana wagoa and automobile parti ea which came ia excursion msiisve aad at special rates to aee to outcome of tb trial of practically all adult Wood land. Pa., following- upon th heels or a general town riot over tb color of a baby' hair, war treated to a climax that was not expscted. A preacher brought about pear wbca tb feud sssmud destined to become a fixed one. and as hundreds sung th "Poxolov.'' tb court, in th person of Magistrate Stengl. wiped the case off of th docket. Th remarkable scene waa tb oateom af the recant aiil.al of a. mLUn-h, t- bla syd baby in a borne wher only bbsck hair bad hsrwtotor erown. The assther ra law. Mrs. Joba A. Parade, i openly charged her son's wife. Mrs. Wil- ! bag Pnctraaxa, wltb barring Bdxadl BTaTTTB Take a year or two to pay for --.at A f ' wnai you ouy r. -a ? " ' Princess Go-Cart Compltt with hoed tnd ttorm dash Tbli high crada go-cart folds com pletely wltb one motion. Hood and. all. Frame ta made of heavy tubular ateel, wheel fitted with heavy rush Ion tire. Entire body and auto hood of finest grade leatherette. Complete without mud fenders at price quoted above. storks. After an exchange of personxl opinions ths two women began pulling nsir. At this Juncture their respective hus band arrived upon ths scene, and a pitched battle ensued, la which not less than a dosen prominent eltlsena took a hand before the arrival of Mayor Luther Moore upon tbe scene. A true was declared, only to be broken. While the battle raged Mayor Moors. finding himself unable to cop with th situation. telephoned to Magistrate Btengls of Beaford tor assistance. Hastily securing a larg touring car, th magis trate summoned Constables Bteen and Thorn and as many other men ss the car would hold and ordered th chauffeur to make a record run. The distance of five mile was mads In exactly eleven minute. Springing from the auto in the midst of tb rioter, tb officers began making arrests. They locked tbe prisoner In th Methodist church, around which ths battle raged. Twenty-tare me and several women were taken Into custody before snythlng like order prevailed. All wer finally re leased on giving security for their ap pearance before Magistrate Stengl ta 8eaford th next day. Long before tb hour art for tb trial teams of every description began pour ing Into Beaford. loaded with witnesses and curioua people from tbe surrouad tng country, whii a Urge flatbost, char tered for the occasion, brought several hundred more, at excursion rates, to at tend the trial. Calllag a few of tbe leading men of the town together, Mr. Bunstein and Mayor Moore adjourned to en of the dressing rooms. Over on hour elapsed, with only an occasional angry role to be heard. while tb crowd anxiously awaited tbe outcome. Wltb his face wreathed ta smile. Mr. Bunstein finally advanced to tb magistrate' desk and stated that all bad agred to atop tb fight aad court adiourneeL Phtladelphla Record. - Pert latent Adverrislnr is the Road t. Big Returns. Cbeerfal Pblloaepber. An American who spends mack of his time In London tells of a philosophic flnsncier In the British capital wha after being at the "top of the he. saw nis weaun swept away, his mends came t rondel with him. They found bin cheerful. "I ara living alone." explained tbe ontlo- sopher. "and disturbing Just aa few of ear hablta a noealbl I aot un at s o'clock Just aa I always used to and ring th beu lor my valet -vtb.tr- exclaimed the friends, -are you still able to keep a valetr "No. ' sighed tb poUoeopber. "but 1 keep tL haul- . . . . extra laree and a. ii t o v. i roomy with a broad, spacious seat that is rest inviting one that you can throw yourself into when you are tired and weary and real ly feel that you have found the ideal comfort rocker. It has a very artistic back, deeply tufted, with deeply ruffled edges to back and down the front; has best of steel springs, strongly secured. The platform base is made of selected solid wood and has large claw feet This is a rocker that is built for service, upholstered through out with guaranteed Imperial leather which looks like the best grade of genuine leather and wears exceedingly well. The big gest bargain ever offered at the price. BArrTrrTTL bbesssb This elegsnt dresser may be had In ma hogany or golden oak ftnlah. Th handeome French beveled plat mirror la et In an attractive frame beautifully carved t th top and bottom. Thl 1 A dl a splendid value at the Q'" low price of r list THTR KUO 'Another r mavrkabt offerinc; rich Orient, or floral dsixna, aof t weave. Have no miter Mtui.v to wear thread bare. You'll aurely igm with ua that they re worth double the prloe. For tomorrow only., 1414-16-18 DoHglasSt. HAPPENED IN THE OZARKS MIeaeaii Bear Story Distanced All Competitor for th Medal. "Br stories." ssld th civil engineer. "I ll tell you one. We were building a railroad bridge some years ago down In th Oxarks. There wer about asvsnty flv or us In camp, mostly Urock acl Italians. One day a native cam in ami reported that ha bad chased a bear It.to a car near camp. We deckled to get that bear on the following Sunday. The day cam and we armed for ti.s sttack. I had a gun. Ths Ore-ks anJ Italian took h an m..i.. w .j th car. nd I ltd tb way, iar.torn in nana ana gun In th oibsr. Tl: others all foUownS. Th. a rather larg room from which a rtr- rw passsgs ltd Into a black void be yond. Thar waa room foe , t a tint to squess through thl paasa.. However, we all got through, and had (one about 109 fee. i... .w whoa there waa a growl ahead. ievry- ooay stood to whet- arm ba rossss.i1. aad when I sew Art. . aimeo at it and find. T There -a. usually . .., nsa aaa bji eaMA.... . - ua eianea fortbe entrance I was at front, and waa boat th last maa ta ranch tba narrow r" ,wa th rseoptlaa ball and auwa Hir. wnasi I n . . k. Place waa ehokm . n . .... " WRH eno i 1.1 ana. an af them nrMk. I - d-perau a. of ---- -e oawtng tbea sen of tbe assssas Hk. a jh . . . - - - --w "i.sin lor Sanger, i r7 ot bit tb paaaaga, acrapl four oreek and Italian off my and dashed out of door. I was ths first man out. About three minutes leter a "reek came out. He was built Bks a "rattler. One ear was -."glng and botb ale eyes wer dosed. He waa saying oaastblng from Plato. Five other man earn ot In ths cert Ave minute. Xor.e of them had any clothe on. Some t lbr Pt right on running toward tbe oamp. Two of them nan a little way off and lay down on their back. The last maa out was a little Sicilian. lie eras orying softly and rubbing bl fist In hi srs. U did not look lib a man who bad bssn In tb prsseaca of death, but resembled a loet child. -WU. w all want borne. We never a anything mora f tba bear, nor did acxyeae around cams H A Sam Bernard ears, rt wsa a 52 .-4 5Ja e