14 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1912. Council Bluffs MOTHERS' CUD ORGANIZES Phjiical Cart ud Development of Child Will Be Aim. FAV02 MEDICAL HfSPECTlOX Part at flak's HM Will Be ts rill Tkis Ak( li Pablts Schawls Meeta Twice Mawthly. A Mothers' Culture club. starting with a charter membership ( sixty, wai formed yesterday. Ths club was organ lae4 yesterday afternoon In the Commer cial dub room, which were vacated for the purpose. The club la the result of the purpose of a number of women to enlist others in their determination to do something (or the betterment of child life la the borne, to Inspire each mother accessible with the sense of the heavier responsl billties that rest upon her In her rela- tlons to ber child than to feed and clothe It and the child's relation to the public. and then aid in imparting to the mother ', the kaowledce necessary to discharge those obligations. The physical care and development of the child la the light of modern hygienic Is bat one feature of the dob's work JThe moral training of the child la to be shown to the mother as am Inseparable part of Its Intellectual development If It Is the desire to secure the beat evenly be I seed growth. It Is the purpose of the -women to bring ta this part at the work ail ot the knowledge accessible ta produce children health physically mentally and morally. Problems that vex Individual others will be brought forward for the eoasid emtio, of all. Each member will be an agent to spread the Influence of the club's work and thus reach hundreds of families where the mothers are not likely to become members. Open meet' tags will be beld and any mother wha cares ta come will be welcome. These meetings will be opes, te women gen rally. ' Medical lasssrtlsa. Many of the members are ardently In favor at medical inspection la the schools, and to bring this about at an early date will be part of the dub's mission. It la said that more thaa one half of the children now In the public schools are In some degree defective, and that In mors than N per cent of theee cases the slight medical treatment neces sary to cure and prevent these defects becoming permanent could be secured at little cost. Mutual benefit of the members Is an other desideratum sought Pari (men tary and common law Is lo be taught The avenge woman has little or no knowledge of either and freqvent use for both. The dub Intends that Its mem bers shall know aa much about business law aa their bus bends do, and Jn case they should be thrown upon their a resources they will be able to care for their buslaesa Interests. Knowledge i parliamentary law will be Imparted by the regular study of the eu sleet. asln Soberta Rules aa the teat book, social and literary features will be added to the regular program . and the slub made attractive ta. every way possible. There are number .of woraea sC strong minds and wills in the organisation, bnt the assurance la given that the club will not be permitted to become a suffragette organisation. The" dub s charter mem bership comprises the wives of doctors, lawyers and all kinds of business men. It win meet twice month on Thurs day The officers elected at the initial meeting are: President Mrs. V. L. Trey nor; vice president, Mrs. Kdwanl p. Hchoentgen; secretary, Mrs. Thomas Q. Harrhwa; treasurer. Mrs. T. Keel ley. Meal Relate Trass fere. Real estate transfers reported te The Bee Apra by the Pottawattamie county Abstract eompaay of Council Bluffs: Arwllda Reed to H. O. MrOee, lot . O. block . retry addition to Coaadl Bluffs, w. d "... .Tj 1.161 First Congregational church of Council Bluffs to W. H. Kimball. s feet of lot I. block It, Hyatt's subditrisioB ts Ceunsil Muff. PV. ft""HeDdrta''7n Hendricks, trustee -end wife lo A. A. Clark, lots 17 and lit, block 7, Howards addition te council Bluffs, w. . sai George grafta end wife to MaeMoC K,T' . bl0 '". Omaha addition to Council Bluffs, w. d . TV. W. Marsh company to H. O. McQee, lot It block U. Ferry addt tlon to Council muffs, w. i. je H. O. MeUee aad wife to etty of Council Biuffe. let- U, block 41. Kerry additioa te Couaru Waffs, 3Tra'nklui'&''l"'l'nna' wVfe'Ve ' James B. Williams. set, .B- . w. ... im rred Pell and wife to Kred A. Bideiew. part te, seta aw p-n-at w. d . (u 3. 1. Stewart and wife to B. '. Kite, kit t Aud's subdtvisloa of ne nH. J7-a-4t w. d UM Heirs of WuUam Hpears, deceased, te Daisy A. Bpears, w. d 77777! 1 Barns to Mary I. V. inflow, awU seV and ew! new, w. d J rSaroe to fcva a. apeara. r aW S-77.ll. w. d . 1 Fame to W. II. guears, w. d 1 ame ts Ltnrtae Sneara, land In I aad -T7-a, w. d ' 1 The Benjamin company to the city , of Council Bluff, o, e. d .7. , 5 Andrew Neieoa to C V. Nelson, lot It. block t Howard's addiuon to Coweeii Bluffs, w. d JM I". T. True and wife to William . . Arnd. lot . b.ock t Renaon'a iiee ood addition to Council Blurts, a, a. .. Council Bluffs. Council Bluffs Minor Mention The Council Bluffs Office of - ne Omaha Bee Is at 10 6cott Street, Telephone 43. Seventeen transfers, total., .-IU.M Marriage Lteeasee. Marriage Kcenses were Issued yesterday to the teliewtng sawtrd persona: Kfetne and Address. Ace. V. . Keyaer. Kandolph, la..... .TTTn :Aea King. PercivaJ, la ........M Joha Marti ae, Kebraaka City st Kaoda Abies, Kebraaka City f, MASONIC HOME AT BOONE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE BOOKE, la, April t (Special Tele gram. The Eastern Star Maaonie home, the state home for aged Masons sad Stars, waa eecaptetely destroyed by tire 'late this aftarwooa. All of the members of the borne escaped and much ef the f unrishlcgs waa saved, bat the beautiful structure riee toatght pile of hat brick and smoking walla. Fire started la the cupola by a spark from one ef the chimneys. Firemen were unable te do anything save help lbs peo ple aad save the rurn'sbings. Insurance ea the bulWlng. m.tu; os fimrihmgs, SUet Crand lodge officials were DXi ftec te arrive ta the cHy tomorrow fttmaiale year business by ed rente log in The Bee-the newspaper that retches aJt of the barers. Davis, draga VletroU. IU, A. Hospe c. R. Borwlck for wet, paper. Wood ring Undertaking Ce. Tel ess. Corrigaas, undertakers. 'Phones US. . NEW YORK Plumbing Co. 'Phone Set. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'Phone f7. Mtgsilnsa bound. Morehouse A Co. Dtckerson for fine work on it R. watches, a Pearl 8t , Bluff City Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye works. New 'phone No. fela. TO SAVE OR BORROW, FEB C. a' Mutual Bldg. A Loan Ass's., 121 Peart When you hear anv one aav Victor or Vlctrola. think of A. Hospe company, eft v. Broadway. Mortieaae sales of household sooda at Pearl and Main at 1:M p. m. Saturday, April . 1S12.-J. C. Baker, agent BCDWKIBKR on drauaht The Grand. Anheuser on draught S. Adraln. Bud- weucr in botues at all nrst-ciaaa bara Supervisor W. C. Children yesterdar put Into circulation his netitlon to become a candidate for renomlnaUon at the June primary election. . Incubators. 5-ec cabenty. i;.e: U0- egK capacity for 111.50. We sell the Des Noines incubator line. r. C ue Vol Hdw. Co.. tot B'dway. , BAM 8NYDKR IJ1AXI1 MONET aa bouaehold sooda horsea. cattle and all chattel securities st a big discount of the usuat rates, uince over m w. Bnway. The funeral of R. N. Wycoff was held yesterday afternoon from tlie family Methodist church. Rev. A. W. Harned otflclallng. The Odd Fellows and Ma sonic lodges of which he was a member took part In the eervh-ea and furnished tbe pallbearers. The grave was made In Fairview cemetery. Spots and stains are removed, the fab ric Is kept clean, fresh and soft the nap is kept raised like new, wrinkles and creases are avoided, and the shape and fit of the garment la unohaaged when you have your garments cleaned and preoeed at the Bluff City Laundry. Dry Cleaning and Dye Worka Phone ll- The Red Men's base ball team has or ganised for the season and at the meet ing N. C. Holman and Charlea M. Du quette were elected captain and manager. The prospects for the coming season are very ongnt aa new additiona have been made In the Red Men camp. All those teams desiring gsmee addreea or cell Charlea M. Duquette at the P. C. DeVol Hardware company. The funeral of Byron T. Smith, who died Monday afternoon, was held St i:N yesterday afternoon frol the family home, MM Fourth street. Rev. John Will- lam Jones conducted the services at the house and the Knights of the Maccabees had charge of the servlcea at the grave. The Maocabees and the Loyal Order of Moose acted aa an escort to the grave. uurtai waa at walnut mil cemetery. Judge J. J. Points of Omaha, who la ta give a lecture at the rooms or the local Thensophlcal society, will be the guest at dinner of C. M. Burgraa. ids Harrison street Judge Points will speak on the theme. "Tbe Fundamental PrinclDlea of Theueophy," and those who ars Interested are invited. There are no charges what ever. The lecture la the first of a serioa te be given In the society s rooms on the third lloor ot the Merriam block. The others will be given each Friday evening ouruig me month of Aprit The funeral of Warner Welih. who oiea lueaaay morning at lwtroll, Mich., was held at 11 o'clock yesterday mornlna from the mldence of Mra John T. Oliver on Park avenue. Rev. Marcus P. aliv Cure of the First Presbyterian church eonovrtpo the services, which were pri vate. Burial was at Falrvlew cemeterv. The pallbearers were Howard Bulker and A. B sweeting of Chi, ago, both brolhera-In-law of the deceased, J. W. Health. W. A. Uronsweg, J. K. liollenbeck and W. t. Brattle. . A special venire of twenty-four lurara to serve at the Merch term of the dlatrtc-t court has been drawn by order of Judge wneeier. me xouowing ars from council Bluffs: O rover Reno. U F. Murphy, N'els Peterson, George M. Oould, T. J, Movney. W. J. Rarrenger. Charles Haves. Henry Held, Frank a. Haas. U H. Meta- ger, a. 4, King, H. c. 1 lee be, Herman lrugr. J. U. Street, A. E. Rapp, Hans Hsnsen. A. F. Batrhlor. J. Hantekrua and August Olson. These were drawn from the country: A. F. Klsebusch, Will hade, John Cerllle, It h. Hough and Cart Blissard. Relatives in Council Bluffs have been advised of the death at Helix, Ore., of Theodora Cramer, a former well known resident here. The body is to be brought here and will be burled In the Iwls township cemetery. Mr. Cramer waa a sun of the Uts Anton Cramer. He was Si years of age and leaves a widow and three children, two daughters and a son. He also leaves four sisters and four brothers. Mm. Robert Arnd, Mrs. Mary Wood, Mrs. Kate Peterson, p. w. Cramer. Mra John Brenna and Mra Whltoeck of this city and Louis Cramer of Omaha and Philip Cramer of Arnold, Neb. John A. Murchlson, son of J. K, Mur. cuion of Wavvland township, died yes terday afternoon at the Kdmumison hos pital of Intestinal trouble. Mr. Murchl son was a years old and widely known throughout the country as a young farmer successfully operating slong mod ern channels, lie was a graduate of Ames agrkultural college. He Is sur vived ty his mother, father, a brother Dr. Kenneth Murchleon of Hamhure ajid three slaters. Miss Christina Murchlson at borne; Mra Clem Hall of Hamburg and Mrs. Wesley Baurhman ot Uruwoid. ine stray win tie taatn to Qrtsweld for buiuU. i Teeter day was eld soldiers' nanalon dav and more than Ms of the veterans had their papers vised snd attested at the of fice of County Clerk Harry M. Brawn. By IS o clock im bad been cared for and they kept drotiaine In ail aav. A mimhM of the old veterans ksve become so feeble inai n is no longer possible for them to go to toe courthouse to have their affi davits taken and Clerk Brawn or Deputy Hardesty take the official seal aud a fountain pen and go to their homes and willingly perform the service for them. Wane the state law provides for a tee for such work, a minimum of It cents in each rase, the county officials have never made any charge. The number Is growing ieae each yesr. but the work of attending to their papers la Increasing In a greater ratio than the number of cases hi decreasing. One ef the automobile trucks eeeooglng te the Omaha fire department wax brought to Council Bluffs yesterday tor the purpose ot being equipped with the Meeder-Nk-holann automatic starting de vices. A specially large-sixed pattern of the seli-crantINg device was made tor the Ug six cylinder eighty horsepower truck. It will be equlpixd ..a an air tank that nil deliver about a dosen operating charxea of air before the pressure drops too low to move I lie pivton. Two of the Otnsia firemea have been Injured by "kicks" while cranking tbe engine and toe eepaninent w Very willing to have an automatic statter attached. If the device wot as nattefartortly aa anuor pated Fire Chief Micholsoa will make a strong effort ta secure Its adoption by the departrnenta vf ether cities. Martin 1-eppln. the Imbeetlle son who Is supposed to have wturderd his father. i".1 rpWd from St. Bernard's hos pital oa Tuesday morning, waa recap tured at Avora and returned te the hos PJtsJ yesterday. The young wren, al though thinly clad and not equipped tor a long tourney when he broke away. Is believed to have walked all of the way from Council Huffs to A voce, a distance of nearly fifty Biles. He was found wan dering around the outektrt of Avoca Weaeay afternoon, end his Identifica tion and arrest were due to newspaper publicity given to the matter. He will be mere carefully guarded u the future if It is decided to keep him at the hos pital. Tbst be is IncKnaeie of providing for himself is admitted, yet be la not insane. His final disposal ia a problem. That R was legally a-rong as well a a mc-al rrregularliy to use "cues" weeds was leapreseed upon WUiuua Fegtey yes terday afterseoB whea be waa called Into Justice Cooper's court to snswer to a complaint filed by Kooen oi charging him with using profane lan- itM William admitted that he had alwaya taken a philosophic view of such things snd bad arrived at tne convicuon long ago that a good, up and down, or thodox cussing wss often a necessity and quite frequently beneficial to both par ties engaged In the argument He ad mitted that he was governed by this conviction when he used the Isnguage complained of. and that from his view point It was fully Justified. When It was pointed out to Mr. Fegley that auch a statement of his case was an admission of guilt he was game and refused to withdraw H. A plea of guilty was then entered and be waa fined K and costs. Married life was of brief duration and sot of very desirable quality for Mra Carrie Stokes, according to her petition filed in the district court yesterday In a divorce suit against ber husband. Dolph Stoke. They were wed at 8prtngvtew, Keya Paha county, Nebraska, on Sep tember 53. 1911, and sepsrated on Febru ary 14. lilt She allegea cruelty and de sertion. 8he says that on December a. Ull. her husband left home in a happy frame nf mind to so to an adjoining town to make a lease of a farm upon which they were to live the next season. He disappeared completely and ahe heard noth n nf him until he waixea in smil ing on January , Ull Onf February M he went awav again in toe same manner and has forgot entirely to return or to send her a word about himself. She in timates that his strange spells ef long absence are due to his use of Intoxicants and mentiona one instance with a Febru ary date. She asks divorce IM attorney's fee. ISO temporary and $2M permanent alimony. She says he haa property In this county and secured from Judge Wheeler an attachment upon n witnout pons, ty Ing up toot of It not been made public. Captain Strarfton will remain in this city. CENTER VILLE-A water works fran chise was voted st Centervflis by a ma jority of more than five to one. Thai as sures toe outline in of s reservoir sys tem near tbe dry, covering twenty-six I acres lor surface water and will nave a drainage of tout acre. The prtndpal fight on the new franchise wss made by the sodaliat element who wanted mo ! n lei pel ownership. Over tto) votes were polled. 12S being women's votes, ef whom I only eight were against tne new rran chise. Work on the sew improvements Is to begin at once. LOGAN Floods of Herri sob county streams are now falling and the worst is believed to be over. The Barer rtver Cropped three feet here last night aad the Soldier. Willow creek and Ailea creek ditches are elan renortMi fallln hilt thm Buyer river south of Missouri Valley 1 snows out little enana. j aoturn tne ex- tent or damages to winter wheat fences and bridges is neither known nor esti mated, yet farmers do not believe they have been materially damaged thus far. Heavy Motor Truck Cuts Deep Hole in Newly Paved Street A section of the Broadway pavement near the Fourteenth Intersection gave way yesterdsy afternooa when one of the big automobile trucks of the Clear Transfer company waa passing, letting the rear right wheel drop into the cavity and Inflicting heavy damage upon the machine. The truck was being driven by A. 8. Clear, and waa carrying a load of 7,590 pounds from Omaha for ths wholesale grocery bouse of Uroneweg A Schoent- gen. The surface of ths pavement was aa smooth as the day It was laid, four years ago and there was not a thing to indicate the yawning cavity that had been created In some mysterious way benesth the concrete foundation. Clear says he waa driving ths ear at a speed of about six miles an hour, and the first Intimation he had ot trouble waa when the car lurched and stopped, and be thought a hind wheel had dropped. When be got off and went to the rear he found the axle resting on the broken edge of ths pavement Word waa Immediately sent to ths dty building, snd Assistant City Engineer Cook and City Solicitor Btuart went to the seem. The break Is at a point about g Mock west of Indian creek oa the south side of ths street' It Is directly above a large water service connection that had been mad to . supply . sn automobile garage and shop there snd which Is now used for a hlscksmlth shop. No one Is reported to have noticed any hollow sound there, but the fact that ths water pipe there frose up several times during the winter Indicates that the earth had disappeared sons time ago. leaving nothing but the concrete to support ths pavement and this suddenly gavs wsy under the heavy strain of ths trn;k load. Ths concrete broke with sharply defined edges, , and ,(he hard paving bricks were sheered off as if broken by a hammer, ...... When Mr. Cigar notified the city of the accident be said hut car had been damaged lo the extent of 12.000. The driving gear was snapped off, ths rear springs torn apart and the chassis twisted. With ths certainty of a suit for damages, lbs dty snd ths wholesale house had photographs made whtls Claar's men were still engaged In un loading the truck after it had been lifted out of the hols with lack screws. An sxpart automobile man who examined the damaged truck estimated the dam age at about Hat . . The unexpected break In this pave ment which baa only been laid about four years, has caused a good deal of uneasiness among dty officials, and has ereated the fear that there may be other places equally dangerous. It has also raised the unanswered question, whers does ths vsnlshed earth go toT lewa Mewa Rates. ESTHER V! LUC Em met eountr farm. ere are seeding wheat this week, the fields having dried off in fine shape. If good seed com ean be obtained a large acreage wilt be put Into corn. IvOOAN-MIss Maude W. Holrfrld.. ... married to Calvin S. Studebaker hers but evening at the bride's home in Ixxan Rev. c. S. Lyles of the Methodist church waa the officiating clergyman. CRESTOlf Wednesday afternoon K death of Frank H. Slater of this city oc curred after several months Illness. He was me eroi ner or Mra. j. H. Harsh of this dty and a native ot Oalesburg. lit EeiTHKRVIU.E Fjtlhervllle will agsln vote oa the new high school proposition April a. Tbls time the school board will ask for not less thaa , indeed of . as of the prevloue election. The notice calling for ths prevloue election was detective, thus making the election Invsltd. DEN1RON Denlaon business men snd many farmers sre agitating having ex perts from the state college at Amea con duct a popular short course for this county. A preliminary meeting wss held this week snd an effort will be made to obtain the tl. guarantee needed to gain the course, A president, secretary and executive committee have beea selected. ESTHERVILLE-At their lest regular meeting the Elks of this cHy elected the following members as oflcers for the en suing year: H. S. Orelg, E. R.; Fred Parsons. E. 1. K : F. W. Converse. E. U K.; C. A. Root E. R. K( Frank Peter son, secretary; Vinton A. Combe, treas urer: Frank a. Shadle, tyler: Our j Gardner, trustee: D. R. Alexander, rep resentatlve to the grand lodge, DEJtlSON The PoneDS damage ease of Mra Nellie Detrtck egainst laaae Pettcr aoa ot West Side, which began this week before a Jury, has been dismissed by the plaintiffs attorney. Judge Church of Jef ferson. The claim was nude that Pat terson agreed te take Mrs. Detrtck as his housekeeper snd givs her considers tie money snd that he broke the contract after a tew moaths ot living together. DEXISON The airU-eatooa mes have woo tbe long continued suit over the va lidity ot the consent petition at Manilla, la. After taking the case under advise ment for some week Judge Powers handed oosrn a decision overruling the deeudoa of the Board ot Supervisors that the petition was good. The Manilla sa loon closed tedav, tbe goods on hand going bark to the wholesaler. "The cast waa in chargs of the AnU-8aieoa league. CRESTON-A Detroit and Chicago com pany has bought the Creeton saa and elect rte light plant from Captain J. W. 8t ration ef this place and Janes A Hovey of Marsballtawa. who represented the Cnston stockholders. Tne new owners have engaged C. W. Murray ot Green Bay, Wt.. ea manager and he will come her at eace te assume charge of the plant The consider Uea la the deal baa I Knox Starts Back to Cuba from Hayti PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti. April 1- The cruiser Washington, with Secretary Knox and the member of bis party aboard, sailed at noon today for Quan ta nam a, Cuba. The president 0f Hayti, General Cla dnnatus Leconta. In an Interview thb morning gave denial to reports that hia government was assisting the revolution ists in Santo Domingo. Oa ths contrary, he said, the government was devoting it energies exclusively to the improvement of home affaire. The president said the relations be tween Hayti and Santo Domingo ware of ths friendliest character. Tbe Haytlen government was keeping a large army on the border to enforce neutrality, but It was difficult te watch ths whds fron tier. He admitted that ecoaalonally pri vets interests smuggled arms into ths neighboring republic for gala. NEW ORLEANS EDITOR GETS VERDICT AGAINST DEAD RIVAL NEW" ORLEANS. April I.-J. D. D i Baroncellt, editor ot the Wasp, was today I awarded IO damages la ths United I State district court against the estats of Armaitd Capdevlelle, who was editor of Ths Bee. The editors of thess tws French pub lications, after a controversy through their editorial columns la which stinging French epithets were freely used, cams to blows on ths streets hers severs! months ago and II. Capdevlelle stirred the French colony by Issuing a challenge to a duel to his contemporary, M. Ds BsroncslU declined the challenge and brought suit Instead for SMMKe. After ths filing of the suit M. Capdsvlslls died snd ths dsmages (ranted by tbe jury I were awarded against ths editor's estate LEWIS ENTERTAINS SEVEN JURORS WHO ARE TRYING HIM ST. LOL'ia, April .-It bees me known la ths United States district court hers late today that seven ot the twelve Juror who are tiytng E. O. Lewis oa a charge of using the malls to defraud inspected University City last Saturday, whers Lewis showed them ths points of interest Lewis admitted he bad entertained ths Jurors, but said it waa not by prearrang mont lis ssld hs was surprised whea he met them la the Woman's Magasine building. Lewi said hs showed Mem the big presses of ths Lewis Publishing company and called out the University City auto firs truck for their Inspection, aa two ot ths visitors wsrs Interested In purchasing oris tor their horn town. Ths Incident aroused unusual Interest among attorneys snd court attendant. A Successful Offer Renewed v-...-- : . ' - ' We will deliver this Columbia Grafo nola with 12 Double-Disc records (24 selections) on 3 days free trial, for , Tbe 24 tdecticiu on the 12 dcnible-diso records include the funoni "Bigoletto" Quartette and also the splen did "Lucia" Sextette, tor which two selections alons many talking machine own ers hare had to pay $13, Or your own selection of records to the same value will be supplied. This is the CoJambla Gmfonola "Favorite," ths Orst Oratoaola, aver offered at Its prtaa or aay where Bear It We belters it la tbe best that can be constructed and old at its price, or Bear it, It is the first Instrument of ths en closed type, offered at anything Ilka ita pries, that la capable of all ths toaal aaaJltj of th 100 la st rumen ts. cash; or for the same : price at $5 a month -no interest S u no p-rtrtt! 3 rv If you have been waiting till the perfected "talking machine" arrived, don't wait any longer: it's here. If you have not been ready to purchase till the enolosed type of instru ment could be sold for less than $200, here is the perfect instrument at a quarter of the price. Columbia Phonograph Co., Gen'l. 1311 Farnam St.. Omaha, fei Donglw 1965; lad. si.2065.1' ' " ' ,, Open Saturday Evening, Stimulate your Klines by advertising la Ths Bee the newrpapsr that reaches sll st tb bayera 1 Blared oa Way to raaeeaU CENTRAI.tA. III., April (.-Miss Lottie Mulvaney ot Hloomlnaton, ill., was ser iously Injured today when she leaped from a moving train while on her way ta the funeral of her brother. Marlon, who was killed by a train at luka yesterday. Miss Mulvaney was carried pact a trans fer point aad leaped from the steps ot the CUTICIMSQAP SMKUCK For Tender Faces I Indispensable for those subject to red ness, mugluMss, and other tnitatioas of ths skla. having luxury. Ns awf, a soggy soap, as germs, a waste of Masseeasssay.Uaiehelcdsss.isa.st stores or bv mall. libsrslaaamle free. Ad4itea"Cutlcura,-rtpi.t(,Boataa, w" -..';,'.. STREET CAR HINTS VI . The transfer point between any two f lines is USUALLY the first point of inter section. As there are some exceptions to this rule, however, the public is requested to ask the conductor in all cases of doubt Omaha & Council Ehxffs Street Railway Company jam ii nUft m f,isi . iiryy ta.iffjVn ntyt r,Vii n ff,,tfmff,n ,ttf Sll UP rinlnm'kla fienfnrvln I'Psvnriia" Id a nvtekla nil'..t;.. . V' t ( J ! f a lAiii wiuuvia vamavuvh .-, n ,D w uvutvio wuiwiuauvil VI Jllgu tfWtllkv BJ1U I low price. The mechanism is fully cabineted, the reproducer - operating beneath the lid, and the sound waves being led thropgh the tone-arm to the tone-cbamber where they are greatly amplified and then thrown out through the opening, subject to re duction at your will by the partial or complete closing of the small doors. The cabinet work is of the highest possible craftsmanship, the wood used being selected grain quarter sawn oak, or strongly marked genuine mahogany, hand polished. No finer finish is ap plied to a thousand dollar piano. The turntable is revolved by a powerful triple spring motor, which plays three records at one winding and may be re-wound while playing. The operation of the motor is absolutely silent, and speed is regulated on a graduated dial. QE IE Jl uvu TORE (SI Day Out Every Day , ' 20 ;H3 Well made Curtain Stretcher for OC IFMJ BELOW OMAHA PRICES Not Ono l . 1 SOUTH OMAHA Got Our Rug Prices 95c 27x54-inch Vel vet Bugs at 27x54-inch Ax-4 Jf minster Bugs lTrw 6x9 Seamless Brussels Bugs1 9x12 Seamless Brussels Ru 9x12 Velvet MA f A Bugs at ..V....0U 9x12 Axmin- $4.75 J$9.75 roll Line of Mo Dougall Kitchen Cabinets. Get Our Prices Before Yon Buy. $15.03 ster Bug9.J See our complete line of Body Brussels and Wilton Bugs, furnished in all sires, at much be low Omaha prices. !TJ i li I awK .i I i Rocker, Like Cat $2.75 $3.25 All oak, wood seat All oak, chased leather seat. . . This rocker is a bargain. IE IE -"i : 0 D D Q n D D 0